Kitson and Mooney
Maiden-Lane, Battle-Bridge, Islington
1803 'Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership lately carried on by George Kitson and Pierce Mooney, of Maiden-Lane, Battle-Bridge, Islington, in the County of Middlesex, Chemical and Colour-Manufacturers, under the Firm of Kitson and Mooney, is this Day dissolved by mutual Consent; and that all Debts owing by and to the said late Copartnership will be paid and received by the said George Kitson, who will in future carry on the said Business on his own Account. ..'[1]
1806 Partnership dissolved: 'Nov. 5. George Kitson and John Margetts of Maiden-lane, Battle Bridge, Islington, Middlesex, chemical manufacturers.'[2]
1831 Sale notice - same premises ??: 'To Chemical Manufacturers, Soapmakers, and Others. By Mr. ADAMSON, On the Premises, Maiden lane, Battlebridge, on THURSDAY, June 16, and following Day, at Eleven, THE valuable PLANT and UTENSILS of a Chemical Manufactory ; including a lead vitriol chamber, 70 feet long, and timber frame ; 10 lead vessels of large dimensions ; high pressure steam boiler, two-horse power; cast iron pans, from 1,000 to 4,000 gallons each, and aqua fortis pots; a barilla mill, reverberatory furnace, cylinders 7 feet long, iron pumps, bleaching chambers, steam pipes, iron pillars, 20 tons lead, 14 tons wrought iron, chemical machinery and stone ware, cast iron water units, 300 iron bound casks, plummer blocks and carriages, brick and timber erections, large quantity of bricks, useful timber and fire wood, 5 pipes pyroligneous acid, scales and weights, carboys, bay cart gelding, 3 carts, dennet chaise, harness, 20 chaldrons coals, counting house furniture, iron bookcase, &c. To be viewed on Tuesday and Wednesday previous to the Sale: Catalogues had on the Premises; and of Mr. Adamson, No. 11, Billiter-square.'[3]