Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Lightcar: Index v11: (1917/11/26 to 1918/05/20)

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a section of Light Car and Cyclecar

See the Issues for this index

INDEX: Volume 06. - Issues 26th Nov 1917 to 20th May 1918.

  • A.A. AND M.U.: And Speed Limit in Cbudkigh, 505. And United Council: Still Far from Unity, 336; Why it is Standing Out, 314, 315. .£1000 Prize for Coal-gas Invention, 59, 76, 332, 353
  • Accelerator Pedal Control, 355
  • Accessories: American—(See "Novelty, Spice of"). And Equipment, 501
  • Accessories, Smith and Sons' Motor, 410
  • Accident: Being Ready for the Unexpected, 49ft. Fatal: The Way We Have, 198. Indefinite Evidence, 155. No excuse, 372
  • Accidents Will Happen, 94
  • Accumulator: Acid, Danger of, - 41. Peculiar Characteristics of the, 494
  • Accumulators, Care and Upkeep of, 33
  • Acetylene, Oxy, Cutting, 170
  • A.-C.U. and the United Council: Why it is Standing Out, 314, 315
  • Advertising British Goods, 99
  • Aero Engine, Dictates of the, 263
  • Aeroplane: How it Flies, 467. The Commercial, 489
  • Aircraft Work: Applications for, 177. Opportunities for, 112
  • Air: Device, Extra, Dash-controlled, 62. Locks: How They Are Caused, 259. Power, The Resources of a Great, 395. Supply, Heating the, 36S, 449
  • Air Heater, GaJo, 45, 366
  • Air Raids: And Insurance oi Car?, 5. Motors and, 358
  • Alchemist, The Modern, 43
  • Alcohol, Home-produced, Why Not? 353
  • Allotments, Motor Problems on, 316,
  • Alloy Metals, British Supplies of, 100
  • Altitude, High, and Cooling, 264
  • Amateur Mechanic, A Few Useful Wrinkles lor the, 172
  • Ambulances, Motor, Reckless, 392
  • America: National Automobile Chamber of Commerce of, and the World's Greatest Motor Industry, 392. South, British Cars in: Failures Only Wanted, 428
  • American: Cars: from a British 'Standpoint, 6; Not Built to Last, 20. Exports, Further Restrictions on, 352. Idea*—(See " Novelty, Spice of"). Imports, A Tariff on Cars: Somewhat Confusing, 372. Slump, If There Were an, 42. View of Travel in War Time. 465
  • America's: Pull Over Great Britain, 27. War Boom. 133
  • Armangue. Senor J. M., Heath of. 3
  • Asbestos. 436. Tyres, 22
  • Associations: To Bring Them Together. 315. When They Are United. 202
  • Atomizer and Mixture Heater. A, 87
  • Australian light Car, An. 199
  • Auto-Carriers (1911), Ltd.: Good Year of. 290. £50,000 Capital. 76. Spare Parts StoTes, A Visit to, 82
  • Automobile Engineering: The Cursr of " Secrecy," B3
  • Avon India Rubber Co.'s Factory, A Visit to, 398
  • Axle Device, Sheldon, for Brake Adjustment. 1W
  • Axle Filling: Back, 100. Made Easy, Grease Pump for. 97
  • Axles, Lubricating the, 487
  • Bank of Industry. An Imp&rial, 98
  • Bargain Hunter. The, 138
  • Barimar, Ltd.: Capturing Another German Industry, 2
  • Barnstaple, Common Sense at. 112
  • Base Chamber, A Leaknroof, 295
  • Battery Gauge, Jewel, 355
  • Bearing. Ball: Extractor, A, 44. Replacements. 38
  • Bearings: Ball: and Lubrication. 49fi; and Roller, To Remove and Replace them, 419. Mixed. Danger of. 54
  • Beck, P.O.." Recognition of, «6
  • Beginner's Guide. Two Women. A Light Car and a. R9 ^
  • Beldam Tyre Cn.'s Dividend. !)l
  • Belfast and a Dentist. 23
  • Bench Hint?. A Few Handy. 122
  • Bianchi Motors, Ltd.. and Two Illustration". __lfi3
  • Birmingham: Common sense at, 177. Way of. 451
  • Blowlamp*. For Starting. 428
  • Board of Trade Limit Petrol Profits, 269
  • Bodies in Proportion, Some, 416
  • Body: And Frame Design oi CyclecaKj of the Future, 499. Novel, on a Calihorpe, 38. The, 441. To Smarten and Preserve the, 307
  • Bodywork: Designing, Fundamental Principles for, 208. Overhaul of, 33
  • Bombed and Fogged, 253
  • Bomb Proofs, Profitable, 432
  • Booklet, Temple Press Manuals, 59
  • BOOKS: " Oyclecar Manual, The," 455. "Drive a Light Car and Cyclecar, How to," 145, 146. " Dyke's Automobile" Encyclopaedia," 154. " Leaves from My Diary " (Dunlop Rubber Co.), 313. 'Motorist's Workshop," .291. " Motor Mechanics' Manual," 506, 516. "Motor Repair Work," 126. "Practical Flying," 132, 467, 489. " Work and Training of the R..F.C." ("Illustrated London News"), 2. "Work and Training of the R.N.A.S." ("Illustrated London News"), 79. "Year Book, 1917," of Eagle and British Dominions Insurance Co., 24
  • Bradford's First Car, 20
  • Brake Adjustment, Sheldon Axle Device for, 249
  • Brake: Connections, Tight, 163. Reserve, Remember the, 2. Rods, Chattering, Cure for, 163
  • Brakes: And Wheels, 364, 386. Auxiliary: Quite Certain', 112. Overhaul of, 8
  • Brake, The Prony, 291
  • Braking Systems, 69
  • Brass: And Nickel, Care of, 392. Polish, Cheap, 58
  • Brasswork, Enamel for, 494
  • British: Empire Order.Honours for the Motor Industry, 159. Goods, Advertising, 99. Oilfields, 24. Standpoint, American Cars from a, 6. Trade Methods, 490
  • Brown Bros.' Interim Dividend, 41
  • Bus.ine.&s: And Home, Motoring Between, 246. And Pleasure Motoring, 94. Men, Editors as, 140. Trip on a Morris-Cowley Coupe, 237
  • Businesses, Motor. To Keep Going, 509
  • Bus Route, Every Road a, 154
  • Calendars, Palmer Tyre, Ltd.. 17K
  • Cambridge, .Toy Riding at, 23
  • Camouflage, 179. Just, 71
  • Cannon Fodder, Cars the Latest, 26S
  • Car: An Acrobatic, 392. Coal-gas of the Future, 51. Coke-fired: Ts it Possible? 3+0. Design, vEsthetio, 257. Egg Collection by, 486. Electricity on the, 154. Electric, 31: Possibilities of the, 210. English Prisoner's Model, 77. Four-cylinder, for .£125, 235. Getting the Best Out of a, 20. Harmonious, The, 208. Health-bringing, 61. Heating the, 487. Keeping It in Good Order, 163. Laid tip, Care oi, 171. Laying ITp, When, 39. Medium-weight, Boom, 112. Mudsplasbes in the, 455. Neglect Spells Wear, 320. New or Secondhand, Selection of, 187. Old. in New Hands, An, 192. Piano or? 428., A Home-built, 254. Storing a, A Point When, 352. The Cheapest: Non-taker?, 133. The £50. 478. The Roaring. 176. The Uncontrolled, 3T2. Tools and the Domestic Mind. 28. Touching Up the. 307. Unsold. Storage of, 454. Wasted Space on the; 81. Where a, is a Necessity, 203
  • Carbon, Keeping Down, 402
  • Carburation: And Modern Carburetter Design, Principles of, 495, 515. Considerations, Some Important. 403. Improved. 449
  • Carburetter'! A Bi-fuel, 97. And Induction Pipe Design, Faults in, 444. Flooding. Cause of, 313. 'Position of: Is it Correct? 397. Pressure Valve, A, 319. Scrapping the, A New Zealand Engineer'5 Idea for, 188
  • CARBURETTER HEATERS: Line, 201. Paige, 135
  • Cardiff, Variations at. 23
  • Carrier. A Handy. 353
  • Cars: American: from a British Standpoint. 0: Not Built to Last. 20. And Clothes? Do Spooks Wear and Use. 78. And Mew?. 113. A Tax on. 450. British, in South America : Failures Dnlv Wanted. 4*>8. Cheap, or Wazors? 111. Commandeering Private. Road Transport Scheme nnd. 506. Delivery "f. Permits for Roar), ll.r For Egypt. 312. Government. Used- Will Thev Have a Slavic Time After'the War' 154. Tdle, Commandeering Our, 115. Makes of. in Use: in France, 137; in Italy, 1.18. More Horses, than, 377. Pars About Anything but, 58. ft.F.C. and R.N.A.S.: P.-B.'s Questions, 312. Save Our, *66. Shortage of: To What End, 432. The Latest Cannon Fodder, 268. Two-cylinder, Wanted, 376. Two—Same Number, 2, 20
  • Central Authority, Wanted a, 396
  • Chain: Joining the, 212. Lubrication 193
  • Chassis: Details of, 120. Drilling the, 172. Ferroconcrete, 97
  • Chauffeur Story, A, 181
  • Children Playing in the Road: Being Ready for the Unexpected, 490
  • Chinese Motorists, 291
  • Christmas: Gifts, Sensible, 76. No1 Spirit for, and an Unequal Sacrifice, 79
  • Chudleigh, Speed Limit in, A.A. and M.TJ. and, 505
  • Church: Is It an Often oe to Motor to? 4. No Petrol for Conveyance to, 429. Organists and Petrol Restrictions, 291
  • Clamp, A Useful: A Third Hand, 191
  • Cleaning, News-papers for, 22
  • Clearing House, A Traffic, 395
  • Clerks, Profit-sharing for, 252
  • CLUBS: Birmingham Rotary Club, Commonsense at Luncheon of, 177. Marseilles A.C. F,u«l Congress, 506. M.C.C., A.G.M. of, 176, 200
  • Clutch: Adjustment. Notes on, 260. A Hydraulic (Mr. John Healy's), 333. A New, 431. Fierce, Causes of a, 163. Lubrication, 72
  • C.M.U.A. and Emergency Rations, 247
  • Coachbuilder, The Art of the, 164
  • Coal: Distillation: I>ow Temperature, 272; Process: What is Cracking ? 393. Paper More Precious than, 99
  • Coal-gas: Bag: A Novel, 58; Device, A Neat, 373. Bags: Contraband in: Search Me, 132; Wind Pressure on, 96. Car of the Future, 51. Container: A Noteworthy, 339; The Overhead, 106. Cylinders: for Motor Volunteers, 2; Official Objection to, 116. Driven Cars: Not What they Seem, 222. Filling: Facilities at Button, 176; Stations,' Central London, 95. Generators, Self-contained, 480. Holder Prices, Standard, 246. Impossible with, 20. Invention, A.A. and M.U. £1000 Prize for, 59, 76, 332, 353. No Pressure, for Eastbourne, 95. Not Much, and No Petrol, 357. Now Water-ga,s? 77. Obtainable in Northallerton and Conway, 61. Order: The Eternal Question, 154. Permits: No More, 372; Regulations Regarding, 247. Rally, " Motor Cycling," at Wimbledon, 25, 95. Restrictions, 129; in the Use of, 95. Supnlies: Where Obtainable, 40. The Lifting Power of, 58. The Pessimist, 198. Topics—More Conversions, 25. Trailer, A Reversible, with Only One Wheel, 96. Using : Advice on, 469; Fined for, 376
  • Coal-gas Containers: Gregory Collapsable 25. Stanley Motor Works, Fitted by, 339
  • Coal-gas Traction Committee, 40. Evidence Before : Saving 3,000,000 Gallons, 2G9
  • Coke-fired Car: Ts it Possible ? 340
  • Collision: An Instance of Negligence, 176. On a Bright Moonlight Evening, 372. Wanted, A Gramophone Record, in
  • Combine, The Dangers of a. 271
  • Combines and a Committee of Inquiry, 271
  • Combustion: Head Design, Effect of, on Efficiency of Engine, 476. Studying the. 212
  • Commercial: Aeroplane, The, 489. Motors, A Census of, 454
  • Companies Dissolved, Cyclecar, 246
  • Compression Pressures, 465
  • Connections, Broken, For, 88
  • Consular Service, Our Commercial. 33M
  • Controller for Government Waste AVanted, 132
  • Conway, Coal-gas in, 61
  • Cooling: Cylinder. 431. Hi<jh .Altitude and, 264. Thermo-syphon System of: Theory and Practice, 186
  • Corner, A Dangerous. 113
  • Country Life. Making, More Attractive. 253
  • Cover, Our Front—(See " Front ")
  • Cow, The Inscrutable. 41
  • Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund: London Centre Bohemian Concert. 176. Sir Charles Wakefield President of. 59. Title to be Motor and Allied Trades Benevolent Fund, 500. What's in a Name? 76
  • Cyilecar: A Three-wheel, 473. Boom? A, 352.
