Lightcar: Index v26: (1925/05/22 to 1925/11/13)
Note: This is a sub-section of Light Car and Cyclecar
See the Issues for this index
INDEX. Volume 26. 22nd May 1925 to 13th Nov 1925.
- Abbott, Ray: Amateur Enthusiasm 335
- A.C. Breaks 24-Hour Record, 2
- A.C. Front-wheel Brakes. 307
- A.C., Keeping a 1925, in Tune, 8
- A.C. Price Reduction, 478
- A.-C.U. Rule, New, 614
- A.C. Sociables, Two Pre-war, Still Going Strong, 1
- A.C. Special Displays, 99
- A.C., The Two-seater Royal, 118
- A.C, Who Will Challenge the, 643
- Accessories for the Owner-driver, 644
- Accessories of the Moment, 769 Accessories, Interesting, 22, 91, 151, 239, 298, 443 528, 782
- Accessories, Too Cheap, 379
- Accident, After an: "Your Name and Address." 712 Accident, What To Do After an, 166 Accidents and Loss, 729 Accidents, To Avoid, 276 Adventure that Made History, An, 791 Advertising, Cheap, 364 11 Aeromobil " A Hybrid, 743 Africa by Light Car, Across, 238 Agent, An Enterprising, 173 Air Force Opportunities, 798 Ajax Luggage Rack, The, 22 Aldershot Searchlight Tattoo, 99 Aldershot Tattoo: Big Car Attendance, 188 All-British Motor Show, 275
- All-British Motor Show at Adelaide, Successlul, 365 Alpine Trial of 1926, 799 Alpine Trial, Light Cars in, 305 Aluminium Oar, A Cast- 385 Alvis Improvements for 1926, 454 Alvis Success, 614 Amateur, Trials of the, 142
- American Motor Export, Two Millions a Year, 742 Amilcar, Details of the Six-cylinder Supercharged, 749
- Amilcar Team, A Big, 507 Andre Cup, The Battle for the. 584 Anti-dazzle Butbs, 188 Antiques in Cottages, Faked, 80 Appearance, To Improve the, 113 Application refused, 97 Apres l'lncendie, 756
- Ariel Ten, The Semi-sports Model, 106
- Aries Light Car (Our Cover Picture), 2
- Arm Rest, An Adjustable, 91 Arpajon Speed Trials, 507 Arrest Without Warrant, 180 AS. Sports Car, New (French), 228 Ascot Races, 31 Ashley, Col., Speech by, at Bournemouth, 770 (We Agree)
- Ashley, Col. (Unashamed), 770 Ashtrays, Neat, 91
- Austin Records. More, 741
- Austin Seven, Over Hard Knott with an, 134
- Austin Seven Competition, 492 Austin Seven's 60 m.p.h., 127 Austin—Six Up. 2
- Austin Successes in South Africa, 68 Austin to Victory, Duller Pilots, 616 Austin's Non-stop Run, 614 Australian, Brooklands, 658 Autohorn, The Graham, 644 Automatic Suspension, 808 Automatically Operated Variable Gear, 674
- A.A., Amazing Growth of, 219
- A.A. Figures, Remarkable, 269
- A.A. Guides and Road Repairs: The Eternal Question, 742
- A.A. Night Patrol, 363
- A.A. Talk from 2LO, 614
- Automobile Debating Meetings, 808
- Autumn Manoeuvres, 507
- Back Draught, Ideas to Prevent, 464
- Badly Chosen. 810
- Baisley, Mr. F. C, Death ot, 3
- Baker, Mr. C. C.: Obituary, 539
- " Balloons " and Punctures, 172
- Balloons, " Oversize," 159
- Barcelona, Light Cars in, 334
- Batteries, Hard-worked, 227
- Battery Charger, A New (Rotax), 298
- Battery Dimensions, 306
- Beart, More Records ior, 539
- Beauty Spot, Devonshire, 218
- Beclawat Luggage Grid, 698
- Beginners? Large Number of, 364
- Belgian Grand Prix. 247
- Belgium, Motoring in, 336
- Belsize-Bradshaw Rally, 33
- Belting, Cheap, 379
- Belting, Cheap: A Warning to Economists, 462 ' Benjamins Drop the Two-stroke, 512
- Benzole Prices, 246
- Besswitch Horn Switch, 782
- Bianchi tight Car. A New. 225 ?g!*Ckman Petrol Filter, 782
- Blackpool Speed Trials, 727
- Blendei Eye Protectors, 22
- Blind Corners, 80
- " Blinding " Unavoidable, 479 - Blowbacks, "Pops" and Misfires, 696
- Boarding House Habit, Develop the, 488
- Bodies, Popular Aluminium, 538
- Bodiain, Free Parking at, 334
- Bol DOr, The, 79
- Bonnet Fastener, The Twink, 645
- Boulogne, Big Entry for, 392
- Boulogne Coachwork Competition, 467
- Boulogne Grand Prix, Striking British Success in the 468 Boulogne Meeting, 741
- Boulogne Meeting Regulations, 128
- Boulogne Motor Week, 276, 307, 336, 442, 466
- Boulogne, Special Trips to, 158
- Boulogne Week Entries, 363
- Brake, Using the Engine as a, 289
- Brakes, A Cure lor Oily, 259
- Brakes, A.C. Front Wheel. 307
- Brakes for Fiats, Four-wheel, 420
- Brakes, The Care of, 340
- Braking: Be Prepared, 523
- Brass, A Shortage of, 680
- Brent Bridge Cross-roads, 391
- Brick Roads, 67
- Brighter Catalogues of 1927, 762
- Bristol, Avoiding, 742
- British and French Light Cars, 376
- British Anzani Engine, Keeping a 9 h.p. in Tune, 74
- British Car Trial, Proposed, 713
- British Engineering Standards Association, More Hopeful, 307
- British Industries Fair, A Popular, 770
- British Industries Fair, Government to Organize, 743
- B.E.S.A. Membership, 336
- British Manufacturers, Invitation (American) to. 364
- Broadcasting Safety Hints at Mauchester: A Brainy Idea, 506
- Brockley Hill, 3
- Brooklands: Austins, How the, Fared in the 750 c.c. Class, 590 ,
- Brooklands, An Australian, 668
- Brooklands, B.AR.C. at (June 25th), 168
- Brooklands: Bank Holiday Meeting, 326
- Brooklands Closing, 743. 798
- Brooklands Criticised, 728
- Brooklands, Chars-a-bancs to, 538
- Brooklands: 1,100 c.c. Class, Highspeed Work in the, 588
- Brooklands Essex Motor Club's Meeting, 569
- Brooklands, The Midsummer Meeting at, 198
- Brooklands M.C.C. High-speed Trial, Another, 537
- Brooklands The Present and the Future: By Col. Lindsay Lloyd, 39
- Brooklands, Race Meeting at, 478
- Brooklands: Winter Repairs, 711
- Brooklands Last Meeting: Thomas-Special Scores, 518
- Brooklands Meeting Postpones, 334
- Brooklands Settlement, The, 219, 276
- Brooklands as a Testing Ground, 46
- Brooklands Track Closed for Practising, 506
- Brooklands Wbitsun Meeting, 40
- Brussels Motor Show, 218
- Bugatti Price Reduction, 569
- Bugatti Success, 276
- Building Up the Ideal, 520
- Bumper, The Andre. 644
- Bumper, The Bifles, 644
- Bumps, To Smooth the. 659 . *
- Bunching Habit, The, 112
- Burdens, Holiday, 334
- Burt McCollum, 129
- Burt. MoOollum, Sleeve-valve Racer, The, 128
- Bwlch-y-Groes. Gradient of, 743
- By-pass Trap, A, 364
- Calthorpe, The 12-20 h.p. Four-seater. 516
- Calthorpe Programme and Prices, 511
- Calthorpe in Tune, Keeping the, 286
- Calthorpe Week, 98
- Calthorpe Week at Messrs. Mebes and Mebes: The
- Cat and the Dog, 158 Camera, Your, 335 Camouflage, 809
- Camping: Folding Stool Useful, 239
- Camping Parties, Encouraging, 247
- " Canines, Cars and Law," 748
- Canons Park Improvement, 478 .
- Capability by Weight: Licence Conditions in Spain, 335
- Car, A Cast-aluminium, 386 Car A Spanish Sports, 478 Car, Copying the, 479 Car Exports, Italian, 478 Car Maintenance Made Easy, 450 Car, Raw Material in, 81 Car, The £100, 451
- Car, The Right, at the Right Price, 192 CaT, Test Your Own, 368 Caravans, Saving Space in 239 Carburetter Practice. The Latest 648£.Q
- Carburetters: Amac, 648. Cox Atmos, 648 B. and B 648. Claudel-Hobson, 649, The Snvith, 649. Solex. 649. S.U., 649. Zenith, 650. Zephyr, 650
- Carburetter Settings for French Cars, 400 Cardiff, Reduced Water Charges at, 421 Cardiff's Traffic. Difficulties 219 Carelessness and Consequences, 382 Cars, Boom in Enclosed, 507 Cars, Infected? 771 Cars, Legal Responsibility for Care of, I in
- Cars of 1926, All the Small, 594 Oars for Scottish Motorists 820 Cars on Test, Small, 488 Catalogue, A Real, 785 Catalog-iies. Brighter, of 1927, 7u2 Cattle, Wandering, 419 Caution. Needed, 219 Celluloid, For Cleaning. 758
- Cement Safety Line, 742 Census, The Annual. 394
- Chain Belt, A Novel, 443 Chains. Standards for, 420
- Challenge Race in Australia, 18r)
- Champion of Brooklands, 569
- Champion Driver, The, 1, 50
- Championship, Light Car Third in European, 496
- Changes Wrought in a Decade, 732
- Chapuis-Dornier Engine, New, 307
- Char-a-bancs? Small Car or, 491
- Chassis Design, 659
- Chateau as Works Office, 82
- Chenard-Walcker, Success of the, 3 57
- Cheshire Road Barred, 68
- Children, Entertaining 6 000 568
- Children's Day, 128
- Children's Days, National, 246
- Churchill Covets Our Cash, 356
- Citroens, Bristi6h-made, 506
- Citroen, Mons., and the Eiffel Tower: "Lofty" Ambitions Realized, 189
- Citroen, A Speedy, 2
- Citroen, A Striking " Model," 82
- Citroen Car for Commercial Use, 3
- Citroen Factory: An Ideal Situation, 81
- Citroen Owners, For, 2
- Citroen Price Reductions, 482
- Citroen Showrooms, New. 713
- Citroen, The Sturdy, <s64
- Citroen Wagon Bodies, 159
- Claudel-Hobson Carburetter, How to Tune, 77
- Cleaning Made Easy, Car, 344 ,
- Club Items, 66. 96, 126, 156, 186, 216, 244, 304, 332, 362, 390, 418, 448, 504, 636, 666. 609, 711, 740, 768, 796, 826
- Club Event A Novel, 784
- Club Run, A Novel. 159
- Club Secretaries, Notice to, 245
- Cluley Price Reductions. 2
- Clyno, A Holiday in a, 346
- Clyno, A New 13 h.p., 550
- Clyno " Bablake " Sports Model, 7P2
- Clyno • Feature, A, 246
- Clyno Improvements, 33
- Clyno Programme, The 1926, 456
- Clyno Saloon, The, 158
- CM. Cyolecar, 423
- Coachwork, Care ot, 307
- Coachwork, Renovating Shabby, 196
- Ooachwork, The Latest in, 684, 685, 686, 687, 68©, 689, 690
- Coachwork, Why Not Smarter? 682
- Coal—From the Tap, 81
- Coastal Journey: Slow PsogTess, 490
- Collier, Mr. H. H.: Obituary, 539
- Collisions and Coincidences, 730
- Colwyn Bay Speed Trials, 497
- Comfort. Aids to, Seen at the Show, 626
- Comfort and Car Controls, 254
- Commercial Motor Exhibition, 721
- Commercial Motor Show, 743
- Commercial Show, The, 769
- Communal Testing, 614
- Companies, New Motor. 275
- Compression, American Device for Testing, 799
- Concrete Defies Skid Fiend. 3
- Conelli, Count, Better, 32
- Confusion Worse Confounded, 713
- Constantinesco Soco, The, 275
- Control, Simplified, 141
- Controls, Comfort and Car, 254
- Controls, Standardized Light Car. 575
- Convertible Light Car Coachwork, 12
- Cooke, Mr. Stenson, Broadcasting, 97
- Cooke's, Mr. Stenson, Motor Talk from 2L0, 217
- Cooler with the Hood Up, 157
- Course, That Ideal, 742
- Coventry-Victor, The New Three-wheeler, 797
- Coventry-Victor Three-wheeler, A, 456
- Crankshaft Bearings, 292
- Crouch for £215, New, 355
- Cu'dham HilJ Trap. 69 .
- Cummings, Miss Ivy, Married, ltfa
- Cure lor Bad Driving, 150
- " Curfew," The Car, 99
- Cushions, Cushy, 173
- Cushions, Leather, 91
- Cyclecar, A New, 217
- Cyclecar, Another £49 French, 4^6
- Cyclecar Championship. 659
- Cyclecar Comments, 4, 34, 70. 100. 130, 160. 190, 220, 248, 278, 308, 338, 366, 394 422, 452; 480, 508, 540, 570, 616, 660, 714, 744, 772, 800
- Cyclecar Engine and Gear Unit (Coventry-Victor), 722
- Cyclecars, Engines for, 69
- Cyclecar for Under £50, A French, 327
- Cyclecar Grand Prix Poorly Supported, 326
- Cyclecar Only One Entry for International Six-Days' Trial, 363
- Cvclecare, Those French, 554
- Cyclecar, The Gibbons Four-seater, Io8
- capers, Home-made Rebound, 354
- Dger, An Everyday, 247 rk. Helpful After, 522
- Darracq Victory at Montlhgry. 21
- DarracQS, Major Segrave Defends the. 773 benham and Freebody Car Park (Helping Customers), 129 »rbonizing Simplified, 120
- Dion-Bouton, The, 10-20 h.p., 283 livery of New Car: The Bugbear of Extras, 629
- Derby Spares and Repairs, 246 signs,, Daring, 658 war Trophy, The, 713
- Devonshire House, The New, 159 ;key Seats, Comfortless, 378 terential Gear, New Limited, 288 Iferential, Slaving the, 503 £>per. An Emergency, 503 g, Carrying a, 569
- Dog Lover's" Wail from Wiltshire, 450 gs and the Law, 522 or-slamming Fiend, The, 809 anght Excluder, 782 a lights, A Possible Cure, 407 iver. The Champion, 1, 50 iver. The Rustic, 174 ivers. Spectacled, 450 iving. Cure for Bad, 150 iving. Dangerous, 507 iving for Safety, 296 iving Instructions, 615 iving in Traffic, An Object Lesson, 720 iving Licences. Advertising Space on (Rush for
- Space), 798
- iving. Pleasures of Night, 522 iving with Safety on Greasy Roads, 521 iving Tests, 652 iving Tests. U.S.A., 305 iving. The Art of, 69 iblin. Racing in, 99 iller Pilots Austin to Victory, 616
- Dunlop Challenge Cup (Fore!). 69
- Dunlop Pneumatic Tyres (Good for the Roads), A.5 .
