Laurence Oliphant Pitblado
Laurence Oliphant Pitblado
1922 M.Inst.M.M., Cons., Min. and Metallurgical Engr.; Man. Dir., Albion Min. Co., Ltd.: s. of the late George Pitblado, Manufacturer, Stirling. Ed. in Stirling, and Normal Coll., Edinburgh; pupil with City Analysts, Glasgow; Student in Min. and Metallurgy, Tech. Coll., Glasgow; Asst. Metallurgist, Albion Silver Min. Co., Queensland; two years, Chief Metallurgist, Muldiva Silver Min. and Smelting Co.; then specialist to Broken Hill to work a wet process of Silver extraction; 1895—Reported on Gold properties in Malay States and Borneo for the Cassel Gold Extraction Co.; 1896-9—In charge Cyanide operations Mysore field, India, for both Cassel Co. and Mysore Gold Min. Co.; 1899—Asst. Manager, and later Manager, Fremantle Customs Smelting Works; 1901—Reported on Min. property, Chilian-Argentine Frontier; erected Smelting Plant for the Capillitas Copper Co.; 1904—Reorganized the Queensland Copper Co.'s Smelting Works; 1906—Inspected Copper Mines and Emerald deposits in Peru, Antimony Mines in Bolivia, etc.; 1907—Reported on Copper properties in N.S.W., Victoria, and Cloncurry district of Queensland. Author of " Cyanide Work in India," and other papers. Address: Randolph Terrace, Stirling.