  • Companies Dissolved. 246. Discussion on the, 3fi2. Economy of the, 162. Home-built, Interesting. 134." Parts, 96. Transmission, 401
  • Cyclecars: In Munition Service, 177. Of Novel Design, Two, 301. Of the Future, 199
  • Cyclecars— (See " Light Cars and Cyclecars ")
  • Cyclists: Oil Licences for, 22. Where Are- They? 116, 180
  • Cylinder Cooling, 431
  • Cylinders: And Pistons, Bi-metal Construction of, 411. The Battle of the, 403
  • Danger Warning Notices: "Signs" of the Tiuiea, 178
  • Days, The Good Old, 135
  • Day, Topics of the—(See "Topics ")
  • Decarbonizer, Water, Wegman, 12
  • Decarbonizing by Water, 313
  • Decimal System, A Partial, 450
  • Delivery of Cars, Permits for Road, 113
  • Dent Puller, A, 355
  • Design: '^Esthetic Car, 257. Cyclecar, Frame and Body, Consideration of, 499. Engine, Orude-neas of, 345; Progress and Stagflation in, 66. Modern Carburetter, Principles of Caribura-tion and, 495, 515
  • Dickey: Improved Access to the, 26*. In War Time, The., 428. Seat, Some Hints on tihe • Folding, 338 •
  • Differential: Abolishing the, 344. Action, A 8iiuple' Illustration of, 262. And Springing Defects, Tyre Wear Caused by, 383. A Singing, 163
  • Doctors and Their Cars: In " Case," 312
  • Dog: Funerals, No Petrol for, 23. Threatened Extinction of the: Save Our Oars! 466
  • Dogs, Do Not Swerve for, 58
  • Domestic Mind, Car Tools and the, 28
  • Donkeys, Suicidal Instincts of, 61
  • Door Slamming, 446. . Unnecessary, 163
  • Drilling Holes in the Chassis, 172
  • Drivers, Women, Wanted, 393
  • Driver, The Really Good: Some Attempt at Dq/inl-tion, 145
  • Driving: Above Legal Limit! Tie Advantage of Being Pretty, 22. At Night, Dangerously: Stiff Fine for a Youbh, 454. Bad, 466. Cold Weather, Tolerable, 98. Dangerous: Fined for—Deserved a Medal, 22. Licences—(See "Licences"). Reckless, Alleged: Flimsy and Frivolous, 454. Rudiments of, 215. To the Danger of the Public: A Stiff Fine for 17Mryear-old Youth, 154
  • Dunlop Rubber Co.'s: Dividends, 353. Golf Book, 313. War Bond Draw, 132
  • Eastbourne, No Pressure Gas for, 95
  • Easter, Long Evenings at, 293 i
  • Economy: Campaign: Straining at a Gnat, 157. Of the Cyclecar, The, 162. Sixty Suggestions for, 506. Where It Is Needed, 181
  • Editors as Business' Men, 140'
  • Education: A Horrible Nightmare, 116. Of Public Opinion, 297
  • Egg Collection by Oar, 486 . *
  • Egypt, Cars for, 312 i
  • Electrical: Equipment Problems. 367. Leakages, Curious. 494. Measuring Instruments. 305
  • Electric: Car, The, 31; Possibilities'of, 210. Gloves, 77. Starters, 482
  • Electric Light Connections, Rudd Snap Terminals! for, 182 \
  • Electricity: Fire Under Water, 13<f. In the Workshop, 107. On .the Car, 154. Regulations: Not Yet, 288
  • Emery Cloth, Use of. 402
  • Enamel: For Braaswork. 494. War Time, 454
  • Engine: Aero, Dictates of the, 263. Bi-fuel Four-stroke, 87. Compression: - A Plea, for ,11>s Closer Study in the Light Car, 416. Design: Crudeness of. 345; Progress and Stagnation in, 66. Efficiency of. Effect of Combustion Head Deisign on, 476. Fore or- Aft? 421. Functioning, Scientific Study of, 358. Hieh-efficiencv. Future of the;, 360. Lifting Out of the Chassis, Suggestions for, 168. Overhauling the, 33, 279, 327. 342. Single-cvlinder,-Drawbacks. 149. Sounds, Baffling. 299. Testing, Ml. Tihe Gas Turbine, 437, Two^wtroke, The Problem of, 142. Worn, Heavy Oil for. 149
  • Engines, Castor Oil for, 432 ?>
  • Engines. Frost. 247
  • England? Is There Oil in, 112
  • Engrave Name on Took. How to, 241
  • Europe, No Petrol in. 112
  • Exports: French, Highest in 1914. 269. Onr Declining. 17$. Trade. To T>evolop a Great, 7fi. U.S., Further Restrictions on, 352
  • Fan: Adjustment 270. And Horn, Electrio, Combined, 62 Files: Handmade, 459. Using Old, 100 ,'
  • Fines: Hot, at Winchester, 246. Two Curious, 38
  • Finish, Ugly, Avoiding, 347
  • Fire, Petrol, Quenching with Water, 176
  • Flight, A Long-distance, 79
  • Float Chamber, Improved, 431
  • Floor Covering, Worn, 113
  • Fogged, Bombed and, 253
  • Food: Fuel and, 43. Restrictions, The, 178
  • Footrest, The " Resto," 413
  • Forecasts, Happenings and, 4, 27, 42, 63, 78, 98, 115, 137, 157, 179, 202, 227, 251, 271, 293, 315, 335, 357, 377, 395, 432, 450, 469, 488, 509
  • Form Fillers, A Nation of, and the Search for Information, 78
  • Four-seater? Why Not a Light, 113
  • Frame: And Body Deisign of Cyclsears of the Future, 499. Tubular, for a Light Car or Cyclecar, 422. Wooden, Strengthening, 241
  • Frames, Wood, and the Steel Shortage, 154
  • France: Makes of Cars in Use in, 137. New Petrol Restrictions in, 77
  • Freezes First? What, 41
  • Freezing: Bursts Due to, 259. Non, Mixtures, 132
  • French: Army: How Light Cars are Used in the. 137; Service, Light Oars in, 179. Car Import . Duty, .486. Exports Highest in 1914, 269. Move, A Significant, 356
  • Friction and Its Effects, 344
  • Front Cover, Our, 3, 22, 38, 59, 77, 94, 113, 132, 153, 176, 198, 222, 246, 268, 290, 312, 332, 352, 372. 392, 410, 427, 455, 465, 486, 505
  • Froat and Oo.'s, Harvey, Vulcanizing Demonstration, 199
  • Fuel: And Food, 43. Congress, Marseilles A.C.'s, 506. For Internal-combustion Engines: A Little Knowledge, 155. Heating Suggestiorus, Some, 135. Motor, Naphthalene as, 60. Storage, Bulk, 323
  • Fuel: H.T.B. Motor, An Echo of, 486. " Natalite " Alcohol, 393
  • Fuels, Two New, 41
  • Funeral: As Bad as a, Nearly, 133. Dog, No Petrol for, 23. Memorial Service Not a, 96
  • Garage: A £5 War-time, 517. And Repair Hints, 443. And Workshop, The, 519. Equipment, 388. Fitting, A Simple, 26. Improvements in the, #5. The Liability of the. 9
  • Gas: Coal—(See "Coal Gas"). Turbine, The, 437
  • Gauzes, Misuse of, 189
  • Gear Changing, Rudiments of, 215
  • Gearwheels, Checking the Contact Between, 45
  • German: Industry: Capturing Another, 2; Plans "for Returning to, 432. Prison, Life in a, 396
  • Germany: Re-construction Work in, 227. Rubber Shortage in, 335
  • Gloves: And Protection for the Hands, 105. Electric, 77
  • Golf Book, A, 313
  • Goodwin, Mr., and the United Council. 227
  • Gossip) Notes, News and, of the New Motoring— (See " Notes ")
  • Government: Clerks, Our Illiterate, 77. Investment, A Great, 100. 'Method of Transacting BU/siness: The Real British Way, 24. Waste, A Controller of, Wanted, 132 Cup: Handle, 448; Simple-looking Device for, 487. Pump for Axle Filling, A, 97
  • Great Britain: America's Pull Over, 27. Timber Growing in, 140
  • Grinding-in Valves, 507
  • Handwork, Too Muoh, 27
  • Handyman, The Motorist as a. 253
  • Happenings, and Forecasts—(See " Forecasts ")
  • Headlamps: Large, Severe Fine for, 24. The Position of, 155
  • Headlight. Anti-glare, Device, Rite Lite, 44
  • Heather, Mr. D. S., Article by: The Gas Turbine; .437
  • Heating: Artificial, 132. The Air Supply, 366, 449. The Car, 487. The Shed, Temporary, 113
  • Henley Telegraph Works Co., A New Tyre Company Formed by, 313
  • Highways, Old, New Rules for, 204
  • Hints: A Few Useful, tor th«* Amateur Mechanic, 172. And Tips. Useful, 507. Bench, A Few Handy, 122. Every-day, 100. Garage and Repair, "443. Some Useful, 402. Worth Remembering and Trying, 418
  • Hood, Beharell, with Collapsable Side Curtain, 270
  • Hood: For Enclosing the Car, 431. Rests, Level of, 72. The Disappearing, 283
  • Hond Renovator, Duco (Brown Bros.), 352
  • Hoods, Ill-treated, 105
  • Horn: Adjustments, 507. And Fan, Electric, Combined, 62. Attention to the, 418. Reeds, 100. Silencing the, 133
  • ftonse-power Formula, An Archaic, 251
  • Horse Racing: A Little Light on, 138. In War Time, 451
  • Horses, More, tihan Cars, 377
  • Hotel: List, The " Recommended," 64. Meals, A Tax on, 450
  • Hotels: And Restaurants, Visitors to, A Sugar Box Wanted by, 154. A Tax on, 94. State Control of, 488-
  • Htib Caps, Loose, 443

  • Identification: Number Charge: All for the Good of the Cause, 112. Plates, Complicated, 470
  • Ignition Considerations, Some, 385
  • Import Duty, French Car, 486
  • Imports: American, A Tariff on Cars: Somewhat Confusing, 372. Petrol: High, 77; to Date, 353; Up, 269; 20 Millions Short, 178
  • Induction System, The, 444
  • Industry: An Imperial Bank of, 98. German: Capturing Another, 2; Plans for Returning to, 432. New Fields of, 140
  • Inns, Future Roadside, 64
  • Institute of Automobile Engineers: Meeting-of, 291. Paper on Farm Tractors, 26. Papers, 500
  • Insurance: Claim, The Prevailing, 411. Of Cars, Air Raids arid, 5. The Romance of, 24
  • Insurance Licences and General Insurance Co., 16. • Premier Policies, A Correction, WS
  • Interviewed, Men Who Like Being. 140
  • Invasion, In Case of, 134
  • Irish Regulations, Chaotic, 268
  • Iron: And Steel Supplies, Future of, 229. Sheet, Fitting, 39
  • Italy: Makes of Cars in Use in, 138. Motor Activity in. 41
  • Jack: A Simple, 239. The Inconvenient, 507
  • Jacking Made Easy, 88
  • Jacks, B.G.R., on Light Cars, 410
  • Japan, Light Cars for, 155
  • Jet, Cleaning the, 507
  • Joints, Gas-tight, 487 . -
  • JOURNALS, WHAT OTHER, THINK: Aerial Mail Service, A, 452. Aeroplane, The Pocket, 471. Airmen, Motorcycle Training for, 414. American Hustle, Assimilating, 248. America's Third Industry, 334 , B.H.P. and Weight, 318. Bombed in an M.T. - Column, Being, 452. Bombs More Dangerous
  • than Vehicles? Are, 491. Breed, Improving
  • the, 471. Business—As It Is Done Now,, 430
  • Cam,-The Makeshift, 414. Car Frames, Fatigue of, 374. Cars: Coal and, 430; Unused, Paying Taxes on, 471. Clutch Design, Motorcycle, 248. Coal and Cars, 430. Coal-gas: Advantages of, 430; Permits, Commercial, 318. Collision: A Vulnerable Spot, 318. Competitions, The Result of, 356. Compression Faults, Remedying, 491. Cooling Water, Temperature of, 248. Cyclecar: The Influence of the, 394; The Tandem-seated, 273
  • Designer, Is the, at Fault'? 491
  • Electric Starter Drawback, An, 248. Engine, Oomppund: Is It Possible? 394
  • Flying, The Future oi, 318. Frames, Car, Fatigue of, 374. Fuel: Adaptability, 356; Oil, An Era of, 394. Fuels, Motor, The
  • - Search for, 273
  • German " Sportsmanship." 508. Gotha, Worse Than the, 273. Gum Elastic, 371. Gyro and Its Application, 430
  • Highways, Not Motors, 414. Horn, Sounding iheK 318. Household Borrowings, 334
  • Inland Waterways, Our Neglected, 291. Instruction: Booklets: A Job for Lire, 374; Books,-Uninatructive, 414. Interchangcability: The Closest of Close Fits Desired, 248 "--»,
  • Jericho Before the War. 356. " Jet " Spouter^ The, 318 /
  • Life, A Job for, 374. Light Cans Wanted, 248. Looping the Loop, 452. Lorries:, The Tax They Pay, 374. Lubrication, The Art' of, 491
  • Marine MSotor, Future Type of, 248. Memories Recalled by the Senses, 471. Models, Fewer New, 273. Motor Boat Racing? Why Not, 356. Motoribuses, The Capsizing of, 508. Motor Business, How to Run a, 273. Motor-bus, Moving Meat by, 394. Motorcycle: The Oudeness of, 374; The Misunderstood, 292; Training for Airmen, 414. Motor Drivers, Too Many, 292. Motorist, Every Man a, 356. Motors, Highways, Not, 414. M.T. Column, Being Bombed in an, 452
  • Norwegian Petrol Substitutes, 374. Novice,
  • Some, 452 . Oil Fuel, An Era of, 394
  • Peace Prophecies, 430. Petrol: Sources, Roumanian, 430; Substitutes, Norwegian, 374. Plenty, The Land of, 292. Price Limits, Post-war, 508. Productions, Up-to-date, 508
  • Ration Days, Pre-, In the, 491. Research Work, 394. Road: Problem. The, 471: Transport, 430, Made Easy, 491. Roumanian Petrol Souroos, 430
  • Salesman After the War, The, 430. Seaplanes for Joy Riding. 334. Senses, Memories Recalled by the, 471. Sihe-ll Fire, A " Fanny " Under, 508. Standardization, 248, 292
  • Taxes on Unused Cars, Paying, 471. Tax that Lorries Pay, The, 374. .^Technical Matters, MotoTisfcs and: Why? 414. Timing—American Practice, 356. Trade, Overseas, Combination to Capture, 334. Trophies, The Craze for, 292
  • United Council of- Motoring: A Matter of Chance, 292
  • Valve Caps, Doing Away with, 334. Vehicles? ' Are Bombs More Dangerous than. 491. Visibility: Whet,Can (be Seen at 20,000 ft., 508 .