- Diralumin Connecting Rods, 26
- D'Yrsan Details, 473
- D'Yrsan in High-speed Trial, 742
- East Africa Motor Club, 771
- Eastbourne Road, Dangerous, 569
- Eastbourne's Traffic Difficulties, 450
- jho ol the Edinburgh. 98
- Economieal Running, Really, 310
- Economy! Home-made Cyclecar and Trailer, 335
- d«re# S. F., Article by. 36
- Edgware. Improvements at, 393
- Edinburgh Honoured. 365
- tdridge Attains over 113 m.p.h., 393
- ldridge, Mr. E. G. D.. Interview with. 774
- Idridge'e Record, 659
- ldridge Special, Gaining World-wide Experience. 605
- ldridge Special. New 1.500 c.c. Raoer. 277
- Eldridge Special Records, 615
- Eldridge Special's 120 m.p.h., 769
- Electrical Equipment. Advances in the Design of, 15O
- Electrical Equipment. The Care of the. 267
- Electric Tram Signals, 713
- End-to-end Awards. 277
- nduranoe Trials. The Value of, 189
- .ngine, Concerning the, 6^B
- .ngine. Keeping a British Anzani, in Tune. 74
- ingine as a Brake, Using the, 289
- ngine Competition, Our. 459
- .ngine Design, at Olympia, 664 ,ngine Construction, Revolutionizing, 807
- Engineering Exhibitions. Forthcoming. 450
- Engineers' Club Dinner. 158
- Engines: Blackburn, 647; British Anzani. 647; Coventry-Victor 648, 72Z; Dorman. 647; J.A.P., 648; New JAP. for 1926. 513; Meadows, 646; New 1%-litre Meadows, 512; Standard, 647; the Violet. 195
- Engine* for Cyclecars. 69
- Engines for 1926. Proprietary, 646
- England, Mr. E. C. Gordon. Article by. 37 Ingloflater, The, 645
- Essence " Labelling, 158 '£3nx and County M.C. Outing for Crippled Children— An Appeal, 188
- Evidence, The Photograph as, 486
- Examination, Expert, 393
- Exhaust Note, Tuning the. 430
- Exmoor's Charms in Autumn, 721
- Extreme Danger " Sign. 770
- Fabric Body Idea Spreads. 771
- Facia Board, Equipping the, 145
- Factory. The Cost ot running a (The Way the Money Goes), 132. 164
- Fair Play for the Motorist, 506
- Fan. An Argument for the. 552
- fan. The 1926. 798
- fascination of a Windine River. The. 105
- fatigue, The Effects of, 490
- Felix Lubricators, 22
- feminine Idea, The (Brooklands Whit-Monday Meeting), 68
- fender, The J.M.. 298
- Fiat Changes Hands, Biff. 307
- filling Station De Luxe. 219
- Fine-weather Grumbler. The, 140
- Fire and Confusion. 713
- Fire-fighting Up-to-date. 277
- SMres Novel Causes of, 32
- First Aid on the Roads, 758
- ' Fivers " That Went Begging, 149
- 'Focus" Seeks a Customer 799
- Fag Bulletins. 7 99
- Forced Induction, Some Fallacies of, 746
- Ford Statistics. 307
- Four O'Clock and a Dark Night, 167
- Four Speeds. 349
- Four-seater Boom, 420 Four-wheel-brake Dangers. 127
- France, Activity iu. 81
- France for £12 10s., Seeing, 234. 249. 290, 312
- Frazer-Nash, Testing the Lateet, 404
- French Cars, Carburetter Settings 400
- French Development? Big. 99
- French Events, Interesting. 52 French Motor Fan. 659 French Road Track, A New, 32 French Sporting Events. 442 French 24-Hour Road Race, 179 Front Springs and Front Brakes, 802
- Froni-wbeel Wobble, its Cause and Cure. 494
- Fuel. Cheap, 159
- Fuel Consumption and the Driver, 463
- Fuels. Doped, 457
- Funnel Carrier, 782
- Future of the 1.500 c.c. Racing Car, The. By S.-F. Edge, 36
- Gaillon. Records Lowered at, 734
- Garage, A New Birmingham. 246
- Garage, A Super, 756
- Garage Movement, North London Making Big Strides in the, 440
- Gear. Another Infinitely Variable, 577
- Gear, New Limited Differential. 288
- Gear-changing. Quick. 73O
- Gear Gate for Rover Nines, A, 443
- Gearbox, A Wonderful Six-«peed, 623
- Gearboxes, The Deficiencies of, 357
- Gear-changing. Straightforward (Practical Owner-driver Series). 72
- Geddes. Sir Eric, Acts as Guide, 246
- Georges Ballot Cup Race. The. 470
- Germany, Racing in, 506
- German Dealers Uneasy, 99
- German Prohibition Lifted, 614
- German T.T., Dangerous, 187
- Gibbons Cyclecar. The Four-seater, 138
- Glasgow Fire, The. 219
- Gloves for Night Warnings, 32
- Goal Posts, Not for. 659
- Goggles, The Boyce " Swozzles," 645
- Goggles or Windscreens? 479
- Grand Prix. The. 307
- Grand Prix, First 1,500 c.c. 335
- Grand Prix Course, 743
- Grand Prix Mathis, 188
- Grand Prix de Paris, Postponed, 336
- Grease Gun, A Novel. 91
- Great North Road. Caution During- Repairs, 770
- Great North R*.ad Repairs. 364
- Great West Road. The. 246
- Great West Road, Coroner and. 569
- Great West Road Opened. 67
- Great West Road Traps. 68
- Guarantee Periods Increasing. 392
- Guildford, Ominous Lull in. Motoring Convictions, 392
- G W.K. in Ireland. The. 507
- G.W.K. 6 for 1926. 561
- Hall, K.C., Sir Edward Marshall. Protests Against Horse-power Tax, 219
- Hampstead on a Fine Day, 569
- Hamptons, 1926, 538
- Hard Knott, Over. With an Austin Seven. 134
- Harveyson. Mr H. R.. Important Hill-climb Proposal by 129
- Hatfield, New Filling Station Near, 68
- Haycarts, 'Ware, 187
- Health, Watch Your. 712
- Heat Wave, The, 99
- Hepolite Scar Small Cars on, 750
- Hercules. A Pocket, 172
- Herne Bay Echo. 188
- Herne Bay. High Speeda at, 176
- Herne Bay Speed Trials, Clearing the Course, 159
- Herne Bay Speed Trials. Successful Scoring Arrangements, 158
- Hertfordshire Warning. 770
- High-speed Trials. 786
- Highways, Costly 258
- Hill-climb Ban, 363 i
- Hill-climb Club? Why Not. 279
- Hill-climb Proposal. Mr. H. R. Harvey«on's, 129
- Hill-climb Records, Lowering, 43
- Hill-climbing, Speedy. 168
- Hill Inspection Up to Date, 129
- Hills that are Hill's. 813
- Hire-purchase, Rights of Ownership in. 472
- Hobson, Hamilton, Mr, Honoured, 756
- Holiday in a Clyno, A. 346
- Holiday Touring Articles. 188
- Holiday Tours, 336
- Holiday, Perpetuating. 157
- Holidays as Prizes, 32
- Holyhead Trial, Awards in the, 2
- Home-constructor, The, 219
- Hood. Cooler With it Up in Warm Weather. 1
- Horn Switch,. New, 528
- Horns. Inexpensive Bulb, 462
- Horse Disappearing, The, 129
- Horsttnan New Company. 218
- Hotel Charges 68. 142
- Hotels. The Need for Good, 69
- Hour Recoi-d. The 364
- " Hoxv to Drive a Car," Ninth Edition. 96
- How to Succeed in Reliability Trials. By Maior Oates, 38
- How to Tune Your Carburetter, The CUuHel-Hobson, 77
- How to Win With 750 c.c. By Gordon England 36
- Humber. A New. 9-20 h.p.. 428
- Humber Ltd.. Generous Gift by, 99 100-Mile Handicap. Another, 187 100-Mile Handicap Entries, 277 100-Mile Handicap, Light Car Wins, 352
- 120 Miles an Hour! (Mr. K. A. D. Eldridgo), 774
- Hyde. Park. Illuminating. 421
- Hy-Dro-Car-Boas! 69
- Iraeas Jor Owners. 503, 565. 610, 655. 825
- Ideas and Inventions, 780
- Identity Cards. French, 276
- Ignition, How an Extra Spark Gap Affects, 4C0
- Ignition System, Rewiring the. 503
- Ignition Systems, Unreliable, 379
- Improvement is Needed, Where, 432
- India, By Car to. 158
- India Adopts Licence Regulations, 365
- Indianapolis, The, 3
- Indicator, The Tel-a-lue. 528
- Industria Trunks, 151
- Industry, A Compliment to the, 797
- Inns, Old, 246
- Insurance. The Value of Third-party. 412 '
- Insurance' Companree and Motorists, R.A.C. to Settle Disputes, 742 Insurance. Difficulties, 553
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, Meeting of. 538 Institution of Automobile Engineers, New President 659
- International Figures, 798
- International Motor Shows, 797
- International Road Congress, 33
- Inter-'Varsity Reliability Trial, 770
- Inventions. Ideas and, 780
- Inventor, Activities of the. 576
- Inventors, Busy, 365
- Ireland? Fuel Tax in. 335
- Ireland. Touring in, 306
- Ironmonger, The. A Useful Pocket-book, 771.
- Island Idiot. The, 112
- Italy. Light Car Successes in, 421
- Italian Lake District, The, 421
- Jack Handle for Blackberrying, 479
- Jacking-up Simplified, 319
- J.A.P. Engines for 1926, New. 513
- Jappic, 98
- Jappic Breaks Record, 98
- Jappic Right* {or Sale. 335
- Jersey, Motoring in, 247
- Jowett, A 1914, An Ancient Warrior. 141
- Jowett. The 1926, 752
- Jowett Car Competition (Guineas for Guesees). 79S
- Jowett Coachwork, New. 561
- Jowett Conversion, An Interesting, 722
- Jowett Instruction Book. 478
- Jowett Price Reduction. 449
- Joynson-Hicks, Sir William, and Safety First. 68
- Judge's Ignorance, 539
- Junior Car Club, The Social Side 451
- J.C.C. at Burford Bridge, Popular Rally at. 798
- J.C.C. and the Light Car Limit, 506
- J.C.C. and Light Cars, 477
- J.C.C. Rally, 614
- J.C.C. Southampton-Exeter Trial. 498
- " Keeping in Tune " Articles. 69
- Kent and Sussex L.C.C. Speed Trial, 403
- Kerbs, Dangers of, 729
- Kerbstones, The New 406
- Kirk-starter for Morgans, A, 76
- Kingston, Co. Dublin. Motorists Fined, 421
- Kingston to Finchley, A Useful Short Cut 68
- Kyleslcu Ferry Boat, Withdrawal of, 712
- Lagonda, A Cheap Four-seater, 31
- Lagondas, The 1926. 511
- Landmarks, New, 218
- Land's End to John o1 Groats Trial, 262
- Laws, Little-known, 579
- Lea-Francis Detail Improvement*., 483
- Lea-Francis Success, 32
- Lea-Francis in Tune, Keeping a, 342
- Leviathan, An American, 450
- Licence Anomaly, Baffling. 654
- Licences, Suspension of. 756
- Lie, When it Pays to. 194
- " The Light Car and Cyclecar " Challenge Cup, 643
- " Light Car and Oyclecar" Stand. 613
- Light Car, New Six-cylinder, 453
- Light Car, Not a (Daily Press), 1
- Light Car, Selling a Second-hand, 136
- Light Car, A Worker. 114
- Light Car Exhibits, Guide to, at Olympia, 661
- Light Car Limericks, 2 32, 68, 98, 128. 158. 188, 218 246, 276. 306, 334, 364. 392. 420, 450, 478, 506, 538 568, 614. 55B. 712. 742, 770, 798
- Light Car Limit. J.C.C. and the, 506
- Light Car Manufacturers, Ranks Depleted, 628
- Light Car v. Motorcycle, 757
- Light Car Records, Current, 41
- Light Car Scores. How the, 572
- Light Car Successes in Italy, 421
- Light Car Taxis, 112
- Light Car Third in European Championship, 4.96
- Light Car Trade, A Good Year Ahead. 711
- Light Car versus Train, 178
- Light Car is Worth While, Why the. 256
- Light Cars: A.B.C. 504; A.C.. 2, 594, 634; Alfa-Romeo, 453, 594. 634; Alvis, 594, 634; Amilcar, 594. 7 49; Argyll. 595, 635; Ariel, 595; Ariel Ten. 106; Aries, 2. 595, 635; Ashton Evans, 595; Aston-Martin, 595, 6"35, Aurea 595; Austin, 2; Austin Seven, .134, 595, 635; Bayliss Thomas, 596. 635; Benjamin, 512, 596. Berliet, 596, 635; Bianchi, 596 635: Briton, 596; Bugatti. 596. 636; Calcott, 597, 636: Calthorpe, 516. 597, 636; Ceirano, 597, 636; Charron, 597; Chenard-Walcker 597; Citroen 2, 364. 482 597, 636: Cluley, 2 5fl8, 637; Clyde, 598; Clyno, 550, 598, 637; Coventry-Victor, 455. 598;-Bouton 285 598 637. i>.r-.k, 5'J4, !)-V!c^Ln. 4 7 5, 599; KnCeld- Allday. 5VJ9; 1-Irio Campbell 599. 657: Fiat 599, '-57; V.N.. 599, 057; Frazer-Nash, 404. 599; Gibbons. 600; Gnome, 600; G.W.K., 561, 600, 657; Gwynne, 600; Hampton. 600. 638; Harper Runabout, 600; Heron 601 638; Horstraan. 601; Humber. 428, 601, 638; Imperia. 601; Jappic, 601; Jewell 601; Jowett, 601, 638, 752; Lagonda 511 602, 638; Lea-Francis, 342, 483, 602, 638. Marendaz Special, 602; Mathis, 188. 602, 638. 661 ; McKenzie, 602; Morgan. 602; O.M., 602, 639; Omega 514, 603; Panhard. 549, 603, 639; Peugeot, 603, 639; Rally, 603; Renault, 102. 603, 639; Rhode 548. 603, 639; Riley, 604, 639; Rover, 372, 481, 512, 604, 640; Salmson, 98, 313 604. 640; Seabrook, 604; Senechal, 604, 640; Sheret. 604; Sima-Violet, 473; Singer, 604 640; Standard, 200, 550 604, 640; Stanhope. 511, 605; Steyr, 510. 605. 641; Straker-Squire, 547. 6O5; Surrey, 3, 435, 605; Swift. 551, 605, 641; Talbot, 605, 641; Tamplin, 606; Turner, 606; Victory, 606; Voisin, 642; Vulcan, 606, 642; Waverley, 606; Westcar, 606, 642; Whitlock 606; Windsor, 606 642; Wolseley, 606. 642"; Zedel, 642
