Lightcar: Index v07: (1915/11/22 to 1916/05/22)
Note: This is a section of Light Car and Cyclecar
See the Issues for this index
INDEX: Volume 07. - Issues 22nd Nov 1915 to 22nd May 1916.
- A.A. AND M.U.: And Illegal Convictions at Banbury, 26. And Privileges for Red Cross Drivers, 252. And Proposed Lighting Regulations for Whole Country, 72. And Road Blackmail, 457. And Routes Through London, 518. And Special Road Warnings, 54. And the Closed Bridge at Penwortham, 53. And War Emergency Work, 75. Driving Caution of, 182. Members: And Easter Tours, 436; Special Concession to, 182; To New, 435. Membership Still Growing, 105. Patrols: and a Collapsed Road, 53; and Anti-Motoriste, 104; and Petrol Shortage, 456; and Road Excavation by Rabbits, 193; War Work, 4. South Metropolitan Warning to Motorists, 3. Storm Obstructed Roads and, 166. Voluntary Service Corps, 245, 393
- ACCESSORIES: Apollo, 109. Gamage, 98
- Accessories: Of General Interest, 97. Which are Essential, 71
- Accidents, Street. 75. Increased, 392. In 1915, 228
- Accumulator: Action of, 327. Loss of Capacity in, 77
- Acetylene and Electricity, A Comparison of, 85
- Acetylene Welding, Barimar, 456
- A-C.U.: Balance Sheet, 412. Methods of the. 346
- Africa, South and Central, Scope of the Light Car in, 470
- Agricultural Work, Small Engines for, 165
- Air Leak Trouble, A, 407
- Aluminium: Alloys in Engine Construction, 187. Number Plates, Home-made, 168
- Amateur Mechanics, 564
- Ambulances, Bedelia, 557
- Ambulances, Cyclecar, French Army Tests, 557
- America: Cincinnati, A Good Pull Up for Motors in, 547. Glare Prevention in, 106, 182. Petrol in Bulk in, 274. Post-Bellum Light Car and, 571. South, Scope of the Light Car in, 470. Thinks of British Trade Prospects, What, 405. What It Spends, 52
- American: And British Cars, Points of Difference of, 283. Antidote for Glare in, 106, 182. Car, Low-priced versus Light Car, 61. Competition, Co-operation Needed to Combat, 53. Craving for Thrills, 2. Idea in Piston Construction, An, 357. Light Car, Another, 108. Lighting Orders, 2. Motor Imports, A Sane View of, 237. Motor Industry, The, 206. Tyre Concerns Breathe Again, 558
- Americanism, Anti, The Wave of, in Australia, 474
- American Society of Automobile Engineers and Dimming Devices, 106
- Animals, Rights of, in the New Forest, 26
- Antipodes—(See " Australia ")
- Army: Cars: and Speed Limit, 207; French—(See " French "). Lorries, An Excellent Idea in Regard to, 434
- Audiometer, Dr. Low's, Anticipated Before the War, 519
- Australasia, Scop© of the Light Car in, 470
- Australia: Motoring in, 172. Possible Purchasing Classes in, 238. Requirements for: The Wave of Anti-Americanism, 474
- Averometer. The, in a Dangerous Speed Case, 52
- Axles, Back, Inserting Lubricant in, 112
- Ball Bearings and Their Work, 312
- Banbury, Illegal Convictions at, A.A. and M.U. and, 26
- Bargain! A, 207
- Barometer, How to Understand. 549
- Batteries: Starting, Effect of Plate Thickness on, 125. Voltage of, and Action of Bulbs, 353. Vulcanite, How to Seal, 58
- Battlefields of England: Evesham, 309. Tewkesbury, 443
- Beginner's Outfit, The, 133
- Beginning, From the Very, 526, 540
- Belgian Soldiers' Christmas Fund Concert at R.A.C., 2
- Belting, Whittle, 97, 184
- Belts: Care, of 147. Fan, Running Off, 450. Nonsense on, 54
- Bench Stops, 450
- Benzole, A True Story Concerning, 449
- Binks, Ltd., C, Profits of, 457
- Blackmail, Road, AA. and M.U and, 457
- Blind Man Who Buys and Sells in the Secondhand Car Market, 45
- Blizzard, Driving in the, 348
- Blowing Device, A Foot Pump as a, 247
- Body, Colonial Type, Booth (Hoods and Bodies, Ltd.). 538
- Body, The Easter Egg, 518, 536
- Bolts, Nuts and Spanners, 526
- Bonnet, To Remove Stains of Raindrops on the, 159
- BOOKLETS: Motor Trades Guardian Association, 164. Palmer Tyre, Ltd., 392. Vacuum Oil Co., 228. " War-time Inventions " (Withers and Spooner), 456—(See " Catalogues ")
- BOOKS: "Light Cars and Cyclecars for 1916," 252. " Motor Car Rod Book," 457. Motor Manual, The," 298. Temple Press, 492. "Two-stroke Engine " (Dr. Low), 182, 222. W.R.M. • Motors Instruction, 413
- Bowden Wire, Ltd., Address, Change of, 105
- Bradley, Lieut; Back from the Front, 565. Receives Embarrassing Cheers, 556
- Brake Lining, Mosses, Ltd., 97
- Brakes: Adjustment of, 363. And Their Car and Adjustment, 541
- Bramber, Sussex, 560
- Bridge, A Closed, at Penwortham, A.A. and M.U. and, 53
- Brighton Road, On the, 537
- British: And American Cars, Points of Difference of, 283. Soil, When Wars were Fought on, 220. Trade Prospects, What America Thinks of, 405
- British School of Motoring, 91, 435
- Budget Taxation—(See " Tax," " Taxation " and Taxes ")
- Business: And Pleasure Travel, 9, 66, 118, 131, 157, 176, 196, 234, 260, 310; (in War Time), 339, 361, 374, 399, 425, 440, 494, 508, 546. Garage, Equipment of a, 419
- By-way, The charm of the, 260
- Calcott, Mr. W. H., Wedding of, 322
- CALL OF THE ROAD.—A-.C, Self-starter, Week-end with a, 543.
- Catering for the £175 Market, 129. Challenge, A, 562. Darkness, Speed in the, 188. Driving in the Moonlight, 280. Easter and a G.W.K., 523. Economy, After the Wave of, 370. G.W.K : Easter and a, 523; Refinements, 545. Hill-climbing, The Art of, 562. Inconsistencies, A Few, 336. LSdy Driver, A Concession to the 544. Lights, Up with the, 215. Market: £150 and £175, After the War, 169; £175, Catering for the, 129. Moonlight, Driving in the, 280. Motor Papers, New, 130. Petrol, State Control of, 113, 406. Reigate Hill, " Gear Slammers " on, 562. Speed in the Darkness, 189. State Control of Petrol, 113, 406. Tool Kits, 545. "Trade, The Man in the": What He Told Me, 99. War, After the, The £150 and £175 Market, 169. Week-end: A Lazy, 544: with a Self-starter A.-C, 543. Wild Flowers: Where They Grow, 545 Calvaries of France, The, 529 Camshaft Refinement, Peugeot Oar Makers Adopt a, 4
- Canada: Dangers of Motoring in, 228. Light Cars in, The Need for, 416. Quebec, 'Good Roads in, 26
- Canteen Car, A Y.M.C.A., 476
- Oar: A Y.M.C A. Canteen, 476. Construction, Closed, Elegance in, 82. Low-priced Ameti-can, versus the Light Car, 61. Or Cycle? In Which Class Should Three-Wheelers be Placed? 306. Preparing the, for the Easter Holidays, 488. Second-hand: Buying a, 254; Market, A Blind Man Who Buys and Sells in the, 45—(See " Second-hand "). Suiting the, to the Owner, 329, 438. Unregistered? When is a, 52 Used, Purchasing a, 573 Oarburation, The Problem of, 86 Carburetter Primer, Jiffy (Economy Accessories Co.), 109
- CARBURETTERS: Acme, 352. A.M.A.C., Alteration to, 262. Binks, 457. Zenith, Popularity of, 106 Carburetters for Light Cars and Cyclecars of 1916, 86
- Carburetter, Spitting in the, 302 Cars: Abroad, Taking: New Customs Regulations, 145. Army, and the Speed Limit, 207. British and American, Points of Difference of, 283. Colonial, Spares and Equipment for, 473. Naval, Speed of, 206. New, Taxes Payable on, 556. Not Pleasure, 456. Parts and Accessories, Imports of Prohibited, 412. Taxing, Proposed Method of, 246. Two, A Curious Comparison Between, in Fording, 531. 26,000, a Year! in the Midlands, 500
- CARS: Ford, Import Duty on, 559. Mathis (Mr. Pemberton-Billing's), 518, 536. Peugeot, MakeTs of, Adopt Camshaft Refinement, 4 CATALOGUES: Robinson's Garage (Cambridge, 351. Rom Tyre, 379. Stepney Tyre and Wheel, 368. Swift Motor Co., 457. Taylor and Co. Tyre, 91, 269—(See " Booklets ")
- Cattle, Lights on, Necessity for, 2t
- Chains: And Their Maintenance, 268. Keeping Morgan, Clean, 564. Oiling, 159
- Chandler, Mr. J. E. (Editor "Montreal Herald"), Article by on "The Need for Light Cars in Canada," 41B
- Change-speed Mechanism, Location of, 136
- Chine, Scope of the Light Car in, 470
- Christmas: Holidays, Lady Motorist's Experiences during the, 170. Number " Motor Cycling," 105. Presents for Motorists, 104. Travel at, 106
- Clocks, Phinney-Walker (Morris-Russell), 79
- Clothing, in, 427
- CLUBS: Birmingham M.C.C. Trial, 517, 521. Cycle-car Club—(See " Cyclecar "). Gipsy Club— (See "Motor Cycling"). Junior Automobile Club—(See " Cyclecar Club "). M.C.C. Annual General Meeting, 207, 252. Sulton Coldfield and Mid-Warwickshire M.C.C., 207
- Clutches, Fibrous Linings for, 326
- Clutch, Fierce, Curing a, 200
- Co-incidence, A Strange, 509
- Colonial: Gars, Spares ana Equipment for, 473. Conditions, Modifications of Design Necessary for, 139. Tests in the Transvaal, 287. Use, The Light Car for, 46
- Colonies, Vulcanizing in the, 457
- Colour Schemes, Suggestions for, 530
- Compression, Maintaining, 326
- Confessions of a Light Carist, The, 198
- Conscription and Light Cars, 537
- Control: By Hand Throughout, 11. The Vital, 257
- Convictions: Illegal, at Banbury, A.A. and M.U. and, 26. Previous, and Men Who hav« been on Active Service: It Wouldn't Work, 556
- Cooling: Frost and, 2. System and Its Maintenance, 192
- Costs of Motoring, Standardization of, 304
- Country: An Unsophisticated Piece of, 157. Home, Fascination of the, 494. Mansions in Great Britain, 66. The George Eliot, 196
- COUPES: A.-C. Cabriolet, 82. Enfield, 57. Lagonda, 39. Peugeot (Baby), 538. Swift, 501
- Cover, Our Front—(See " Front ")
- Crankshaft Bearings, Central, 356
- Cross Road Improvement at Old Netley, 165
- Crosses, Village, of England, 290
- Customs Regulations in Regard to Taking Cars Abroad, 145
- Cutbush, Mr. Geo. H., Granted a Commission, 75
- Cyclecar: Ambulances, French Army Tests, 557. A Novel, Built by, Mr. H. M. Derbyshire, 11. Garage Equipment, 6. Simple, Ladies and the, 113. Tale of a Horrible, 152
- Cyclecar Club: Balance Sheet for 1915, 164. Expansion of, Proposed, 164, 207, 259; Why the Title Junior Automobile Club is Proposed and the Objects in View, 241. Ladies' Section of, 206. Meetings: Annual General, 259; Special General, 298. News, 274. Outings for Wounded (Mr. Pettyt), 434. Runs: Opening, 320; Second, 392. Secretary Receives Conscience Money, 434. Subscriptions, 320. Reduced, 368
- Cyclecars: And Subalterns, 173. Depreciation of, 556
- CYCLECARS—(See " Light Gars and Cyclecars ")
- Cycle or Car? In Which Class Should the Three-wheeler be Placed? 306
- Cylinders, Scored, Treating, 547
- Darkened Streets—(See " Light " and " Lighting ")
- Dash, Making Use of the, 528
- Daylight Saving Bill, 558
- Day, Topics of the—(See " Topics ")
- Dean, The Forest of, 374
- Depreciation of Cyclecars, 556
- Design: And Construction of Light Cars and Cyclecars, War-time, 28. Modifications cf,
- Necessary for Colonial Conditions, 139 Desk Blotters, Henley Tyres, 346 Detail Attention, Importance of, 242 Devon Road Improvement, A, 116 Dialogues, Dull, 158, 267, 360; A Lesson in Speed, 506
- Diary, " Motor Cycling," 104, 123 Dimmers, Light—(See " Light Dimmers ") Doctors: Light Cars for, 536. Petrol for, 457 Door. Driver's Side, and Tip Up Seat, 552 Driver: One-Armed, A Calcott for, 500. What
- Constitutes a Good, 184 Drivers: Age Limit for, R.A.C. and, 105. Londoa
- Motor, Police Warning to, 106 Night, Lord
- Mayor of Newcastle's Appeal to, 230. "Red
- Cross, Privileges for, 252 Driver's: Side Door and Tip Up Seat, A, 552. Tack
- and Considerate Cars, A Matter of the, 12 Driving: Backward, Reckless, 375. Careless, »rn.
- Tyre Wear, 341. Caution, A.A. and M.TT.'»
