Lightcar: Index v41: (1932/11/25 to 1933/05/19)
Note: This is a sub-section of Light Car and Cyclecar
See the Issues for this index
INDEX. Volume 41. 25th Nov 1932 to 19th May 1933.
- A.A.: A. Very Useful Function, 757
- A.A. and American Automobile Touring Alliance, 494
- A.A. Car Park Guide, 59
- A.A. " Europa Touring," 615
- A.A.: For Bog Lovers, 254
- A.A. Handbook, New, 650
- A.A. Holiday Maps, 597
- A.A. Members Please Note! 39
- A.A. Oppose Bill (Compensation for Accidents), 709
- A.A. Patrol Decorated, Gallant, 176
- A.A. Patrols: Christmas Day, 113
- A.A. Patrols: Times on Duty, 589
- A.A. Pilots, 526
- A.A. Road Reports, 472, 494, 549, 571, 597
- A.A.: Sir Stenson Cooke, 177
- A.A.: 'Ware Lambs, 619
- A-A. Warning, Brakes and Plates, 468
- Abbey Hornet Saloon, The, 436
- Abbott Special Body and Price, 373
- A.C. Plug-cleaning Machine, 497
- Accessories, 12, 36, 38, 115, 197, 198, 199, 229, 253, 262, 311, 340, 390, 433, 497, 652, 737
- Accessories: Gadgets New and Old lor Cars New and Old, 390
- Accessories: Old Timers in the Garage, 184
- Accessory Designers Very Busy, 726
- Accidents Analyzed, Road, 708
- Accidents' Compensation, 709
- Accidents, Fatal Road, 248
- Accidents, " Slant " on, A New, 264
- Accidents: To Personal Injuries—£8,000, 418 Acid Stains, Preventing, 386 A.-C.U. South Midland Centre Meeting, 220 Adamite Steering Joint, The, 527 Adjusta-Matic Piston, The, 393 Advertising, Observations on, 472 Atfairs ol the Moment, 464, 492, 522, 562, 590, 616, 646, 674, 704, 734 Air-cleaner, Home-made, 635 Air Display, G.A.P.A.N., 596 Air Pageant, British Hospitals, 566 A.J.S. Models and Prices, 372 Albert, A Hotted-up, 629 Alfa-Romeo Rumours, 167
- Allard Special: A " Four-wheeled " Morgan, 146 Alms Hill Banned, 177 Alpine Trial, International, 334 Alta Models and Prices, 372 Aluminium Competition, International, 281 Alvis Firefly Saloon, In Brief, 204 Alvis Firefly Saloon, " That Little Something . . ." 204
- Alvis, In a 1925, 265 Alvis Models and Prices, ^372 Amal Bonnet Fastener, 469 Amal Petrol Filter, IS Amateur Flying Squad, 338
- America: Oddities of the U.S.A. 1933 Models, 320 Amilcar Records (Henken Widengren), 647 Ammeter Unfairly Blamed. An, 76 Amsterdam Motor Show, The, 195, 247, 254, 312 Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd.. Luncheon, 674 Animals: Wild Life in Winter Time, Article by
- " Robin Hood," 181 Anti-freeze Solution, 42 Armlet to Keep the Sleeve Dry, 311 Armrest, Birjo, 727
- Armstrong, Comdr. F. "P.; Message from, 367 Armstrong Siddeley Economy Sports Saloon, The, 120 Armstrong Siddeley Economy Sports Saloon at a
- Glance, The, 122 Armstrong Siddeley Economy Sports Saloon in Brief, 656
- Armstrong Siddeley Gearbox, 646 Armstrong Siddeley Models and Prices, 372 Armstrong Siddeley: Mr. H. P. Henry, The Man " On the Spot," 224
- Armstrong Siddeley, Pioneered by, 177 Armstrong Siddeley Sports Saloon, On Special Service, 656
- Armstrong Siddeleys in South Africa, 596, 629 Arrow Special Bodies and Prices, 373 Arrow Standard Coupe, The, 62 • Aehby Sportmuff, 727 Ashtray, Davis, 340 Ashtray, Lang Bakelite, 652 Aston-Martin Models and Prices, 372 At a Glance: Items of Interest to AH, 195, 221, 247, 278, 307, 335, 363, 403, 431, 463, 491, 521, 561, 589, 645, 673, 703, 733 Atlantis Combined Mirror and Indicator, 37 Atomist: Chemical Car Cleaner, 43 Austin: A (De)carbonizing Record? 265 Austin: Baby Car Record, A New, 500 Austin: Busy Bees at Longbridge, 562 Austin: Cylinder Boring Process, New, 653 Austin Distributors in Germany, 431 Austin Double-capacity Sump, 115 Austin Enterprise, More, 227 Austin Factory Broadcast, 195, 196, 247 Austin Film, 335 Austin Lighting Improvement, 607 Austin Models and Prices, 372 Austin Sales Record, 589 Austin Seven Altitude Record, 338 Austin Seven, American-built, 221 Austin Seven Shock Absorbers, 21 Austin Seven Supplementary Springs, 115 Austin Sevens, " Sports," 156 Austin, Sir Herbert, Message from, 366 Austin Spray Plant, New, 40 Austin Sump Cooling, 299
- Austin Ten, Flewitt Special Bodies for, 39 Austin Ten-four Cabriolet Model, 561, 597 Austin Ten, Keynotes ol the: Half-hours with Designers, Article by F. L. M. Harris, 711 Austin Ten: They Deserve to be Popular, 476 Austin: Three Into Two, 661
- Austin Twelve-six, 22,000 Miles with an, 328, 346 Austin Twelve-six Hint, An, 161 Austin Twelve-six Sports Tourer in Briei, 742 Austin Works, At the, 464
- Austins, Calormeter Quick-release Filler Cap for 1933,
- Austins, Curtain Rack for, 481
- Austins Introduce a Sports Tourer, 742
- Australia's Relay Race, 113
- Automobile Engineering Training College Dance, 64
- Automatic Traffic Signals—(See Signals)
- Avon Special Bodies and Prices, 373 Avus Race, 701, 775
- " Away With Blind Spots,'! Article by Dr. A. H. Stuart, Ph.D., B.Sc., etc., 686
- Ball Change Dust Excluder, 693
- Ball Joint Sleeve, 422
- Ballade of March the Twenty-fifth, 509
- Banking and Insurance Guilds' M.C., 462, 588, 732, 776
- Banking and Insurance Motoring Association, 139, 140, 276
- B.A.R.C. 1933 Member's Badge, 312
- B.A.R.C. Annual Dinner, 28
- B.A.R.C. Club Tie, 587
- B.A.R.C. Easter Meeting, 494, 495
- B.A.R.C. Easter Meeting Report and Results, 638, 644
- B.A.R.C. Opening Meeting, 413, 431, 484
- B.A.R.C. Opening Meeting Result, 490
- Barclay Ten, The, Introducing, 370 Bargains, 383
- Barfnmr: Oven of a Thousand Jets, The, 597 Barimar: Owner Would be Unlucky, The, 419 Barimar's Chief, 704 Barnsbury Pioneers M.C., 672 Barson Special, Nine Makes in One, 8 Batteries, Packing, 161 Battery Charging, 56, 104 Battery Master Switch, Beemac, 726 Battery, Remember the, 660 Battery Terminals, To Protect, 422 Battery Test, A Drastic, 419 Battery, To Save the, 475 Battery: Topping-up Hint, 453 Battery: Why Twelve Volts? 682 B.B.C. Automobile Club, The, 587 Bearings, " Thin-wall," 653 Bearings? Two, or Three, 212 Beemac Battery Master Switch, 726 Beharrell, Sir George, 522 Benz Monument, 561 Berkhamsted and District M.C.C., 140, 246, 402, 462, 560, 614, 732, 776 Berkhamsted Speed Trials, 361, 702 Berlin Motor Show, The, 310
- Berlin Motor Show, Economy the Keyonte of the, 342 Berlin Motor Show Date for 1933, 1 Berlin Show: Germany Goes "Light Car," 254 Bettmann, Mr. S., Birthday Party, 704 Birglow Robot Hand Signal, 652 Birfo Armrest, 727 Birkin, Sir Henry, and Brooklands, 60 Birmingham University M.C. Autumn Trial, 112 Blackpool's Underground Garage, 431 Blake, Mr. E. H., Message from, 366 Blizzard? What is a, 404 Blowpipe, Workshop, 239 "Blower, The," Articles by:—
- Ideal Homes Exhibition, The, 566 Mr. Polwistle Gets " Pinched," 260 " Blower, The," Sports Jottings by, 27, 57, 85, 111, 139, 167, 193, 219, 245, 275, 305, 333, 361, 401, 429, 461, 489, 519, 559, 587, 613, 643, 671, 701, 731, 776 "Blower, The," Article by: Track or Road Racing?
- Discussing the Query, Which Stresses the Car
- and Driver More? 546 " Blue Bird "—(See Campbell Special ") B.M.C.R.C. Meeting, Three,-wheelers at, 776 B.M.C.R.C. Races and Three-wheeled Cyclecar, 431 Board of Trade Returns, 364 Bodies: "Away with Blind Spots," Article by Dr. A.