- Light Cars. British and French, 376
- Light Cars, Modern Sports, 56
- Light Cars, Still Quieter. 620
- Light Cars, World Interest, 449
- Light Cars in Alpine Trial. 305
- Light Cars and Commerce, 419
- Light Cars for Commerce, 788. 789
- Light Cars Faster than Motorcycles, 680
- Light Cars in Malaya, 191
- Light Cars not at Olympia, 702
- Light Cars at Shelsley Walsh, 52
- Light Cars Oust Taxis, 742
- Light Cars at the Scottish Show, 817
- Light Cars at the Show, 419
- Lighting Point, A. 771
- Lighting Troubles. 786
- Lighting-up Times, 613
- Limerick Competition. Winner of, Many Thanks. 1
- Lincoln, Innovation at. R.A.C. Guides, 364
- Liverpool-Huddersfield New Road Proposals, 127
- Lock, The Duco Steering-wheel. 528
- " London-Barnstaple, The, 336
- London-Barnstaple Trial. 218
- London Car Parks, 771
- London Danger Point, A, 334
- London-Edinburgh. Anxious Moments, 69
- London-Edinburgh. Awards in the, 139
- London-Edinburgh. Complete List of Car Entries, 25
- London-Edinburgh, Details of the, 25
- London-Edinburgh, Snowstorms and the. 67
- London-Edinburgh Asides, 88
- London-Exeter, Date of Start, 712
- "London-Exeter" Innovations. 798
- London-Lugano Run, The M:C.C. 529
- London Motor Rally, 33
- London Water^splash, 770
- Long-distance Trial, 743
- Longest Day, The, 157
- Lorries Not Wanted. 219
- Lorry Driver Fined, 336 *
- Lowbrook Bridge, near Birmingham, 713
- Lubricant, New Upper-cylinder, 443
- Lubricating Oil Cheaper, 188
- Lubrication Problems, 365
- Luggage, Carrying, 173
- Luggage, For Carrying, 298
- Luggage. Lost, 68
- Luggage Protection. 232
- Luxury, Too Much. 657
- Maekinao Island. Cars not Allowed, 393
- McKenna Duties, The-, 129
- Madresfield Speed Trials, 98, 238 263
- Magneto, New-type B.T.H., 276
- Magneto. Overhauling a. 544
- Magneto Lubrication, B.L.I.C., 277
- Magnetos, Reliability of. 2
- Maintenance of the Car, The, 116
- Malaya Light Cars in, 191
- Man in the Road, The. 790 Manchester, Reliability Trial at. 188 Manchester Parking, 711 Manners, Lacking in. 140 Manufacture. The Dates of, 172 Mascot, A Novel, The Rotascope. 239 Mascots. Fashions in, 477 Mascots, Inexpensive, 298
- Mass-production and the Consequences. 579 Master Brain, The, 49 MathU, The Grand Prix, 188 Ma this Models. Six-cylinder, 561 Max Cyclecar, 327
- Maybury, Sir Henry, Taking Lessons Abroad. 393 May's, Raymond, Latest Success, 420 Meadows Engine, New 1%-litre, 512 Mendipe, In the Land of the, 395 Mere Woman! 769 Mersey Tunnel. 219 Midget Luggage Rack, The 151 Midland Canal Project, 797
- Midland Cycling and Athletic Club's Trial, 299 Ministry of Transport, Stiffer Regulations, 99 Miramas Grand Prix. 365 Mirror. A Universal Fitting Driving, 528 Misfire, Caring an Intermittent. 401 Misfiring at High Speeds 503 Mistakes, The. Competition, 492 Money-lending Benefit. A. 112 Montlhery, Railway to, 129
- Montlhfiry. Retaining Walls Hub High, 334
- Montlhery. A Touch of Humour, 305
- Montlhery Track, The, 49
- Montlhery Grand Prix, 188
- Mont Ventoux Hill-climb, 392
- Morgan Club's Cup Trial, 442
- M.C.C. londoi Fdml iroh 84 85, 86. 87. 88
- M.C.C. London-Edinburgh Programme, 55
- M.C.C. London to Lugano Run, The. 529
- M.C.C. Sporting Event, 629
- Motor I-Jrier A Huge, ' Motor Ship," 188
- Motor Races Bill. 24 5
- Motor Repair Manual," The, 158
- " Motor Repair Manual," Price of, 189
- Motor Road Races in England? 69
- Motor Ships for the Soviet. 69 Motor Show. The, 187 Motor Show, All-British, 275 Motor Show, Book in Time, 364 Motor Show, Is it to be a. Record? 662 Motor Show at Wembley. 771 Motor Taxes A Statement 189 Motorcycle Fitted With Jacks (Where We Score), 799
- Motorcycle Football, 614
- Motorcycle Show, The, 365, 530, 537. 542, 578 Motorcycles, Cheaper, 2 Motorcycles at Olympia. 505 " Mowr Cycling" Show Numbers, 512 Motoring. Cheap, 380 Motoring. Encouraging Speedy, 336 Motoring. Growth of, 658 Motoring Matters in Parliament. 24, 90. 150 210, 238, 269, 282. 336, 375 Motoring, Public Interest in, 336 Motoring Visitors, Too Many, 720
- Motorists, Appeal to, 1>29
- Motorists. Deaf and Dumb, 421
- Motorists Honoured. French, 364
- Motorists, Where They Welcome. 658
- Mudguards, Noisy, 48
- Mudguards? Why Not "Close-up," 574
- Names, Speedy, 392
- Nationality of Exhibits, 615
- New Forest Industry, A, 246
- New York. The Latest From, 99
- New York National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, World-wide Invitation, 505
- Newspaper, The Complete, 129
- Night Rides, For (North Road Garage, near Grantham), 32
- Nightingale, The, 140
- Non-skid Chains, 48
- Norfolk Broads, The, 162
- North London Making Big Strides in the Garage Movement, 440
- North Road, Widening of, 505
- Notes, News and Gossip of the Week, 1. 31, 67, 97, 127 157 187. 217, 245, 275, 305, 333, 363', 39i; 419. 449. 477. 505, 537, 568, 613, 657, 711. 741, 769, 797
- Notice Tablet, Leav-a-Note Facia Board, 528
- Northern Two-day Trial, Big, 266
- Novices, Unfortunate, 785
- Number Plates, Carelessly Fixed, 158
- Nuneaton-Hinkley Road. 99
- Nursery Rhymes Up-to-date, 715 1925. Some Reflections on. 724
- Oates, Major, Article by, 38
- Observation and Deduction, 13
- Observation Test, A Novel, 158
- Obtaining Increased Power, 776
- " Off " Days at the Wheel, 808 ^
- Oil for Tyres. The Best (Dunlop Calcutta Manager), 2
- Oils, When They Get Them, 809
- Olympia, 613
- Olympia, Engine Design at. 664
- Olympia, Guide to Light Car Exhibits, 661
- Olympia., Parking Cars Near, 568
- Olympia, Short Cuts to, 569
- Olympia, Tyres, Tubes and Wheels at, 701
- Omega, The New Three-wheeler, 797
- Omega Three-wheeler, Yet Another New, 514
OUR READERS' OPINIONS:— A.C. Accelerator Pedal, 707 A.C. Shortcoming, An. 563 Accidente, No, in 17 Years, 153 Air-cooling Efficiency, 303 Air-cooling in Hot Weather, 243 Air-cooling' in the Tropics, 533 Amateur Status, The, 389 Arterial Roads. Overcrowding, 303 • Austin Seven Body, 302 Australian Market, The, 563 Axle Shaft, Withdrawing the, 124 Bag Thief, 243 Ball Joint*, Broken, 329 Balloon-tyre Advantages, 241 Blackpool Speed Trials. 736 Bleriot-Whippet, The. 243 Bloomberg Mr., Opinions of, 765 Bonnets, Waterproof, 501 Bradford^ Big Hill-climb, 794 Bradford Freak HilUlimb. 793 Brake Drum, Removing, 214 British Cars Preferred, 765 Brooklands Betting Prices. 607 Bumpers? Why Front. 794 Bumpers a Menace, 822 Bus Speedls, Excessive, 303 Buyers and Makers, Assisting, 738 Buying and Selling, 822 Camping in the Oar, 214 Oampmg in a Light Car, 214 Carburetter Settings, 214 Care, Kntiih. ?.!,-?. lUx-\. 7oo Cars;. New, Overdriving, 1£.;5 Cars Pt-r of IVuilation AA1 Cars, S[.*edius: ...f N, w, 94 Control. In Favour of. 247, Checking Maximum .Speeds, 6,"> Chemistry of an. Oil. The, 474 Citroen. Obtaining the Host From, 154 Citroen Solex Carburetter, The. 655 Citroen Track Speeds—and. Road Speeds, 65 Coach work, English, Superior, 738 Coachpainting Difficulty, 7 38 Cobb's Hill, Gradient of, 332 Coil Ignition, Why it is Unpopular, 124 Communal Motoring? Why Not, 446 Competition Entries, Barring, 124 Competition Successes, 64 ComSart, Where Lacking, 242 Competitions, The Righte of Spectators. 211 Concrete Roads. The Virtue of, 65 Country, Making the. Hideous, 360 Crash-helmet, The, 534 Crash-helmets, 708 Crash-helmets, Compulsory, 736 Cutting-in, To Cdmbat. 822 Cyclecar, The G.N.-type, 533 Cyclecar, The £100, 535 Cyclecar, The £100, S*->11 in Demand, 416 Cyclecar, A Plea for the Simple. 27 Cyclecar, Where the. Scores. 64 Cyclecar Body Accommodation,. 302 Cyclecar Boom, Is a. Coming? 27 Cyclecar Performance, 154 Cyclecar Problem, Solving the. 64 Cyclecar Transmission, 301 Cyclecar versus Sidecar. 794, 824 Oyclecarist, Catering for the, 124 Cyclecarists' Lament, 242 Cyciecars in the Tropice, 155 Dazzle, Helping the Other Man. 794 Dazzle Problem. The. 737 Dazzle Problem Aeam, The, 609 Dazzle. To Cure, 654 Dealers. How They Deal, 94
- Deferred-payment System, A Trader's Views, 331 Design,, 499 Designs, Well-tried, 823 Differential Action, Measuring, 500 Differential, Critic* on the, 499 Differential Gear, Mr. Stott'g, 652 Differential Gear, Worm, 608 Differential Problem, The, 563 Differential, The Full, 361 Differentials and Their Drawbacks. 414 Disabled Drivers Indignant, 184 Dice System, Would the, Work! 153 Driver, Distinguishing the Dangerous. 153 Drivers, Maimed, 125 Drivers Middle-aged, 123 Dri-ving, The Need for Careful, 214 Driving, The Perils of Fast, 165 Driving Mirror, The. 211 Driving Types, 154 D'Yrsan. Embodied in the, 360 Economical Motoring, 27 Economy and Reliability, 125 Economy, Fatal, 821 Engine Oil, The Importance of, 388 Experience, Learning by, 123 Facia Board, The. at Night, €23 Finance. A Question of, 303
- Fittings and Instruction Books, Where Improvement is needed, 531 Flag, Rally Round the 765 Forced Induction for Touring Cars, 823 Four-wheel steering, 65 France, Touring in. 271 Frazer-Nash Steering, 63 French Petrol. Running; on, 360 Front-wheel Brakes on A.Cs. 563 Front-wheel Drive. 737 Gallon, When is a. Not a Gallon? 93 G*me. The New, 242 Garage Congestion, Public, 654 Garages, Unsatisfactory Service, 414 G.B. Plates, The Increase in. 447 Gear-changing, Inexpert, 30 Good Samaritan. Penalizing, the, 388 Government Job! A, 389 G^udgeott-pin Pads. 155 Hand Signals, 793 Hand Signals, Overdoing, 765 Hands, Changing th«, 765 Headgear, Motoring, 564 Headgear. Wanted a New, 502 Headgear Question, The, 534 Hire-purchase Systems, 361 Hogging on the South end Road, 446 Holiday Makers, Some Useful Don'ts for, 475 " Home From Home, A," 95 Hotel Service, 123 Hotels, A.A. and R.A.C., 124 Hotels, Good and Bad. 95 Hotels. Listing of Good, 64 Hotels, The Need for Good 30 Improvement, A Need for, 563 Insurance Premiums, 125 Jappio Ideal, 500 J.C.O. Competitions, 654 J.O.C., Large Cars for the, 608 . J.C.C., The, and the Cyclecar, 124 J.C.C., The. and the Limit, 562 J.C.C., The Silence of the. 271 J.C.C.. Will the, Explain? 124 Lad of 48. A. 153 La-w, A Question of, 446 Learning by Experience, 123 Legislation. When it Fails. 360 Light Car, Foreign, 94 Light Car, A Home-built, 125 Light Car, A Leading, 738 Light Oar, The Leading, 765 Light Car, The, in. New Zealand. 792 Light Oar The Modern. 563 light Car Abroad, The, 447 Light Car, Decryine British, 765
- Light Cars as Bathing Machines, 417, 477
- Limerick Competition, Our, 155
- Limit, The 20 m.p.h., The Farce of the, 707
- Lubricant, The Choice, of a, 387
- Lubricant, The Functions of a, 388
- Lubrication, How Design. Affects, 388
- Lubrication and Viscosity, 474
- LondonrSouthend Road, The, 389
- Lost and Found, 214
- McKenna Duties, The. 184
- Manufacturer, Points of the, 608
- Millions, Those Surplus, 475
- Mirror, The Ubiquitous, 155
- Modern Cars, Vulnerability of, 501
- Morgan, Please Mr., We Want a Reverse, 475
- Morgan, The Safety of the, 185
- Morgan, Safety of the, 214
- Morgan, The, a.t Speed, 532
- Morgan? Why Not a New, 707
- Morgan Brakes, 241
- Morgan Chain Stretch, 501
- Morgan and the " 200," 241
- Morgan Tyre Controversy, 330
- Morgan Tyre Wear. An Offer to " X.W.," 359
- Morgan Tyres' and Skidding, 359
- Morgans and Skidding, 301
- Motor Racing, The Objects of, 763
- Motor Racing, The Problems of, 735
- Motor Racing Rules. 793
- "Motor Repair Manual," New Edition, 185
- Motor Trade, The British, 564
- Motorcycle and "Car Speed* 737
- Motorcycles and Sports Light Cars, 766
- Motorcyclist, A, on Skidding, 331
- Motoring, Communal. 501
- Motoring, Economical, 27
- Motoring Headgear, 564
- Mudguard Design, 706
- Mudguards, Aluminium, 447
- Mudguards, Close-up, 706
