Joseph Manning Ford
Joseph Manning Ford (c1894-1958)
1959 Obituary [1]
Joseph Manning Ford, O.B.E., B.Sc.(Eng.), whose death occurred on 2nd February 1958 at the age of 64, was a distinguished scientific research officer at the Admiralty Research Laboratory. He was elected an Associate Member of this Institution in 1927 and transferred to Member in 1938.
After an engineering training and experience Mr. Ford spent his working life in Admiralty scientific establishments from 1918 onwards. He served as Assistant Physicist at the Admiralty Experimental Station, Shandon, until 1921, when he became Scientific Research Assistant, Admiralty Research Laboratory, Teddington. In 1928 he was appointed Senior Scientific Officer, and in 1932 became Principal Scientific Officer at this Laboratory.
A man of independent thought, fertile imagination, and very real inventive and creative ability, he provided solutions to many pressing problems. He was a real artist in his work, the creator of a new and extremely high standard of engineering design and craftsmanship. This was a fine influence and stimulus to those in the field of naval gunnery and precision engineering, and provided a firm foundation for the work of others. He will be long remembered by his naval contemporaries and by his fellow workers for his sincerity, helpfulness, and integrity of mind, as well as for his engineering achievements.