- H. Stuart, Ph.D., B.Sc., etc., 686 Bodies, Discussing Streamlined, 578 Bodies for Popular Chassis, Special, 373 Bodies, Protecting Fabric, 635 Bodies: To Express Our Individuality, 474 Bodies ? Why Not Hybrid, 598 Body-types in One! Three (Trinity), 549 Bol d'Or Race, 402, 731 Bol d'Or-Race, Federation Support, 406 Bolts, Anchoring Coach, 719 Bolts, Locking Coach, 133 Bond, G. W., Article by: Forgotten ; Corner of Essex,
- A, 80
- Bonnet Fastener, Ainal, 469 Bonnet Rattle, Tb Stop, 422 Bonnet Rattles, Eliminating, 693 Bonora Quick-release Filler Cap, 311 Books That Appeal (Manuals). 224 Books, To Writers of Guide, 76
- Books :—
- A.A. Handbdok, 650 . Brooklands Year Book, 521, 559. " Bugantics "
- (Magazine), 219 ' Churches with a Story," 76 571. Motor Rally Mystery, The, 522 "Nobody Starves," 522 " Roads of England, The," by Miss R. M. C.
- Anderson, 621. Round the World in a Baby Austin, 716
- What to See in London, 682 Borzacchini: Prize Money, 220 Bosch Fog Lamp, 497 " Bournbrook," Article by, " If I Won the Sweep," 689
- Brace, Wheel, 635
- Bradley. Mr. A. Percy, Message from, 367 Brake Adjustment, 635 Brake Adjustments, For, 453 Brake Drums, Composite Steel, 228 Brake Drums, Laystall Unscorable, 197 Brake Drums, Painting, 325 Brake Grip, Hand, 543 Brake Lining, Superbestos, 198 Brakes are Damp, When, 682 Brakes are Wet, When the, 598 Brakes Get Wet, When, 448 Brakes, In Favour of " Six-wheel," 101 Brakes, Relining, 325
- B.R.D.C.. 220
- B.R.D.C. Annual Dinner, 193
- B.R.D.C. British Empire Trophy Race, The, 567, 613
- B.R.D.C. Dinner, he, All "Pit" Rules Broken! 368
- B.R.D.C. Dinner-cum-fihn-show, 614 Breakdown: "Crying 'Wolf! " 344 Breakdown: If You Get Stranded, 294 Breakdowns, Ignition, 660 Brennan, Louis, 616
- Brico Maxigroove Scraypoil Piston Ring, 12 Bridge Finished, Iford New, 339 Bridge Reconstruction, 39 Bridge, Venice, 339 Bridges, Non-skid, 144 Brighton and Hove M.C., 246, 276 Brighton and Hpve M.C. Brighton-Beer Trial, 672 Brighton and Hove M.C.'s 12-hour Night Trial, 613 Brighton and Hove M.C.'s 12-hour Night Trial, Report and Results, 678
- Brighton Road, Off the, Article by Allan Phillip, 666 Brighton Road Race? 89, 276, 494, 559 Bripal Film, A, 473 Bripal for Touching Up, 469 Bripal Paint Remover, 652 British Hospitals Air Pageant, 440 British Industries Fair, All the Fun of the Fair, 344 British Industries Fair, Bigger Still, 174 British Industries Fair, Garages at the, 39 Broads, Open Road of the. The, 755 Brooklands at Easter, 568, 595 Brooklands Copper Clouter for Knock-off Hubs, 311 Brooklands Dates, 111 Brooklands, Easter Meeting, 638 Brooklands Entrance, A New, 313, J533 Brooklands, Facts About, 333 Brooklands Flood Damage, 490 Brooklands Hub Caps, 229 Brooklands Loud-speakers, 677 Brooklands, Sir Henry Birkin and, 60 Brooklands SpringSteering Wheel, The, 391 Brooklands Test Hill Records, 613 Bruce, Hon. Victor and Mrs., 646 Bruce, Hon. Victor and Mrs., Longest Non-stop Run, The, 680
- Bruce, Mrs., at Jowetts, 710 \ Brush for Wire Wheels, 186, 422 Brush, Gamage Water, 726 Brushes, Cleaning Paint, 511 Brussels Salon, The 26th, 61 B.S.A. 10 h.p. " Fluid-flywheel " Peerless Coupe, 412
- B.S.A. Distributor, 104 B.S.A. Forethought, 737 B.S.A. Models and Prices, 372 B.S.A. Models, Numerous 1935, 48 B.S.A. Saloon, The 10 h.p. Fluid-flywheel, 256 B.S.A. Saloon, The 10 h.p. Fluid-flywheel, In Brief, 256
- B.S.A. Spring Display, 495 B.S.A. Three-wheeler Chassis, 51 B.S.A. Twin-cylinder De Luxe Two-seater at a Glance, 178
- B.S.A. Twin-cylinder De Luxe Two-seater Model, 178 B.S.A.s, Grose Bumbers for, 253 Budget, The, 674
- Budget: Yarborough for C.I. Engines, A, 716 " Bugantics," 520 Bugatti: History of "The Snag," The, Article by J.
- D. Jevons, 768
- Bugatti Model, 461
- Bugatti Model Car, 140
- Bugatti Owners' Club, 168, 193
- Bugatti Owners' Club Dinner, 140
- Bugatti Owners' Club Hill-climb, 776
- Bugatti Owners' Club Night Trial, 58 ? '
- Bugatti Owners' Club Rally, 672
- Bullock, Mr. W. E., Message from, 366
- Bumpers for B.S.A.s, Grose, 253 Bungho, 128
- Burgess Ignition Booster, 726
- Burns Country, Through the, 258
- Buy, Buy, Buy! 308
- Buyers: No "Duds," 382<
- Buying a Car, 74
- Buying Your First Car (Hints), 380
- Cabinet, Storage, 579
- Cabs: Still Running! 224
- Cadison Electric Muff, 12
- Calonneter Quick-release Filler Gap {or 1933 Austins, 13
- Cambridge or Oxford? 544
- Campbell, Great Welcome . to, 404
- Campbell, Honouring SIT Malcolm, 471
- Campbell on the Way, 248
- Campbell, Sir Malcolm, America's Reply, 168
- Cbll Si Mll d lVilitre Oar, 1 4
- p, a, py,
- Campbell, Sir Malcolm, and a lVi-litre Oar, 464 Campbell, Sir Malcolm, Banquet to, 431, 492, 494 Campbell, Sir Malcolm, " Blue Bird " Speed, 85 Campbell, Sir Malcolm, Speed Attempt, No Rival, 219
- Campbell, Sir Malcolm's Record, 429 Campbell Special "Blue Bird," 280 Miles Per Hour? 196
- Campbell Special " Blue Bird " at Gamages, 403 Campbell to " Float on 'Air," 11 Camping Club, The, 112 Camping Exhibition, 650 Camping Sites, 442, 571, 709 Canada, New Markets in, 144 Cannell, Mr. W., Message From, 366 Capell, Lady Iris, 662 Oar, £6 Tax (Casting Their Shadows Before Them),
- Car and Rod This Easter. Article by " Marmaduke," 533 Car and Sport, The (" How to Get There " Problem
- Solved), 764
- Car, De Luxe Model, What Constitutes Luxury? 160 Car: Home-built Sports Mode) (South Airican Reader). 401
- Oar: "If I Won the Sweep." Article by "Bourn-brook," 689
- "Car is Five Years Old .... My," 75 Car, Open, Nothing so Exhilarating as— 558 Car Owners Saved Expense, A Million, 499 Car Parking at the Boat Race, 496 Car Sales Up, 369 Oar, Second-hand? When is a, 629 Car, Two-cylinder Racer, A, 619 Car: Wanted—A Conveyance, 158 Gar Washing, For, 239 Car Wear Out? When Does a, 636 Caracciola-Chiron Partnership, 519 Caraociola: Prize Money, 220 Oaracciola, Rudolf, 490 Caravan: Hitrh Your "Wagon," 540 Caravanners, For, 653 Garavanners, To, 183 Caravanning, Like Free-ballooning, 598 Carbodies Special Body and Price, 373 Carburetter Adjustments, 423 Carburetter Design, 20
- Carburetters: Causes of "Power Roar," 664 Carburetters: Determining Choke Sizes, 452 Carburetters? One or Two, 555 Carburetters, There is Nothing Mysterious About
- Modern, 317
- Carrying a Leather, For, 130 Cars: 1934 Models, Release Date, 9 Cars: Back to 1912, 351 Cars, British Light, 364 Cars for Venice, No (Venice Bridge), 339 Cars Have Changed. Customs, How, 129 Cars in Calcutta, 145 Cars: In the Showroom Window, 374 Cars, Prices of All Current Light, 372 Cars: Still Room for More Comfort, 758 Cars: Tens Outsell Eights, 449 Cars, Two £6-tax, 715 Cars Which Open, Closed, 476 Case-hardening, 21
- Casting Their Shadows Before Them, 234 Oastrol " Lubrequipment," 472 Castrol " Motor Clinics," 443 Castrol's Chassis-lubricating Scheme, 537 Catalogues That Tell the Truth, 382 Caterpillar M.C., The, 86, 140, 194, 402, 614, 732, 776
- Causes for Complaint, 132 Cavendish Auto Club, 28 Cavendish Auto Club Team Trial. Report and Results, 86
- Celamel Spraycan, 726 Celamel Sprayette, The, 325, 390 Cellulose, Chemico Brushing, 497 Cellulose, Chemico-Crackle, 413 Cellulose Spraying, For, 325 Cellulose Varnish New "Use for, 481 Cement, Iron, 423 Chains, Snow, 269
- Champion Sparking Plug for Wireless-fitted Cars, 497 Chassis: When the Frame is Underslung, 662 Chemico Brushing Cellulose, 497 Chemico Crackle Cellulose, 413 Chemico Stop-it, To Cure Radiator Leaks, 12 Chiltern Hundred, The, 409 Chiltern Trial Results, 732 Chiron-Caracciola Partnership, 519 Chiron, Louis, 490 Christmas Day, On, 129 Christmas Eve Across England. Article by H. M.
