Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Lightcar: Index v13: (1918/11/25 to 1919/05/24)

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of Light Car and Cyclecar

See the Issues for this index

INDEX. Volume 13. 25th Nov 1918 to 24th May 1919.

  • A,A.: Benzole Scheme, 339; and Duty (or Elections, i3; and M.U., Glasgow. Change of Address. 501; and iJie R.A.C., 243; and R.A.C. and Petrol licences, 340; and the Supw 'llax, 284
  • AoceJerftitia1 Foot Rest, S3
  • Acwoeork-s, Smit.h and Son's Poet-ww, 138
  • Accident: Almost an (Chair Falilikug Jrom Lorry), 435. At Gainsborough, Driver's T^eg Ji.n-Ktnuled in Steering (Sear, ST. Newcastle £130 to Repair a £120 Car, 47. fitouping After, A Curious Point of Law, 3
  • Accidents: Fatal, Decrease of, 390. How They Occur, 430. More, loS. More Possible, 87. To Passengers, Liability foi-, 494. To Prevent, US. Sharing Oast of, Decision of Chief Juatk:e of Wellington, M ,Z., 87. Street, Minimizing, 582. 11,84] La Nino Months;, 25
  • Acetylene: Oar, The, 205; G^emera-tors, 174
  • Adam and Grinmldji—Projected Light Car, 203
  • Addresses Wa-mted, 62
  • AdvertLsemen.tjs: for Friday Issue, 88; Small Increased Charge*;, 205
  • Aero Factory's Projected Light Cur, Adam and G.rim&ildi, 209
  • Aeroplane in Crate, in a Ditch, 504
  • Aeroplane Industry to Compete—Mr. T. O. Sopwith's Motortiycile, 71
  • A.g&rwde's, French Ofii1, Ooni[>etin.R lor, 371
  • Aircraft v. Motor lndiiistry, 270
  • Air Inlet, Automatic, 174
  • Akoihol: to Make us Independent, 339; Rese-wfi,
  • AM Bafoa, A Modem, 264 Alms Hill, May *Uh, 525
  • American: Cars. Gigantic Figures, 458; Four-wheeled Lightweight, G5; LigShtimg Laws, 256; Pushing Methods, 594; View of British
  • Cans, 282 Antestihetiua—HUH Ty[te, Lieut G. C. Stead's Ex-
  • jierfenoes of, 156 Anecdotes, Prisee for. 157 An-ti-gla<re La.v, 8
  • Ajiti-motoiiitin letters Aippeariftg, 183 Aix; de Trioiiiijiftic, A SUwir Wnijiod Out, 52 Area. Prohibited (OoWhesitw Policeman and
  • frazzling Headlights), 88 Armistice Day Jaunt—Air Mechanic. Fined at
  • MaJldon, 88
  • ArmLsticing Manneris, i Aminy Council Number of W.D. Motors at Disposwl oi, 453
  • Assembling Made Easy, 512
  • Australia, Victory Cii'j) for, J1S
  • Authority, Making it H«t .for, 181
  • Auto-Carrier a, Deeigiiier of UH-, 44 5; Finishing Worlds, 431
  • Atl'to.Cyol'e Union': Annual Mooting, 381, 412. Ex-•pert Advioe on Buying Kfrcond-Ji&nd Cycle-cars, 548; Labour iWty in. 457 Avenueni and Green Wellies, Ix>ndon Soodety and New Roads, 480
  • Aviation Pratitfee and tjhe Post-war Car, 247
  • Awkward Altarnaitive, No Ijights or Exceeding the Speed liinit, 549
  • Alford, Major Sidney A., Motoring Liaison Officer, 108. Anticike by, " Things rhait Must Not Oomo Again," 53; " Wiho Shoulld Control? " 277
  • Ayrshire, Drive Careluilly in, 592
  • Back to the Light Car: A Run on a G.W.K. After Four Years, -Ififi
  • Jitid Tfoad'3 and RUIMMUR Oasts. S80 JJalfi, Major F. H., " DemoblKid," 4« Ball Ranee, Imjirovfsnenta in, 373 Ballot, A .Sexsrc* (Meeans. 0. A. V.inderveJil ami
  • Co.), 81 Barker, Mr. C. I., Director of W. TT. Dorman and Co., 392
  • Battery Box, A Neat, 24G BafctJeflelds, 'fo t3ie, 592 Beaohcomhers' Care, 257 Bear, Escajjed Irom Now York Zoo, Captured by
  • Car, lf,l 'Beav, The," at Ealier—DeaUh of Mr. Mr-Grpgor, 158
  • Bearings. LnbricAtine, 172 Bodclia, What the, Did, 2»
  • " Bcfigare, Poor "—Car Pun;haseirs, 589
  • Bvldtum Tywas, Priw of, 1SH>
  • Beliia-TU IVe po.'a Works, Fire at, 286
  • Belfast Garaging to be 2s. tid. a Day, 255
  • lK-lsian Bul'l«tine, 4ft3
  • B<-lt Drive Dfeappeairing, 155
  • Bi:nt Nails, Moniey in, 73
  • Benzole: Advantage lor Home Fuel, Freedom from
  • Tax, 131; Anglo-American Oil Oo.'e Adver
  • tisement and, 33ti; Gane Barred, 363; from
  • Coal, 484; Coupon Free, 255, 2G3; in, Drums, 25fi; to Prevent Free-zing, 1C1; Fuuir-e of,
  • ?271; and Gue Consurnora, 369; Ho* it Af-
  • fei^,'Ga«, 38'2; Government Subsidy, 243?
  • HLch' Price of, 546; and Petrol, 203; Popu
  • larising, 338; Prk*> of, 1£2: Rush for, 181:
  • Scandalous Price of, 135; To Be Sold Inde
  • pendently, ? 315; Some FauUs Conc&rninK, 572; SU-iidardiized, 477; Suwleinentory Li
  • cences ior, 0G; Tax, 269; Who is Using?
  • US '
  • Bicyde, llax on the, 444
  • Rioytleis, Rear Lighta on, 3G '
  • Birke.n.head Fe.nry, 370, 409. 477
  • BiMninig.ha'm District and fiu-tton Motor Clubs: RixieiptioQ to Ilelurned Soldiers a-nd Sailors, G5 ?
  • Biiiininglwim Train Times, Olwtiding the, 595
  • Blaok Finish for Brass to Savii Clwininig, 124
  • Blamed the Sorc-en.; R.A.F. Private Who Killed Omni'bue Iins^otor, 2S4
  • Billnd Coiner, DAn<KeT of the, 370
  • Blinded Soldiieivs, Matinee for, 4S
  • Board of 'IVade Mebhotis (from "'H!io Tim*s"), HiH
  • Bodybttibldi-ng, A Hint for, 1-1
  • Bon met, S'j>ol>s on tilie, 14
  • Books:—" Motor AlamiaJ," 2j. " Women's Motor Maniual," 83, 18i>. " War Rctmrd of a Wonderful Iniventioni," M«. " Tyro Vailves " (Sch.rader and Sonn), 430. Book ol the ? Badge—R.A.O., 524. J'^as-t and Wtwt with the E.F.C., &2H
  • Boom in Three-whtwlere, 329
  • B&ota, Anmy, Not Serious U> Moti»r Transport, CW1. Txwd Harris, 4
  • Bradiford, DaJig©r<ni« l>rivin^ in, 111
  • Bradley, Rw:.-Lieut. A. P., Dmuo-MliKcd, :m
  • Brake, MixNtirj-miiK'n-'t, 39
  • Brass, Bliu^k Finish to Save CleanJug, 124
  • BrentJord High Strict, Abolwhittg, 342
  • Brentford Police Court. 'lTie latest Grieviin^, M0
  • Bri^iton lload, 11h«. 284
  • Brighton Itoad, Alternative, Round Croydon, S17
  • Bnighton, Wihy Go to? H74
  • British Care, Ara&rw-iiin View of, 282
  • British EniKineeiin« Standards As»m:iatioi), 339
  • British Magnfiitoa. The, 70
  • British Magneto Tniumiph, 494
  • Brirtish MajnufActurv'.m, Fusion of, 3fS
  • British Motor Industry: Ai»)>:vi;ia.t.U)n ol fierv)<•<?« by Rt. Hon.. WmsU>n> Ciinrthill, 58
  • British Motor L*sa.g««, 107, 156, 203, 225; Mr. G-eralA Bis« on the, 158; Inaugural Meeting, 133. 181; Meeting a-t Cannon Street Hotel, 192; A Sign of the Times, 8G
  • Britiislh Motor Trading Conporation, Caipital, 547
  • British Sc-ieTVtiflc Products, 124. Exhibition, 160
  • " Btfooblande," A FrMcJi? 369
  • BrooMamk Meeting in August., 'fflO; To be Reused, 282; What it I-ooks Like To-day, 533 Will it be tUvived? 1S5
  • liuddmtsham Bullet. The, 500
  • Budget, The, 521; How it Affects the TJ«e n«<l Many.faoture of Motor«vris, 545; Forecasts, 4«0; Surprise. 54fi
  • Bulbs, Electric. Refleoloi1 for, 174
  • Burford Bridge Ilallv, 405, 440
  • Burke Condenser,1- %7
  •<!*s Oar, Interesting Test Case, 318
  • Busine«« Man, MoetinR tlwi Dranands ci the, 272
  • ?Rusiiuiss Prfimii^s, Ounmiindearln.g of Morris, U.iis«ell find Co.). 162
  • Buzz-\V;monn, Horrors of, HC
  • Cabinet, The New, 155
  • Call of Die Road, The. JottiiiR* of " John G-ilijin
  • .Tn,r.," 461, 483, 515 535, 556, Ml, a% Oa-lLhorpe DLvidendis, 255; ProKraMne for 1919, 4112 (Saiinping on MoreUm (Tommoii, 129 Cttr.uda, Qar« fjom. 5-16 Canada, Former-own f<l Car« in, 391 Canadian Motor Spirit RcBtriclious landed, 131
  • Car: The Acetylene, 205; Burgling the, at Hamilton, N.Z., 2uo; A Oamiiiiig^ut, 212; Cheap Two-fleate-r from U.S. (Uici-ste-r Daily Frews), MO; The Conorete and Sawdust. 388; Co-oi>fwa.tive, The. .477; 'Phe S. F. LdgeJ :i85; TJie Hundred Pounds, 87; The #1A Making it Possible, T.7; The Mad, 204; For Mayor of Southampton, 160, 205; Output, Record EuJ-opraiti, 108; Priees, Pi-emiU'tius on Delivery, 131; To Pixx-ure a, The Question oi the Moment, 455; Production, Two Im-?iwtant Questions, 477; Runaway, at Sfpiilaby, lGfi: Thieves, Actors' ijoasea, 314; ThieviiiK, 65; for Twelve Pounds, 3; U..S. (Jigan-tic Figw*s, 45S; Used, Examimnfi A, U7; Useful in Oa^pturimg Escaii'ed Bear In NKV York, 1S1
  • Carbide, Prioif of,,. 64
  • Carbni-ett&r: Cwj>ao, 413. Claudel-Hobson, 433. For Heavy Fuels, 113. Improvements, . 347. Wolseley, New, 59. Should tl«, Be Con. trolkd from the Dash? 397. Smith Single-jet, 210. Sup>plamentary, Patent, 18
  • CARS:—Albert, Grknalda and Co., The, 133; Angue-Sanderswn Deivelopments, 269. Awto-Oar-riei', A Cheap, 52 Bean, The. «1. Be.ll, 477
  • Cail^wt.t, 1919, 387. Oitroen, 'ill, 319. Coventry-Simplex Under 1,500 ex., 454. Crweley, Jt..F.O.. Designer ol, 51. Crouuh, 338 Enfield-AUday, 33, 49 G.W.K., 49; Run On. a Alter Four ', 467
  • Junior, The, 220 ' ' Majoia, The New, 387. Ma this, 72
  • Standard 1913, Prims oi, 204. Swift, Poet-war, F<ri<;o ol, 67
  • Cars: Aineriwin Production in First Thiree Months
  • ol Year. 5SG; Be-.n:h<>ombe-re', 257; Dating
  • of, 4, 5110. Demand fo- Small. 314; For the
  • Disabled, -15; By Easy . Payment, 158.
  • Foreign, 4H0; Ceimi*n, No More. 12; Goyfini-
  • men-t, 163; Cov ent, Missin.g, 338;
  • Gover-niiiient War-worn, li; How They a-re
  • Bought, 155; T-ar#e, High Prices for Roils-
  • Boy oc, 73; More About, G51; and Motor-
  • cyvllce, DenmitiK, 107; New, 25, 431; No Now,
  • Ye.t, 2B9; No Foreign, Yet, 217; Panu:
  • P!??[(?<!.* for, 543: Post-war. Prieiw ol, SI, 172;
  • Purchase of, £500 (or a Place, 571; Second
  • hand, Prices of, 153; Seven Thousand n
  • Yean-, ilS; Sma.ll, French 'Cenvpepiunemt
  • and, 371: Swi!«n, irt Joy Week, 3; Stolen, 811: in Toronto, 38; Thief-pioof, 454; Why
  • Not A U 7 4
  • ? "C.A.V. Oaze-tto," 382 '
  • CA..V. Sitarter, 321
  • C<»iisoiislui]) Secrets, The Unwitting Journadi«t, 530
  • OomCraliicd.l-iibrii-a.tion, 193
  • 01ian.Bc Over, Tho, 572
  • "Channel " Problems, A Vow, 369
  • Chart, A Road, 148
  • (.'haM-R-its, Post-war HurHncaT, 260
  • OhauJfour, Tins Maid, 255 ?
