Lightcar: Index v34: (1929/05/24 to 1929/11/15)
Note: This is a sub-section of Light Car and Cyclecar
See the Issues for this index
INDEX. Volume 34. 24th May 1929 to 15th Nov 1929.
- Accessories, Among the Latest 110
- Accessories at the Show, 623
- Accessories, Interesting, 75
- Accessories, Some New, 719
- Accessories, The Latest in, 280, 522
- Accessories We Want, 98
- Accessories which Receive My Blessing (by " Marmaduke ") 576
- Accidents, The Cause of, 372
- A.-O.tJ. Fixtures, 152
- A.O.F.B., 61
- Adjustment Points, Unobtrusive, 101
- Aero Exhibition, International, 123
- Aeroplanes, " Get-you-home " for, 717
- Aeroplanes, Salmson, 717
- Aeroplanes? What of Light, 262
- Aero Show Banquet, The, 237
- Aero Show, Innovations at the, 221
- A.B.Z. Traffic Direction Indicator, The, 212
- Air, By, to the Grand Prix, 184
- Air Cleaner, An Ingenious, 414
- Air Force Vacancies, 330
- Air, Free Trip by, Offered to Used-car Buyers, 332
- Alfa-Romeo 1930 Programme, 497
- Alligator Tyre Plaster for Tyre Repairs, The, 238
- Alpine Cup Trial, The, 278
- Alpine Tour, A Lightning . (by "Focus"), 484
- Alvis Breaks 12-hour Record, 549
- Alvis 1930 Range, Fine Sports Cars in, 388
- Alvis Rally at Brooklands, 86
- Alvis, The T.T., Described, 332
- Ambleside: Road Opened Over Pooley Bridge, 717
- America's Millions, 100
- American Wife Who Padlocks the Car, 778
- Anglo-American Developments, 304
- Anti-tap Spring-valve Washer, 280
- Appearance, The Price of, 454
- Argyll 1930 Programme, 497
- Armstrong Siddeley in S. Africa, 493
- Armstrong Siddeley Models, Smarter, 497
- Armstrong Siddeley Profits, 691
- Armstrong Siddeley Service, 689
- Armstrong Siddeley: The Smallest. "Six," 565
- Army Manoeuvres, 59
- Army Manoeuvres (A.A. Warning), 437
- " Arrival of a Rival, The," 312
- Artistic Side, The (by Gilbert Rumbold), 369
- Ashtray, An Inexpensive (Desmo), 280
- Atcherley, Flight-Lieut., Does 1,169 miles at 150 m.p.h.! 185
- Attractions near London, Some, 633
- Austin Bodies, Two More Special, 151
- Austin Developments, 277
- Austin 1930 Range in Detail, 500
- Austin Prices Unchanged, 383
- Austin Seven, A 60 m.p.h., 536
- -Austin Seven "Bombed," 411
- Austin Seven: Distinctive Bodies for a Popular Chassis, 142
- Austin Seven Driver Acquitted, 330
- Austin Seven in America, The, 646
- Austin Seven Maintenance, Easier, 32
- Austin Seven Oil Gauge, 357
- Austin Seven Stadium (A Pleasing Feature), 479
- Austin Seven Story. A True, 238
- Austin Seven Swallow Two-seater (For Land and Water), 236
- Austin Sliding Roof, 210
- Austin " Stadium," First Impressions of the, 427
- Austin Success in Australia, 4
- Austin, The " Arrow," 278
- Austins " Down Under," 275
- Austins for U.S.A., 236
- Austins, Horn Ring for, 75
- Austins in S. Africa, 4l4
- Australia, Over the Alps in, 304
- Autapron, The (Protecting the Clothes). 522
- A.A. Appeal (No Vandalism, Please!), 777
- A A 405,405 Membership, 260
- A.A. Inquiries (Several!), 330
- A.A. Membership Growing, 83
- A A Night Service Patrols for the Tattoo, 277
- A A Telephone Boxes (Catching Car Thieves), 332
- A.A. ("The Double A"), 196
- A A. 24-hour Emergency Service, 777
- A A., 24th Annual Report of the (9,100 Miles per Minute!), 237
- A.A. Warning to Wales Motorists, 384
- A.C.F. Grand Prix, 86 .
- " Auto-suggestion," 396
- Auxiliaries, Driving the. 420 Average High—Bad Driver, 565
- Axella Carburetter, The New, 691
- Ayr, Along the Coast of, 66
- Baby Runs Amok, The', 344
- Badge, Fixing, on Radiator, 490
- Badge, Record-breakers', 1
- Ball Race Designs, Interesting New, 20
- Bank Holiday on the Road (A.A. Statistics), 329
- Barcelona Rally, 679
- Barcelona Rally, Triumph of Super-seven in, 691
- B.A.R.C. Closing Meeting, 494
- B-A.R.C.'s Final Meeting, 465
- B.A.R.C. 500-Mile Race, 466
- B.A.R.C. Meeting, 275
- B.A.R.C. " Six-hours " in the Offing, 83
- B.A.R.C. Six-hours Race, 35, 124
- B.A.R.C. Six-hours Race: Six Hours' Gruelling, 154
- Battery, A Spare—a Roserwatt, 602
- Battery and Car, Protecting, 688
- Battery Connnections Hint, 742
- Battery? How's the, 70
- Battery Tester, The New Gamage, 522
- Battery, To Spare the, 44
- Battery, Your, in Hot Weather, 212
- Beginners, A Trap for, 318
- Belfast? Municipal Garages in, 746
- Belgian Grand Prix, 184
- Belgian 24-hour Grand Prix, 1
- Bennington, Herts (Somewhere to Go), 423
- Benzole Helps, Where, 196
- Benzole Mixture Down, 716
- Bianchi 1930 Models, 519
- Birmingham Used-motor Show, 30
- Blow-lamps, Air Supply for, 714
- Blow-pipe, A Useful, 638
- "Blue Bird," New 1,200 h.p. Engine for (Worlds
- Record), 778
- B.M.C.R.C. 200 Miles Solo Races, 152 B.N.C. Cars, New Range of, 127 Boat Trailer, A New—The Oxford, 122 Bodies, Washing Cellulosed, 330 Body Finish, Picaroid, 185 Body Polish, The Chemico All-purpose, 75 Body Renovation, A Fabric, 196 Body Space, To Secure More, 564 Bodywork, Trouble-free, 373 Bol d'Or, The, 3
- Bolney House (A Charming Wayside Discovery), 313 Bonfire Caution, A, 594 Bonnets which Leak, 158 Book. " At Cowley," 85 Book. " Europa Touring," 337 Book. Guide to the City, 2 Book. Local Guides, 331 Book. R.S.A.C. Year Book, 210 Book. " Somerset," by S. E. Winbolt, 186 Book. " The Book of the Moth " (The Lure of the
- Air), 492
- Book. " The M.T.R. Buyers' Guide and Diary," 305 Books, Instruction (?), 374 Bookshelf, For the Motorist's, 21 Bournemouth, Dora Goes to, 136 Bowden Carburetter, The New, 780 Bradley, Mr. A. Percy, New J.C.C. Secretary, 278 Bradley, Mr. A. Percy, to Succeed Col. Lloyd, 184 Brake Adjustment Checking, 516 Brake Pedal, Intermittent Locking of the (A Strange
- Trouble), 595
- Brake Regulator, The Safety (Brown), 717 Brakes, Hydraulic, in Principle and Practice, 526 Brakes, Steering and Suspension (The Trend oi
- Design), 658
- Brakes, When, May Fail, 56 B.R.D.C.s 500-Mile Race, 413, 439 B.R.D.C.'s 500-Mile Race, A Gruelling, 627 Breakdown Figures, 183 Breakdown Figures, July, 385 Bridge, Damaging a (Beware!), 62 Brighton Aquarium, 62 Brighton, Light Cars Score at, 202 Brighton Motor Rally, 35, 57, 121 Brighton Programme for the Concours, 152 Brighton: Prosecuted Pedestrian, 716 Brighton Rally, Latest News of the, 90 Brighton Rally, Light Car Wins, 183 Brighton Rally, Triumph Wins, 185 Brighton to Beer: Simms Hill Claims Many Victims, 129
- Brite-lite, The Emergency Lamp, 595 B.P. Motor Spirit, New, 62
- British Racing Drivers' Club Dinner to Campbell. 31 British Racing Drivers' Club 500-Mile Race, 149,
- - 277, 604
- B.R.D.C. 500-Mile Race Records, 745 B.R.D.C. 500 Miles Race, The: Details of Arrangements, 523
- B R.D.C. 500 Miles Race: Full Programme, 550 Bromley Light Car Case (Perfectly Clear!), 411 Bromley, Police Traps at, 413 Brooklands, Alvis Rally at, 86 Brooklands, Bank Holiday at, 306 Brooklands Bank Holiday Meeting, 212' Brooklands, Close Finishes at, 494 Brooklands, Cyclecar Victory at, 31 Brooklands! 145.5 m.p.h. at, 152 Brooklands 1,500 c.c. Local Hour Record, by G. E. T.
- Eyston (nearly 116 Miles in the Hour. Who
- Will Beat It?), 76
- Brooklands: J.C.C. Members' Day, 123 Brooklands, M.C.C. Day at, 467 Brooklands N.C.C. Meeting, 429 Brooklands Reconstruction, 411 Brooks Accessory Improvements, 522 Brooks Oil-drum Stand, 330 _ Bruce's, Mrs., Achievement, 58 Brush, A Useful, 302
- B S.A. Front-wheel-drive Three-wheeler, A, 748 Buckland-in-the-Moor (A Perfect Villagel, 13 Buenos Aires Trade Exhibition, The, 717
- Bugatti, G. Newman's, for Sale (A Sportsman's Opportunity),- 59
- Bugatti Grand Prix, 2
- Bugattis, The (Masters of Art), 645
- Bulb Horn, Novel, 384
- Bulbs, Choose, with Care, 502
- Bumpers: A Sceptic Convinced, 504
- Burford (An Unspoilt Village), 531
- Burton-on-Trent: A Royal Visit, 237
- Campbell Feted, 31
- Campbell, Honours for, 58
- Campbell Still Determined, 123
- Campbell to Attempt the Hour Record, 85
- Campbell, Welcome to, 1
- Camper's Comfort, Items for, 173
- Camping, Carefree, The Practical Side of, 252
- Camping, Legal Aspects of, By a Barrister-at-Law,
- Camping Trailer, A Novel, The Camp Karrier, 126
- Camping With a Car, By W. F. Little, 108
- Camping's Charms, 156
- Canada, Cars in, 594
- Canterbury, The City of St. Thomas a Becket, 132
- Oar, A 7 h.p. Steam, 779
- Car,, A £75, Rumoured, 150
- Car, Choosing a (Through the Eyes of an Expert),
- Car, Every, a Sports Model, 290
- Car, His Master's, 289
- Oar Lighting—A Warning, 595
- Car Maintenance Scheme, R.A.C , 594
- Oar, New or Old? 112
- Oar Parking, Extraordinary, 209
- Car Parks, On London's, 704
- Car, Registering and Licensing a. By a Barrister-at-Law, 47
- Car Slashing, 469
- Car, The Closed, Controversy, 156
- Car, The Closed, Which Opens, 101
- Car, The Cult of the Sports, 730
- Car, The New, Urge, 703
- Car, Thermo, Novel Dual-purpose Gauge, The, 468
- Car Thieves, A.A. Catching, 332
- Car, To Market A (Is Zat So!), 355
- Car Washer, Novel Rotoforce, 75
- Car, Weigh Your, 31
- Car, When is a, Second-hand? 137
- Car, When Your, is in Dock, 311
- Car, With Rod and, in Autumn, 45
- Caravan, Collapsible, Trailer on Novel Lines, 172
- Caravan or Tent, With, 163
- Caravan, The, A Home from Home, By " Diogenes," 170
- Caravans, Growing Popularity of Light, 281
- Caravans, Homes on Wheels, 156
- Carburetter, A new, The Axella, 691
- Carburetter, New Stroniberg. 549
- Carburetter, New, With Special Features (The Bow den), 780
- Carburetter, 1930 Design, 620
- Carelessness, The Reward of, 454
- Carlisle, Road Widening, 690
- Cars, American (Tbird-class Interiors), 564
- Cars at Crystal Palace, 330
- Cars, Beauty in '21, 102
- Cars, British, to Popularize, 356
- Cars, Closed, Which Open, 346
- Cars, De Luxe Models, 502
- Cars, Few Changes in High-grade, 418
- Cars for Self-combustion, 603
- Cars (How Many Have You Seen?), 385
- Cars in Canada, 594
- Cars, New, for Winter Use, 794
- Cars, New Racing Regulations and (No Light Cars Need Apply), 261
- Cars, Small (Propaganda Needed), 14
- Cars Stolen in the Metropolitan Police District (Stop
- Thief!), 716
- Cars, The Number of New, This Year, 304 Cars, Where, Are Cheaper, 734 Cars, Why, Are Cheap, 334 Case-hardening, How, is Measured, 412 Cellulose, Keeping, Fresh, 516 " Chauffeurs," Week-end, 644 Chemico, All-purpose Body Polish, The, 75 Chiappes, M.'s, Opinion, 149 Chromium All the Rage, 44 Chromium Process, The Latest, 214 Churn Valley, By the, 698 Citroen Rear Brakes Hint, 592
- Clark, Frank, Inquest on (Coroner's Useful Suggestion), 357
- Cleeno Fabrik, Sheridan's, 211 Clocks, Attractive Stadium, 331
- Club Items and Sporting Events, 27, 55, 81, 119, 147, 181, 207, 233, 273, 301. 327, 353. 381, 409, 435, 463, 489, 515, 545, 591, 637, 713, 741, 775. 803 Club Pennants, Attaching, 410 Club Tour Abroad, A, 478 Clutch Fierceness, Curing, 328 Clutch, Freeing a Sticking,. 120 Clutch Stops for Traffic Work. 565 Clutch Travel Too Short, 158 Clyno Changes Hands. 304 Clyno Nine, Two 1930 Models, 549 Clyno Owners, Spares for, 779 Clyno Position Explained, 357 Coach, Coasting in a, 289
- Iv.
- C (continued).
- Coachwork Elegante, By Compton, Sons, and Terry, 32
- Coachwork (The Trend of Design), 662 Coil-ignition Converts, 422 Coils Becoming More Popular, 101 Collapsivan, The, 59 Colnbrook—A Disastrous By-pass, 744 Commercial Motor Show, 689 Commercial Motor Show {Lorries Now)., 743 " Commercial Motor, The," Show Numbers, 690 " Commercial Motor, The," Show Report, 746 Commercial Standpoint, Progress from the, 745 Comminges Automobile Week, 331 Comminges Grand Prix, 385 Companions, Neat Desmo, 75 Compression Ratios, Readily Variable, 530 Control-starter Switches, Remote, 645 Cooling System, Enginate for the, 331 Copenhagen Motor Show, 715 Cornering, Safe, 322 Corners, To See Round, 502 Corrosion, The Cost of, 412 Cottenham, The Earl of, Broadcast. 14 Countryside, The, at its Best, By Allan Phillip, 94 Coupe? What of the, 156 Coupe des Alps, A Victory for 7 h.p., 356 Coupes des Alpes Trial (750 c.c. Team Victorious), 332
- Coventry-Victor, The, 390 Coventry-Victors at Barcelona, 594 Cozette, Death of M., 384 Cricket, Village, 480
- Crossley, A Six-wheeled, for the King, 385 Crystal Palace, Cars at, 330 Crystal Palace, Light Cars at the, 715, 745 Cyclecar, Another Three-wheeled, Rumoured (Hush!), 777 Cyclecar Comments, 18, 46, 74, 107, 140, 178, 198, 220, 264, 295, 324, 342, 371, 402, 426, 456, 482, 587, 629, 797 Cyclecar Victory at Brooklands, 31 Cyclists and Traffic Signals (A Dangerous Fallacy), 504
- Cyclists' Rear Lights, 678 Cylinder-head Nuts Hint, 546
- "Daily Express" (Thoroughly Bad Advice), 318
- Dart, The 750 c.c. (The Mystery Solved!), 357
- Dartmoor Legends, Some, By " Marmaduke," 199
- Dazzle, Preventing, 182
- Dazzle Problem Solved, The, 644
- De Grineau, Phyllis, Article by, 682
- De Havilland " Gipsy " Aircra-ft Engine (A Fine
- Effort), 690
- Delage, G. P., Records for, 744 Desert Trial, A, 691
- Design: Best Sellers (Are We Right?), 345 Design, The Trend of, 648, 650, 654, 658, 662, 668
- Desmo Ashtray, An Inexpensive, 280 Desmo Companions, Neat, 75 Desmo Inspection Lamp, 719 Devil's Cherries, Beware of, 315 Diamant Oil, 110
- THmming, Compulsory, in Practice,. 530 "Diogenes," Article by, 170
- Doctors and the Speed Limit (Why Not?), 260 Dog! Parking the, 212 Dog-sense, 422 "Dog, The Immovable," 457 Dog, The Problem of the, 30 Door Pocket, Detachable, 413 Door Rattle, Preventing, 328 Door Stops, Adjustable, 208 Doors, Only Two, to Rattle, 424 Dora Goes to Bournemouth. 136 " Double-Twelve," Echo of the, 4 Dracing for Cars, 746 Drill, A Silent, 754 Driver's Heel, 745
- Driving Comfort, Improving, 120, 3t>4 Driving, Reckless (A Novel Plea), 548 Driving? What is Good, 71 Drome Extra-air Device, 413 Dublin Grand Prix, 57
- Dlfesenberg Straight-eight (Not a Light Car!), 57 Dunelf Outboard, New, 439 Dundee's, Jack, Accident, 329 Dunlop Accessories, 779 Dunlop Anniversary, 278 Dunlop Convalescent Home, 59 Dunlop Temples, 690 Dunlop Tyre, A New, 519 Duray Leon, Bugatti Agent, 689 Dynamo Drive, Repairing a, 410 D'Yrsan Prices, 596 .