- North Wales Passes. The, 608
- Occasional Four. la Praise ot the, 95
- Oil, One. lor all Engines, 416, 445. 533
- Oil, The Price of, 564
- Oil, The Same, lor all Engines, 331
- Oil in Small Quantities, 653
- " Our Readers' Opinions," 653
- Overdriving. To Prevent, 709
- Overloading, The Evil ol. 409
- Parking, Excessive Charges, 185
- Petrol, Impurities in the, 33O
- Petrol Pumps, 409
- Pictures, Give Us More, 823
- Plane-car Controls. 30 Plane-car Possibilities, 183
- Playing the Game. 123 „
- Plug, Tracing a Faulty, W 36
- Police Methodjs, 500
- Police Signals and Toll Gates, 65
- Public Vehicle Speed. 241
- Raoe, The 200-Mile, 93
- Race lor Three-wheelers, Suggested. 766
- Racing Incidence, 653
- Rally? Why Not a Saturday, 124
- Rear-axle Gearboxes. 243, 389
- Rear-axle Improvements, 361
- Rear-axle Problems, 500
- Repair, An Ingenious (?), 533
- Repair, A Quick, 389
- Reverse Stop, An Object Lesson, 766
- Roadway and Railway, 607
- Roads. Control of the, 389
- Roadside Repairs. Efficiency, 95
- " Rule. The Exception to the," 95
- Safe, Although Disabled, 214
- Safety Line, Disregarding the, 417
- Safety First in Races, 736
- Safety-first Sign, 501
- Safety-first Suggestions. 820
- Sales. A Bar to, 736
- Salmson Club Proposed, 609
- Saturday Rally? Why Not a, 124
- Scott-Sociable, Revive the, 654
- Second-hand Prices, 766
- Service, Good, Appreciating, 707
- Service, Unsatisfactory (?). 502
- Sidecar, Scoring Over the, 608
- " Singer 10." 1925 Jets, 447
- Skidding. Is it a Joke? 301
- Skidding, A Motorcyclist on, 331
- Soakes, Mr., Concerning, 794
- Soakea, A Dislike of Mr., 653
- Soakes. Mr., In Praise of, 708
- Soakes, Mr., Retain, 738
- Soakee, Mr., Writes. 766
- Southend, Who Wants the Road? 304
- Southend Road, Hogging on the, 446
- Spare Parts Difficulty, 242
- Specification, Understanding a, 766
- Speed Events. Encouraging, 211
- Speed Trials Expenses. 329
- Speed Trial Experiences, 302
- Speedometer Drive, Lubricant for, 502
- Speedometer Position, 708
- Speeds, Checking Maximum, 63
- Sports Car Body. The, 302
- Sports Car Bodies, 389, 446
- Sport3 Car Comfort. 185
- Sports Mudguards. 737
- Starting Tragedy, A (What Was Wrong?), 653
- Steering, Rack-and-pinion, 272
- .Steering, When the, " Goes," 329
- Steering Failures, Unusual, 303
- Steering Parts, Protect the, 822
- Steyr, The Origin ol the, 824
- Stone. Mr., Not Yet Satisfied, 445
- Stott, Invention of, 414
- Sunday Swim, The. 476
- Supercharger, The Magic of the. Where Ignorance is Bliss, 330
- Supercharging. Possibilities of, 475
- Supercharging, The View,s of an Expert, 330
- Super-tuning Hints, 50
- Three-wheeler, Comments on the;, 359
- Three-wheeler, A Satisfactory, 302
- Three-wheeler? Why Bar the. 271
- Three-wheeler Design, 608
- Three-wheeler Requirements, 389
- Three-wheeler Tyres. 301
- Three-wheeler Tyres—and a Hood Snag, 361
- Three-wheelers, The Appearance of, 64
- Three-wheelers. F.W.B. for, 794
- Three-wheelers, Past and Present, 764
- Three-wheelers and Skidding, 214
- Three-wheelers and the " 200," 607
- Touring in. France, 271
- Track, Maintaining, Correct, 330
- Train, Beating The, 93
- Transmission Design, 331
- Transmission Problems. Racing Three-wheelers, 632
- Transmission Shocks, 361 Trapped at Night, A Heavy Fine. 332 Tricycle? What of the, 822 Tuning for Competitions, 65
- Two Hundred," Echoes of the, 607 " Two Hundred," Further Views on the, 651 "Two Hundred," Spectators and the, 125 Types, Rival, 793 Tyre Mileage, Truo. 330 Tyre Mileage, Unsatisfactory, 243 Tyres, The Cost of, 302 Unit Construction. 360 Unit Construction, A Correspondent who Insists on, 446
- Unit Lubrication. 501 Value lor Money, 793 " Verb Sap," More Suggestions for, 154 " Verb Sap " Plays a Lone Hand, 153 Vulnerability of Modern Oar*, 501 Water-cooling in India, 243 Wax Polishes and Repainting. 822 Weight, Eliminate Unnecessary, 562 Weight and Wind Resistance, Reduce. 706 Weybridge Train. Service, 607 Wheel Wobble, Causes of, 361 Wind Wagon Construction, 737 Wind Wagon Desa^rt, 183 Wisdom, Do Years Raoen,? 93 Women Drivers, The Trials qf, 564 Working Parts. Encased, 301 Worm Differential Gear, 608 Youth will be Sei-ved. 123
- Outwall Bridge, The Temporary (Hard on the Heavies), 188
- Over-confidence, 810
- Overhead. (Water in Carburetter), 810
- Overloading, Flagrant, 421
- Overseas Visitors, 218
- Owner-driver, Accessories for the, 644
- Oxford Wins Inter-Varsity Trial, 806
- Oyler Spring G*iteT, 91
- Panhard Car for Next Season, 549
- P**is, Petrol in, 336
- Paris Show, Innovation in, 742
- Paris Sensation, 246
- Parking. Mind Your Car. Sir? 538
- Parking Oars Near Olympia, 568
- Parking Risks, 522
- Parking Sites, More, 451
- Parks, Seaside Car, 451
- Passes of North Wales, 485
- Passports? Away with, 218
- Patent Authority. Death of Mr. F. C. Baisley, 3
- Patents, Recent, 576
- P*tente an the Irish Free State, 479
- Pedestrians, Careless, 364
- Pedestrians Penalized, 306
- Petrol, Dearer, in France, 158
- Petrol in Paris, 336
- Petrol Consumption Figures, 140
- Petrol and. Oil Funnel, Combined, 91
- Petrol Pump Grumble, 784
- Petrol Pump or Measure? 392
- Petrol Pump Nozzles, 798
- Peugeot Agents, 365
- Peugeot Racer, New O.H.-Valve 750 c.c, 229
- Philadelphia, 500.000 Visitors to, 798
- Photograph as Evidence, The, 486
- Picnic Case, A Dunhill's, 298
- Picnicking Under the Stars, 345
- Pinking, Abolish, 231
- Pioneers, Road-wise, 784
- Place for Everything, 68
- Plug Trouble, Too Much, 757
- Point, Don't, 406
- Police Mistake, A, 450
- Police Telephones, 333
- Polish. A Useful, " Furmoto." 298
- Poppet-valve Gear, Improved, 146
- Portsmouth Road, Trap on the, 2
- Power Alcohol from Beet, 771
- Power, Obtaining Increased, 776
- Practical Owner-driver Series: 6, Gear-changing, 72; 7, How to Fit an Ordinary Replacement, 144 Practical Owner-driver Series, 187 Premiums, Wastefulv 48
- Prestwich, Mr. J. V., Marriage of, to Miss Copley, 770 Price Reductions, 1 Privileged Persons, 630 Profit per Oar. 771 Proscribe, Light Car, 553 Puncture, How to Mend a, 206 Punctures, Mysterious, 392
- Punishment, A Gruesome, 615
- Purfteet-Tilbury Road (Covering up the Concrete), 189
- Query, In Answer to Your, 26, 92, 122, 152. 182, 215, 240, 270, 328, 358, 386, 413, 444, 502, 535. 655, 612, 709, 739, 767, 795, 825
- Quieter Light Cars, Still, 620
- Race, French Rough-road, 569
- Racing Car, The Future cf the 1,500 c.c., By S. F. Edge, 36
- Racer, New 1,500 c.c. 277
- Racing in Dublin 99
- Rain Spoils Sport, 557
- Rainwater, Storing, 276
- Razor Blades, Use for Old, 336
- Readers' Opinions, Our, 755
- Readers, Distant, 785
- Record, The Hour, 568 R
- ecord BreaJter, New Talbot, 456
- Record Lowered, World's, 218
- Record Speed, Light Car's, 391
- Records Lowered, More, 385
- Records at Montlhery, 98
- Reflections on 1925, 724
- Regent's Park, Refuges in, 479 '
- Reliability Trials, How to Succeed in, by Major Oates, 38
- Renault, Keeping an 8.3 h.p., in Tune, 102 Renault Prices Reduced, 217
- Renault Success, 392
- Replacement, How to Fit a.n Ordinary, 144 Replacements, Fitting Ordinary, 158
- Reprimanded! Merely (Two Boys Put Knives on Roa-d), 713
- " Reprisals " Illegal, 99 Reverse, How to, 18
- Revolutionizing Engine Construction, 807
- Rhode Models, New and Greatly Improved, 548
- Rich Mixture, 14, 48, 80, 112, 140, 172, 202. 230, 258, 292, 320, 348, 378, 406, 436, 462, 490, 522, 552, 578, 628, 680, 728, 756, 784, 808
- Rileys in the London-Edinburgh, A Fine Performance, 15
- Right Car at the Right Price, The, 192
- Right-of-way in Lanes, 81
- Rigbtova Screen Wiper, The, 151
- Rights of Ownership in Hire-purchase and Similar Transactions. 472
- Riley Consumption, 2
- Riley Gathering, A, 68
- Road, Continental Rule of the, Forgetfulness. 477
- Road, Where Does that, go to? (Liverpool), 712
- Road Danger, A Growing, 743
- Road Fund, The, 364, 799
- Road Fund, Hands Off the, 614 Road Fund, Raid on the, 478 Road Fund, Swelling the, 127 Road of the Future, A, 32 -Road Maps and Guides, 379 Road Mending, Thoughtless, 48 Road Repairs, Common sense and, 539 Road Repairs, London, 507 Road Repairs in London, 798 Road Scouts Busy, 67
- Road Tax Fund, Churchill Covets Our Cash, 356 Road Wear, Decreasing, 336 Road Wheels, Loose, 48 Roads, Brick. 67 Roads, Concrete, 334, 450 Roads, Driving wiith Safety on Greasy, 521 Roads, Improving the, 60 Roads, Our Crowded, 538 Roads, The Urgent Need for Better, 675 Roads to Avoid, 305 Roads Closed, More London, 364 Roads Improvements Bill, 159 Roads for Novices, Fen, 393 Roads Open, 506
- Rocker Gear, New Type A.B.C., 237 Romney, Trap at, 68
- Roof, Tall Passengers Beware of the, 491 Rover r»ine, A Dual-purpose, 481 Rover Nine Models, " Super," 512 Rover Successes in South Africa, 450 Rover Nine in Tune, Keeping a, 372 "Royal" A.C , The Two-seater, 118 Royal Agricultural Show, 219 Kx>yal Air Force Display, 128 R.A.C. Cambridge Office, 128
- R.A.C. in Cambridge, The, 247
- R.A.C. Derby Park, 2
- R.A.C.'s Flying Squad, 712
- R.A.C. Hill-climb, 218
- R.A.C. Local Office, 69
- R.A.C. Offices at Exeter. 32
- R.A.C. at Olympia. 614
- R.A.C. Paris Office. 188
- R.A.C. Touring Routes, 2
- Rubber, Raw, Dearer, 129
- Rubber Situation, The, 569
- Running, Really Economical, 310
- Running, In Search of Sweet, 6
- Running, Silent, 424
- Running Boards, Disappearing, 128
- Sabbath Crawl, 808
- Safety, Driving for, 296
- Safety First, 743
- Safety in Darkness. 629
- Safety Line, Cement, 742
- Safety Propaganda, 554
- St. George's Hill, Beauty Spot Olosed, Reward of Carelessness, 393
- Salmsons Beaten, 615
- Salmson's Latest Achievement, 712
- Salmson Success in Fiance, 98
- Salmson in Tune, Keeping a 10 h.p., 313
- San Sebastian, Racing at, 539
- Sand Racine. 3. 67
- " Scotland for the Motorist," 276
- Scotland from the South, To, 370
- Scottish Number, Our, on Nov. 13th 741
- Scottish Show? 247
- Scottish Motor Show, 275, 306, 538, 797
- Scottish Show, History of the, 812
- Scottish Show, Small Oar? at the, 817
- Scottish Six Days' Trial, 269, 300, 324, 356
- Scottish Trials Route. Some New Hills and Stiffer Conditions, 121
- Scratch Raop or Handicap? 716, 754
- Second-hand Sitles, 477
- Seeing Switzerland in a Light Oar, 110
- Segrave, Major H. O. D., Wins His Appeal, 135
- Segrave, Major, Defends the Darracqs, 773
- Segra-ve's Appeal Succeeds, 129
- Segrave, Major, on the 200," 743
- Segrave Favourite. 246
- Selling, The Art of, 749
- Selling a Second hand Light Car, 136
- Service Station, Brixton'i New, 277
- " Sevens ' '! Coming Buom in, 333
- Shabby Coach work. Renovating, 196
- Shelsley Walsh, Future of, 306
- Shelsley Walsh, Light Oars at. 52
- Shelsley WaUh Hiil-climb, 20
- Shipping Conference, 614
- Shock Absorber, Armstrong, 443
- Shock Absorbers, Adjusting Friction, 37 8
- Shock Absorber Test. 451
- Shock Absorber Test, Interesting,-778
- Show, The, 657
- Show, Aids to Comfort Seen at the, 626
- Show, The Light Oar Owners Guide to the, 634
- Show, The Motor, 507
- Show, Sidelights on the, 723
- Show. The, Where the Light Cars Will be Found, 632
- Show? Where was the W'ireless, 657
- Show in Comfort, Seeing the, 618
- Show Innovation in Paris, 742
- Show Numbers, Our, 420, 450
- Show Numbers, Our Three Special, 546
- Shows, Foreign Motor. 420
- Side Curtain, A Good. 756
- Sidelights on the Show, 723
- Signal Showing Excess of Speed Limit in Italy, 365
- Signalling, Gymnastics at the Wheel, 523
- Signals, Importance of Road, 333
- Signposts, Illuminated, 392, 568
- Signposts Wanted, 392
- Signs, Danger, 320
- Sima-Violet, New Sports, 473