  • Cheap at tilic PriM (Show A*«iatfwvt), 243
  • Chinese " Good Roads " Movement, 109
  • Oliristiaeiiia, Joisraph p., Killed in Aocidcn.t, 338
  • OhriotnMks, A Motoring, 109
  • (^liristmas on tjie Jiiiyhton tload, 109
  • Chudleigh, Ten-m.i.le Limit in. 582
  • OhuTdh, Motoring to. Allowed. 45
  • Oi'ti'oeu Car, 311. Mak'i's1 Addrosw, 506
  • Gk-rfcson, Mr. ThomaR, i'lcfjdeut ol I.A.E., 318
  • " Olearaigihit " Screen ClcatK-r, 23ii
  • Climate, Our Fickle, 521
  • Olub: Beteian, Buiiittins, 409. Co«!«jtiry and War. wk-tshh-e, 391. Cy«le<vBr, 25, 156; Re-starU, 186; Annual Meeitin«, 287, 381, 393: Opening Run. 315; Radlv, 337, 369, 393; Title o!, 217. Cyclists' TonriILK, Doisated, 390. Easton, Hun«, 453. ICastern Counties Motor, 25P. Fiasfc Riding Motor Cyc!!iin,g, New 'Ilitle. 337. Hwaford shire Automobile, 409. Herts. County Automobile and Aero, 454. Irioh Motor, Honoured. 390. Junior Car, 257, 369, 431, 4fifi; Itiattgiwatod, 411; Mr. Avey at, 4ati; .Toininc the, 473; Event, Alms Hill, 507; Rally, '381, 405. Livftrjwl. I'M, 410. Midland Light C^ir, 315. Motor Cycling: An-nua.1 Meeting, 158. 237; Concert,- 315, 337; Edinburgh Run, 478; Dpening Run, JOG; Rally, April Gth, 455. Motor, Puri-hase of, 117; Situation F.x-(iUi.ine<l by R. D. b\ Paul, 253. For Motorists—Wanted, A, 21G. News 478. Suit on (Told fie Id and Mid-Warwink-sliire MceliiiK, 265. York and District l'imt Run, 3M 478
  • Coac-hwork, Rn»yaiistiriue>tUin in. 81, 15(1
  • Coal and the Motorist, 819
  • The Light Car and Cyclecar
  • Forecast, How to Make Your Own, 169 I'ureign Cars, 480; None Ynt, 217; At Olymipa, 31!) Foreign Touring Made Easy, 479 Four Hundred Miles on a 1,019 Singer., 578 Fiancc, Tha 30-Mile Limit, in. 1B1 Stdditl in 177
  • Coal-gas, Petrol and. Relative Values ol, 19
  • Coil versus Magneto Ignition, 170
  • Collision with Sheep and Car, Ingenious DeJence,
  • Collisions, Onus on Following Driver, 160
  • Colver, Captain E- de Wylreieley Swift, 62
  • Competition, The A.A., Hosing Date Postponed, 67
  • Competition. Season Opening, 441
  • Competitions, Mr. I. T. Wood on, 457
  • Compressed Air in the Garage, 4
  • Oora^reesion Tap, " Sittite " 347
  • Concert, Our UhrisUnas, 133
  • Concession, No A, Mouws lor Electioneer!nig, 45
  • Control, Banal FAfw-l of, 501
  • Control, The Taint ol, 107
  • Controlling with Artificial Limbs, 4'J7
  • GonVertin* Open Gar into Coupe, 331
  • Cooling, Problem of. 1G7
  • Do-operative Oar Tlie. 477
  • Cork-faced Clutches Apaiii, 590
  • Cornering! Birmin-Klia.m Petty Sessions, 589
  • Coroner's Wisdom, Stationary Car, 392
  • Coupe, Converting Open Gar into, 331
  • Oiiime. New Motor—Petrol Cans, 4
  • Crouoh Motors, Litd., Sorting Car, 338
  • Croydon ReJiel Road, 354
  • Crying lor the Moon, by J.oihn Gilpin, Jn.r., 419
  • Cycle and Motor Trades Bftrtevo-iemt Fund; Con-cert, -m, JU: Handbook, £06; Sir Charles Wakefleld'e Appeal, Result of, 335
  • Cycleoar, Aeroplane Type of, 3. Boom, The, 71, 329, 407; Future Developments ol tho, 77; Home-made Monooa-r, 55; New, by Messrs. Baylies, 'Phonwus and Co., 571; New Tandem-eeUer, 588; The Stability ol the, 213; Three-wheeler, Views on tihe, 282; Messrs. Evans a-nd Co., 287; A Novol, ;.27, 550
  • Cyelocar. What is n? 477; When the, was Intro-duued, 71
  • CYCLECAR: A.V. New Two-seater, 137. Carden New Two-seater at £130, 68, 232- Clarence Three-wheeler. 2$>. G.N., 1919, 67. 188. L.S.D., Preliminary Details, 364. Merrall-Brown, 526, Premier, fi9 (Super-runabout), 71. Victor, 6. Wooler-Mule, 230. 259
  • Cyclecars, Expert Advice in Buying, 548
  • Cycleears Called " Motorcycles," 408
  • Cyclist, The Considerate, 477
  • Cyclists1 Jubilee, The, 286
  • Cyclist's Lament, A, 594
  • Cyclists, Pass Cautiously, 567
  • Daily Paper Oar, The. 181
  • Dangerfield Trophy, The, 155
  • Date of Cars, 4, 630
  • Dawson, Mr. A. J., Presentation to, 108
  • Dofining Cars and Motorcycles, 107
  • Delivery Charge, 11U
  • Deniand for Small Car*, Tho, 314
  • Demobilisation—When the- Hoys Conio Hack. 67
  • Democracy, Not Salnr lor [Rule of tbn Road), 158
  • Democratizine Motorinu, 210^
  • Derby, The ft.A.C. and, 5IJ6
  • Diagnosis itp-to-Data—Faulty Clutch, 400
  • Di.-lt Tiupins, youthful, 242
  • Dilly and Dally, 5<>4; and Dora, Still Busy. 108;. and the Super-tax, .110
  • DisafforosUition in Devonshire, 65
  • Disc Wno.d—Devfil opmen t, :165; Improved, 93; Mk'.helin, 438
  • JJ'schargeii Men, Dealing with, 286
  • Dog Danjrer, The, 548
  • Don, In Avoiding a. 26 '
  • Dogs, Cats, Pianos and Cars (" Daily Mail "
  • on the New Villa), 409
  • Dogs, Poliw Stop Motorist to I*ok lor, 501
  • Dorking Police Busy, 477
  • Dormans and Co., Ltd.. New Director, 392, 409
  • D.O.H.A.: Arnend-er!, 25; Offencos Bndorsable on Lice-noes, 110
  • Dora's Lft-st Kick—Llandudno Motorist Fined lor Taking His Wile by Doctor's Order, 110
  • Dreadnought Motor Policies at Lloyd's, 111
  • Drill Protector. A Useful, 299
  • Drive Friction, 138
  • Driver Fined £7 10s, for Knocking Down Passenger, 110
  • Driver, The Inexperienced, " Liverpool Daily Courier," 67
  • Drivers, Stones Thrown at, 159
  • Driving, Dangerous; in Bradford, £5 Fin*. Ill; Driver Charged with .B«iiig Drunk with 12 Bottles of Whisky, 257. From the Lay Priiss, 566. Ins] lector's Candid Admission, S-18. Provinoinl &;nch Case. KB. AL Risca, Motor in, Firmd £5, 183. Wonderful F«at ol Policeman, SiS
  • Driving Licence, The " Push," 330
  • Driving in Reverse, 400
  • Du Croa, Mr. Harvey, Death of. 100
  • Duko of GraiWin Converted to Motoring, B5
  • Dunlop, "Mr. I)—*" Identity, 218
  • Dunlop Co.'s Output, E7
  • Dynamo, Smith and Sons', J38 490
  • KasUr Holiday News. 503: Tours, Jf,si«itcr, Toliiw Work a I,, 522 Piaster, Roads to Avoid at., 460
  • Easter. What to do at, 4fiO Eastern Counties Motor Ckib, 158
  • Easy Starting—Daily Press Tip, 204
  • Edge's, Mr. S. F., Car, 385; Light Car Mileage, 265
  • Edinburgh Hun, No Meals on, 517
  • Election: Candidates, Motor Support for, 29; Carp, Tax Free. 29; Com: ess ion. Another (Unscreened Headlights), 15
  • Electric Car, The Future ol the, 369
  • Electric Lighting and Starting Set, I, 261; 11, 300; III. 321
  • Electric Starters, US
  • Electric Starting Set, The Rusbmore, 529
  • Electric Vehicles, 455
  • Electrical Knowledge Necessary, 203
  • Emancipation Day, .Setxmd-hantl Cars lor 24. A Wet, 45
  • Emergency Service, A Permanent, 382
  • Enemy Dead, Aiready—Mr. Massuc Buist in " The Morning Tost," 204
  • Enfield, Ailday Motors, Ltd., Change o( Title, 46. Deliveries, 318. ModiScations, 335
  • Engine: A.U.C. Radial or Vertical Six? 242. Air-cooled, Getting the Best Out o!, 1103. Decarbonizing tho, '.Three Ways ol, 470. Design, Light Car, New Departure in, 333. Dismantles rari, 26. Enfield-Alkjay Radial, 355. Eight-cylinder Duplex, 358. Horizontal ly-opposetl Air-iiKiled Twin, 89. Inter-nalfy Aircoplftd, Details of, 228. Static Radial, Designer of vhe, 51, 121; Starters, Elcctrii'., 145; Starting, Right and Wrong Way, 57; Radial, How it Works, 121; Renovator, The, 21fi; Rotary Two-stroke, Sug-Kestiuna lor, 294; Di>s!gn«r of, 318; Smokes, If It, 16«, 398; Two-stroke, The Coming o[ the, 51; Variable Frii:tion Gear, 357; Why Negl^t the High Compression? iW
  • Enginea: Light Car, Mass Production o!, 357. Mnlti-cylindor, ISO. Do They Pull Better at Night? 136
  • Kngo-Plater, 348
  • Excess Profit Tax, How it Works, 282
  • Exeter Polite Busy, 429
  • Exhibition, British Science Products, 160
  • Experience, Lack ol, Woman Dviver Fined, 111
  • Export Regulations, Information on, 365
  • Export Trade, Sir Charles Man&elberg on, 340
  • Kxjorta, Ban on, 157, 386
  • Exports, Italian Car, Lower, 390
  • Exports, United Kingdom v. U.S.A., 435
  • Facts, A reversal ol--" Daily Express," 1S6
  • Fare, Miss Ethel, R.A.C., 407
  • Farmers, A I'iU lor the, 572
  • Figures, London's Motoring, 87
  • Fine, Gateshoad Motorist's Light Punishment, 4M
  • Fines, How to Avoid, 161
  • Fire, How u> Tacluo a.. 98
  • Fire, Liability for DamaKO Cmiscrt by, 1(92
  • Firs, Motorist Aggravate.--- Heavy Fine, 410
  • " First Car, On IJuyiny tin;," 477
  • Fit of Fbruary Ho to Oolobrate the " First Car, On IJuyiny tin;," 477 First of February, How to Oolobrate the Day, 8 Five Guineas for an Idea. 465, 475 flying, Tho TUsult of—Motorist Fined at Kingston )0it
  • French Light Cars, More, 284
  • French Makers Combine, 391
  • French War-worn Motors, 34
  • Friction Drive, 133
  • Front Oove-r: Car, 26, 45, 63, 87, 133, 158, 183, 203, 235 255, 2S4, 315, 339, M3, 390, 40S, 431, 453, 477, 501, 521, S4S, 567, 589
  • Front-wheel Skid, What is a? 205
  • Fuel: Benaole, Tho Advantages of, 63: No Pros-i>ec-t ol Better, 282; Future Supplies of, 339; For the Germans, 571; Government Ben-w>l« Subsidy, 243: Home, An Advantage for (Benzole). 131; The Lile Blood, 2; Shortage, Secrets ot the, 92; " Straw-gas," 45; Tank, with Level Ind-ica-tor, 'J3; When it Will be Cheaper—Sir Marcus Samuel at C.M.U.A. Luncheon, Ili7; War Price o!, 333
  • Garagn Awommodation Wanted, 2Ifi
  • Garage Charges (from "The Times"), 429
  • Garage, Compressed Air in the, 4
  • Garage Fire, Liability lor, 104
  • Garage, Lighting thp, 74
  • Garage, Street, Does not Pay, 158
  • Garages, The Housing Problem and, 227
  • Gas, How Benzole- Atlecte, 282
  • Gas Consumers, An Insidious Campaign, 282
  • Has Industry, What the, has Done, 272
  • lifts Lamps Possible, 29
  • IJB'8 Producer, New Suction, 1*53
  • Gas, N-o Restriction a on, J33
  • Gas Traction, Futuro of, 159. Tnorfiase of, 183
  • Gasoline!oss Sundays Abolished, 45
  • Gear Katios, Determination o!, 447
  • General Election: and tho A.A., 72; anri Insurance, 29
  • German Captured Cycleoar's Strange Tyres, 317
  • German Patents Acquired, 25fi
  • German State Motor Vehicle Co., 87
  • (Jetting Rich Quick! 271
  • Gipsy Club Revived, Irom "Motor Cycling," 39
  • Given Away—Motorist and Gas Bay, 182
  • Glare, Illumination Without, 23B
  • CJlarekiller, 559
  • Glaas and Insurance, Dreadnought Motor Policies at, Lloyd's, 111
  • f;.N. Final Drive, 45
  • Goddard, Major R. K., Oversea* Motor Commissioner, 392
  • Government Cars, 163; Miss-ing, 338; Sale ol, 203, 269, 567; Sale of, Suspended, 391; Sunbeam for £180, 243
  • Government Restrictions—Waiting (or Dilly, Dally and Co,, 131, 369
  • Government Road Bill 33j
  • Government Vehicles, Salo of. Where are the Sin-Ker-s? W7, 58'J
  • Crease Cap Lock, A New, 59
  • Grease Cup Filler, 119
  • Grease Cups, Eliminating, 391
  • Greyhound Killed by Motorcar, Judgment for Defendant, 455
  • Glowing up in Four Years ['? Daily Mail " on Motorists), 159
  • Cutlgeon Pin, Lubricating the, 113
  • Guide to Wealth, A, Equitable Bank Meeting in Halifax 255
  • G.W.K., An Injustice to, 111; Work« Extension, 435
  • H
  • IlaiE's. Sir Douglas, House at Kingston Hill .384
  • Hand-"Cranlring, Correct, 57
  • Handbook, Road Transport, 4-1
  • Hand-grip^, Simple, 16
  • Hardstoit Good: Progress at, 169
  • Hat field, Half an Hour from Town (" Manchester Guardian "), 256 Headlamps, A N-on-tiazzle, 437
  • HeadlAtniM, "Some"! War Office Searchlights, 45 Headlights, Brilliant—Danger to Pedestrians, 3 Headlights, Doctor wants Undimm-ed 82 Heap, Lieut. R. A. B., in Ireland, 3« Heavy Motor Vehicle Law, 110 Helical Bevel Gears, 318 lien ley Regatta, 332
  • Hill-climb Meeting at Alms Hill, May 4th, 476 Hill, "C.S.," in Hospital, 500 Hints and Suggestions, Some, 166 Hire Purchase System, The, 104 "His Senses Left Him! "—Canadian A.S.C. Driver, 237
  • Hole, How tn Pit a, 193 Holiday, The First Post-War, 489 Home Builders, A Chance for, 3 Honours List, Now, W&ll-known Motorists in, 522 Horn, The Appollo, 366; the Echo, 223 Horn-rimmed Spectacles, The Latest Fashion, 457 Horns, Eleotrio, 221
  • Horrors of Peace, The Horn Signals, 335 Horses: Doomed, 505; Ancient, on BehsJf of, 26 Horstmann, Capt. D. S. C, 183, 595 Hospi tal Motor Squadron, Work of Thie, 285;
  • Volunteers Wanted, 143
  • Hostdlry, The Perfect, for the Light-Carist, 42 Hotel Accommodation, Easter, 386 Motel Lists, Multiplicity of, 217 Hotel Meals at any time, iO9 Hotel, The Prettiest, in Great Britain, Whfrh is? 386; Prize for, 530; Pme-winner, 547 Hotels Must U)>en to " Travellers," 72 Hour Record, Who Will Beat the? ("Light Car
  • and Cyclecar " Trophy], 481 Housing Problem and Garages, 227 " How It's Dono "—Buying a Car, 45 Hull Auto-Cycle and Light Car Climb, Alteration
  • of Title, 230
  • Humour in Gxcelsis, 543 ?«
  • Hiwnour, .Unconscious (Level Crossings), 504 Hut Hotel, Wisley: A Busy Week-end, 386..
  • Ignition, Coil v. Magneto. 170
  • Illumination Without Glare, 233
  • Immortal Job, Not "an (Dismantling an Engine), 26
  • Imports, Ban. on, Parbially-removei!. 480
  • ImiHirU, French Prohibition ot, 261
  • Imports to India, 109
  • Imports, Motorcar, Allowed, 479
  • Improvements, Minor, Scopii for, 2-io
  • Ind^x Marks, The Latest, 5i9; N*iw. 590
  • Iiylia, Business Opportunities in. 446 .