  • War: Alter the: Be Prepared for, 334, The Salesman, 430; Post, Price Limits, 508. Wood Paving, Block, Embedded in, 453. Work versus Worry, 273
  • Joy Riding: At Cambridge, 23 Still Prevalent, 433. Testing Not, 500
  • Kent, Mr. Lawrence P., 229
  • I.amp; Position, Novel, 465. Holder, Garage, A
  • Simple, 26
  • lamps, Side, Position oi, 369 Lathe? Will It Pay Me to Buy a, 141 Laughing No Offence, 198 Law, Scandalous Misinterpretation of the, 64 Leak, Repairing a, 83 Leeds, Coal-gas Outfits in, 25 Legal Representation, Police CouTt Summons and, 203
  • " Leg, Glad," Giving the, 454 Leverhulme's, Lord, Six Hours Day, 470 Licence; Duty, Escaping the, 113. Endorsements: No Speed Limits and a Time Limit on, 261; Unnecessary, 246. Driving: Not Renewing: Not Fraudulent, 454; We Should Think So Too, 77; Without: Fined, but Not His Mistake, 246. Out of Date: A Stiff Fin© at Midhurst, 332
  • Licence*: Driving, Examination for, 315. Motor Spirit: More Forms, 16. Oil, for Cyclists, 22. Two— £7 7s., 61 Lichnowsky's, Prince, Disclosures, 429 Light, Anti-glare, Dillon Lens for (American), 201 Light Car: An Australian, 199. And flow to Run It, 187, 215, 240, 261, 279, 327, 342, 363. 386, 406, 423, 441, 461, 481, 501, 519. Celebrity, A Popular, 28. Cyolecar or Motorcycle? 132. En«in* Compresision in, A Plea for Its Close* Study in, 416. How to U^e a, 155. Interests, Representation of, Wanted an United Motoring Council, 228. In the Light of Tomorrow, 435. Or Cyclecar, Tubular Frame for a, 422. Research Associations and the, 228. The Ideal, 13, 24, 47, 69, 84, 102, 120, 148, 155, 164. The £ 100 to £150, 375. Then Call It a, 198
  • LIGHT CAR AND CVCLECAB: Advertisements: for Eastei Issue, 353; Small. 58: And " The Light Car," The Confusion ot Title*, 455. Artists, An Opening for, 353. Contributors' Accounts, 178. Easter Arrangements, 3S2. Price of, Increase in, 79, 96, 113. Whitsun Arrangements, 486
  • LIGHT CABS AND CYCLECARS: A.-C.: for Capt. G. II. Cock, 246; Gas Fitted, 339. Acme (Australia*), 133. Airedale, 268. Anglo, 21 Baby Peugeot, 235
  • Calcott: Gas Driven, 3; Running Experiences with: Suggested Improvements, 479; with G«.s Trailer, 95. CalthoTpe: Gas Fitted, 25, 39; Novel Body on, 38. Calthorpe Minor, Improvements to, 303. Calthorpe (Racing), 24
  • Douglas, 456; "The Scout." 458 G.N. After 28,000 Miles, 192. G.W.K., 512; A Motoring Life History of, 125; The Good Old Days, 135
  • Morgan: Capt., 61; Four-seater. 38; Gas Bags for, 25; Gas Driven, 114. Morris-Cowley: Coupe, 237; Gas Driven, 3; Prices, New, 455. Morris-Oxford, Spars Parts for, 198
  • Peugeot, The Little, and the Big Officer, 137 Roo (Australian). 199 Singer, Spare Parts for: £48 Every Eight Months, 378
  • Light Oars: After-war: Publish Details of. 41; Seciecy Regarding: Convention, Customs, and Straws in the Gale, 474. Are Used in the French Army, How, 137. Extraordinary Effect On and Some Difficulties, 469. For Japan, 155. In the French Army Service, 179. Overseas Models, 272. Would Save Petrol on the Whitehall " Front," 474 Lighting: Restrictions: Oommonsense at Barn-staple, 112. Sets, 461, 481; Methods of Fixing, 367. System, Overhaul o-f, 33. Up Times, 7, 29, 65, 80, 101, 117, 136, 160, 183, 234, 256, 274, 296, 317, 337, 351, 379, 391, 415, 434, 453, 465
  • Lights. Powerful, 178 Light, The Fallot, 376 Locknut, As a, 88 Lord Mayor's Banquet: Motorists Who Have Given
  • Up Their Cars, 5 Lubricant, Coal Gastrol, 246 Lubricating: Oil by Train, .86. The Axles, Greaser
  • for, 487 Lubrication: A New Principle of, 87. Ball Bearings
  • and, 436. Chain, 193. Clutch, 72 Luxury: Hard to Define, 469

  • Mackintoshes, Torn, Mend-a-Tear lor, 333
  • Magneto: A Novel, 319. Industry; A Gilbertian Situation, 357.
  • Matters, 326. Standardization, 16. Starter, An Impulse, 97. Stolen, Important Case Concerning, 8. Supremacy, Briti&h, 313. Weak Points on a, Value ot High-speed Running for, 286
  • Magnetos; All-British, 203. High-tension, 118
  • Magnetos, M.L., 16
  • Magneto Spare Parts, Dixie and Splitdorl, 249
  • Map, New Forest Gas Stations, 25
  • Marriages, Motors and, 410
  • McOonnelV Mr. H. P., Articles by: A £5 War-timo Garage, 517., Neglect Spells Wear, 320. New Rules for Old Highways, 204
  • Meals by Motor, 252
  • Mechanic, Amateur, A Few Useful Wrinkles lor, 172
  • Meeking, Miss Viola, Article by: Two Women, a, uight Car and a Beginner's Guide, 89 ~
  • Men Who Like Being Interviewed, 140
  • Metals, Alloy, British Supplies of, 100
  • Mews and Motorcars, 113
  • Mex Motor Spirit New Headquarters, 38
  • Mica, Some Notes about, 359
  • Middlesex Motor Volunteers, 268
  • Military: And Naval Schools, For, 59. Authorities: Official Awakening, 313. Cases, Legal Defence in, 302. Lorries, etc.: An Unfair Proposal, 509
  • Monocars—(See " Light Cars and Cyclecars ")
  • Moon, Phases of, 6. 29, 65, 80, 101, 117, 136, 160, 183, 234, 256, 274, 296, 317 337, 354, 379, 391, 415, 434, 453, 465
  • Motor Activity in Italy, 41
  • Motor and Allied Trades Benevolent Fund, 500
  • Motorbuses, Dodging the, 28
  • Motor: Business, Use of Petrol in, 271. Businesses, To Keep Going, 509
  • Motorcycle: Industry: An Ill-turn for the, 397: Unperturbed, 509. Light Car or Cyclecar ? 132
  • Motor Industry: An Opening for 353,. British Empire Honours lor the, 159. Concerted Action Wanted, 115. The World's Greatest, 392. The Optimist Again, 332
  • Motoring: Anti, Campaign Lord Northcliffe and His, 4. Associations: The Optimist, 94. Between Business and Home, 246. Development: Where It OomeB In, 20. Life History, A, 125. On Wet Roads, No. 3. Private, Prohibition iat: Generals Can Wait in Future, 312. Publicity Campaign: What It Could Do, 207. Railway: Congestion and, 294; Interests and, 253. Restrictions—The Vicious Circle, 358. Stopped: One Consolation, 112. To a Meeting—Case Dismissed, 94
  • Motor Interests, Fusion of, 224
  • Motorist ais a Handyman, The, 253
  • Motorists: Amateur, and an Expert, 336. Are Paying in Taxes, W-hat, 113. Chinese, 291. Official, Privileged, 357. Who Have Given "Up Their Cars, 5
  • Motor Manufacturers, The " Uneasy," 312
  • Motor, Meals by, 252
  • Motor Problems on Allotments, 316
  • Motor Spirit: An Emergency Supply, 333. Licences: More Forms, 16; Unused, 410. Restriction Order, The, 139; Age and Infirmity, 222; A Scandalous Misinterpretation of the Law, 64; A Teist Case, 42; Fair Interpretation* of, 178; Is It Illegal? 23; Motorist Thoroughly Stirred, 115; Mr. T. Mann and: Stretching the Order, 177; Prosecutions Under, 6, 23; R-ed Tar>e with a Vengeance, 2: Where Economy Is Needed, 181: Wounded and—The. Welsh Way, 176. Using, Illegally: The Horrors of War, 15.5
  • Motors: And Air Raids, 358. And Marriages, 410
  • Motor Terms, Derivation of, 4fiO
  • " Motor," The Term, 132
  • Motor, The Ubiquitous, 376 "~
  • Motor to Churoh: Is It an Offence, to? 4
  • Motor Trades Debating Society, No Meetings of, 135
  • Motor Trade—(See "Trade1")
  • Motor Transport Volunteers Wanted, 178
  • Motor UseTs1 Protection, Association, The, 158, 200. 3S3, 376
  • Motor Volunteers: Class " D." 268. Gas Cylinders for, 2. In the Melting Pot, 157
  • Mud Splashes on the Car, 455
  • Munition: Service, Cyelecar-s in. 177. Workers and Petrol Supplies, 158; Fiddling WKlle Rome Burns, 335
  • Munition*, Speeding Up. A Way of. 298
  • N
  • Naphthalene as a Motor Fuel, 50 National Alliance of Employers and Employed, 27 National Eeg Collection and Its Wounded Day, 486 National Mutor Cyclist Fuel Union, The, 158 News, Notes and Gossip of the New Motoring—
  • , (See " Notes ")
  • Newspaper Trials and Tribulations, Ufi Newspapers for Cleaning, 22 Now Zealand Engineer's Idea lor Scrapping the
  • Carburetter, 182 Nickel and Bras.s, Care of, 392 Noble, Mr. A., Becomes Associate Member of Institution Automobile Engineers, 28 Northallerton, Coal-gas Obtainable in 61
  • Northcliffe, Lord, and His Anti-motoring Campaign, 4
  • Notes: And Queries—(See "Queries"). News and Gossip of the New Motoring, 1, 19, 37, 57, 75, 93, 111, 131, 153, 175, 197, 221, 245, 267, 288, 311, 331, 351, 371, 391, 409, 427, 453, 465, 485, 505
  • Novelty, The Spice of, 12, 26, 44, 62, 87, 97, 135, 156, 182, 201, 223. 294, 270, 295, 319, 333, 365, 373, 413, 431, 449, 487
  • Number, Same—Two Cars, 2, 20
  • Numbers, Trade, The Use of, 291
  • Nuts: And Studs, Loose. How to Remedy, 385. Obstinate, Easing, 278 To Prevent Slacking Back, 418
  • Nut, The Obstinate, 172
  • o
  • Obstructions, Dodging: Not Advisable, 198