- Sfmoniz, Numerous Uses, 113
- Singer Programme for 1926, 482
- Six-cylinder, Another l^litre, 510 60 m.p.h. was Wonderful, When, 490
- Size and Speed, 292 -
- Skegness, Big Entry for, 33
- Skegness, Neck-suid-neck Racing at, 108
- Skegness Sands, Not a " Light " Car Bogged on, 129
- Sleigh, Sir W. L., R.3.A.C. Appointment, 245
- Sleeve, The Ayrtite. 645
- Small Car Equipment, 691
- Smith, Mr. Frank, Congratulations. 336
- Smith Minor and the Motor Show, 705
- Smith Minor a-nd " The 200-Mile," 430
- Soakeu, I Call on Mr., 554
- Soakes Writes, Mr., 232, 260, 294, 322, 350, 380, 408, 438, 464, 492, 580. 730 S.M.M. and T. Sir William Letts Elected President, 158
- S.N.I. Belt, The, 91
- Southampton-Exeter Trial, J.C.C., 498
- Southend Road, The, 451
- Southend Road, Breakdown Lorry on the (Damping Our Spirits), 798
- Southport, Racine at, 519
- Southport, Exciting Cornering at, 199
- Southport Sands, Big Meeting on, 402
- Southport Motor Club, Important Trial, 798
- Southport Speed Trials, At the, 23
- Spanner, The All-in-one Universal, 151 Spanner, A Lilinutian. 298 Spare, A. Too Many, 209 Spares A Use for the, 306 Sparking-plug Remover, A, 239 Sparking Plugs, To Test, 239 " Special," Building Up the Ideal. 518 Specification, Understanding a, 718 " Specfr-ting " Made Easy, 128 Speed Events, Sonthend Corporation Ban, 335 Speed Limit, 68 Speed Limit, A Real. 713 Speed Limits Refused, 743 Speed Restriction by Manufacturers of Well-known Car, 393
- Speed Trial, A Perfectly Organized, 403 Speedometers, Lying, 437 Speeds and the Limit—An Episode, 42 Speedy Hill-climbing, 168 " Spencer's Cyclists' and Motorists' Road Book," A
- Useful Touring Guide, 3 Spirit Prices, Motor, 506 Spoil-sport, A Summer, 10
- Sporting Organizations and the Light Car, 62 Sports Car or Touring Model? 44 Sports Light Cars, Modern, 56 Sports Models, How Many? 3 Spotlight, That Illegal, 799 Spring Patent by Woodhead and Sanders, 576 Spring Mounted on Gearwheels, 576 Springs, Examining, 158 Sprinkler for Car and Garden, 443 Squeaks, Stopping, 89 Squeaks, Those, 728 Squirrels, Replacing, 771 Stand No. 243, 568
- Standard, The 11.4 h.p. Four-seater, 200 Standard Cars foT 1926, 550 Standardized Materials, 246 Stanhope Three-wheeler.?, New, 511 State Encouragement, 128
- Steering, Springing and Braking Systems, 676
- Steering Systems, Some Simple, 398
- Stelvio Pass, Climbing 158
- Steyr Model, New, 510
- Steyr, An Object of Interest, 658
- Stop-watch, The Accuraspeed 151
- Storms, Isolated. 419
- Straker-Squire Model, A New, 547
- Streamlining Caprice, 479
- Summer Arnv.-, Z
- Suinini-r Speeds, 2
- Summer Time. Kiwi <ii, 5'J4
- Summer Tune Bill Thy. 2 77
- Summer Time Ends, 557
- Summonses as Adveru.<emeuiF, 491
- Sump-filler and Pump for the Home Garage. 231)
- Sunbeam Works, An Ancient Cyclecar, 82
- Sunday Bridge Ferry Service Rt.sujnccl, 188
- " Sunday Express," A Change of Front, 524
- Sunday Motorists, Appeal to, 334
- Sunshine, The Importance of, 613
- Supercharger, A. Piston-type, 431
- Supercharging in Theory and Practice, 280
- Supporting the Feet. 810
- Surrey, The 10 h.p.. 435
- Surrey Light Car Success, A, 3
- Suspended Licences, 658
- Suspension, Automatic, 808
- Suspension of Licences, 756
- Sussex Gorse Lauds, 221
- Sutton, Convictions at, 32
- Sutton Ooklfiekl Club's Autumn Trial, 783
- Sutton Coldfield and North Birmingham A.C. at Brooklands, 121
- Sweet Running, In search of, 6
- Swift, A Redesigned, 551
- Swift in Tune, Keeping the, 222
- Switch Key, A Lost, 522
- Switzerland, Motoring in, 450
- Switzerland, Seeing it in a Light Car, 111
- Tail-lamp Indicator, A New, 443
- Talbot Record Breaker, New, 456
- Talbots for 1926, 477
- Tapley Gradient Meter 91
- Tar! 127
- Tarring—A New Aspect, 246
- Tax Rebate, 122
- Tax Reduced. Italian Motor, 478
- Taxation, Where Your Money Goes, 32
- Taxes, New French Cyclecar, 392
- Taxi Fares, Fairer, 370
- Teas. Stereotyped, 553
- Telegauge, The, 645
- Test Case, Interesting: French, 247
- Test Hill Record, 659
- Test Hill Record Lowered, 275
- Test Your Own Car, 368
- Testing the Latest Frazer-Nash, 404
- Thames Bridges, More. 335
- Thomas. J. G. P., 421
- Thomas, Mr. J. G. P., An Ace of speedmen, 128
- Thomas, J. G. P., Wins 100-Mile Handicap, 352
- Thomas-Special Scores at Brooklands, 518
- Thousand Miles of Coast Road, 170
- Thousand-mile Two-day Trial, The Course of the, 210
- Three-hundred-mile Race Next Year, 419
- Three-wheeler. An American, 712
- Three-wheeler, New—Coventry-Victor, Omega, 797
- Three-wheelers. More, 537
- Three-wheelers at the Motor Cycle Show, 542
- Tilbury Ferry. 69
- Tip. A, Worth Remembering. 810
- Arrest Without Warning, 351
- Beginners' Bugbear, The, 83
- Breakneck Highways, 759
- Brooklands Settlement, 233
- Buyers to Blame, 525
- Oars, Maltreating New, 205
- Chassis Protection. Inadequate, 759
- Comfort. Still More, 581
- Compensation, Some, 323
- Competitions, 351
- Cross Roads Dangers. 175
- Dazzle Again to the Fore, 493
- Driving Licences. A Magistrate on, 439
- Drivers, Tests ior, 811
- Engine Developments, 811
- Engines, Still Smaller? 233
- Bagi ncs, Under-cooled, 175
- Far From Finality. 205
- First Oost and Last Cost, 261
- Four Speeds: Are They Essential? 555
- Garages, Communal, 439
- Glorious June! 144
- Hand Signalling, 233
- Hill, That Illusive. 787
- Hills, Looking for, 261
- Hour Record. The, 683
- Ignition Systems, Reliability of, 17
- Information First Hand, 465
- Insurance, Compulsory, 295
- Insurance, Need for, 51
- June, Glorious! 144
- Law, The, 261
- Lessons, Taking, Abroad, 115
- Light Oars, Commercial. 787
- Light Oars or Taxi? 787
- Maintenance, Arduous. 115
- Marking Time, 83
- Models, Next Year's. 493
- Motorist, Educating the. 465
- Motorists' Money, The, 381
- Motorists' Mussolini, Wanted a. 439
- Mudguards, Improved. 465
- New Road Dangers, 143
- Nobody's Darling, 731
- Parking Places, 17
- Public. Educate the, 631
- Race, The 200-Mile. 555
- Racing Car Develcpments. 83
- Road Fund in Jeopardy, 811
- Road Scouts and Police. 52&
- Small Oar, The, 631
- Small Cars and Big Races, 175
- Small Oar Construction. The Cost of, 143
- Sport and the Industry, 295
- Sports Light Car, 51
- Sporting Event, Premier, 51
- Sporting Event, A (M.C.C. at Brooklands), 731
- Springing, All But, 683
- Touring Abroad Inexpensive, 205
- Track Races, Lou» or Short/ 115
- Traffic Problems, 7 31
- Traffic Problems, Solving, 381
- Three-wheelers, The Future of, 555
- " Two Hundred," Lessons oi the 581
- Twin, What of the ? 525
- Two-hundred-Mile Races, The Future of 631
- Value, Better, 581
- Warning Signs, 493
- Well-wisher, A Grandiose. 683
- Touring, Increase in 569
- Touring Tip. A, 142
- Tourist. Of Interest to the, 698
- Track to Water, From, 97
- Trailer, A Useful, 277
- Tram, Th« Troublesome, 276
- Trams: Magistrate's Comment, 478
- Trams, Signals on, 364
- Transmission Systems, Progress in. 670
- Transport Congress, At the (Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith), 797
- Trap on Portsmouth Road, 2 Trap at Romney, 68 Trapping. 97
- " Traveller in France, The," 335 TTee-bordered Roads. 712 Trial, Big Northern Two-day 266 Trial in Wales, A Stiff, 299 Tubes, Hot Weather and, 451 Tubes, Preventing Nipped 577 Two-hundred, Entries for the, 99 Two-hundred-Mile Race Regulations, 33 Two-hundred-Mile Race The. 306 538, 568, 613 Two-hundred-Mile Race, All About the, 526 "Two-hundred," The Coming, 391 " Two-hundred," Entries for the, 218 Two-hundred-Mile' Race. Injured in the, 569 " Two-hundred," Latest Entries for the, 245 "Two-hundred," Latest News of the 496 ' Two-hundred," The History of the,' 559 Two-hundred-Mile Race. How to Follow the, 558 "Two-hundred"? Next Year's, 624 Two-hundred-Mile, Noises of, to be Broadcast. 505 TVo-hundred-Mile Odd. 506 " Two-hundred," P_oor Support for the, 333 " Two-hundred," Practising for the, 556 Two-hundred-Mile Race, Prophesy About, 552 Two-hundred-Mile Race, Prospects of the. 396 Two-hundred-Mile Race Entries, 365 "Two-hundred," Surprises in the, 321 Two-hundred-Mile Pace, Thirty-three Entries for the, 460
- Two-hundred-Mile Reflections, 628
- Two-hundred-Mile Race: A Word about the Drivers 559
- Two-stroke Ebgine, " Stratifying," 576
- Tyre, Replacing a Creeping. 401
- Tyre Expert Does It. How the, 426
- Tyre Every Two Seconds, 306
- Tyre Mileage at a Glance, 808
- Tyre Pressures. 770
- Tyre Pressures, Balloon, 320
- Tyre Troubles, 392
- Tyre Types, 174 Tyre Wear. Maximum, 349
- Tyre Which Overlaps the Rim Patent, by E. £ Killen, 576
- Tyres, Pneumatic, Changed for Solids (Good for tb Roads). 53
- Tyres, Tubes and Wheels at Olympia 701 Tyres, Why W« Call Them, 436
- Tyres, "Taxing," 364
- Tyres That Vary, 490
- U.S.A. Driving Tests. 305
- Upholstery and Headaches, Poor. 276
- Utility, Comfort and Pleasure, 761
- Valve Operation, Positive, 316
- Valve Re-se*ting Tool. 782
- Variable Gear. Automatically Operated. 674
- Vesey Oup Trial, The, 23
- Violet, New French Two-etroke Engine, 195
- Vulcan Programme, The, 455
- Wales. The Passes ot North, 485
- Wales A SUB Trial in, 299
- Walking. Dangerous, 2
- Waltham«tow, Dodging the Lights at, 479
- 'Ware Witham, 391
- Warning, A (Croydon), 770
- Warrior, An Ancient (Jowett), 141
- Washing Outfit, Frosts Car, 298
- Watford. Parking at. 306
- Way the Money Goes, The : Oost of Running Modern Oar Factory, 132, 164 Maybury, Sir Henry, The Highwayman, 742 Wear: Oostly Consequences, 80 Weather Keeping Out the, 348 Welding Made Easy. 180 Welwyn Signpost Made Legible, 364 Wemblty, Oar Parks at, 98 Wembley, Motor Show at, 771 Wembley, What About? 712 Wembley Traffic, 2 West Hill, The Battle of. 713 Wheel Wobble, 217
- Wheel Wobble: Its Cause and Cure, Front, 494 Wheel Nuts, Trouble With, 112 Wheels, For Users of, 3 Wheels? Why Not Larger. 487
- /heel-slip. An Awkward Predicament (Derby Day) 68 ^taker's Patent Locking Device, 22 Wien It Pays to Lie. 194 ^hisk for Removing Dust, 151 iTTiit Monday at Brooklands, 78 White Life, The.' 712 ifhite Lines Ad Infinitum, 799 ITiite Lines at Biggleswade, 335 Vhite Lines at Brighton, 247 /hite Lines at Coventry. 247 ^hite Lines Everywhere,' 507 iThite Lines Known as P.limsoll Mark. 506
- Sakty. 406
- Seeing Rod.
- mailing, 392
- Traffic, 31 809
- White Lines i'uil White Lines and White Lines Spr Whitsun Holiday
- Windscreen Label*, Those, 3
- Windsor Models and Price, 515
- Win,"S Prevalence of Damaged: "It is an 111 Wind,"
- '245
- Wings Hide, What the. 253 Winter Guides, More, 712 Winter Runs in No Man's Land, 804 Wirral Another Improvement at, 742 Witham Motorist Given the Benefit of the Doubt 421
- WoUcley 1926 Programme, 510
- Women Only, A French Automobile Club for. G07
- Woodford Kxpert " Trapper " Transferred, 47 9
- Worcestershire Beacon, Exploring- the, 11
- Writing on the Roads, The. 33
- Wye Valley The Fascinations of a Winding River The, 650 105 '
- Wye Valley, Touring in the. 98
- Zenith Carburetter,
- A.B.C., The Air-cooled, 56
- A.B.C. Rocker Gear, New Types, 237
- V.O., Fan Mounted on the Dynamo Armature, 667
- V.C., The Four-cylinder Sports, 56
- V.O., The, irr Four-seater Form, 256
- V.C., Keeping a, in Tune, 8
- W.C., Layout of the Front-wheel Brake of the, 307
- V.C., Mayss 461
- V.C., The 1916, 732
- V.C. Chassis, of 1926 Model, 670
- V.C. as an Open Touring Model. 594
- V.C., Facia Board on the, 129
- V.C. Four-seater at Olympia, 634
- V.C. Sociable, The 1916. Large Numbers of Which
- are Still in Cae, 734 V.C. TraasiaifisiOB Details, 10 Vccident. What to do Alter an. 167 Vdvertising Carried Too Far. Sent in by Mr. S. F.
