Leeswood Iron Works
LEESWOOD IRON WORKS. Preliminary Notice of Sale of the above extensive and important Works, with all the valuable Plant, Steam and Blowing Engine and Boilers, Machinery, &c., with the FREEHOLD ESTATE. about 100 Cottage, &c., situate at LEESWOOD, near to Mold, Pontblydynn, and Tryddyn.
MESSRS. CHURTON and ELPHICK have been requested by the Liquidator, to make the necessary preparations for a SALE BY AUCTION, of the above Estate and Effects to take place very shortly. In the meantime any information required may be had From Mr Ledward, Crypt Chambers; Messrs Walker, Smith, and Walker, Solicitors, or the Auctioneers, all of Chester. Auction Mart, Chester'[1]
See Also
Sources of Information
- ↑ Chester Courant - Wednesday 13 February 1867