- ?' Exeter," The Women's, 551 Exhaust Whistles Coming Back? 136 Exide Agent's Convention, 62 Expert, Through the Eyes of an, 598 Extra-air Device, Simple, 413 Eyston, Basil, Acquitted, 277 Eyston, G. E. T., Article by, 76
- Feet, Cure for Cold, 804
- Ferry, Continental, 717
- Fiat 1930 Programme, 497
- Fiat-Swallow, 150, 493
- Filler Caps, Leaky, 70
- Filler Caps, Non-splashing, 148
- Filler Caps, Securing, 120
- Fire-engine, Morris Minor, 691
- Fire Extinguisher, Carrying a, 274
- Fire, When Breaks Out, 458
- "500," TJie, 149
- Flexatic Springing System, Testing, ^>86
- Float, Running Without a, 436
- " Focus," Article by, 484
- Fog Season, The, Helpful Notions, 790
- Forth Bridge. The Proposed, 345
- Foundry Trades' Exhibition, 60
- "Fours " Coming? Compact, 530
- " Frapperson's Water-loo," 631
- Freezing Troubles, Glycerine Solves, 706
- French Grand Prix, 151
- French Grand Prix Circuit, A New, 691
- Frost, Now that, is Here, 778
- Frosty Weather Hint, 804
- Fuel Consumption, A High, 689
- Fuel, Get-you-home, 148
- Fuel, The Secret of a Good, 320
- Fuel, To Turn off the, 532
- Fuels and Lubricants at the Show, 622
- Fuses, Preventing Blown, 354
- Gadgets, Three-in-one, 503
- Gamago Battery Tester. The New 522
- Gamage Rear Screen, The, 110 ? .
- Gammon, Reg, Article by, 166
- Garage Floors, Cleaning, 436
- Garage Inspection Lamp Hint, 546
- Garage, Monster West End, Opened, 62
- Garage Question. The, 792
- Garage Safety Stop, A, 688
- Garages, " Cordial Feelings " at, 452
- Garages, Hotel. 15
- Garages, Inefficient, 792
- Garages, Left-hand, 100
- Garages, Unbusinesslike, 733
- Gauge, A Border! (Two Instruments in One), 793
- Gauge, Novel Dual-purpose: The Carrthermo, 468
- Gauges, Accommodating Extra, 82
- Gear, Epicyclic Reduction, at the Aero Show. 221
- Gear lever Extension for Morris Minors (Gadisch), 280
- Gear, When First, Won't Go In, 70 Gearbox, A Foolproof, 645 Gearbox. A Multi-speed, with Distinct Possibilities:
- The Varatio, 358
- Gearbox, A Patent, by Sir Herbert Austin, 744 Gearbox, An Ingenious Epicyclic, 595 Gergonia Engine Tyre Pump, The, 305 German Car Production, 412 Germany: Motorist and Police Traps (Common
- Sense), 438
- Germany, Road Racing in, 275 Germany, Touring in, 695 Germany's Police Strafe. 218 Gibson Trailer. The, 330 Gilbert—The Prophet, 209
- Glass Bulbs in the Making (G.E.C. Works), 86 Glass, Cleaning, 382 Glass, Replacing Broken 410 Glass Tests, Safety, 412 Glycerine as an " Anti-freeze," 525 Glycerine Solves Freezing Troubles, 706 "Golden Arrow" for Scotland, 717 Golden (Sn)Arrow! The. 304 Goodyear Tyre Firm Builds Airship, 332 Gradients—and How they are Measured, by B. G.
- Grenville Manton, B.Sc. A.M.I.C.E., 506 Grafton Backlights (Rear Windows for Hoods), 469 Grease-gun Hint, 234 Grease Guns, Refills for, 186 Greasing, One-shot, 479
- Gt. Berkhampsted, by " Pobin Hood," 760 Gudgeon Pin Fixings, 338 Gudgeon Pins. Insecure, 344 Guides, Handy, 596
- Horn Brushes, Electric, 328
- Horn Contacts, Electric, 490
- Hoin Ring for Austins, 75
- Horn, Was the, Sounded. 453
- Horse, Spare the, 209
- Hose, Oare of the, 66 ?
- Hose Clips! Those Cheap, 14
- Hose, Water Pipe (What—No Rubber'), 14
- Hot-weather Troubles, 423
- Hotel, Another Good, 157
- Hotel Bells, 12
- " Hotel Ceshell," No, 779
- Hotel Garage, The Law and the, 769
- Hotel Garages, 15
- Hotel Question, The. Practical Aspects of, 244
- Hotels, Three Good, 138
- House of Commons, The (M.P.s Full of Bright Suggestions), 269
- Howe, Earl, P.C., 151
- Howe, Earl (The Man Behind the Gun), 288
- Hoyle Heel Protectors (for Women Drivers), 414
- Huddersiieid and District Motor Sports Club Hill-climb Postponed, 58
- Humber Car, A (A Hardy Veteran), 183
- Humber 1930 Programme, 519
- Humber, The 9-28 h.p., 134
- Humber Toolkit, The, 400
- Humorous: The Clutching Hand? 743
- Hunt, Mr. Walter, Death of, 329
- Ignition, Lighting and Starting Systems at the Show, 615
- Impey, Oapt, Death of, 411 Inaccessibility, An Old Story, 100 India Tyre and Rubber Co. Second Annual Dinner, 692
- Indianapolis Fatality, 31 " Indianapolis 500 "—Yesterday, 2 Indianapolis, 1930 Grand Prix. 7 46 Innkeepers, Rights and Liabilities of, by a Barrister-
- at-Law, 316
- inns, Old, of Literary Interest, 534
- Inns Which Art- Marooned, 137
- I.A.E. (Misuse of Initials), 233
- I.A.E. Opening Meeting, 469
- I.M.T. President, New (Mr. Kenward), .549
- Instruments, How Your, Work, 476
- Insulation Tape, Use of, 274
- Insulators, Repairing Cracked, 804
- Insurance Changes Coming? 16
- Insurance, Motorcar, 378 ' *
- Insurance Policy, " The Motor," 210, 466 Insurance (Why Not Assess Each Proposal?), 195 International Aircraft Exhibition: A Napier Lion on
- View, 185
- International Six Days' Trial, 15, 384, 413 Inventions Exhibition, 186
- Inventions Exhibition (Inventions Unlimited), 549 Inventions, Recent Interesting, 333 Ireland, A Concrete Road, 744 Ireland, How to Get to, 237 Irish Free State, Compulsory Insurance, 595 Irish Grand Prix, 3, 121, 194 Irish International Grand Prix, 63, 90. 222 Irish International Grand Prix, The (Notes on. Form
- and Performance, etc.), 188 Irish Light Oar Race, Great, 222 Irish Motor Show? An, 465 Irving's, Capt., New Appointment, 411 Isle of Man Circuit Improved, 138 I.O.M., Motor Boating in the, 4 Italy, Better-Roads Movement in, 61 Italy, Sport in, 211 Ivanovsky's " Dublin" Phoenix Park (Help!), 212
- " Job" Chart, A Home-made, 14
- John o' Groats, In Fact and Fiction, 177
- Jowett Advertisements (The Idiot Who Praises . .), 157
- Jowett Improvements for 1930, 474 Jowet-ts on Deferred Terms, 596 J.C.C. Dance, 778 J.C.C. Half-day Trial, The, 718 J.C.C. High-speed Trial Regulations, 86 J.C.C. High-speed Trial Results, 212 J.C.C. Inter-Centre Trial, 128 J.C.C. Members' Day at Brooklands, 123 J.C.C. Members, Good Sport for (All-day Meeting), 187
- J.C.C. Secretary, New: Mr. A. Percy Bradley, 278 J.C.C. United Rally, 85
- Edgehill, A One-time Battlefield, 287
- " Edinburgh," A Golden, 33
- "Egbert! The Return of," 507
- Eisteddfod, The Royal National, A.A. Facilities, 276
- Election Story, An, 30
- Electrical Equipment, Better, 466
- Electrical Work Hint, 516
- Energy, How, is "Utilized, 228
- Engine, A Compound Two-stroke, 744
- Engine? How Do You Stop An. 398
- Engine, If Your, Stops, 728. 770
- Engine, To Run in a New, Mr. Mantell on, 777
- Engines, Air-cooled (Aero Show Innovations) 221
- Engines (The Trend of Design), 650
- Enginite—for the Cooling System, 331
- English Life (As Others See Us) 216
- Equipment, Cheap Workshou, 392
- Equipment (The Trend of Design), 668
- Essex (A Wegiected County), 680
- Everbright Rechargeable Rocket Lamp, The (Run
- baken), 719
- Evertite Lock-nut, An. 280 "Exeter," A Stiffer, 716
- H
- Hack, The Ideal Country, 373
- Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. (A Novel Honeymoon), 747
- Hands, Veltene for the. 595
- Headlamp Setting Difficulties. 764
- Heating, Simple Interior, 776
- Heavies, Amongst the, 793
- H.E. Light Car. New, 498
- Henderson, J., Hurt in Practice. 304
- Henderson, Mr. J., Death of, 330
- Henlys Take to the Air, 778
- Hepworth. Mr. J. (From Motor Racing to Politics),
- H.M. the King. Six-wheeled Crossley lor, 386
- H.M. the King's Homecoming, 149
- H.R.iI. the Prince of Wales Visits Burton-on-Trent 237
- Holiday Makers (Drive Carefully), 275 Holiday Road Conditions A.A.- Maps, 276 Holiday, The Cheapest Possible, 114 Hood Frames, Loose, 56 Hood Nuts, Securing, 638 Horn. A Pleasing (Gamage), 280 Horn Brackets, 464
- K
- Kaye Don Record Attempts, 4
- Keeoh Ray, Death of, 84
- Kelvin Hall, Light Cars at, 724, 725, 726, 727
- Kenya Motoring, 61
- Kerbs, Dangerous, 42
- King and Tyre Makers, 778
- Klausen Haft-climb, 161, 303
- Knock-for-knock Case, The, 195
- Lady Godiva—1929 Model, 122
- Lamp, Everbright Rechargeable Pocket (Runbaken),, 719
- Lamp, New Inspection, By Desmo, 719 Lamp, The Brite-lite Emergency, 595 Land's End to John o' Groat's, 3 Landau, Return of the, 398 Large Car Practice, Lessons from, 694 Law-makers, Our Impotent, 345 Law, The—Stealing and Killing, 732 " Lawrence Cup," The, 36 Lea-Francis Chairman, New, 355
- L (continued).
- Lea-Francis Fabric Saloon, New 418 Lea-Francis in the T.T. 29 Lea-Francis Record, 523
- Legal Aspects, 47, 111, 141, 169, 293, 316 769 La Mans: A British Victory, 83 Le Mans: A Fine British Victory, 88 Le Mans (L'Apres du Mans), 136 Le Mans Rules, Revised 716 Le Mans, The Eve of, 63 Le Mans 24-Hour Race, 34 Le Touquet Meeting, The, 240 Lever Controls, "Worn, 56 Level Crossings, New: R.A.C. Warning 185 Light, A Reversing, 714 Light Car, A: 96 m.p.h. on the Road! 32 Light Car and Cyclecar, The," Stand at Olympia
- (Meet Your Friends), 548 'Light Car and Cyclecar, The- (Pleased to Meet
- ion!), 631
- Light Car for Russian Prince, 149 Light Caravans, Growing Popularity of 281 Light Car Race, Great Irish, 222 Light Car Scores, The, 646 Light Cars.—Alfa-Romeo, 578, 607. Alvis, 332 388 578, 676. Amilcar, 578, 607. Argyll, 578
- Armstrong Siddeley, 497, 579, 607, 724 Aston-
- Martin, 579, 607. Austin Seven, 32, 142 236, 427, 500, 536 579, 607, 724. Bayliss-
- Thoma-s. 579. Biaichi, 519, 579, 608 724,
- B.N.C., 127, 579, 677. B.S.A., 748. Bugatti, 579, 608. Calthorpe, 579. Chenard-Walcker 580, 608. Olyno, 580. Coventry-Victor, 390, 580, 676. DYrsan, 580, 596. Deguingand, 580.
- Donnefc, 580, 608. E.H.P., 580. Fiat, 581, 609, 724. F.N., 581, 677. Frazer-Nash, 581, 677. Gardahaut, 581. G.W.K., 581.
- Gwynne, 581. Hampton, 581, 609, 724.
- H.E., 498, 582, 609. Horstman, 582. Hum-
- ber, 134, 519, 582, 609, 724. Imperia, 582, 609. Jewel, 582. Jowett, 474, 582, 609, 725. Lea-Fiancis. 418, 582, 610, 725,
- Marendaz, 583, 677. Mathis, 583, 610. M.G.
- Midget, 10, 444, 583, 610, 725. Morgan, 474, 583, 676 779, 783. Morris Minor, 389, 419, 450, 583, 596. 610, 725, 784. O.M., 584, 611. Peugeot, 437, 475, 519, 584, 611.
- Pilain, 472. Rally, 584, 677. Renault, 584, 611. Rhode. 584. Riley, 237, 418, 549, 584, 611, 700, 725. Rover, 389, 585, 612, 726, 757, 788. Salmson, 585, 612.
- Schneider, 519, 585, 677. Singer Junior, 445, 585, 612, 726. Standard, 361, 378, 469, 585, 612, 726. Stringer-
- Winco, 585. Surrey, 585. Swift, 8, 473, 524, 586, 613, 726. Tracta, 282, 586, 677.
- Triumph, 317, 331, 332, 356, 360, 586, 614, 726, 752. Trojan, 496, 586. 614, Turner, 586. Vernon-Derby, 586, 614
- Light Cars at Kelvin Hail, 724, 725, 726
- Light Cars at the Show, A Complete Guide to the, 606 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614 Light Cars Brilliant in the T.T., 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367
- Light Cars, Grown Up, 732 Light Cars in the London-Barnstaple, 306 Light Cars Not at the Show, 676 Light Cars of 1930, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586
- Light Cars on the " Dirt," 689 Light Cars, Racing, The Modern Trend in the Design
- of, 510
- Light Cars Score at Brighton. 202 Light Cars: The Goodwill of a Name, 732 Light 'Plane Clubs' Progress, 4 Lighting Regulations, New, 491 Lighting. Starting and Ignition Systems at the Show, 615
- Lights on Stationary Cars, 745 Lincolnshire, The Charms of, 216 Lincolnshire to Have World Speed Course? 387 Little, W. F., Article by, 108 Lloyd, Col., Testimonial to, 209 Lloyd, Col. Lindsay, 8.5 Lloyd, Col. Lindsay's Adieu, 493 Locknut, Evertite One-piece, 280 London-Barnstaple, Light Cars in the, 306 London, "Brighter," 211 London-Glasgow in Bottom! 777 London- Grosvenor Road Closed for Three Years, 745 London Motor Sports, Ltd., Dance (In Aid of Charity), 469 . .