- Driving (continued). 182 Dangerous, Case: Dismissed: "Fogging," 519; The Bench Were Unanimous in, 519. In the Blizzard, 348. Night, 384. Reckless, 53. Test, A, 536. The Art of. 358. Winter, 232; Lady Motorist's Experiences of, 114
- Dull Dialogues—(See " Dialogues ")
- Dunlop Rubber Co.: Shades for Lights, 456. Sir William G. D. Goff Resigns from, and Mr. J. V. Worthington becomes a Director of, 439
- Dust and Snow, 456
- Dutch, An Abjuration in, of the " Light Car and Cyclecar," 558
- Dynamo Belting, Whittle, 97
- Dynamos—(See " Lighting Sets ")
- Eastbourne, Skid Causes Electrocution at, 144
- Easter: Egg Body, The, 518, 536. Holidays: After the, 517; Preparing the Car for the, 488. TOUTS, A.A. and M.XJ. and, 436
- Economy Accessories Co. Address, Change of, 230
- Economy: A Question of, 536. Campaign—(See " Pleasure "). Of Home Building, The, 510. Securing by Petrol Tight Washer», 8. Two Sorts of, 346. War: More, 457; The Light Car and, 21
- Electrical: Generator, Operation of, 380. Repairs, Hints on, 58
- Electricity: And Acetylene, A Comparison of, 85. The Rudiments of, 327, 353, 380, 397
- Electric Lamp Bulbs, 477
- Eliot Country, The George, 196
- Engine: Air-cookd, A Plea for the, 286. Construction, Aluminium Alloys in, 187. Design, Revolutionary, 185. Faults, and Their Remedies, 513. Sizes, in War-time Design and Construction, 28. 8ingle-cylinder ? Why Neglect the, 151. Sleeve-Valve? Why Not the, 292. Spares, Difficulty in Obtaining, 210a. Two-stroke: For Light Car Purposes, Possibility of, 485; New Book on the, 182, 222
- Engines: Air-cooled, Injection and Flooding of, in Warm Weather, 512. Light Car and Cycle-car, for 1916, 81. Small, for Agricultural Work, 165
- ENGINES: Alpha, 81. Blumfleld, 105. Clark (Jarrott and Letts), 82. Dorman, 81. J.A.P., 81 MaB, 185. M.A.G., 81. Nero, 82. Precision, 82
- England: A Little, Beyond Wales, 234. Battlefields of—(See "Battlefields"). Old Age Homes of, 339. Travelling in—Yesterday, To-day and To-Morrow, 110. Village Crosses of, 290
- Equipment: And Spares for Colonial Cars, 473. Of the Light Car, The, 71
- Esher, Spa Bottom, A Well-known Sight at, 487
- Exports for 1915, Motorcar and Chassis, 230
- Export Trade, Developing, 206
- Faithful, Miss Jean: An Abjuration of, in Dutch, 558. Article by: "To-day in Holland," 471
- Fiction : As Written in, 298. Contemporary, Again ! 434. The Motor in, 199
- Filters for Fuel Tanks, 427
- Fines, A Contrast in, 145
- Floods as Road Obstructions, R.A.C. and, 398
- Flywheel, Marking a, for Dead Centre, 112
- Fog, Snow as Bad as, 537
- Fording, A Curious Comparison in, 531
- Ford Owner and Hill-climbing: The Biter Bit, 521
- Forest of Dean, The, 374
- France, The Calvaries of, 529
- French: Army: Light Car on Active Service with the, 27; Test Cyclecar Ambulances, 557. Automobile Service, Winter Driving in, 232
- Friction Disc, Adjusting, 434
- Front: At the—(See "War"). Cover, Our, 3, 54, 105. 123, 141, 163, 182, 208, 2.10, 251, 273, 297, 320, 345, 368, 392, 413, 434, 483, 499, 518, 536, 555, 5S9
- Frost and Cooling, 2
- Fuel: Paraffin as a, 324, 415. Starvation When Hill-climbing, 341. Tanks, Filters for, 427
- Game Dealer's Singer, A, 418
- Garage and Munition Work, 550
- Garage: Equipment: Cyclecar, 6; of a Business, 419. Spring Cleaning the, 507. Tips, Roadside and —(See " Roadside "). Useful Hint for the, 282. Winter Work in the, 159
- Gas Lighting, Latest in, 96
- Gearbox Location, 182
- Generator, Electrical, Operation of, 380
- GENERATORS: LOW, 96. Smith and Sons, 96
- Germany, Post-Bellum Oar and, 571
- Gipsy, The Motor, 331
- " Glasgow Evening Citizen " and the Sociable Sidecar, 26
- Godfrey, Mr. O. C, Lieutenant in Royal Flying Corps, 368
- Goff, Sir William G.D., Resigns from Dunlop Rubber Co., 439
- Ooodwin, Mr. A., Elected President of Motor Trade Association, 434
- Gossip, Notes, News and—(.See " Notes ")
- Government: And the Maintenance of Industry— (See " Motor Industry "). Control of Petrol Supply, 368. Mistake in Regard to Sizes of Light Dimmers, 145
- Great Britain: Country Mansions in, 66. Post-Bellum Light Car and, 571
- Green Cross, With the, 511
- Hacksaw, A Useful, 282
- Hands, Chapped, Ointment for, Clark's Glycola, 98
- Handy Worker, Stewart, 278
- Hartley-Smith, Mrs., Articles by: "Battlefields of England "—(See " Battlefields "). " Horse Racing and the War," 386. " Spring Cleaning the Garage," 507
- Headlights: A Mighty Beam from. 298. Signalling by: An Innocent Act, 182
- Henley Tyres IV»k Blotters, 346
- Hill-climbing: Fuel Starvation When, 341. How an Old Tyre Affects, 500. The Ford OwneT and: The Biter Bit, 5»1
- Holidays: Ohrietmas—(See "Christmas"). Easter— (See " Easter ")
- Holiday Touring from a Centre, 166b
- Holland.: To-day in, 471
- Homo: Alterations Made at, 210b. Building, Economy of, 510. Mechanic, Methods and
- Home Country, Fascination of the, 494 Materials for, 284
- Homes of England, Old Age, 339
- Hood Fastener, Dot (Brown Bros.), 31
- Hoods, Auster, 190
- Hoods, Improved 356
- HOENS, A.M.C., 100
- Horns, Types of, 95
- Horse-power Curve, Lessons Taught by, 154
- Horse: Racing: And the War, 386; Merely Stupid, 556—(See " Racing "). Running Costs of a, 230
- Horses, Passing Behind, Mr. Walter Winans's Advice in Regard to, 145
- Hounds: Experiences of a Lady Motorist When Following, 382. To, on a Light Car, 287
- Hunting on a Light Car, 382
- Import: Duty on Ford Cars, 559. Tax: An Important Ruling on the, 104; Difficulties in Regard to, 166; Effect of, 26, 54
- Imports: American Motor, A Sane View of, 237. For 1915, Motorcar and Chassis, 230. Motor-oar, Additional Charges on, 379. Of Motor-oars, Parts and Accessories Prohibited, 412
- Improvements, Improving on, on a Singer, 537
- Induction Pipe, Air Leakage in, 427
- Industry— (See "Motor Industry")
- Injection and Flooding Air-cooled Engine in Warm Weather, 512
- Inn Signs, Ancient and Modern, 425
- Institute of Petroleum Technologists, First Meeting of, 53
- Institution of Automobile Engineers' Papers: By Major Shilson, 457. By Chairman of Steel Committee, 519. On Power, 322. Paraffin as a Fuel, 415
- Insurance: Harold Townend, Ltd., 413. Motor Insurance Bureau (With Monthly Premiums), 537
- Italy, The Light Car Movement in, 236
- Jersey, Illegal Storage of Petrol in, 434
- Journalistic Candour, More, 26
- Junior Automobile Club—(See " Cyclecar Club ")
- ' Knowledge A Little," Regarding Petrol, 515
- Ladies and the Simple Cyclecar, 113
- Lady: And the Light Car, The, 24. Doctor, Sixteen Months of Professional Work of a, 115. Motorist: Following the Hounds, Experiences of a, 382; Practical Instruction Given by a, to Wounded Soldiers, 194. Motorist's Experiences: During the Christmas Holidays, 170; Of Winter Driving, 114
- Lady's Motor School, Opening of a., 435
- Lamb, Mr. A. V., A Tale of a Good Old Tyre by, 211
- Lamp Repairs, Dunhill's, 96
- Lamps: And Bulbs, 477. Connections for, 320. Experiments with, Under the New Lighting Order, 182. Paraffin, 341, 515. Policeman and, 3. Size of, Under New Lighting Order, 166. To Conform with the New Lighting Order, 218
- LAMPS: F.R.S., 96; Side, 346. P. and H., 96. Smith and Sons, 96; Special, 230
- Lapping Device, A, 384
- Law: In the Hands of the, 217. Motorcar, A Police View of, 4E0
- Leaf Spring Lubricators: Duco (Brown Bros.), 410. Eros, 188
- Licence: Driving Without a: War-time Excuse, 4
- Licences: Endorsements on, and Men Who Have Been on Active Service: It Wouldn't Work, 556. Inland Revenue, 144; Transferring, 111
- Light: A Deficit of, 466. After Dark, 228. Estimating, 351. Glare Prevention in America, 106, 182. In Darkness, 14. Rear, An Awkward Dilemma in Regard to, 184
- Light Car: And a Scheme Day with a Signal Company, 216. And Cyclecar: Carburetters for 1916 ;. 86; Engines for 1916, 81; Tyres for 1916, 86. And Hymens, 322. And Pleasure Motoring, 333. And War Economy, The, 21. Another American, 108. Call of the, 368. Descriptions, 228. Detail Attention, Importance of, 242. Developments in Spa-in, 276—(See "Spain"). For Colonial Use, The, 46. How It Should be Finished, 146. Hunting on a, 382. Importance'of Detail Attention to the, 242. Insurance, 413. Maintenance of the, 513. Movement in Italy, The, 236. Of the Future, 421. On Active Service, The, WiEh the French Army, 27. Owner, A Girl: " Pleasure " Motoring and Economy, 446. Pleasure and Simplicity of the, 156. Perfect Lighting of a, 210. Performances on the Road, How to Determine, 154, Points, Important, Considered, 356. Post-Bellum, 571. Purposes, Possibility of Two-stroke Engine for, 485., Scope of the, in South America, China., Russia, Australasia, and South and Central Africa, 470. The Adaptable, 503. The Equipment of, 71. The Lady and the, 24. To Hounds on a, 287, Two-seated, Constructed by a Reader. 510. Utility of the, 418. Versus Low-priced American Car, 61. Versus Train Travelling, 233. Vindication of the, 453
- LIGHT CAH AND CYCLECAR : Abjuration of, in Dutch, 558. And Paper Shortage, 412. Easter Holiday Arrangements, 482. Light Dimmers, 130. New Volume of, 3. Pictures with Point Wanted by, 558. Special Features of, 556. Special Numbers: Accessories, 53, 71; British Supremacy, 298, 322, 435, 453; 1916-Models, 3, 21. Staff, Vacancy on, 456
- Light Carist, Confessions of a, 198
- LIGHT CARS AND CYCLECARS: A.-C, 33, 543; Upkeep of, 301; With Auster Hood, 190. A.-C. Cabriolet, 82. A.-O. Sociable, 33. Allda-ys, 33. Atalanta, 33. Autocrat, 33. Aviette, 34 Baby Peugeot—(See "Peugeot" below). Bayard, 34. Bedelia, 34. Buckingham, 34 Calcott, 34, 124; For One-armed. Driver, 500; Upkeep of, 350. Calthorpe Minor, 35; Upkeep of, 372. Carden, 35. Charronette, 35. Chater Lea, 35. Ohiribiri, 35. Crouch Oarette, 36. Cummik&r, 36 Day-Leeds, 36. De P., 36. D.L., 36. Douglas, 36. D-Ultra, 36 Enfield, 36, 57 Gamage, 36. Globe, 36. G.N., 76, 520; Keeping in Running Order, 17; Upkeep of, 442. G.N. (Grand PrixK 36. G.W.K., 36, 214, 542; Low Consumption on a, 53; Upkeep of, 417, 434
- Hampton 56. Horstmann, 38. Humberette: Additions and Alterations to, 528; Improvements on, 438. Hurlincar, 38 J.B.S., 38, 59. :/owett, 38, J46 Kennedy, 39 Lagonda, 39; Upkeep of, 404. L.M., 393 Marlborough, 39. Media, 41. Meteorite, 41, 44. Milwain, 11. Morgan, 41; Alterations Made at Home to a, 210b, 211; Chains of: Keeping Them Clean, 564; Improvements Carried Out on a 329- Rear Wheel of, Removing, 262;. Starting a, 363. Morgan (Grand Prix), 39. Morgan (Sporting), 501. Morris-Cowley, 41, 346; Fitted with Every Accessory, 210. Moms-Oxford (De Luxe), 41. Morris-Oxford: Improving Road Qualities of, 373
- Newey, 411
- Old Mill, 41 „ cci
- Peugeot (Baby), 41, 447, 538; Upkeep of, 551.. Princess (American), 41, 108
- Raleigh, 41. Ritz, 41. Robertson, 41 _
- Saxon, 42. Singer, 42; A Game Dealers, 418;. Experimenting with Wheelbase of 167; Improvements on, Improving on, 537; Upkeep of, 125. Standard, 42, 114. Swift, 42, 457, 501: Upkeep of, 505
- Wall 42 Williamson Cycla, 42. Wilton, 42, 378.. Woodrow, 42
- Light Cars: And Cyclecars: Design and ?ConstTuc-tion of, War-time. 28; For 1916, 33-43; Prices of 47, 468; Typical British, 466. And the Leave Problem of Subalterns, 173. Are Doing. at the Front. What, 208. Conscription and.. 537. Direct Sales of, 566. For Doctors, 536. In Canada, The Need for, 416. Lubrication System on, 376. Modern, and Their Upkeep— (See " Upkeep "). Second-hand—(See ' Secondhand "). Two-cylinder, A Prophecy Concerning, 53
- LIGHT DIMMERS: O.A.V. Side, 207. Garoage, 269. LIGHT CAR AND CYCLECAR, 130
- Light Dimmers: Government Mistake in Regard to-Sizes of, 145. In London, 322
- Light-dimming Devices, American Society of Automobile Engineers and, 106, 182
- Lighting: Gas, Latest in, 96. Glare, An American Antidote for, 106, 182. Matter, A, 393. Of a Light Car, Perfect, 210. Order: New (? ),. 536; General, 174, 274, Foreshadowed—Proposed Regulations for the Whole Country. 72, Lamp Experiments Under, 182, Lamps to> Conform with the, 218, Lamps, Size of, Under, 166, Scheduled Areas, 127-129, A Contrast of, 252; London, 368; Scottish, The, 322 .Orders, Amerioan, 2. Regulations, New,jj*182, 228; Driving After Dark Under the, 315; Extensions to Scotland, 483; Speed in the Darkened Streets and, 165; To Obtain Best Results Allowed by the, 14. Restrictions: Danger Spots After Dark, 298; One Effect of, 206; Sensible, in Portsmouth, 3. Street: A Dream Dispelled, 413. Up Time, 5, 23, 55, ?\ 107, 126, 148- 166a, 191, 209, 231, 253, 275, 303, 323, 347, 3fi?, 394, 414, 437, 464, 484, 502, 522, 539, 561. Up Times and Long Drives, 537
- Lighting Set, Avoiding Trouble with a, 459
- LIGHTING SFTS: Brolt, 83. O.A.V., 83. E.B.C., 85 F.R.S., 368. Kemco, 84. Luoas, 84. Mira, 85. Rejax. 85. Robax, 85. Scott, 84
- Lighting Sets, Cult of the, 83
- Lights: Confusing, 75. On Cattle, Necessity for, 26. Rear: For, 477; On Motor Vehicles, 52; Two Offences in Regard to, 75. Side, A Strange Case of, 393
- Lights, Shading, Dunlop Rubber Co.'s Shades for, 456
- Literature, Motoring, 492
- London: Front Garden of, 399. Lamp Discs in, 322. Motor Drivers, Police Warning to, 106. Routes Through, A.A. and M.U. and, 518. South, Warning to Motorists in, 3. Traffic Control: Order Out of Chaos, 263
- Lorries, Army, An Excellent Idea Regarding, 434