  • India, Imports to, 109
  • Industry, Aircraft v. Motor, 270
  • Industry, Goveriimcnt Control, Absence of, Necessity for, 107
  • Industry,'The Public or The? 105
  • Industrial Conferences, 14
  • Industrial Reconstruction Council, 338; Last Trfc-turo of the Year, 44
  • Infhiemoo ol Valves on Consumption [I.A.E. Lecture), 88
  • Inquiries, Telephone, No, 403
  • The Light Car and Cyclocaf
  • I (continued)
  • Institute ol Automobile Engineers, 204; Entrance F«e, 454; ISew Technical Committee, 4U9; Lectures on " Influence of Valves on Consumption S8; Nt>w President, 318
  • Insura-nct, 15; Two Points Concerning, 333; Two Mora Points, 287; Townend Cornvrehensive Polity, SOS
  • Intelligent Anticipation, Perhaps ("Daily Mail"},
  • Inventions, Some Astonishing, 370; Car Made ol Wood, 160
  • Inviting Disaster: Fatal Accident to Pedestrian, 284
  • Ireland, Touring In: A Warning, SUB
  • Iron, rfubsidies on, 500
  • Kalian Car Exports, Lower, 390
  • U's An 111 Wind—(Christehurui), N.Z. Courts Witness), 110
  • Jack, The Awkwardness of, to Carry, 110
  • Jeffreys, Mr. W. Reee, Financial Aiivi-swr to Motor Uruion Insurance Co., 156
  • Junior Car Olub: Anaiourn:eine-n.ts, 523; At Alms Hill, 553; Distinguished Memlwt, 548; F.x-patuJimg, 566; Get-You-IIorae Voudh-ers, 5StO; Growing, 524; I nan unrated, 411; Midland Rally, 665; Particulars ol Evwmts on View, 589
  • Joy Day, A Watery, 43
  • Joy Hiding, Official, to be Restricted, 521
  • Joy Riding, None Yet, 8
  • K
  • Karsiiio, Wounded SoMiens Entertained at the, 58*J Kismpton Park: Cars Stolen from, 183; A .Sad
  • Sight! 203
  • Khaki, TJisinf U-u, 217 King Mud and His AUies, 219 Kin««ton, " &y-,\tat&," 3Sfi, 459 Kingston, Sir Douglas Haie's Houee at, 384 Kingston, Police in, SOI
  • •' Labour " Question, A.C. M.P.'s Ohaulleur Finfld, 454 Labour Trouble, Another—Motorist Fined at Col-
  • ohcaiter, 588
  • Lady Cyclist Awarded £120 Da-mages from Negligent Motoi'rUst, 237 lady Owner-driver For the, 407 Lamp, Mazda, A Focu&sing Experiment, 235. Lwnp, Paraffin, A Plea ior the, 375 La*np oi Streamline Form, 139 Lamp, Workshop, 299
  • Lay Preee, Prom the (Daiiigerous Dririnpf), 5G6 Learn in^Um—The Hub ol t-ho Lighit Oar World, 567 LeamingUm, Week-end Baily o.t, 59? Level Crossing, A New (filou-gii), 435 Love] Crossings, A« on., 442 Liability (or Damage Caused by Pirn, 392 Libel, A, Petrol lor Oivi.Wan Use, 134 , Lice-rnce Dut«i&s, Petrol, Ben.zole and, 29 Licence Holders, Voluntary Assistance—At Pre.
  • sent, 407
  • Licence, I..C.C, Delay*, 547 Licence Roltuid, 567 -
  • Licences: For Benzole, Supplementary, 6G; Drive.™ Must Have, 370; Driving, 158; Delayed, 409; Fixed Da-tB, 165; Issue ol, an Scotland, 284; Motor Spirit, 183, 479. Petrol: To Get. 408; January, 53; By Return Post, 315; 250,000. 133. R«mewa.l of, 87. Test for Driving, 530 Aiside tihe Veil—Factory Sewuts—W<hat Wo Sea on the Road, 49 ' on Lightins, 35 Tjight Railways, The Danger of, 256 "Light Oav and Cyolemr": Challenge Ouip, 505. Change of Publishing Date, fc. Demand Exceeds Swpiply, 391. Easter Publication. . 453. N*>w Yeas'is*, 67, 88, Pflace a Definite Order, 524. Staff Valiancies, f!3. A Sail* ol a Title, 71. Threepence—February 8th, 186. Week-end Publication, 71 Light Car: Buyer, 55; Colony, The, 510; £500 (or a, 72; Four-weaker—Pw Poeeibiilitt-ee and 1m-Sirovemfirats. 314; TJie Future of tlhc, 4;'>5; Mii-e&go, Ma'. Edge's, 365: A No-trouble Oheaip-finiirfli, 23; P<rio&s, 216. 456; Radinl Air-cooled (Cosmos Engineer inn Oo.), 231'. ftportin'g, Siiffgeistion.s for a, ]&i; Trial in .1920, 87; Tyre Standards, How>mniend«d, 6R HT CAR: A.B.C., 508; £175, 231; Trial of, 523; Friction-drive, 89, A..C.: Rawt&m, 46; For One-laRgod Driver, 307. Airedale, 570. Ash-ton, 566. Autocrat, Sp'rin.fpln.e Dimensions (A Correction), 3. A.V. Two-*eaiter, 112 Bedelia, W'hat the, Did, 220. Baby Bianclii
  • Grown Up, 89
  • OalthoPpe New Prices, 455. Card«n. Now Two-eeater, 112. Chalor T^a A'band-oned, 108. Citroen: 288; 100 Per Day, 310. Oreudi, ?«t-war, 209, 289
  • Barrac.a, 155. De&rmsteir: 232; "Vt-w Mod<:l. SOS. DmiKl&a: W13 Model, 591; With A.F.R. Helical Rear ftpring, 261 F.nfield-AJlday, 27; Pri<-« of, 531, 261 FJ.A.T. Baby, No. Thia Season, 293; New, S9; NPW 10,4 ii.p,, ;ifi2; FurWier Dotnils of New, 29
  • G.W.K.: Post-war, Now Featuiis, 140; Price of, 172, m
  • Hamilton, 992. H.F.G., 26U, 230. Hurlincar, 260 Lagonda. 6. L.M. 1919, d-175 for, 4S2 M.B. Tiiree^wheuler, 2fiO. Meudip Tost-war, 335. M«rcury, 391, 313; Prices, 5i2. Milton, 163, 287. Morgan, 5. 6; ModifiisuioiLs in, 2tiO; In Kwitzeriand, 256. MorrU-OxJord, High Price for, 72 FaEadaum, 207. Peugeot, 30; War-worn, £ihS
  • lor a, 205. PTWnier, Thr^e-wheeler, 234 Singer; Four hund'red Miles on tt, 578; 1919 Model, 505; Post-war, Price tf, 236, Standard, 6; 1919, 415, 504; 9.5 h.p.. 46; Conveying Nino Agents t« Station <it Coventry, 162; Price of, 261. Swift, Limited Output, 318 Wilton, Post-war, 190
  • Light Care: Cheaper, 3fi; Cost of, 4o; Eigilit New, *t Lyont;, 360. Frenoh, More, 284, 504, Ki.; Geranan, 3; Hundred Pound, Where are Those? 92; Six -cylinder, £155; £300, 9; Wanted in Canada, 547; War Office Singers, What Wi-fi Becomwj ol the? 9 Lightsr Side, The; Humorous Anecdotes, 244, 320,
  • Llgditit Ligth-ti 349, 383, 464 Lighting Fatalities, 34 TJ«.btin« the Garage, 74 Lightinig Uns, American, 25il Ligilitirtg, MO^J Light on, 130 Lighting Order, New, Not I'lTinaneiit, 107 Lldtiti'e lle'SU1.:utions, New, 112
  • ting Re«tHution«, 161; Object of, 237; A Sns-
  • ^estion for London, S Lighting of "Vehicles, 338
  • Lights: Briglit, Fin«d for. 111; Ma-cis-
  • trate Fin&a oil Eaoh, 161; Powerful, An
  • Exaggeration, 205; Question ol, A, 338;
  • Reair, Nwessarv, 204
  • T/imit, An Abaui-d ("Glasgow Evenins CiMzem"), 318
  • Licinor Oonrtroil Board, A restriction to Hetnove, 72 ?Livwpcol Motor Olu.b, 213
  • lx»:k-out Thire&tcned—MoUw Industry and the Return to Ptace, 242 Tjomion-Edinbiwgh Run, 430, 549; Kntries, 576, 589;
  • Full Datails of, 507 I.onE or Sh'ort Stroke, 96 Ixniger Evenin-gs, 3S6 iMa-Kinis for Jobs, 34 Ijorry, An T.ntenniperate—Skidding Oauecis flntry
  • Into Piiiblioh<iuiSiB, 88 Low, Dr. A. M., Ai'biclu by, 573. In-v»nition« of, 281
  • Lubricant, Margarine a DoubUul, 521 3/ulxkaitor, An Imiiro-v«d, B07 Lubricators by Streaoham Knginewint' Co., 267 Lubrication,: Centralized, 193; And the ljig.h't Car, 348 Luton a-nd South Badlordshirft M.C.C. Be-na«ied,
  • Lyons Fair: ito Those Cioinig to, 281;
  • British Manjufacitur-uo'^ Riciiiireseni&cicl, 210;
  • New Light Ca-rs at, 3W); ExHiibibs a*., 3S7; M«asre. Smith and Son's Exhibit tvt,
  • ?255
  • M
  • Mad Car, Tlh* (NcW'9pa-per Report oi Aooidcn't), 204 Ma-arteto; BriWah, The, 79; Difficulty at Begiuiiniiiiij: ? of War, SpcraUt of, Wl\ IretenaificMion, Fallacy of, 55; RefiiieTne.ntiS, IS; The Reliabju " Mag," 94; Two-sUoke ,Advi;rtiaeino(i<t in "Eve-niiig NCWR'^, 454 Magneto CoU-pling, Flexible, 348 M>agn«toa: 128, 637; Anjwwully, 92; TlMftt of, 3ffi; MtuKLaturlafl Pi-ejudic*. 184 Mails by Motor, 522 Main Road, Identify ing the, 354 Maniufauturers, Wtot Tlmy Are y>oin,g, li Maips lor Anecdotes, 182 Maijx, Motor, B Magnus SarauBl Sti'm-t, 111 MiargJLrine, A Doubtful Luliricant, 521 Major of Southampton to be 1' wi-Uh JE5<W
  • Motorcar, 1611, 205 May bury, Mr. II. P., Chief Road Surveyor of
  • ?Renit, 182
  • M'Gc1i<anic, The AxasiMvr, I118
  • Meeting rtJie I>oin-andui of .tihe IJuwincss Man, 272 Meitais, Releases of, 25
  • Metropolitan Water Board's DnficieTicy and Chairman's Motor and Salary, 453 Miuholin Diac Whc*.l, 438; and a New Ja^k, 414 Middikwix County Au-UwnobilR Clwb Programme, 549 Midland AuAomobik Club Asking l»r Su}?ge*>tion, 133 Ministry of Wayti and C^nniniinioaLtonft, flow the
  • issue Was Avoided, 3i)0 M)iny>r, Vanity, or Lady's ljigh<t Car, 390 Mi-sho-p, A Our ions, Driver Blinded by Brokeji
  • J.amp Giaaa, 18:1 Mi*T«iir«senrtatJon, f.'a«e of, Fail*—tSfruondJiand Car
  • y at I>oed«. 478 M'Odeila, When Doliveiiw of New, wijl Commence.
  • m
  • Monocar, New Garden, with Kick-stuiitur and
  • Thre*.s>pped (iewibox, 434 Monwa-r, The Mudproot, 55 Morciton Oowmon, Oaii^iinig on, •j'2S) Mortiitn Workfi Kxt&iision, 457 Morgan, Mr. H. F. 8., Aucideiut to, 457 Mwri«-Oowsley Work* Extension a.t Oxford, M'S " Motor, The," Some Fee-Uires o.!. 501 Motor «nd AiT-c.rafn. SiumOtc* Co.. Ltd., 318 Motorcar: and lion—Bomo Fight! (E. Africa
  • Standard), 318; Made'Mostly of Wood at
  • £60, 160; Thirf, Mr. Trammer's Devk-e to
  • Oh^k t.he, 5011; Theft*, «fl
  • Xtotorcars, Standard, 134 Motor Orimes, In'crea^inB, 213 Motorcycle Practice irt Cydccars, 94 Motorcycle, What is at 107
  • Motor Cycle Olub: Concert. 381, 410; Hatfield Bverot, -t37; Si^ed Judging Trial, 478; Re-cilarts, 67
  • Motorcyclists' Commemoration Service, 523 Motor, How Soon Can We? 10
  • Motor lnduswy: 191H a Bad Year for, 242: Ford's Opportunity, 9; Protection Foreshadowed, 9 Motor Lamps, Power of, 123
  • Motor LefiislBuon Conimittee, 176, 216; Ojien Re-?lirosen'Kitiori on Che, 294; Programme, &7; jgl.OOO Jor Sw-jetary, 235 Motor RcotriclJons (lrom "'Sussex Daily News ")i 67
  • Motor Shares Popular. 370 Motor Spirit: Price <J, 87, 203; Without Coupons, 2«
  • Motor Touring in France, 477
  • Motor Traffic, Resumption of, " Yorkisliiro Observer," 67
  • Motor Vcihicles, Surplus—A Dedaion, 218 Motor Volunteers: Middlesex, Work of, 190;
  • Wan-ted, 67
  • Motor Wcrkis, From Tbixme to, 161 Motorin«: Any Distanuu Permilited,' t6; Article, An Ksa.SKeratud, in " Daily News," 257; Ohrietraas, A, 109; To Church, Ttfie Concession, 8; Cost; ol, To-day, 4; Domocra-tizinig, 2iO; Figures, Ijondon's, 87; The l,igh.t*r Siile of, 244; Miiiiia. for, 65; on New Ytar'a Five, 109; Nothing in, Quite th'y Same Again, 85; OfkTic&s, CvJfbritioa in Court, 569; OrEaiLizatjion, A N-uw. 548; Pleasuie, in January, 8; To Itaix; Meetings, 186; ItegulaitjionB, Revised Sunmiary, 461; of Lords Oppocition to, 3- Restric-UoiiiS, P'resfeti.t, 3J7; lt<JiUiiitioins Removed in France, 87; No R«®U-iotion.s on~50 Gal. ?Ions Petrol w Momth, 112;Tln« Comimg ol Shrine, ^53; Summary ol Present Restrictions, 126; Weax, iniiiroved, 126; WJiRt it Costs To-day, 15
  • Motoring Associations, United A/'-tion ol the, 178 Motorist: Fined at Boston for Fiwioiiis Diivin^ (a-t Six Mile* an HOIK!), 65; OoiusK-iemuouis, Who Gavo His Najne and AddriMS to fild Uisnitleunan WJiam He Knocked Down, 5fi6; Killed, VVho .Suffered fr<xm " IJad Turns," %\ Militant, Tiie, 103; Police F/vidcjioe ior, 2ti; Surrnunied U]i by " Pedestrian " in "Birmingham Post," 314; Vha Wicked ("North Middlesex Ohronicle "). 478
  • Motorists: Cyciliste De»ire Pence with, Not the W*v, 522; llhe Luck of Some, ibi; Are Th«y N*gil«ni«d? 338; Nervea of, 217: And -tho New Pa-iiliamienit, 1S8; Reiwi'd. (" Bouth Wales DaUy Post"], 454; And the Tube Strike, 269; Vienese, 320
  • Motore lor Electioneering, Not a Coni:Baaion, 45 Mud .LeadM to Daima«ta, 322 M-ud Shots (" W<ir<-^«iter Daily Times"). 255 Muzzling Ovdor, The, 549
  • Nfl-mee, American Car, 396
  • National Transport, Neiw Scheme*; for, 33!