- London, Some Attractions Near,- 632 London Traffic, Avoiding (R.A.C. Man), 596 Longbridge Austin Works (Another Landmark), 84 Longfellow's Smithy? Where is, 732 Lord Mayor's Show, The, 715 Lubricant, Measuring Upper Cylinder, 516 Lubricants, Fuels and, at the Show, 622 Lubrication Chassis, Tecalemit Automatic, 5^3 Lubrication, Cold Weather, 804 Lubrication, Easier, 493 Lucas Profits TJp, 717
- Luggage Carrying, Practical Aspects of, 246 Luggage Grids, Super Easyflt, 356
- M
- "Maintenance," Daylight, 794
- Maintenance—The Limitations of the Amateur, 104
- Mantell,9L., Ar«cle5oby, 56,750.768,692, 130, 175. 720, 768, 796 ?
- Manton, B. G. Grenville, B.Sc, A.M.I.C.E., Article
- by, 506
- Manx T.T.? A, 746 Marne, Grand Prix de la, 123 Marston, Mr. C. G., Death of, 151 McAdams. Mr. "Kit," Death of, 303. McCiranell, Mrs. Hugh P., 150 McKenn* Duties—Sir Herbert Austin s Views 679
- Meerhay: An "Exeter" Hill, 779 Melbourne Motor Show, 86
- Mercedes, A iy2-litre, to be Disposed of, 691 Metal, Molten, Sprayed like Paint, 468 Metal Working Hint, A., 410 Metropolitan Sliding Roof, The, 210 M.G. Midget Sportsman's Coupe, The, 445 Midgets, Where, Come from, 764 Miller. F. W. D., in France, 331 Miller, 1%-litre, Breaks Records, 356 ' Minor," The, in the Making, 42 Model? 1928, What is a, 217 Models, 1930, and Programmes, 360, 388, 418, 419, 473, 474, 475, 496, 497, 498, 500, 519 Mont Ventoux Hill-climb, 355 Monza, The Grand Prix of, 469, 495 Moore-Brabazon, Lieut.-Col. (How to be an Expert), 702
- Morgan Brooklands Record, 330 Morgan Chassis, A New, 747. Morgan (Cheap Speed), 794 Morgan Combination, A (House Full!), 122 Morgan 1930 Innovations, 783 Morgan Performance, Remarkable, 58 Morgan Record, Another, 438 Morgan Records, 744 Morgan Records (Continued) ! 3 Morgan Special, A, 779 Morgans, Bumpers for, 522 Morgans Practically Unaltered, 474 Morris Minor, A 1930, with Folding Roof, 389 Morris Minor Brakes, 182 . . Mortis Minjr Coachbuilt Saloon, The, 784 Morris Minor Dip-stick, 522 Morris Minor Dip-stick Hint, 354 Morris Minor Fire-engine, 690 Morris Minor Gear, Lever Extension for, 280 Morris Minor Hint, A, 302 Morris " Minor," Modifying a, 450 Morris Minor " Six," No, 691 Morris Minor Vans, 438 Morris Minor Windows Hint, 742 Morris Minors, English Bodies on. 518 Morris Minors, English model, 596 Morris Minors, Three, for Coining Season, 419 Morris Traffic Control,. 42 Motor Ball, The, 383, 518, 692 Motor Bandits (A Fancy for Dunlops!). 237 Motor Boat, An " Austin Seven," 679 Motorboating 288
- Motorboating for Light Car Owners, 60 Motorboating in the I.O.M., 4 ' M.C.C. High-speed Trial, 238 M.C.C., Badge for the, 62 M.C.C. Day at Brooklands. 467 M.C.C. High-speed Trial, 439 M.C.O. One-day Trial, The, 693 M.C.C. Sporting Trial, The, 548 M.C.C. Trial Echo, 716 Motorcycle Grands Prix, 30
- Motorcycle, The Possibilities of the Two-stroke, 727 Motor Industry, Progress in the, 596
- Text Book (A Compli-
- Used
- " Motor Manual "
- (" High Speed," by C. H.
- ment), 411 Motor Racing Fiction
- Stagg), 645 . Motor Show, The, 83
- Motor Show: The Social Side of the London, 692 Motor Spor,t, 1930, 692 " Motor, The," Insurance Policy, 236 " Motor, The," Show Number (The Only Complete
- Show Report), 596 " Motor, The," Show Numbers, 548 Motor Vehicles, Unauthorized Use of, '715 Motoring, A Novelist on, 644
- Motoring Accidents (A Coroner Who Knows), 288 Motoring, Complete Armchair, 346 Motoring in London (After the Theatre), 218 Motoring Matters (The Young Idea), 44 Motoring Subjects (Harmful Exaggeration), 157 Motoring, Sunday, " Down Under," 383 Motorists and the Police: By a Barrister-at-Law, 141 Motorists, Are, Irritable? 646 Motorists, "Are Modern, Lazy? 452, 487 Motorists, Prospective, A Suggestion for, 567
- N
- Napier Lion on View, A, 185
- National Benzole Prices, 151
- Nations, Grand Prix of, 59, 238
- Nervous, Not for the, 290
- Newcastle, R.A.C. Local Office, 183
- N.C.C. Dinner, 716
- N.C.C.s Brooklands Meeting, 385
- N.C.C.'s Brooklands Meeting (A Morgan Day Out), 429 Newnhams, Opening of Rebuilt Premises (Ordered
- To-da5'—Wanted Yesterday!), 679 Newnhams, The History of, 690 Newspapers, A Use for Old, 804 New York Show, The 1930, 744 New York To-day, 404 New Zealand's Boom, 778 Nickel-plate, Cleaning, 688 1929, Looking Back on, By " Focus," 560 Nipples, To Clear Stopped, 400 Nitralloy Plant, New, 85 Noise Regulations, The New, 150 Noise Regulations, The New (Silence!), 278 Noise, The New Law as to, By a Barrister-at-Law, 111
- Noises, Familiar, Availed, 296 North-East Coast Exhibition, 61 North, To the, by Rail, 762 Notes, News and Gossip of the Week: 1, 29, 57, 83, 120, 149, 183, 209, 235, 275, 303, 329, 355, 383, 411, 437, 465, 491, 517, 548, 594, 678, 689, 715, 743, 777 Number Plates, Aluminium, 208 Number Plates, Your, 437 Nuts, Freeing Tight, 82
- Oil Cooling Unpopular, 398 Oil, Diamant, 110
- Oil-drum Stand, Brooks (for the Garage), 331 Oil-drum Stand, Serviceable, 75 Oil Drums, Five-gallon, 234 Oil-engine Progress, Heavy, 216 Oil Era? Approaching the Crude, 64 Oil Feeds, Auxiliary, 399 Oil from Coal, 2 Oil Level, Testing the, 776 " Oil Tanker," An (A Strange Cratt), 778 Oilit—and I Did, 319 Oilways, Avoiding Choked, 56 Old Warden (Somewhere to go), 423 Olympia, Around the Galleries. 672 Olympia Attendances Down, 68 9 ?Olympia Car Park, 237
- Olympia f Finest Display of Light Cars, 678 Olympia: 516 Stands, 543 Olympia, Go Early to, 602 Olympia: Guide to the Small Cars, 675 Olympia, How to Find the Light Cars at, 618 Olympia: "Light Car and Cyclecar" Stand, 548 Olympia Motor Show: Popular Accessories, 493 Olympia: Opening of the Show (Don't Forget the
- Galleries), 548 Olympia, Parking at, 549 Olympia, The Lighter Side of, 559
- OPINIONS, OUR READERS'— Advertisers' Claims, 433 Advertising Out of Place, 327 ' Advertising Space, Private Property as, 300 Austin Petrol Consumption, 461, 488, 515 Austin Refinements, 544 Austin Sevens, Maintaining Law and Order With, 80
- Austin Sevens, 60 m.p.h., 637 Austin Seven Speed Controversy, The, 802 Austin Speeds Again—Striking Claims, 772 Austins, The Speed of Standard, 686, 711, 739 A.A. Patrols, Proficiency Badges for, 25 " Beggars' Bag " ? Why Not a, 25, 54 Birmingham Automatic Traffic Control, 180 " Bredon, In Summertime, on, 544, 590, 686 Brooklands Austin Rally Suggested, 147 Bumpers, 637 By-pass Motoring, 379 Car as Sleeping Quarters, 271 Car, Bread Thrown on a, 26 Car, Closed, or Tourer? 231 Car, Experiences with a Second-hand, 300 Car, One, or Two? 232, 270 Cars, 1930, Through Readers' Eyes, 634 Car-polish Ingredients Harmful, 409 Car, Why Did the, Boil? 353 Cars as Bathing Machines, 326 Cars, Modern, Too Heavy? 118 Cars, 1930, Details of, 543 Cars, " Nursing " New, 800
- Cars, Opened or Closed (That Settles It?), 206 Chromium-plating Test (Ten Hours' Continuous
- Cleaning), 271
- Churchill, Mr., Does, Repent? 55 Coil or Magneto? 712, 774 Comparisons, Misleading, 181 Conservative Defeat, The, 55 Contributors, Two, "On the Carpet," J.18 Cross-roads, " Circus," 54 Cyclists, Disorderly, 543 Cyclists Who Disobey Police Signals, 635 Cyclists Who Disobey Traffic Signals, 590 Dazzle, Obviating, 774 Dazzle Problem, The, 740 . Decarbonizing, How to Avoid, 636 Decarbonizing Riddle, A, 589 Design, £100, Awaits a Financier, 801 Design, 1930, Criticized, 774 Dim, To, Or Not to Dim? 636 Dog, A Lucky (Thank You Very Much!), 408 " Dolphin " : A Critic Taken to Task, 79 " Dolphin " Returns to the Fray. 180 " Dolphin's " Complaints Analized. 117, 146 " Dora " Goes Motoring, 299, 325 Driver? Bad—High Average, 684 Drivers, The Best, 352 Drivers, The Worst, 26 . Drivers, White Armlets for, 26 Drivers? Who are the Worst, 54 Drivers who Carry no Spares, 352, 380 Drivers who Cause Obstruction, 407 Driving, Drinking While, 351, 381 Dynamo Control, Automatic, 80 " Electric Eye, The," 232 Engine? How Do You Stop Your, 432 Engine Lubrication, Specialized, 803 Engine Vibration, 713 Engine Vibration, Apparent, 741 Engines, Do, Run Better After Dark? 514 Exhaust Lifters no Use, 686 Fishermen and Golfers are Bad, but Motorists are
- Worse! 25
- Float Chambers, The Position of the, 206 " Focus " in the Pillory, 271 Frazer-Nash, A, in the " Double-Twelve." 55 Free Wheel, Coasting Without a, 409. 461 Free Wheels, How, Affect Braking, 326 Garage Hands, Thoughtless, 80 Garage Mechanics, Ignorant, 740 Garage Mechanics, In Defence of. 712 Garage Workmanship, 589 Garages, Small, Preferred, 801 Garages, The Qualifications of, 774 Gears, Easy or Difficult, 81 Gears, Easy-to-change, 24 Gradient Meter, A Cheap, 635 Greasing, A Grease About, 636 Gudgeon-pin Fixings, 381 Headlamps, Dazzling, Again, 712 Highwayman, The Modern, 685 Highwayman, The Modern, in Another-Guise, 719 Holiday, The Ideal Motoring, 380
- vi.
- Tyre Numbersr7From"DUniop "Rubber Co.), 206 ^^rJ^iVHi. \82
- Tyrls HoT £&.£&& ill &?$* L°W€re4 at "«*? 413
- O (continued).
- Horn, Sounding the, When Passing, 434
- Hospitals, £250,000 for, 801
- Ignorance, Where, is NOT Bliss, 232
- Index Marks, Three-letter, 434
- Inns, Our Wayside, 325
- Insurance, Difficulties of Compulsory, 711, 738
- Insurance, Motor, in the Limelight, 230
- Jet-choking Fluff, 327
- Kerbs, Raised or Flush, 353, 380
- " Knock-for-Knock " Insurance Agreements, 206, 462
- Lamps, Meaningless Red, 544 Line, Crossing the, 207, 231 Lines, Origin of White, 231 Lines? Who Invented White, 435 " Lubrication, Correct," Not, 300 Malaya: Three Inches of Rain in an Hour, 711 Models, Are New, a Mistake? 463 Morgan " Record,'1 A, 63D Morgan Tyre, 17,000 Miles from, 740 Morgan Tyre Wear, 711 Morris Minor, 10,000 Miles With a, 432 Motor Coaches, Dangerous, 117 Motorcycle, Car or Three-wheeler? 514 Motor Sport, Present-day Aspects of, 206 Motoring in Egypt, The Lighter Side of, 635 Motoring Offences, Punishment for, 462 Motoring, Winter, 589 Motorist, The Motorless, 352 Motorists Abroad, Middle-class, 686, 710 " Mugs " Lament, A, 685 Night Runs, Imagination on, 544, 590 Noise and Night Trials, 301 No-puncture Record? A, 118 Non-stop Runs, Long, 53 Non-stop 380 Miles, 25 Pedestrians, Motorists and, 146 Petrol, To Save, 636 Points That Annoy, Small, 54 Police, Are More, Needed? 589 Police, The Make a Mistake, 180 Policemen, Live, and Coloured Lights. 637 Races for Absolutely Standard Cars, 514 Rear-axle Oil Leakage, 589 Registration Marks, Motor, 515 Riley, Experiences of the Biarritz, 53 Road, A Romance of the, 408 Road Racing in England, Why Not? 179, 460, 488
- Road Repairs, Common Sense and, 205 Road, The Chivalry of the (Is It Quite Dead?) 80, 117
- Road, The New Rule of the, 146 Roads of the Future, 117 Roads, Making the, Safer for_ All, 408 Roads " Widening " Our, 3^2 Robots, Unobtrusive Traffic, 513 " Roughness "—Its Causes and Cures, 774 Rover Eight Articles, Our, 801 Rover, Experiences With a Second-hand, 463 Running Costs, Cutting Down, 118 " Running-in," Is, Necessary? 772, 800 Saloon or Tourer? 116, 145, 231 Saloon or Open Car? (A Reader's Dilemma), 79 Schneider Traffic Jam, 488 Screens, Repairing Side, 231 Seats, Two, or Four? 588 Service Station Sharks, 513, 542 Shelsley Walsh, " Twins " at, 433 Show Numbers, Our, 740 Signals Given Too Late, 774 Skidding Ground? Why Not a, 272 S.O.S., A Novel, 685 Spare-wheel Thefts, 353
- Sparking Plug, The Life of a, 488, 512, 590 " Speed Zones " for New Roads, 379 Starting by Steam, 513, 544 Starting, Self-, Without the Starter, 461 " Stories in Wood," 434 Talbot Chassis (Home-built Sportsman's Coupe),
- Test for All-round Performance, Real, 741
- Toll Roads, Freeing, 233
- T.T. in England? A, 433
- Tracks, Up and Down, 379
- Traffic Congestion,'Tunnels to Believe, 52
- Trailers, Illumination of, 463
- Trojan, The New, 685
- Tyre Numbers Absurdity, A, 206
- Tyre Number: (F Dl R
- y s ght Affect, 118
- Tyres, How Light Affects, 146 Tyres That are not Date!, 180 Tyres, Old, as Sandals, 271 "When Fate Jeers" (Pride Goes Before a Fall),
- Wilmington, Sussex—A Village Worth Visiting 514
- Window Winder Problem, 803 Wing finishes that Flake, 26 Winter Comes, When, 544 Woman Driver's Views, A, 379 Zeppelins, A Landmark lor (Lincolnshire Windmill), 741
- Orde, Sir Julian, Death of, 122 "Order of the Road" (Need for Rehearsing), 14 Ostend International Rally, 4 Outboard Motor, A Lightweight, Which Folds up—
- The Elto, 417
- Outing, Cripples' and Poor Children's, 58 Outings, Auto, for Bairns (A.O.F.B-), 61 Owners, Ideas for, 28, 56, 82, 120, 148, 182 208 234, 274, 302, 328, 354, 382, 410 ' 436' 464, 490, 516, 546, 592, 638, 688, 714, 742, 776, 804 Oxford Boat Trailer, The, 122
- Paris Motor Show, A Brilliant Display, 520
- Paris Nights, Silent, 412
- Paris Salon, Parisians Criticise from Afar, 602
- Paris Show, 1
- Paris Show Excursions, 523
- Paris Show, The, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575
- Parking at Wimbledon, 2 Parking Places, Booklet of, 331 Parking, Businesslike, 374
- Parliament, Motoring Matters in, 719, 747, 782 Pedestrian, Safeguarding the (People's Safety
- Walking Belt), 413 Pedestrians, Advice to, 717 Performance, How Weight Affects, 40 Peterborough, Developments at, 717 Petrol, A Ba'porth of, 100 Petrol Can Uses, Spare, 120 Petrol Coal, Value of, 211 Petrol Fillers, Quick-release, 136 Petrol Imports, 355 Petiol in NY. and Here ("A Trifle Excessive"), 502
- Petrol Prices, 715
- Petrol Pump (All from One Source). 70 Petrol Taps (Inconvenient Reserve Taps), 261 Petrol-tin Plea, A, 793 Petroleum—The Oil of Antiquity, 336 Peugeot, Entirely New 9 h.p., 475 Peugeot Model, A New, 437 Peugeot, 1930 Programme, 519 Phillip, Allan, Article by, 94, 736 Phoenix Park, 1930, 329
- Photographs of Sporting Events (For your Scrap-book), 594
- Picaroid Body Finish, 185 Piccadilly Circus Garage (Music in the Garage), 493
- Picnic Case, A Home-made, 257 Picnic Set, A Useful, 85 Picnicking, Really Scientific. Practical Aspects of, 255
- Pilain: New 8 h.p., French Car, 472 Pins, Replacing Split, 148 Piston Rings, Fitting, 82 Plasticine, Uses of, 354 Plug Bodies, Dismantling, 714 Plug Taps, Those, 532 Plymouth Navy Week, 275 Point of View, The Other, 19 Poland Against Noise, 412 Police, Motorists and the, By a Barrister-at-Law, 141