- Low, Dr. A.M.: Appointed Captain Royal Flying Corps Experimental Department, 207. Article by: " Originality in Springing," 5,37, 567. Audiometer of, Anticipated Before the War, 519. New Book by: "The Two-stroke- Engine," 182, 222
- Lubricant Into Back Axles, Inserting, 112
- LUBRICANTS: Price's, 98; Belmoline, 144. Vacuum, 238
- Lubrication: Chain, 268. Systems on Light Cars, 376
- Xubricators, Leaf Spring: Duco (Brown Bros.), 410. Eros, 188
- Lubricators, Leaf 'Spring. Shock Absorbers, and Secondary Springing Devices, 13
- Magneto: Difficulty Overcome in Wartime Design and Construction, 28. Over-oiling the, 262. Showing Striking Originality, A, 212
- MAGNETOS: Dixie (American), 212. Mira, 98
- Malmesbury Market Tolls, 487
- Mansions, Country, in Great Britain, 66
- Map Measurer, An Easily-made, 407
- Mascots, 239
- Matilda, The Doings of, 134
- Matter, Little Things that, 112, 159, 200, 262, 326, 407, 427, 477
- Matters of Taste. 530
- Mechanic, Home, Methods and Materials for, 284
- Mechanics, Amateur, 564
- Meeking, Miss Viola, Articles by: " Confessions of a Light Carist. The," 198. " Hunting on a Light Car," 382. "Mascots," 239. "Matters of Taste," 530. " The Doinge of Matilda," 134
- Meeting Point, A Popular: Reigate Hill, 252
- Memory, A Question of, 170
- Mexican Petrol, 53
- Midlands, 26,000 Cars a Year from the, 500
- Military: Motor Matters of the: Baby Car, Experiences with a, 428; Borrowed Plumes, 387; Oar or Horse? 525. "Horror of War," A, 458; Light Car and a Scheme Day with a Signal Company. 216; Night Driving at Camp, 337; Our Garage, '266; Overgrown Light Car, The, 493. Officer, Exciting Drive of a, 354. Prosecutions, 52
- Misfiring, Testing for, 200
- Mi.tcham-Sutton Road, The Atrocious, 413
- Monocar, A Striking, 52
- MONOCAHS—(See " Light Cars and Cycleears ")
- Moonlight, Speed in the, 54
- Moon, Phases of the. 5, 23, 55, 73, 107, 126, 148, 166a, 191, 209, 231, 253, 275, 303, 323, 347, 369, 394, 414, 437, 464, 4S4, 502, 5122, 539, 561
- Motorcar Law, A Police View of, 460
- " Motor Cycling " : Christmas Number, 105. Diary, 104, 123. Gipsy Club Easter Meeting, Cycle-oars at, 518
- Motor: Drive, Exciting, of a. Military Officer, 354. Gipsy, The, 331. Industry: Conserve It Now, 299; Position of the, To-day, 466; The American, 206; War After the War, Government and the Maintenance of, 346. In Fiction, The, 199. Manufacturers, Are They Preparing for Peace? 475. Matters of the Military —(See " Military "). Shopping, Discouraging, 199. Vehicles. Rear Lights on, 52. Why Are You on a, 320
- Motor Houses: Goddard, 98. South-Western Timber Co., 98
- Motoring: At Salonika, 305. Costs of, Standardisation of, 304—ISee " Running "). Dangers of, in Canada, 228. Easier, For Making, 31, 109, 188, 269, 357. Economical and Useful, 393. In All Seasons, 308. In the Snow, 348. In War Time: A Day of Novel Experiences, 444. Literature, 492. Pleasure and Recreative, 361.- " Pleasure "—(See "Pleasure"). What America Spends in, 52
- Motorist as a Pedestrian, The, 131
- Motorists: Anti, A.A. and M.U. Patrols and, 104. Christmas Presents for, 104. Pedestrians and, 413. Prospective, A Word to, 156. South Metropolitan, Warning to, 3
- Motors: A Good Pull-up for, 547. And Creatures of the Night, in the New Forest, 60
- Motor School: British School of Motoring, 91, 435 " Motor, The," Bulk Storage of Petrol and, 412
- Motor Trade Association, Mr. A. Goodwin Elected President of, 434
- Motor Trades Guardian Association, 164
- Mudsplashing: Device, An Anti, 322. Nuisance, The, 208
- Munition Work, Garages and, 550
- Naval Cars, Speed of, 206 .Betley, Old, Croej Road Improvement at, 165
- Newcastle, Lord Mayor of, to Night Drivers, 230
- New Forest: Creatures of the Night in, and Motors, 60. Pleasure of Motoring in the, 331. Rights of Animals in, 26
- News and Gossip, Notes—(See " Notes ")
- New Year Resolutions, 166b
- New Zealand, A Toll of 2s. in, 536
- Night: Creatures of the, in the New Forest, and Motors, 60. Drivers, Lord Mayor of Newcastle's Appeal to, 230. Driving, 384. Speed at, 320
- Notes: And Queries—(See "Queries"). "Financial News" Up-to-date Motor, 559.
- News and Gossip, 1, 25, 51, 74, 103, 123, 143, 163, 181, 205, 227, 251. 273, 297, 319, 345, 367, 391, 411, 433, 454, 483, 499, 517-519, 535, 555
- Novice: I Never Knew, The: Dull Dialogues, 158, 267, 360, 506. Some Points for the, in Light Car Maintenance, 513
- Number Plates, Aluminium, Home-made, 168
- Nuts: Bolts and Spanners, 526. Improvizing, 247. Rusty, Removing, 348 Self-starting, 384
- Oil: And Petrol, Wilful Waste of, 490. Exuding, To Prevent, 144. For Every Make, 228. Pump, When the, Fails, 548 Oiler, Forward Spring, 269 Oiling Chains, 159 Oils—(See " Lubricants ")
- OPINIONS, THOUGHTS AND—AC. Sociable: Running Costs of an, 141, 179; Screen for, 479; Starting an, 364, 365, 408. A.-C.: Startup an, 342. 343; Two Years Experience with an, 2% Air Inlet: Experiences with, Wanted, 225; On a Zenith, 431. "All-Khaki" Trial, An, 294. Alteration, A Satisfactory, 271. American View of the Light Car, The, 271. Anti-Motorists, 516. Australia, Friction Drive in, 68
- Baby Peugeot Consumption, 68. Belt: Drive, Flat, Success of, 498; Trouble, A Baffling, 249, 316, 388. Brake Power, Trapping by, 202. Business: Purposes, Light Car ior, 294; The Light Car and, 408. Buyers' Guide, A So-called, 49
- Camping for All Ages, 223, 271. Car: A Hand-controlled, for the Disabled, 408: A Suitable, for the Disabled, 479; Plea for a, with £i 4s. Tax, 576; Run Better at Night? Does a, 294; Unregistered? When is a, 101. Carburetter: A Small Surface, 204; Freezing of, 20; Water in the, 19. Carden, An Attractive, 452. Chain Guards for a Morgan, 295. Chains and Front Mudguards on a Morgan, 224. Change-speed Mechanism, Location of, 178, 201, 224. Clutch: Plates, Worn, 121; Slip, Cause sf, 343. Colour of G.W.K.: A Question of Taste, 225. Convalescent Officers, Arrangements for, 179. Conversion: A Jet, 296; An Interesting, 179. Converted Monocar, A, 430. Cooling Fins, Detachable, 100. Coupe, An Attractive, 203. Cyclecar: A Home-built, 20; A New Zealand-made, 430; Mr. Parnacott Building Another, 533; Plug Trouble on: Who Is Responsible? 19; Simple, 141; The Term, 388; Two-stroke, Demand for a, 223; With Two-stroke Engine Wanted, A, 202
- David, Variable Pulleys of the, 532. Design, A Regrettable Trend of, 532. Differential: A Simple, 365, 389, 409; Drive, A Simple, 452; Is It Necessary? 553. Disabled: A Hand-controlled Car for the, 408; A Light Car for the, 294, 431; A Suitable Car for, 47S; Drivers, Light Cars for, 317. Doctor? Is a Morgan Suitable for a, 55?,. Drives, Two Direct, 431
- Engine. Two-stroke: A Three-cylinder, 249; Cyclecar with a, Wanted, 202. Equipment of the Light Car, 161. Essex, Wounded Outings in, 516
- Floods, The Recent, 533. Freemasonry of the Roads, 49. Friction Drive: And Home Building, 452; Direct, on Top Gear, Unnecessary, 533; In Australia, 68; Suggestion, 498, 51G. Fuel, Paraffin as a, 19, 366
- G.W.K.: Care of the, 409; Colour of: A Question of Taste. 225: In Zanzibar, A, 389; Oil Shield for, 34.'); Reassembling a, 225; 20,000 Miles on a, 497
- Home Building, Friction Drive and, 452. Humberette: Improvements on a, 51G; Starting a, 203; 02 m.p.g. on a, 576
- Interned Officer, From an, 533
- Jet Conversion, A, 296
- Lady Drivers: And the Morgan, 120; Increasing Number of, 576. Lady's Light Car, A, 408. Lamps, Side, Mounting of, 225. Light Car: A Lady's, 408; and Business, The, 408; Another Use for the, 101; Equipment of the, 161; For Business Purposes, 294; For the Disabled. A, 294, 317, 408, 431, 479: Of the Future, The, 451, 478, 479, 498; Over-elaboration of the, 202, 224; Simplicity of: Writ Sarcastic, 408; Steam? Where Is the Modern, 575; The American View of the, 271; The Economical or the Lux-ury, 161. LIGHT CAR AND CYCLECAK, Appreciation of, 497. Light Cars: For Disabled Drivers, 294, 317, 408, 431, 479; In Tasmania, 317; Oil Consumption of, 101; Self-starters on, 553. Lighting: Order, The New, 203; Schemes, Anti-Dazzling, 202; The Reduction of, 270. ? LlandaH Cross, Locality of, 317
- Monocar, A Converted, 430. Morgan: A Detachable Rear Wheel of a, 121; Adjustments, 409; Breakages, 20; Chain Guards for a, 295; Front Mudguards and Chain9 on ' the, 224; Improvements on a, 178; Lady Drivers and the, 120; Maker of, on the Status of the Three-wheeler, 343; Mud-shields for a, 317; Oil the Back Pivot of a, 160; On War Service, 224; Running Costs of, 20, 181; Starting a, 101, 121, 140, 141, 160, 179, 225; Suitable for a Doctor? Is a, 553; The Tax on the, 516. Morgan Grand Prix, Experiences with a, 48. Morgans, Starting Handles on, 120. Morris-Cowley, En Famille on a, 366. Motoring: And Photography, 69; In Toowoomba, 576. Motorists, The Anti, 516. M.P.G.: Influence ol Tyre Design on, 516; 62, on a Humberette, 576. Mudguards, Front, and Chains on a Morgan, 224. Mud-shields for a Morgan, 317
- New Zealand-made Cyclecar, A, 430. Night? Does a Car Run Better at, 294. Number Plates, Home-made, 271
- Officer, Interned, From an, 533. Officers, Convalescent, Arrangements for, 179. Oil: Consumption of Light Cars, 101; Drums, A Clean Method of Emptying, 296; Shield for G.W.K., 343. Oiling System, The Bird Feed, 576; Unsatisfactory, 553. Over-elaboration of the Light Car, 202, 224. Overheating, plugs and, 409
- Paraffin: As a Fuel, 19, 366; Petrol Mixtures and Carburetter Arrangement for, 389. Parnacott, Mr., Building Another Cyclecar, 533. Pastimes, Twin: Motoring and Photography, 69. Patent Law, South African, 317. Pembroke, A Tour in, 295. Perry, The Tax on the, 516. Petrol: Consumption, Baby Peugeot, 68; Paraffin Mixtures and Carburetter Arrangement for. 389; State Control of, 141, 161; Supplies—From a Dealer, 366. Photography and Motoring, 69. Plugs and Overheating, 409. Plug Trouble on Cyclecar: Who is Responsible? 19. Police Trapping by Brake Power, 202. Pork! Coming in—for, 430. Power, Torque in Relation to, 202. Pulleys, Variable, of the David, 532
- Rain Indicators, Experiences in Making, 342. Registered? When is a Car Not, 101. Road: Freemasonry of the, 49; "Goodwill on the," 69. Roads, Impassable, 553. Running Costs: Of an A.-C. Sociable, 141, 179; Of a Morgan, 20, 101
- Sarcastic, Writ: The Simplicity of .the Light Car, 408. Screen: A Weatherproof, 225; For an A.-C. Sociable, 479. Seating Position, 553. Seat Tax, The, 533, 553. Security Bolts: Are They Necessary? 271. Shaft Drive, Flexible, 101. Singer, Excellent Service Irom a, 249. Sodium Acetate Warmer: An Easy Starting Hint, 249. South African Patent Law, 317. Southend and District A.C. Outings for the Wounded, 516. Spain, Trade Expansion in, 366. Speed Mechanism, Change, Location of, 178, 201, 224. Speedometer Drive, Faulty, 202. Spring Cleaning Hints, A, 553. Starters, Self, on Light Cars, 553. Starting: A Humberette, 203; A "Knack," 409; A Morgan, 101, 121, 179, 225; An A.-C., 342, 343; An A.-C. Sociable, 364, 365, 408; A Victor, 271, 316; Difficult Problem of, 204; Economy and Ease of, 317; Easy, How to Secure, 140, 141, 160; Handles on Morgans, 120; Hint, An Easy, 224, Sodium Acetate Warmer, 249; Injection as an Aid to, 121; Problem, The, 248. Steam Light Car? Where Is the Modern, 575. Switch, Fixing a, 409
- Tasmania, Light Oars in, 317. Taxation, Proposed Form oi: A Criticism, 296. Taxes: Comments on, 497: Effect of the, 533; The New, 430. Tax: On the Morgan, The, 516; On the Perry, The, 516; Plea for a Car with £i 4s., 576; The Seat, 533, 553. Theft, Preventing, 317. Three-wheeler: A Home-built, 101; Status of, Maker of Morgan on the, 343. Toowoomba, Motoring in, 576. Top CJear (Direct) Friction Drive on—.Unnecessary, 553. Torque in Relation to Power, 202. Tour: An Ambitious, 271; In Pembroke, A. 295. Trade: Expansion in Spain, 366; War: A Patriot's Experiences, 225. Trial, An " All-Khaki," 294. Trouble, A Baffling, 100, 120, 160, 203; Belt, 249, 316, 388. Two-stroke: Cyclecar, Demand for a, 223; Engine: A Three-cylinder, 249, Cycle-car with a, Wanted, 202; The Four-cylinder, 533. Tyre: Cushion, The Purpose of a: Dr. Low's Views, 452; Design on M.P.G., Influence on, 516. Tyres and How to Handle Them, 68
- Victor: Starting a, 271, 316; Upkeep of, 343 War Service, Morgan on, 224. Water: In the Carburetter, 19; Jacket, Cracked, Repairing, 498. Weatherproof: Finish, 342; Screen, A, 225. Wheel: Rear, for a Morgan, A Detachable, 121; Spare, Position of the. 498. Windscreens, A Fault of, 161. Wounded: A Light Car for the, 294; Outings in Essex, 516; Soldiers, Assisting the Convalescence of, 100 Zanzibar, A G.W.K. in, 389. Zenith, Air Inlet on a, 431
- Overhauling, Spring, General Hints on, 461 Overhauls, How to Do, Unaided, 284
- Owner: Driver: Amateur Mechanics for, 564; Home Repairs for the, 7; Methods and Materials for Home Repairs by the, 284; Vulcanizing for the, 228; What He Should Obtain for His Car, 133. Suiting the Car to the, 329, 438
- Painting, Varnishing and Enamelling Light Cars, 149 Paints: Farmiloe, 98. Hall and Sons, 97
- Paper: How It May Be Saved, 256. Shortage: Changes and War Saving, 412
- Paraffin: As a Fuel, 324, 415. Lamps, 341, 515
- Peace? Are Manufacturers Preparing for, 475
- Pedestrian, Motorist as a, 131
- Pedestrians: Advice to, 449. And Motorists, 413. Please Note! 75
- Pemberton-Billing's. Mr., Car, 518, 536
- Penwortham Old Bridge Closed, A.A. and M.U. and, 53
- Petrol: "A Little Knowledge " Regarding, 515.