  • NaU'tk-stl Knob; (Sailor'« Evid«n«« at Plymouth), 183
  • New Models, How to Ruwgniae, 416
  • " New Motoring," The Nowvet Motwid't in, 157
  • New Year's Kvt», Motoring »ii, 109
  • Ntgiht Driving, Dangers of, lfi<i
  • Noel, LieiU, Noel, Interview with, in " T-he Motor," 159
  • Normal Condiitiona, Got ting Bsu'lt to (The P.roes), 39
  • Norman,, Sir Henj'v, A Rmil Enthusia-st, 25fi
  • Not«s, Ne^ws and fiossip ol Nt-w Motoring, 3, 25, 45, 65, 87, 109, 133. 158, 183. 203, 235, 255, 234, 315. 337. 369, 408, 429, 453, 477, 501, 521. ,£48, £&S, 589
  • Notes on New Cw-«, 261, -Wl
  • Nothing Quite the Same Again, by " John GiiLpin, Jnr.," 85
  • 'Nucleus oi ft Motoring Party,' 114
  • Number Plaiteis: The Higher tiho Fewer, 590; In-distinct, 3; Keeqi Yotu, "DnobscuTed, 477; Military Driver Summoned nt Hx«t<sr (or Not Having, 589; N^t Ksicntiiail, M0; Obscured, Remedy to, 'J4G
  • o
  • Ol>&('ure Niimbdr .[Mates, 519
  • Observing the lnwidft of a. Running Engine, 281
  • " O.C. Trap* "—Happy Onm More, 453
  • "Octopus" Bill, The. :!83, 431
  • Offence, A. Serious—Noii-aippeai-anc« ol JJofundamt
  • at HaMks, 590 Oil: American Pivxiui'tion, 370; fi.reat Saving in
  • (" The Yorkshire Post "), ?55; Supply.
  • Wa,tch trie, 590; Tanker lleoovd, 601 Oile, Lubruaitins, PriirB of. 15 Old'bury Disn-rioi Oo«m:il Want 10-mi!e Limit W
  • Prevent Sijil*9hin« of Mud! 88 0!y.mi>ia to be Released, 500 Olyiuipia Show: The 1919, 2; Difficulties, 211 ?
  • Foretcm Cars at, 313; News. 337: Overflow,
  • (or Light Cars. 340; Standard Decoration. 454
  • Otue-le£ged Driver, A.-O. 10 li.'p. hr, SOT Omly a " Crash," Motov Mochanu;'* E»plftnation
  • o( Atoidemt, 25li
  • "the Lig'Kt Car and Cycleear
  • Opinions, T!iought* .in-l (corniimed).
  • Rear Lamps, Shewlii Bicyfle-s Carry? 60, 84, 12S; Eoarl H og, Eiioouragini; the, 497. Boatlmendtrs, Motorists as, J27. Road Repair, Modt-rn Method oi, 1!S
  • O (continued).
  • in-ioos, Thoughts and. 22, 4<l. 60. 83, 101, 137. 150, 1-75, 198, 325, 250, 374, 303. Mfi, 350, 379, 403, 127, 451. 173, 4!)7, 519, 537, 5S2, 535, 608
  • A.-C. Sociable, Dickey Seat for, 351. Adjustment, Wh«r» to Make th« Nt^essary, 451. Air-M>oled IIunilMfrette, 428
  • Baek-wheel Steering, Problems of, 60. Bad Beads and the .Speed Limit, 5f>3. Hearings. Lubricating plain, 235. Benzole: at 2s. id. Gll 1S9 Plii 380 Bd A
  • Scale Productions, '275. Brak-e, The KW-tro-magnetii:, 61. British Cars, Foreign Publicity tor, 539. British Motor f.*:agiit'. No Fireworks Yet, 225. Brooklands Test, 5C3. Business Man's Plea, 62.
  • Cable Ends,, 351. Car: Thitf, Frustrating the, 300; Cheap, D'tmand (or a, 60; Gyroscopic, The, 62; Matliis, The (" German Light Cars," \>. i), 61; '• Prop," Disadvantages of the, 61. Carburetter Filter, Leaks from,' 40. Carden Monocar, 150, 275. Carden's, Cant., Position, 199. Cars, Miniature, for Children, 565. Central Gsa* Oon-trol, !i52. Chain Adjustment on G.N., 303. Climbing Freak Hill«, 585, 609. Club Rally, The Junior Oar. 474. Club House (or Junior Car Club, iiO9. Chilch, A Hand-operated, 13B, Coach work, Reconstruction in, 101, 127, 150. 173, 200. Cheap pars— \ Perhaps, 200. ; Ooil v. Magneto Ignition, 200, Coil Ignition, 251, 380, 404. Connecting Rod Angularity, 151. Controlling, with Artificial Limbs, 4'J7. Coupe Bodies, 251. Crippled Driver. Advice lor, 61. Ciiti-cisms of the I9J!) G.N"., 3SW. Cyclecar; Belt Driven, What KM Become of th«? 473; Club iind Light Cars, 60; 'Differential for, 176, 226, 252; Drive, Tlia Ideal, 586; G.N., Chain Adjustment on the, 303; G.N., 1919, Criticized, 26U, 274, 326; Horns-built, An Interesting, Mr. Cecil Bur Bey's, 538. ilum-berette, Air-tooled, 4'iH; Hybrid, The, 498; Simple. 403, 537; Tho £100, 451; Post-war, 84; Bally, Proposed, 22. Cyclecars, No Improvement in, 17(1
  • Dashboard, The Ferfei:t, £33, 5B5. Docarboniz-ins with ' Oxygen. 152. Dickey (iesvt for A.-C .Sociable, 403. Differential; for Cycle-car, 17S, 23fi. 252;, A Simple, 304, 361; Drive, A Simple, 151. Direction Boards, Improving, 427, Do Engines Start Better at Ni.[fht? 250; Drivetr, Crippled, Advioo fnr, 61. Driving for. the Disabled, 102, 4'4, 563. Dynamo Drive lor Wanderer Light Car, 128
  • nlt.111, *s<*' i LOO
  • Edinburgh Run, The, 563. Emancipation Day, 40. Rnfleld-AHday, The, Criticised, 128.
  • _, Fan Elecfcrolode a Failure, 452. Fire Extin-
  • guishers, 520. Foreign Publicity for British Cars, 451. Fuel, Cheaper, 40
  • Garage Fire, Liability to, 151. Garage 1m prov-emants—Sliding Door, 151i Garages Scarce in South London, 251. Germany, Good Wishes from, 403. G.N. Transmission Of the, ,t80. Good Luck, Mi>re Instances of, 519. Great West Road, The, 380
  • Heat and Efficiency, Kil. flood, Waterproofing the, 474. Horn, Diaphragm, Adjusting a, Sfili. Horse, A Pka for the, 585. Hos-nit&l Motor Squadron Wants Recruits, 275. Hostelry, The Perfeut, 83. Houdaille Adjustable Suspension, 40. Hour Reoord, The, 537. Housing Problem, Th-e, 275. Hinnbwettfi Trouble, Curing a, 451 11 Ideal Spedficraion,1' The, 274. "Meal" Enthusiast, Tins, M.'i. Illuminating the Rnad,
  • ^?i usia-^V! ? LIE:, if".», I I Hi in ] ] Lrit,iM£ hllv xvi'dLJ,
  • - 198; Improvc.incnl.s U> A.-C. Sociable-, 22.
  • Insurant! Companies, Methods of, 32fi LTol!ilfe Screen, The, 139
  • .Lamjy Two-way, Why Nob a? 128. Lamps,
  • sion of the, 350, 380; Mendlip, 380; Morgan, New, 40; Running Costs of a, 60; Tln\ in South Africa. 22; Swift, 7-9 h.p., 404. J.ijtht Cars: for the Colonies, 350; Cycl-eoar Club anrl, M: Mean Light Taxes, 60S. Lights, Powerful, 352. Lighting Restriction*, 62. Lighting Trouble, A Curious, 61. London-Edinburgh Run, The, 609. London To Penzance, SJS. Lubricating Plain Bearings, 199, 22a
  • ltajsnN.o: Intensification, Fallacy <>f. 12$: Trouble Solved? 252, 271. ?M.I. Materials. Price of, BOH. Medical Point of View The, 519. Mirrors, Should They be Compulsory.? 539, 563. Monoca.r: Garden, 304; Demand for a, 328; Lady'is, 361. Morgan: After -? 20,000 Miles, 275; Improvements on A, 4Dfi, 520; Protecting Chains of, 176. Morgans, Where aro the? 519. Motorcycls .Practice in Cwiicoars, 138, Motor Lam™, Power of, 175
  • , 198. Powerful Lights, A Suggestion,
  • Oil: Where Should it be Introduced? 199, 3M. One-legged Control on Singer, 403. Over-
  • ^IOJI, tii. .^p^i-tj ijiui^i', trie, JJ/. L^pcfcu Litnit, New, Will it lie a Mistake? iVi, 197. SiiriuKing, ttoads and, 538. Starter, The
  • oi, w . strain, loo Much ,on Unver, S3y. Stronp Appeal for the Simple Cyclecar, 520 Tax on Pastimt)*, MS. Tax on Petrol, 539. Taxation, New Motorcar, 586. " Therrna.1 Bridge " System of Control, 2J, Thirty-mile Limit, The; 33. 'i'h-ree-whueler, Survival of the, 328. Threii-whftelers on th« In- 275; Growing- Demand for, 379.
  • Transmission, j-fte Fina-I »l*p in, 403. Tn-cyu.Ie, Phcenij:, DifferdiitiAj Used on a, 226. Tyres, Strange, on a " Wa-nder^r," 303 V Screens, The. Advantages of, 101 Walker, The Careless, M9. Ward and Avey, Ltd.. Tntrillions of, 199, 328. Ways »«d Communii^tions EMU—-[j&tt&r from Mr. Joynoon Hinka, 437. Workers and Subsidies, IK. Worm and Bevel Gears, 403. Worn Bearings, Taking jip, 2oO OriJe, Mr. J. W., Illness of, 319 Over-iubrication—Does it Cause Wear!1 75 Overseas Motor Oommissione^, Major (ioddard, 392 Over the Wire: H, 33, 51, 71, 92, 107, 131, 155, 181, 216, B42, !»», 381, 319. 333, 371, 384, 407, Hi, 457, -ISO, 500, 530, 54fi, 571, 594 Owner v. Thief, Mr. Tranmer's Device, 522 Oxford, Now Road to, 192
  • Panic Prices lor Oars, 543
  • Paraffin Lamp, A Plea for the, 375
  • Parliament a-n.d Motoring, Ask Your Candidate! 41
  • Parliament, „ Nucleus of a Motoring Party, 114
  • Passenger or Driver, The Unprotected, 118
  • Passenger's Safety, Liability (or, 548
  • Patents, of Motor, 46
  • Pc&oo Number, Our First, 3
  • Peace Thoughts in the Technical Proas, 2
  • Pedestrian, Tho Right of the, 431
  • Petrol: Allowanoe,, How to Increase One's, 63; and Benzole, Anglo-American Co.'s Advertisement, 38G; Latest Information, 28V; Ben-aole a,nd Licence Diitiws, 29; andl Bus Fsircis—Public Ought to Know Cost of, 457; Cans, Destruction of, a N-ew Crime. i\ Cans, Sealing, 69; Cams, Look for the Seal, 5S2; Cans, up to 3s., 480; Cheap, the Vital Fact, 298: For Christmas, from "Tho Motor," 39; and Coal-gas, Relative Value* of, 19; Control, Saved from IBennole], 239; Control, End ,->(, 135, 477; Control Board, 338; Control £1,000 Weekly, 429; Control Department, Act of Parliament Ui Abolish f 92; Control Dtpartment Nearing its, 131; Control Department. Mr. Joynson Hicks and, .'il8; Controller [Sir E«*n Jonetf) Resigns, 13;); Coupons, No MOTP. 567; For Discharged Mon, 25; Dooburs and, 67j For Doctors, N'o, 1, 65; Duty, Recovery of, 576; For Elections—Where it Will go. 26; Pire, Water Will Not Quenrh, 256: Flow Meters, 458; Freezes, When it, 45; Huge Stocks of, 4SG; Imports, 66, 134, 25C; January Iiircnw.s, 53; No, in !>B<;omber, 131; No. 2, Hard U> Run on, 66; Still Plentiful, 583; Prices: 2. 29, 45, 51, 87, 133,i 335, 589; Rationing, 458; Refund on Vouchers, S82; Rwitrictions, llelaxaiion of, 1; Eestrictions Abolished in France, 92; Stoi;k'S Low, Are They? fiS; S'nbfttitutns Bettor than Petrol, 53; Tax 6d., "Do Wo Agree to? 287; Protest, 298, 429, 430, 4$4; Why Signatures a-ro Needed, 315; Tax, Tako plf the, from the "Autocar," 1)9; Terminology,1 134; What ifi? $u6SSe*twl S)H;cJfioati(in of Quality, 399
  • Petroleum Pulverizer, Tho " Bnllem " (France),
  • . _>hic ftniiwr. The, 255
  • Picnif.kinB HiiiLr., T'rtws for, 499
  • Picnicking, Popularizing, 184, 499, 528, 558, 577, 602
  • Piston Rings, Fitting, 82
  • Pityme, Collision at, Driver Fined £5, 392
  • Pl&tinnm and Palladium, lfili
  • Plea tor Simplicity, Tho, i?l
  • Plug: Oas-tight, 373; The Home of tho K.L.G., 9; Interns.!ly.cooled, 299: Removal, Facilitating, 347; The Ruillet-Hureau, 392; Sphinv, 3J7
  • Flugs, Sparking, New Departure in, by Robin Hood Erie inhering Co., Ifi2
  • Poarh.iiiR by Car (lias-ex Police Court), 183
  • Points i,ha.t Might be Settled (Details of Design), 194
  • Police: Campaign, 155; Hold-up, Unimportant Convictions, 284; Hull, Dangerous Driving at, 45B; Motorcyclist Fined for Warning the, o22; Silencers Next, 566; Strike Humour—Quito Unfounded, 205; Trapping, 566 What They aro Doing, 203; Work at Easter, 52*2; Uniform Bought by Motorist, 159
  • Polioeman and Motorist with; Missing Gasbag, 182
  • Policemen, Red Lights for, 54M
  • Pool Board 1 Petrolourn Supplies): An Eye to Business, 92; Abolition of, January 1st, 131
  • Post-war Models, Guide to, 47, 69, 90, 120, 116, 173, 191, 21)6. 233, 262, 295, 323, 34J, 377, «1, Via, 149 471, 485, 517, 541, 560, 605
  • Post-war swirt. Price of, l>7
  • Powell, Mr. !?:. Death of, 319
  • Powerful Lights Exaggeration, 205
  • ?' Premier," a Name Which May Cause Confusion, 270; Polieies, 479
  • Premier's House on Ripley Hoad, 384
  • Presenoe of Mind Needed, 166
  • Press Bureau: Disappearance of 453; The Real and Uivreal News, 530
  • Preventing Theft, Device for Lorkins Controls, 246
  • Previous Convictions, Those! Driver T" hai Oil " with SOs. Fine for Illegible Number Plates, 110
  • Pries of Upkeep, Question of, 379
  • Prices: Advance in, SOI; Can They be Reduced? 383; How, Rising, 284; of Post-war Cars, 51; Steel, Increase in, 500; Why are they Indefinite, 213-
  • Pride's Fall—Valuable Dog Killed by Motorist, 26
  • Prince Nicholas of RoLimauia a Motoring Enthusiast, 134
  • Priority Certificates, B5, 1B3
  • i'r.xo Anecdote, Tho Worst Trouble, 270
  • Prize for a Good Story, Set of Maps, 131, 157, 318
  • Prizo llai>s for the Prettiest Hotel, 530
  • Production, Highest Possible ;" The Commercial Motor "), 39
  • Production Still Delayed, 155
  • Profiteer, Who is the? 177
  • Propaganda—A Direct Use, Mr. Joynson-Hi<:ks, M.P., 181 ' ',
  • Publio, The, or the Industry? 105
  • Publio Schools Hill Climb Fell Through, 52-i
  • Publishing Dates, Change of, 57fi
  • " Punch " and Iho Cyeleoar, 392
  • Puncture Warning Device, 559
  • QUEEIES. NOTES AST), 62, 84, 102, 152, 176, 197, 236, 252. 276, 328, 352, 404, 42&, 452, 474, 498, 540, 561, B10
  • Accumulators, Charging the, 102; Addrefts&s
  • Wanted, 5G4. Adjusting the Big End
  • Sooe-P, 276. Agenci«s, Taking wpi 338. Air, Substitutes for. 102 13.- and B. Jet, Adjusting tho, 610; Bad Running, Cost of, 610; Ball Bfiarings, 428; Lubrication of, 474. Battery Charging from Alternating Current, 176. Bearings, Worn, Taking up, 197. .Brakes for Cyciecar. 474. Brakes, Faulty, 564
  • Calcott Price of Second-hand, 352. Car, Lighting Equipment for, 176. • Car, Postwar, Choice of a, 328. Cardan Monocar, Details ol the, 102. Chains, Adjusting, 84. Cracked Water Jacket. Cure for, 498, Cycle-car, Dimensions of, 62. Cyolecar, Spring Anchorage for, 84. Cyokcar, Springing for, 176. Cyclecar, Under.shield for, 252
  • Diaphragm Horn, Adjusting a, 4D8. DOB Crutch-fcs, The De-sign of, 276. Driving for One-legged Man, 452. Driving, Points on, 62
  • Electric Lighting or Acetylene? 474, Engine; Air-cooled, Oil for, 540; M.A.G., Spare Parts for, 323, Running an, with Emivly Radiator, 102; Silencing the, 428. Fvther for Easy Starting, 428
  • Frame Members, Strengthening, K10. Freezing, Salt to Prevent, 328
  • Garaging, Cost of, 352. Gear Changing on M-oms-Cowley, 540. Gears, Mechanical Change Speed, 152.? Gudgeon Pin, Removing ft, 5G4
  • Headlights, Position 6t, 401. Humberette, Trouble with a, 404 ,
  • Inland Revenue Licences, 252
  • Leg Room on a CaJthorpe, 152. Le% Room in a I-ipht Oar 452.. Licences, Spirit, Obtaining;, 102. Lice noes, Inla.nd Revenue, 252. Light Car or Cycleear? 404. Light Ca,r, CaJ-thorpe, Leg Room en a, 152. Light Car, G.W.K., 152. Lighting Equipment for Car, 176. Lighting Queries, 276. Loss ol ]?ov.'er, 84. lubrication, Big End, 404. Lubrie.a-tionrRrip F<*d, 540
  • Magneto Troubles, 226, 452. Main BeftiriU'gs, Wea.r"in., 37fi. Mirfning in On« Cylinder, 176. MVfiring. Cause of, 252. Morgan, Re-niovinE Tail from, 564
  • Ninoty-dftgree Twin, AdvaMagen of, 404
  • Obscured Number Plate, What iK an? 564. Oil for Ai-r-cooled Enigine, 5JO
  • Petrol Can Stoppers, Siae of, 176.'f>l, Using, Wi'tihout Licencfl, 197. Piston Rings, R-emoviinig, 4i2. Poet-war Car, Clioice of a, 338. Power, Loss of, ^S4
  • lladiatbr, Empty, RunniniS Ensino wLi-h, 10t.