- Symon, 118
- Christmas Greetings, 167 Churches, Human Interest in, 76 Circuit Near Tring. A Proposed Road, 225 Circuits at Crystal Palace and Greenford, 276 Citroen Models and Prices, 372 Citroen, Petite Rosalie at Montlhe>y, 776 Citroen Records at Montlhe>y, 732 Citroen Ten Saloon, The, 478 Oitroen Ten Saloon, The, In Brief, 478 Clean a Car, An Hour to, 17 Cleaners: Preparations You Should Know, 43 Cleaning Hint, A, 325 Cleaning Rusty Implements, 607 Cleaning Small Parts, For, 481 Cleaning the Hands, 719 Cleanliness, Miracles of, 296
- Cleanser for the Hands, 579
- Cleartex: Keeping the Screen Clean, 253
- Club Fees, 731
- Club, Greek Key, 276
- Club Items and Sporting Events: 28, 58, 86, 112, 140, 168, 194, 220, 246, 276, 306, 334, 362, 402, 430, 462, 490, 520, 560, 588', 614, 672, 702, 732. 776 Club Scheme, A Novel, 176 Clubs, Fifty-eight Motor, 598 Clubs (Small and Large) 245 Clutch Pedal, Three-position, 16 Clutches Wear Out, Why, 17 C.M.I. Armrest for Midgets, 726 C.M.I. Gadgets for 1933 MJG. Oars, 287 Coachbuilding: Did You Know, 116 Coachwork Competitions, 703 Coal Gas as Fuel, 314 Cobb's (John) New Car, 461, 644 Coborn Stationary Engine for Workshops or Garages, 146
- Coil: About That Vital Spark, 414, 456 Coils, For Those Who Dislike, 158 Colmore Cup Trial Entries, 345 Colroore Oup Trial Details, 168, 246, 333, 345, 430
- Colmore Cup Trial Report, The, 392 Colmore Cup Trial Results, The, 406,462 Colour, Black the Favourite, 210 Combined Clubs' Ball, 220, 276 Comfort is Still a Long Way Off, 'Armchair. Article
- topazzle.
- by Norman Conquest, 300 Commutator Micas, Undercutting, 161 Competition " Photopuzzle." See Photoj Compression Theory, A Local, 510 Compton " Combination," The (Wolseley Hornet
- Special Chassis), 61 Conan Doyle Brothers, 245 Concours d'Elegance Model Rules, 775 Condensed Correspondence: 26, 56, 84 192 218 274, 332, 360, 400, 428, 558, 586, 612, 642 700, 774 Conquest, Norman, Article by, Armchair Comfort is
- Still a. Long Way Off, 300 Conquest, Norman, Article by, Possible " Point One,"
- Be on the Look-out For the, 446 Control Knobs, Marking, 299 Cooling, To Cut Down, 321 Copenhagen Show, At, 412 Cornwall for Easter? Why not Sample, 608 Cotter Pins, Replacing, 543 Cotters, Fitting Horseshoe, 53 Coupes—Glorified Two-seaters, 266 Court Cases; 59, 195, 491 Court Case: One Witness Insufficient, 371 Court Case: "Wretched Oar Owner, The," 336 Coventry-Victor 1933 Models, 49 Coventry-VictOT Chassis, 51 Coventry-Victor " Midget," At a Glance, 12-5 Coventry-Victor " Midget," Motoring at Its Cheapest
- in the, 124
- Coventry-Victor Models and Prices, 372 Coventry-Victor Neptunes, 736 Coventry-Victors for 1933, 496 Coy Rubber Suspension System, 633 Cranfleld, Mary, Article by, Shooting the Salmon
- Nets at Bideford, 482 Crankshaft Whirl, When, 499 Credit Notes for Sale, 294 Critic, A Tame, 616 Crock Which is the Oldest Old, 139 Crossley Buxton Saloon With Self-changing Gearbox,
- The, 392
- Crossley Models and Prices, 372 Crossleys, Mr. A. W. Hubble, 590 Crossleys, " Self-changing," 468 O.S.M.A., 112, 168, 334, 732 Cumberland Fells, Winter Amongst the, Article by
- Allan Phillip, 106 Cyclecars for Long-distance Touring, Article by H. Sagiar, 750 v
- Cycleoars Forging Ahead, 43 Cyclecars, Multi-cylinder, Article by Mr. Stewart Sandford, 651
- Cycling Concert, Cyclists Forgather, 253
- Cylinder Heads, Discussing Aluminium, 578
- Cylinder Heads, Tightening, 104
- Cylinder Lubrication, Upper, 354
- Cylinder Wear, 387
- Cylinder Wear. Cause of, 496
- Cylinder Wear, Preventing, 175
- Cteaykowski, Count, Hour Record, 732
- Damaging Cars: A New Nuisance, 39
- Data Card, 761
- Daytona Story, 361
- Dazzle No Longer a Problem, 384
- Decarbonizing, Handy When, 354
- Decarbonizing Hint, A, 299
- Derby Models and Prices, 372
- Derrington Carburetter and Exhaust Manifold, 737
- Derrinigton Luggage Grid lor Midgets, 47
- Derringtoa Wing Valances for J2 Midgets, 253
- Derrinigton Oversize Sump, 413
- "Designers, Half-hours With," 472
- Desmo Direction Indicator. 37
- Desmo Driving Mirrors, 497
- Designers, Half-hours with, No. 4: Austin Ten, Keynotes of the: Article by F. L. M. Harris, 711
- Designers, Half-hours with, No. 2: Jowett: We Believe in Light Cars": Article by F. L. M. Harris, 507
- Designers, Half-hours with, No. 1: M.G.: How They Get" Safety Fast": Article by F. L. M. Harris, 416
- Designers, Half-hours with. No. 3: Triumph: " Reasons Why " of a Super Nine, The: Article by F. L. M. Harris, 576
- Desmo Mascots, 340
- Desmo Mirror, 390
- Desmo Safebeam Anti-dazzle Lamp, 391
- Devaney Two-stroke Engine, 442
- Dieppe Grand Prix, 167
- Diesel Engine, The, 692
- "Diogenes," Article by: ". . .We Shall Have Snow," 262
- " Diogenes," Article by: Why Gear Changing is Easier, 200
- "Diogenes," Article by: Winter Widens the View, 30
- "Diogenes" Suggests Inter-club Membership, 176
- Dip Sticks for Gearboxes, 475
- Dipstick, Petrol, 635
- Dip-stick Wiper, 761
- Diplomat, The, 15
- Dipping, Cause of Erratic, 76
- Dipstick Cleanliness, 269
- Direction Indicators, 4.13
- Direction Indicators: Analysis of Report of Departmental Committee, 432
- Dirt-track Car Racing, 194
- Discs, Cutting Small, 354
- Dixon-Bate Safeguard Control Fire-proof Invention, 620
- Dixon-Spain, Major, Joins R.A.C., 9
- Dodsley, Robert, Article by: Oil-engined Light Car, The, 206
- Don Brake Lining, 616
- Donington Concours d'Elegance, 494, 568
- Donington: E. R. Hall's View, 562
- Donington Lapped at 54 m.p.h., 316
- Donington, Morgans at, 621
- Donington Park Circuit Regulations, The, 402
- Donington Park Races, 710
- Donington Park Road Circuit, 167, 194, 613
- Donington Park: Road Circuit Completed! A, 284
- Donington Road Races, 461, 463, 495, 519, 671, 702
- Donington Park Road Races: Report and Results, 55O, 560, 738, 776
- Door Buffers, Squeaking, 693
- Door Locks Needed, New Style, 384
- Doors for Narrow Garages, Oar, 266
- Dorset ?, On the, 756
- Dovedale, 674
- Draughts, Preventing, 511, 710
- Drill Sizes, Checking, 239
- Drill, Workshop Fitting, 269
- "Drivers? Well-known Racing," 587
- Driver Who Could Not Read, 236
- Driving, An Aid to, 21
- Driving: Be on the Look-out for the Possible "Point-One." Article by Norman Conquest, 446
- Driving, Good, 312
- Driving in Reverse, Four Miles in, 18
- Driving: Something of a Clot, 320
- Duco Hot-water Foot Warmer, 36
- Duco Inspection Lamp, The, 241, 391
- Duco Radiator Muffs, 311
- Dunlop Exhibition, 521. 522
- Dunlop Potted Tyre Facts, 683
- Dunlop: There's Romance in Building a Tyre, 530
- Dunlop Tyre Testing: Blue Bird's Tyre Problem, 338
- Dunlop Tyre Tread, 616
- Duralumin Con. Rods, 677
- Dutch Rally: "Down Beside a Dutch Canal," 650
- Eastbourne Concours d'Elegance, 527, 597, 737
- Easter, 572
- Easter, Make the Most of, 554
- Easter Holiday, 598
- Edgware, Mill Hill and D. M.C., 614
- Edinburgh and D. M.C., 672
- Elephant on the Roof, An, 382
- Emerson Radio for Cars, 620
- Enamel: Dried-mud Dangers, 600
- Enfield and D. M.C., 194, 246, 402, 588,.732
- Engine: Bore-stroke Ratios, 41
- Engine Complex, A Big-engine, 538
- Engine, Krupp Air-cooled Diesel, 336
- Engine Rattle, 480
- " Engine-room Safety," 133
- Engine: Warming-up Revs., 628
- Engine: What was that Noise? 480
- Engine: Why No Revs.? 265
- Engines, C.I., More About, 718
- England, This Ancieat, 762
- Englobert Tyre, New, 116
- Enots Easiject Oiler for Easy Chassis Lubrication, 197
- Enots Grease Gun for Lubricating Universals, 253 Enots Hydraulic Jack, Tbe^ 390 Erie Resistor for Wireless Fans, 340 Essex, A Forgotten Corner of: Article by G. W. Bond, 80
- Eustact Watkins Special Bodies and Prices, 373 Events: Brooklands Dates, 111 Events for 1933, Opens, 306 Events, Forthcoming, 58, 86, 112, 139, 140, 168, 193, 220, 245, 246, 276, 306 334, 362, 402, 430, 462, 490, 520, 521, 560, 588, 614, 644, 672, 702, 732, 775 776 Events: R.A.C., 361 Events: What's On—and Where? 590, 616, 646, 674, 704, 734
- Ever-Ready Mobile Light, The, 241, 391 Exhaust: Silence Without Baffling, 187 Exhibition, Ideal Homes, 335, 549 Exhibition. Used Motor Show, The, 174 Exports: Car Value, Average, 521 Eyston, G. E. T., Attack on" Records, 61, 85 Eyston, G. E. T., M.G. Magic Midget Records, 89, 147, 168 Eyston's Magnificent Run: 120 m.p.h. in the M.G.