- Police, Semi-Robot, in Singapore, 59 Polish. A Good, 382
- Pollitt, John, Junr, Article by, 757, 788 Portsmouth Naval Week, 186 Power, More, After Dark, 478 Pressure Testing Made Easy, 43 Pressure Testing, To Simplify, 400 Primus Stoves, " Decarbonizing." 436 " Public Works "-Hand What they Mean To-day! 782 Pump Connection, Broken. 82 Puncture Sealing Compound, Tiorite, 414 Pyrene Co» Development, 85
- Juery, In Answer to Your, 28, 56, 82, 120, 148, 182, 208, 234, 274, 302, 328, 354, 382, 410, 436, 464, 490, 516, 546, 592, 638, 688, 714, 742, 776, 804
- R
- Racer for Sale (Barnes' Austin Seven "Special"), 2(78
- Racers on the Road, 344 Racing in 1930, 548 Racing on the Screen, 532 Racing, Sports Car, 716 Radiator Cosies, Another Use for, 234 Radiator Covers, Better, 702 Radiator Hose, Fitting, 382 Radiator Shield, Weather Shields, 522 Radiators, Ribbon-type, 422 Rail-Coach on Car Liaies, 59 Rail v. Road, 678 Rain at Last, 517 Rattle. Stopping Sidescreen, 56 Rear-axle Air Release, 182 Rdb
- Records Lowered at Montlhery,
- Red Lamps. Meaningless, 503
- Renault 1930 Programme, 497
- Repairs, Cheap " Junior," 102
- Replenishment, One-shot, 372
- Rhode Developments, 2i78
- Ricardo Shock Absorber Head. 212
- Rich Mixture, 14, 42, 7.0, 3 00, 136, 156, 194, 216, 260. 288, 318. 344, 372, 398, 422, 452, 478, 502, 530, 564, 602, 644, 702, 732, 762, 792
- Riley Class G Record, 690
- Riley Dinner, 691
- " Rice " Trailer. The, 254
- Riley Monaco Saloon, An Improved, 418
- Riley Monaco Saloon, The, 700
- Riley Nine (A Oar of Parts). 304
- Riley Nine, Singapore-London (A Fine Effort), 548
- Riley Rally at Shelsley Walsh, 414
- Riley Six, A New, 549
- Riley Sunshine CoupS, 237
- Rileys for Ireland, 29
- Rivets, Self-securing, 101
- Road Accidents, Coroners and. 603
- Road and Rail Disturbances, 793
- Road Fellowship League. New Chairman, 1
- Road Improvement, A Real, 314
- Road News: Bedfont-Staines, 353
- Road News: Winsford Bridge, 211
- Road Races in England (Some Day ... ?), 137
- Road Racing in England, 194
- Road Racing in Germany, 275
- Road Safety, Lord Byng on (Education the only
- Remedy). 595 Road Scenes with a Moral (Object Lessons in
- Pictures), 430
- Road Spraying, Scientific, 38 Road Telephone Developments, 596 Road Tests of 1929 Models: M.G., 10; Humber 134; Coventry-Victor, 390 Road Tests of 1930 Models: Swift Paladin, 524;
- Riley Monaco, 700; Triumph, 752: Morris
- Minor, 784
- Road up at Islington, 678 Roadcraft, by " Viator," 798 Roads, Past and Present, 19 Roadstone Imports, Increase in, 329 " Robin Hood," Article by,' 265 Robots, More, 491 Robots, More Unobtrusive, 372 Robots, Those Unobtrusive, 319 Robots, Wanted—More, 70 Rome, Grand Prix of, 32 Roof Afire! The, 43 Roofs, Sliding, in U.S.A.. 743 Roof, Sliding, The Metropolitan, 210 Roof? The Ideal Sliding, 733 Roofs, Where to Test, 422 Rotherhithe Tunnel Closed. 596 Rotoforce Novel Car Washer, 75 Route Finding Easy, Practical Aspects of, 242 Routes Pavees, Circuit des. 356 Routes Pavees Race, The Six-hour, 465 Rover Eight, All about the, Soon, 678 Rover Eight Tuning and Maintenance Articles (Your
- " Good Action "), 777
- Rover, The Air-cooled 8 h.p. (Tuning and Maintenance), 757, 788 Rovers Adopt Coil Ignition, 389 R.A.C. Appeal, 4
- R.A.C. Oar Maintenance Scheme, 594 R.A.C. Car Parking, Extraordinary, 209 R.A.C Foreign Touring Facilities, 57 R.A.C. Guide: A Plucky Deed, 20.0 R.A.C. Guide and a Swan (in the Day's Work), 691 R.A.C. Guide. The (Versatility!), 303 R.A.C. in Scotland, 29 R.AC. Issues T.T. Brochure, 595 R.A.C. Local Office in Newcastle, 183 R.A.C. Map (Avoiding London Traffic), 596 R.A.C. Night Aid, 777 R.A.C. Post Office, New, 438 R.AC. Road Policy, 779 R.A.C. Safety Posts, 596 R.A.C. Scottish Office, 277 R.A.C. Tests, 744
- R.A.C Touring Department Expands, 32 R.AC. T.T. Entries, 185
- R.A.C Warning: Care in the Trossachs, 121 R.AF. Display, Parking at the, 58 R.A.F. Display ("The Lament of Carissima ), 199 Rumbold, Gilbert, Article- by, 369 " Run, The End of the," 315 Running Costs, Cutting Down, 48 Running, Economical, Practical Aspects of, .248
- " Safety First " Congress, 594
- Safety Glass, Japanese, 357
- Sahara Trial (No. Light Cars Need Apply), 717
- Salmson Aeroplanes,, 717
- Saloon Bodies, Folding-head (Worth Studying), 4o2
- Saloon Grumble, A, 16
- Sand-racing at Skegness, 201
- Saloons, Sunshine, Abroad, 399
- Sandringham, The King's Homeland, 448
- Schneider 1930 Programme, 519
- Schneider Traffic Jamboree, The Great, 442
- Schneider Trophy Car Park, 238
- Schneider Trophy Contest, The Great, 416
- Schneider Trophy, The, 384
- Schneider Trophy Traffic, 466
- Scotland, R.A.C. in, 29
- Scottish Glens, Autumn in the. By Allan Phillip, 736
- Scottish Motor Show, Opening Date, 689 Scottish Show, General Impressions of the, 766 Scottish Show, The, 722, 743, 763 Scrapbook, A, for Odd Cuttings, 540 Screen, The Gamage Rear, 110 Screen-wiper Care, 208 Screen-wiper Hint, A, 382 Screen-wiper Tubing, The Utix, 110 Screens, Repairing feide, 113 Screens, Securing Side, 234 Screwdriver, Emergency, 302 Seats, Sliding, The Boon of, 238 Segrave and " K.L.G." (Reminiscent of an Epic),- 344
- Segrave, Raconteur, 762 Segrave, Sir Henry, Dinner to, 716 Self-starting (An Idea Worth Investigating), 452 Semmering Hill-climb, 237, 356 Service Station, An Up-to-date, 492 Service-station Knowledge, 318 Servo Brake mechanism, The Tourand, 438 Servo Steering, 491 Shacklepins, Greasing, 382 Shelsley, By Aeroplane to, 492 " Shelsley," Excellent Sport at, 470 Shelsley, On the Road to, 478 Shelsley Walsh Echo, 493 .Shelsley Walsh? Going to, 414 Shelsley Walsh, Ninety-one Entries for, 440 Sheppey Tolls Gone, 150 Sheridan's Cleeno Fabrik, 211 Shock-absorber Head, The Ricardo, 212 Shoes From Tyres, 184 Show, A—or No Show? 602 Show: Accessories, 623 Show: Accommodation in London (Book in Advance), 518
- S (continued).
- .Show? A Competitive, 564
- Show Admission Prices, 549
- Show? An Irish Motor, 465
- Show Catalogues, 717
- Show Chatter, 642
- Show, Comfort at the, 439
- Show: Complete Guide to Light Cars, 606, 607 608 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 6l4
- Show, Fuels and Lubricants, 622 Show Gate, To Increase the, 763
- Show? Have You Visited the Galleries at the, 678
- Show: Lighting, Starting and Ignition Systems 615
- Show Number, Our Second, 593
- Show Numbers, Our, 466, 491 492 517 519
- Show Rumour, A—Trojan Bags, 518
- Show Rumours, 158
- Show, The, 640
- Show, The—A Foreword, 547
- Show, The, and What it Will Reveal, 552
- Show, The Motor, Opening Date, 465
- Show: Tyres in Great Variety, 617
- Show's the Thing, The, 594
- Sign Between Ross and Hereford (An Eloquent Appeal), 439
- Signal Lamps, Home-made, 592 Signal, One Simple, 186 Signalling Device, Ambitious (Hallas, Gillett and Kew), 779
- Signalling, Hand, by Night, Device for (Allans'), 719 Signals, More Automatic, 57 Signboards in the Air! No, 262 Signposts, Eyesight and, 690 Silencer, Improved Vortex, 747
- Silencer, The Vortex, 280
- Sinclair, Sir Walter—New Lea-Francis Chairman, 355 Singapore, Grumbles From, 422 Singapore, Semi-Robot Police, 59 Singer Expansion, 152
- Singer Junior in Africa (A Big Effort), 384 Singer Junior, The, Improved in Detail, 445 Singer Junior Valve-cover Hint, 592 Singer London Headquarters, 549 Singer Visit to the Show and Annual Dinner 692 Skegiiess: Another Project, 439 Skegness (In Propia Persona!), 216 Skegness Motor Races, 151 Skegness, Sand-racing in, 84, 201 Skegness Speedway, The, 423, 492, 518 Small Oar, Why I Plumped for a, 541 Small Cars at Olympia, Guide to, 675 Small Cars, Modern, are Built Throughout on Large
- Car Lines, 556 Soap, Home-made, 804
- Soho Garage, The (Under New Management), 595 Solex in Ireland, 304 Southend Tradesmen and Parking (Cause and Effect),
- " Southern Cross " Airmen Honoured, 212 " Southern Cross " and Pratt's, 262 Southport M.C. Sand Racing, 7, 16, 746 Spanish Grand Prix, 236 Spanners, Resetting Sprung, 638 Spare-wheel Fixings, 320 Spare-wheel-tyre Protection, 546 Spark, The Vital (Choice of Plugs), 446 Sparking Plugs, Cleaning, 28 Speed Costs Money, 703 Speed, Estimating, 480
- Speed-limit Fine, A (To-day's Great Thought), 260 Speed Limit, The Land, 453 Speedometers, Badly Placed, 217 Speedometers, Exuberant, 16 Sports Jottings, 278, 406, 781 Sports Kit, Carrying the, 403 Sports Models, Silent, 43 Sprag, The (A New Safety Device), 412 Spray-painting Outfit, A (Jensen and Nicholson), 719 Spring Clamps, Repairing, 28 Spring-making, Amateur, 274 Spring-shackle Developments, 72 Springing System, Testing Flexatic, 386 Stadium Clocks, Attractive, 331 St. Albans: Cathedral Calm, 42 Stamford By-pass Approved, 595 ? • Standard, A New Jensen-, 469 Standard brake-gear Greasing, 546 Standard, 9 h.p., New Sports Body for, 378 Standard 1930 Range, 361 Standard Throttle Control, 120 Starter Locks? Why Not, 72 Starters, Left-foot, 530 Starting Handles Hint, 546 Starting and Ignition, Lighting, Systems at the Show,
- Starting, Difficult, 776
- St. Christopher, The Legend of, 286
- St. Cross, The Ancient Hospital of (Worth Visiting), 341
- St. Dunstan's 14th Annual Report, 469 Steam-engine Start-ing, 452 Steel, Stainless, for Bright Work, 703 Steering and Susension, Brakes (Trend of Design), 658 Stewart, Mrs., and W. D. Hawkes, -Records by (Still
- at it!), 465
- Stewart, Mrs., More Records for, 329 Stewart, Mrs., Records by (And Still They Come!),
- • 691
- Sticks and Scuff Plates, Trim, 320 St. Moritz, Racing at, 235
- Stop-it Freezing Preparation (Chemico), 719 " Stop- Streets ". Why Not, 288 Stopped on a Hill, When, How to Restart, 318 Story. "My Conversion at Olympia," By Phyllis de
- Grineau, 682
- Story. "Unseen Hands," 292
- Story. " Up Against it in a Foreign Land, 528 Straight Eight, A Remarkable, 708 Strangler Control, 436 Stromberg Carburetter, New, 549
- -St. Thomas a Becket, The City of, Canterbury, 132 Summer is Here! 83 Summer Night, The Poetry of a, 312 Summer, The Pageantry of, 78 Summer Time Ends (Farewell, Daylight), 530
- Summer Time Ends (Put the Clocks Back), 517
- t>ump-draimng Reminder, 804
- Sunbeam Records, 743
- Sundials, Old-world, 337
- Supercharger Fires (Where to Put the Blower) 261
- super-tuning in Practice, 308
- Super-tuning, Sidelights on, By L. Mantell 192
- Super-tuning, The Art of, by L. Mantell, Part II, 6; Part III, 50: Part IV, 68; Part V 92'
- Part VI, 130; Part VII, 174 Suspension, Brakes, Steering and (Trend of Design), 658
- Swedish Imports, 356 Swift Brake Adjustment, 274 Swifb Brakes, 82 Swift Door Stops, 464 Swift, of Coventry, Ltd., Dinner, 692 Swift Paladin Saloon, The 10 h p 524 ' Swift Profits, 689 Swift—Sports Model or Saloon? 8 Swift Steering Connections, 182 Swift, The Swallow, 77.9 Swifts, 10 h.p., Greatly Improved, 473 Swiss Passes Opened, 184 Swiss Tolls to Go, 4 Switch, A Remote-control, 531 Switzerland, The Motorcai in, 152
- Tail-lamp Bulb Advice (I Lose Caste), 290
- " Tape " Substitute, A, 490
- Taps, Removing Broken, 28
- Tattoo, Cars at the, 149
- Tax, If the H.P., Came Off Petrol Would Go Tjp,
- Tax, If the, Came Off, 373
- Tax, S28, Per Car, 716
- Taxis, Wireless for, in N.Y., 385
- Tecalemit Automatic Chassis Lubrication, 523
- Technical Aspects, By L. Mantell, 483, 508 537 577, 630, 683, 707, 720, 768, 796 Tent, Making a Lightweight, By Reg. Gammon, 166 " The Scapper," 106 Thefts, Petty, on the Increase, 157 Thermometers, A Caution, 792 Thicknesses, Measuring, 328 Thuin, Racing at, 3 Tidworth, Traffic at, A.A. Patrols' Night Service,
- Tiorite, Puncture-sealing Compound, 414
- Tolls (Pious .Hopes), 196
- Tonneau Cover, A (A New Fashion?) 594
- Toolkit, The Humber, 400
- Tools, Keeping, Tidy, 638
- Tools, Machine, Not Wanted, 502
- Tools With Special Uses, 148
- Accidents: Hot-weather Dangers, 219
- Accidents (Important Criticisms), 291
- Accidents, Lord Byng on, 139
- Beacons, Unobtrusive, 481
- B.A.R.C. Six-hour Race, 139
- Brooklands Hour Record, The, 73
- Byng, Lord, on Accidents, 139
- Camping on the Increase, 159
- Car Races, Standard, 455
- Car, The Medium-powered, 533
- Car Thefts, 159
- Cars are Luxuries—Official, 17
- Competitions, Poorly Supported, 505
- Cooling, Better, Wanted, 455
- Cross-roads (A Safety Move), 505
- Cross-roads, Safety at, 139
- Cross-roads Safety, Towards, 291
- " Dolphin's " Criticism, 103
- Drivers, Why Other, Seem Dangerous, 17
- Driving Methods, Bad. 425
- Electrical Equipment Better, 481
- Engine Weakness, An, 347
- Gearboxes, " Twin-top," 401
- General Election, The (Coming Changes), 45
- Hill, That Elusive, 481
- Holiday Risks (A Warning Note), 263
- Horn Blowing, Unnecessary (Silence Not Always Golden), 795
- Insurance, Compulsory, 705
- Insurance in the Limelight, 197
- Light Cars and the Irish Grand Prix (Something Done), 219
- Light Cars (Design Too Stereotyped). 563
- Light Cars of 1930, 533
- Light Cars Triumph, 375
- Main-road " Colonial Se
- Mi Ei 4
- Light Cars of 1930, 533
- ^viain-iviiu ^uiuuiiti Sections,' 159
- Maintenance, Easier, 425
- Minister of Transport, The New (Mr. Herbert
- Morrison), 647 Models, New Foreign. 563 Motor Spirits, Improved, 401 Motor Vehicles in the U.K. (Saturation Point?), 219
- Motoring, Making, Troublesome, 765 Motoring Offences (The Warning Scheme a
- Failure?), 321 Motorists and Hounds, 735 Noise Rules, New, 103 Number Plates, Illegal, 455 Obstruction, Wilful, 103 Owners, To Create Two-car, 533 Pedestrian, Educate the, 263 Pedestrians—Always Blameless. 73 Police Signals, After-dark, 605 Ranks, Swelling the, 375 Repairs Disputes, 17 Road-spraying Developments, 45 Road Traffic Bill, The, M.O.T. on, 647 Road Traffic Bill (The Law Unchanged), 291 Roads—A Vital Question, 605 Roads, Our New Arterial (An Expensive Luxury), 425
- Roads, Too Many Slippery, 375 " Roundabouts " recommended, 505 Safety-first Signalling, 43 Scottish" Show, Cars (For Scotland), 735 Signals, Automatic Traffic (Crying Wolf! "), 263 Signals, Fewer Hand, 197 Small Car Popularity, 605 Speed Limit, The, 347, 563
- Liht C Tiu 375
- vii.