  • ? ' Kadi^tor, Rei'airs to, 252. Ratio ol TjOvi-Kear Oaj-, Reducin-g, 1S2. Rattle, Kliniinat-mg, 62. Registration f>f New Oar, 474. Refii'Stration a-nd Tran*>1f(areTice Fees, 428. Rout* Rer>ly: {" M.E.B.," CheisHuw) 107; Dover to .Sheffield, 252
  • the Light Car and Cycleca*
  • Q (continued).
  • UEIUKS, NOTES AND continued).
  • Salt, to Prevent Fjetzin«. 328. Shock Absorbers, Fitting, 252. Shook A,b>soi>bers lor light Oar, 610. Sid* Lights. Position of, 564. Silenting the Engine, 428. Silent-running Engines, 386. Spring Anchorage lor CycJeoars, 84. St>rin-ging for Cyoleoar, 176. Springing lor Cyiile<>ar, 352. Startinig-wp Dil-fk-uky in, ?2G, HO. Starting, Ether for, 428. Stud, Faulty, R&paAring a, 564-
  • Tax on Humberette 62. Tax en Morgan, 32S. Terminals, Quiokl-y-detachable, 3»2. Tyro VaLves, BaJa^ioiiie. 610. Tyre Wear in Three-wheelers, 328. Tyres, Flat, Running on, 540. Tyres, Size ol. 404
  • Underdhield lor CycJewir, 252
  • \Vhetk lor Cyuteoar, 540. Wiring for Magneto
  • Cut-out, 22G Quick-fit " MM, 423
  • R 479; Motor,
  • , 3 *
  • Rat*: Iwlu of Man, 407. Caiw Proposed, lor Aikatt! or -I
  • Radiator, Gold, Hiimte on, 166
  • EadiuS, That 30-mJle—As the Crow Flies? 51
  • Railway Octojius, The, 3S5
  • Railway, If They Controlled the Roads, 353
  • Rally, Buriord Bridge, March IsOtli, 440.
  • Midfland, May 24,lli-25th, 5fc7. The Old and tthis Now, 443
  • Raipid AdjueUne&t, Light Ca-r (Jwnat'iS Dynamo and the Makers, 543
  • Rateipayere Want Jlestric-ti&ns Removed, 622
  • Rw Materials Plentiful—Mr. H. U. B. Under-down on., H
  • Heading or Motoring ? Annwican Writer'is Views, 318
  • Hear Identifixation Plate Ijowt on Road, Motorist Fined, 567
  • Roar l_iunin Thief, The, 410
  • Hear LigBit Nauanee, 318
  • Rear Lights Again, 284
  • Reaa' LiipMa on Bicytftes, 3li
  • Rear Lights to, 2S7
  • Reai' Ijiesli t« on. all Vehicles,' 431
  • Rear Lights, Poor { for Abolishing, 459
  • Rea-r LighU, Why They Are Necessary, 532
  • Heal Thing, The, Extraots from Reo&nt Short Story, 254
  • Reconstruction in Coauhwork, 81
  • Rod LigtfiU lor Policemen, MS
  • Rr«ves, Mr. A. W., A New Designer, 36, 51
  • Refinements, 1819, Desorijilion of New Oar in " The ftlobe," 129
  • Reflector (or Electric Bulbs, 174
  • Refraahmemit tor Travcl'leir^—Removal ol Silly Regulation, 371
  • Registeri-nig, Details bnipartevniL wihen, 566
  • Registration Nuimbecc for Middlesex—M.D., 256
  • Regulation's, The, Under Nortiholifle, 25
  • Relative Values, 445
  • Reminiifi&enix* of Woll-knowni Events, 601
  • Repairs and New Pants, Manuffusture of, 338
  • Repairs or Production, 478
  • Repercussion, A (Police and Motoring Offences), 203 -
  • Reprisals by Oyoliste, 429
  • Itewtantiinig of OtMnspestitioni!?, 242
  • Re-treading Ma<io Easy,-439
  • Reversing, Light lor, 65
  • Rival's Oao1,Manutfaoturer Driving, 453
  • Road: A Bad (iDrnbankm«nt|, 529; Bill. Government, 334; Ohm., 148. Getting Ready (or the- (TJie Laiid-up Caar), 13; Improvement's in the Making, 'ISO; Manners, 571; New, irom London, 158; Now, to Oxford, 1£2; Ro-l>air, Filling Uip Piat. holes, 527; Rerjwvir, Motor Legifitatio-n Committee and, 547; Re-ipaira, Urgent, 339; Restoration., 108; "Road to Ruin" (Prize fttory), 218; Signs, Studying the, 147; 'XVrou'hle on tho, IIow Caused and Reinediied, 97; Uipkeep, Reducing'Dost of 429; Which Side ol tine? 88
  • Roads: Bad, Maips Showing, 487; Classifying the, 530; Government Control of, 9; More New, 3f5U; RuiSliip U> Nonbhwood, DiiSgrfweiuJ Oon-diltion of, 134; Hipj-iTiig Gl-eanine the, 549; SU11 T'fu&Siublly Good, E5; Ta-ke ll}iem in Hiand Now, S5
  • Rolil6-R<>yi;e, Pri<;e ot, 107
  • Rutlhsoinld, Dounla.s, An )iarly Pionee.r, -180
  • Rotting (!iar«, The Ruanda! of, 181
  • Royal Automobile Club: Uaimi>aLgn, 21fi- Oouji.t-ry McmibeT HMefits, 279; and A.-C.U., Im-por:t*anit Decision., 390; for Members Only, Martih 22nd, 391; Oi>po*e« Trans-port Ministry, 186; Suhemo of Assodajtc Mem-berahip, 23fi; 1-Ionojia.ry War Service, 281; Service Dinner: 407, 412; Danoee Instead of Speeches, 217; and Da-nee, S81
  • Rufi, Making Uic Mos* of a, 286
  • Rug Thiel, The, 265
  • Rule of. tho Road, 28J, 409; Again (" TJie Field "1, 256; A.lioring the, 129; TCu.thuis.iaet*;, 235; Not Safer for Democracy, 158; lor Pedee. trians, 370
  • Runaway Car, Children Cause, 338
  • Running Cost*, E«tima.tG of, 305
  • Runs-wi'tti an. Object, 522
  • Ruahmore S&ts, 529
  • RusUoss Steel Roleasod, 121
  • Sadler, Lkut.-Ool. L.. O.B.K., Demobilised, 479
  • Salevy Fir^t Propaganda and " Western Morning News," 205
  • Safety First Sug-geslion (Boy Scouts), 73
  • Hatomons, S-ir David, and Ilk Light Oars, 211
  • Sawdust and Ooiujrsu- Ca-r, The 388
  • Scene, Ati Kxcitiii;;, in Edgware Road, 111
  • St-liwls, The Daiiigw of, 287
  • Sc-hrad<:r S-jiw.ialiUts, 111
  • StoUOi Mist, Surrouuded by, Perhaps! 256
  • SixiUish Show Next Year? 521
  • Soreeti Blamed by R.A.F. Friva-te Who Killed
  • Omnibus Inspector, 284 __^,
  • Screen Cleaner, " Olearei^ht," 299
  • Soreen, KwipiOK the. Clean, 119, 272
  • Screwdriver, Novel Form ol, 16
  • Screwdriver, A Handy, 559
  • Seaoorabe I-u^sa-fie Boa-t—'flhe Mersey Muddle, 391
  • SeajUt, Three or 'IVo? 76
  • S«c«n<3-.lian<l Oar, Hints on Buying a, 37
  • Second-hand Light Car t'rkies, 4, 2*i, 88, 110, 131, 161, 182, 205, 234, 363, 2%, '12i, 3K. 378, 102, 426. 450, 472, 186, 518, 542, 501. 60G
  • Seoond-hand .Light t^r .Prices, 153, 496. Still Rising, 45, 68. SJuniy in, 131
  • Second-hand Supplement, A (" TJh-e Motor"), 45
  • Sentdme-nt v. Cotnimeri:ia'lisan—R.A.C, 213
  • Service Vdhioles, Sunplua, I'roblfiu of, 2
  • ftihaiic, Noii-dazzic. 455
  • Shell Comipany, Caipdtal o-l, 521
  • Sdwit-k Abswbei', A N«w. 373
  • HlKsp, The Traveling. 201
  • SilK^piilB, Motoring for, 3
  • Show: First Post-war, 181; No I-talian, 385; For Noi-thern Motorists, 319; Northern, To Pro-moU: Sixtrting Kventa, 431; Olympia, 2, 33, 319; Question, The, 21S; Scottish Next Year ? 521; Serins, in P'rance. 3; Siting, Against " 'Pirn Motor Trade," 39
  • Sinew l.i»ht Car Prices, 216
  • riingev Motor Lk>ittpauy'« Outpitt, 501
  • Sicn. of the Time's, A, The Biitish Motor league,
  • m
  • Signalling to the Kneray by Motorcars—Ailiin it to (3
  • to be a Lie, 133 Signals, Warning, 161 Sign's, Eloii;d, W7 Skiddinig, Front-wiiieeJ, 204 SMghUy Mixed ((Jih!ie»j« and '1\J lay hone NumibeT^), 218
  • Slougli as a Motor Works y 372 Smith and Son's Biiitjingh-am Promises Destroyed:
  • by Fire, 162; Rig DoveJo.imwn.ts, 315 Sniper, The Photographii;, 255 S-now ill April, 531 Snow, Morris-Oowley in, 257 Sn<kwiallK, Heavy, 168 ft«ldur, How to, 171 Souithend, Kate MeeUng at, 5liil South HariUng Hill-clionb, SG7, 600 Spares, More R<xan lor—Whore und How to h'ix
  • Shelvea and I.ockers, 17 Spa-rk Ga4>. Adjustiing the, 559 Si>arkin« Plug, Ast-oi nidi ing Fdgures, 92 Spaikin? Plug, M.A.C. (model JI), 356 Sparkina Plug Cleaner, 423 fipeefl, Auwthur Defi n-itlon of, 589 Speed, Danfitwous, An Old Protest Revived, 391 Speed of—" Gone in a Fila.*h," Worthing Police
  • Kvidonoo, 100
  • Speed Judgipg 'Itest. 505. 521
  • Sp«ed Limiit, Proposed, on "Oxbridge Road, ^55
  • Speedometer, SmitUi and Son's, 139 \
  • S^icie oi Noveilty, lfi, 59, 93, 119, 17-1, 213, 246, 266, 299, 347," 373, 423. 43S, 559, 584, G07 Sipnng-ioadud Engine Sorter, la it Poaaitk? 18 Spring OiUxr, A Simula,? 584 Spring Shackiles, Lubricating, G07 Springing, Varying tilie, to Suit Lhe Driv&r, 7 Stawla-rii Motor Co. New Showrooms, 34; Sales
  • l>.[iartoienit Transfcrrred, 2&9 Standardization in Frarwe, 477 Sta/rtcr; A Si-mrfe, U9; Si>rini;-loaded, Is it Fea-
  • fidble? 18, 59
  • StarLing, Help to Easy, 241. A Tip on, 531 St,a.rUnc Sets, CA.V., 318 fttead, U.«ni G, C, R.A.P., ReJaass of, 34: Return
  • f.roan Germany, 131; Expwienoe in Germany, 15G
  • Steel, Subsidy of, to be Removed, 51 Steels, Lighter, 134 Steering Gea-r Failure, 4 Stewing, The Qwest ion of, 24i) Steering Wlieel, I cocking the, 584 Still Diasaitisflcd—Motoriet Remark wdicn Ohftrged
  • with Driving 2G ra.^.h.. ffiiS Stirring Kxpurie-nce, A [" Yorkshire Observer "), 477
  • atoden Goods, 576 ftlone, Mr. E, S., llemobiJiKnd, 572 ftW Pr-ess, 'JMie Budset, 522 Straight l^n:k Indicator, The. 212 Stranded, Salvin* tli", A.-C.t;. and R.A.C., 338 Strange Sight, AiirovliLiM1 in (.'raLe in DiUJi, 51H fW.n:L't Play ground Danger, 522 Strike, Another Kind ol, riwifc-lnbox at Ohej)-
  • aW>w, 256
  • Strikes, How to Prevent. 281 Stroke, I/>n* or Short? % Stud Extrfvotor, 584
  • Stvehead Pass Road i^inti-ovftrsy, 403, 521 Slimmer Time Act, 281, 320, 331. 409 Super Tax, The A.A. and, 284 Swifts of Coventry Change ol Title, 29 Switzerland, Tho Morgan m, 256
  • Tales of the Strike, 254 Tamps, Brass, 301
  • Tank: Boats Oyclecar, 480: Fuel, with Lewi Indi-.?ator. 93; Was it a? Wrecked U Boat, 2S6
  • Tanks, Storage, Protecting 548
  • Tariff, America will JJot Mind a, 33
  • T&i-ifls, Iraportrtitw Restricitjona and, 242
  • Tarring, 580
  • 'I'ari-ius; Methods, 588
  • Taawanian 'I'axe?, 255
  • Tax: That! 45; Benzole, 2R9; on Bicycles? 444; Kx-uees Profits, ttomjomjied, 182; No Exemption from, 51; Petrol, Take Off the, from "The Autocar," 39; Patrol, Do We Agree to a 6d? 287; Three Fa-rUiinu* Per Mile, 530; on Trade Vetok-los, 67
  • Taxation, Argument against, 3; Inerea-sed Motor, 444
  • THXBS, Tasmiinian, 255
  • Taxi Driver, Woman, Severe Penalty for, 160
  • Technical Point, A-Judge and Manslaughter Charge, 281
  • Tele-vista, The, 281
  • Terminology, Petrol, 134
  • Theft: of " Two Motor Wheels and Magneto," 237; £200 Haul, 370; Precautions Against, 154
  • Thefts, £5 ?>3. for an Idea to Prevent, 40ii, 43G
  • Thief Car, Can We Frustrate the, 39*
  • Thief Caught " by Accident," 523
  • Thief-proof Oar Competition—Five Guineas for an Idea, 43(1
  • Thieves, Motorcars to Assist, 370 .