  • Office*, Big, and the Little Peugeot, 137
  • Officer*: And Men from the Fiont, Petrol for—A Hardship, 293. On Leave, Petrol for, 5. Overseas, on Leave, For, 312. Who Do Not Make Sacrifices," 115
  • Oil, A New: Goal Gastrol, 246
  • Oil: Castor, Tor Engines, 432. Dtums, Emptying, 45. Filter, The Importance of, 284. Licences fox Cyclist*, 22. For Universal* 278. Heavy, for Worm Engine, 149. In England? is There, 112. Lubricating, by Train, 86. Tins, Empty, Utilizing, 144
  • Oilcan: An Economical,.373. To Hold the, 402
  • Oilfields, British, 24
  • Oiling, A Help in, 178
  • Old Timer, The Passing of an, 180
  • OPINIONS, THOUGHTS AND.—A.A. and M.U. and Other*, 390, 407; and the United Council, 370, An Invitation to, from, 370; Manifesto of the, 446; The United' Council and, 464. Accelerator Pedal Trouble, 219. A.-C. Sociable, Silencing an, 287. Air Raids and Insurance, 35. Air Supply, Heating the, 389. Alcohol from Potatoes, 17. Aluminium Pistons, 446. American: and British Motorists' Ideals, 128; Car Competition, 73; Cars: Second-haud Prices for, 56, Why They Are Preferred, 56, 109, Why They Fetch Low Prices, 127. Anglo Cyclecar, The, 73 Baby Peugeot, The Utility Model, 265. Badge or Badger, 330. Belt Drive, Flat, 370, 389, 425, 446, 484; Ingenious. 504—(See " Drive," below). Belts: A Geared-down Drive with Friction Discs and, 265. Broken: An Idea From a Pram Tyre, 446. Body: Proportion* by Wheel Size? Why, 464; Sporting,' for a Morgan, 219. Boloism, 91. British Industry, Post-war Policy of the, 151
  • Carbide, Shorta-ge of, 91, 110. Carburation, Principles of, 522. Carburetters, Hand-con-troUed, 91. - Garden Running on Coal-gas, 243. Car: Gas Driven, in Dorset. 17; £100, 244, 265, 287, 503; The Electric—(See "Elec
  • tric" below). Cars: Alter War, Price of, 483;' American: Second-hand Prices for, 56,
  • Why They Are Preferred, 56, 109, Why TheyFetch Low Piices, '127; Our, Should th Government Commandeer? 196; Idle: Should
  • They be Commandeered ? 173, Why Not Commandeer All? 127, 150. Caterers and Communal Kitchens, 266. " Chauffeur," Derivation of, 309. Club-house, Obsession of the, 195. Coal-gas: A Morgan Running on, 55;
  • Bags at Hastings, 18; Garden Running on, 243; Container, Adjustable TTay for a, 17;
  • Conversion, A Humberette, 219; Driven Cars in Dorset, 17; Tray, Supporting a, 92; Who
  • First Thought of? 219. Compression: Fully
  • Explained, 36; Variable, 174. Controls, Simplifying, 18. Coupe, A Home-built, 194.
  • Cyclecar: A Home-built, 36; Definition of a, 503; Essentially a, 369; Future of the, 330, 349; Lightt Rubbering for a, 174; Mr. Heather's View'of the, 483; Is the Ford a? 390, 463, 483; The Ford, the Motorcycle and, 504; The Ideal, 243; The Low, 174; Transmission, 425; We Must Get Back to the. 310; What is »a? 426, 521. Cyclecars: and Light Cars, Classification of, 503; Ideal, for Switzerland, 110
  • Differential Bogey, The, 389, 407. Dorset, Gas-driven Cars in, 17. Drive: Flat Belt, 370. 389, 425, 446, 484, Ingenious, 504; Friction: and Belt, 287, 310, Discs, A Geared Down, and Belts, 265. Dynamo, Lighting, Drive for, 244
  • Edge's, Mr. S. F., Views of Light Cars and Large Ones, 150. Egypt, Motoring in, 369; Electric Car, The, 36, The Simple, 74; Light Car: Slow, Heavy and Inefficient, 18. Electricity: Power Station Charges, 17; Simplicity, 18. Engine: Compound, 425; Design: Progress and Stagnation in, 92, Two-stroke, 173, 220; Fore or Aft, 463
  • Family, What It Costs to Feed a, 266. Farmer's Light Car, A, 55. Ford: Is It a Cyclecar? 390, 426, Mr. D. S. Heather and, 463, 483; The Motorcycle and the Cyclecar, 504. Freezing Mixtures, 464. Friction Discs r Where They Can be .Obtained, 173. Fuel: Economy and Dry Sump Lubrication, 35; Motor, Hydrogen as a, 484; Question, The, 504
  • Garage Hints. 504. Government Economy, Mr. S. F. Edge's Views on, 150
  • Hastings, Coal-gas Bags at, 18. Heating the Air Supply, 389. Hoods, Windows in, Importance of, 150. Hood, The Roller Blind, 309. Hotels: A Comparison, 127; British, 151, What Do Motorists Really Want? 91. Humberette Gas Conversion, A, 219. Hydrogen as a Motor Fuel, 484
  • Industry, British, Post-war Policy ol the, 151. Insurance, Air Raids and, 35
  • Jet Design. Multi, 425
  • &.L.G. Plug Terminal, 73
  • Licences,. Refund of, 18. I/eg, An Artificial, for Motoring, 195. Light Car: A Farmer's, 55; Industry and Protection, 348; The Ideal, 17, 74, 92, 110. Light Cars: Instead of Large Ones: Mr. S. F. Edge's Views, 150; Secondhand, Values of, 74. Lighting Dynamo, Drive lor, 244. Lubrication, Dry Sump, Fuel Economy and, 36
  • Magneto Problem, A, 464. Morgan: A Solid
  • Back Tyre for the, 150; Criticism of the, 407; Driving Wheel, A Solid Tyre for, 128;
  • Improving a 1914, 329; Running on Coal-gas, A, 56; Sporting Body tor a, 219; Starting Handle on a, 446; The Speed oi a, 244. Motoring: An Artificial Leg for, 195; in Egypt, 369; Institutions, Our. 36; on Leave,
  • Officers, 330, 349. Motorists: American and
  • British, ideals of, 128; Tickets of Leave
  • lor, 194. Motorists' Protection Association,
  • The, 288. Motor Spirit: and Overseas Leave, 243; Restrictions: Tickets of. Leave for Motorists. 194 l
  • Officers: Etc., Using Cars: A Privilege Appreciated, 287; On Leave: Motoring, 330, 349, Petrol for, 266, or Convalescent, 310. O.T.A.V. Car, The, 17. Overhead Tackle, 220, 243
  • Paris Old Iron Fair, The, 425. Passengers May be Carried, . 35. Petrol: for Officers on Leave, 266, or Convalescent, 310; for One Wedding, 266; Price of, 522; Stocks of, Permission to Use Existing, 55; Waste at Whitehall, 504. Piston: Displacement: Classification by, 464, " V.8." or " C.C.," 483j 504, 522; Fracture, A Curious, 74. Pistons, Aluminium, 446. " Plugs, Good and Bad, 522. Police: and Motorists: Blue Tape, 265; Method, A Petty), 109. Potatoes, Alcohol from, 17. Power: Dormant, 330; Station Charges, 17. Primer, A Useful, 329. Problem, A, 164. Public, A Prejudiced, 408, 446
  • Road: Crossings, Improved, 287; Rule of the, 92, 425. Roads: "Flying Junctions" Quite Practical, 309; Neglect of the, 309. Roadside Well, A Curious, 56. Rubbeirine for a Light Cyclecar, 174
  • Screen, Position of the, 389. Second-hand: Prices of American Cars, 56; Values of Light Cars, H. .Secrecy, The Curse ol, 92, 110. Sigma and Marlborough Cars, The, 174. Silencing an A.-C. Sociable, 267. Singer, 6000 Miles on a, 446. Speed: Limits, One Who is in Favour of, 288; of a Morgan, The, 244; Regulations, Inane, 370. Springing, Cantilever, Novel Triplicate, 56. Standardization, 265. Starting Handle: on a Singer, 446; Position of the, 464, 484. Steering, Wire and Bobbin, 195. Switzerland, Cyclecars Ideal for, 110
  • Tax: AD Alternative. 128; Motorist Should Pay, of Course, The, 174; on Tyres, A, 128; the Larger Owner, 266; Two Months Free of, 174. Taxation: Basis of, 483: " C.C." or " V.S.," 504, 522; Unfair, 266. Taxes, A Rebate on, 55. Taxing the Wrong End, 74. Three-wheeler, A Friction-driven, 35. Trade Secrecy, The Curse of, 92, 110. Traffic Anomalies, 244. Trans-Atlantic Competition, 73. Transmission, Cyclecar, 425. Two-stroke: Engine Design, 173, 220; Suggestions, 195. Tyre: A Solid Back, for the Morgan, 128, 151; Valve Tip, A Cycle, 194. Tyres, A Tax on, 128
  • United Council: And the A.A. and M.U., 370, 464; An Invitation to, 370. Unity, Strength by, 244, 265. Universal, A Chain Type, 110
  • Valve Spring, Compressing a, 17, 36. Volunteers, Why There Are Few, 219
  • War, After the, Cars, Price of, 483. Well, A Curious Roadside, 56. 'Wheels, Disc, 369-Fitting, 407. Wheel Size, Why Body Proportions by, 4G4. Whitehall, Waste at, 504. Windows in Hoods, The Importance of, 150
  • Overhead Tackle, Arranging, 168
  • Overhauls, Piecemeal, 8, 33
  • Overloading, Probable, 128
  • Overseas Models, 272
  • Owner-driver's Improvements to a Calthorpe Minor, ' . 303
  • Oxy-acetylene Cutting, 170
  • Painted and Bright Parts, 239
  • Paint, Hood, Duco (Brown Bros.), 352
  • Palmer Tyre, Ltd.: Birmingham Depot, 94. Calendars, 176. Dividend, 76
  • Paper Controller Takes Action, 509
  • Paper: More Precious than Coal, 99. Shortage More -Serious, 489. Waste, Report, 429
  • Paraffin: No Shortage of, 94. Washing with, 428. Where It Goes, 59
  • Pars. About Anything but Cars, 58
  • Passenger, A Desirable, 222
  • Passengers Not Permitted, 290
  • Patents: And Designs Bill, The, 140. More, 486. Unworked, No Longer Valid, 27
  • Pedali: Adjustable, 487