- " Magic Midget," 114
- Facia-board Petrol Taps, 511
- Factories All Ready tor the Big Rush, 389
- Fans, Lecture on, A, 296
- Farm Sports Ford, 316
- Ferro-concrete, 590
- Fiat " 508 " Model in Brief, 632
- Fiat: All for a Fiver, 450
- Fi;
- Fi.
- ^iat Ban Appeal. 587
- ?iat Model T' 508," Th«, 632
- F (continued).
- Fiat Models and Prices, 372
- Filling Stations to Support, 352
- Filter, Amal Petrol, 13
- Fire: Safeguard Control, Dixon-Bate, 620
- Fison, Mr. C, H., 646
- Fitter's Time, £100, To, 449
- Fire Extinguisher, Winham's, 13
- Flex Wires, Securing, 53
- Flewitt Special Bodies for Austin Ten, 39
- Floodlit Way, The, Article by Arthur Sharp, 214
- Fluid Flywheel Experiences, 129
- "Focus," Article by: Looking Back on 1932, 148
- " Focus," Rich Mixture Light Car Comment and Advice by, 16, 42, 74, 10O, 128, 156, 182, 208, 234, 264» 294, 320, 350, 382, 418, 448, 474, 498, 536, 572, 598, 628, 660, 682, 714, 756
- Fog Caps: Golden Arrow Fog Piercer, 12
- Fog Discs, Improved R.A.C., 8
- Fog Driving, Tisit Mortifog, 13
- Footrest, Useful, 325
- Ford 8 h.p. in Standard Saloon Form and as a Pukka Sports Car, 658
- Ford Decentralizing, 335
- Ford, J. Ludovic, 520
- Ford Models and Prices, 372
- Ford Sports Model, New (Farm), 316
- Ford, Wilson Two-seater, 339
- Fords at the B.I.F., 278, 371
- Frazer-Nash Car Club, 588, 702, 732, 776
- Frazer Nash Dinner, 429
- Frazer-Nash Models and Prices, 372
- Frazer-Nash Owners' Dinner, 140, 489
- Frazer-Nash, " The Terror," 139
- Freewheeling, Modern (Rover System Explained), 395
- French Grand Prix Regulations, 361
- Fuel, Coal Gas as, 314
- Fuel: Mixture Heating Problems, 298
- Fuels, Gas and Creosote, 105
- Fuel, Wood, How Many Logs per Mile? 9
- Fuse, Temporary, 481
- Fuses, Temporary, 21
- Gadgets: See Accessories.
- Gala in " Motor Street," 413
- Galeries Lafayette Garage, The, 113
- Gamage Fire Extinguisher, The, 391
- Water Brush, 726
- Gamage's Solidified Oil Grease. 620
- Game: A Sfcrounge Hunt, 182
- Garage Beautiful, The, 203
- Garage Doors, Lifting, 693
- Garage Floors, For Cement, 354
- Garage Illumination, 511
- Garage, Manoeuvring in the, 354
- Garage, Piccadilly Circus, 674
- Garage: Protecting Concrete, 53
- Gardner, Major A. T. G. (Recovery), 363
- Gasket Remover, A, 607
- Gaskets, Emergency, 21
- Gaskets Under the Head, Two, 74
- Gauge, Riveting, 710
- Gear, A Twin-two, 16
- Gear Changing is easier, Why: Article by " Diogenes " 200
- Gear: Ideal Top, The, 352
- Gear Lever, Fighting with the, 296
- Gear Stop, C.M.I. Reverse, 287
- Geanbox\ Changing from First to Second, 16
- Gears: Good-bye to All That! 14
- German Grand Prix, The, 587. 644
- German Motor Show: See Berlin Motor Show.
- German " Twin-twin " Fours, 450
- German Winter Trial, 144
- G.E.C. Lighting System in the Mall, 199
- Ghosts of the Exeter Road, The: Article by Robert Read, 162
- Girl Friends, Fifty-fifty, 758
- Glass Drilling, 299
- Gloucester M.C. and C.C., 560, 702
- Gloucester Trial, 63, 86
- Gloucester Trial: Car and Three-wheeler Entries, 63
- Golden Arrow Fog Piercer, 12
- Goodall, George, Article by: Trials Without Tribulations, 66
- Goodyear Silent Tyre, 88
- Grand Cup Trial, The, 743
- " Grand Prix " Films, 286
- Graphite as an Aid to Lubrication: Article by Dr. A. H. Stuart, Ph.D., B.Sc, 230
- Graphite is a Wear Saver: Article by Dr. A. H. Stuart, 310
- Graphite Returns to Favour, 322
- Grass-track Racing, 587
- Grease Nipples, Preventing Choked, 269
- Great Portland Street, Gala Week Prize Winner, 443
- Great West M.O., 402, 560, 672, 776
- Greek Key Club, 276, 702, 776
- Grose Bumpers for B.S.A.S, 253, 391 ^
- Grose Dumbiron Apron for Morris M^nor Owners, 61
- Grose Foot-muff with Zipp Fastener, 36
- Grose Paraffin Radiator Lamp, 38
- Grose Valances for J2 Midgets, 197
- Grose Waterproof Armlet, 311
- Guide-books? Ar« You, Like " Athos," Tired of, 553 Guide to London, A, 682
- H
- Hacking, Lt.-Col. and Mrs., Presentations, 431
- Hall, Sydney, 590
- Handspray, Robbialoid, 229
- Hanomag 9 h.p. German Car, 144
- Hardy Hornet, The, 740
- Hardy Special Bodies and Prices, 373
- Harris Dirt-track Special, 219
- HARRIS, F. L. M., ARTICLES BY— Austin Ten, Keynotes of the, 711 Jowett: We Believe in LigEt Cars, 507
- HAKHIS, F. L. M., ARTICLES BY (contd.)—
- "M.G." How They Get "Safety Fast," 416 Triumph: "Reasons Why" of a Super Nine, The, 576
- Harrow and D. M.C., 276
- Hastings, 454 .
- Hastings Rally, See R.A.C.
- Hatfield's (Mr.) Progress, Hillman Minx Tour, 61
- Heater, Car, After the Ball, 294
- Heater Control, 213
- Henry, Mr. H. P. The Man " On the Spot," 224
- " Highway Code, The," In Place of, 101
- Hill-climb, Sussex, 167
- Hillman: Cape Rally Team Prize, 247
- Hillman Car-Caravan Expedition, 403
- Hillman: Enterprise in Australia, 252
- Hillman Minx. From a " Prominent Hindian " (Capt. Benyon's Race), 8
- Hillman Models and Prices, 372
- Hillman—London "to Calcutta (Capt. Yates-Benyon: Amazing Route Card), 223
- Hillman Minx: Five Guinea Test, 649, 710, 774
- Hillman Minx Tour, Mr. Hatfield's Progress, 61
- Hillman: Road Report, 615
- Hillmans in South Africa, 654
- Hitch Your " Wagon," 540
- Holbrook, Lieut.-Col., C. V., Message from, 367
- Holes, Aligning, €07
- Holiday: Make the Most of Easter, 554
- Hood Renovation, 53, 186
- Hoods, Renovating Car, 579
- Horn Control, Dual, 78
- Hornet Car Club, The, 86, 732
- Horton, Mr., Mrs. and Miss, 646
- Hose Nozzle, Useful, 354
- Hotels, See Inns.