- And Oil, Wilful Waste of, 490. A Reserve Supply of, 537. Bulk Storage of, 412. Can, One-gallon, A Spare, 564. Consumption, Low, on a G.W.K., 53. Deliveries, 207. For Doctors, 457. Illegal Storage oi, in Jersey, 434. In Bulk, 274. Mexican, 53. Pipe, Broken, Repair to a, 564. Prices, 165; "Shell" Still 2s. 2d. a Gailon, 274; Still Soaring, 435; Up Again, 144; 2s. 6d. a Gallon, 252. Shortage, A.A. and M.U. Patrols and, 456. Substitute, A, 536. Supplies: Government Control of, 368; Normal, 230. Tank, Cleaning Out the, 450. Tanks. Filters for, 427. Tax Rebates, 2. Tight Washers, Securing Economy by, 8. Where Are the Millions Wasted On? 368
- Petroleum Mixture, Running on, 262
- Petrol Stop, Chemico, 357
- Pictures with Point Wanted by LIGHT CAR AND CYCLECAR, 553
- Piston Rings, Burncd-in, 159
- Piston Ring System, Vivinus (Raphael and Co.), 18
- Pistons, Pondelick Bros. (American), 357
- Place Names, The Meaning of, 176
- Pleasure and Business Travel—(See "Business")
- "Pleasure": Cars, Not, 456. Motoring: And Kconomy—by a Girl Light Car Owner, 446: Another Appeal, 559; Form of, Encouraged by Government, 436; How to Get a Hearing in Regard to, 322; Light Car and, 333. Oh for a Little Common-sense Concerning, 556; R.A.C.: and, 392, Protest to War Savings Committee, 434; Utility or, 483
- Pliers, Split Pins, Screwdrivers and Other Things, 540
- PLUGS: Apollo. 109. L.M., 269. Low Cup Detonating, 188
- Plugs." Misfiring, Testing, 200. Sparking, Latest in, 94
- Plug Threads, Standardized, 164
- Policemen and Lamps, 3
- Police: View of Motorcar Law, A, 460 Warning to Motor Drivers, 106
- Portsmouth: Road, A Well-known Sight on the, 487. Sensible Lighting Restrictions in, 3
- Postal Rates, 206
- Post-Bellum Light Car, The. 571
- Prices of Light Cars and Cyclecars, 47, 168. Second-hand, of Light Cars, 2
- Pull-up for Motors, A Good, 547
- Purchasing Classes, Possible, in Australia, 238
- Pyrenees, In the, 536
- QUERIES, NOTES AND.—Accumulator: Cells, Overcharging of, 122; Frost on, Effects of, 70; Repairs, 50. Acetylene Gas, Use of, 226. Addrese Wanted, 534. Air Leak, Cure for an, 534. A.L.V. Engine, Tuning an, 554. Axle, Back, A Leaking, 318
- Bearing, Central, A Plea for, 272. Brakes, Badly-adjusted, 180. Business Purposes, A Cyclecar for, 272
- Camshaft Bearings, Wear on the, 390. Carbon : Deposit, Compression and, 432; Removal, 162. Carburetter for G.N., 554. Carrier, Luggage on the, 102. Cars, Unused, Taxes on, 102. Car, The Thiefproof, 318. Clutch: Action, Easy, 142; Leather Cone, A Fierce, 226; Metal, Treatment of a, 410; Slipping Troubles, 318. Compression: And Consumption, 432; Deposit and, 432. Control, Special, Wanted, 390. Coupe with Wide Seats, A, 534. Cyclecar: Fittings, 554; Used for Business Purposes, A, 272. Cyclecars, Gears for, 554
- Design, An Unconventional, 344. Drive, Final, Type of, 410. Dynamo: Disorder, A Discon-certing, 293; Finding the Negative Wire of a, 344; Set for a Three-wheeler, A, 318
- Engine: Air-cooled, Care of an, 70; A.L.V., Tuning an, 554; Twin-cylinder, Tuning a, 380. Engines, Oil Fumes from, 70. Exhaust Pipe,- Water in the, 250. Experiences Wanted, 318
- Fans, The Need of, 162. Freezing Solution, An Anti, 480. Friction: Details, 250; Disc: Facing a, 293, Material, 554, Spring, 554; Pressure, 293. Frost on the Accumulator, Effects of, 70. Fuel Consumption, Compression and, 432
- Gearbox Parts, Inaccessibility of, 250. Gear Ratio? What is, 344. Gears for Cyclecars, 554. Globe Light Car, Spare Parts for the. 554. G\N., Carburetter for, 554. Ground Clearance, 142. Guarantees, A Question of, 122
- Headlights, Focussing of, 102. Humberette: Petrol Consumption on a, 534; Valve Timing on a, 534
- Ignition, Dual, 480. Induction Pipe, Water Heating for, 390. Insurance Dispute, An, 554
- Lady, Light Car for a, 554. Leak, Curing a Small, 293. Licence, Repayment, 410. Light Car: A Sporting, 554; For a Lady, 554; For Spain, 554. Lighting-up Times, 432. Luggage on the Carrier, 102
- Magneto Timing Late, 318. Malta, A Morgan for, 554. Misfiring at High Speed, 272. Moisture, Condensation of, 142. Morgan for Malta, A, 554. Motor Associations, Joining, 554
- Noises and Squeaks, Tracing, 480
- Oil: Fumes from the Engine. 70; Leakage Past Piston Rings, 180. Overhaul, Sluggish Running After, 162
- Perry, Tax on the, 534. Petrol: Consumption on a Humberette, 534; Does It Freeze? 180; Evaporation, 390. Piston Rings, Oil Leakage Past, 18(1. Power, Loss of, with Age, 272
- Radius Rods, Use of, 390. Registration: Numbers, Transferring, 272; Of a Three-wheeler, 534. Rollo, Spare Parts for the, 554. Route Replies—(See "Route"). Rnnning: Adjustment, Slow, 344; Costs, Comparative, 318; Sluggish, after Overhaul, 1H2; When Idling, Uneven, 180
- Seats, Wide, A Coupe with, 534. Spain, A Light Car for, 554. Spare Parts: For the Rollo, 554; For the Globe, 554. Speed, High, Misfiring at, 272. Spring, Friction Disc, 554. Springing: Better, Longer Wheelbase and, 534; "Dead," 272. Springs, Binding, 410. Squeaks and Noises, Tracing, 480. Starter Difficulty, A, 293. Starting: Difficulty in, 50; Moisture and, 142. Steering Pins, Wear in. 226. Switch, Fitting a, 318, 410
- TaxeB on Unused Cars, 102. Tax on the Perry, 534. Thiefproof Car. The, 318. Three-wheeler: A Dynamo Set for a, 318; Registration of a, 534. Troubles, Small, A Number of. 344. Tuning an A.L.V. Engine, 554
- Universal Joint, Wear in the, 390
- Valve: Exhaust, Timing, Effect of Early, 226; Spring, Replacing, 480; Timing on a Humberette, 534. Valves, Pitted, 480
- Water: Heating for Induction Pipe, 390; In the Exhaust Pipe, 250; Jacket, Cracked, Repairing, 480; Pipes, Furring of, 432; System, Leaks from the, 122. Wheelbase, Longer, and Better Springing, 534. Wheels: Wire versus Artillery" 180; Wood versus Wire, 250
- Rabbits, Road Excavations by, A.A. and M.U. Patrol and, 193
- R.A.C.: And Age Limit for Drivers, 105. And Pleasure Motoring, 392, 434. Concert for Belgian Soldiers' Christmas Fund, 2. Flooded Roads Warning, 398
- Races: By Road to the, 436. Windsor, By Road to the, 208
- Racing, Horse: And the War, 386. Merely Stupid, 556
- Radiators, Care of, 341
- Radnorshire, The Hill Country of, 440
- Rain Indicator, A, 282
- Rear Lights—(See "Lights ")
- Red Cross Drivers, Privileges for, 252
- Registered? When is a Car Not, 52
- Reigate Hill a Popular Meeting Point, 252
- Repairs: Electrical, Hints on, 58. Fittings to Facilitate, 6. Home, for the Owner-driver, 7. How to do, Unaided, 234. While You Wait, 165
- Repairs, Lamp, Dunhill's, 96
- Revenue Licences. Inland, 144. Transferring, 111— (See " Licences ")
- Road: A Collapsed, A.A. and M.U. Patrols and, 53. An Atrocious Stretch of, 413. Blackmail, A.A. and M.U. and, 457. Call ot the — (See "Call"). Cross, Improvement, at Old Netley, 165. Excavation by Rabbits, A.A. and M.U. Patrol and, 193. Goodwill on the, 12. Improvement, A Devon, 116. In Winter, The, 118. Obstructions, Floods as, R.A.C. and, 398. Performances of Light Cars, How to Determine, 154. Qualities, Improving Morris-Oxford, 373. Rule of the: A Trumpery Charge, 519. Stoppages, Ordinary, and Their Cure, 401. Warnings, Special, A.A. and M.U. and, 54
- Road Board Funds, 3
- Roads: Good, in Quebec, Influence of, 26. Storm-obstructed, A.A. and M.U. and, 166
- Roadside and Garage Tips, 247, 282, 341, 363, 384, . 450, 548
- ROUTE REPLIES.—Birmingham-Barry, 534. Exeter Road, The, 534. London-Stoke Ferry, Norfolk, 534
- Routes through London, A.A. and M.U. and, 518
- Royal Flying Corps: Dr. A. M. Low Appointed Captain of Experimental Department of, 207. Mr. O. C. Godfrey, Lieutenant in the, 368
- Running Costs: Apportioning the, 62; Economies to Reduce, 166b; Of a Horse, 230; Of'Motoring, Standardization of, 304. Order, Keeping a G.N. in, 17. Sluggish, Due to Backpressure, 538
- Russia, Scope of the Light Car in, 470
- Sales, Direct, of Light Cars, 55G Salonika, Motoring in, 305
- Salter, Miss O. M., Article by: A Question of Memory, 170
- Scottish Lighting Order, The New, 322
- Screwdriver, Gamage Rubber-handled, 269
- Screwdrivers, Split Pins, Pliers and Other Things*. 540
- Screws, Broken, 125
- Seasons, Motoring in All, 308
- Seats, A Tax on, 500
- Seat, Tip-up, Driver's Side Door and, 552
- Second-hand: Car: Buying a, 254; Market, A Blind Man Who Buys and Sells in the, 45: Purchasing a, 573. Light Cars, Notable, on Sale, 574. Market, An Expansion in the, 435. Prices of Light Cars, 2. Topics, 257
- Shock Absorbers, Spring Leaf Lubricators or Secondary Springing Devices, 13
- Shopping, Discouraging Motor, 199
- Sidecar, The Sociable, 26
- Signal Company, Light Car and a. " Scheme " Day with a, 216
- Signalling by Headlights: An Innocent Act, 182
- Silencer, Choked, and Sluggish Running, 538
- Skid Causes Electrocution at Eastbourne, 144
- Sleeve Valve Engine? Why Not the, 292
- Snow: As Bad as Fog, 537. Dust and, 456. Motoring in the, 348. Six Miles of, on a Standard, 114. Work, Studies in, 3%
- Soldiers, Wounded, Practical Instruction for, 194— (See " Wounded ")
- South Africa, Scope of Light Car in, 470
- South, To the, in Search of Sunshine, 310
- Spain: A T.T. Trial in, 558. Light Car Developments in, 276
- Spanners, " King Dick," 537
- Spanners, Nuts, and Bolts, 526
- Sparos and Equipment of Colonial Cars, 473
- Sparking Plugs—(See "Plugs")
- Speed: And Its Penalties, 456. At Night, 320' Driving at, Case, Averometer in, 52. In tha Darkened Street, 165 In' the Moonlight, 54. Limit: Army Cars and the, 207; Exceeding-An Ingenious Defence, 2; Proposed, at Rhyl and Rhuddlan, 274. Mechanism, Change, Location of, 136. Of Naval Cars, The, 206. Judging, 228
- Speedometer: Reliability of: Name Withheld, 556
- » Setting a, 384
- SPEEDOMETERS: Boanilcsen, 78. Jones, 79. Smith and Sons, 78. Stewart, 78. Watford, 78
- Speeds in Wartime Design and Constructions, 30
- split Pins, Screwdrivers, Pliers and Other Things,.