- Edge, 360
- Vg,new, Mrs. Marion, 754 Ufa-Romeo, Layout o€, 677 Vlfa-Romeo Engine, The, 665 Ufa-Romeo Light Car, A 1%-litre, 453 Ufresoo Case by Dunhills, Ltd., at Olympia, 698 Vll-in-one Universal Spanner, 151 Ups, The French. More than 10,000 ft. TJp, 231 Uununium car, A cast, 385 *.lvis. Dynamo Mounting on the, 669 \lris. One of the Fastest Light Cars, 594 Uvis Drive, 673
- Alvis Engine, The Latest Type, 635 Alvis Front-wheel-brake Design, 454 Alvis Light Car. A Very F»st, 56 Alvos Sports Two-seater, 454 Alvis Suspension System, 678 Amac Carburetter that Can be Dismantled Without
- Special Tools. 648
- A. M. Halford in the 200-Mile Race, 538 Amilcar, The French, 377 Amilcar, The Sporting, 56 Amiloar, The Six-cylinder Supercharged, 749 Amilcar, The Sports, 595 Amilcar Super-sports Two-seater, 702 Amilcar, The Two-seater All-enclosed, 2 Amilcar(nie) Entries in the Wimbledon MXJ. Trial, 507 Andre, T. B., Handing His Magnificent Cop to Segrave
- at the Conclusion of the Race, 584 Andre Bumps, at Olympia, 644 Andre Cup, The Battle for the, 584 Applecross, A Hill in the Scottish Trials, 81o Argyll with all-weather Equipment, 689 Argyll with Sleeve-valve Engine, 595 Argyll Engine at Olympia, 666 Ariel, The Semi-sports, 25T Ariel Semi-sports Light Car, The, 57 Ariel Ten, The Semi-sports, 106 Arpajon, Speed at, Impressions of the D'Yrsan and the
- Eldridge Special, 730 Armstrong Shock Absorber, The, 443 Armstrong Shock Atfeorber, 627 Ashtray. Combined Pipe Rack, Match and Cigarette
- Holder, 91
- A.&. Sports Car, A New, 228 Aston-Martin, The Two-three-seat«r. 686 Aston-Martin, The Well-known British Car 57 Aston-Martin Engine at Olympia, 667 Aston-Martin Special, 397 Aston-Martin Special Sports Body, 3 Aurea, The Two-seater, 57 Austin, Gordon England's, Which Came to Grief While
- Practising for the 200-Mile, 537 Austin, The Well-known Small Four 57 Austin (What's Wrong?), 438. 492 Austin Engine at Olympia, 668 Austin Exponents in the 200-Mile Race, 591 Austin Once Again to the Rescue as an Any-purpose
- Car. Carrying a Vat, 509
- Austins, How the. Fared in the International 590 Austin Seven, with Chummy Body. 376 Austin Seven, The Ever-popular. 595 Austin Seven, Over Hard Knots with a, 134 Austin Seven with Chummy Body, 687 Austin Seven with Covered Van Body. 789 Austin Seven Now Hard at Work in India, 446 Austin Seven and a Mors of Many Years Ago (Very
- Ancient and Very Modem), 157 Austin Seven at Olympia, 635 Austin Seven in Pretoria, 336 Austin Seven Which M*v be Fitted with Most Kinds
- of Bodywork, 824 Austin Seven Takes the Lead from the Aroilcar in a
- Special Race at Adelaide, 189
- Austin Seven Touring Model at the Scottish Show. 817 Austin Severn Unit Construction, 672 Austin Seven from an Unusual Aspect, 259 Auto-KWn Ganzele-s Strainer 700 Ayrtite Sleeve. The. 645
- Backdraught. Mr. Vauehan-Knisht's Proposed Method of Preventing, 464
- Baddaclough, A Holiday Scene, 364
- Barnard Castle, Where the Old Walls Cross the Road, 371
- Barnato, Oapt. Woolf, Who Scored Third in the 100-mile Handicap, 353
- Battery, Obtaining Water for the, 610
- Bayliss Thomas, The, Drawn to Scale, Making the Wheels Half as Large Again as Standard, 487
- Bayliss Thomas, The Inexpensive and Comfortable, 596
- Bayliss Thomas, The Latest, 203
- Bayliss Thomas Enclosed Two-seater, 689
- B. and B. Carburetter, 649
- Beart, H., at the Wheel of His Racing Morgan, 742
- Beclawat Luggage Carrier, 698
- Bedelia, The 1916, 732
- Belsize-Bradshaw Light Car Club, Members of, Assembled at Oxshott Common, 393
- Beadive Drire, The, 265
- Benoist Being Congratulated by the President of the French Republic, 306
- Bar liet Car, The French, 596
- Berliet with "Small-four " Engine, 689
- Bianchi, 224
- Bianchi Engine, 668
- Bianchi Light Car, 596
- Bianchi Light Oar, A New, 225
- Bianchi Type of Transmission, 671
- Bifle Bumper, The, 644
- Birmingham Motorists' Children's Outing, Scene at the Start. 219
- Birmingham's New Self-illuminating Signposts, 598
- Birmingham Police, White Jackets and Helmets Worn by the, on Point Duty. 509
- Blackburne Engine, The, 647
- Blackman Filter in Section, 782
- Blackpool Speed Trials, The Ubiquitous Tramcar Used with Real Advantage. 741
- Blendix Eye Protector, Two Types of, 22
- Blowbacks, " Pops " sund Misfires, 696
- Bodesbeck Hill, A Humber Struggling Up, 816
- Boillbfc Oup Race, In the, 449
- Boillot Cup Race, Scenes in the, 470
- Bol d'Or, Record Breakers in the, 98
- Bol d'Or, A Wayside Stop, 79
- Bolts, Turning, 328
- Bonnet Opening. The Use of a Steel Strip Prevents the Paintwork of the Scuttle Being Damaged by the Corner of the Bonnet When it is Being Raised, 444
- Bosch Magneto, 544
- Boulogne Grand Prix, Striking British Success at the. B. S. Marshall the Winner. R. C. Morgan and R. C. Gallop at Speed, 468
- Boulogne Motor Meeting, Scenes at the, 466
- Bowire Carburetter Attachment, 644
- Bradford Club Hill-climb on Hepolite Scar. Incidents Caught by the Camera, 751
- Bradford-London-Bradford Trial. A Scene at the Check at Bawtry, 244
- Bradley, Mr. Percy A., 716
- Braid, A., Threatened with Being Swept Away by the Towering Waves Which Broke Over Colwyn Bay Promenade During the Speed Trials, 491
- Brakes, The Care of. 340
- Brimmar Belting, 22
- Bredon-on-the-Hill, War Memorial at, 681
- Bristol M.C.C. Gymkhana, Scenes at the, 186
- Bristol Screen Wipe, The, 239
- British Anzani Engine, Details of the, 75
- British Anzani Engine, Keeping an, in Tune, 74
- Brooklands. The B.A.R.C. Last Meeting of the Season. The Scene in the Thronged Paddock, 518
- Brooklands, Boating Enthusiasts on the Wey at, 333
- Brooklands. Man Showing How to Get to, from the North, 507
- Brooklands High-speed Work in the 1,100 e c. Class, 588
- Brooklands, The Start of the Long Handicap at the Whit-Monday Meeting, 78
- Brooklands. The Vastness of the Concrete Banking Strikingly Portrayed. Harvey's Alvis Outstripping the Field in the Second Race at the Midsummer Meeting, 198
- Brooklands, Whit-Monday, 78
- Brooklands, Showing the Number of Spectators to See the 200-Mile Race. 579
- Brooklands as a Testing Ground, 46
- Brooklands Whit-Monday Meeting, A Good Day for the Bookies, 71
- Brooks Chested Trunk, 698
- B.S.A., Hinged Number Plate on, Which Give;; Access
- to the Back Axle. 678 U.S.A. Slowly Sinking into the Sands at Southport, 365
- Buckingham, The 1916. 7o2 Buga-tti. The Sports, with White Bixlv and Red Wins;*
- and Wheels. 4H9
- Bugatti Four-seater Fast Tourer, 689 Bugatti Light Car. The. 57 Bugatti as a Touring Four-seater, 596 Bullough, J. M., in the Morgan at South port Sands,
- -rOa Buttertubs, Climbing the Long Slopes of. 371
- Caledonian Canal, Typical Scenes in the, 805
- Caithorpe, Keeping a 12-20 h.p. in Tune, 286
- Oa.ltb.orpe, The Latest 12-20 h.p., 597
- Oalthorpe, The 12-20 h.p.. 687
- Caithorpe, The 12-20 h.p. Four-seater, 516
- Caithorpe Engine, Carburetter Side of the New, 511
- Caithorpe Week, The Cat and the Dog, 159
- Camp Dell, Capt. Malcolm, 717
- Camper, The Complete. 214
- Oar, A, for Every Need, 689
- Car, The Maintenance of the, 116
- Car, How to Test Your Own, 368
- Car, A. Well-trained. 339
- Car Camber, The, Showing " Armchairs " Which are
- the Bucket Seats of the Austin Seven, 127 Car Controls, Comfort and, 253
- Car Factory, Showing Costly Plant Neceesary, 132, 164 Oar Parks at Olympia, One of the, 663 Carelessness and the Consequences, 383 Carlisle, The Market Place, with a Number of " London-Edinburgh " Cars in Evidence, 370 Cars, Closed. Despite the Hot Weather, 322 Cars. For Utility, Comfort and Pleasure, 760 Cars Which Helped to Make History, 7^>2 Castle Combe, Wilts., Hampton Ooupe at, 629 Oastrol Oil Storing Device, 699
- Oeirano, Ribbed Drums of Large Dimension^ on, 677 Ceirano. The Sports Light Car with Attractive Lines,
- ? 67
- Ceirano Transmission System on the 1926, 671, Unit Construction on the, 673 Ceirano Chassis, Hydraulic Shock Absorber on, 679 Chadwick, W. H,, Crossing the Kenilworth Splash in the Coventry and Warwick One-day Trial, 745 Championship Meeting, Burt and Norton Enjoy a Morgan Tussle, 659 Chanu* Rounding the Corner in the Course of the
- French Boi d'Or, 71 Charron, The 8.3 h.p., 697 Cheddar Gorge, 395
- Chester. The Water Tower on the City Walls, 346 Oitroem, 305
- Uitroen, The 11.4 h.p.. 377 Citroen, The 11.4 h.p. English body, 597 Citroen, Mons. Andre, 238 Citroen, The New Three-Seater Showing Luxurious
- Bodywork and Equipment, 4B2 Citroen, in a Quiet Retreat a.t Odihajn, 305 Citroen Commercial Models, 788 . Citroen English Body, Four-seater at the Scottish
- Show, 817
- Citroen with Englsh Two-seater Body, 685 Citroen at Olympia, 637
- Citroen-Kegresse with Creeper Track, 580 , Citroen-Kegresse Motor Mowing Machine, 786 Claudel-Hobson Carburetter, How to Tune, 77 Claudel-Hobson Power-jet Carburetter, The, 649 Clyno, Accessibility of Brake Adjustment on the, 669 Clyno, Front Brake Drums on, 679 Clyno, Front'Wheel Brake Shoe, 676 Clyno, A Holiday in a, 346 Clyno, The Latest. 484 Clyno, A New Model Seen at the Scottish Show, 817
- Clyno, The New 13 h.p., 550. 597
- Clyno, Oil Filler on the, 667
- Clyno, Side-screen Equipment on the, 129
- Clyno, Showing the Roomy Front Seat and Dickey, 771
- Clyno, The Sports Model, 58
- Clyno, The Two-seater, 257
- Clyno at the. Motor Show, 636
- Clyno Negotiating Dunnerdale Bridge in the £1,000 Trial, 210
- CM. Cyrfecar, The, 423
- Coachwork, Renovating Shabby. 196
- Colwyn Bay Speed Trials, Notice that Appeared at: ' Tie Up that Dog," 478
- Colwyn Bay Speed Trials, Scenes at the, 497
- Competitions and Team Work. How All Types are Tested, 309
- Connecting Rod and Balancing Machines. 785
- Constantini in the Eight-cylinder lV-j-litre Bugatti Racer, 506
- Controls, Standardized, 575
- Convertible Light Car Coachwork, 12
- Cook, H. W., with His Mechanic, Harris, Injured in the ?' 200,?' 569
- Cork. Best Way of Cut-tin?, if Too Large, 708
- Coventry Magnet M.C. Trial. One of the Competitors Negotiating the Canley Watersplash, 796
- Coventry-Victor Cyclecar Engine, 722
- Coventry-Victor Engine and Gearbox Unit, 648
- Coventry-Victor at the Motorcvcle Show, 543
- Coventry-Victor Rear Wheel May Easily be Detached Without Upsetting the Chain Adjustment. 540
- Coventry-Victor Three-wheeler, 455
- Cox Atmos Dual Carburetter. 649
- Creeping Tyre, Replacing a, 401
- Crouch, The Latest, 379
- Crouch, The New. 355
- Crouch, The 1916, 732
- Crouch Sports Car, The, 58
- Crouch Two-spiter. 703
- Crown Inn, Bath East on, 713
- C (continued.!.
- Th
- At:
- e B:!<k elm.-.}, t a I. [)..
- CyHeca-r, Gaia-ge .1,) not Bother the OWIK-I
- «f this Tiny, 190 Oyclerar. The £l()i). Vavl St.-<-i i.-.nal View Showing t!v
- Hammock Seats 192; Layout of Cha=si« 1^3 Cyclwrar. Simple Typo of 25 Years Ago, 130
- D
- Darracqs Cornering on Their Last Lap in th,; ' 2O0,'
- Darracqs at Mont.lhery, 3 Darracq Victory at Montlhcry. 21 Darracq Team in the " 20O,'1 62l5 Dazzle, Device for Reducing 7 81 De Dion, The M.a.rquis, 6S«
- De Dion, Mounting ol the. Front-wheel Brake-operating Mechanism, 669 De Dion-Bouton, The Four-seater, 687 De Dion-Bouton, The 1O h.p., 598 De Dion-Sou ton, Tht? 10-2O h.p., 283, 2.84, 2.85, 2.86,
- De Dion Light Car at Olympia, 637
- De Dion-Bouton Standard Oar at the Scottish Show,
- &17 Delysia, Miss Alice, and the Citroen which She Uses
- for Town Work. 771
- Derek Light Oar as a Sports Two-seater 703 Design, Details of, in, the 1936 Cars at Olympia 669 Devonshire House, The Now, as it will Appear wheau
- Finished, 159
- D.F.P., Special Design of C. A. H. Mason. 99 D.F.P. Sports Light Oar, The. 58 Differential Gear, New Limited, 2i88 Dipper, An Emergency, Made from an Old Inner Tube 5G2i • '
- Direction Posts, One of London's Latest 277 Donne*-Zediel, The Four-seater 6816 Dorman Engine. The 4 M.V.B., 647 Douglas, J. C, Who Drove Non-stop into Second Place
- in the 100-mile Handicap, 352 Draught-excluding Device, 782 Drivers, Crack, 35
- Driving Mirror, An Inexpensive, 5i2i8 Driving for Safety, 296
- Duller, Geo., Winner of the 50-mile Handicap 6IS Dunfaill Alfresco Picnic Case 296 Duple Bodcr, The, 12i D'Yraan, The Shell Racing Model, 473 D'Yrsan Sports Modeis at the Motorcycle Show 543 D'Yrsan Three-wheeler, 58s S98. 703
- Easting Windscreen, 6O9-
- Edge, Mr. S. F., 36
- E.H.P., The^ Which Won a First Pr.ze in the Small
- Car Class, 489
- Eibaoh Cydeoar at the Leipzig Fair, 47S Eisetmwin Magneto in Section, 545 Eldridge, E. A. D., Who Can Claim to Have the
- Fastest (Light Car in the World, 393 Eldridge, Mr., and the Eldridge Special 774 775 Eleotracal Equipment, Care of the, 267 Electrical Repairing Co., Advertising Vaji of 94 Engine orf the 1.1.4 h.p. 9ta.nd«.rd, 642 Engine, The Machell, 807 Engine, The Swift, 641 Engine, Using the, as a Brake, 289 Engine, The Violet Two-stroke, 195 Engine Design at Olympia. 662 Engines, Oan you Name These? 410 Etogine, " Stratifying " a Two-stroke, 576 England, Gordon, Austin Racer of, which Came to
- Grief while Practising for the 2O0-Mile 5G7 Ewglamd, Mr. Gordon, 717 England Mr. E. C. Gordon, 37 England, E. C. G., at the Wheel of the Austin which
- he Drove at. Le Mans, 168 England, E. C. Gordon/, Winner of the 7&0 c.c Class 59O
- Ensofla-ter, The, 645
- Equipment and Coaohwork, 657 ..
- Eric-Campbell, Small Hinged Windscreen* on, 694 EWc-Camnpbell Sports Model, 484, 599 Erio-OsumpboB Two-seater, 684 Essex Club Meeting: George Duller Discussing His
- Cbamces of Success in the 50-mile Handicap, 6812
- Essex Motor Club at Brooklands: George Duller Winning the 5O-mi1e Handicap, 630 Exmoor: Village of Dunster and the Bold Ramparts
- of Dunkery, 72.1
- Facia/board, Equipping the. 147
- Facdaboard, Three styles of Arranging the Instruments, 148
- Facia.boa.rds, The Latest in, 692/
- Fiat, Final Drive of the New 7 h.p., 672.
- Fiat, Fla.t Half-elliptic FTont Springs on, 676
- Fiat, The 1O-16 h.p., 599
- Fiat Engine at Olympia, 665
- Flexi Caps, 213 |
- Forced Induction. Some Fallacies of, 746 ?