- Hough, Mr. Frank, Message from, 367
- How Much Do You Miss? 396
- Hub Caps, Brooklands, 229
- Hubble, Mr. A. W., 590
- Hubble, Mr. A. W., Message from, 366
- Humberette: Touring in a 20-year-old Car, 526
- HUMOROUS:— Crushed! 44 Fable, 194
- To-day's Good Story, 613 Interlude, 461
- I
- I A E Paper, " Electrical Equipment for Automobiles," 141
- Ideal Homes Exhibition, The, Article by "The Blower," 566
- " Ideas," Filing, 269
- Ideas, Other Readers', 21, 53, 78, 104, 133, 161, 186, 213, 239, 269, 299, 325, 354, 386, 422 453, 481, 511, 543, 579, 607, 635, 693, 719, 761
- " If I Won ihe Sweep," Article by " Bournbrook," 689
- If You Have Trouble After Dark (Auxiliary Lighting), 240
- Ignition: About That Vital Spark, 414, 456
- Ignition Discovery, An, 760
- Ignition Key, Spare, 186
- Ignition: Locating Short Circuits, 239
- Ignition Switch, utex Suction-controlled, 12
- Ignition Testing, 183
- Ignition, Timing Coil, 693
- Ilkley and D. M.C., 246, 334, 588
- Ceylon, 339
- France, 703
- New Zealand, 169 India Tyre, New, 469 Indianapolis. British Drivers, 111 Indicator, Motor-driven Direction, 368 Indicator Tell-tale, 607 Indicators, Recommendations, 464 Induction Pipe Design, 324 (Industrial Heads Say) Every Reason for Optimism, 366
- Industry Car Club, League of, 334 Industry, Growth of a Great, The, Article by
- Maurice Nev.nham, 378 INNS.—
- " Aces," Named After a Regiment, 39
- Hotel Brimpton Grange (Super Road House), 236
- " Old Fox," A New, 39 Institute of the Motor Trade: New President, Mr.
- Victor Riley, 8 Insulate Wire, To, 213 Insurance and Trials' Drivers, 775 Insurance for "Commercials," 468 Insurance Get Together, The, 100 Insurance: No-claim Bonus, The New, 64 Insurance: Oil Guarantee by Lloyd's, 228 Iesurance Scheme, Pyrene, 345 Insurance: T> Personal Injuries—£8,000, 418 Insurance: What is an "Excess"? 570 Insurance: When Comprehensive Policies Pay, 630 Insurance " While You Wait," 549 Insurers and " Laying-up," 281 Inter-Club Team Trial, 442 Inter-Varsity Speed Trials, 401, 409, 439 International Alpine Trial. See Alpine Trial. International Cycle and Motor Cycle Show, Royal
- Patronage, 526
- International Motor Transport Congress, 247 International Trophy. See J.C.C. Inter-Varsity Speed Trials, 362 Inventor Wensley, Detective, 371 Invicta Models and Prices, 372 I.O.M. Car Road Race, 306 I.O.M. Douglas Race, 361 Irish Motor Racing Club, 489 Irish Motor Racing Club Races, 29, 402 Isle of Man Race Titles, 29 Isle of Man Car Races, 114, 613 Isle of Man Car Races, Entries, 731 Isle of Man T.T., 587 Italian 1,000-mile Race, 247, 361 Italian 1,000-mile Race, Cheers ior the " Inglesi," 315
- Italian 1,000-mile Race, Fiats Cars, 671
- Italian 1,000-mile Rate, M.G. Magnette Tests, 334
- Italian 1,000-mile Race, Magnettes Win Class and Team Prize, 602
- Italian 1,000-mile Race, Prizes, The, 401
- Italian 1,000-mile Race Results, 614
- Italian 1,000-mile Race: Three British Cars in Tomorrow's " Mille Miglia," 564
- Italy's New Dictator of Motor Sport (Parisio—The All-powerful), 227
- Italy's Private Cars, 431
- Ivinghoe Circuit, 305, 461
- Ivinghoe-Tring Circuit, 559
- Ivinghoe-Tring Road Circuit, A Proposed, 225, 275
- Jacking, Easier, 607
- Jacking Rear Axle, 354
- Jacking System, A Novel (Jack and Turntable), 229
- Jacking System, Marchal, 199
- Jaffe Tent-hut, 22S
- Jameson Engine: High-powered Two-stroke, 39
- Japanese Traffic Rules, Those, 371
- Jarvis Special Bodies and Prices, 373
- Jay-Bee Easy-fix Chain, 37
- J.C.C., 276, 306, 334, 614
- J.C.C. Annual Meeting, The, 112
- J.C.C. Brooklands Meeting Entries, 402
- J.C.C. Brooklands Rally, 408
- J.C.C. Brooklands Rally Results, 430, 462
- J.C.C. Dinner and Dance, The, 112
- J.C.C. International Trophy Race, 275, 571, 587, 694, 732
- J.C.C. International Trophy Race Entries, 588, 694 J.C.C. International Trophy Race Regulations, 412 J.C.C. International Trophy Race, Report and
- Results, 720 J.C.C. International Trophy: Sir William Morris's
- Gift, 362
- J.C.C. New Race Competition, The, 141, 177 J.C.C. Rally at Brooklands, 364 J.C.C. Scratch Race at Brooklands, 93, 111 J.C.C. Visits to Foreign Races, 255 Jensen Barclay Ten, Introducing the, 370 Jensen-bodied Midget, A, 287 Jensen Morris Minor Special Sports, 369 Jensen Special Bodies and Prices, 373 Jets, Avoiding Choked, 78 Jevons, J. D., Article by, History ol " The Snag,"
- The, 768
- J.M.B. Three-wheeler, Details, 470 J.M.B. Three-wheeler, In Brief, 470 Jobs, For Under-chassis, 422 John Bull Mend-a-Tear, 630 John, Mr. T. G., Message from, 366 Joints, Making Watertight, 53 Jones, B. M., Personal Note, 464 Jones, Francis, Article by, Story of Our Roads, The, 528, 582
- Jones Francis, Article by, Touring Trifles, 766 Jowett 7 h.p. Kestrel Saloon, The, 424 Jowett, 72-Hour Non-stop, 648 Jowett Advertisement: Distortion 64 Jowett (Club) Was First, The, 476 Jowett Kestrel Saloon, The 7 h.p., In Brief, 424 Jowett, Latest, The, 418 Jowett: Longest Non-stop Run, The, 680 Jowett Models and Prices, 372 .Jowett, Mr. Wm. Message from, 367 Jowett: Our Front Cover, 255 Jowett (Southern) L.C.C., 58, 220, 306, 672 Jowett: Two Pots Too Many, 443 Jowett Valves, Grinding, 511, 607 Jowett: We Believe in Light Cars, Article by F. L. M.
- Harris, 507
- Kar-ka-leen: Chemical Car Cleaner, 43
- Kaye Oiler, Improved, 469
- Kent and Sussex L.C.C., 112, 702, 776
- " Kifenn " Spare Wheel Bolt-on Nut, 199
- Killick Two-cylinder Racer, 619
- Kimber, Cecil, 489
- ?Kimber, Mr. Cecil, Message from, 367
- " Kintyre " Sings the Song of the Three-wheeler, 751
- Krupp Air-cooled Diesel, 336
- I.a Licorne lVsrlitre Saloon, 571
- tia Turbie Hill-climb, 643
- Lakes, Good Way to the, A. 351
- Lamp, A Punitive Sport, 156
- Lamp for Bicycles, A Rear, 210
- Lamp, Fitting a Stop-light, 719
- Lamp, Useful Roof, 213
- Lamps, Current-saving, 386
- Lamps, If You Have Trouble After Dark. 240
- Lamps, Preparing for an 18-w.att Limit? 264
- Lamps to Guide, Coloured, 463
- Lanohester 10 h.p. "Baby" Coupe de Ville, 443
- Lanchester, De Luxe, Coupes do Ville, 567
- Lanchester Models and Prices, 372
- Lanchester Ten, The, 129, 223
- Tanchester Ten, The, In Brief, 95
- Lanchester Ten, Effortless Motoring in the, 94
- Lancia Models and Prices, 372
- LAW TO-DAY:— The, 248
- Driving Licence, No. 1. 278 Driving Tests No. 3, 336 Insurance. Compuls.orv. No. 16, 737 Licence, Display of, No. 13, 649 Licence Endorsements, No. 2, 308 Licence Penalties, No. 5, 404 Licences, Part-yearly, No. 9, 522 Licences, Provisional. No. 4, 364 Licences, Surrendered, No. 10, 562
- Ti.
- L (continued).