  • Petrol: Can, The Weight of a, 58. Cases, Important, Dismissed, 222. Controller: Just Officialdom, 01. Control--The Belated Truth, 24/. Deals, A Check on, 336. Eleven Men to a Gallon of, 116. Fire, Quenching, with Water, 176. For a Wedding—Charge Dismissed, 455. For Conveyance to Church, No, 429. For Dog Funerals, No, 23. For Gas Licences, 293. For Motor Traders, 291. For Officers from the Front—A Hardship, 293. For Shopping, No, 154. For Weddings: ••And We Hear They Want More," 76. Imports, High, 77; to Date, 353; Up, 269; 20 Millions Short, 178. In Motor Business, Use of, 271. Licences, Number of, 352. Light Cars Would Save, on the " Whitehall " Front, 474. £5 for 2V2d. Worth oi, 376. No: and Not Much Gas, 357; for Christmas and an Unequal Sacrifice, 79; in Europe, 112. Obtaining, " Weekly Dispatch " and: Prejudice or Ignorance 1 332. Permit, Abuse of a, 313. Pipe, How to Bend a, 347. Plenty of, 392. Price: Bang Goes Another Bawbee, 31li; Down V-A.., 312; Fluctuations, 509; Now 3s. 6d. a Gallon, 77; Up Again, 486. Primer: A, 62; An Electrically-heated, 201. Profits, Board of Trade Limit, 269. Providence and, 268. Rations, Emergency and, C.M.U.A. and, 247. Restrictions: Church Organists and, 291; Going Easy with the, 293; in France, New, 77; The Real Object, 2. Shortage? Who Said, 59. Stocks: Hanging on to, 293; Inner History of, 251. Substitutes in Spain, 439. Supplies: at Short Notice, 38; Munition Workers and, 158, Fiddling While Rome Burns, 335. Tank Fittings, 413. Tanks and Pipes, 424.- Taps Needed, Better, 178. The Profit on, 269. Tin Carrier, Spare, 12. Tin, The Spare, 58. Using Illegally: A Matte* of Principles, 94; A Necessary Household Affair, 112; Conflicting Cases, 59; Puzzling Regulations. 352; Not Scheduled, 290. Waistcoats, 392. Wastage of: Authority Moves, 157; More, 454. When on Leave-, 5. Where It Goes, 61, 132
  • Petrol Control Department: Just Officialdom, 61. Red Tape Predominant, 316. The Belated Truth, 247
  • Petrol Measure and Funnel, Dover Stamping Co., 156
  • Petroleum Supplies from Russia, 378
  • Philipson and Co.'s Address, The Correct, 312
  • Pipe Union Without Solid Joints, 12
  • Piston: Breakages, Avoiding, 443. Fracture, A Curious, 52. Lubrication, A New Principle of, 87. Making the, More Efficient, 308
  • Piston Rings: Evertight and Sta-Tite, 295. Leak-proof and Superoyl (McQuay Norris), 223. Munger, 270. R. and M. (American), 156
  • Pistons and Cylinders, Bi-metal Construction of, 411
  • Pleasure: Motoring, Business and, 94. Taxieabs for, 372
  • Plug: A Visible Spark, 319. Electrode. Ari"*Un-usual, 25. Heater in Induction Pipe, 135
  • PLUGS: A.C., Ca.rbon-proof, 201. K.L.G., and Terminal, 44. "Twin Fire," 449
  • Plugs, High-tension Circuit of, Brush Discharge from. 283
  • POINT OF VIEW. My.—Club-house, Obsession of the, 167. Definitions: Concerning, 472; More About, 510. Hotel Controller, The, 147. Ingenuity in Wrong Channels, 400. Joy Riding, Just, 341. Light Car, The Simple, 277. Motorist, Every Man a, 213. Payment by Results, 392. Restaurant Habit. Cultivating the, 297. Self-Sacriflce. 184. Sparks Department, The, 492. Tradition, Uprooting a, 242. War: When It Ends, 439. Waste, All Running to, 365
  • Police: Constable, Laughing at, No Offence, 198. Courts, Attending by Car: Wrong Information, 269. Court Summons and Legal Representation, 202. Guesswork, 410. Trapping County, The: Surrey, 455
  • Poster Campaign, An Echo of the, 251
  • Power: Dormant, 298. Increased, Obtaining, 411
  • Pressure Gauge, Schrader, Increase in Price of, 41
  • Primer, Kant-Klog, 3S5
  • Production, To Stimulate, 27
  • Profit Sharing for Clerks, 252
  • Public House, The " True," 181
  • Publicity Campaign, Motoring: What Could I Do ? 207
  • Pump, New Uses "for, 393
  • Punch for Blank and Washer Cutting, 286
  • QUERIES, NOTES AND.—A.-C, An, and a G.N., 350. Addresses Wanted, 74, 110, 196, 220, 288, 350, 445, 522. Air Leak, A Cure for, 196. American Dynamo, Repairs to an, 196. Axles, Cyclecar, 408 Baby Peugeot: Mechanical Details of, 350; Springing of the, 445. Backlash in the Gearbox, 7-4', Bevel Drive, Noisy, 220. Buying a Light Car, 484 Cakott, The 10 h.p., 288. Carburation, Test of Good, 390. Carburetter .Flooding, 445. Car: Buying a, Without Second Speed, 152; Exchange of, Permit for, 152: for a Hilly Di»-t/rict, A, 220; for Bad Roads, A, 288; Frio tion-driven, An Unknown, 152. Cars: New, Wanted, 152; Permits to Use, 220. Coal-gas: Container, Size of, 522; for Utility Motoring, 162; Restrictions, The, 196; Slow Running on, 350. Contact Breaker, Sticking, 390. Cyclecar: Axles, 408; Engine Power for a, 390; Final Drive for a, 22U; for Maimed Driver, 408; Steering, 484; Tax on a, 522
  • Differential, Tyre Wear Without, 522. " Dow-son " Gas for Cars, 152. Drive, Noisy Bevel, and Final for a Cyclecar, 220. Driver, Maimed, Cyclecar for, 408. Duty, Not Liable for, 110. Dynamo, American, Repairs to a, 196
  • Engine: Device, Free, A Binding, 196; Power for a Oyolecar, 390
  • Gas. " Dowson," for Cars, 152. Gearbox, Backlash in the, 74. G.N., An A.-C. and a 350
  • Headlamps, Regulations Regarding, 74. Hilly District, A Car for a, 220. Hood, Restoring the, 288
  • Insurance Risks, Reduced, 196
  • Jets, Choked, Cause of, 390
  • Licence: .Driving, Age for a, 288; Duty, Avoiding the, 110. Light Car: Buying a, 484. Light Cars, Well Sprung, 196
  • Monocar Design, A, 220. Models, 1914 and 1915, Difference Between, 110. Morgan: Painting a, 522; Speed of a, 220. Motor Spirit, Degeneration of, 196. Motor Volunteers, Joining the, 74. Mudguards, Restoring Paintwork on, 110
  • Officers on Leave, Petrol for, 110, 152, 350, 408, 484, 522 Painting a Morgan, 522. Paintwork on Mudguards, Restoring, 110. Passengers, Carrying, Permissible, 522. Petrol Drain Tap, Fitting a, 350. Petrol: for Officers on Leave, 110, 152, 350, 408, 484, 522; " Necessary Domestic Business," 162, 360; Shortage, The, 350; War-time, 350. Piston Ring Grooves, Cleaning the, 445. Plug, Sparking Troubles, 445. Power, Loss of, 350. Pulleys, Variable, 288 Radiator Varnish, A, 74. Registration Number, Permanent, 152. Regulations Regarding Headlamps, 74. Repairs to an American Dynamo, 196. Roads,. Bad, A Car for, 288 Second-hand Car, A, 288. Self-starter, A, 220. Speed of a Morgan, 220. Springing, The Baby Peugeot, 445. Springs, Packing Under the, 288. Starting, Difficult, When Warm, 288. Steering, Cyclecar, 484. Swift, 7-9 h.p., Selling a, 74 Tax on a Cyclecar, 522. Tyre: Creeping, 350; Pump, The Crane, 74; Wear Without Differential, 522 Utility Motoring, Coal-gas for, 152 Varnish, A Radiator, 74 Wheels, Fitting Discs to, 390 Questions To Which We Should Like an Answer, 130, 155, 185, 214. 237 Question, The Ninety-ninth, 132
  • Race Meets. Cars at: Not Guilty, 454
  • R.A.C. for Overseas Officers on Leave, The, 312
  • Radiator: Qover, A, 12. Starting with Empty, 278. Tubes, Lead Pipes and, 259
  • Radiator Muils, Dunhill's, 62
  • Radiator Repairs, Alex Mosses, Ltd., 352
  • Railway: Congestion and Motoring, 294. Interests and Motoring, 253. Travel, Restricting, 488
  • Razors? Cheap, Motorcars or, 410
  • Reconstruction, 397. And the United Council, 294. Work in Germany, 227
  • Recording Device, A Useful, 487
  • Repair and Garage Hints, 443
  • Replacements, Simplifying, 82
  • Research: Association" and the Light Car, 228. Joint, J97
  • Restaurant Diners: Overdoing the Exhortations, 43
  • Reverse, In the Absence oi a, 161
  • Reversing, 240
  • Rim, A Detachable, 413
  • Road: A Rope Across the, 268. Crossing the: Dragged a Mile, 269. Every, a Bus Route, 154. Development After the War, 232. Guide, Telegraph Pole as a, and Measurer of Distance, 308. Not a Joy Car on the, 237. Rule of the, 240, 486. The Queen of the, 447. Traffic, Wanted More, 2
  • Roads: Cross, Seventeen in 500 Yards, 246. In Repair, To Put the, y 392. Neglect of the, 226. Wet, No Motoring on, 3
  • Roadside: Inns, Future, 64. Supplies: of Fuel, Bulk Storage of, 323; of Water, Birmingham's Way, 454
  • Road Transport: Control Board of, 229. Scheme, and Commandeering Private Cars, 506. Why Not Motoring Control of, 451
  • Rubber: And Cotton, Vulcanized, for Universal Joints, 493. Shortage, Germany's, 335
  • Running Costs at a Glance, 276 Russia, Petroleum Supplies from, 378
  • Rust, Keeping Down, 325
  • "Safety First" Council, London: Prizes: Awarded by, 178; Easily Earned, 378
  • Scarborough and the Order, 23
  • Screwdriver: Long, Advantage of a, 103. The Simple, 50
  • Screws: Removing, 443.
