Leonard H. Pritchard
Leonard H. Pritchard (c1876- )
1939 M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A., Mech. Eng., Technikum, Winterthur. "Oakhurst," Brooks Green, nr. Horsham. Age: 63. Career: Epsom Coll. (Modern Side); 1 years Shops, Yates & Thom, Blackburn; 1 year with Heenan & Froude; 1 year Tech. Asst., Wheatley & Mackenzie, Pat. Agents and Cons. Engrs.; 3 years Cantonal Eng. Coll., Winterthur, Switzerland; 1 year Asst. Engr., Rieter & Koller, Genl. Engrs., Konstance; 9 months in Charge, "English Colonial" selling dept., Humboldt Eng. Works, Kalk, nr. Cologne; Repres. and Res. Engr. for Clark & Standfield, Floating Dock Engrs., at Pola, Austria; 2+ years, Engr. i/c. Royal Mint, Bangkok; 3 years at Pola (23,000 ton Dock and negotiation of other work for Austrian Govmt.); 1+ years for Clark & Standfield at Swan & Hunter for construction of floating docks for British Navy and Colonies; Repres. and Res. Engr. for Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, at Nikolaieff, S. Russia (construction 40,000 ton Dock for Impl. Russian Navy); War service, 2+ years Admiralty Insp., Production and Tech. Officer for Seaplanes and Flying Boats, Lieut. R.N.V.R. and R.A.F.; 1 year Continental Repres., Bristol Aeroplane Co.; 2 years Expert and Dist. Officer, Reparation Commission (Disposal Bd. Sect.) for Silesia; 7 years Chief Engr., Silica Gell, Ltd. Languages, German, French, Italian and Russian.