- FoTd Plug, Ingenious Switch for Testing the. 2.39
- France, Seeiag, for £10 10s., 234
- Frazer Nash, Capt., at the Wheel of the FTazer Nash, 460
- Frazer-Nash, Testing the, 404, 40.5 «
- Frazer-Nash Fast Touring Car, 702
- Fxazer-Nash Light Car The SpoTts, 58
- French Road Race: Mestivier Repairing the Hood of His Amiloar , 626
- G-ir:i.g» Scheme, Photograph? of iln> New, 44f>
- Changing, Straightforward. 72
- Gearbox, A Slix-speed, 623
- Gibbons Four-seater Cycleoar, The, 138
- Gibralter. Village of, Between Thame and Aylesburv 796 Glasgow by the Sea! Charlie Austin Towing Nervo
- and Knox Along a Flooded Highway, 142 Glasgow Motor Club's 100-mile Non-stop Trial: A
- Small Four Going Strong, 505 Globe, The 1©1I6, 7 33 G.N., The 1916, 732. G.N. Sports Model, 59
- Gnome Cycleoar, with No Springs and a 3^ h.p. Engine, 599
- Graham Auto Horn, Tlie. 644 Great West Road: Scene Afte.r the Opening by the
- King and Queen, 68 Grenoble irom the BTidge by Which It Is Entered
- from the North, 251 Grey, Lieut., adid Hif Mechanic, 569 Grimsel Pass, In the, 111 Gudgeon Pin, Retaining Caps, Showing Remarkable
- Effects of Wear, 81 Gutter, A Metal, to Prevent Rain Reaching the Vital
- Paris of the Engine. 825
- G.W.K., An Exponent of Friction Drive. 599 G.W.K. Chummy Model, 688 G.W.K. Front-wheel Brakes, 679 Gwyane Eight as a Fire Tender, 743 Gwyrnn© Eight in its Latest Form, 7O4 Gwynme Small Four Sports Model, 59
- H
- Hal, Mr. R. E. 0., 754
- HaMoird, Major F. E., 716
- Hampton, The Ujatest, at Olympia, 638
- Hpjmpton Oar Near the Works at Stroud, &2i
- Hampton as a Coupe, 687
- Hampton Coupe at Castle Combe, Wilts., 62.9
- Hampton Light Gar, The, 60O
- Hampton 192i6 Models, 523
- Hardt, Mr. G. M, 2S8
- Hartford Double-acting Shock Absorber, 6£J6
- Hartford Shock Absorber Fitted to Back Axle of M,a.thAs, 639
- Hartford Shock At>sorbers on Mathis, 673
- Harvey, C. M., 35
- Haivey, Mr. C. M., 717
- Harve.y, C. M.,, Smile of, When He Drove in Third -The Firsit BTitisher Home, 470
- Harvey at Speed at the Wheel of the Front-wheel-drive Alvis, 64
- Hjavers, J., in tlhe Veteran Riley which Completed the Run from London to Edinburgh, 71
- Hendy., Mr. Gordon, 756
- Heipolite Scar: E. Tordoff's Jowett on the Lower Stretches of the- Hill, 75O
- Harne Bay Speed Trials: One of the Spectators—A Study in Bflack and White, 159
- Hill-climb Oltib, Plan of the Scheme in Detail, 279
- Hill-climbing, Speedy, 198
- Hills That Have Been Made Famous rn Many Trials, 814, 815
- Hobson, Mir. Hamilton, .T.P., 756
- Holyhead Road, On the, 758
- Hood Design at Olympia, 693
- Hoods Torn -to Ribbons in the French Road Race, 180
- HOTQ Switch, An Electric, 782
- Horetma.n, The 1916, 7 33
- Horetman Light Car, The, 6O0
- Horton R. T., Who Scored a Number of Successes at Stouthport, 2.3
- Horton R. T., at Speed in the Morgan-Blackburne, 402-Hour Record Cup, The, 598
- How Not to Do It, 367
- Huddetsfieid Two-day Trial, Mytholm Steeps, One ot the Principal Hills, 266
- Humboff The Latest 9-2O h.p., 462
- Humfcer Four-seater at the Scottisih Show 817
- Humber Light Car. The New 9-20 h.p., 428
- Hu*nber Light Oar with 9 h.p. Engm*, 600
- Hurnber Nine, Four-seater, 687
- Humber Nine at OLympia, 638
- Humour:—Absent-minded Old-time Cyclist, 408. Ad-vice«to Novices (Side. Curtains), 131. Even in These Days of Peace the Methods of War-time May Have Their Uses, 737. Getting a Show Stacd Ready, 571. Had the Light Car Been in Existence Years Ago, 1O1. Owner Gowig Abroad, 156. Packing for a Week-end Run, 617 Police-constable: " Why Are You so Certain that an Expert Stole Your car? " 303, - A Real Drap o' Scotch, 8O9. The Retort Oouxteous(?), 1&5. The Runaway. 5. Selling Second-hand, 136. Sidelights on the Race at Brooklamdis To-morrow 560. Sidelights on the " Edinburgh. ' 69. Sold, 337. That Last-minut« Adjustment, 161. That OHside Rule. 8O9 " What Do You Mean by ©topping Me .... ?" 6&6
- I
- Id»eal, Building Up the, 52O .
- Ignition System of a Four-cylinder Enguie, 50o
- Imperia with Slide-vaJve Engine, 6O0
- India, The Light Oar in, 114
- Induction System, BadJy Designed, 6
- Inner Tubes, Ingenious Method of Testing, t*55
- Iniftnitely Variable Gear which Employs Centrifugal
- Meo-ns Moving Round a Cam Track, 677 International Sax Days. Scene Prior to the Start at
- Southampton, 393 .
- Iroter-Varsity Trial: N. Miller Crosses a Formidable
- Water-splash n<?ar Redbournbury, 826
- ?? U:M.II.1 ?' T-MM: b. i: tin- l?.i:sh H.-MU... Isle of M;,.,,. P,.r Kn-
- .lark.son Jowett, The, An Ititerestiiig Conversion 722
- .Ju-mes, F. W., on Arms Hill, 2-16
- J.A.P. Engines for Ii926, 513
- ,IA..;P. Super-sports Oyclecar Engine, 648
- Jiappic Sports Model, The 59
- J'owett, 752
- Jowett., The Four-s*at^r. at Olyrnpia 639
- Jowett, The New Coach work, 561
- Jowett, The 119,2.6, 7&2;
- Jowefct, The 1913, Still Going Strong, 141
- Joweitt Chassis with Commercial Bodies, 7 89
- Jowet-t Elmgine at Olympia, 665
- Jowet-t Makes an Impressive Ascent of " He polite
- Sioa.r " in a Freak Hill-climb, 745 Jowe*t RaJJy, The Start of the, 334 .Jowett Saloon, 601, 6'84 Jowett Saloon, The- All-enclosed Four-seater the
- Cheapest, 639 Jowett Saloon, Compact Arrangement of the Driver's
- Seat, 690
- Jow-ett Saloon at th« Scottish Show, 8.18 Joyce, J. A., 35 Joyce, J. A., Breasting the Hill During His - Recordf-
- breaking Ascent, 277
- Joyces A.C., Lowering the Brooklands Test Hill Record, Deliberately Faked Photo of, 729 Joyce's Terrific Leap at the Top of the Hill, Neatly
- Caught by th« Camera, 659 Joy n son-Hicks,, Sir William, 675 J.C.C. South-Westem Centre: First Club Din.ner of
- the I'9l2t6 Season, . after the Stauthampton-
- Exeter Trial, 5O9 J.C.C. Southampton-Exete* Trial, Scenes in the, 496
- K
- Kemanore, Restarting on, 4T9
- Kent and Sussex dub Sipeed Trial, Scenes in the* 403
- Kent and Sussex L.C.C., Talbot Simmins Awaiting the
- Wtod "Go," S91
- Kent and Sussex M.C.'s Speed Trials at Lewes, 641 Key's CommuM.1 Garages at Tooting, 614 Key way, A (Damaged, 2T70
- King's Mill, Adjoining Donnington Hall, 393 Kirkston© Pass, Climbing, 38X} " Knowle " Car, The 11.4 h.p.. 688 " Knowle " Standard Four-seater at the Scottish Show, 80.9
- Kushi Kick-starter. The, 76 Kyle Sku Ferry, The Most Northerly, in the British
- Isles: Jowett Waiting to Cross, 363
- Lagonda in Picturesque Setting at Chipping Camden in the Cotswolds. 97
- Lagonda saloon. The 12 h.p., in its Latest Form, 601
- Lagonda in Saloon Form, 687
- Lake Vyrnwy in Wales, 232
- Land's End to John o'Groat's Cross-country Trial, Scene at, 265
- Lea-Francis, The, 601
- Ijea-Francis. Combined Rear-siring Atfchorage on, 679
- Lea-Francis, Front-wheel Brakes on, 679 *
- Lea-Francis, Keeping a, in Tune. 342
- Lea-Francis, The 12-22 h.p.. 483
- Lea-Francis Engine at Olympia, 668
- I^a-Francis four-seater tor 1926, 553
- Lea-Francis Light Oar at the Scottish Show. 818
- Lea-Francis Ready for Extra Passengers. 689
- Lea--FYancis Side Screen With Sliding Panel for Signalling 756
- Lea-Francis Sports Model, 59
- Light. A Dual-purpose, 767
- Light Oar, The. Under Every-day Conditions. In the Most Hilly Parts of the Country, 801
- Light Car. How the Scores. Weieht is the Principal Factor in Hill-clunbing. 572
- Light Ca', The in India 114
- Light Car, The Modern Sports, 56
- " Light Car and Cyclecar " Cup, The. 643
- Light Oar Built by an Amateur Propelled by a Famous Racing Engine, 125
- Lisht Car Front Axle. What the Driver Bees. 253
- Light Car Limericks. 2. 32, 68. 98. 128 158. 188 218, 246, 276. 306, 334 364, 392, 42O( 450 478, 506. 538, 568, 614 658, 712, 742] 770. 798
- Light Cars:—A.B.C., 56; A.C.. 8, 461. 594, 634; A.C. Royal. 118: Alfa Romeo. 453: Alvis, 56, 454. 594; A.M. Halford, 538: Ainilcar, 2, 56 377 595, 702- Argyll, 595 689; Ariel 56, 257; Ariel Ten, 107; A.S.. 228; Aston-Martin, 3. 397: Aurea, 57: Austin, 57; Austin Seven. 446. 595. 635: Bayliss Thomas, 203, 596, 689- Berliet 596. 689: Bianchi. 596 689: Bugatti 57. 489. 506 596 689; Oalthorpe 286, 516, 597: Charron. 597; Citroen 377. 482. 637; Clyno. 257, 550, 597, 636: CM. 423; Coventry-Victor. 455: Crouch, 58. 355! 379, 703- Darraca 21: De Dinn 637; De Dion-Bouton, 283, 687; DFP. 58 99- Derek. 703;, 6R6; D'Yrsan. 473. 598, 703- Eric-Campbell. 4R4, 599; Fiat. 599; Frazer-Nash 404. 460, 702; Gnome 599. G.W.K.. 599 689; Gwvnne. 59: Hampton. 82. 523. 600. 638. 687- Humber. 428. 462, 600. 638; Jowett, 141' 363 601, 639. 684. 722; Knowle. 688; Laeonda 97 601. 687; Lea-Francis. 342, 483. 552, 601, 689: Mat.his. 188. 602: Max. 327- Morgan. 602: Morgan Aero, 60; Otomo, 321; Panhard, 549. 605 639; Patria 712; Peugeot 376 603; Rallv, 49. 60: Renault, 640; Rhode, 257, 548. 603, 689; UUey. 604-.
- L (continued).
- .IGHT CARS (continued).
- Hover Nine, 60, 113, 604, 684, 687- Salm-son, 61, 604; Senechal. 61. 604, 689- Sima-Vioiet, 473; singer, 377; Standard, 15, 200, 365, 605, 641; Stanhope. 511 605- Steyr 641; Straker Squire. 605, 702; Surrey 435' 437, 704; Swift., 222. 551; Talbot 606 642 688; Vulean, 606. 689; Wolseley ' 256' 642 685
- jght Cars, Still Lighter. 620
- >ight Oars lor Commerce, Some Popular Models, 788 limited Differential Gear, AD Interesting Design for 532
- Joyd, Ool. Lindsay, in a Characteristic Attitude, 39 Knidon-Edinburph: A. R. Abbot. R. Y. Siran and
- S. Goodfellow. 139
- jondon-Edinburgh, During a Fine Spell in the, 67 jondon-Bdinburgh. Map Showing Contour ol the Difficult section, 55 jondon-T£dinbur?h Run, Scenes in the, 84, 85 86, 87, 88
- -ondon Traffic Muddle, The. at Trafalgar Square, 50 worries in Constant Use by " The Motor " During the
- Show, 708
- Low, Prof. A. M.. 716
- [»wbrook Bridge, on the Road from Solihull, 713 Luggage, Good Method of Carrying, 795 Luggage Trailer With One Wheel, 173
- M
- M.A.G. Engines, Showing Overhead Exhaust Valves
- and Side Inlets Used on the, 647 Maintenance of the Car, The, 116
- Magneto, Overhauling a, 544
- Madresfield Speed Trials, Scenes at. 265
- Madresfield Speed Trials. A Waite in the Supercharged Austin Seven, 263
- Malay State, A Mathis in a Tropical Setting, 191
- Map of the Great North Road lo Scotland 371
- Marendaa, Mr. D. M. K., 755
- Martin, Mr. Lionel, 717
- Mascot, A Neat and; Inexpensive, 298
- Mathis. The IVi-litre. A Study in Streamlining, 188
- Mathis, Toolbox on the, 694
- Mathis Engine at Olvmpia, 665
- Mathis Saloon With Six-cylinder Engine 602
- Mathis Sports Model, 59
- Mays, Mr. Raymond, 43, 754
- Max Cyclecar, The French, for under .£50, 327
- Meadows Engine, The I,atest, 612
- Meadows Engines, 646
- ME. Rear Screen, The, 151
- Michell Crankless Engine, The, 807
- Mich ell Engine, One of the Crankshafts of, 798
- Midland Car Club's Trial, A Riley on one of the Hills, 299
- Mobile Oil. A Feature at th« Sport* Meeting Organized by the Vacuum Oil Co. 5O6
- Model of " Rikki-Tikki," by Mr. D. M. Dent, 614
- Monte Carlo Climbing up to. on the Main Road from Nice, 252
- Montlhery. Austin Accelerates Away From the Best of the Field in the recent Race, 658
- Montlhery. Where the Road Section Branches Off From the Track, 306
- Montlhery Autodrome, A Bend • in the Woods, 33
- Montlhery Track, The Opening Meeting, Duller Leading, Segrav-e and Oornelli Left and Right. 1
- Mergan, The Aero Model, 6O
- Morgan, A, at Rufford Park, 5-35
- Morgan, A, on the 1 in 2Kj Portion of TJrry's Pet, 299
- Morgan, H. Beart at the Wheel of, 742
- Morgan, H. F. S., Climbing Urry's Pet in the Midland C. and A.C 24-Hour Trial. 275
- Morgan, H. and D. Stabilizers for, 189
- Morgan, R. C, in the Thomas Special, in Which He Scored the First and One Second at Brook-lauds, 519
- Morgan Cyclecar, Showing the British-Anzani Engine, 128
- Morgan Club Reliability Trial, The Start, 420
- Morgan Popular Mode) at .£95, 602
- Morgan Three-wheeled Cyclecar Which Won the Trophy in the International Six Days, 419
- Morgan Three-wheeler, 704
- Morgan Tyres Do Not Wear Rapidly, as Shown by these Photos, 330
- Morgans, Kushi Kick-starter for, 76
- Morgans at the Motorcycle Show, 542
- Morris-Oxford. The 1916, 733
- M.C.O. High-speed Trials. Wainwright Behind the Field a Few Moments After the Starting Signal, 727
- M.C.C. London to Lugano Run. The Talbot, Palladium and the Riley Resting While Their Owners Enjoy a Picnic Tea, 529
- M.C.C. Speed Trials. Norris, B., on Rhode, Having Plenty of Time to Spare, Stopped at the Pits for a Bottle of Lemonade, 726
- Motorcycle Show, Exhibits at the, 542
- Moyle, Mr. .T., the Smallest Man in the World, 335
- Mudguards, " Close-up," 574
- N
- Nash, A. Frazer, 3t5
- Newman, Mr. George 755
- Non-skid Chain, \n Easily Made, 48
- Norfolk Broad*, The, 163
- North Wales, The Passes of. 485
- o
- Overhead Valves, Grinding in, 825
- Oil storing Device, 699
- One-way Traffic in London. Approaching Bush Houso