- Spring Cleaning the Garage, 507
- Springing: A Question of, 13. Improved 356 Originality in, 537, 567
- Spring Leaf Lubricators: Duco (Brown Bros.), 410.. Eros, 188
- Spring Leaf Lubricators, Shock Absoibers or Secondary Springing Devices. 13
- Spring Oiler, Forward, 269
- Starting: A Morgan, 363. Batteries, Effect of Plate Thickness on, 125. Difficult, 548. Hint, An iiiasy, 184. Motors, and Their Principles of Working, 397
- Steel Specifications. Standard, 519
- Steering Gear, Types of, 257
- Stepney Spare Mptor Wheel, Ltd., Report 54
- Stewart Handy Worker, 278
- Storm-obstructed Roads, A.A. and M U. and 166
- Strap, Brown Bros., 97
- Street Accidents, 75. Increased, 392. In 1915 228
- Subalterns, Cyclecars and, 173
- Subaltern, Youthful, How a, Completed His Motoring Education, 152
- Sutton-Mitcham Road, The Atrocious, 413
- Swift Cycle Co. Balance Sheet, 2
- Swift Motor Co. Activities in War Time, 457
- Taste, Matters of 530
- Taxation Proposal: Light Oars £6 6e., 392
- Taxes: Budget, 453; Alterations in, 75; Anomalies,-in, 481. Payable on New Cars, The 556 Stop Wounded Outings, 481
- Taxioab Drivers and Tramoars: "Go Throueh Them," 537
- Tax: Import: Difficulties in. 165; Effect of, 26 54-Important RuJing of the, 104. On Light Care-Doubled, 4a3. On Seats, A, 500
- Taxing Motorcars, Proposed Method of, 246
- Temperature is Low, When the: Problem of Keeping Warm, 64
- Tewkesbury, Wounded Soldiers at, 443
- Thoughts and Opinions—(See " Opinions ")
- Three-wheeler: In Which Class Should It be Placed' —Oar or Cycle? 306
- Thrills, American Craving for, 2
- Toll, 2s., in New Zealand, 536
- Tolls, Malmesbury Market, 487
- Tool Sharpening Block, A, 564
- Tools, Small Making, 328
- TOPICS OF THE DAY.—Active Service, The Test ot,. 231. American and British Methods of Complete Equipment, 73
- Bogies and Fogies, 275. . British and American. Methods of Complete Equipment, 73. Budget. Taxes (See " Taxes " below)
- Car Equipment of the Owner, 126. Cars, Cheap, Two-stroke Engines fcr 522. Christmas Seasonal Greeting, A, 107. Conscription, The Taxes and, 539. Cyolecars; Engine Starting on, 191; Starters on, 55. Cyclecar, The Future of the. 5 Daylight Saving, 561. Derby Figures, Motoring
- and the, 166a. Driving in Snow, 107 Economy in Motoring and the Light Car, 394. Engine: Design, Progress in, 191; Dimensions,. Increase of, to be Deprecated, 5: Starting en Oycleoars, 191 Engines, Two-stroke, 148- for Cheap Cars, 522. Equipment: Car, of the Owner, 126; Complete, The American and British Methods of, 73. Exports, Increasing, The Importance of, 23
- Fogies, Bogies and, 275. Fuele, Alternative, Question of, 394. Fuel, The Price cf, 166a
- Gearbox, Location of the, 209
- Junior Automobile. Club, The, 253
- Lamps and the Lighting Regulations, 209. Light Car: And Inclement Weather, 369; Economy in Motoring and, 394: Of the Future, The Diverse Opinions on, 437. Lighting: Order, The, 166a, Lay Views on the, 191; Reduced, Street Fatalities and the, 231; Regulations, New, 126, Lamp6 and the, 209; Restrictions, Increased, 369. Luxury Campaigners, The, 275
- Models, More Expensive, The Demand for, 122. Motor-cycling Practioe, A Lesson from, 5i2. Motoring: And the Derby Figures, 166a; " And the Weather, 65; Economy in, and tLe Light Oar, 8&4; In the New Year, 148; Movement in Spain, The New, 303; "Pleasure"— (See " Pleasure " below)
- New Year, Motoring in the, 148
- Owner, Car Equipment of the, 12C
- Pastimes, A Linking of, 148. Petrol: Price of, 166a, 303; Prices: A World Problem, 347. "Pleasure" Motoring, 323; The Verdict on, 347; Which is Really Utilitarian? 323. Policy, A Vertebrate, Wanted, 484
- R.A.C.: Will It. Bar the War to the Junior Automobile Club, 253. Road In provider;Is and Scenic Effects, 107
- Scenic Effect, Road Improvement* and, 107
- Seat Tax: How It Would Woik, 502.
- Snow, Driving in, 107.
- Spain, The New Motoriiig in, 303.
- Springing, Originality in, 561.
- Starters on Cyeleoars, 55.
- Starting, Engine, on Cycle-cars, 191.
- Street Fatalities and the Reduced Lighting, 231
- Tax: A Four-guinea, 23; Seat: How It Would Work, 502.
- Taxation, Repressive and Vindictive, 484.
- Taxes: A Fair Claim for Remission of, 414; And Conscription, The, 539; " Pay Up and Look Pleasant," 561; Problem, A Solution of the, 502; The Proposed, 414. Trade: Expansion, 347; Move, An Importanl: Will the Government Help? 539. Two-stroke Engines, 148; For Cheap Cars, 522
- War, After the. 464. Weather: Inclement, Light
- Cars and, 369; Motoring and the, 55 Touring: Editor: Business and Pleasure Travel by— (See " Business "). Holiday, From a Centre, 166b
- , Tours, Easter, A.A and M.U. and, 436 Trades: Export. Developing, 20€. Prospects, British, What America Thinks of, 405. Protection. For. 164. Real Causes of Expansion or Low of. 299
- Traffic Control; London: Order Out of Chaos, 263 Train Travelling, Light Car versus, 233 Transmission Sets in War-time Design and Construction, 30 Transvaal, Colonial Tests in the, 287
- Travel: At Christmas, 106. Business and. Pleasure —(See " Business "). Conditions, A Contrast in, 16. In War Time—(See " Business ")
- Travelling: In England—Yesterday, To-day and Tomorrow, 110. Train, Light Car versus, 233
- TRIALS: Birmingham M.C.C. Easter, 517, 521. Spanish, 276, 277, 322, 558
- Trouble on the Road, Tracing, 401
- Tubing, Copper, Bending, 112
- Two-cylinder Light Cars, A Prophecy Concerning, 53
- Two-eeater: A Low-prioed Economical, 421. Light Oar Constructed by a Reader, 510
- Two-stroke Engine: For Light Car Purposes, Possibility of, 485. New Box on, 182, 222
- Tyre: A Tale of a Good Old, by Mr. A. V. Lamb, 211. Concerns, American, Breathe Again, 558. How an Old, Affects Hill-climbing, 500. Patches: To Prevent Them Curling, 262. Pity the Poor, 334. Pump, A Foot, as a Blowing Device, 247. Puncture Cure, A, 477. Repairs Facilitated by Marking Tube with Blue Pencil, 407. Repairs, Jury, 228. Repair Tip, A, 262. Upkeep, Method of Economizing in Cost of, 385. Wear, Careless Driving and, 341
- Tyre Gauges: Dunlop Pressure, 31 Schrader, 314
- TYRES: Abingdon Rubber Co., 412. Avon, 89. Beldam, 91. Clincher, 90. Dunlop, 88. Elite, 91. Goodrich, 90. Goodyear, 91. Henley, 91. Hutchinson, 90. Kempshall, 90. Moseley, 90. Palmer, 90, 392, 524. R.O.M., 91, 379. Skew, v 91. Stelastic. 90. Stepney, 91, 368. Taylor and Co., 91, 269. Wood-Milne, 90
- Tyres: Colour of, 184. Front Wheel, Wear on, 548. In Winter, Handling, 407. Light Oar and Cyclecar, for 1916, 88. Maintenance of, 93. Slightly Soiled, Economy of, 412. The Vital Question of, 88
- Tyre Tube Saver, Leo-Sco, 188
- United Arts Rifles, Recruits Wanted for, 482
- Univereals, Leather, 356
- Upkeep, Modern Light Oars and Their: A.-C, 301. Calcott, 350. Calthorpe Minor, 372. G.N., 442. G.W.K., 417. Lagonda, 404. Overhaul, Spring, General Hints on, 461. Peugeot, Baby, 551. Singer, 325. Swift. 505
- Utility Light Car, Some Work Done by, 593
- Valve Caps, Avoiding Sticking. Paste for, Brown, Bros., 4
- Valve: Rockers, Experimenting with, 363. Stems, Encasing, 450
- Valves, Leaky, Testing for, 200
- Village: An Artist-haunted—Bramber, 5£0. Crosses of England, The, 290
- VULCASIZERS, Harvey-Frost, 228, 457 Vulcanising: For Light Oar Owners, 385. In the Colonies, 457
- Wales, A Little England Beyond, 234 ? Wandle," S.S., Reception of the Oaptain of, 556
- WAR: After the: Another Hugo Output, 559; Government and the Maintenance of Industries, 346; Light Car, 571. Anticipated Before the: Dr. Low's Audiometer, 519. Conscription and Light Cars, 537. Economy: More, 457; The Light Oar and, 21. Emergency Work, A.A. and iti.U. and, 75. Front, The: Back from, Lieut. Bradley, 5ttS; What Light Cars are Doing at, 208. Horse Racing and the, 386. Light Car on Active Service with the French Army in the, 27. The Cause of the, 536. Work, More, 393
- Warning Devices, Types of, 95
- Warren's. Messrs., Expansion at, 435
- War Savings Committee—(See "Pleasure")
- Wars were Fought on British Soil, When, 220
- War Time: Motoring in: A Day of Novel Experiences, 444. Travel in—(See " Business ")
- Washers: Copper, Resuscitating, 548. Petrol Tight, Securing Economy by, 8
- WATCHES: Smith and Sons, 78. Taylor and Co., 79. Watford, 78
- Ways, New, Opening, and Improving Old, 508
- Weather, The, 393, Foretelling^ 549
- Welding, Barimar Acetylene, 4a6
- West Coast Route, A Loop Road to the, 9
- Wheelbase, Singer, Experimenting with the, 167
- Wheel: Puller, How to Use a, 247. Rear, Removing a Morgan, 262. Stubborn, Removing a. 282
- Wheels: Detachable, 79. Road, Lining Up the, 7
- WHEELS, Stepney, 368
- Whittal), Mr. W., A Change of Activity for, 228
- Wigan Bench. Fair Treatment from the, 252
- Windscreens, Leese Hall, 98
- Windscreens, Rattling, 427
- Windsor Races, By Road to the, 208
- Winter: Driving, 232: Lady Motorist's Experiences of, 114. Handling Tyres in, 407. Keeping Warm in, 64. The Road in, 118. Work in the Garage, 159 .
- Women's Reserve Ambulance, Work of the, 511
- Wood, Mrs. E. M., Articles by: "A Canteen Car," 476. " Green Cross, with the," 511. " The Motor Gipsy," 331
- Worker, Handy, Stewart, 278
- Worthington, Mr. J. V.. Appointed Director Dunlop Rubber Co., 439
- Wounded: At Cheltenham Racecourse Grand-stand, 386. Outing, Cyclecar Club (Mr. PeUyt), 434. Outings, Taxes Stop, 481. Soldier, Practical Instruction for the, 194. Soldiers: At Eves-ham, 309; At Tewkesbury V.A.D. Hospital, 443
- Wrench, Mr. Stanley, Enters Light Car Trade, 368
- Y.M.C.A. Canteen Car. A, 47G Ypres, The Glamour of, 546
- A.A. AND M.U.: Patrol: Elderly Gentleman Takes Place of, at Roehampton Lane Cross Roads, 298; Lady Driver Finds a, a Useful Helper, 140. Transparencies for Street Lamps in Reduoed Lights Areas, 72
- Abbey Manor, Evesbam: A Red Cross Hospital, 309
- Accumulator: An Ordinary, 459. The Lead Plate* of an, Repairs to, 50
- Airship, The British, Somewhere Over England, 455
- Aldenham House, Elstree, Gates of, 205
- Alfriston: Hill, 499. Star Inn at, 311
- Aluminium Allovs in Engine Construction, 187
- Ambulances, Bedelia (French Army), 557 Ambulances, Cyclecar, 557
- America, Cincinnati, A Wayside Hotel in, 547
- American Idea for a Light Piston, 357
- Americanized British Light Oar for Australian Roads, 474
- Andora, In the Republic of, 277 Antipodes—(See " Australia ") Anzacs, Wounded, in Cape Town, 165
- Applecross Hill, Fitting a Car for Colonial Use on, 46
- April Dust! 46
- Arbury: Hall (" Cheverel Manor" in " SceneB of Clerical Life"), 196. Park, South Farm in (Birthplace of George Eliot), 196 Armlet, Khaki, Quite Usual with Cyclecar Drivers,
- Ashbourne, Sign of Green Man and Black's Head at, 425
- Australia, Motoring in, !'2 Australian Bush, In the, 474
- Autumn Reflections, 4 Avon, River, at Ringwood, 332
- Axle, A Stub, and Means of Adjxistrnent, 461
- Axles. Back, Funnel for Inserting Lubrication in, 112
- Aylesbury, Inn Sign of White Hart at, 426
- Aylmerton Cross, Near Runton, 420
- Ball Bearings and Their Work, 312-314 Bank of England, Traffic at, 264, 265
- Baroelona: And Ma,drid, Example of Road Between, 277. Through the Mountains Near, 277 Barnet, Great North Road Near, 71 Bath Road: Result of Gales on the, 166. West of
- Marlborough. Roman Mounds on the, 4&1 Batteries, Vuloanite, How to Seal, 58 Battle Abbey Gatehouse and Pilgrims' Lodging at, 400 Battlefields of England: Evesham, 309. Tewkesbury, 443
- Beginning, From the Very, 526, 527, 540 Belting, Whittle, 98. For Lighting Set Dynamos, 459
- Blackpool Bridge, Roman Road at, 374 Blind Man Who Buys and Sells Light Cars and
- His Dog, 45 Blizzard, After the: Near Houghton-on-the-Hill,
- Leicester, 469. On Coventry-Kenilworth Road, 478
- Blowing Device, A Foot Pump as a, 247 Blowlamp, A Useful, 284
- Blowlamp, Auto (Brown Bros), 98
- Body, Colonial Type, Booth (Hoods and Bodies, Ltd.), 538
- Bodywork of Light Cars of the Future, 421
- Bolts, Nuts, and Spanners, 526, 527
- BOOK: "Two-stroke Engine," Illustration from, 222
- Boothby Pagnell, Near Qrantham, Norman House »t, 67
- Box, Globe Steel (Morris-Russell), 98 Brake: Bands, Adjusting, 180. Gear, Parts to
- Lubricate in, 243. Of Light Car of the
- Future, 423
- Brakes and Their Care and Adjustment, 541 Bramber, Sussex: An Artist-haunted Village, 560 Bray, Almshouses at, 340
- Brighton Road, Light Cars Seen on the, 536, 537 Britain's History in Photographs, 495 British: Airship Somewhere Over England, 455.