- LAW TO-DAY (coritd.)—
- Number Plate Sizes, No. 15, 710 Number Plates, No. 14, 676 Registration, No. 6, 432
- Registration Book, The, Nos. 11, 12, 596, 621 Taxation Scale, Nos. 7, 8, 464, 492 Laystall Unscorable Brake Drums, 197 Laystall's Nitralloy Plant, 60 LIGHT CAB CLUB:—
- The, 86, 168, 220, 246, 402 Good Work, 662 Relay Race, 491, 613 Trials Committee, The, 402 Relay Race, 11, 85, 333 11 Sidelights," 489 Half day Trial, The, 438, 462 Lea-Francis Models and Prices, 372 Leatherwork, Renovating, 325 Leeds Traffic Committee, 39 Legal Defence, Motorists' Defence Association, Ltd., 176
- Leicester and D. M.C., 112, 246, 702 Le Mans Entries, 361, 614 Le Mans Race, 613 Level Crossings, 177 Lewis Fur-lined Foot Muff, 36 Leyland Petrol Lorry, A Road Giant, 177 Licenc* Disc Position: To Avoid Trouble, 40 Licence—New Plates, New, 236 Licence, Why Not Week-end Permits, 364 Licence, Your, 476 Licences, 491
- Licences: Driving the Period of Grace, 209 Licences Expire To-morrow, Oar, 145 Licences, Practical Reminder Idea, 182 LIGHT CAB AND CYCLECAB, THE:— Are You Guilty? 196 Easter Number, 491 Christmas Issue, 89 LIGHT CABS:— A.C., 407 Adler, 310, 342 A.J.S., 271, 372 Albert, 629 Allard Special, 146 Alta, 372
- Alvis, 204, 265, 372, 374, 552 Amilcar, 721 Andre V6, 408 Anzani Special, 439 Armstrong Siddeley, 113, 120, 177, 224. 254 372, 373, 374, 412, 596, 646, 666 Aston-Martin, 372, 374, 506
- Austin 21, 39, 40, 44, 115, 116, 161, 196 223, 227, 247, 249, 2,70, 299, 310, 328 338 339, 343, 346, 372, 373, 374, 412 427, 431, 437, 442, 449, 464, 476, 481, 551 562, 572, 589, 597, 607, 611, 641 653, 671, 679, 721, 738, 742, 770 Barclay, 370 Barson Special, 8 B.M.W., 310, 342, 343 Brennabor, 343
- B.S.A., 43, 46, 51, 64, 116, 148, 178, 253, 256, 271, 372, 374, 412, 420, 472, 495, 523, 605, 608, 609, 674, 703, 737 Bugatti, 140, 552, 568, 738, 768 Citroen, 148, 342, 372, 374, 478, 646, 776 Coventry-Victor, 40, 43, 46, 51, 124, 271, 316, 372, 374, 496 Crossley, 116, 148, 292, 372, 375, 502, 505, 676, 736 Derby, 372, 375 D.K.W., 341, 343 Fiat, 217, 342, 372, 375, 587,621, 632 654, 671
- Ford, 4, 9, 18, 116, 137, 148, 271, 278, 316, 342, 371, 372, 373, 375, 438, 492, 536, 641, 658, 752 Framo Piccolo, 341 Framo-Stromer, 541
- Frazer-Nash, 245, 372, 375, 443, 552, 568, 588 G.N., 437, 611 Goliath, 310, 341, 343 Hanoraag, 144, 310, 343 Harris, 219 Hercules, 311
- Hillman, 5, 8, 44, 61, 116, 148, 223, 247, 252 270, 372, 373, 375, 403, 405, 412, 649 654, 676, 710, 743, 744 Humberette, 526 Invicta, 372, 568 J.M.B., 470
- Jowett, 116, 255, 266, 372, 375, 418, 420, 424, 476, 507, 607, 612, 646, 648, 673 680, 710, 729 Killick, 619 J.M.B., 760 La Licorne, 571 Lanchester, 18, 94, 116, 223, 270, 342 344, 372, 373, 376, 443, 505, 567, 596, 649 Lancia 372, 376 Lea-Francis, 372, 738
- M.G., 52, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61. 89, 114, 116, 147, 197, 253, 271, 283, 287, 291, 315, 372 376, 393, 407, 409, 416, 437, 438 439 497, 499, 514, 624, 551. 552, 565, 572 597, 602, 614, 671, 679, 704, 709, 721, 736, 738, 753, 770, 775
- Morgan, 40, 43, 46, 51, 146, 154, 161, 186, 279, 372, 376, 407, 431, 439, 493, 585, 605, 607, 621, 654, 677
- Morris, 18, 61, 116, 197, 207, 270, 337, 348, 369, 373, 376, 393, 405, 412 443, 495, 504, 567, 572, 642, 649, 703, 753, 770 N.A.G., 310 N.A.G.-Voran, 342 Peugeot, 670 Raleigh Three-wheeler, 52, 373, 376, 405, 570, 750
- Renault, 342
- Riley. 96. 116, 148 219, 250, 279, 291. 352, 356, 373, 376, 393, 394, 449, 473, 502, 505, 506, 551, 552, 605, 654, 738, 770
- LIGHT CABS (contd.) — Rohr 310, 342
- Rover, 5, 29, 116, 373, 377, 395, 635, 761 Salmson, 373 Sandloid, 651
- Singer, 1, 29, 38, 44, 86, 116, 152, 249, 253, 284, 312, 373, 377, 393, 407, 412, 437, 465, 503, 505, 506, 511, 551, 562, 589, 605, 676, 709, 770, 771 S.S., 673, 696 Standard, 2, 62, 116, 148, 270, 280, 311, 314, 373, 377, 393, 412, 492, 676, 752, 771 Stoewer, 343 Tatra, 342
- Triumph, 29, 70, 104, 116, 141, 169, 232, 265, 284, 312, 316, 345\ 373, 377, 405, 412, 418, 437, 444, 453, 464, 469, 472, 562, 576, 657, 690, 704, 753 Trojan, 373, 377 Vale Special, 373, 523 V.6, 220, 245
- Wolseley, 18, 61, 62, 68, 88, 116, 126, 137, 235, 249, 271, 281, 337, 369, 373, 377, 386, 393, 407, 409, 436, 493, 557, 650, 677, 738, 740, 753, 771 Liverpool M.O. £100 Oar Trial, 731 Liverpool Motor Club's JE100 Car Trial, Who'll Help? 737 Light Car and Cycleoar, The, Our Front Cover, 113, 255, 491, 674
- Light Cars Are Spreading Their Wings, Modern, 270 Lighting, Auxilary, Ii You Have Trouble After Dark, 240
- Lighting the Mall, G.B.C. System, 199 Lindsell Apron-like Rugs, 36 Lissen 14 mm. Plug, 443 Listening In, 616 Liverpool M.C., 276, 560, 614 Liverpool M.C., £100 Car Trial, 701 Loans For Householders. 308 Locking Coach Bolts, 340 London, A Bit of Old, 89 London Eagle M.C., 194, 246, 334, 402, 560, 588, 702
- London-Gloucester Trial, 28, 68
- London-Gloucester Trial, Hands Which Lacked Cunning, 102
- London-Gloucester Trial, Report, 90 London-Gloucester Trial, Results, 115 London "Joy Week," 590 London M.C., 614 Long, F.R.G.S., George, To the Meet on Boxing Day, 123
- Longest Non-stop Run, The (Brucc-Jowett), 680 Longman's (F. A.), V.6 Oar, 245 . Looking Back on 1932. Article by " Focus," 148 Looking For Trouble, 14 Lord Mayor's Show (Traffic), 364 Lovetts' Light Oar Show, 116 Lubricant, Olive Oil as a, 561 Lubricating Awkward Points, 366 Lubricating Out in Oodnadattia, 475 Lubricating Road Springs, 213 Lubricating Universals, For (Enots Grease Gun), 253
- Lubrication Charts For the Garage Wall, 296 Lubrication, Colloidal Graphite, 196 Lubrication, Feeding tha Crankshaft, 629 Lubrication, Graphite as an Aid to, Article by Dr.