  • Thieves, Who Are the? 521
  • Tilings that Must Come- Again—A Cyi-leiar that Damaged tin; Industry (by Major Axfurd), 53
  • Thirty-mile Radius, The, 8
  • Tihrty-mile Limit in France, 131
  • Thomas, Mr, E. S3., " D«JiK>bbed," 590
  • Thousands Wait lor tho iSy-Troubli;, Clieap-FinUh Car, 23
  • Three-wheelefi, Coming Boom in, 329 ?
  • " Tin LiBKiiis," Pi-ofits on, 255
  • TobogaiMiitis Car, The, '.'iifi
  • Toll Case, An fritiv*:*iins!, Wi
  • Tool Kil, Lion't N^liu-l llie. 322
  • Tool Kit. What to fiuv fui tin:, 113
  • Tool Locker. Kroiioiiiiziug Spure in, 373
  • Tools, Britisii-iii:ido, 53
  • Tools and Spares, Puruhasing, 6
  • Toiiics of tlui Day;—12. 4S. 70, SI, 115, 132, 179, 202, 2C6, 33G, 389, 45'J, 534, 555, 5'J3
  • ' A.-CU.'s Unwanted ISatf, 2(!7; Aiitomatiu Chassis Lubrication, :(89; Automobile Associatio-n Scheme, 179 liureaur.rat, Get Kid ol tho (Petrol Control), 70
  • Car.s, Surplus Govern in ent, Available, 202; Christmas, A Memorable, 191S, 91; Club, Cyeleear, Work <>f Ui«, 260; 'Club, Junior Car, 2GG; Coin mitt ei* of Inquiry Wanted, 355; CoiniietiLions, Hevivali ol, 593; Competition^, Standard Cars an, 634; Cubic-Capiitity, The Afltiepted Definition, 48; Cyolecar, What to Do with the, 132 Definitions, Easier to Frame, 45.9 Dual Control, The, 2Gf> lirnaneipation Day, A Great. 12 Fuel, Cheaper and Better, 12 Garages, Serious Shortage of, 534; Government
  • Cars, Surplus, Available Soon, 202 Helical Bevel, The, 389; Horse-power, Th« Eating of, 459
  • Industry, The Light Car, Saved, 48 Light Car Colony, 534, 593; "Light Car and Cycleoar" JDnorea-s© of Pries, 202; Light Cars, Four-seater, Demand for, 202; Light Cars, High Prinea (or, 7(1; Liabt Cars, Industry of, Saved, 48; Light Cars, Popular Types Co-mine, 336: Lifihting Regulations, A Warning, 4C0; Lubrication, Automatic, 389
  • Mechanicfi.1 Starters Beooiriing Standard, 389; Ministry of Ways and ComJiiuiiications. An Immediate Duty, 330; Motor llestrietitins Cease (50 gallons per month), 115^; Motor Spirit Order—Restrictions to Go, 91; Motoring—The Timti Ahciid, 91; Motoring, The D i&oou rage men t of, 179; Motoring, Recreative, Permitted, 12; Motoring Reforms—Our Oi>i>ortuniiy, 113
  • Petrol Priee-s lluduoed, 593; Police, How They Are Ow.upied, 179; Production, What is Delaying ? 555
  • R.A.C. Light Car Commitleo, 2-R7; Radius, Tho 30-Mile, Must (la, 70; ricureative Motoring 1'ormitlcd, 12; l-f-ii-striclinna to Go, Motor Spirit Ordt'.r, 91
  • SIHW Problems and Light Cans, 132 Taxation, Motorrui1, N-ow, 55-i; 30-Mile Jladius Must Go, 70; Tlirt-u-wliecler, Control ot the, 4M
  • Unity, Tlie Urgent Nttd \m\ 115 Work of tho Cyulouar Club, ffiG
  • Touring Abroad, 580
  • Touring, Dangerous, 322
  • Town versus Country, M.P.C., 4
  • Tractor Trials at Lincoln, 454
  • 'hack* OonUol, End oi, 521
  • Triilfic, Giving Way to, on Ifain itoad (Judffe Ruegg in Birmingham County Court), 256
  • Traffic, On Coming, A Warning for, 29'J
  • Traffic Rules 134
  • Trailers for Light Cars, 337
  • '('mining for lCngineers, 595
  • T>ain«&i' ColliKion at S«i.rborough, HO
  • Tramcar Fatality, ConductoreUe Killed at York, 370
  • Tranu:ar Headlights, Dazzling, 496
  • Tramoar, Pas»ing a, 153
  • Tramlines, Dangerous, L.CC. to Pay, 5G7
  • Transmission, Tint Final, Rtci> in, 36B
  • Transport, Appeal to Motorists, 10'J
  • Transport Difficulties in the Alps, 320
  • Trapping Will bo Rampant, 3
  • Travelling Shop, The, 201; A Coincidence, 236
  • Tree-catting Fever, 533
  • Trials A.-C.U. Six Days, 407; M.C.C. Speed-judging, 478, S21
  • Triplex Glass Co., Ltd., Capital, 539: Booklet, 318
  • Triplex Safety Glass Onght to be Universal lfil
  • " Trivialities," 384
  • Tubes and Valves, 340
  • Tungsten for Sparking Plug Electrodes, 89
  • Tuning by the Amateur, 395
  • 'iVo Hundred Mile Test ol 1919 Morgan, 495 -
  • Tyre: Gauge Repays Cost, 166; Inflation, Making Easy, 338; Inflation Stations Wanted, 205; Sizes) Fewer, 8; Standards for Light Cars, Rocommended, 6u; Testing Apparatus. 567: Trouble Overtiming, 174; Where the ScHd Fails; 368
  • Tyres:JJeldani, Prke of, 190; Cost of, 15, 113; German Cydecar'3 Strange, 217; How to Save Time and Reduce Your Bill—A Patch in Time Saves Nine, 118; Leather, in Vienna, 18; List of Present Prices, 125; Mon-slip, Wanted, 2K; Too Large, i
  • Uncontrolled Horses, Danger of, 160
  • United Arts Rifles Motor Squadron, Eun 1st .Tune, 582
  • Universal Joint, A New, 423 _ Unprotected Passengers or Driver, The, 148
  • Valve Caps, Removing, 607
  • Valves, Pitted, To Prevent, 559
  • Vandervell and Co.: Big Output, 108; Secret Ballot, 181; Press Luncheon at Frascati's, 594
  • Vaporizer, A New, 16 Verse-^Charlee Kingsley's Parodi-es, 53
  • Vibration or Oscillation 7 Ry Dr, A. M. Low, 573
  • Vibration, What it Means, 544
  • Victory Cup for Australia, 31S
  • Vienese Motorists, 320
  • Village, The Best-kept. 571 Vulcanist, What is a? 14
  • Walking, Dangerous, 255
  • Wanted, A Dry Week-end, 153
  • War Machinery for Peace Work, 572
  • War Memorial, Mr. E. G. Know'Ie-s' Suggestion, 35
  • War to Peace, From, 52a, 592
  • " War Spirit," What ib is, 52
  • Warning On-coming Traffic,-399 •Warren Lambert, Still '"Indispensable" in Salonika, 531
  • Waste: Still Continues, 409; Shocking (Aeroplane Factories and Car Production), 155; Valuable, 73
  • Ways and Communications Bill: Write to Your M.P., 363; Not Wanted, 371; Mr. Joynson-' Hicks' Letter, 409, 427; Classifying the Eoad-s, 530
  • Wealth: Prophet, A, 547
  • Wea-r, Motoring, Improved, 126
  • Weather: Forecast, How to Make Your Own, 169; Forecasts to be Organized, 182; Forecasts, More, 573: and Gunfire, The " To Id- you -So's," 9; Long Run ol Bad, 217; Reports, 25, 271; Unseasonable, 435
  • Welding Job—Big Bell in Kremlin, Moscow, 160
  • Weight Limit, Over the, 454
  • Westc.liff, Proposed Raeq Meeting at, 589
  • recast,
  • Wet or Fine? How to Make Your Own Fore 169
  • What They Will be Striking ior, 222
  • What's On This Week-end? 381
  • Wheel, Built-up, A New, 373
  • Wheel; Detachable, New, 584; Development, Disc, 365; Disc, An Improved, 934.
  • Where Ignorance is Bliss! Advertisement for Car ?in "Evening News," 590
  • W;hite Armlets, 429
  • Whitehead, Mr. Cecil, 384
  • Who Should Control? By Major Axford, S77
  • Wilcot Spring Cover, The, 235
  • Wilholm. Mr. August (from Throne to Motor Works), 161
  • Wilson Mr. A. J., Work ol, 15B
  • Wind Resistance, 118
  • Windscreens, Erxfield-Aillday, 205
  • Women oa CoanTrtiitJteefi, 15fi ? .
  • Women Dnivore, More Warned, 318, 453
  • Workers, £6 lfie. Sd. for 40-ihour Week, 109
  • Workshop on the Oaj-, '[The, 144
  • Workshop, Motorist's:—ffl, 80, 100, 149, 195, 224, 273, 302,-325, 344, 376, 400. 424, 439, 4KS, SI-*, 683 Accumulator Box, Locking the, 514. Accumulators, Testing, 80
  • Baby Jack or Extensible- Bolt, 195. Bench, Plank to Protect the, l'ffl. Bolts, Cup-headed, 21. Boibs Cup-headed, Gripping, 149. Bolts. Substitute for, 400. Bottles, Sealing, 149. Brass-work, Badly Tarmtelied, How to Clean, 14fl. Broken Windows, To Save, 439. Brushes Made of Old Wire Cables, 195
  • Carburettor, Whait ito Do if it OaAdhes Fire, .139. Caetonge, Distortion of. To Prevent, 583. Chain, Replacing a, 21. CleanJilmwa, For
  • Workshop, Motorist's (continued).
  • pKunoting, 373. Cold Chimed, Using a, 80.
  • Compression Ratio, Measuring tins, 234-
  • Oork, To Make a, Fit, 302. Cranking.
  • Making, Easier. 439. Ourp-iheaded Bolts, Gripping, 143 ' ?
  • Damage-to Wings, Preventive. 344. Dampness,
  • Cure JOT, 468. Dents in Tank, Repairing, 4011. Draughts, Eliminating, 424. 468. Drill
  • " Guide, 376. Drills, Don't Throw Away Old, 344
  • Engine, Access to the, 149
  • Floor Covering, To Preserve, 439. Fuel Gauge, A SimMe, 325. FuniieJ, Paper, for Petrol, " 4£3
  • . Garage Windows, Cleaning, 378. Gauze Filter, To Avoid Minor Stoppages, 31. Gear Levfcr.-Indicator, 514
  • Hood, Waterproofing tihe, 424 Ililuminatin,g the Dash, 273 Leaf Springs, Oiling, 424- Left-hand Threads, Cutting, 303. Light Without Matches, How to Obtain, 302'
  • Magneto Coupling, Noiey, 1O0. Magneto, Waterproofing tha, 273 Nut, Rcmorlttg a, Hint on, 344. Nuts, Easing
  • Obstinate, «S
  • Oil in Greas* Cups, 373- Oil, to POUT, from
  • Drums, 325. Oiling Lea.) Springs, 424. Over-
  • ailing, Remedy Jor, 439 /
  • Paint Brasflies, Preserving, 325. pedaJ«, Slip-
  • ping, ;&emedy for, 400. Pieto™, Brev&nitinK
  • Broken, 100. Plungers, Leaky, Cure 'or, 376
  • r, Useful, 400. Reversing, A Tip lor, 37(1.
  • « Rope Lever, A Simple, 195, Running
  • Boards, llepa-inting, 51-4. Rust on #he Car,
  • Keeping Down, 195
  • Safety Catch for Ite-veree, *». Shelf a-nd Cirp. ?board Accommodation, 224. Sparking Plurgs, Carrying Spare, 80. Speedometer, Testing, 533. Speedoraetor Cable, Mending », 100. Spring ClearuijiiE tflie Workshop. 80. Spring Washer, A Home-made, 439- Spring Washers, Reap, Handy, 583. Springe, Resetting, 302. Starting on War Spirit, 273. Sbeerinig, Tlho Ant of, 583. Stripped Nut, -He-pairing a, 302. .Storing Small Parts, 439. Studs, Broken, Removing, 514 Tanfts, Dswts in., P^paaring, 400. Thieves, Guarding, 31. Touching Up bhe Oar, 224. Touching ,Uip witili Enamel, 583. Tubes, T^eak'y, Remedy lor, 302. Tyi-e Crwp, The Elieot oi, 100
  • VaLve Gups, H^anoving, 344. Vice, Hhe Miniature, 21
  • Wawhana. Filims Thin, 469. V/^vmroofinc bhe Oar *Hood, 424. Wedges, The- U®e of, 37G. Wheel, sipwe, Inapeotion of, 149. Wings, Preventing J3amajge to", 344. Wire Cables Made into BrueSiee, 195. Wires, Baring, 2W, Wood, To Prevent, Splifcting, 326 WrencJi, A Handy, 33 Wrench, A Douible-puinpoae, F59


  • A.A.. First Aid Motorcyclist, 478
  • A«celeira?tor Foot Refit, 93
  • Aiooeasories, SraiOh and. Sons', 138 ' '? '
  • Aceumnla<Wm, Oha-rging Two-volt in Series irom
  • Switch Lannip, 102' A=lma Hill, Henley, Busy Sce^ne a,t: Mr. F. Thomas
  • Ajsoending, on His G.M., 625 Atine Hiil-s G.N. aA Foot of, 5S2 Alma Hill, Soefles ,-ni, M«*t, 565 American, Wowienls Motor Conpfi, An Officer's
  • Undfonm, 71
  • Prei)*raJtion, 195 Anti-splasih Ou-t&r Tyre Cove]-, 220 Arc de THompihe in, the Champs Elywees, 53 Axford, Major S. R., 263
  • B
  • " Ba-by Jack " or Ejotdnsi'Mo Bolt, 195 .