- Light Car, Americanized, for Australian Roads. 474. Soil, When Wars Were Fought on, 220, 221
- Brockley Hill, Summit of, 120 Brushes, How to Preserve Bristles of, 284
- Bulb Adjustment, Correct and Incorrect, 102 Bulbous Growth on an Exhaust, 518
- Burford: Almshouses at, 340. Bear Inn at, 158. Bridge Hotel, 1, 22, 163, 321. Tolsey and Town Hall at, 157
- Buiines*: And Pleasure Travel, 9, 10, 66, 67, 118, 11», 131, 132, 157, 158, 177, 196, 197, 235, 260, 261, 290, 291, 310, 311; (in War Time), 340, 362, 374, 375, 400, 425, 426, 440, 441, 495, 496, 508, 509, 546. Garage, Equipment of a, 419, 420. Vehicle, Light Car as a, 229
- By-way, The Charm of the, 260, 261
- CALL OF THE ROAD, VJ9, 280, 281, 523, 543-545. 563 Cambridge: Caxton Gibbet Near, 3. Coton, Wayside Cross at, 291
- Cape Town Pier, Statue of Van Bilbeok Near. 165 Car Bouncing Recording Apparatus, Dr. Low's, 570.
- Car: Or Cycle? Tn Which Class Should a Three-wheeler be Placed? 306, 307. Second-hand, Buying a, 254, 255. Suiting: a Morgan, to the Owner, 329; the, to the Owner, 438, 439 Carburetter. Arrangement for Petrol-Paraffin Mixture, 389. Parts that May Give Trouble on the Road, 402 Protecting, with an Old Inner Tube, 473
- CARBURETTERS: Acme, 352. A M A.C., 87; Altering to Wick Principle, 262. B. and B. 87 Binks, 87. G.C. (Paraffin), 415. Solex, 87; Overcoming Slow Running on Old Type of 344. Victor, 87. Zenith, 87
- Carburetters, Light Car and Cyclecar, for 1916, 87
- Cars: Colonial, Spares and Equipment for, 473. Second-hand, A Blind Man Why Buys and Sells and His Dog, 45—(See " Second-hand ")
- CARS: Delage. 206. Ford. 536. Mathis (Mr. Pemberton-Billing's), 519 Caxton Gibbet, Near Cambridge, 3 Cedar Tree, A Magnificent, 431 Chain Guards, Morgan, Dimensions of, 295 Chains: And Their Maintenance, 268. Morgan, Leather Shield to Keep, Clean, 564 Chalfont St. Peters, 4. In the Woods Near, 483
- Change Speed Mechanism, Location of, 136, 137
- Chantridge, Chesham. Through the Woods at, 132
- Chassis, Baby Peugeot, 449
- Chassis: Of Light Car of the Future, 422, 423. Plan of Light Car, 242, 243
- Cheltenham Race Club Grand-Stand, Wounded at, 386
- Cheshunt: Low Arch Under Railway Near, 489. Ruin on Banks of the River Lea Near, 472
- Chester, Bear and Billet at, 42S
- Chilterns, On the Crest of the, 69
- Chiltern Valley, Near Ohalfont Park. Winter Glimpse of, 119
- Chilvers Coton: Churchyard at: " Milly Barton's" Grave in, 197. " Shepperton " Vicarage at, 197
- Christmas Holidays, Lady Motorist's Experiences During, 170, 171
- Cinematograph Films, G.W.K., in Service of Operator of, 229
- Clocks, Phinney-Walker (Morris-Russell), 78
- CLUBS: Cyclecar Club—(See "Cyclecar"). Gipsy Club—(See "Motor Cycling"). Streatham and District M.C.C. Outing for Wounded, 482
- Clutch: Fierce, Curing A, 200. Spigot, Worn, Showing a, 255. To Disengage, Easing Pressure Necessary to, 142
- Colonial: Cars, Spares and Equipment for, 473. Conditions, Modifications of Design Necessary for, 139. Use, Fitting a Light Car for, 46
- Colour Schemes, Suggestions for, 530, 531
- Confessions of a Light Carist, The, 199
- Coni&borough Castle, 495
- Contact Breaker: Dimensions to Which It Should be Set to Ensure Easy Starting, 50. Showing Carbon Brush, 513. Terminal on, to which Switch Wire is Fixed, 318
- Control, The Vital, 257, 258
- Cooling System and Its Maintenance, 192, 193
- Coton, Cambridge, Wayside Cross at, 291
- Country: An Unsophisticated Piece of, 157, 158. Mansions in Great Britain, 66, 67. The George Eliot, 196, 197
- COUPES: A.-C, 43. A.-C. Cabriolet. 82. Calcott, 43. Calthorpe Minor, 144. Charronette, 43. Enfield, 57, 251. Globe, 43. Lagonda, 43. Morris-Oxford, 203. Peugeot IBaby), 538; A Lady's, 408. Standard, 572. Swift Shamrock, 501
- Coventry-Kenilworth Road, After the Blizzard on the, 478
- Cranford Bridge, Old and New, 164
- Crankshaft, Two Bearing and Three Bearing, Comparison Between, 356
- Crawley, At, 536
- Crosses, Village, of England. 290, 291
- Cyclecar: Ambulances, French Army Tests, 557. A Novel, Built by Mr. H. M. Derbyshire, 11, 12. A New Zealand Made, 340. Drivers, Khaki Armlet Quite Usual with, 74. Garage Equipment, 6. Gear Ratios for a, with Top Gear of 2\2 to 1, 554. Home-built by Mr. L. Cutler, Engine and Fittings on, 20. Tale of a Horrible, 152, 153
- Cyclecar Club: Opening Run, 321: Baby Peugeot Seen at, 322. Outing for Wounded, 333
- CYCLECARS— (See " Light Cars and Cyclecars ")
- Cycle or Car: In Which Class Should a Three-wheeler be Placed? 306, 307
- Cylinder, Fitting Rings to, An Unavoidable Gap in When, 384
- Darkness—(See "Light" and "Lighting")
- Dashboard of Light Car of the Future, 422
- Dash, Making Use of the, 528
- Dean, The Forest of, 374, 375
- Delamere Forest, Cheshire, Road Through, 9
- Design, Modifications of, Necessary for Colonial Conditions, 139
- Detail Attention, The Importance of, 242-244 Devon Road Improvement, A, 116, 117 Differential Gear, A Simple Form of, 365 Dimmers, Light—(See " Light Dimmers ") Doncaster and Leicester, A Grass-grown Stretch Between, 508
- Door, Driver's Side, and Tip Up Seat, 552 Dorchester, Defences of Meiden Castle at, 221 Driver's Side Door and Tip-Up Seat, 552 Driving: In Snow, 364. In the Moonlight, 280, 281.
- The Art of, 358, 359 Drumochter Pass, General Wade's Old Road at, 221
- Dunchurch, Old Stocks and Lock-Up at, 51 Dunstable: And St. Albans, A Difficult Traffic Obstruction Between, 106. Cutting in Winter, 65. Whitened Trees and Lamp-posts in, 68
- Dust! April, 456 Dynamos—(See "Lighting Sets")
- Easter Holiday Photographs, 518, 519
- Egham: Angler's Hotel at, Flooded Meadow Near, 223. The Long Hill at, 273
- Electrical Repairs, Hints on, 58
- Electricity, Rudiments of, 327, 328. 380, 381, 397
- Elephant and Castle, Traffic at, 264
- Eliot: Country, The George, 196, 197. George, Birthplace of, 196
- Elstree: Aldenham House at, Gates of, 205. Church, Yew Tree at, 452
- Engine: Construction: Aluminium Alloys in, 187; Common Error in, 491. Cyclecar, Making Valve Stems for, 450. Faults and Their Remedies, 513-515. Light Car: Modified, to Run on Paraffin, 324; of the Future, 422. Single-cylinder ? Why Neglect the, 151. Sleeve Valve, Diagrams of, 292. Two-cylinder, Horse Power Curve for a, 490, 491. Two-stroke, Possibility of, for Light Car Purposes, 485. 486. V-twin, Valve Timing Diagrams of a, 226
- ENGINES: Alpha, 80. Buckingham, 151. Dorman, 80. G.N., 121. Horstmann, 29. J.A.P., 30, 80. Lagonda, 29. MaB, 185, 186. M.A.G. 29, 30, 80. Precision, 80. Saxon, 29. Standard, 29. Swift, 29
- Engines, Light Car and Cyclecar, for 1916, 80
- England: A Little, Beyond Wales, 235. Battlefields of: Evesham, 309; Tewkesbury, 433. Travelling in—Yesterday, To-day, and Tomorrow, Hi). Village Crosses of, 290, 291
- Epping: Forest, A Road Through, 411. Road, On the, 393
- Equipment, Spares and, for Colonial Cars, 473
- Esher, The Bear Hotel at, 25, 321
- Evesham, Abbey Manor and Offenham Ferry at, 309
- Exhaust: A Bulbous Growth on a, 518. Collector that Causes Little Back Pressure, A, 490
- Fingest, Scene on the Road to, 260
- Flooded Road: Lady Motorist Finds Use for, 183.
- Warning, R.A.C., 398 Floods: At Egham, 223. At Ilsley, Berks, 533. At
- Windsor, 181. The Uncertainty of, 270 Flywheel, Marking a, for Dead Centre 112 Forest of Dean, The, 374, 375
- Four-wheeler Built from Parts of a Lagonda, 179 French: Army: Light Car on. Active Service with
- the., 27; Tests Cyclecar Ambulances, 557.
- Motor Convoy at the Front, 206 Friction Drive Incorporating a Direct, Drive on Top, A, 498, 516
- Friston, near Beachy Head, Church at, 496 Front, The—(See " War ") Fuel: Flow of, When Hill-climbing, 341. Paraffin as a, 415. Straining, Before Reaching Petrol Pipe, 427
- Funnel, An Improvized Paper, for Filling Radiator, 477
- Gates on the Bath Road, Result of, 166
- Game Dealer's Singer, A, 418
- Garage: Equipment: Cyclecar, 6; of a Business, 419, 420. Spring Cleaning the, 507
- Gauge, An Imperial Standard, 285
- Gear: Brake, Parts to Lubricate in, 243. Ratios for Cyclecar with a 21<3 to 1 Top Gear, 554. Wheel Drive, Incorrect Methods of Setting, 384
- Generator, Electrical Operation of, 380
- GENERATORS: LOW, %. Smith, 96 Gipsy, The Motor, 331, 332
- Glendalough, Scenes in, 362
- Goudhurst, Village of, 400
- Grasmere, Dove Cottage at, 495
- Great Britain, Country Mansions of, 66, 67
- Great North Road, Near Barnet, 71
- Ground Clearance, To Increase, 142
- Gwaen Valley, In the, 235
- Hacksaw, A Simple, 282
- Hammers, Ball-pene and Cross-pene, 540
- Handy Worker, Stewart, ,278, 279
- Harlech Castle, Ruins of, 220
- Hatfield; And Hertford, In the Lanes Between, 69. Demonstration of Light Cars at, 105
- Headlights, Focussing the, 102
- Hendon, The Hale at, 216
- Hill, A Well-known, Observations on, 563
- Hill-climbing. Flow of Fuel when, 341,
- Holland: British Officer Interned in, 533. To-day in, 471
- Home: Alterations Made at, 210b, 211. Mechanic Methods and Materials for, 284, 285
- Home Country, Fascination of the, 495, 496
- Hood Fastener, Dot (Brown Bros.), 31
- Hoods, Auster, 190
- HORNS: A.M.C., 109. Jay-Bee (Taylor and Co.), 95. Long (Markt and Co.), 95. Perfect (Smith), 95. Rejax, 95. Simras, 95. Sparton, 95. Stewart, 95
- Horse, A Humberette that Costs 30s. Less than a, 408
- Horse-power Curve: Lessons Taught by, 154, 155. Two-cylinder Engine, 490, 491
- Hotel, Wayside, in Cincinnati, 547
- Houghton-on-tbe-Hill, Leicester, After the Blizzard near, 4fi9
- Ho.unds: Lady Motorist's Experiences when Following the, 382. 383. To, on a Light Car, 287-289
- Humorous, 409, 413
- Hunting on a Light Car. 382, 383
- Ickneild Way, A Good Stretch on the., 509
- Iffley, Oxford, Norman Church at, 261
- Ightham, Kent, Mote House at, 67
- Ilsley, Berks., Floods at. 533
- Induction Pipe: Air Leakage in, Locating, 427. Cracked, Methods of Repairing, 513. Heating the, on a Morgan, 390
- Industry, Motor—(See "Motor") .