- A. H. Stuart, Ph.D., B.Sc, 230 Lubrication, Upper Cylinder, 354 Luggage Case, An Easily Made, 555 Luggage Grid for Midgets, Derrington. 497 " Lumen " Tongs For Fitting Piston, 199 Lumina Sparking Plug, 469 Lurani! Bravo, 27 Lurani Co. Ing. Cav., 246 Lurani, Count Giovanni, 560, 616 Lurani, Count. Married, 674 " Lurching," Causes of, 210
- M
- M.A.O. Dinner, 336
- Magna Wheels, For, 543
- Magneto, About That Vital Spark, 414, 456
- Magneto, Contact Breaker Repair, 161
- Magneto. Emergency Carbon Brush, 239
- Mags., Men Who Want, 235
- Mainud Starter .Starting " Off the Mains," 631
- Maiden and D. M.O., 560
- Maltby-Hornet Sports Saloon. The, 62
- Maltbys Special Bodies and Prices, 373
- Mannin Moar and Beg Regulations, 643
- Mantell, L., Technical Aspects by, 20. 41, 79, 105, 132, 160, 187, 212,, 238, 268, 298, 324. 355, 387, 423, 452, 480, 498, 510, 542, 578, 606, 634, 664, 692, 718, 760
- Map, Yellow Lines on the, 266
- MAPS: A.A. Holiday. 697
- England on the Wall, 100
- Let's Go and Buy, Article by Aston Wheatley, 534 For the Home, Wall, 209
- Marchal Jacking System, 199
- Marchant-Stewart Oil Engine, 252
- " Margib " Super-suspension. 199
- " Marmaduke," Article by, Gar and Rod This Easter, 533
- " Marmaduke " Discovers Two Sound Economies. 259
- " Marmaduke," Article by, Tavistock. A Much-haunted Town in Devon, 688
- Martin, Lionel, 616
- Mascot. " Miss Brico," 144,
- Mascots, Novelty in, 340
- Mason. Sgt. R. Gallant A.A. Patrol Decorated, 176
- Mat. Cleaning a Fibre, 133
- Mattress. Air, 635
- M.O.C., 220. 560
- M.C.C. 1933 Dates, 144
- M.C.C. Cataclysmic Upheaval, 362
- M.C.C. " Land's End " Hills. With a Sports Singer Nine 'Amongst the, 580
- M.C.C. London-Edinburgh Trial, 655
- M.C.C. London-Edinburgh Trial Route: Wharfedale Jor Whitsun, 682
- M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial Echo, 253
- M.O.C. London-Exeter Trial Entries, 89, 114, 139
- M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, Guide to the Car and Three-wheeler Entries, 142
- M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial Report, 170, 254
- M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial Results, 226, 254
- M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, Time Table, 143
- M.O.C. London-Land's End, Entries, 489, 571, 594, 614
- M.C.C. London-Land's End, Starting Point, 461
- M.C.O. " London-Land's End" Trial, All About the, 592
- M.C.C. " London-Land's End" Trial, Time Table ol the Hills, 592 ,
- M.C.O. London-Land's End Trial, Photos, 649
- M.C.O. London-Land's End Trial, Report, 622, 644
- M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial, Results, 665
- M.C.C. Scarborough Trial and Rally, 569, 732
- M.O.C. Statistics. 219
- M.C.C. Team Spirit in the, 498
- McEvoy Special Bodies and Prices, 373
- McGrath (John), Ltd., Hillman Enterprise in Australia, 262
- McLachlan, Mr. D. D., 646
- Meet on Boxing Day, To the. Article by George Long, F.R.G.S., 123
- Menai Suspension Bridge Toll, 589
- Mersey Tunnel This Year? 371
- M.G. 1,086 c.c. Magna, A New 524
- M.G. Articulated Wing Stay, 709
- M.G. Car Club, 112, 168, 276. 306, 776
- M.G. Car Club's Half-day Trial, 614
- M.G. Car Club's Second Chiltern Trial, Report and Results, 679, 702
- M.G. Car Co., Ltd., Function, 57
- M.G. Car, Gadgets for 1933 (C.M.I.), 287
- M.G. Chiltern Trial, 776
- MX*. Drivers Honoured, 58
- M.G. For French Market, 776
- M.G., How They Get " Safety Fast," Article by F. L. M. Harris, 416
- M.G. J2 Jensen-bodied Midget, A, 287
- M.G. Luggage Storage, 727
- M.G. " Magic Midget," Attack on Records, 61, 85
- M.G. " Magic Midget," Eyston's Magnificent Run, 114
- M.G. Magio Midget Records, 89, 114, 147, 168
- M.G. Magnette In Brief, 514
- M.G. Magnette—Magnette-ism, 514
- M.G. Midget Armrest, 726
- M.G. Models and Prices, 372
- M.G. Party, At an, 52
- M.G. Records, 220
- M.G. Worka Tour, 704
- M.G.s Busy, 597
- Middlemores Joint Shield, 38, 390
- Middlesex County A.C., 672
- M.G. Midget, A Hush-hush 1931, 630
- Midget, J2, Grose Valance for, 197
- Midland Automobile Club Dinner, 247
- Mid-Surrey A.C., 462
- Mid-Surrey A.C. Scheme, Inter-club Team Trial, 442, 489
- Milan Motor Show, 654
- " Mill© Miglia." See Italian 1,000-mile Race.
- Minister of Transport, New, 413
- Mirror, To Avoid Trouble, 40
- "Miss Brico" Mascot, 144
- Mixture Heating (Problems, 298
- Mobiloil' Development, 526
- Mobiloil, Improved, 562
- Mobiloil Special Pre-selector Gear Oil, 369
- Mobiloils. Range ol, A New, 566
- Monaco Grand Prix, 618, 648, 732
- Monaco Grand Prix Entries, 644 Monk, Mr. B., Message From, 367 Monograms for Radiators, 115
- Monte Carlo, In Mid-winter to, 250 Monte Carlo Rally, 57 Monte Carlo Rally, All Set for the, 222 Monte Carlo Rally Oar Entries, 220 Monte Carlo Rally, Chapter of Accidents, A, 282 Monte Carlo Rally, Competitor's Log, A. (H. J. Aldington.), 283
- Monte Carlo Rally Entries, 139, 193, 194 . Monte Carlo Rally, Longman's (F.A.), V6 Car, 219 Monte Carlo Rally News, 275, 305 Monte Carlo Rally Results, 306 Moore-Brabazon, Colonel, 522 Morgan Accelerator Pedal, 161 Morgan Clutch Oiling, 186 Morgan Dog Clutches, 543
- " Morgan, Four-wheeled," Allard Special, 146 Morgan, H. F. S., Interview with, 40 Morgan-Matchless, A, 677 Morgan Models and Prices, 372 Morgan, Mr. H. T. S., 734 Morgan Number Plates, 607 Morgan Range, The 1933, 47 Morgan Sports Two-seater, A€ a Glance, 154
- Morgan Sports Two-sieatdr, Power to Spare—and
- Speed, Too, With the, 154 Morgan Three-wheeler Chassis, 50 Morgan, Two-stroke, 654 Morgans at Donington, 621 Morris 8 h.p. Car Crosses Sahara, 653 Morris Indicators, 495 Morris Minor, Hot Work, 223
- Morris Minor Owners, Grose Dumbiron Apron for, 61 Morris Minor Special Jensen Sports, 369 Morris Models and Prices, 373 Morri3 Motors' Good Year, 667 Morris, Sir William, 464 590 Morris Service: Double Dutch, 468 Morris, Sir William, Contributions to Charity, 59 Morris Sound Films, 197
- Morris Ten Saloon, Effortless Cruising in the, 348 Morris Ten 'Saloon, In Brief, 349 Morris Works, Tour of Inspection, 649 Morrison, Mr. Herbert, 734. Motorist at the Academy. A, 745 Moseley Float-on-Air Cushion, 390 Moseley Pneumatic Upholstery, Repairing, 443 M'Otor Agents Dinner, 3l4
- vli.
- M (continued).
- " Motor Boat, The," 473
- " Motor, The," New Oar Number, 442
- Motor Trade: Fighting Depression, 278
- Motoring: Free Tuition, 561
- Motoring Has Taught Me, What, 687
- Motorists: Are You Plus or Minus, 406
- Motorists Defence Association, Ltd., 176
- Motorists, £l-a-week, 715
- Mr. Polwhistle Gets " Pinched," By the " Blower," 260 Much-haunted Town in Devon, A, Article by " Marma-
- ' duke," 688
- Mudguards, Limitations ol, The, 322 Mudguards: " Replaneur Motor " DeTice for Dents
- in Wings, 199
- Mudguards: Spreading Their Wings, 270 Mulliner Special Bodies and Prices, 373
- N
- N.A.G.-Voran Engine-geaTbox Unit, 310
- N.A.L.G.O. (Met. Dist.) M.C., 588
- Nash, R. G. J., New Car, 245
- National Oar Parks, Ltd., 113
- Naylor and Root, Ltd., Three-wheeler Display, 64
- Never Mind the Weather, 24
- New South Wales Light Car Club, 519
- New Stockport and D. M.C. and L.C.C., 560, 614, 672
- Newnham Developments, 11 Newnham, Maurice, 562 Newnham, Maurice, Article by: Gtowth of a Great
- Industry, The, 378 Newnham's New Showrooms, 177 Newnham's Spring Show, 338, 412 News from North, South, East and West, 196, 222, 248, 279, 308, 336, 364, 404, 432, 464, 492, 522, 562, 590, 616, 646, 674, 704, 734 NX.G. Oil-drum Stand, 197 Noises, Deadening Mechanical, 386 Nonex Safety Device, Pouring Petrol Through Flames! 526
- Noveto Vice, 652 Nut, " Kiferrn " Bolt-on, 199 Nuvolari: Prize Money, 220 N.-W. London M.C., 168, 732
- Brooks, Mr. H. B., 197
- Collyer, H. W., 253
- Macdonald, Sir Alexander, 526
- Manville, Sir Edward, 495
- Rogers, Capt. A. B., 308
- Royce, SirHenrv, 646 Oil Drum Rack, 761 Oil-drum Stand (N.L.G.), 197 Oil-drum Spout, An, 543 Oil-drum Top, Removing, 543 Oil Drums, For, 422 Oil Engine, The, 710
- " Oil Engine, The," A New T.P. Monthly, 741 Oil-engined Light Car, The, Article by Robert
- Dodsley, 206 Oil, Essolube, 649 Oil Filters, Cleaning, 453 Oil Guarantee by Lloyd's. 228 Oil in Bottles, 758