- via Kinesway, 690 Oates, Major W. H.. 38 Oiler With Flexible Spout, 535 Olympia Oar Parks Compared, 619 Olyrnpia, Guide to the Light Car Exhibits. 661 Olympia, Key Plan of Stands, 632
- Olympia, The Main Pall, as Seen Irom the Gallery, 662
- Olympia at 10.5 a.m. and at 4 p.m., 618 Omega Cyclecar, 603 Omega at: the Motorcycle Show, 543 Omega Three-wheeler, Chassis and Details, 514 Otomo Light Car, A Japanese. 321 Oyler Spring Gaiters, 91 Ownership. When Three People All Claim the Sanift
- Car, Awkward Complications May Arise. 472
- Panhard Cars for Next Season, 549
- Panhard 11-15 h.p. Saioon, 603
- Panhard Engine at Olympia, 666
- Panhard Saloon at Olympia, 639
- Parsons, L., in the Acceleration Test During the
- A.C.E. Motor Club's Recent Trial 304 Passes of North Wales, The, 485 Patria An Attractive Spanish Car, 712 Perrot Braking System, The, 802 Petrol Engine Used on Rails in India, 243 Petrol Filler by Fluid Pressure Pumps, Ltd., at
- Olympia, 644 Petrol Funned, 91 Petrol Pump, The Type of, Growing Popular in
- France 293
- P.eugeot, The 7 h.p., 603
- Peugeot, The Racing. View of the Cockpit, 218 Peugeot All-weather Model at the Scottish Show, 818 Peugeot Coupe1 With " Ladylike" Appearance, and
- Sports Four-seater Amilcar, A Contrast in
- Types, 489 Peugeot Racer, New Overhead Valve to the 750 c.c, 229
- Peugeot Two-seater, The, 376 Peugeots, The Latest, With Weymann Flexible
- Chummy and Sports Models, 481
- Picnicking, Making the Most ot 1925 Summer, 477 Picnicking Under the Stars, 345 -Picnics, The Oharm of, 171 Pistons, Cracks in Will not Spread if a Small Hole
- is Drilled at Each End of the Crack, 536 Poppet-Tjtl-/« Gear, 146 PortsmoTith-Bognor-Brighton Road, Resurfacing and
- Widening the. 509 Positive Valv« Operation, 316 Post Office at Frampton, Dorset, 509 Power, Obtaining Increased, 776 Power Unit of the Peugeot Racer, 229 Prestwich, Mr. and Mrs., Leaving the Church After
- Their wedding, 770 Priming Plug, Which Feeds Through a Hollow Central
- Electrode to the Cylinder, 781 Puncture, How to Mend a, 206
- R
- Rally Light Car. Thiee Views of the new, 49
- Rally Sports Mcdel Light Car. Showing the S!agtfev.;d Beats, 60
- Rappa Gaiter, The, 52V
- Rea's Senga Pump 'or Filling the Sump of the Oil Drum, 239
- Rebound Dampers, Home-made, 354 '
- Records, More, Lowered. 385
- Reliance Cup Trial, A Competitor Takes the Water-splash, 768
- Renault, Engine of, 664
- Renault, Keeping an 8.3 h.p. in Tune, 102, 103, 104
- Renault Commercial Van, 789
- Renault Four-seater at the Scottish Show, 818
- Renault Saloon, The, 640
- Renault Skiff, The, 60
- Replacements, How to Fit Ordinary, 144
- Reverse, How to, 18
- Revolution Counter, The, at Olympia, 695
- Khode, 60
- Rhode, Adjustable Pedals on the, 669
- Rhode, Back Axle of the, 673
- Rhode, The 11 h.p., 377
- Rhode Front-wheel Brake, 803
- Rhode, Gearbox Assembly <yi the, 670
- Rhode, 1926, The New-type Controls Above the Steering Wheel, 66S
- Rhode Four-seater Sports Model, 548
- Rhode Light Car, Well-known in the Competition World, 60
- Rhode Saloon, 548
- Rhode Saloon, Permanently Enclosed, 689
- Rhode With Saloon Coachwork. 603
- Rhode Sports Model, 257
- Ricardo Piston Head, The, 458
- Riley, Separate Construction of Engine *Wi Gearbox, 671
- Riley Engine, The 1926, 667
- Riley Four-seater Sports Model, 604
- Riley Sports Model, 60
- Riley With 10 Bluejackets Who Lost Their Train for Portsmouth, 246
- Road Signs, Some of the Principle French, 236
- Road Wheels, Larger, How They Would Look, 487
- Roller Bearings in the Making, 713
- Routes des Alps, On the, 250
- Rover Coupe with Detachable Head. 818
- Rover Eight jind a JRover Two! 45O
- Rover Nine, 372, 481, 684 Rover Nine, An Attractive Sports Body, 113 Rover Nine, Keeping a, in Tune, 372 Rover Nine, Neat Gear Gate of the, 443 Rover Nine, The New Super Model at Olyropia, 640 JRover Nine, The 1926 Two-seater, 687 Hover Nine, Reverse Stop for. 795 Rover Nine with Detachable Coupe Top, 604 Hover Nine in Gala Dress (Amphibious in Appearance Only), 539
- Rover Nine Four-door Weymann Saloon, 684 Rover Nine Sports Model, 60 Rover Nine Two-seater for All Weathers, 481 "Royal" A.C., The 12 h.p. Two-seater, 118 ' Royal " A.C. Two-seater at the Scottish Show. 8T7 Rudge Whitworth Cup, An Aries and a G.M. on a Pic.ture3que Section of the Road, 174
- Rugged Roads in Different Countries, Scotland and
- New Zealand, 32 Running, Really Economical, 310 Running, Silent, 425
- Safety Circles at Snaresbrook, Essex, 538
- (Safety Lint, The Latest Idea of, in Harrogate, 450
- Safety Signs to be Used in Whitehall, 659
- St. Michaels Mount, Cornwall, 347
- .Salmson, The, A Speedy French Model, 604
- Sahnson, Keeping a, in Tune, 313
- Salmson, The Lubrication System of the, 313
- -?saiinson Chassis by Cross and Ellis, Coventry, 99
- •Naunson Coupe at the Scottish Show, 819
- .?salmson t ront-wheel-drive Car at Brooklands Whit
- Monday Meeting, 78
- .Salmson Grand Prix-type Engine at Olynipia, 667
- .Saimson Owners, Hints for, 307 '
- Saltnson Sports Model, The, 60 .Scottish tfix Days. One of the New Hills neat
- Drumnadrochit, 121 Scottish Six Days, W. J. Milton ic the Sports Austin, 350
- .Scottish Six Days' Ran, Scenes in the, 324 .Scottish " Terrors." A Few of the Better-known, 815 .Scottish Western Motor Club, R. B. Tennent taking
- the First Corner in the Half-day Open Trial, 7 1 Seeing France for £12 10s., 234, 249, 290 Segrave, II. O. D-, 35 Segrave, Major H. O., 129, 773 Stgrave, Major H. O. D., the Winner of the 2OO-ini!e
- Race, 582 Segrave about to Pass Count Massetti " by invitation "
- in the " 200-mile race, 624 Selector Fork, A Bent, T40 Selling Second-hand, 137
- Semi-elliptic Springs, A Vice is Advisable when Dismantling, 92
- Senechal, The 70 m.p.h., 604 Senechal, The Sports Two-seater, 689 Senechal Sports Model, 61 Shelsley Walsh, The Crowd Goiog Down after the
- Event, 31
- Shfclsley Walsh, light Cars at, 52 Shelsley Walsh Hill-climb, Plan of Course, 20 Sbock Absorber with Casing with Four Abutments, 781
- Sidescrecns with Diagonal Hinges (Focus), 4O8 Sideslip, A, May be Caused either by Too-rapid Acceleration or by a Sudden Application of the
- Brake, 521
- Signpost. Self-illuminating, in Birmingham, 568 Signposts, Sensible, at the Fork near Stroud, 406 Silent Running, 424
- Sima-Violet, The New Sports Model, 473 Singer, Special Front Spring on 678 Singer, The. 10-26 h.p., 377 Singer, The Two-seater, 686 Singer Rally, The, in Kent, 16 Singer Rally. A Norfolk, 260
- Singer Saloon Showing Big Locker beneath the Folding Armrest of the Rear Seat, 691 Six Days, In the. Constitution Hill, Swansea, 421 Six-speed Gearbox, 623 Skegness. Scenes at the Racing at, 108 Skegness, Neck-and-neck Racing at, 108 Smith, Major H. J. C, 717 Smith Shock Absorber, 626 Soakes, W., 380 Solex Carburetter, The, 650 South African Hill-climb. Syme Winning the Trade
- Event, 770
- .Southport, On the Sands at, 524 Southport M.C. Races on the Sand, 541 Southport Racing, J. A. Joyce and R. T. Horton at, 519
- vSouthend R.oad. At the " Sign of the Flag," 149 Southport Speed Trials, 23 Spanner, The B.E.N. Midget, 298 Specialloid Pistons at Olympia, 700 Specification, Understanding a, 718 ^port in Pictures, 745 .Sports Car or Touring Model, 44 Spring, Method of Separating the Leaves of, when it is
- Badly Rusted Up, 739 Squeaks, Stopping, 89 Standard, "Coventry " Model, 685 Standard, Dimmer Switch of the, 669 Standard, An 11.4 h.p., Fitted with high-class and
- well-frnished detachable body, 365 Standard, The 11.4 h.p. Four-seater, £.00 Standard, Engine of the 11.4, 642 Standard, Two Popular Models at Olympia, 641 Standard Four-seater with Improved Bodywork, 605 Standard Works. One of the Test Hills, 14 Stanhope, The Front-wheel-drive, 605 Stanhope Three-wheeler, 511 Steering Systems, Some Simple, 399 Steyr Engine, Details of the. 510 Fteyr Engine at Olympic, 665 .Steyr Light Car at Olvmpia, 641
- Stones Used on Tarred Roads, Ridiculous Size of, 539 Stool, A Neat, which should be of Great Use to the
- Camper, 238
- Stop. A Wooden, Invaluable in the Garage, 709 Straker-Squire, The New 11-28 h.p., 605 Straker-Squire New Model, 547 Straker-Squire with Hydraulic Four-wheel Braking, 702
- P.U. Carburetter, The, 650 Sunbeam Mabley Cyclecar, The 1901, 81 Supercharger, The Piston type, 431 Supercharger, A Simple, 823 Supercharging in Theory and Practice, 280 Surrey, The 10 h.p., 435. 437 Surrey T.ight Car, 704 Surrev Light (Tar, The New, which made its Debut at
- the Herne Bay Speed Trials, 186 Sussex Gorse-Lands, 221
- Sutton Coldfield, AModern Trial Course, 769 .Sutton Coldfield. The Start cf the " Winner's Har.rlic.nn
- Race," 121
- Sutton Coldfield Club's Autumn Trial. 783 Sweet Running:, In Seairh of, 6 Pwift. Dickey Seat of the Two-seater. 687
- S (continued).
- r. K':-:n 'in\- of !h!: New, 67 2
- f . K<'i.-piiis' i h*-:- 19'.2o, in Turn?, "22
- i\'. Quarter-elliptic Springs on, 677
- ft, Th.? I?,ode-iigHH.', o51
- fl. Engine, The, 64 i
- ft Four-seater at the Scottish Show, 81
- tchJward, A Hinged, 435
- f.zerland Soen in a Light Car, J 10
- wozzles " Boyce, 645
- Talbot Coupe, 606
- falbot Coupe with Four Side Windows, 688
- Talbot Coupe at Olympia, 642
- TaJbot Coupe at the Scottish Show, 819
- Talbot Engitae at Olympia, 666
- Talbot Racer, The Cockpit of the, 456
- Tank, An Underground, Being Tested, 421
- r&pley Gradient Meter, The, 91
- Tatlow, H. E., at the Wheel of His Lea-France. 7 26
- Tate Overtaking at Speed, Roe's aud Wallgrove's KLleys
- on the Timed Section, 24 Telegauge, The, 645 Telltale, A Facia-boaixl, which Lights Up when the
- Tail Lieht Fails. 528 Tell-tale for Notifying the Driver in the Event of the
- Tail Light Failing, 443 Thomas, J. G. Parry, in His Victorious Thomas Special, 654 Thomas, Mr. J. G. Parry, being Presented with a
- Cheque for £250 by Brig.-Gen. Sir Capel Holden, 335 Thomas, J. G. Parry, Photographed While Travelling
- at 1OO m.p.h. in the 100-mile Handicap, 353 Thomas, Mr. J. G. P., with Mr. T. B. Andre, 569 Thousand-"pound Cross-country Trial, Scenes at the, 264 Three-wheelers in the High-speed Trial, 757 Toolbox, An Untidy, Soons Means Spoilt Kit, 384 Toolboxes at Olympia, 694
- Tiu-nk, A Clu'StMl. by M-,_-;? = . Hurfhts and Co.. 1J9K Tubing, How t,D Hold, FiruJy in a- Vice Without Flat
- U-nii.K r;. 730
- Twihk Bonnet fastener, 645 " Two Hundred!," Practising for the, 556
- Two Hundred,' The Start. 583 Two-hundred-Mile Race, Exciting Scenes at, 592 Two-hundred-Mile Raw, Scenes in, 582, 583, 584. 585, 5B6, 587, 688 Tyre, Creeping, Replacing a, 401 Tyre, How to Take Off and to Replace it, 426 Tyre Cover, Method of Using an Old Inner Tube to
- Strengthen a Worn Outer Cover, 654 Tyre with Removable Tread, 780 Tyre Which Overlaps the Rim, 576 Tyres : How the Expert Does it. 426
- Valve-reseating Tool, 782
- Variable Gear, Automatically-operated, 674
- Vaughan-Knight, Mr., Proposed Method of, for Preventing Backdraught, 464
- Vesey Cup Trial. Bromhead at the Bend of Bwlch-y-Groes, 23
- Violet Two-stroke Engine, 195
- Voisin Engine at Olympia, 666
- Vulcan, The Four-seater, 689
- Vulcan, Unit Construction on the, 670
- Vulcan Touring Car, The Latest, 554
- Vuloan Touring Four-seater, 606
- w
- Wa-ite, Capt. ATt.hur. 716
- Waite, Capt. Arthur, Wearing a Crash Helmet, 745
- Waldic Chain Belt, Xne, 443
- Ti.-- 4 . K B
- (.): t (.-1
- H.-t. L'ui
- Waterloo Bri'l"'-. t, 4b 1
- Wtl'w Gaiter a.nd Te-alemit Gun ijut>i> 1 i? d v.ith ivi'ii
- Set. b27
- Wefco Norj-dnp Oil Pump, 7C)0 Welding Mado Easy (The New WeldiJig Co.). 181 Welis Cathedral. 347 West Shefford, The Brook at, 105 What's Wrong (1925 Austin)? 458 Whisk, A Useful, for Removing Dust, 151 Whitaker'e Patent Locking Device, 22 Whitby and Hawsker, The New Road Between, 799 White Lines in Brighton a-nd Coventry, 247 Wick Lubricating Tubes, 627
- Windmill Seen from the Yarmouth-Cromer Road, 509 Windscreen, How Strip of Rubber and a Wooden
- Fillet attached to the Front Hood Stick May ?be Utilized to Prevent the Rain Blowing in and Running Over, 214 Windscreen as Ventilator, 358
- Windscreens, Advanced Designs in, at Olympia, 692 Windsor, Slow-running and Accelerator Pedal of the 667
- Windsor Light Car, The 1926 Model, 553
- Wire Brushes Made from a Short Length of Bowden Cable, 610
- Wireless, Transmitting from a Citroen During the Radio Meet of the Eastern Metropolitan Radio Society at Cuffley, 159
- Wolseley, The Two-seater, 642
- Wolseley Oar in the Border Country, 349
- Wolseley Four-seater, 685
- Wolseley Front Axle, 678 Wolseley Saloon, 11-22 h.p., 606
- Wolseley Saloon, The, Light and Elegant, 256
- Wolseley with Saloon Body at the Scottish Show, 819
- Worcestershire Beacon. Exploring the, 11
- Worcestershire Motor Club. How Spectators Should be Controlled, 245
See Also
Sources of Information