  • Self-countersinking, 431
  • Screw Threads, Worn, 178
  • Second-hand: Car, New or, Selection of, 187. Light Oars, Shortage of: To What End? 432. Market, The, 20. Values, 2, 20, 41, 58, 76, 94, 112, 131, 154, 176, 198, 222, 246, 368, 290, 312, 332, 352, 372, 392, 410, 427, 454, 466, 486, 506 Shed: Heating the, Temporary, 113. Wood, The Portable, 169, 190 Shipbuilding, Oaks for, 33G Shock Absorber and Universal Joint, A, 193 Shopping, No Petrol for, 154 Show, New York, From the Light Car Point of View, 230
  • Sideslip Season, The, 28 Silencer, Vacuum, 270
  • Simma Motor Units, Ltd., Dividend of, 178 Single-cylinder Drawbacks, 149 Single-seater, A Home-built, 254 3inn Fein Cars: Interesting Possibilities, 222 Six-cylinder, An Air-cooled, 159 Skidding, 240. Device, An Ant!, 333. On Greasy
  • Streets, 59 Smith and Sons (M.A.), Ltd., Manchester Depot, 410
  • Soldering Cup, A Useful, 355 Soldier Said, What the, 132
  • Soldiers: And Sailors, Deafened, For, 20. Fined for Motoring Offences.: Beyond Civil Jurisdiction, 5
  • Spain, Petrol Substitutes in, 429 Spanish Cyclecarist. Pioneer, Death of, 3 Spanner: A Xew, 270. Valve Cap and, Ingenious, 418
  • Spanners: New, for Old, 507. Open-ended, 260 Spare Parts: For Singers--£48 Every Eight Months, 378. Great Demand for, 376. Supplying, 82 Spare Parts: Magneto, Dixie and Splitdorf, 249. Morris-Oxford, 198
  • Speed: Limit: Cannot Travel at the, 290; in Chud-leigh, A.A. and M.U. and, 505. Limits: and Time Limit, No Speed, on Endorsements, 251; New Outlook on, 202. More Evidence of, 269, 372
  • Speedometer, The Problem of the Perfect, 495 Split Pin: As a, 88. Replacing the, 325 "Spooks": Do They Wear Clothes and Use Motorcars? 7* Springing: And Differential Defects, Tyre Wear Caused by, 183. Of Light Cars, Importance of, 436. The Question of, 84 Spring: Leaf Separator and Valve Spring Lifter Combined, 295. Winding, A Tr>ol for, 302 Springs and Shackles, Assembly of, 8 Sprocket, Morse Chain Co.'s Adjustable, 319 Stamp, The Three-halfpenny, 490 Standardizing Inch Tyre Sizes, 358 Standardization: Magneto, 16. Motor Progress in, 6. The Human Side of, 300 Standard Motor Co.'s Dividend, 135 Staner, Mr. H. Walter, Death of, 227 Started Up in Gear, 290 Starter, Abusing the, 113 Starters, Electric, 482
  • STARTING DEVICES. Brolt, 46. Kotax, 482 Starting: Hints, Easy. 238. Rudiments of, 21S. Sets, Methods of Fixing, 367. Tip, An Easy, 154. With Empty Radiator, 278 State Control of Hotels, 488 Stead, Lieut. G. C, News from, 396 Ste<;l: And Iron Supplies, Future of, 229 Lightness Everywhere, 77. Shortage, Wood Frames and, 154
  • Steering: Failure, Liability of, 24. Gear Considerations, 102, 120 Steering Wheel. Goodrich, Le.uhart Co.,'a Locking
  • Device for, 182
  • Stepney Spare Motor Wheel, Ltd., Report of, 41 Storage: And Workshop, Portable Wood Shed for 169, 190. Of an Unsold Oar. 454 Storing a Car, A Point When, 352 Streets: Cleaning the, A Matter of, 268. Greasy,
  • Skidding on, 59
  • Strikes, How to Stop, 377
  • Stud.*, Loose, Tightening, 172
  • Sugar Box Wanted, A, 154
  • Summer Time Act: Long Evenings at Easter, 293
  • This Year, 180 Surrey Motor Volunteers, 332
  • Surrey, The " Trapping " County, 455
  • Suspension, Helical, 45fi
  • Sutton, Gas Filling Facilities at, 176
  • Swindley, Mr. H. J., Death of, 180
  • Syphon for Emptying Vessels, Ktansyphon, 260
  • Tank, A Handy Washing. 498
  • "Tank," Demonstration of a; Plenty More, 132
  • Tappets, Adjustable, 373
  • Tariffs After the War, 63
  • Taxation for Next Year, 94
  • Taxes: Money No Object, 177. Motor 1918, 96. Thinking in Millions, 5. What Motorists . Are Paying in, 112 Taxicabs for Pleasure, 372 Taxing the Wrong End, 42
  • Tax: On Cars, A, 450. On Hotel Meals, A, 450. On Hotel, A, 94. On Wheelbase, 332. Wrong and Right Way to, 450. Technical Press, Extracts from—(see "^Journals, What Other, Think ") Telegraph Pole as a Guide and Distance Measurer, 308
  • Testing Not Joy Riding, 500 Thermal and Tyre Losses, 459 Thermo-syphon System of Cooling: Theory and Practice, 186
  • Thomas, Lance-Corpl. Frank, A Word from, 451 Thomas, Mr. J. H., at Aldwych Club, 63 Thoughts: A Few 0<kl: Do You Know This. 259.
  • And Opinions— (see " Opinions ") Three-wheeled Cycleoar, A, 473 Three-wheeler: A Bel thriven, 302, Some Reference., to: A Gossip About Prejudice, 359 Throttle Valse, Jones, 223 Timber Growing in Great Brita-iri, 140 Tobacconist, His Hono<ra<ry, 306 Tool: A Combination, 295. For Spring Winding. A, 302. Locker, Useful Addition to the, is. Outfit, Supplementing the, 384 Toolbox, An Improved, 353
  • Tools: Car, and the Domestic Mind, 28. Home Made, 238. How to Engrave One's Name on, 241. Protecting the, 100
  • TOPICS OF THE DAY.--Advertisements, Concerning, 33/ Car: Medium-weight, Advent of the, 379; Storing a : Does It Pay ? 317. Coal-gas: A Body-blow tor, 101; awl Motor Spirit Restriction Order: What It Means, 136; Bags, Fit Now— Our Considered Opinion, 183; Light Car Mileage on, 29; Saves, What, 29; The Compulsory Use of, 136. Committees—Comb Out th*\ 1B3. Cubic Contents, Why Not Rating by, 434. Cyclecar: Getting Back to the, 2%; "Nothing New "—Of Course 434; Proposition, Mr. Heather's Impossible, 415 Horse Racing Permitted, 117 LIGHT CAR AND CYCLECAR and " Light Oar ": A Chronological Survey, 354. Light Oar: Mileage on Gas, 29; Wavering Between Two Extremes and a Happy Medium, 256; Limits of the Modern, 379. Light Cars, Simpler, Call for, 379
  • Motorists a>nd Motor Industry, A Gross In justice to, 117. Motor Spirit and Gas Restriction Order; What It Means, 136
  • Oil Pressure, Relr-ase of, 65 - -
  • Petrol: Economy, Official, An Urgent, 160;
  • Silent Acquiescence, 80; The Present Position of, 160. Piston Design : Importance of, 65; Revolutionary, 415 ,
  • Reconstruction Problems, 337 Second-hand Cars: Profit and Loss, 317 Taxation., Motor, Revision of, Needed, 101. Three-wheeler, " Control " of the, The United Council and, 274. ' Trade, International: Wanted a Lead, 296 United Action, Case for, 80. United Motoring Council, 234; and the Control of the Three-wheeler, 274; Wanted a Way Out, 31/. Unity of Action, A, but Not of Interests, 234
  • War Organization, An Essential Factor of, 7 Tourist, The Gloating, 157
  • Trade: Co-operative Competition, 76. Export, To Develop «. Great, 76. Methods, British, 490 Numbers, The Use of, 291. Proposals, Post-War, 377
  • Traders, Motor, Petrol for, 291 Traffic: Anomalies, Curious, A Few, 204. Clearing
  • House, A, 395. Wanted More Road, 2 Tragedy, Another, 428 Trams. The Battle of the, 10 Tramway, Prolonging the Life of a, 98 Tramways, Doom of the, 138 Transmission: Considerations of, 13, 47. Cyclecar, 401. Troubles, 343, 363 Travel, American View of, 465 Trial, Royal Motorcycle Club of. Catahma (Petrol
  • Substitute), 429 Tricar, The Tail of a, 410 Trouble: How It Develops: A Few Tips to Remedy
  • Loose Studs and Nuts, 285 Tuning for High Efficiency, 506 Turbine, The Gas, 437 Two-seater, Meant for, 76 Two-stroke, The Problem of the, 142 Tyre: A Burst, and Spare Whoeli, 30. And Thermal Losses, 459. Blow-outs, To Prevent, 1//. Company, A New, 313. Electrically Retreading a, 373. Filling Hint, A, 418. Gaiter, An American, 156. Patches, Removing, 100. Pump, Engine-driven, 26. Rubber, Romance of the, 398. Sizes, Standardizing Inch, 358. Valves, Cyclecaa-, 61. Wear Caused by Springing and Differential Defects,, 383 Tyre Covers, Dunhill's, 62 Tyre Patch, Rieme Autopatch, 249 Tyre Pumps: Hilton Valueless, Z23. Wood-Milne,
  • New Uses for, 393
  • Tyres, 405, 423. And Wheels, Attention to, 324. Asbestos, 22. Attention to, 443. Motor, and Suction Effect, 505. To Preserve, 428
  • Tyres: Disteel, Detachable Whaef and, 249. Henley. 313. Michelin, 182. Vanguard Detachable, 249
  • United Council of Motor Users, Producers and Distributors, 42, 202. And A.A. and M.U., 316; Why the, and A.-C.U. are Standing Out from, 314, 315. Formation of, 224, 269; and Constitution, 272. Mr. Goodwin and, 227. Reconstruction and, 294. Representation, of Light Car Interests Wanted Upon, 228. To Bring the Associations Together, 315
  • Unity: Of Action, 269. Strength by, 200
  • Universal Joint, A Chain Type, Sirett, 40
  • Universal Joint and Shock Absorber, A, 193
  • Universal Joints of Flexible Fabric, 493
  • Universal, Joints for, 278
  • Upholstery, Overhauls of, 33
  • U.S.A.—(see "America ")
  • Valve: An Auxiliary, 373. Breakages, A Cure for, 119. Gap and Spanner, Ingenious, 418. Caps, Stiff, Removing, 278. Operation, Overhead, 333. Spare, Protecting the, 59
  • Valves: Grinding In, 507; Removing and, 390. Poppet, Rotary Motion for, 135
  • Vaporizers: Eclipse, 26. " Gas K Hot " (for Heavy Fuels), 62
  • Vaporizers, Mechanical, 413
  • View, My Point of—(see " Point ")
  • Volunteers, A Rush for the, 450
  • Vulcanized Rubber and Cotton for Universal Joints, 493
  • Vulcanizing Demonstration, Harvey Frost's, 19!)
  • Wakefield, Sir Charles, President of the Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund, 59
  • WAR: After the: Models, Secrecy Regarding: Convention, Customs, and Straws in the Gale. 474; Road Development, 232; Trade Proposals, 377; Tariffs, 63; War, The, 410. A Prisoner of (tvieut. G. C. Stead), News from, 396; Order from a, 246. Battle, Now a. Centre of the, 412. Boom, America's, 133. Drivers, Returned, 203. Lessons of the, 432. Made a Difference, 61. Post, Prosperity, Great, 252. Rumours, 376. Time: Enamel, 454; Horse Racing in, 451; The Dickey in, 428; Wings, 198
  • Warning Notices, Danger: "Signs of the Times," 178
  • Wars, Broken in the, 465
  • Washer Cutting, Blank and, Punch for, 286
  • Washing Tank, A Handy, 498
  • Water, Decarbonizing by, 313
  • Waterproofing Roofs, 443
  • Wear, Neglect Spells, 320
  • Weather Changes, Our Failure in Forecasting, 39!i
  • Weddings: Petrol for: "And We Hear They Want More__," 76, Charge Dismissed, 455
  • " Weekly Dispatch "; Camouflage, 25
  • Weight, Sprung and Unsprung, 436
  • Welding, Thermit (Barimar, Ltd.), 2
  • West Country Prejudice, 505
  • Wheel and Tyre, Disteel, 249
  • Wheelbase, A Tax on, 332
  • Wheels* And Brakes, 364, 386. And Tyres. Attention to, 324. Disc, 87. Spare, A Burst Tyre and, 30
  • Winchester, Hot Fines at, 246
  • Wind and Cold, 22
  • Windscreen Cleaner, Marvel, M3
  • Windscreens, Broken, Repairing, 507
  • Windscreen Watertight, Making the, 156
  • Wing Curves, Evolution of, 257
  • Wings, Valances and Chassis Components, 148
  • Wire. Just a Bit by, 88
  • Women : Drivers Wanted, 393. Get the Last Word, 64. Great Development of Motoring Amongst, 447. Two, a Light Car, and a Beginner's Guide, 89
  • Woodhouse's, Capt., Morgan for Sale, 61
  • Work Bench, A Portable, 388
  • Worker, Effect of Fatigue on the, 470
  • Workshop: And Garage, The, 519. Electricity in the, 107. Or Storage, Portable Wood Shod for, 169, 190
  • Wounded, Egg Collection for, 486
  • Wrench, A Quick Adjustment, 449
  • Wrinkles, Some Useful, 402—(.see "Hints").


