Le Grand and Sutcliff

of 100 Bunhill Row, London, E.C. (1889), artesian well drillers and contractors
1872 Company founded.
1880 Le Grand and Sutcliff listed as providing tube wells.
1900 Advertised: "Abyssinian Tube Wells (Norton's Patent)"[1]
1914 Death of Robert Sutcliff in his 68th year[2]
By 1919 Also made turnstiles (see advert)
1920 Private company presumably Le Grand, Sutcliff and Gell
- 1878 'LANGPORT. The men employed in boring for water in Beard's-yard, Bow-street, came to good water at a depth of about 90 feet. A pump at this spot will be a great boon to the inhabitants of the lower end of the town.'[3]
See Also
Sources of Information
- 1894 Brewer's Exhibition. Showed appliances for sinking well.
- The Engineer 1894/10/26 p 357.