- TOPICS OF THE DA« (contd.)—
- Speedway, New Proposed, 401
- Sport, Past and Present, 647
- Sports Car Records, 765
- Supercharger-Progress, 321
- Tax, The H.p., 795
- Thomas, the Roadbuilder, 197
- Three-wheeler Revival, A, 765
- T.T., The (A Great Race), 347
- Transport, Royal Commission on- (A Well-received Report), 321
- Walking, Negligent—£30, 735
- Weight and Performance, 73 Tops? Why Black, 136 Torch, A " No-battery," 690 " Tote," The, at the Track, 277 Tourand Servo Brake Mechanism, The, 438 Tourer? Decline of the, 548 Touring Facilities, R.A.C. Foreign, 57 Touring, How Not to Go, By " Focus," 258 T.T., Awards for the, 305 T.T. Broadcast, 330
- T.T. Brochure Issued by R.A.C., 595 T.T. Data at a Glance, 368 T.T., Drivers for the, 305 T.T. Fines (Beau Geste), 491 T.T., Light Cars Brilliant in the, 362, 363, 364, 365, 365, 367 T.T. News (Hotels, etc.), 211 T.T. on the Screen, The, 355 T.T. Race, Latest news, 348, 349, 350 T.T. The, A Thriller, 399 T.T., The, Grand-stand Arrangements, 152 T.T., The, More Entries, 123, 185, 269 Tracta, 1930 Prices, 594 Tracta, The, in its Latest Form, 282 Traffic Congestion, The Solution, 22 Traffic Controller, New, 2
- Traffic Direction Indicator, The A.E.Z., 212 Traffic Increase, 745 Traffic Problem, A, 517 Traffic Signals, Automatic, 4 Trailer, A New, The Gibson, 330
- Trailer, An Ingenious Collapsible, " The Rice," 254 Trailer Boom, The, 195
- Trailer for Camping, The Collapsivan, 59 Trailers and the Law, 162 Trailers in Their Lighter Form, 160 Trains, Trackless (Black Dav for Rails), 778 Transmission Systems (The Trend of Design), 654 Transport Commission's Report, The (Legal aspects), 293
- Travel Industry, Value of, 690
- Travelling, Trouble-free^ Practical Aspects of, 250 Triumph Model, New, 2 Triumph, 1930 Models, 332 Triumph, 1930 Range, 360 Triumph Seven, The Supercharged, 317 Triumph Special, A, 357
- Triumph Super Seven in Barcelona Rally, 691
- Triumph Super Seven, Popular Light Car, 779
- Triumph Super Seven, The 1930, 595
- Triumph Super Seven, The, Road Test, 752
- Triumph, The New Supercharged, 331 ,
- Triumph Top-gear Test, 150 Triumph Wins Brighton Rally, 185 Triumph's Australian Success, 439 Trojan, An Entirely Redesigned, 496 Trojan Development, Testing a, 32 Trojan, Meet the New (Trojan Conference and
- Dinner), 678 Trojan Prices, 549
- Trossachs, Care in the (R.A.C. Warning), 121 Tuning and Maintenance, 716 Tuning and Maintenance Series, by John Pollitt's
- Rover, 757, 788 Tunisian Grand Prix, 745 " Twin-tops," We Want, 702 Two-seaters, The Decline of, 531 Tyre, A New Dunlop, 519
- Tyre Cuts, Plugs to Seal (Wedler-Shuford), 185 Tyre Designations Standardized, 61 Tyre Economy, 238 Tyre Inflation Simplified, The British Tyre Tester
- and Pump Gauge, 33
- Tyre Inflation (The Old and the New), 411 Tyre Inflator, Labour-saving. 385 Tyre Maintenance Easing. 742 Tyre Pressures in Hot Weather, .Watch, 332 Tyre Pump, The Gergovia Engine, 305 Tyre-pump Trouble, Curing a, 302 Tyre Repairs, Alligator Tyre Plaster for, 238 Tyre Service, Dunlop's, 100 Tyre-valve Hint, A, 436 Tyre Wear at Speed, 673 Tyre Workers, Rays for, 57 Tyres in Great Variety at the Show, 617 Tyres, Old (The Last Tread), 216 Tyres, Shoes From, 184 Tyres, Tubeless, of the Future? 732
- u
- Ulster T.T. Police Information Bureau. 304 Ulster T T. Races, Magnificent Support for, 269 U.S.A., How to Sell Second-hand Cars in, 715 U S.A., Where the, Lead, 289 U.S. Dislikes Fresh Air, 30 Universal Joints, Greasing, 464 " Unwept and Unsung," 789 Used Motor Show, 689, 716, 747 Utix Screen-wiper Tubing, The, 110
- Vaccination, No, at Ostend, 29 Vacuum Flasks, The Care of, 65 Valve-grinding Hint, A, 490 Valve-removal Precautions, 742 Valve Silencer, 280 Valves, Removing Sticking, 776 Varatio Gearbox, The, 358 'Varsity Hill,climb, The, 35 Veltene for the Hands, 595 Ves«y Cup Trial, The 8th, 37
- viil.
- V (continued).
- "Viator," Article by, 798
- Vibrations, Their Cause and Cure, 786
- Village, A Perfect, 13
- Volts, Those Extra, 424
- Von Opel, Hats off to, 565
- Vortex Silencer, Improved, 747
- Vortex Silencer, The,. 280
- w
- Walking, More About Careless, 374 Wantsum, The Historic, 540 Warning, A Seasonable, 689 Washers, Cutting Circular, 208 Water-level Indicators, 346 Wayside Discovery, A Charming, 313 Weathershields Radiator Shield, 522 Week-end Sport, 128
- Weight, How, Affects Performance, 40
- Wells, By "Robin Hood," 265
- West, Gems of the, 538
- Weybridge Automobiles, Ltd., Car Display, 151
- Weyrnann, A Word for, 702
- Whatmough, Mr. W. A., to Lecture in America^ 85 What's On, 2, 30, 58, 84, 122, 150, 184, 210, 236, 276, 304, 330, 356, 384, 412, 438, 466, 492, 518, 548 Wheels? A Return to Disc, 217 " When Fate Jeers," 200 Whitsun Traffic Figures, 3 Width Indicator, A, By " Desmo" (A Help in
- ge), 439
- Wimbledon Routes, 122
- Windows, To Drop or to Slide, 735
- Windows, Why Rear, are Sealer, 26
- Traffic!. 43R
- Windscreens, Cleaning, 436
- Wings, For Dented (Dunlop Mallet), 779
- Wings Which Rust, 319
- Wireless, The National Portable Radio Set (A Superior Ready-made, Five-valve Portable) 268
- Wireless and the Car, 267
- Wireless Enthusiasts, For ("Ready Radio" Unit), 678
- Wires, Protecting Insulated, 120
- Women Drivers, Hoyle Heel Protectors for, 414
- Women's Automobile and Sports Association's All-women Trial, The, 384
- Women's Exeter Results, 596
- Wood, Stories in, 394
- Woolwich Free Ferry Closed, 29
- Workshop Equipment Cheap, 392
- World Awheel, The, 277
- World Slides Past, When the, 284
- World Speed Course? Lincolnshire to Have, 387
- World1! Speed Record in England? The, 304
- A.C. Air Filter, An, 623
- Accessories at the Show, 623, 624, 625
- Accessories, Picnicking, 255., 256, 257
- Accessories, The Latest inv 280
- Accessories, Useful Touring, 251
- Accessories, We Want, 98, 99
- Accessories Which Aid In Economical Running, 249
- Aeroplane! O for the Wings of an, 443
- Aero Show, Innovations at the, 221
- Air Cleaner, The Protectomotor, 249
- Air Filter, An A.C., 623
- "Airsix" Engine, The (At the Aero Show), 221
- Aldborough, Old Cross and Timbered House at, 346
- Aldbury, Herts, The Stocks, 632
- Aldershot: Austin Seven Passing a Tank, 305
- Alfa, Engine of the Winning, in the Irish Grand Prix, 213
- AlfaiRomeo Drivers Fill Up During the Ulster Race 406
- Alfa-Romeo F.W.B. Practice, 660
- Alfa-Romeo, The Supercharged, Showing Jaeger Speedometer and Rev. Counter with 6-in Dials, 669
- Alfresco Picnic Case (Dunhill), 255
- Alpine Tour, A Lightning, Views, 484, 485
- Alton, Staffs, The Village Lock-up, 102
- Alton Towers: An Ivy-mantled Garage, 58
- Alvis, A 100-m.p.h. Sports Model, 345
- Alvis 1930 Range, 388
- Alvis, The Front-drive, 676
- Alvis, The T.T., 332
- Amal Main .Jet System, The, 621
- Amberley, Ruins of the 14th Century Castle at, Near Arundel, 195
- Anti-tap Spring Valve Washer, 280
- Armstrong Siddeley at the Show, 607
- Armstrong Siddeley " Six " Engine, 650
- Armstrong Siddeley, The Latest Four-seater Tourer 667
- Armstrong Siddeley, The Six-cyHnuer Side-valve Engine of the 12 h.p., 497
- Armstrong Siddeley, The 12 h.p. Six-cylinder, New Radiator ot 555
- Arpajon Leon Duray, the Star Performer at, 385
- Artistic Side, The, 369
- Ashtray, The New Desmo, 280
- Aston-Martin, Close-up Wings on the, 213
- Aston-Miartin, Springing of the, 659
- Auster Combined Folding Table and Footrest 674
- Austin Bodies, Two New, 151
- Austin Cup Model, A 60-m.p.h., 536
- Austin, First Impression of the " Stadium " 427
- Austin 1930 Range in Detail, 500, 501
- Austin Seven, A Swallow Model. Hauling a Dunelt Trailer and Outboard Motor Boat, 236
- Austin Seven, An Ingeniously Designed Body ty Ewarts on an, 150
- Austin Seven, Distinctive Bodies for. 142, 143, 144
- Austin Seven Drivers in the T.T., 357
- Austin Seven Engine in a Special Hull by Maintenance, 416
- Austin Seven Engine, The, 652
- Austin Seven Horn Ring, The, 75
- Austin Seven, How the Foot Brake is Adjusted on the, 687
- Austin Seven Maintenance Easier, 32
- Austin Seven Sliding Roof, The, 210
- Austin Seven Strangler Control Hint, 436
- Austin Seven: Technical Aspects of the Irish Grand Prix, 213
- Austin Seven, The Attractive " Arrow," Prize-winner a* Brighton, 278
- Austin Seven, The French, at the Paris Salon, 571
- Austin Seven, The 100,000th, Outside the Latest Addition to the Longbridge Factory, 84
- Austin Seven, The Supercharged, Used to Close the - Roads for the T.T 438
- Austin Seven Transmission System, The, 655
- Austin Seven Two-seater. The New, 579
- Austin Seven Van, 755
- Austin Sevens at the Show, 608
- Austin Sevens, Linkula Oil-gauge for, 357
- Austin Sevens. One of the "Mystery," Near Aider-shot, 383
- Austin, The Famous 7 h.p. Unit of the, 555
- Austin, The 1930 Swallow, 667
- Austin, Transverse Front Springing of, 659
- Austins, 1930 Taylor, 678
- Aubapron, The, 622
- A.A. Patrol, How the Assistance of an, was Obtained
- by a Reader, 685 ' Autopuise Electric Fuel Pump, The, 674
- " Auto-Suggestion," 396
- Auxiliaries, Driving the, 420, 421
- Avon Tricord Tyre, 617
- Ayr, Along the Coast of, 66, 67
- B
- Badge-fixing on Radiator, 490
- Ball Race Designs, Interesting New, 20
- Ballot, A Hand-controlled Clutch for the Fan on the, 694
- Balls, Vernon, 348 Banks Combination Lamp, 624 Banquet Picnic Set (Dunhiils), 174, 256 Barnes, F. S-, and His Brother in Their Austin
- Seven, 212
- Barton, H. J., Nearing the Summit of " Simms," 121 Bath, Pulteney Bridge, 538 Battery Tester, The Gamage, 522 Battery, The Tungstone, 674 Beaoby Head (Where Oars Are "Barred"), 31 Beacon, A Flashing, at the Widened Cross-roads Near
- Epping, 304 Beacon Hill: F. W. Wilder, Completing His Ascent in
- the M.C.C. Trial, 704
- , g p V
- Bedruthen Steps, near Newquay, 538 Bhrrel, Sir George, The Tobaco Jar sented to, 278 LC
- Beaulieu, A Charming Hampshire Village, 137
- Bdth St N 538
- Bedruthen Steps, near Newquay, 538 Beharrel, Sir George, The Tobacco Jar Recently Pretd t 278
- , Belsize-Bradshaw L.C.C, Members of the, Outside the
- G.E.C. Research Laboratory, Wembley, 119 Bempton, Yorkshire, In, 763 Bennington, Herts, The Village of. 423 Bentley: How the Difficulty of Providing a Steering
- Column Adjustable for Rake has been Overcome, 696 Berlin: A Socialist Advertisement Erected During
- the City Elections, 779 B.I.C. Combined Oil-pressure Gauge and Radiator
- Thermometer, 249 Bideford. 377 Birkin, H. R. S., 191 Birmingham: Confusion Caused by Automatic Sig-
- ? nala, 180
- Birmingham: First Automatic Traffic Signals, 212 Birmingham Used Car Show, A View of, 123 Blowpipe, A Useful, 638 Bluemel Deflector Shades, 791
- B.M.W.s, The Team of, in the Coupe des Alpes, 385 B.N.O. Oars, New Range of, 127 B.N.C., The Chassis Frame.of the, 574 Boat Trailer, The Oxford, 122 Bognor: Architect's Design for an Ultra-modern
- Hotel to be Known as the King's Coast Hotel, 276
- Bolney House, 313
- Bookie, The Mechanical, at Brooklands, 303 Bourton-on-the-Water, The River Windrush, 72 Bowden Carburetter, The New, 780 Boyoe Luggage Braces, 247 Brake Adjustment Hint, 516 Brake Pedal, Locking of a. The Cause of, 595 Brakes, Hydraulic in Principle and Practice, 526, 527 Brakes, Steering and Suspension (Trend of Design), 658, 659, 660, 661 Brasier Engine, The, 574 " Bredon, In Summertime on," 509 Brighton, At Kemp Town, 204 Brighton Road, An Establishment on the. Where
- Produce from Source of Supply Can be Bought,
- Brighton-Beer: Incidents on " Simms," 129 ,
- Brighton: Competitors in the Concours d'Elegance, 202, 203 Brighton Concours d'Elegance, The Scene of the,
- Madeira Drive, 125
- Brighton: Map Showing Where Concours and Acceleration Tests Will Take Place, 152 Brighton: Parts of the Rally Course, 9"0 Brighton to Beer: A. Stafford "Rushing" " Simms,"
- Bristol Combined Tyre TesteT and Pump Gauge, 33, 623
- Bristol Jupiter Epioyclic Reduction Gear, 221 B.R.D.C. " 500," A Contrast in Size at, 594 B.R.D.C. 500 mile Race: Diagram of Public Enclosure at Brooklands, 550
- B.R.D.C.'s 500-mile Race, Incidents, 627, 628 B.R.D.C. 500-mile Race: The Wakefield Cup, 550 B.R.D.C. " 500," Sidelights on the, 604 B.M.C.R.C. at Brooklandis: H. C. Lones Overtaking
- Another Competitor, 35
- B.A.R.C.'s Closing Meeting. Incidents, 494 B.A.R.C. Meeting, Incidents, 307 B.A.R.C Six-hours' Race, Incidents. 154, 155 Brooklands, Bank Holiday at, The Start of the Fifth Race, 306
- Brooklands: Incidents During the M.C.C. Day, 467
- Brooks Chested Luggage Trunk, A, 623
- Brooks Oil Drum Stand, 331
- Brooks Picnic Case, 255
- Brooks Radiator Cosy, The, 522
- Brooks Bteel-tube Construction Picnic Outfit, 256
- Broom, 376
- Broughton Park, Near Kettering, 71
- Brown Fog Dimmer. 791
- Bruges, Porte d'Ostende, 793
- B.S.A., " Close-ups " of the, 794
- B.S A. Front^wheel-drive Three-wheeler, A, 749
- Brush, A Useful, 302
- Buckland-in-the-Moor (A Perfect Village), 13
- Bumper, The Elephant Duo-Simplex Rear. 251
- Bumpers on the Morris Minor, 671
- Burford, Oxon: An Old House, The Tolsey, 531
- Burton Dasset Beacon, 287
- Bury Lake, Rickmansworth, When Outiboard Motor Boats Competed for the Duchess of York's Trophy and " The Motor Boat " Trophy, 236
- Bus, A Pre-war London, Crossing Waterloo Bridge During Centenary Celebrations, 185
- Cadisch Gear Lever Extension, for Morris Minors, 280
- Cadison Gear Socket Protector, 624
- Calcutta. A 9-28 Humber Saloon in Front of the
- Victoria Memorial, 691 Calliper Setting, How a, Can be Checked with a
- Pair of Dividers, 328 Campbell, Captain, Congratulated by Sir Henry
- Segrave, 59