  • A.A. AND M.U.X Objection to Joining the United
  • Council, The, Illustrated, 311 Accelerator Pedal Control Device, A, 355 Accessories and Equipment, 501, 502 Accumulator, Peculiar Characteristics of the, 494 Accumulators, Care and Upkeep of, 55, 56 Aeroplane: How It Flies, 467, 468 Air: Device, Extra, Hand Controlled, 62. Heating
  • Device, A, 449- Leak, Method of Curing a, 196. Locks, How Caused, 259 Air Heater, Cato, 45, 366 America: California, Ascot Park in, Women's
  • World's Championship in, 316 Atomizer, A Novel, 87 AubO"CarrieT.s, Ld., Spaire Parts Stores, 83 Avon Indian Rubber Co.'s Factory, A Visit to, 398, -399
  • Axle Device, Sheldon, for Brake Adjustment, 249 Axle: Front and Back,, Useful Support for, 443.
  • Filling Grease Pump for, 97 Axles: How to Braze Spindles Into Ends of, 408.
  • Lubricating the, 487
  • Base Chamber, A Leakproof, 295
  • Basingstoke Rood, Hartford Bridge Flats on the, 351
  • Baswick Ford, Essex, 371 Bath Road, on the, 93 Battery Gauge, Jewel, 355 Bearing, Ball, Extractor, A, 44 Bearings, Ball and Roller: To Remove and Replace
  • Them, 419, 420 Beginner's Guide, Two Women, a Light Oar and a, 89
  • Belt Drive, Flat, An ingenious, 504—(see " Drive ") Bench Hints, A Few Handy, 122-124 Bidlake, Mr. F. T., 491 Bodies in Proportion, Some, 416, 417 Body: And Frame Design of Cyclecars of the
  • Future, 499, 500. Coupe1, for a Morgan, 194.
  • Sporting, for a Morgan, 219. The, 441, 442.
  • To Smarten and Preserve the, 307, 308 Bodywork, Designing, Fundamental Principles for, 208, 20? BOOKS: "Drive a Light Oar and Cyclecar, How
  • to," 145, 146. " Motor Repair Work," Illustrations from, 126. "Practical Flying":
  • Cover of, 383; Illustrations from, 467, 468 Boves, The Village of, 412 -Brake Adjustment, Sheldon Axle Device lor, 249 Brake: Levers, Freeing, 163. Rods, Chattering,
  • Cure for, -163 . Brakes: And Wheels, 363, 364, 386, 387. Overhaul
  • of, 8, 9
  • Braking Systems, 69, 70 Brooklands Paddock, Light Cars in Cyclecar Club
  • Efficiency Trial in, 361 Buckingham Palace, 267
  • Cables, Necessary, with Wire and Bobbin Steering, 195
  • California, Ascot Park in, Women's World's Championship at, 316
  • Camouflage: A Good Example of, 179. Just, 71
  • Car: A Single-seater, 254, 255. Coal-gas, of the Future, 51. Coke-fired: Is It Possible, 34U. Design, ^Esthetic, 257, 258. Electric, 31, 32; Possibilities of, 210, 211. Harmonious, The, 208, 209. Keeping It in Good Order, 163. Neglect Spells Wear, 320-322. New or Second-hand, Selection ol, 187-189. Old, in New Hands, 192. Touching tip the, 307, 303,, Wasted Space on the. 81
  • Carburation: And Modern Carburetter Desijgn, Principles of, 495, 015, 516. Considerations, Some Important, 404
  • Carburetter: A Bi-fuel (Austin's), 97. And Induction Pipe Design, Faults in, 444, 445. And Mixing Chamber Combined, A, 449. Pres sure Valve, A, 319
  • Carburetter Heaters: Line, 201. Paige, 135
  • Carmarfchenishire, A Charming Road in, 479
  • Cars: Rover, 378. Talbot, 235
  • Chain Lubrication, 193
  • Chassis: Details of 129, 121. Drilling Holes in the, 172. Lifting Engine Out of the, 168
  • Chichester, A Snap at: A Brobdingnagian and Lilliputian Road User, 357
  • Christmas as It May Be, 75
  • Clamp, A Useful: A Third Hand, 191
  • Clutch: A Hydraulic (Mr. John Healy's), 333. An Ingenious, 431. Cone, A Typical Leather, ?60. Single-plate, Lubrication of, 72
  • Ooachbuilder, The A-rt of the, 164-166
  • Coal-gas: Bag Device, A Neat, 373. Car of the Future, 51. Container: A Noteworthy, Fitted by Stanley Motor Works, 339, 340; The Overhead, 106. Generators. Self-con -
  • Coal-gas (continued).
  • tained, 480. Tank Incorporated in Design oi Light Car, 227. Trailer, A Reversible, with One Wheel Only, 96. Tray, Method of Supporting, 92
  • Coke-fired Car: Is It Possible? 340
  • Combustion Head Design, Effect of, on Efficiency of Engine, 476
  • Cooling, Thermo-syphon System of: Theory and Practice, 186
  • Coupe Body for a Morgan, 194
  • Coverdale, A Pre-war Trial on, 313
  • Oy'clecar: A Somewhat Ugly (Mr. A. Ward's), 36. A Three-wheel, 473. Design, A Suggested, 369.. Dr. Low's, Elevation of, 141. Experimental, Built by Beta Engineering Co., 511. Grand Prix, Pie-war, Villages on the Course pf, After the Great Battle, 412. Home-built, Interesting, 134. Mr. D. House's Threc-wheeled, 177. Tiansmis.sion, 401
  • Cyclecars: Of Novel Design, Two, 301, 302. Of the Future, 499, 500
  • Cyclecars— (See " Light Cars and Oyclecars ")
  • Cylinders: And Pistons, Bi-m-etal Corj'Struction of, 411. The Battle of the, 404
  • D
  • Decarbonizer, Water, Wegman. 12
  • Dent Puller, A, 355
  • Design: ^Esthetic Car, 257. Cyclecar: A. Suggested, 369; Frame and Body, Consideration of, 499, 500. Engine, Crudeness of, 345, 346. Modern Carburetter, Principles of Carburation and, 496, 515, 516
  • Dickey: Improved Access to the, ,264. Seat, Folding, Some Hints on, 332
  • Differential: And Springing Defects, Tyre Wear Caused by, 383. Arrangements of Inlet Manifolds, Four, 404
  • Dinas Mawddy, In the Shadow of, 427
  • Dog in the Car, The, 490
  • Drilling Holes in the Chassis, 172
  • Drive: Flat Belt, An Ingenious, 504. Friction and Belt, A Novel Design for, 265
  • Driver, The Really Good: Some Attempt at Definition, 145
  • Driving, Rudiments of, 215, 216
  • Durham District: Sleigh in the, 99. Snow Plough at Work in the, 98
  • Dynamo, Lighting, Drive for, 244
  • Ka.stcote, near Pinner, Woodman Inn at, 289
  • Kleotrical: Equipment Problems. 367, 368. Leakages, Curious, 494. Measuring Instruments, 305, 306
  • Electric: Car, The, 31, 32. Possibilities of, 210, 211. Starters, 482
  • Electric Light Connection's, Rudd Snap Terminals for, 182
  • Electricity in the -Workshop, 107. 108
  • Embankment, A Stellite Snapped on the, 221
  • Emery Cloth, Backing Sticks to Facilitate Use of, 402
  • "Engine: A Bi-fuel Four-stroke, 87. Design: Crude-ness of, 345, 346; Progress and Stagnation in, 66, 67. Efficiency of, Effect of Combustion Head Design on," 476, 477. Fore or Aft? 421. Lifting, Out oi the Chassis, Sup<:e.stions for, 168. Overhauling the. 279. 280. 327, 328, 342. Sound's, Baffling, 299. Testing. 281. The Gas Turbine. 437. 438. Two-stroke: A Fundamental Difficulty with. 152: Crankcase Losses in, To Overcome, 195; The Problem of. 142, 143
  • ENGINES: Frost. 247 Til^on. 143
  • F.ssex Farm, Morris-Cow)ey on. 4.12
  • Fan and Horn, Combined Electric, 02
  • Farmer's Light Car. A, 55
  • Farm, Light Car and the. 218
  • Farms, Cars in Use on. 432, 433
  • Finish, Ugly, Avoiding, 347
  • Float Chamber, An Improved. 431
  • Footrest, The " Resto," 413
  • Frame: And Body Design of Cvclecars of the
  • Future. 499, 500. Tubular, for a Light Car
  • or Cyclecar, 422 French: Array, Light Cars in the. 521. Artillery
  • Train, Camouflaged, 179. Petrol Notice:
  • Economisez L'Essence, 157 Friction: And Its Effects, 344. Drive—(See
  • " Drive ") Fuel Storage, Bulk, 323
  • Garage: A j£5 War-time, 517, 518. And Workshop, The, 519, 520. Equipment. 388. Improvements in the, 275. Lamp Holder, A Simple, 26
  • Gas Turbine, The, 437, 438 Gear Changing, Rudiments of, 215," 216 Giggleswick, Ebbing and Flowing Well at, 56 Grease: Cup: Handle, A, 449; .Simple Fastener for, 487. Pump for Axle Filling, A, 97 Greaser for Lubricating the Axles, 487 Great Parndon, Essex, Near, 287
  • H
  • Hardknott Pass in the Lake District, 391 Hartford Bridge Flats on the Basingstoke Road, 361
  • Headlight, Auti-glare, Device, Rite-Lite 44 Heater, An Exhaust, 487 Highways, Old, New Rules for, 204, 205 Hints: And Tips, Useful, 507. Bench, A Few
  • Handv. m. 123
  • Hood: A Roller Blind, 309. Screen, Draughts Caused by, 389. The Disappearing, 283, 284. To Improve the Comfort of the Car, 431 Hood, Beharell.'with Collapsable Side Curtain, 270 Horn : And Fan, Combined Electric, 62. Bulb, Repairing a, 418
  • Hub Cap, How to Prevent Los.s of, 443 Hyde Park, Morris-C'owley Coupe Snapped in, 291
  • Identification Plates, Motorcar, Surgestionis for, 470 Induction System, The, 444, 445
  • Jack, A Simple, 239 Joints, Gas-tight, 487
  • K
  • Kent, Lieut. Lawrence P., 229
  • I.ADY LIGHT CARIST: Cosset, Mrs. A. E.. 503
  • Lake District, Hardknott Pass in the, 391
  • Lamp Holder, Garage, A Simple. 26
  • Leatherhead, Junction of Dorking and Guildford Roads in, 485
  • Light, Anti-glare, Dillon Lens for (American), 201
  • Lisht Car: And How to Run It, 187-189, 215, 216, 240, 241, 261, 279, 280, 327, 328,' 342, 343, 363, 364, 386, 387. 405, 406, 423, 424, 441, 442, 461, 462, 481. 482, 501, 502, 519, 520. And the Farm, 218. Design, Coal-gas Tank Incorporated in, 227. In the light of To-morrow, 435. Or Cyclecar, Tubular Frame for a, 422. The Ideal, 13-15, 47-49, 69, 70, 84-86 102-104, 120, 121, 148, 149, 164-166. The .£100 to £150, 375
  • LIGHT CARISTS: Hill; Mr. F., 228. McMinnies, Flight-Commander W. G., 451. Munday, Mr. J. W., 22S. Noble, Mr. A., 28. Smith, Sir Harry, 180. Sutcliffe, Dr. Edward, 159. Thomas, Mr. Frank, 451. Williamson, Mr. W., 128
  • Light Carists, Map Reading and, IS
  • LIGHT CAKS AND CYCLECAKS: A.-C, 1, 18, 218, 391, 433, 505; Converted to Munition Lorry, 37; Gas Fitted, 339, 340: Spare Valve Set of, 59. A.-C. Sociable, 228. Acme (Australian), 133. Anglo, 21, 22 Baby Peugeot, 235, 289
  • Calcott, 311; Gas Driven, 3; Running Experiences with, and Suggested Improvements on, 479; with Gas Trailer, 95. Calthorpe (Cabriolet), 43. Calthorpe Minor, Improvements to a, 303, 304. Calthorpe (Racing), 24. Calthorpe (Sporting), 440; Gas Fitted, 39, 68. Garden, 243, 421. Clement-Bayard, 180 David. 429. Douglas. 453, 456, 457; "The Scout," 458
  • G.N., 378. 421; After 28,000 Mile,s, 192. G.W.K., 351, 371., 421, 485, 513-514; A Motoring Life History of, 125; Transmission on, 277 Hnmberette, 357, 375. "Gas Fitted, 219
  • viii
  • The Light Car and Cycleear
  • L (continued).
