Joseph Stannah
Joseph Stannah (1836-1907) of Southwark Bridge Road, London.
1836 Joseph Stannah was born the son of Solomon Stannah, a linen merchant in Worcester.
1867 An accomplished engineer, Joseph started the Stannah business in Southwark, London, providing cranes and hoists to unload cargo in the docks.
He turned his hand to numerous problems and accumulated a raft of patents throughout his career. Among his designs for cranes and hoists are drawings for stuffing boxes, locomotives, pendulum pumps and there is even a tantalising reference to him having designed a car although we can find no firm confirmation of that.
1877 Pendulum Pump. [1]
1879 Patent stuffing box. [2]
He was a regular contributor to the publication The Engineer, writing letters and publishing information about his patented devices.
1888 Member of I Mech E
1907 Died in Croydon[3]