- Inn Signs, Ancient and Modern, 425, 426
- Italian Town, In an, 2JJ6
- Ithon Valley, In the, 441
- Iver Hatch, The Crooked Billet at, 545
- Jack, A Simple, 6
- JACKS: Brown Bros., 92. Little Giant (Markt and Co.), 92. Morris-Russell, 92
- " Jockey and Jinny," A Home-made, 549
- Kenilworth: Castle, 575; in Winter, 64, 104. Coventry Road, After the Blizzard on the, 478
- Kent: The Ightham Mote House in, 67. The Land of, 400
- Khaki Armlet Quite Usual with Cyclecar Drivers, 74
- Kilgerran Castle, 235
- Knighton, In, 440
- Lady: And the Light Car, The, 24. Driven: Perry in Epping Forest, 411; Singer Light Car, 451. Driver Does Not Display Usual Feminine Antipathy for Cows When On Light Cars, 48; Finds A.A. Patrol a Useful Helper, 140. Motorist: A Bristol, 69; Delivering Magazines, etc., to the Wounded, 248; Experiences of a: During Christmas Holidays, 170, 171, When Following the Hounds, 382, 383, When Winter Driving, 114; Finds Use for Flooded Road, 183; Practical Instruction Given by, to Wounded Soldiers, 194, 195; The Light Car Makes a Strong Appeal to the, 21. Motorists on a Singer, Two, 120
- LADY LIGHT CAIUSTS: Hough, Miss, 517, 552. McConnell, Mrs. H. P., 321
- LAMPS: Brown Bros., 218. C.A.V., 218. F.R.S., 96. Gamage, 218. Lucas, 219. Miller and Co., 219. Morris-Russell, 218. Powell and Han-mer, 219. Rotax, 219. Smith and Sons, 96, 218
- Lamps: Side, Method of Fitting, 225. To Conform with New Lighting Order, 218, 219
- Langloy: Almshouses at, 340. Park Gates, Snow and Frost Effect at, 119
- Lapping Device, A Home-made, 384
- Leaf Spring Lubricators: Duco (Brown Bros.), 410. Eros, 188
- Leak in Water Jacket, Stopping with Copper Plug, 293
- Leicester and Doncaster, A Gross-grown Stretch Between, 508
- Leith Hill, Snow Among the Evergreens Around, 131
- Light and Shade, A Contrast in, 431
- Light in Darkness, 14, 15
- Light Car: And a "Scheme" Day with a Signal Company, 216. And Cyclecar: Carburetters for 1916, 87; Engines for 1916, 80; Tyres for 1916, 88, 89. An Economy Point of View of the, 512. As a Business Vehicle, 229. As a Mobile Battery, The. 349. British, Americanized, to Suit Australian Roads, 474. Chassis, Plan of, 242, 243. Colonial Use, Fitting a for, 46. Construction, Contrasts in, 123. Developments in Spain, 276, 277. Handy Vehicle for Taking Wounded Soldiers for Outings, 145. How It Should be Finished, 149, 150. Hunting on a, 382, 383. Importance ol Detail Attention to, 242-244. Maintenance of, 513-515. Makes a Strong Appeal to the Lady Motorist, The, 21. Of the Future, The, 421-423. On Active Service with the French Army, 27. Perfect Lighting of a, 210, 210a. Points, Important, Considered, 356, 357. Purposes, Possibility of the Two-stroke Engine for, 485, 486. The Adaptable, 503, 504. The Lady and the, 24. To Hounds on a, 287-289. Two-seater, Constructed by a Reader, 510. Utility of the, 418
- Light Carist, Confessions of a, 199
- LIGHT CARISTS: Andreu, Senor Juanito, 559. Bradley, Lieut., 565. Brownsort, P.O., R.N.A.S., 101. Corah, Mr. J. R. (Assistant County Director of Leicester V.A.D.), 553. Custals, Senor, 276. Groves, Lieut., R.N.R., 533. Guell, Baron de, 276. Hackett, B.S.M. J., 224. Hirst, Mr. Livingstone, 498. Irwin, Mr. F. G., 165. Keiller, Mr. C. M., 249. MacDonald, Gunner R.A., 224. More, Senor, 27fi, 558. Gates, Mr., 321. Tate, Mr. Harry, 184. West, Mr. T., 500
- LIGHT CARS AND OYCLECARS: A.-C., 4, 26, 32, 43, 64, 65, 69, 101, 104, 270, 388, 467, 518, 543-545; Auster Hood Fitted to, 190; Change-speed Mechanism on, 136; Upkeep of, 301, 302. A.-C. Cabriolet, 82. A.-C. Sociable, 32. 306; Fans on, How to Dispense with, 296; Starting Handle on an. 365; Windscreen for, 479. Adamson, 307. Alldays, 32, 141. Aviette, 306; A Modified, 430 Baby Peugeot—(See "Peugeot" below). Bayard, 32. Bedelia, 32. Buckingham, 32; Engine on, 151 Calcott, 43, 124, 342, 466, 536; Upkeep of, 350. Calthorpe, 34, 43, 141, 466, 500, 519. Calthorpe Minor, 144; Pedals and Reciprocating Parts of, 30; Upkeep of, 372, 373. Calthorpe T.T. Racer " Toddles," 574. Car-den, 34, 105, 252, 306, 370, 452, 518. Charronette, 34, 43. Chater Lea, 34. Chiribiri, 236. Crouch, 35. Cummikar, 35 David, 276, 277, 322, 558, 559; Variable Pulleys of the, 532. Day-Leeds, 35. Deemster, 52, 54. D.L., 37. D-Ultra, 35. DyG, 276 Enfield, 57, 251 Gamage, 37. Globe, 43. G.N., 37, 76, 77, 307, 466, 520, 521; Engine on, 121; Keeping in Running Order, 17; Upkeep of, 442. G.W.K., 19, 37, 49, 69, 141, 214, 229, 307, 389, 431, 452, 466, 483, 497, 518, 519, 523, 536, 537, 542; To Obviate Oil Splashes on, 343; Upkeep of, 417 Hampton, 56. Horstmann, 37, 433; Engine on, 29. Humberette, 42, 273, 108, 467, 563; Additions and Alterations to, 528; Improvements on, 438, 439, 516; Valve Timing of a, 534. Hurlincar, 37 Ideal, 276, 559 J.B.S., 59. Jowett, 146, 147, 351 Ladscar (Gamage), 250. Lagonda, 43, 321, 467, 572; Engine on, 29; Four-wheeler Built from Parts of, 179; Upkeep of, 404. L.M., 38, 389 Meteorite, 38, 44, 103. Milwain, 11, 12. Morgan, 39, 49, 71, 105, 224, 306, 330, 370, 467, 517, 518, 563, 574; Alterations Made at Home to. 210b, 211; Chain Guards for, Dimensions of, 295; Chains of, Leather Shield to Keep, Clean, 564; Improvements Carried Out on a, 329; Induction Pipe on, Heating the, 390; Mudguards on, 317; Rear Wheel of: Spindles for, 20, To Facilitate Detachment of, 121; Seat for Third Passenger on, 274. Morgan (Sporting), 501. Morris-Cowley, 39. En Famille on a, 366; Fitted with Every Accessory, 210, 210a. Morris-Oxford, 38, 203, 370, 373, 467. 533 Newey, 39 Old Mill, 38
- Perry, 411. Peugeot (Baby), 206, 294, 322, 367, 370, 447-449, 538, 565; Lady's Cabriolet, 408; Upkeep of, 55]. Peugeot-BSbe, 518. Princess (American), 40, 108 Raleigh, 39 Saxon, 40, 121; Change-speed Mechanism on, 136; Engine on, 29. Singer, .1, 40, 53, 120, 140, 184, 227, 287-289, 307, 370, 424, 432, 451, 466, 472, 489, 499, 533, 537; A Game Dealer's, 418; Experimenting with Wbeelbase of, 167, 168; (Jearbox on, 314, and Rear Axle, 137; Upkeep of, 325, 326. Standard, 40, 114. 165, 467, 478, 572; Engine on, 29; with Ingenious Method of Carrying Spare Wheel, 498. Stel-lite, 467, 469, 553. Swift, 40, 443, 466, 501, 566, 575; Upkeep of, 505 Tweenie, 45 Williamson Cyclca, 42. Wilton, 10, 378, 379, 466 Zebra, 206
- Light Cars: And Cyclecars: for 1916, 33-43; Typical British, 466, 467. Lubrication Systems on, 376, 377. Modern, and Their Upkeep—(See "Upkeep"). Road Performances of, How to Determine, 154, 155. Second-hand, Notable, on Sale, 574—(See' " Second-hand "). Suiting, to the Owner, ?133. 439
- Light Dimmers, Gamage, 269
- Lighting and Starting Set of the Light Car of the Future, 423
- Lighting: Order, New: Lamps to Conform with the, 218, 219: Map Showing Scheduled Areas, 174, 175. Perfect, of a Light Car, 210, 210a. Regulations: Schedule 2—Ring! 315; To Obtain Best Results Allowed by, 14, 15
- Lighting Set, Avoiding Trouble with a, 459
- LIGHTING SETS: Broit, 83. C.A.V., 83, 84. Hall (Morris-Russell), 84. Kemco, 84. Lucas, 83, 210a. Rejax, 84. Rotax, 83, 84. Scott. 84
- Lights, Reduced, Areas, A.A. and M.U. Street Lamp Transparencies for, 72
- Linlitbgow Palace, 495
- Llandaff Cross, Pembroke, 295
- London: A Main Road near, 388. Front Garden of, 400. Snow Plough at Work on Main Road Out of, 348. Traffic Contiol: Order Out of Chaos, 263-265
- Low, Dr. A. M.: Article by: "Originality in Springing," 567-570. Book by: "Two-stroke Engine," Illustration from, 222
- Lubricant, Funnel for Inserting, in Bark Axles, 112
- Lubrication: Necessary, 242-244. Systems on Light Cars, 376, 377
- Lubricators, Leaf Spring: Duco (Brown Bros.), 410. Eros, 188
- Ludgate Circus, Traffic at, 263, 264
- Lusitania Day, Procession of Cars on, 572
- Madrid and Barcelona, Example of Road Between, 277
- Magna Charta Island, Runnymede, 195
- Magneto: Parts that May Give Trouble on the Road, 402, 403. Protecting the, with a Box, 473. Slip Ring of, Method of Cleaning, 514. Testing, 513
- MAGNETOS: Dixie (American). 212, 213. Mira, 98
- Mansions, Country, in Great Britain, 66, 67
- Map: Measurer, An Easily-made, 407. Reading, A Study in, 26
- MAPS: Allies' Reciprocal Trade Blockade of Central Powers. 300. Bv-way Routes, 260. Lancashire Industrial District, To Avoid, 10. Lighting Order, Schedu'ed Areas, 174, 175. Oxfordshire, West, Round Trip in, 157
- Marlborough, Bath Road West of, Roman Mounds on the. 451
- Mascots, 239, 240
- Matilda, The Doinsrs of. 134
- Matters of Taste, 530, 531
- Mechanic. Home, Methods and Materials for the, 284, 285
- Memory, A Question of, 170, 171
- Midlands, Lanes in the, in Winter, 64, 65
- Military: Motorist Starting Up His Morgan, 330. Motor Matters of the: Baby Car, Experiences on a, 428, 429; Car or Horse? 525; "Horror of War," A, 458; Light Car and a Scheme Day with a Signal Company, 216; Night Driving at Camp, 337; Our Garage, 266; Overgrown Light Car, The, 493. Officer, Exciting Motor Drive of a, 354, 355
- MONOCA.RS— (See "Light Cars and Cyclecars")
- Moonlight, Driving in the, 280, 281
- "Motor Cycling" Gipsy Club Easter Meeting, Cyclecars at, 518, 519
- Motor: Drive of a Military Officer, An Exciting, 354, 355. Gipsy, The, 331. 332. Industry: Conserve It Now: A Reciprocal Blockade of the Central Powers, 300. Matters of the Military—(See "Military"). Travel, Contrast in, 455
- Motoring: In All Seasons, 308. In War Time: A Day of Novel Experiences, 444, 445. Pleasure and Recreative, 362. " Pleasure "—(See "Pleasure"). Utility, 409
- Motors: A Little Shy of, But Will Get Worse Shocks at the Front, 535. Creatures of the Night in the New Forest and, 60
- Mudguard for a Morgan, 317
- Naval Officer, Baby Peugeot in the Hands of a, 294
- New Forest: Creatures of the Night in, and Motors, 60. Pleasures of Motoring in, 331, 332. Ponies, Foals and Deerhounds in, 332 New Zealand-made Cyclecar, A, 430
- Night, Creatures of the, in the New Forest, and Motors, (i0
- Northampton, Queen Eleanor's Cross at, 291 North, Traffic Scene in the, 141
- Notice Board Occasionally Seen on the Road, 19
- Ntmeaton, " Lawyer Dempster's " House at, 197
- Nut, Removing, Method of. 548
- Nuts, Bolts and Spanners, 526, 527
- Offenham Ferry, 309
- Oil: And Petrol, Wilful Waste of, 490, 481. Cool,
- Method of Keeping, 70. Drums, Emptying,
- Method of, 296. Splashes, To Obviate, on
- G.W.K. Cars, 343. Springs, Binding, with
- Cord Soaked in Boiled, 473 Oil Box, Blown (Markt and Co.), 98 Oiling System, Bird Feed, Diagram of, 576 Old Wyche Cutting, Mialvem, 517 Overhauling, Spring^ General Hints on, 461, 462 Overhauls, How to Do, Unaided, Tools and Materials
- for, 284, 285 Owner: Driver: Home Repairs for, 7, 8; Methods and Materials for Home Repairs by, 284, 285.
