Kiyoshi Minami
Kiyoshi Minami (1856-1904)
1905 Obituary [1]
KIYOSHI MINAMI died on the 20th January, 1904, at Osaka, Japan, in his forty-ninth year.
Born in the Aizu province on the 1st May, 1856, he entered the Imperial College of Engineers on its establishment at Tokyo in 1872, graduating in 1879 as Master of Civil Engineering. His practical training was gained during the same period in the Imperial Survey Department, under Mr. McVean, and as an apprentice in the Government workshops at Ekabane.
During 1879 he was employed on the construction of the Kyoto-Otsu Railway, under Messrs. T. R. Shervinton and T. M. Rymer-Jones, and in the following year he was sent by the Government to complete his scientific studies at Glasgow University.
After acting as Assistant Resident Engineer on extensions of the Caledonian Railway and assisting in surveys for the water supply of Huelva, Spain, Mr. Minami returned to Japan in 1883 and received an appointment in the Government Railway service, acting as Resident Engineer on several of the lines which were being built in various parts of the country....(more)