  • Lea-Francis, Transmission on, 278
  • Maxlborough, 175. Morgan, 421; Capt. Wood-house's, 61; Coupe Body on, 194; De Luxe, 63; Four-seater, 38; Gas Fitted, 114; Grand Prix Winner, 451; New Radiator on, 38; Sporting Body for a, 219; Starting Handle on: Making It a Fixture, 446; with Various Improvements, 329. Morris-Cowlcy, 18, 36, 287, 432; Coupe, 237, 267, 291; Gas Driveu, 3,
  • Perry, 375. Peugeot, 137 Roo (Australian), 199
  • Sigma, 335. Singer, 55, 197, 393., Standard, 490;
  • Clutch of, Points to Lubricate, 72. Stellite, 75, 159, 221, 427, 503. Super fin Paris Old
  • Iron Fair), 396. Swift, 93, 181, 266
  • Warne, 181. Williamson Three-wheeler, 128,
  • Wiltcn, Gas-driven, 25 Light Cars: In the French Army, 521. Would Save
  • Petrol on the Whitehall Front, 474, 475 Lighting: Dynamo, Drive for, 244. Sets, 461, 462, 481; Methods of Fixing, 367. 3M Light, The Fallot, 376 Lloyd, Col. Lindsay, 252 Lubricating the Axles, Greaser for, 487 Lubrication: Chain, 193. Of Single-plate Clutch, 72
  • M
  • Magneto: A Novel, 319. Matters, 326. Starter, Ait
  • Impulse, 97
  • Magnetos,>n, 118, 119 Magjietos, M.L., 16
  • Magneto Switch, Due© (Brown Bros.), 319 Map Reading and Light Cartels, 18 Monocars—(See "Light Cars and Cyclecars") Moor, Mr. George, 334 Moreuil, The Village of, 412
  • Motor, How We Are Dependent Upon the, 224. 225 Motoring Life History, A, 125 Munition Lorry, 10 h.p. A.-C. Converted Co 37 Munitions, A Way of Speeding Up, 298
  • N
  • Naphthalene Vaporizer, A, 60 Northolifle, Lord, 4
  • Nut, To Prevent a. Slacking Back, 418 Nuts and Studs, Loose, How to Remedy 285
  • Oilcan: An Economical, 373. Useful and Safa Place for, 402 '
  • Oil Drums, Emptying, Pump for, 44
  • Overhauls, Piecemen,!, 8, 9, 33, 34
  • Overhead Tackle, Arranging, 168
  • Owner-driver's Improvements to a Calthorpe Minor, 303
  • Palestine, Road Making in, 488, +89
  • Paris Old Iron Fair, The, 3%
  • Pedals, Adjustable, 487
  • Petrol: Drain Tap, Fitting a, 350. Light Cars Would Save, on the " Whitehall " Front, 474, 475. Notice, French: Eoonomisez L'Essenoe, 157. Pipe. How to Bend a, 347. Primer: A, 62; An Electrically-heated, 201. Tank Fittings, 413. Tanks and Pipes, 424. Tin Carrier, Spare, 12. Vaporizing Device. A, 413. Wastage: Another Instance of, 465; An Instance of. 447
  • Petrol Measure and Funnel, Dover Stamping Co , 156
  • Pinner, A Snap at, 1
  • Pipe Union Without Solid Joints, 12
  • Piston: Breakages, Avoiding, 443. Fiacturc. A Curious, 52. Lubricating System, An Eleo trically-oonitrolled, 87. TMng to Prevent Over-oiling, Design of, 295. Rings, American, Compression-tight. 59
  • Piston Rings: Ever Tight and SU-Tite. 295. Leak-proof and Superoyl (McQuay Norris), 223. Munger, 270. II. and M. (American), 156
  • Pistons and Cylinders, Bi-metal Construction of. 411
  • Plug: Electrode, An Unusual, 26. Heater, An Electric, Wi
  • PLUGS: A.-C. (Carbon-proof), 201. K.L.G., *»nd
  • Terminal, 44. " Twin-Fire," 449
  • Power, Dormant, 298
  • Primer, A Useful, 329
  • Primer, Kant-Klog, 355
  • Punch for Blank and Washer Cutting, 28ti
  • Radiator: Cover, A, 12. Tubes and Lead Pipes: A Similar Area, 259
  • Reverse, In the Absence of a, 161, 162
  • Reversing, 240 Rim, A Detachable, 413
  • R.N.A.S. Pilot Looping the Loop, 79
  • Road: Development After thei War, 23*2, 233. Making in Palestine, 488, 489. The Rules of the, 240, 425 Roads, How to Round a Refuge When they are Greasy, 59
  • Roadside Supplies of Fuel, Bulk Storage of, 323
  • Robinson, Mr. W. M., 471
  • Rubber: And Cotton, Vulcanized, for Universal Joints, 493. Tyre, Romance of, 398, 399 Rumney, Mr. A. W., 356
  • Running Costs at a Glance, 276
  • iurew, A Novel Wood 431
  • Screwdriver, The Simple, 50
  • Second-hand Oar, New or, Selection of, 187-189
  • Shed, Wood, The Portable, 169. 190
  • Shere Church, 36
  • Shock Absorber and Universal Joint, A, 193
  • Shoreham, Norfolk Bridge and Another at, 139
  • Show, New York, Novel Features at, 231
  • Silencer, Vacuum, 270
  • Single-seater, A Home-built, 254, 255
  • Skidding, 240. Device, An Anti, 333
  • Smith, SiT Barry, 180
  • Snow: Bound, Almost, 197. Plough at Work in Durham District, 98. Scene in North of England, 99
  • South Harting, A Cyclecar Club Hill-climb on, 360
  • Spanners, A Nest of Open-ended, 260
  • Spanner with Adjustment at One Edge, 270
  • Speedometers: Cowey, Chain Drive of, 497. Smith, 497. Stewart, Mechanism of, 497. Watford, Front Wheel Worm Drive of, 497
  • Speedometer, The Problem of the Perfect, 497
  • Spfhdles, How to Braze into Ends of Axles, 40<
  • Springing: And Differential Defects, Tyre Wear Caused by, 383. Diagram Showing Effect o, Speed on, 436. The Question of, 84-86. Triplicate Cantilever, Novel, 56
  • Spring: Leaf Separator and Valve Spring Lifter Combined, 295. Winding, A Tool for, 302
  • Springs and Shackles, Assembly of, 8, 9
  • Sprocket, Morse Chain Oo.'s Adjustable, 319
  • Stances, MT. G. H, 430
  • Starters, Electric, 482
  • STARTING DKVICES: Brolt, 46, 482. C.A.V., 482
  • Starting: Handle: Fitted with a Balance Weight, 484; Making It a Fixture, on a Morgan, 44b, with a Sliding Grip, A, 464. Rudiments of, 215, 216. Sets, Methods of Fixing, 367, 368
  • Stead, Sec.-Lieut. G. C, 395
  • Steering: Cables, Necessary with Wire and Bobbin, 195. Gear Oon.sideirations, 102-104, 120
  • Steering Wheel, Goodrich Lenhart Locking Device-for, 182
  • Storage and Workshop, Portable Wood Shed for. 169, 190
  • Stud Box, Using, to Fix Loose Stud in Position, 172
  • Sturmey, Mr. Henry, 334
  • Surrey Wood, Rough Road in, 505
  • Syphon for Emptying Vessels, Stansyphon for, 259
  • Tank, A Wilderness and a, on the British Western Front, 250
  • Tliurmal and Tyre Losses, 459 Thermo-syphon System of Cooling: Theory and Practice, 186
  • Three-seater, Mr. Vorrier's, 302
  • Three-wheeled Oyclecar. A, 473
  • Three-wheeler, A Friction Drrven, Cantilever Springs on a, 35
  • Throttle Valve, Jones, 223
* Tibston, Mr. E., 491
  • Tool: A Combination, 295. For Spring Winding, A, 302. Outfit, Supplementing the, 384
  • Tools, Home-made, 238
  • Tractor, Ford, Lord Northcliffe at the Wheel of «, 4
  • Traffic Anomalies, Curious, A Few, 204, 205
  • Trams, The Battle of the, 10, 11
  • Tramway " Bully," The, 139
  • Transmission: Belt-cum-chain, Mr. Sirett's, 504. Considerations of, 13-15, 47-49. Cyclecar, 401. Troubles, 343, 363
  • Trial, A Pre-waT, on. Coverdale, 313
  • TRIALS: A.-C U. One-day (Pre-wax), 228. Cyclecar Club (Pre-wair), 360. 361. Royal Motorcycle Club of Cataluna. (Petrol Substitute), 429
  • Trouble: How It Develops: To Remedy Loose Studs and Nuts, 285
  • Tunbridge Wells District, In, 18
  • Turbine, The Gas, 437, 438
  • Two-B'Croke: Orankcase Losses with a, To Overcome, 195. Engine, A Fundamental Difficulty with, 152. The Problem of the, 142, 143
  • Tyre: A Burst, and Spare Wheels, 30. Gaiter, An American, 156. And Thermal Losses, 459. Electrically Retreading *, 373. Pump, En-gine-diriven, 26. Rubber, Romance of the, 398, 399. Wear Caused by Springing and Differential Defects, 383
  • Tyre Patch, Rieme Autopatch, 249
  • Tyre Pump, Hilton Variable, 2JS
  • Tyres, 405, 406, 423. And Wheels, Attention to, 324, 3W
  • TYRES: Disteel, and Wheel, 249. Michelin, 182. Vanguard Detachable, 249
  • Universal Joint and Shock Absorber, A, 193
  • Universal Joints of Flexible fabric, 493
  • Universal Joint, The Siret*. 40 USA—(see " American ")
  • Valve: An Auxiliary, 373 Breakages, Exhaust, To Prevent, 119. Cap Spanner,. An Ingenious, 418. Gear, A Detachable Cylinder Head with Steel Seating Plate and Directly-Operated Overhead, 333. Operating Gear with Rotary Motion, 135 Spring, Compressing, a 17
  • Valves, Grinding-in, Removing and, 390, 391
  • Valve, Spare, A.-C., 59
  • Vaporizer, A Naphthalene, 60
  • Vaporizers: Eclipse, 26. Gas K Hot" (for Heavy Fuels), 62
  • Vaporizing Device fox Petrol, 413
  • Volunteer Service, Marlborough Light Car on. 175
  • Vulcanized Rubber and Cotton IOT Universal Joints, 493
  • Waddeedon, Five Arrows Hotel at, 409
  • WAR: After the, Road Development, 232. Battle, Now a Centre of the Great, 412. British Western Front, A Wilderness and a Tank on, 250. French Artillery Train, A Camouflaged, 179. Palestine, Road Making in during, 488, 489
  • Washer: Cutting, Blank and, Punch for, 286. Locking, A Home Made, 418
  • Wear, Neglect Spells, 320-322
  • Weight, Sprung and Unsprung, 436
  • Wembley Special Constabulary, Light Oars Attached to, 181
  • Wheel and Tyre, Difteel Detachable, 249
  • Wheel, Disc to a Wire, Securing a, 407
  • Wheels: And Brakes, 363, 364 386. 387. And Tyres, Attention to, 324, 325. Disc, A Section of, 87. Spare, A Burst Tyre and, 30
  • Windscreen: Cleaner, Marvel, 223. Making the. Watertight, 156
  • Wing Curves, Evolution of, 257, 258
  • Wings, Valances and Chassis Components, 148, 149
  • Women's World Championship in Ascot Park, California., 316
  • Women. Two, a Light Car, and a Beginner's Guide, 89
  • Wootton Hatch Hotel, 111
  • Work Bench, A Portable, 388
  • Workshop: And Garage, The 519, 520. Electricity in the, 107, 108. Or Storage, Portable Wood Shed for, 169, 190
  • Wrench, A Quick Adjustment, 449

See Also


Sources of Information