  • "Ball Bearings. Lirffe, How fitted to Ora-nkshalt ol a Four-cylinder Enigine, 376; Selif-aligning, ?128
  • Ball Eaoe. New Met.hod of Assem-bllnig, 373
  • Barometer Wlil-6h Shows Temperature Pressure, 19G
  • BaGtery Box (&miitih Mid Sons') with Removaible Inspection Pan-eil. 246
  • Bellows Attached to Pedal Arm, 468
  • Beaelwind ftwitdh and Aanmeier, 265
  • Body Desigm^; Three, 81
  • Body Dimensions Reoommerided by Americans lor Fouir*9e»t«ir, 33.1
  • Body Suitable1 'for Business iMan, A Contributor's ("M.G.") Idea of, 272
  • Body Trans(oraoabion, Autocratic Liefot Oar, 524
  • Bolt, Meitthod of Po*eventine it Tmnine wttiile Ntit is being Removed, 344 '
  • Boot, Th« Piroabome, 212
  • Bowd'en Wire Ca-Wtes Made in,to XJaoful Brusihw, 195
  • Boy Scouts, Aimerican, Safety >Fii»t CarnT>aiBn, 73
  • Bradley, Sec.Jii*uit. A. P., 372
  • Brake. Application, A-atvtaaMc, 2fl8
  • Brfke, ElectWHfta-enet. 3?
  • Brighton Boad, Ailternaitive, Bound Croydon, 317
  • Broadway, llhe Neatest and Meanest Village .i« the
  • U.K.? 571 Broken-doa-n- Cfevr, Thfi Only W*y 'to Get a, Home,
  • in New York, 63
  • Brookland'S Track, What It Txiolcs Like- To-ilay, S.12 Biruahee, Old Bowden" Wire <;ables Made I Mo, 195 Buckinighaini Bullet in FJjgiht, 500 Buckingham, Mr. J. V. in Racing Ga-rfo, 500 Burford Bridge—As It Used To Be, 85 Buriord Bridge <Hot&], Ri^n* of *he Jlally on March
  • ? 23rd, 405
  • Buriord Bridgo Rally, PanioraraJc View, 440 Bunko Condenser, Th«, 268
  • Cable, Insuilatinig, Removing, on High-tension. 224
  • Oa:U of the Road:—When tihe Poat-wiar" Model C«m*a Home, 484. " The Ideal " Enthusiast 535. Tho Jjady Paesionge-r an Adivantoge ? 556
  • Car: Citroen. Remarkable- In.tereet in, in Fran-ee, 371; Min!ia.tttrc, To Ca-riy F'our Children, 585; Morria-Oowley a.t Meet ol West Kent PoxtUourids at Penehui-st, January 4tli, 1913, 153; The Piendo, 165
  • Car.bon Brusihos Used in Magnotos, 13
  • Carbu-reitter: Tlho Cwpac, 4,Vi; 0 la u del -Hob son, 433; Control from Dash, 3if7; Fire at. How Caused, 98; For U-so with Heavy Fuels, 119; and Intat Controls lor Gae, 19; nhe Smltlh Sing.lo-jet, 210; Woteelcy, 59; i^rnath, Showing Posation ot Jets, 540
  • Oaw Loaded wiibh Bltiebellils a-t Woolm&r Owen, 803
  • CenrM-a.1 Drill Protector, 2M
  • Chart, Showing to U-ondon Eoute, for Drivers^ 148
  • Chuck for Gripping Small Drills or Jet Reamers, 174
  • Citroen- Bevel, 367 . Citroen Gear, 236
  • CtaJHWi wMi Minute Spikes for pedal, 119 ' ' 1 " Coi;nTan " Leal Spring T,ubric,ator, 584
  • Coi'l Ignition, Wdrinig, Diagiwrn for, 170
  • Cold Chisel tar CwttiniE Sheot Metal, 80
  • Comixrei&sion T*p, Tho "Sltkite," 34,7
  • Controls on a Oar—What is «he Beet Arrangement? 194 Conversion AmevJcan Idea for 'Sleeping A<jcomnio.
  • dation, 87
  • Ooolin* System, T-he Buchanan, 167, 108 ' Cork, How to Malte an Ovcrsiised, Fit Bottle Neck, 149 Country Motorist, A 'Itypinail—Farmer Who Uses a
  • Singer Jjight Caa', 279 Oouipe Body, Aim^rican Suggestion, 166 Cup-Tie&eted Bdlt, Niok Out its. Head of, 21 Cap-headed Bolts with Fla-ts Filed on Head, 149 Cycleoar: A.-C. 10 ih-ip. for One-legged Driver, 307, 117, 419. A.V. Two-sea,ter, 139. BayJi&s, Thomas and Oo.'e, 570. Bedelia, 34, Oam^i&rs, G.N with Its Owner Under Oan-vaa, 602. Ca.rden, Pre-war, 68; Two-seater, S32. "Clarence," 229- David, Belt-diriven," Spanish, 122. Design., Underhung Frame iff, 78. Future, Reader'* Idea ol .t'lw>, 77. G.N. New Model, ai3,.186, 417; C&pt. A. G. F. Nft*h's, 413. Home-nnade, Monocar, 55. T.-.S.D., Prelianinary Detaib of, 364. Merrall-Brown, 526. Morgan: 1*18 I>e Luxer-5, 41Z; 1919, with Air-cooled J.A.P. Twin Engine, 495; Controls, 496; Gear Lover Bent-back, 498; He-appea.rani<vo of. Seen on tbe Roao During Ea-ster, £103; Two Interesting, 435. Noveil, wnth Water-cooled Engine, 550. Sigana for Lyons Fair, 361. Siinipile, S-na.jvped on PortemOTitih Road, 537. " Wooler-Mule," 330, 259, 417
  • Cylinder, How to Deteot Wear of. 37 Cylinder, Wclseley Aif-cooled, 607
  • Dashboard, Bezel-wind Clock, Switch and Speedometer, 139
  • ?Detachable Cylinder- Hoadd. 470 ?
  • Dbrfhi'lo Light Oa.r Top 331
  • Device for Locking Controls, 246
  • Device lor Upsetting Timing ol Engine Sent in by "R.L.A.B.," 465
  • Device for Warning Onoomins Traffic. 399
  • Device Whereby Engine is Sniped Should a Tyre bo Punnturefl, 559
  • Dickey Scat to A.-C. Sociable, 403
  • Differential; With Parallel Gears, 226; Mr. Robinson's, tor Chain-driven liaok Axle, 176; Suggested Rimiilc, (or Cytlecar, 304
  • Efe WJiewl, Improved Detanhable, S3
  • Disc Wheels: Study in. at Foot of AJm« Hill, 544; Three New Types, 365
  • Distance Piece Placed in Boie of Cylinder to Prevent Fraoture- to Casting whilst in tihe Vice, 583
  • Dog Clutoh Drive, Two-speed, lViagraiMr.atik. Illlufi-tra-tion' of the Principles of, 27fi
  • Doors, Sliding. (or <j#rage, 161
  • Dover Tyre i' IVeitiag Ta*k, 268
  • Draught from Pedal Slots, Met&od of Stopping, 424
  • Drill Guide, 376
  • Dui*y System ol Lubrication, 113
  • Dynamo: Armature, 264; C.A.V. Ligthiinig, 321; Drive, Caluott System, 365; Poet-wa>r, Made by S. Smith and .Sons, 284
  • Eastbourne Road to CodsUm-e, Repairing tJhe, 3/5
  • Electric Bulb Fitted wi&li Centra] Stem irihicih Aots as Refleotor, 174
  • Electric Starter, Smith's, 300
  • Electric Starters, 145, 14C. Brolt, 300
  • Elwtrode, Fiin-like, wliidh Revolves when Engine is Running, 42S
  • Engine; A.B.C., 509. Aero: 500 h.p. 13-cylinder Atlantic, 247; 150 h.,p. Hiapa-no-Suiaa, 218. Cal-cott, 1919, 387. Ooventry-Siimplex, 1,500 c.c, Magneto Side, 248. Dorcnan: 333; 10 h.p., Showing Comibined Inlet and Exhaust Ma-nit* lold, Cylinder Head, etc., 357. Duplex, Eight-cylinder, 358. En fie Id. AIO day Five-oyHnd-er Hadia.1 Air-cooled, 355. High Compressed, 420. Internally-cooled, in Section, 228. Cross-sent ion of Jl h.p. Feugeot, 247. Peugeot at Lyons Fair,. 3&L- Radiail Static, 121. notary Cylinder (Diagram), 594. Starter. M*. N. E. Duty's, 93
  • Engo-Flabor, The, 312
  • Epping Road, Week-end Scene on, 40.8
  • Exeter Run, Christmastime, The Lunch Stop on Return "Journey, 55
  • Extra Air, Device for Admitting, 174
  • Fare, Miss Ethel, 407
  • F.l.A.T, School o[ Instruction, American Soldiers
  • and Sailors at ft Lecture, 67 Filler and Diain Tap Fitted to Float Chamber to
  • Facilitate Easy Starting, 273 Fire at Carburetter, How Caused, 98 First Day of "Spring-1919 Model, 427 Firestone Boot, 212
  • Five Guineas for an I doa—Thief -proof Device,1 <!7?> Flexible Magneto Coupling, Simms, 346 Float Chamber, A Navel, 347 Floods by the Msdway near Tollbridge, 157 Floods at Paddock Wood, Kent, 160 Floods, St. Neots, Damage Caused by, at, 479 Flush Instrument Board on 10 h,p. A.C., 162 four-seater Car Converted into Couch for
  • Ambulance Work. 212 Frame Member Strengthened liy Means of Iron or
  • Steel Plate Secured to it, 610 Fuel System, Pressure Fed. 33 Fuel Tank With Love! Indicator, 93 Funnel of Paper, for Petrol, 468
  • Garage Doors, Sliding I" S.T.oi " letter), 151 Garage, Lighting the, 74 Oarage, Steering the Car Out of, 583 ' Garages and Housing Problem 227 Gas Connection, Best Way of Making, to TJ. mid B.
  • Carburetter, 11 Gas Pipe, affective Method of Fixing, to a Zenith
  • Carburetter, !J0
  • Gas Tightness, Novel Method of Obtaining, 55&. ? Gate Changes. *pwo Typical, 134 Gatwick~-Large Number of Oars on Brighton
  • Road. 1S7
  • Gauge Which Shows Petrol MH.'-age in Tank, 325
  • Gnufie Filter, How Fitted, 21 /
  • Gear Indicator. "Neutral," 514 Glare Killer, 550 Gradient, Measurement, 447
  • Grease din' Filler, .J19
  • Grcaso Cup. How an Ordinary, May be Adapted to C>.ny Thick Oil. 273
  • Greater in which the Oil is Prevented from Exuding at the Ca-p, 268
  • Great Western Road, Abolishing Brentford High Street, 342
  • Gudgeon Pins. Tool for Extracting, 564
  • Hampers Packed While You Wail, T2
  • Hand-grip, A Simple, 16
  • Handy Spark Plug, ami Terminal Tetter, 246
  • Hatfield, The Hid l.ion at, 370
  • Headlamp, A Non-dazzle. Th-s " Lucid," 437
  • Headlamp, Smith and SOBS, 13S
  • Headlamps Without fJlare, 238
  • Hever, Kent, A Dangerous Corner, 411
  • Holiday Resoits, Somv Famous, 489
  • Horn, The " Echo " Electric Magnet in, 222
  • Horn, Diaphragm, 49S
  • Horns, Kleetric, !i21
  • Hospital Motor Squadron, Cars Belonging to, 33, 285
  • Hotel Competition—Hunters Inn, Heddon's Mouth, N. Devon, 546
  • Hoitdaille Variable Suspension, The Principle of, 7; Spring Compression, 214
  • Housing Problem—Garages, 227
  • Humorous :—Back to Motoring—Somu Advantages. I Hotels, 1919 Model, 523. II, Garages, 549. Ill, Roads, 5G7. IV. Light Cars, 590. Our Artist At the Junior Car Club Rally—Ho Saw Something of it, 463. The Concrete Sawdust Car, 338. Country Yokel Frantic-ally Signalling to Stop, 349. If the Rule of the Road Were Altered, 129. vL.C.O.C. "Safety First," 132. Lighter Side of Motoring, 24J, 464. Motoring Dtirinc the Last Three Years, 180. Number Plates, The Art of Carrying, in Waistcoat Pocket, 271. Ocrtopus, The Railway, 385. Petrol' Control Office, 111. " Be it a Puncture, Znr? " 283 At a Recent Rally—Inquisitive Old Lady, 595. Skidding Car, The, 203. Solving The Problem, JOG. Question Requiring no Answer, 159. Wavtt cf Democracy, The, 241. What is Petrol^' 399
  • Hut Hotel: on Dec. 1st. Two A.C.s, 43: Scene Outside—21 Liitht C&ra, 381. Baby Peugeot,
  • Ignition snd Starting Switch, 394
  • Illumination "Without Glare, 238
  • InHu«nza Mask Worn by MotorisU, 319
  • Inserting a Piei;e of Tapered Packing to Restore The Horizontal Level of Car. 302
  • Interconnected Carburetter and Inlet, Controls for Gas Fittjed to 10 h.p. Calcott, 19
  • Jacking Up Wheels to Examine A Used Car, U7 Jolliffe " V " Screen, 199
  • Junior Car Club; Some o£ the Members, 445: at Alms Hill, 55!