- Campbell, Captain Malcolm, 191 Campers' Comfort, Items for, 173, 174 Camping, Carefree, 252
- Camping Trailer, A New—The Camp Karner, 126 Camping With a Car, 108, 109 Canterbury, Views, 132, 133 Capacity Indicator, The Tyrer, 250 Car Polish, Chemico Solidified, 624 Oar, The Cult of the Sports, 730, 731 Car-thermo Safety Gauge, The, 468 Car-washing Device, The Rotoforce, 75 Car, When Your, is in Dock, 311 Caravan, Collapsible Trailer, On Novel Lines, 172 Caravan or Tent, With, 163 Caravan, The—a Home from Home, 170 Caravans, 252, 253
- Caravans, Light, Growing Popularity of, 281 Carburetter, 1930 Design, 620, 621 Carburetter, The New Bowden, 780 Cars, Why, are Cheap, 334, 335, 336 Chalfont St. Giles, Milton's Cottage, 532 Chamonix, Approaching from Argentiere, 503 Charing, Bishop's Palace, 633 Chemico Solidified Car Polish, 624 Chenark-Walcker at the Show, The Racing Type, 608 Chenard-Walcker Sports Engime. The Odd-shaped
- Induction Pipe on the, 687
- Cheshire Hunt at Sandiway, Cars at the, 743 Chilterns In the, 632 Chiron, Louis, After Winning the San Sebastian
- Grand Prix, 278 Chiron, Louis, Winner in the Grand Prix of. Nations, 238 Chiswick Open-air Baths—The Most Popular Park, 211
- Chromium Process, The Latest. 214, 215 Churn Valley, By the, 698, 699 Cider Barn, An Old Devon (In Modern Guise., 504
- Cigarette Lighter, A New Flush-fitting Wireless, 674 " Cirrus Hermes" Engine (At the Aero Show), 221 Citroen, The Driver of a Diminutive, Askis, " Which
- Way to the Works?" on-the Quai de Javel, 691
- O.K. Signalling Device, 779 Clayrite Celluloid Fog Mask, 791 Clement Rochelle, Independent Springing of the Front
- Wheels a Feature of the, at the Paris Show, 572 Clement-Rochelle, The Independent Springing of the, 674 Clock and Mirror. A Neat Combination. (Stadium), 673
- Clocks, Two Stadium, 331 Coachwork (" The Trend of Design ") : 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667 Cobb, J. R., 349 Cobham, The " Leather Bottle," 535
- Ix.
- C (continued).
- Colnbrook By-pass. The' Road Parallel with the (Hush-hush Road!), 330
- Commercial Field, Light Cars in the, 754, 755 756
- Compact Camp Outfit (Elmesan), 173, 256
- Companions, Two Handsome Deemo, 75
- Constable, A Reigate, in Panama Hat, 332
- Cook, H. W., 191
- Coracle Picnic Outfit, The, 257
- Cornering, Safe, 322, 323
- County Down, Wayside Charm's of, 359 \
- County Trailer, The, 162
- Coventry Godiva Pageant, The Prize-winning Swift Tableau, 184
- Coventry-Victor Models, The Latest, 677
- Coventry-Victor, The, 390
- Cremona Meeting, Incidents at the, 591
- Croft, A Picturesque—at Ledaig on the Shore of Loch Linnhe, 3i9
- Cross Roads, Diagram of Circus, 54
- Crystal Palace Circuit, Light Cars on, 745
- Cup, " The Light Car and Cyclecar " Challenge, for the N.C.C.'s Grand Prix, 402
- Cup, The Wakefield—Premier Award for the B.R.D.C. 500-mile Race, 550
- Cushion, A Sorbo Sponge-rubber, 626
- Cushman, L., 349
- Oyclecar, A Strange French, 734
- Cyclecar, The Belt-driven Gritfen. 46
- Cyclecar. The Scott Sociable, 75
- Cylinder Head, A Whatmongh Type of, in Part Section, 508
- D'Abri Cottage Tent, The, 166
- D'Abri Tent, The, 252
- Daimler, Aluminium Spring Anchorages on the, 69G
- Davis, S. C. H., 190, 348
- Delage, The " Cruciform " Bracing Used on the, 694
- Derybshire, In the Dales of, 495
- Design, The Trend of (1900-1930), 648, 649
- Design, Unconventionality in (Recent Inventions), 333
- Desmo Ashtray. The New, 280
- Desmo Combined Can Stopper and Petrol Pourer, The, 251
- Desmo Companions, Two Handsome, 75
- Desmo Hydraulic Jack, 250
- Desmo Inspection Lamp, A New, 719
- Desmo Radiator Shutter, The Shuttamuff, ,674
- Desmo Rubber Fog Accessories, 790
- Desmo Spare Petrol Can Carrier, The, 247
- Devil's Arrows, The, near Boroughbridge, 44
- Devonshire, Ferry Between Dartmouth and Kings-wear, 565
- Dhome—Winner of the Bol d'Or in His Lombard, 3
- Diesel Principle, The Gatti Engine, 64, 65
- Door Pocket, A Detachable (Sowerby), 413
- Door Stops, Adjustable, 208
- Dorchester, Oxon, in, 632
- Dorset, Tablet Warning on Small Bridge in, 62
- Driving, Comfort While, 354
- Drome Extra-air Device, 413
- Dublin, Sketches In and About, 189
- Dublin, The Mount Merrion Automobile Station, Blackrock, 518
- Dunfee, Jack, 190
- Dunhills Luggage Trunk, 247
- Dunlop Clipper Tyre, The New, 519
- Dunlop Fort Tyre on a Dunlop Wheel, 617
- Dunlop Hammer for Dented Wings, The, 779
- Dunlop Tyre, A, Still Inflated After an Accident, 412
- Dyer, Mr, the New J.C.C. Secretary, 330
- Dykes, W. U., 349
- Dyson Caravan, 163
- Dyson " Express " Trailer, The, 160, 162
- Easyfit Luggage Grid, 247
- Eaton Socon, The " White Horse," 535
- Eccles Caravan, The Featherweight, 253
- Eccles de Luxe Caravan, 165
- Eccles Lightweight Caravan, 164
- Eccles,- Trailer in Several Forms, The, 161
- " Edinburgh." R. D. Smith and G. H. Strong on
- Talla Linn, 33
- Edinburgh, The Athens of the North, 721 Eldridge, E. A. D., 191
- Election, A Fair Voter and Her Decorated Car,. 30 Elephant, Duo-Simplex Rear Bumper, 251 Elstow, Beds, John Bunyan's Village, 759 Energy, How, is Utilized, 228, 229 Engine, If Your, Stops, 728, 770 Engine, The Latest Jowett, 687
- Engines (The Trend of Design), 650, 651, 652, 653 Englebert Chevron Cord Tyre, 617 Enots Autolub Grease Gun, The, 249. Ensor Caravan, The, 163
- Equipment (The Trend of Design), 668, 669, 6/u,
- ?^^ fi71
- Essex: (A Neglected County) Views, 680, 681
- Essex Roadway, An, 96
- Eural Stops and Direction Signal, 673
- Euston, The Other—(Suffolk), 300
- Ever Ready Torches, 791
- Evertite Locknut, Cut-away View of, 280
- Exhall, 377 ?
- Exide 12-volt Battery, An Exide, 616 Exmoor, A Village at, 94, 95 Extra-air Device, The Drome, 413 Extra-air Valve. The Mosaire Semi-automatic, 577 Eyston, G. E. T., 190 Evsto'n, G. E. T., in His Bugatti, and at Speed, 76, 77
- Fiat in 9 h.p. Wevmann Saloon Form, The, at the
- Show, 609 Fiat, The 9 h.p. at the Show, 665
- Filey, A View of, 466
- Filler Cap, A No-splash, 148
- Fire Engine, A Morris Minor, 691
- Fire Extinguisher, A Pyrene, 250
- Fire Extinguisher, The Pyrene, 625
- Fire Extinguishers, 459
- Fire, When, Breaks Out, 458, 459
- Firestone Gum-dipped Tyre, 617
- Flexatio Springing System Tester, The, 386
- Flexen Pass, The, 480
- Fog Accessories, 790, 791
- Fog Lamp, The P. and H., 625
- Forge at Burley, near Oakham (Immortalized by
- Longfellow), 453 " Frapperson's Water-loo," 631 Frazer-Nash, A., 190, 348 Frazer-Nash Sporti Car, The, 730 French Main Roads, A Method of Patching, 123 Fuel Pump, The Autopulse Electric, 674 Fuels and Lubricants at the Show, 622
- Gamage Battery Tester, The, 522
- Gamage Rear Screen, The New, 110
- Garage Bautiful, The (Mount Merrion Automobiles
- Station, Blackrock, Dublin), 518 Garage in the Form of a Chinese Pagoda at Becken-
- ham, Kent, 356
- Garage Inspection Lamp Bulb Protection 546 Garage Safety Stop, A, 688 Gatti Two-stroke Engine in Section, 64, 65 Gauge, Car-thermo Safety, 468 Gear Socket. Protectoj, The Cadison, 624 Gear, The Bristol Jupiter Epicyclie Reduction (At
- the Aero Show), 221
- Gearbox, The Varatio Multi-speed, 358 ' Glare Shield, A Perspectus, 251 Glastonbury, The Holy Thorn, 538 G.N., Dirt-Track Racing, The, 456 Golf Clubs, A Special Case for (Dunhills). 384 Goodyear Pathfinder Tyre, 617
- Gordon England, Mr. E. C, on a Visit to U.S.A., 151 Gradients—and How They are Measured, 506 Grafton, Hungry, 376 Grahame-Paisre. The Internal-gear Transmission of
- the, 694 Graphs Illustrating Glycerine Solves Freezing
- Trouble, 706
- Grease Gun, The Emits Autolnb, 249 Greig, Flt.-Lt. D'Arcv Gives Flying Officer Atcherley
- a Lift, 356
- Great Berkhamsted, 760. 761 Griffen Cyclecar. The Belt-driven, 46 Gudgeon Pin Fixings, 339
- H
- Hampton, The 9 h.p., at the Show, 665 Hanornag, The Engine. Rear-springing. Torque Anchorage and Final Drive of the 7 h p 574
- Hanomag. The New, at the Paris Show, 570 Harvey, C. M., 348 Haworth, The "Black Bull." 535 Headgear, The Latest Idea in Driving (Bales), 85 Headlamp Mounting. Variety in, 670 Healey, D. M., With the Triumph Super Seven in which he Drove from Riga' to Barcelona, 717 Heating, Simple Interior, 776
- H.E. Engine. The New Six-cylinder ly2-Litre 650 H E Light Car, New. 498 H.E., The Six-cylinder, at the Show, 609 H.E. Transmission System. The, 656 Heel Protector, The Hoyle, 414 Hendy, G., 349 Henley Cord Balloon. 617 Hereford: "The Old House," 211 Higgin, Dan, 349 Hillborough, 377 JI.R.H. the Duke of York Examining Car-raising
- Apparatus at the Lex Garage. 62 H.R.H. the Prince of Wales Congratulating Flying-Officer Atcherley after the Schneider Race. 439
- U.R.H. the Prince of Wales Inspects the New
- . " Pirelli Factory, 276
- Hobby? Have you a Motoring. 87 Holiday, The Cheapest Possible. 114 Horn, A High-frequency, by Carnage's, 280 Horn Bracket, An Electric, 464 Horsman. V., 349 Hotel Question, The, 244 House, A Unique, at Thorpeness. 523 Howe, Earl, Makes a " Talkie." 596 Hoyle Heel Protector, The, 414 Humber, The 9-28 h.p., 134 Humber, The 9-28 h.p., A Peep under the Bonnet
- of the, 668
- Humber Gearbox, The, 695 Humber Saloon, A 9-28, in Front of the Victoria
- Memorial, Calcutta, 691 HUMOROUS : —
- A Logical " Conclusion " ! 415 ? A Modern Drama in Seven Episodes, 521
- An Artist Turns Designer, 697
- An Inexpensive Conversion, 514
- An Olympia Tragedy, 597
- A Starting-up Tragedy, 462
- Don'ts for Doughty Drivers, 239
- Failing a Lorry, Why not a Trailer? 153
- Historical Incidents, "Unrecorded, 3, 31
- If Famous Artists were Designers, 310
- In the Fog, 802
- Keeping Pace with the Times, 5
- Pity the Manufacturer, 601
- Professor . . " Ah, yes! I see mv Error ..." 186
- " Rich Mixture! " 184
- Secondary Roads ore not alwavs to be Sneered at, 343
- The Joys of Camping. 271
- HUMOROUS (contd.)—
- The Service Station Problem, 686 Those 'Andy Men, 657 Which is Worse? 773 Hurtu, The Baby Side-valye Engine of the, 575
- Identification Lamp, The Karspot, 67s Ignition Systems, Lighting, Starting and, 615, 616 Inns, Old, of Literary Interest, 534, 535 Instruments, How Your, Work, 476, 477 Insulation Tape, Use of, 274 Ipswich: "The Great White Horse," 534 Irish Grand Prix Competitors, 190, 191 Irish Grand Prix, Map Showing Course, 188 Irish Grand Prix, Technical Aspects of the, 213 Irish International Grand Prix, Incidents and Competitors (Great Irish Light Car Race), 222, 223, 225, 226, 227 Italy, Better Roads in, 61 Ivanowsky, B., Filling up his Alfa-Romeo Irish Grand Prix, 217
- the
- J
- Jack, The Desmo Hydraulic, 250
- Jaeger Petrol Gauge, The, 261
- Jaeger' Radiator Thermometer, The, 674
- J.C.C. All-day Meeting: Incidents, 187
- J.C.C. Half-day Trial: Incidents, 715, 716, 718
- J.C.C. Half-day Trial: R. L. Bellamy Getting off the Mark, 716
- J.C.C. Inter-Centre Trial: Scenes, 128
- J.C.C. Trial: H. N. Edwards Emerging from the Gloom of Broadmoor Bill, 715
- Jersey Battle of Flowers: An Austin Seven Disguised as a Pram, 331
- John Bull Rib Stud Tyre, 617
- Jowett Black Prince Saloon, The, at the Show, 610
- Jowett Black Prince, The New, 582
- Jowett Engine, The Latest Edition of the, 687
- Jowett Engine, The New, 652
- Jowett Long Saloon, Luggage Accommodation on the, 671
- Jowett Long Saloon. The, 666
- Jowett, Single-panel Screen Hinged at the Top on the, 669
- Jowett Von, The, 755
- Kampkamer Outfit Erected for Use, The, 164
- Ka-npkook Stove, Ths. 174
- Kampkook, The Handy Petrol burning, 255
- Karspot Identification Lamp, A Handsome, 673
- Kaye Don, 190, 349
- Kaye Don, Last Year's T.T. Winner, 329
- King's Ferry Bridge, A View of the, 150
- Kirkdale Church, Yolks, 1
- K.L.G. Miniature Sparking Plug, The New, 625
- Knaresborough: The Castle Ruins, 101
- Lady Nimble Caravan, The, 252
- Lagonda, The Sump Filler of the, 696
- Lake Thirlmere, Taken Duxing the Drought, 437
- Lamp, A New Desmo Inspection, 719
- Lamp, A Reversing, 714
- Lamp, Banks Combination, 624
- Lamp, The Lucas Combined Tail, Stop and Reversing, 625 Land's End to John o' Groats: Oars at the Finish, 210
- Latimer, A Threatened Village in the Chilterns, 778 "Lawrence Cup": Scenes. 36 Lea-Francis Engine, The, 651 Lea-Francis F.W.B., 660
- Lea-Francis in Supercharged Form at the Show, 610 Lea-Francis Innovations, 419 Lea-Francis: Technical Aspects of the Irish Grand
- Prix, 213
- Lea-Francis, The Hyper-sports, 663, 730 Lea-Francis, The Hyper-sports, How the Scuttle is
- Shaped to Form Windshields for Racing on, 669
- Leeds, Castle, Near. 633 Leeds M.C. Reliability Trial: B. J. Jenkins Crossing
- a Splash, 409
- Le Mans: Competitors, 88, 89 Le Mans : Map of the Sarthe Circuit, 63 Le Mans 24-hour Race: Light Cars Passing the
- Pits in Last Year's Race, 34 "Leopard" 14-cylinder Engine (at the Aero Show), 221
- Le Toquet Meeting, The: 'Incidents, 240, 241 Level-crossing, A, at Weeley, on the Main Road to
- Clacton, 183
- Lever Controls, To Repair Worn, 56 Leveroll Q.D. Seat, Fixing, 673 Lewes: Scenes in the Kent* and Sussex L.C C. Speed
- Trials, 545 Lewis, B., 349
- Lex Garage, H.RH. the Duke of York at the, 62 " Light Car and Cyclecar " Challenge Cup for the
- N.C.C.'s Grand Prix, 402
- " Light Car and Cyclecar " Challenge Cup, The, 76 Light Car Chassis Design, Examples of Modern. 557, 558
- Light Car of Other Days, A (1894 Model), 305 Light Cars:—
- Alfa-Romeo, 578
- Alvis, 332. 345. 388, 511, 578, 676, 731
- Amilcar, 510, 511, 579
- Armstrong Siddeley, 607, 667, 724
- Aston-Martin, 579, 730
- Austin Seven 142, 143, 144, 151, 236, 2,78, 281, 427, 500, 511, 536. 571, 579, 608. 667, 678, 724
- X.
