Justin Victor Wilfrid Amor
Justin Victor Wilfrid Amor (1849-1904)
1905 Obituary [1]
JUSTIN VICTOR WILFRID AMOR, born at Ryde, Isle of Wight, on the 8th October, 1849, was educated at Stonyhurst College and at Glasgow University, under Sir William Thomson and Professor Macquorn Rankine, distinguishing himself at both places in mathematics and science.
After serving a pupilage under Edward Woods, Past-President, he was engaged for many years in the building of railways in Mexico and later as Engineer for the contractors, Read and Campbell, and S. Pearson and Son, on the construction of the drainage, canal, and tunnel for the City of Mexico. These works, at that time the greatest of their kind undertaken in modern Mexico, were described in a Paper contributed to the Proceedings in 1901, in which Mr. Amor’s services were acknowledged.
Returning to London in 1893, he was engaged, until his retirement owing to ill-health in 1903, in the engineering department of Messrs. S. Pearson and Son, Limited, Westminster, principally in connection with the great works carried out by them in Mexico, including Vera Cruz Harbour, water-supply and drainage, Tehuantepec National Railway, Coatzacoalcos Harbour, Balina Cruz Harbour, and others, his high mathematical abilities being of the greatest service in these affairs.
He died at his house in Chiswick on the 19th Dcnember 1904, aged 55.
Mr. Amor was elected an Associate Member of the Institution on the 14th April, 1885.