  • King George in Hyde Park, Shakos Hands with
  • Silver Budged Men, 25 King Mud and Ilis Allies, 219 Kingston Hill—Showing How Accidents ure
  • Caused by Traffic Being Forced (o Wronu
  • Side, 386
  • Lambeit, Major Warren, Climbing Nailsworth ?? Ladder," 531
  • Lamp, A Handy Workshop, 299
  • Land's End Hotel. Arriving Jit, 538
  • Leaky Pump Leather, Cure for, 370
  • Leamington, Rally at, 597
  • Leamington, All Road,= to, 587
  • Level Crossing Hold Up! 353
  • " Light Car and Cvclecar " Challenge Cup—Inscription on Trophy, 481. Colony, Ground Plan of, 511. Day, Scene on Ripley Road, .190. A.B.C., 508. A.-C. at M.C.C. Opening Run, 455. A.C.. 10 h.p. Post-war. 162. A..C. Post-war,, on the Roa<l near Redhill, 177, Airedale, 570, American—A Contrast, in Types, 72. Ashton. 568
  • Calcott: 187; 1'Jli), 387; on Good Friday in Eppins F.irfist' ' 50fi: owiird by Mnliara.iah Sahib BahuiUi of Gwtilior, 572. Culthorne: 410; With Low Seating. 214: Near Old Houses at Leitrh, in Kent. 200: "Snorting Four." 417; Mirror, for Ladv Drivers, 223; Sporting Twivseaf-Kr, 432. Chater Lea, Picnicking, 519. 'Citroen : First Photonranh o'f, 311. 417; as a Two-Scatev. 238. Crouch: 1919. 289; Snorting Model, .120 Deemster: Made bv Ogston Motor Co , Ltd., 291; Chassis, Lubricating System, etc.. 309; Interior View. 315; With Cabrinlef Bn<)v. MO. Di*7.. 107. Douglas; with A F.S. Helical Re»r Snrine Suscenslon, 2fi1: Comic Owned bv Mr. W. Douglas, 592; 1913 Model, 551: on the Road, POO Knfleld-AUday: 27: Illustration from " Prai-
  • ticnl Flving." 28. 417
  • ?F.r.A.T, New 11.4 h.p.. 362. The Four-Seftter, Its Possibilities and Improvements, 214
  • G.W.K.: Post-war, 140-112; Sectional View, 49; Four-seater, 417; at Level Crossing at Culn-brook on thv Hath Ruad, 521; Two, at i'uUenliani, oUl; Taking Ui<- Waters, 586: Wiih Minor Alterations, 589; Fussing Captured tiuii at Hounslov,', 4B7; Run, After Four Yi-ars Service, 466
  • Hampton, Chassis ami Side View of, 293 H. F. G., 290; Details of, 314, 417; Imaginary Sketch trim Particulars Supplied 312. Humberelte and Singer, at Meet of Birmingham and Coventry Branches of N.M.C.F.t1.. 327. L.M.. The 1919 Model, 482 Mttjola, 387. Mendip Chassis, 359. Mercury, Sectional Diagram of Engine Arrangement, 313. Morgan; Our Correspondents', itt Paris, 53; on Coventry Road, 45; G.P. that has Run 20,000 Miles, and Still in Excellent Condition, 275. Morris-Cowley, 108, 187; The First 143; in Soow at High Hesket, Cumberland, 2*3,' 419; Coming Through the Floods near Alms Hill, 555; Driven by Mr. Alfred Keen at Alms Hill, 553; Morris-Oxford, 187, 419, 430
  • Palladium (Friction-driven), 207, All. Peugeot: Baby, 187; Four-seater for Lyons Fair, 361; New, Diagrams of. 30-22; at Hut Hotel, Wis-ley, 44S
  • Singer: 187, 430; Ladies 10 h.p. fur Shopping 223; Used by Farmer, 279; for Ladies] 61; Snapped in a Cutting hear Lee-on-thc-Solent, 579; Mr. B. Hay wood at Wheel of Car Which Covered 72'/i Miles in the Hour, 481; Showing Improvements in Minor Do-Uil, 505. Standard; 430; 9.5 with Medicine Chest, 60; 9.5 on the Kei Bridge, S. Africa, -i; on tha TJmgaai River, 1; on the Road to Gatw;ck. 187; 1919. First Illustration, 415; Snapped in Midlands During Cold" Spell, 2a3; Driven l.y Mr. H. P. McConnell at Alms Hill, 553; 1919, Snowing Flap from Hood over Screen, 504. Stellite, 116. Swift rn the Coventry-Kenilworth Road durine Snow Storm, 204
  • Lighting, The Garage, 74
  • Lighting Restrictions—Night Vifcw nt Trafalgar /Sauare, 35
  • Lock foi Accumulator Box,'514
  • Lock, a Neat, for Securing the Gear Level in Neutral, 47G
  • Lock for Preventing any Movemf-nt of the Steering Wheel, 584
  • Lock for Starting Handle, A.U.P.'s Device, 465
  • Locking Device for Clutch Peda.1, 465
  • Locking Device to Fit to Steering Column, 476
  • Long or Short Stroke Engine, %
  • Low, Major A. M., R.A.F., D.Sc, A.C.G.I.. 281
  • Low, Dr. and tin? A.-C. on which Certain Testa were Made, 573
  • Lubricator, Best and Lloyd Scmi-Autnmatie. 540
  • Lubricating Shackln Bolu, A New System of, 268
  • Lubricating a Spring Shackle. $07
  • Lubrication System, The Dufty, 113
  • Lubrication, Tljxi Monofed Delivery Unit. 193
  • Lubrication Pressure Fed and Splash System, How They Work, 276
  • Lyons Pair, Car Exhibits at, 361
  • Magneto Contact Breaker, Various Parts uf, 14
  • Magneto Coupling, Spring in, 100
  • Magneto Driving Shaft, 7R
  • Magneto Troubles on the Roitd, ?7
  • " Mike and "Break." The Mercury, Suggested by Oscillator. 251
  • Map Showing How to Get to Burford Bridge Hotel from London, ?95. 405
  • Map of Mouth of Mersey, Showing Birkenheail
  • Ferry, 370 Map Showing How tu Get to Alms Hill, near Henley, 507
  • Maps of Bad Roads, 487 Maps, Six. of Easter Tours, 491-405
  • MawcoG, Temporary (jO-.milo Non-stop Trial Q(
  • Woolwich and t'luinstead Club, April 6th, 474
  • Metal Shield on Coupe to Protect Occupant of
  • Dieftay Seat, 211
  • Mk-hclin Disc Wheel. Section Through. 438
  • Michelin Detachable Disc Wheels, and N>w Jack, 411
  • Monacal'. A.V., W. 443 Monocai', Mr. Binncy's, 538
  • Monocar. Caidcn, The Nft*. 434
  • Munofwl Delivery Unit, 193
  • Morgan, Mr. H, V. S.. 457
  • Morris, Mr. W. I!., Snapped After Sealing Alms Hill. 5S4
  • Morris-Cowley Group, A. 445
  • Nailsworth " Ladder." Major Warren-Lambert
  • Climbing; 531 ational Motor Cyclists Fuel Union at Stonebridge. 394
  • Neutralock." The. 154 Neutral" Gear Indicator, 514. Newlands " on the Kingston Road, Now the
  • Nome of K.L.G. Plugs. 9 .M.C.F.U. at Swnobridge, 327 on.da2zle Headlamp, The "Lucid," 437 umbor Plat«s, Rame/ly for Obscured, 24Q'
  • Obstructions (Cyclists' Touring Club Deputation) 416
  • Oil, How to Pour. Withojit Waste, 3'J5 Old Houses at Leigh in Kent, anil Calthorpe Light
  • Car, 200
  • One-legged Driver, 10 h.p. A.-C. for a, 307 Overflow Holei to Reduce Level of Oil in Big-end'
  • Troughs, 439
  • Over-oiling, Effects of. Plainly Shown, 75 Over-oiling May Lead t.u Power Losses, 396
  • Packing Caso Fitted with Shelves (or Cleaning
  • Materials, 224
  • Padlocking a Pedal, Method of, 394
  • Paint Brushes, Simple Method of Suspending in Water, 325
  • Petrol Filter, A Sensible, 557
  • Petrol Pipe, Correct Way to Coil, 557 ,
  • Petrol Taps ("J.H.H."), 475 '
  • Petrol, What is? 399 Picnic Car, The, 165
  • Picnickine, 1S4
  • Picnicking, Owner of Chatcr-Lea enjoys Al-Freseo Meal, 519
  • Picnicking Party, A Pre-War, 528
  • Picnicking, Popularized, 493, 558, 577
  • Piston Ring Holder, 82
  • Piston Rings, Safe Method of Removing, 452
  • Pol'Hill, Kent, under Snow During the Spell of
  • Wintry Weather, 297
  • Plug: Air-cooled, Controlled by a Small Poppet
  • Vivlvo and Perforated Sleeve, S99; Gas-tight, 373; Holder, A Spare, 80; K.L.G., Home of
  • the, 9; M-A.C, 356; Removal, to Facilitate, 347; Sphinx, 347
  • Quarter-Elliptic Springs on Baby Peugeot; 352 " Quick-fit " Mat for Running Beard, 433
  • R
  • ?Radiators,' Types of, on Aero Lines, for Light Car Desiatiers, 143
  • Bear Lamp, Extrcrdely Powerful, 304
  • Reeves, Mr. A. W\, 51
  • Reflector for Ekctrin Bulbs, 174
  • Re-treading, Novel Method of, 4S8
  • Ripley Road, " Eastcott " and " Tha Firs," 451
  • ftipley Road, A 1914 Singer on the, 448
  • Rpad Conditions, Examples of Modern, 35
  • Road, The Deserted, as it was on Last .Day of
  • Motoring Restrictions, 23 ,A.
  • Road Repairing at .tied Hill, 374 '"?
  • Road Signs, Mr, Broughton'a Suggested Improvements, 427 v .
  • Road Signs, Three. 14T
  • Route Chart for Drivers, 148
  • Rubber Heel Screwed to Pedal to Prevent Slip, 400
  • Safety1 Catch for Reverse, 400 '
  • Safety Lock, to Prevent, Car Thefts, 154
  • Salomons, Sir David, and Sinner Coupe, 211; Part
  • of Fleet of Cats Owned by, 218
  • /Screen Cleaner, 119
  • Screen, The " Joliffe," 109 ,
  • Screwdriver to Prevent Slip, 16
  • Seal for Petrol Cans, 59
  • Second-hand Dealer's SLop Front as Seen To-day 543
  • Shackle Bolt Fitted «ith Grease Cap, 59 Shelves and Lookers. Elevation of Dash, Showing
  • Three Shelves, 17 Side Lights, Position of, 564 Sign Post, Main Road, 354 Silencer, Common Type of, 428 Silencer, with Skew PUtes, 438 Sirams .Drive- Assembled, 34S
  • Singer loints That Please the Owner-driver, 580 " Sittite " Compression Tap, 347 Skidding Motorbus Driver and Light Car Driver,
  • il6
  • " Slough of Despond," 456 'Snow in April, Regent's Park, 531 Snow at High Hesket, Cumberland (MorrisCowley), 243 Snow in the Midlands, 7-9 h.p. Swift on Co vent ry-
  • Kenilworth Road, '201 Soldering Iron, Klactrin, 171 South Halting Hill-climb, a G.W.K. Competing. 529
  • Spa Bottom, Showing Weighbridge, 384-, Spanner, S3 Spanner, Two in One, 373 Spanish. Trial, An Incident in the, Saving Timtv at
  • the Corner, 270 Sparking Plug, How it May be Short Circuited by
  • Moisture, 2i>2
  • Sparking Plug Cleaner, 423 Speedometer, 138
  • Speedometer Cable, Broken, How to Repair, 100 Sphinx1 Plug Pitted with Cooling Fins, 347 Spiral Bevel. 367
  • 'Spring, First day of, 1319 Model, 427 Spring Idyll—On Ttoad and Jliver, 516 Spring in MagnHo Coupling, 100 Spring Washer, Home-made, 439 Springing Gear of Moroviry Light, Car, 314 Standard Co.'s Sports Ground Canley, 598 Starter, C.A.V./m ' Starter, Electric, 145
  • Starter, Three Operations of tho (C.A.V.), 301 . Staiter, Two Systems of, Referred to in Mr. Siz&r's
  • Letter, 152 Starting Device on the " B. and B." Carburettor, 610
  • Starting Up, Right and Wrong Way of, 57 Statue of Richard I. Outside Houses of Parliament
  • and Morris-Cowley Light Car, 108 Stead, Lieut. G. C, Returned from Prison Camp, 156 '
  • Steering Car Out of Garage, 583 Steering Syswm, How lo Detect Wear in, 37 1 Steering, What the Driver Sees, 249 Steering Wheel, Detachable; by "F.G.K.," 475 Stockings for Cold Weather in U.S.A., 65 Stop in Garage to Prevent Damaging Front Wings, 344
  • Straight-bevel form of Final Drive, 36G Straight-lock Indicator, 212
  • Strobosoope for Examining Running Objects,' 575 Stud Extractor, 584 Substitute for Bolt, 400 Switch, Secret, Be-hind Clock, 47$
  • Tamp, The, Made for Brass Screw, Shown in Position, 301
  • TartTt for Tube Testing, 2158 Terminal, Detachable, 352 Thief-proof Devices. .436 Throttle, How to Control the, when Ascending1 a
  • Stilt Hill, 604 Tobogganing Car. A, 286 Tool for Extracting Gudgeon Pins, 564
  • Tools, Useful Bet of, for Removing Carbon Deposit,
  • - 470- . Trailer Attachment for Light Car, by Messrs.
  • Charles worth, 337 Tjanmer, Mr. W. H., Winner of Our Thief-proof
  • Competition, 506 Travelling Shop. 201 Trial, General Efficiency, 601 Triple Belt Drive, ""Wooler Mule," 259 Tuning and Running, Hints on, 603 Tuning, A Useful Tip, 3<J5 Two Ways of Seeing the Boad, Morgan for Two o'r
  • Char-a-bancs for 50 People, 563 Tyre Valve .1 Jala nee Weight for High-speed Work, 610 Tyres, Solid " Cab " and " Silverton," 368
  • u
  • Uniform of Officer in American Women's -Motor
  • Corps, 71 Universal Joint, Novel Form of, 423
  • V
  • Valve Cap, which Enables a Special Spanner to. Obtain a Firm Grip, S07
  • Valve Spring, Device for Testing Strength of, 13
  • Valves, Overhead, 143
  • Valves, Overhead, Actuated by Rocking Levers from Single Camshaft. 143
  • Vaporizer, A New, Wherein Fuel is Partially Burnt, 16
  • Variable Friction Gear and Engine Unit, 357
  • Vec-shaped Baffle Board Behind-Radiator to Prevent Dust-laden Air Being Drawn into Carburetter, Hi
  • Viaduct at Fareham, 578
  • Voltmeter, The " Veena " Model " B," 322 :
  • ,. Voltmeters and Ammeters, Two Types of. Suitable for Dashboard of a Car,- 265
  • w
  • War-worn Vehicles, How France Disposed of, 105
  • Washer, Tin, for Reducing Rattle, C2
  • Washers, Leather, Cutting Out, by Means of a Piece of Tube Prepared for the Purpose, 302
  • Wear of Cylinders, How to Detect, 37
  • Wear of Steering System, How. to Detect, 37 .
  • Wedges to Prevent Broken Piston Skirts, 100
  • Weller, Mr. John and Mr. John poitwine, 445
  • What it May Come To (Post-war Model), 183
  • Wheel, The Ackcrman, 151
  • Wheel, An " Artillery ". Built Up, 373
  • Wheel. A. Novel. 584
  • Wheels, Car, Cinematogrsphed, 575
  • Wheels, Disc Michelin, Section of, 438
  • Whitehead. Mr. Cecil, 334 . .
  • Woman at the Wheel, Suggestions as to Her Requirements, 513
  • Woman's Motor Manual—Three Specimen pages. 185
  • Women Drivers will Favour Stellite, 116
  • Wood, Mr. J. T.. 457
  • Woodhouse, Major, in Singer Light Car, 341
  • Woody Bay, Devonshire. 351
  • Woolwich, M.C. Club, Opening Run of, Only One Three-wheeler Attended. 379
  • Work Bench, Plank to Protect, 14D
  • Workshop Lorker on Car, 144
  • Worm Gear, Two Forms of, 366
  • Wrench for Small Harts, 559

See Also


Sources of Information