- L (continued).
- LIGHT CABS (contd.)—
- Bianchi, 579, 724
- B.S.A., 748, 794
- Bugatti, 511, 580
- Chenard-Walcker, 580, fu8
- Olyno, 580
- Coventry-Victor, 390, 677
- Fiat, 581, 609, 665, 724
- Frazer-Nash, -730
- Gwynne, 581
- Hampton, 581, 665, 724
- Hanomag, 570
- H.E., 498, 581, 609, 666
- Humber, 134, 724
- Imperia, 582
- Jowett, 582i, 610, 725
- Jowett, 666
- Lea-Francis, 419, 582, 610, 663, 725, 730
- Marendaz Special, 510, 676
- Martin Midget, 747
- Maserati, 469
- M.G. Midget, 10, 444, 582, 610. 666, 725, 731
- Morgan, 583, 676. 7.31, 779, 783
- Morris Minor, 389, 450, 554, 583, 596, 611, 667, 725, 784 Peugeot, 475, 573, 583, 662 Pilain, 472, 573 Bally, 583, 676 Renault, 584, 611, 662 Rhode,. 584 Riley, 30, 53, 196, 237, 418, 510, 553, 584, 612, 666, 700, 725
- Rover, 6!.2, 726. 757, 788
- Salmson. 573, 585, 612, 664, 731
- Schneider, 585
- Sima Standard, 570, 572
- Singer Junior, 445, 585, 667, 726
- Standard, 361, 469, 585, 613, 663, 667. 726
- Swift, 8, 9, 474, 524, 586, 613, 667, 726
- Talbot. 25
- Thomas Special, 511 "»
- Tracta, 282, 586, 730
- Triumph, 2, 281, 317, 32.0, 357, 360, 374, 613, 664, 666, 726, 752
- Trojan, 186, 496, 586, 613, 646
- Vernon-Derby. 586, 664
- Wolseley Moth 511
- Light Oars at Kelvin Hall, 724, 7.25, 726
- Light) Cars at the Show, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 6121, 613, 614
- Light Cars in the Co-nmarcial Field, 755 Light Cars Not at the Show, 676, 677 Light Oars of 1930, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, .585, 586 Light Cars, The Modern Trend in the Design of. 510, 511
- Lighting, Starting and Ignition Systems, 615, 616 Lincolnshire, Glimpses of, 434
- Lincolnshire's Proposed World Speed Course, 387 Line Bros (Motor Repairs), Ltd., Clarendon Road
- Depot cf: The Beception Bay, 492 Linkula Oil Gauge for Austin Sevens, 357 Loch Losgoinn Hill, A Morgan on, 262 Locknut, Cut-away View of the Evertite, 280 . London-Barnstaple Trial: Incidents, 307 London, Some Attractions near, 632, 633 London: Trafalgar Square Prior to the Two-minute
- Silence, 744 Low, Professor, Examining Exhibits for the Inventors'
- ? Exhibition, 523
- Lubricants. Fuels and, at the Show. 622 Lucas Bulb Holder, A Neat, 247
- Lucas Combined Tail, Stop and Reversing Lamp, 6^5 Lucas Dipping Reflector. The, 790 Lucas Flange-mounting Dynamo in Part Section, A, 615 '
- Luggage Accommodation, 671 Luggage Carrying, 246 Luggage Trunk, A Brooks Chested, 623 Lvnton, N. Devon; The Valley of Rocks, 158
- M
- Maintenance—The Limitation of the Amateur, 104
- Mantell, Mr. L., 483
- Map of Ards Circuit, 348
- Map of Course of Irish Grand Prix, 188
- Map of the Schneider Trophy Course, 384
- Map: Where the Schneider Trophy Takes Place, 416
- Maps and Accessories, Ingenuity in, 243
- Marston, 376
- Martello Towers, The, Near Eastbourne, 373
- Martin Midget, The American (The Lightest Car in the World?), 747
- Mascot, A Clever Model at the Show, 672
- Mascot, A "Topical, by Lejeune, 438
- Mascot, An Amusing Safety-first, 238
- Maserati Special, Exclusive Photos of the New, 469
- Mawddach Estuary—on the Barmouth-Dolgelly Road, 275
- Mead Collapsible Caravan, A, 163
- Mead Tent on Wheels, The, 252
- Meeson, E. L., 349
- Melbourne Motor Show: View of the Triumph Stand, 86
- Metal-spraying ? " Pistol," A, 468
- M.G. Midget as a Sportsman's Coupe at the Show, 610
- M.G. Midget Headlamp Mounting, 676
- M.G. Midget- Sportsman's coupe, Sliding Roof of the, at the Show, 614
- M.G. Midget Sportsman's Coupe, with Sliding Roof, 444
- M.G. Midget, The 8-33 h.p., 10
- M.G. Midget, The Vee Screen of the, 669
- M.G. Silent Third, How the Gearing of the, is Arranged, 696
- M.G. " Sunshine " Car, 666
- Mill, The Old, at St. Osyth, Threatened with Demolition, 399
- Milton's Cottage at Chalfont St. Giles, 532
- " Minor," Modifying a, 450
- Mirror, The Nesthill Ball-mounted, 673
- Mirror, The, New Retromirror, 674
- Mixtroller, The, 249
- M.L. Magneto, The Four-cylinder Light Car type, 616
- Monos, A New Product of the German, Factory, 413
- Monza Track, A Novel View of the, 491
- Morgan Steering, Diagram of Arrangement of the, 107
- Morgan, The Ever Popular, 676 Morgan, The New Model " M" Chassis, 783 Morgan, The 1930 Family Model, 779 Morgans, The Track-rod Connections of the Latest, 140
- Morris Minor Coachbuilt Saloon, 1930 Style, 667 Morris Minor Coachbuilt Saloon, The, 784 Morris Minor Engine, 652 Morris Minor Fire-engine, A, 691 Morris Minor in a Pleasing Setting: The Gateway of
- Tickhill Castle, 80 Morris Minor (1930) in Opening-top Saloon Form, 554
- Morris Minor, 1930, with Folding Roof, 389 Morris Minor Saloon, The Latest, with Sliding Roof
- at the Show, 611 Morris Minor, The Gordon England, in Two-seater
- Form, 596
- Morris Minor Van, The, 755 Morris Minor Window Hint, 742 Morris Minors, Cadisch Gear Lever Extension for, 280 Morris, The 15 h.p. Six-cylinder (Lessons from Large
- Car Practice), 694 Morrison, Mr. Herbert, M.P., The New Minister of
- Transport, 62
- Mosaire Semi-automatic Extra-air Valve, The, 577 Mosaire Semi-automatic Extra-air Valve in Conjunction with a Solex Carburetter, 249 Motor Ball: Decorated Box of Mr. W. E. Bullock, 692
- Motor Boat, The Austin " Seagull," 679 Motorboating for Light Car Owners: The New 250 c.c. Water-cooled Supercharged Two-stroke
- Dunelt, 60
- Motor Boats, Car-like Saloon Tops for, 493 M.C.C. Day at Brooklands: Incidents, 467 M.C.C. One-day Trial, The: Incidents, 693 M.C.C.'s Hill-climb: W. Ashley Cakes About to Cross
- the Finishing Line, 273 Motoring Holiday, A: 1929 Version, 235 Motorists, Prospective, A Suggestion for, 567 Mount Sorrel, The Market Cross at, near Leicester, 43
- Much Hadham, Herts, 16, 632 Myson Trailer, The, 160
- N
- Nash, Capt. " Archie," 355
- Neon Tubes are Used in the Stewart Stop Signal, 673
- Nesthill Ball-mounted Mirror, The, 673
- Newark-on-Trent: The "Saracen's Head," 535
- N.C.C. Brooklands Meeting: Incidents, 426, 429
- N.C.C.'s Cvclecar Grand Prix at Brooklands: Nearlv Over! 411
- Newington, Kent, A Sleepy Afternoon Scene in, 461
- Newnes Touring Atlas, 243
- Newnham's New Premises in Hammersmith Road, 679
- Newsome, S. H., 349
- New South Wales: British Babies in Empire Day Procession, 211
- Newton Hydropneumatic Shock Absorber, The, 674 . New York To-day, 404, 405 1929. Looking Back on, 560, 561
- Noises, Familiar, Analysed: Diagrams, 296, 297, 298
- Non-skid Tread, The, Used by the Leicester Tyre Repair Co., 238
- Norfolk Broads, On the, 95
- November! 777
- Nurburg Ring: The Scene at the Start of the Grand Prix of Nations, 238
- Oakham: The Buttercross, 454
- Oast House, A Kentish, 97
- Oats, R. P., 191
- Oil-drum Stand, The New Brooks, 331
- Oil-drum Stand, The Speedolene, 75
- Oil-pressure Gauge, The B.I.C. Combined, and Radiator Thermometer, 249
- " Oil Tanker," An, 778
- Olympia Extension, The, 549
- Olympia Extension, Work on the. 413
- Olympia. How the Large Hall of. Appears a Few Minutes Before Opening Time in the Morning, 640. 641
- Olympia, How to Find the Light Cars at: Plan, 618,
- Olympia, With a Sketch Book at (Interesting Mechanical Details), 687 OS. Petrol Gauge, The, 674 Outboard Motor, A Lightweight, Which Folds Up-
- The Elto, 417 Oxford Car Club's Event at Ewclme: By Air to the
- Hill-climb, 81 Oxford, Qtieen's College, 633
- Pack-Quick Luggage Rack for the Running Board,
- ? 173
- Palmer Flexicord Tyre, 617 P. and H. FOK Lamp, The, 625 Paris Show Exhibits, 569, 570, 571, 572 573, 574, 575
- Paris Show: Mechanical Novelties, 574, 575 Parking System in the Temple Quadrangle, London 304 Partner Picnic Set. The, 257
- Pebworth, 376
- Pendine, Carmarthen, The Village of, 400
- Perspectus Glare Shield, 251
- Peterborough, New Road for, 764
- Petrol Filter, A Zenith, 250
- Petrol Filter, The Zenith, 673
- Petrol Gauge, The Jaeger, 251
- Petrol Gauge, The O.S., 674
- Peugeot, Engine of the New 10 h.p., in a Car aud
- Part-sectioned, 574 Peugeot, Entirely New 9 h.p., 475 Peugeot, Radiator of the Model 201, at the Paris
- Show, 570 Peugeot, The New Model 201, at the Paris Show,
- Peugeot, The 10 h.p., at Olympia, 662
- Peugeot, Transverse Front Springing on the New 10 h.p., 661
- Phoenix Monument, The, Being Dismantled, 184 Phcenix Park, Activity at, 91 Picnic Set, A Useful (Starling), 85 Picnicking Accessories, 255, 256, 257 Pilain, New 8 h.p. French Car, 472 Pilain, The Roland, at the Paris Show, 573 I'inner: A 16th Century Shop for which Destruction
- is Threatened, 277 Pirelli Superflex Tyre, 617 Portsmouth Road, Along the: By Gilbert Rumbold 441
- Protectomotoi Air Cleaner, The, 249 Pyrene Factory, Front Elevation of the New 85 Pyrene Fire Extinguisher, A, 250 Pyrene Fire Extinguisher, The Junior, 625
- Quickflller, The, for Inflating Tires, 385
- R
- R100, Where, Li*es, 424
- R1O1, An Unusual View of, 690
- R101 Anchored to Its Mooring Tower, 703
- Radiator Cosy, A Brooks, 674
- Radiator Cosy, The Brooks, 522
- Radiator Shield, Weathershields, 522
- Radiator Shutter: The Shuttamuff (De^mo), 674
- ftadiator Thermometer, The Jaeger, 674
- Radiator Water-level Indicator, A, 98
- Radiators, " Ribbon," on 1930 Light Cars, 554
- Sally Light Car, The French, 676
- Ramponi, G. G., 190
- Ray Keech, The Late, Winning the Indianapolis drand
- Prix, 84
- Rear Axle, Air Release, 182 Reflector, The Lucas Dipping, 790 Renault Monasix, The, at the Show, 611 Renault Monastella at the Show, 662 Renault Monastella, The Bows of the, at the Paris
- Show, 572
- Reo Silent Second, The, 696 Retromirror Driving MirrorT The, 674 Rickmansworth and the Uxbridge-Beaconsfield Road,
- A New Road Between, 595
- Riley Biarritz, A, in Good Company (" Stable Companions "), 689
- Riley, Biarritz Saloon, The, 53 Riley Brakes, The Layout at the Front as it Appears
- on the 1930 Models, 687 Riley Club Dinner, At the, 740 Riley Coupes, Two Smart, Competitors in the Brighton
- Concours, 196
- Ri% Front-wheel Brakes, 661
- Riley Luggage Accommodation on the Biarritz, 671 Riley Monaco Improved Saloon at the Show, 612 Riley Monaco Saloon, The, 700 Riley Monaco Saloon, The Attractive, 666 Riley Monaco Saloon, The Improved, 418 Riley M.C. Rally: Enclosure and Marquee at Shelsley
- Walsh, 489 Riley Nine Coupe. First-class Coaehbuiiding in a, by
- Compton, Son and Terry, 30 Riley Nine Sportsman's Coupe, An Attractive, by
- ? Thorn's, 237
- Riley Nine (1930 Design) Chassis, 553 Riley, The, A Neat Example of Unit Construction, 655
- Riley, Wings on the, 213 Roadcraft, 798', 799 Road Improvement, A Real, 314 Road Racing in England: A Suggested Course, 433 Road Scenes with a Moral (Object Lessons in Pictures), 430, 431
- His Win-
- Road Signs, How Luminous, Work, 782 Road Spraying: New Style, 29 Road Spraying. Scientific, 38, 39 Road Surface, A Section of Surfastal, 782 Romac Half-a-crown Tyre Repair Outfit, The, 626 Romac Tyre Repair Outfit, 251 Rome, The Grand Prix of, Arcangeli,
- thc
- ning 1%-litre Talbot, 35 Roofs, Sliding, Something New in, 549 .Rosengart Engine, The, 575 Rosengart, The Engine of the, 273 Rotax Facia-board Panel, A, 617 Rotoforce Oar-washing Device, 75 Rottingdean: Where the Roadway Ends, 4 Rover: A Popular Sportsman's Coupe i 10-25 h.p- Chassis at the Show, 612 Rover Engine, The 1930, 651
- Rover, The Air-cooled 8 h.p. (Tuning and Main-