- Suiting the Light Car to the, 438, 439
- Painting, Varnishing and Enamelling Light Cars, 149, 150
- Paraffin: As a Fuel, 415. Engine Modified to Run on, 324. Petrol Mixture, Carburetter Arrangement for, 389
- Parkend, Forest Road Near, 374
- Passengers, Four, on a Singer Light Car, 432
- Pemberton-Billing's, Mr., Car, 519
- Pembridge. Village of, 440
- Pembroke, Llandaff Cross in, 295
- Pembrokeshire, Scenes in, 235
- Petrol: And Oil, Wilful Waste of, 490, 491. Can, . One Gallon, A Spare, 564. Paraffin Mixture, Carburetter Arrangement for, 389. Pipe: Broken, Repair to a, 564; Straining Fuel Before Reaching, 427. Tank, To Examino Interior of, 450
- Pevensey, Roman Wall and Bastion at, 221
- Piston Rings, Burned-in, To Free, 159
- Pjpton Ring System, Vivinus (Raphael and Co.), 18
- Pistons, Pondeliok Bros. (American), 367
- Place Names, The Meaning of, 177
- " Pleasure" Motoring: A Type of, that Will Cease, 482. Form of, Encouraged by Government, 436. Indeed! 413 In War Time, 393. One Form of, that Will Not Offend the Susceptibilities of the Economical, 333
- Pliers, Cutting and Gas, 540
- Plug, Soarking: Dimensions It Should be Set to, to Ensure Easv Starting, 50; Testing Spark of, 514
- PLUGS: Apollo, 109, O.A.V., 94. Hobson, 94. L.M., 269. Lodge, 94. Low Cup Detonating, 188. Oleo, 94. Simms, 94. Sphinx, 94
- Plugs, Misfiring, Testing. 200
- Poperinghe Road: Before the War, 546
- Portsmouth Road, Scene on the. 342
- Potterne, Near Devizes, Old Timbered House at, 67
- Preceley Mountains, In the, 235 '
- Prasteigne: Old House; in, 440. On the Road Near, 441
- Progression. Three Modes of,. 49
- Pulleys, Variable, of the David Light Car, 532 1'yrton Manor, 66
- Race Meetings: Economy of the Light Car for Attending, 512 Windsor, Light Cars and Cycleears at, 208
- Races, By Road to the, 436
- R.A.C. " Road Flooded " Warning, 398
- Radiator: An Improvized Paper Funnel for Filling, 477. As Hand Warmer, 317
- Radnor Forest, In, 441
- Radnorshire, The Hill Country of, 440, 441
- Red Cross Hospital: At Abbey Manor, Evesham, 309. At Tewkesbury, 443
- Registration Certificate of jowett Car, 351
- Reigate Hill, Observations on, 563
- Repairs: Electrical, Hints on, 58. Fittings to Facilitate, 6 Home for the Owner-driver, 7, 8. How to Do, Unaided, Tools and Materials for, 284, 285
- Rickmansworth, Inn Sign of White Swan at, 426
- Richmond Park, Winter in, 118
- Ridgs Valley, 230
- Ringwood, The River Avon at, 332
- River Hill, Near Sevenoaks, 52.
- Road: Flooded: Lady Motorist Finds Use for, 183 ; Warning, R.A.C., 398. Improvement, A Devon, 116, 117. In Winter, The, 118, 119. Notice Board Occasionally Seen on the, 19. Obstruction Which Requires Careful Negotiation, 48. Performances of Light Cars, How to Determine, 154, 155. Stoppages, Ordinary, and Their Cure, 401-403
- Roadside and Garage Tips, 247, 282, 341, 363, 384, 450, 548
- Roehampton Lane Cross Roads, An Elderly Gentleman Takes the Place of an A.A. and M.U Patrol at, 298
- Roman: Mounds on the Bath Road West of Marl-borough, 451. Road at Blackpool Bridge, 374. Wall and Bastion at Pevensey, 221
- Romney Marsh, Scene on, 400
- Royal Engineers Signal Co., Officers of, in Singer light Car, 53
- Ruislip, Swakesleys Near, 67
- Runabout, Boy's," Ladsear (G-»mage), 250
- Running: Costs. Apportioning, the, 62, 63. Order, Keeping a 6.N in, 17. Slow, Overcoming with Solex Old Type Carburetter, 344
- Runnymede, Magna Charta Island at, 495
- Runton, Aylmerton Cross Near, 420
- Rye, YpTes Tower at, 400
- Sitintsbury, Gloucestershire, Wayside Cross at, 290
- Sandwich Church, 400
- San Sebastian, Example of Road Near, 277
- Screwdriver, Gamage Rubber-handled, 269
- Seasons, Motoring in All, 308
- Seat: For Third Passenger on a Morgan, 274. Tip-up, Driver's Side DOOT and, 552
- Second-hand: Car, Buying a, 254, 255. Cars, A Blind Man Who Buys and Sells, and His Dog, 45. Light Cars, Notable, on Sale, 574
- Sevenoaks, River Hill Near, 52
- Shakespeare: Shottery Manor, Where He was Married, 495
- Sherwood Fn-rest, A Glade in, 495
- Shipton-under-Wychwood, Fifteenth Century Inn at, 15*
- SHOCK ABSORBERS: Brewree, 98. J.M., 98
- Shottery Manor, 495
- Side Lamps—(See "Lamps")
- Signal Company: Liirht Car and a "Scheme" Day with a, 216. R.E., Officers on a Singer Light Oar, 53
- Sleeve Valve Engine, Diagrams, of. 292
- Snowball Battery, Light Car as a Mobile, 349
- Snow: Driving in. 364. In the North of England, 566. Plough at Work on Main Road Out of London, 348. Singer Light Car Battles with the, 424. Sixty Mfles of, on a Standard Light Car, 114. Work, Studies in, 395, 396
- Snowfall, After the First, on Wimbledon Common, 103
- So)diers>, Wounded. Practical Instruction for, 194, 195—(See " Wounded ")
- Somersby Church, 495
- .South, To the, in Search of Sunshine, 310, 311
- Spain, Light Oar Developments in, 276, 277—(See " Trials ")
- Spanners, Nuts, and Bolts, 526, 527
- Spares and Equipment for Colonial Oars, 473
- Sparking Plugs—(See " Plugs ")
- Speech House, Forest of Dean, and View Near, 375
- Speed Mechanism, Change, Location of, 136, 137
- Speedometer Drive, Alternative Methods of, 78
- SPEEDOMETERS: Jones, 78. Smith, 78. Stewart, 78. Watford, 78
- Spring: Cantilever Half Elliptic, 357. Lubrication, Methods of, 244
- Spring Cleaning the Garage, 507
- Springing: A Question of, 13. Originality in, 567-570
- Spring Leaf Lubricators: Duco (Brown Bros.), 410. Eros, 188
- Springs, Binding, with Cord Soaked in Boiled Oil, 473
- Springtime. Winter in, 4?9
- St. Albans and Dunstable, A Difficult Traffic Ob-struotAon Between, 105
- Stanton, Village Crow of, 290
- Starting: And Lighting Set of Light Car of the Future, 423. Easy: Dimensions Contact Breaker and Sparking Plug Should be Set to Ensure, 50; Methods to Secure, 204. Handle on an A.-O. Sociable, 365. Motors and Their Principles of Working, 397
- St. Brides Bay, 235
- St. Davids, 235
- Steel Tubing, Different Forms of, 285
- Steering: Gearbox. Type of, 461. Gear, Types of, 257. Joints, To Lubricate, 243. System, Point* Where Wear Will Occur in, 226"
- Stewart Handy Worker. 278, 279
- St. Neots, Inn" Sign of Cross Keys at, 4!26
- Stonebridge Hotel, 75
- Subaltern, Youthful, How a, Finished His Motoring Education, 152, 153
- Summer, The First Touch oi, 545. Brings the Leaves Out, 355
- Surhiton Promenade, Training Ship off the, 433
- Swakeslej's, Near Kuislip, 67
- Taplow, Saxon Burial Mound or " Low " at, 177
- Tappets, Clearance Between, Testing, 272
- Taste, .Matters of, 530, 531
- Tennyson's Father, Church Where He was Rector, 495
- Terminal on trie Contact Breaker to which. Switch Wire is Fixed, 318
- Tewkesbury V.A.D. Hospital, Wounded Soldiers at, 443
- Thames: Between Windsor and Staines, 207. In Flood at Windsor, 181
- Three-wheeler: A Home-built, 101. In Which Class Should It be Placed—Car or Cycle? 306, 307
- Timing: Diagram of a V-Twin Engine, 226. Of a Humberette, 534. Showing Effect of Valve Rockers on, 363
- Tool Rack, A Simple, 6. Sharpening Block, A, 564 Tool-roll. Smith and Sons, 98
- Trade, Real Causes of Expansion and Loss of: A Reciprocal Blockade of the Central Powers, 300
- Trafalgar Square, Traffic at, 265 Traffic: Control, London : Order Out of Chaos, 263-265. Obstruction Between St. Albans and Dunstable, A Difficult, 106. Scene in the North, 141 Travel: In War Time—/See "Business"!. Motor, Contrast in, 455
- Travelling in England—Yesterday, To-day, and Tomorrow, 110 TRIALS: Birmingham M.C.C. Easter, 517, 552. -
- Spanish, 558, 559; Finish of, 322 Trouble on the Road, Tracing, 401-403 Two-seater: A Low-priced Economical, 421-423.
- Light. Car Constructed by a Reader, 510 Two-stroke Engine: Illustration from Dr. Low's Book on, 222. Possibility of, for Light Car Purposes. 485, 486
- Tyre: Accessories and Fitments, 92. Pity the Poor, 334. 335. Pump, A Foot, as a Blowing Device, 247. Repair Tip, A, 262. Repairs Facilitated by Marking Tube with BIUP. Pencil, 407 Tyre Cove-, Brooks. 92 Tyre Gaiter, John Bull, 92
- Tyre Gauges: Dunlop Pressure. 31. Schrader, 314 Tyre Pumps: Simms, 92. Smith, 92 Tyre Repair Outfits : Chemico, 92. John Bull, 92 Tyre Repair Stud, Mustikon, 92
- TYRES : Avon, 88, 89. Clincher, 89. Dunlop, 88. Goodrich, 88. Goodyear, 89. Henley, 89. Hermetic, 89. Hutohinson, 88. Kempshall, 88. Moseley, 89. Palmer, 88, 89, 524. R.O.M., 89. Skew, 88. Stelastic, 89. Stepney, 88. Wood-Milne, 88
- Tyres, Light Car and Cyclecar, for 1916, 88, 89
- Tyre Tube Saver, Leo-Soo, 188
- Tyre Valve Connection, Dunlop, 92
- Universal: Joint, Leather Disc and Ordinary Star Pattern, 356; Testing a, 255. Joints, Types *of,, 462
- Upkeep, Modern Light Cars and Their: A.-C, 301, 302. Calcott, 350. Calthorpe Minor, 372, 3/3. G.N., 442. G.W.K., 417. Lagonda, 404. Overhaul, Spring, General Hints on, 461, 462. Peugeot (Baby), 551. Singer, 325, 326. Swift, 505
- Utility: Light Car, Some Work Done by the, 505, 504. Motoring, 409
- Valve: A Leaking, To Detect, 200. Covers for Cyclecar Engine, Making, 450. Rockers, Showing Effect of, on the Timing, 363. Timing: Diagram, of a V-Twin Engine, 226; of a Humberette, 534
- Valves, Removing, Two Methods of, 515
- Village: An Artist-haunted—Br&mbter, 560. Crosses of England, 290, 291
- Virginia Water, Near, 132
- VULCANIEERS : Ara, 385. H.F. Baby, 92, 385. Marvel, &2. Simms, 385
- Wade's, General, Road at Drumochter Pass, 221
- Wales, A Little England Beyonu, 235
- WAR : Front, The: Back from, Lieut. Bradley, 565; French Motor Convoy at the, 206; Home on Leave After 15 Months at, Mr. T. West, 500. Light Car on Active Service with the French Army in the, 27. Work, A Stellite Light Car on, 553
- Wars: When They Were Fought on British Soil, 220, 221
- War Time: Motoring in: A Day of Novel Experiences, 444, B5. Travel in—(See " Business ")
- WATCHES: Smith and Sons, 78. Taylor and Co., 78. Watford, 78
- Water: Cooling System, Where Leaks May Occur in the, 122.. Jacket: Cracked, Repairing a, 480; Leak in, Stopping with Copper Plug, 293
- Ways, New, Opening, and Improving Old, 508, 509
- Weather, Foretelling the, 549
- West Coast Route, A Loop Road to the, 9, 10
- Wheel: A Jammed, Removing, 282. Changing, To Facilitate, 242. Puller, Incorrect Way of Using, 247. Rear, of a Morgan: Spindles for, 20; To Facilitate Detachment, 121. Spare, Ingenious Method of Carrying on a Standard Light Car, 498
- Wheelbase, Singer, Experimenting with, 167, 168
- Wheel Cover, Spare, Dunlop, 92
- WHEELS: Lynton, 79. Rally (Disc), 79. Riley, 79. Sankey, 79. Stepney, 79
- Wheels, Road, Lining Up the, 7, 8
- Whitby, The Moor Near, Snow on, 566
- Wilmington, The Long Man of, 311
- Wimbledon Common, After the "First Snowfall on, 103
- Windscreen for A.-C. Sociable, 4(9
- Windscreens: Capital Hood and Screen Co., 225. Holdall (Leese Hall), 98
- Windsor: And Staines, Thames Between, 207. Racecourse, 251; A Bridge on the Way to, 227. Race Meeting, Light Cars and Cycle-cars at, 208. River Thames in Flood at, 181
- Winter: Driving, Lady Motorist's Experiences of, 114. In Springtime, 469. Keeping Warm in, 64. .Kenilworth Castle in, 64, 104. The Road in, 118, 119
- Wisley Hnt: Hotel, 370, 371. Light Cars at, 518
- Wordsworth's Home, 495
- Worker, Handy, Stewart, 278, 279
- Worminghall, Almshouses at, 340
- Worthing Road, Gathering Wild Flowers on the, 523
- Wotton Hatch Hotel, 161
- Wounded: Anzacs in Cape Town, 165. Lady Motorist Delivering Magazines to the, 248. Outing: Cycleoar Club, 333; Streatham and District M.C.C., 482. Soldier Assisting to Change Wheel, 145. Soldiers: At Cheltenham Raoe Club Grand-Stand, 386; at Eves-ham, 309; At Tewkesbury V.A.D. Hospital, 443; in Lusitania Day Procession, 572; Practical Instruction for, 194, 195; Taking for Drives, 100
- Ypres : Cathedral and Cloth Hall at: Before the War-, 546. Tower at Rye, 400
- Zanzibar, A G.W.K. in, 389
See Also
Sources of Information