Lamb Brothers and Garnett

LBG Spark plug.
1906 Company dissolved. '...the Partnership here tofore subsisting between us the undersigned Percy Rawson Lamb, Cecil Harvey Lamb, and Arnold Ramsden Garnett, carrying on business as Automobile Manufacturers, Factors, and Agents, at No. 85, Shaftesbury-avenne, in the county of London, under the style or firm of "LAMB BROTHERS AND GARNETT," has been dissolved by mutual consent as and from the twenty-sixth day of July, 1906. All debts due and owing to or by the said late firm will be received and paid by the said Arnold Ramsden Garnett; and that such business will be carried on in the future by the said Arnold Ramsden Garnett...'[1]
Became A. R. Garnett