- > tenance). 757, 788
- Bryan de the Crowd
- Rovers Adopt Coil Ignition, 389 R.A.C. Ulster T.T.: Poster Design by
- Grineau, 152 R.A-C.'s Tourist Trophy Race, Part of
- at the, 561 R.P. Adjustable Thermostat, The, 249 Running Costs, Cutting Down, 48 Running, Economical, Accessories which Aid in, 249
- Sabot, A, Made From a Discarded Dunlop Cover,
- Salmson, A New Model, at the Show, 612 Salmson Brakes Work on the Perrot System, The, 660
- Salmson Saloon, The Latest, at the Paris Show 573 Salmson, The Engine of the New, 575 Salmson, The 1930 Grand Prix, 664 Sandringham, Views, 448, 449 Sandwich, The Barbicon, 57 Saxess Picnic Set, 173 Scarborough, Views of (Popular With Yorkshire
- Motorists), 466
- Schneider Trophy Course, Map of, 384 Schneider Trophy Day, Closed Cars on. 560 Schneider Trophy Incidents 443 Schneider Trophy Team, The Victorious, 442 Schneider Trophy, Where the, Takes Place, 416 Schrader Tyre Gauge, 249, 626 Scott Sociable Cyclecar, The, 75 Scott, W. B., 191 Scottish Exhibition, Setting the Stage for the, 722, 723
- Scottish Glens, Autumn in the, 736 Scottish Show. General Impressions of the, 766, 767 Screen, The Gamage Rear, 110 Screens, Repairing Side, 113 Seat Fixing, The Leveroll Q.D., 673 Segrave, Sir Henry, Congratulating Capt. Campbell
- on his South African Exploits, 59 Selworthy, Somerset, The Fine Old Church, 138 S.E.V. Alco Combined Coil and Magneto Sectioned
- to Show Construction, 615 Shakespeare's "Eight Villages," 376, 377 Shaw, J., 349 Shelsley at a Glance, 414 " Shelsley," Excellent Sport at, 470, 471 Shelsley, Flying Leap by Car at, 465 Shelsley, S. V. Holbrook Making a Well-judged
- Climb, 479
- Shelsley Walsh, General Guide to the Hill, 440 Shock Absorber, The Latest Smith, 673 Shock Absorber, The Newton Hydro-pneumatic, 674 Shoreham Village, Kent. A Wayside Calvary Near. 305
- Show Chatter, 642, 643 Show. Light Cars at the, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612. 613, 614 Show, The. and What it Will Reveal. 552, 553, 554, 555, 556. 557, 558
- Shuttamuff, The Desmo. Radiator Shutter, 674 Sidcup By-pass, A View of (Cross-road Complications), 3
- Sidescreens, Securing, 234 Sign, A Novel, Between Wakefield and Barnesley
- Works. 439
- Sign, A Prominent, in New Y'ork, 519 Sign, An Illuminated, Warning Motorists Passing
- Royal Infirmary in Leicester, 4
- Sign Indicating a First-aid Station in France, 493 Signpost, An Up-to-date, at Halifax, 237 Sign, Very Unusual, on the Chain and Gate Inn
- near Macclesfield, 262 Signal. A Novel Traffic, in Munich, 493 Signalling at Night, A Neat Device for, 719 Signalling Device, The C.K, 779 Signs Appearing in Birmingham Streets, 690 Signs, New Warning, in Epping Forest, 746 Silencer, The Vortex, 747 Silencer, The New Vortex, 280
- Sima Standard, The, at the Paris Salon, 570, 572 Singapore Point-duty Constable Equipped With Signal
- Arms, 518
- Singer Headlamp Mounting, 670 Singer Senior Box Van, The, 755 Singer Junior Chassis Design, The Modern, 558 Singer Junior Coachbuilt Saloon, 1930 Style, 667 Singer Junior Engine, The, 651 Singer Junior Front-brake Gear and Suspension, 661
- Singer Junior Improved in Detail, The, 445 Singer Junior, Practical Points on the Steering
- Box of the, 687
- Singer Junior Saloon, A—A Real " Baby Car," 596 Singer Junior Towing a Two-seater Sports Dunelt
- Outboard Boat, A, 380 Skegness, Sand Racing at, 201 Skye, Approaching the Red Hills of, 15 " Small Car, Why I Plumped for a," 541 Small Cars, Modern, Are Built on Large Car Lines, 556
- Smith Shock Absorber, The Latest, 673
- Solex Carburetter in Part Section, The, 620
- " Solid Oil " for Charging Grease Guns, 622
- Somerset. Typical, 97
- Sorbo Sponge-rubber Cushion, A, 626
- Southern Jowett Club's Trial, Lunch Check, 21
- Southern Jowett L.C.C., Members of the, at Brad
- ford, 119 . .
- Southport, B. H. Davenport's " Spider ' Leads the
- Field, 775
- b the 20-mile
- Southport, Light Cars on the Sand, Tib Southport, Really - Fast Cornering 41 t
- Race. 519 .
- Southport, Some Bracing Incidents at, 781 Southport, Start of the 20-mile Race at, 51' Sparewheels, Concealed, at the Paris Show, 569 Spark. The Vital. Diagrams, 446, 447 Sparking Plug, The New K.L.G., 623
- Speed .King? A Coming, at a Children's Race in
- Madrid. 122
- Speedolene Oil-drum Stand, 75, 622 Sports Kit Carriers, A Few Ideas for, 403 Spotlight, The Stadium, 626 Spray-painting Outfit, A Handy, 719 Spring Clamps, To Repair. Diagram. 28 Springing System Tested, The Flexatic, 386 Stadium Clocks, Two, 331
- Stadium Combined Clock and Mirror, A Neat, 673 Stadium Fog Lamp, The, 791 Stadium Junior Auto Spoolyte, 791 Stadium Spotlight, A Neat, 626 Standard, A Very Attractive 9 h.p. Saloon Model, 663 Standard, Additional Throttle Control Spring on a 10 h.p., 120
- Standard, An Oil Filler on the 9 h.p., 687 Standard Chassis Design, The Latest 9 h.p., 558 Standard New Sports Body for 9 h.p.. The Jensen
- Design, 378
- Standard 1930 Range, 361 Standard, Springs on the, 659 Standard, The Jensen, With Body by the Now Avon
- Body Co., Ltd., 667
- Standard, The Latest Addition of the Jensen, 469 Standard, The 9 h.p. Six-light Saloon, at the Show, 613
- Stanford's Steering-wheel Map Holder, 243 Stanton, near Broadway, Quaint Street Lanterns of, 272 Starting and the Ignition Systems, Lighting, 615, 616
- St. Christopher, The Legend of, 286 St. Cross, The Ancient Hospital of, 341 Steering Brakes, Suspension iand (Trend of Design), 658, 659, 660, 661
- Steering-column Bracket for Carrying a Gauge, 82 Stewart^ Mrs., and Mr. Douglas Hawkes at Mont-
- Ihery, 482
- Stewart, Mrs., in Her Record-breaking Morgan, 58 Stewart, Mrs., in the Morgan-J.A.P. in Which She
- Covered 100 m.p.h., 438 Story: "Unseen Hands," 292 Straight Eight, A Remarkable, 708, 709 Stratford-on-Avon, The " Red Horse," 534 Stromberg " Down-draft " Carburetter, The, 621 Stutz Sprag, The, 695
- Subway, A Cut-away View of a Kind of, Advocated, 22, 23 Summer, The Joys of, 83 Super-tuning in Practice, 308, 309 Super-tuning, The Art of. Diagrams, 6, 7, 50, 51, 68, 69, 92, 93, 130, 131, 175, 176, 192, 193 Surfastal Steel-mesh Road Surface, A Section of, 782
- Surrey Hills, On the, 633 Swift Foursome Coupe at the Show, 613 Swift Foursome Coupe Luggage Accommodation, 671 Swift "One-shot" Lubrication, 554 Swift Paladin Saloon, Rear View of the, 667 Swift Paladin Saloon,'The 10 h.p., 524 Swift, Petrol Tank Improvement on the 10 h.p., 687
- Swift Saloon, A 10 h.p., in the Swiss Alps, 590 Swift, Snorts Model or Saloon! 8, 9 Swifts, Greatly Improved 10 h.n., 473, 474 Switzerland, A Road Tunnel Near Neuchatel, 218 Switzerland and Italy, The Natural Frontier Between, 209 Sydney Motor Club 24-hour Trial, Triumph Super
- Seven Team, 439
- Table and Chairs, Picnic, By " Starling," 255 Table and Footrest, The Combined Auster, 674 Talbot, An Amateur-built Sportsman's Coupe Body
- Fitted to an 8-18 h.p., 25 Tatra Chassis, General View of the, 574 Tatra Four-cylinder Opposed Air-cooled Engine, The, 574
- Tent, Making a Lightweight. Diagrams, 166, 167 Thermostat, The R.P. Adjustable, 249 Thornycroft Van Used for Delivering Show Numbers
- of " The Commercial Motor," 744 Thornycroft Vans "Used to carry Copies of this
- journal and " The Motor " to Olympia, 679 Thorpeness, An Unique House at, 523 Tintagel, King Arthur's Castle, 539 Tintagel, The Rocky Valley. 538 Touring, How Not to Go, 258 T T Incidents in the, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367 T.T., L. Cushman Duelling With G. Hendy in the, 406 T.T. Race. Competitors and Light Cars in the, 348, 349, 350
- T.T. Race, The Ards Circuit, 348 Towcester, The " Pomfret Arms," 534 Tracta, Gearbox of the, 656 Tracta in its Latest Form, The, 282 Tracta, The French, in Sporting Form, 730 Traffic Signals, Extraordinary, in Los Angeles, 2 Trailer, A Handy (For Work or Play), 277 Trailer, " The Rice " Camping, 254 Trailers in Their Lighter Form, 160, 161, 162 Tramlines, Workmen Removing, from Colchester,
- TU2
- Transmission Systems, Modern Tendencies as Revealed at Olympia, 655, 656 Tree, An Oak, at Yeldham With a Girth of 30 ft., 733
- Trek Trailer, The, 160 Triumph, Back Axle of the, 658 Triumph Close-coupled Saloon-landaulet, 666 Triumph Engine-gearbox Unit, The, 652 Triumph Model, A New, Sportsman's Coupe 2 Triumph Model, New, 320 Triumph 1930 Range, 360 Triumph Seven Headlamp Mounting. 670 Triumph Seven, The Supercharged, 317 Triumph Supercharger on the Irish Grand Prix, 213 Triumph Super Seven, A, With Body to Special
- Design, 357
- Triumph-Super Seven and Caravan, A, 281 Triumph Super Seven Chassis Design, The Latest,
- Triumph Super Seven in Coachbuilt Form, 664 Triumph Super Seven, The, 752
- Triumph Super Seven, The Latest, at the Show, 613 Triumph Super. Seven Transmission System, etc., 655 Triumphs, The New, 374 Trojan Engine, The, Redesigned, 653 Trojan Folding Bed, 173 Trojan Six-wheeler, The, 32 Trojan, The Latest, 646 Trojan, The New, at the Show, 614 Trojan, The 1930 Saloon, 496
- Trojan, The Six-wheeled (Putting its Boots on), 186 rojan Trailer The 160
- j, whd (
- Trojan Trailer, The, 160 Trojan Van, The, 755 Th " Th Mt" f
- jn V, he, 755
- Trophy, " The Motor," for the Brighton Rally, 125
- Tungstone Battery, The, 674
- Tyre Capacity Indicator, The, 250
- Tyre Gauge, A Schrader, 249-
- Tyre Gauge, The Schrader, 626
- Tyre Repair Outfit, The Romac Half-a-crown, 626
- Tyre Repair Outfit, The Romac, 251
- Tyre Tester and Pump Gauge, The Bristol Combined, 33, 623
- Tyre, The Bold-tread Design of the New Dunlop "Clipper," 519
- Tyres at the Show, 617
- Tyres, The Quick Filler for Inflating. 385
- Up Agninst if. in a Foreign Land," 528
- Valve Washer, The Anti-tap Spring, 280
- Van, A Converted Furniture, as a Country Home, 157
- Varatio Gearbox, The, 358 Vernon-Derby Engine, The, 651 Vernon-Derby, The, in All-enclosed Form, 664 Vernon-Derby Transmission System, The, 655 Vesey Cup Trial, The Eighth, Incidents, 37 Vibrations, Their Cause and Cure, 786 Vortex Silencer, The' Improved, 747 Vortex Silencer, The New, 280
- Wakefield Gallon Tin and Quart Cannister, 622
- Wales, Near Capel Curig, A Distant View of Snow-, den, 565
- Wantsum, A View of the River, near Sarre, 540
- Warning, A Grim Design on a French Highway, 237
- Warning Boards Erected on. the Roads Entering Derby, 716
- Waterend, The Village of, in the Gade Valley, 231
- Watergate Bay, near Newauay, 539
- Wayside Caravan, The. 281
- Weathershields Radiator Shield, 522
- Weight, How, Affects Performance, 40
- Wells, Views of, 265, 266
- West, Gems oi the, 538, 539
- Westmill, Herts, The Village of, 287
- Whatmough-Hewitt-type Cylinder Head, Adoption by the H.E. Concern of the, 687
- Whatmough Type of Cylinder Head in Part Section, A, 508
- " When Fate Jeers," 200
- Wilmington, The Long Man of, 514
- Windmill, An Interesting, at Saltfleet, 741
- Winter (Shall We See This Soon?). 543
- Wiper Blade, To Hold Tip the, When Not in Use, 382
- Wireless and the Car, 267
- Wireless, The National Portable Radio Set. 268
- Wixford, 376
- Women's " Exeter," Competitors at Basingstoke, 551
- Wood, Stories in, 394
- Woods, S., 349
- Workshop Equipment, Cheap, 392, 393
- Zenith Petrol Filter. The, 250, 673
- Zenith Pump-type Carburetter, 620
See Also
Sources of Information