- Oil, To Warm Sump (Tunnel-type Heater), 176 Olympia—1933, 62 Olympia Building, A New, 411 Olympia: New Models, 492 On Three Wheels, Article by H. Sagar, 548 Order of the Road, 431, 463, 491 Order of the Road, Luncheon, 522 Order Repudiated, An, 295 Our Front Cover, 113, 255, 491, 674
- OUR READERS' OPINIONS— 24, 54, 82, 108, 136, 164, 190, 216. 242, 272, 302, 330, 358, 393, 426, 458, 486, 556, 584, 610, 642, 668, 728, 772 Alcohol, Petrol, or Hydrogen? 772 Armstrong, Commander T. P., From, 557 Austin, 36,000 Miles in an Ulster, 641 Austin. Alterations to a 1924, 427 Austin or a Combination: Which is Cheaper to
- Run? 773
- Austin Seven, Another Rebuilt, 611 Austin Seven Brakes, 774 Austin Seven Gear Ratios, 83 Axles, Advice on Bent, 557 Batteries Need "Coddling"? Do, 28 Batteries Which Are Never Properly Charged, 109 Battery Failure, Causes of Early, 136 Bodies Need Properly Testing, 164 Body Space, Increasing, 303 Budget, 1933, The, 700 Budget: Improvements Charged Against Profits, 586
- Camping Holidays Abroad, 84, 109 Car: 9 h.p. Fashion, The, 428 Car, a Journal and a Roadhouse, A, 273 Car Change: Costly Experiment, 668 Car, Home-built, Interesting, 359 Car Owners, New Dilemma for, 517 Car, Owning Your Fancy, 243 Car, Weight of a, The, 427 Caravan, Stiff Restart with a, 773 Cars, For Use in Old, 398 Cars: Giants or Midgets, For, 557 Cars: How Many Motorists Own, 163 Cars Improvements, Private Owners on, 640 Cars (Lighter) Are Better—Support for " Focus," 272
- Cars: Manufacturers and New Models, 669 Cars of the Future, Streamlined, 610 Cars, Single-track, 669 Case-hardening Warning, A, 55 C.I. Engine, The, 773 Club, A New, 773 Club Association, One-make, 273
- OUR READERS' OPINIONS (contd.) — Club, In Support of the, 304 Clubs? Are There Too Many, 217 Coal Gas as a Fuel, 136 Coal Spirit, 698 Combination or an Austin, Which is Cheaper to
- Run? 773
- Comfort, How to Obtain Armchair, 359 " Compression Theory, A Local," 611 Converting Tourers Into Sports Models, 109 CoupS Bodies on Cyclecars, 427 Coupe1, Plea for a, A, 330 Cyclist: Motorist's Plaint, 359 Cyclists, Please Note, 304
- Cylinder: Aluminium Heads for Touring Cars, 669 Cylinder Heads, Aluminium, 699 Cylinder Wear, 459 Cylinder Wear, One Cause of, 487 Cylinders Stop Wheelspin? Do More, 303 "Darkness?" What is, 25 Dazzle, Bus Driver on, A, 303 Dazzle Retaliation—A Warning, 190 Depreciation, ? A Complaint Against, 26 Dip? Should He, 243
- Dipping: " Thank You, Mr. Motorist," 244 Drivers. Where Do Fools Go ? 3D4 Driving, One-headlamp, 83 Driving Wheels Spin, When the, 243 Electric Cars for Tax-dodging? 24 Electric Service, Generous., 216 Engine in Small Chassis, Large, 641 Engine, The C.I., 773 Engine Wear, Cold, 243 Engine Wear, Reducing Cold, 191 Eneines: Roughness on the Overrun, 584 " Ex-works " Difficulty, The, 459 " Ex-works " Difficulty, To Avoid, 585 Flood Danger, An Unsuspected, 217 " Focus," Support for—Lighter Cars Are Better, 272
- Fools Go? Where Do, 331 Ford After-sales Service, 641 Ford Gear Ratios, The 8 h.p., 137 Ford? Why Not a Two-seater, 55 Fuel, Coal Gas for Light Cars, 191 Fuel, Home-produced Motor, 698 Garage Controversy, Portable, The, 728 Garage Owners' Troubles, Home, 516 Garage: Tyrannical District Surveyors, 453 Garages and the Rating Officer, Portable, 640 Garages Illegal? Rating of Portable, 557 Gearboxes, Those Accessible, 360 Gears, Good-bye to Crash, 517 Gloucester Trial, Praise for the, 136 Graphite as a Wear-saver, 358 Graphite as Upper-cylinder Lubricant, Colloidal,
- Graphite, More Experts' Views on, 398 Graphite: Mr. Cave-Brown-Cave Replies, 426 Guide-book Writers, These, 585 Guide Books! Those, 641 Hart-Wilson (Mr.), An Offer to, 242 Hills for Trials Enthusiasts, West Country, 55 Highway Code, The, 191 Hood Repair, An Unusual, 517 Horn: Hooters Essential, 191 Horn: Toot Before Passing, 191 Horn: Tooting When Passing, 217 Hydrogen? Alcohol, Petrol or, 772 "Ideas" from the Pyramids, More, 110 Ignition: Mag. or Coil for High Revs., 332 Ignition: New Angle on Coil v. Magneto Controversy, 108
- Ignition: " That Vital Spark," 517 Improvements, Private Owners on, 640 Income Tax Rebate for Car, 83 Insurance: A Hard Case, 218 Insurance: An "Old Hand's" Blight, 138 " Insurance Clerk " Praised, 109 Insurance: Complaints and Advice on, 272 Insurance Official, Sound Advice from an, 331 Insurance: "One Bitten" is now "Bitter," 331 Insurance: When Comprehensive Policies Do Not
- Pay, 698
- Italian " Mille Miglia " Magnettes, 670 J.C.C. International Trophy Race, 671 Johansson Gauges*; Final Word on, The, 556 Jorgensen Gauges, 460 Jowett: " Little Engine With the Big Pull, The," 729
- Jowetts Want, 730 Lamps, Permanent Anti-dazzle, 243 Lancia-Lambda Engine, The, 517 Left-hand-drive P«trol Tankers, 274 Licence for—A. Quarterly, 459 Licences, These Week-end, 486 Licences? Five-yeaTly Driving, 273 Light Cars be Too Light? Can, 303 Lights On in the Daytime, 82 Lunches, Readers Want Cheaper, 190 Magneto Repairs, More Complaints About, 165 Mags., More Trouble with, 303 Mantell. Mr., Hits Back, 668 M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial, 699 Meal Wanted, Simple Two-course, 190 Mechanical Efficiency or Gimcrack Fittings? 190 " Menace, The Real," 110 M.G. Magnettes, " Mille Miglia," The, 670 M.G. Mille Miglia Magnettes, 729 M.G. Surprising American Car Fans, 192 Model, An Interesting, 641 Molecular Attraction Theory, The, 487 Morgan Coupe, A, 585 Motoring a "Blood Sport"? 557 Notice Card: Help! Help! 611 Oils, Use with Unsuitable, 398 Overhaul, Spring, The, 606 Oxford or Cambridge? 544 Oxford Southern By-pass, The. 65 Oxford University Car Club, 362, 430 Oxford University Club's Speed Trials, 409 Parking Charges and Obstruction, 611 Parking Charges, Ethics of, The, 426 Parking, Charges for, 584 Parking Problems, 166 Passing a "Faster" Car, 165 Pedestrians' Association, The, 486 Permits: No Extra Work for Police, 459
- Permits, No Necessity for Week-end, 459
- Permits, Week-end, 517
- Permits, Why Not Week-end. 426
- Petrol from Coal, Tests of, 137
- Petrol, Home-produced, 217
- Petrol, or Hydrogen? Alcohol, 772
- Petrol Production from Coal, 166
- Piccadilly Circus Garage, The, 774
- Plug Test, Screwdriver, The, 611
- Plugs? Why Three Points on, 137
- Police Signals, 26
- Power-weight Ratio, The, 517
- Professionals in Motor Sport, 109
- Racing Helmets in Trials, 728
- Rattle, More About That, 699
- Rattle, That Mysterious, 668
- Rattles: Grateful User, A, 427
- " Readers' Wants," Answering, 584, 730
- Repairing Cracked Water Jackets, 669
- Reverse! A 3,000-mile, 1D8
- Reverse? Can Anyone Beat Four Miles in, 54
- Reverse? Can You Beat 15 Miles in, 82
- Reverse! In, 399
- Rice Caravans, Tops of, The, 612
- Running-in Compounds Save Wear, 302
- Science—Not Guesswork, 399
- Scottish Reliability Trial, 585
- Screen Wiper Vacuum Tank, A, 487
- Screens Are—Folding, 487
- Screens: "Away with Stupid Sops," 359
- Screens, Utility of Folding, 460
- Seat Cushions Wanted, Better, 244
- Seats? Bench-type or Bucket, 400
- Seats: Cause of Discomfort, A, 331
- Service, After-sales, 641, 774
- Service Problem, This, 729
- Sidecar Driving Habits, 729
- Signals, Automatic Traffic, 773
- Signals, Police, .25
- Signals: Preventing "Robot Jumping," 191
- Signals: Two-light Robots, 24
- Signals, Women Drivers' Hand, 25
- Singer's Little Joke, 83
- Skidding Stehools, Wanted, 165
- Skids, Responsibility for, The, 331
- Skids? Who is to Blame for, 302
- Speed Limits, Agitation for, The, 729
- Speedometer, How to Test a, 137
- Speedometer Regulator, A, 585
- Speedometers, Craze for Fast, The, 165
- Sports Car for £50? 217
- Sports Car? What Is a, 585
- Spotts Cars, Building Real, 518
- Sports Cars for £50? "New," 54, 83, 164
- Springs, Broken, 55
- Starter Goes Wrong, If the Electric, 84
- Streamlining Come to Stay? Has. 164
- Streamlining Saves Petrol, 668
- Streamlining Waste Space? Does, 137
- Streamlining? Weight Reduction or, 331, 427
- Streamlining—What of the Engine? 243
- Streamlining Worth While? Is, 217
- Surfaces Adhere? Why Do Smooth, 487
- Tankers, Left-hand-drive Petrol, 274
- Tax-dodging, Electric Cars for, 24
- Three-wheelers in the " Land's End," 729
- Three-wheelers in Wet Tramlines, 24
- Three-wheelers, Progress in, 330
- Three-wheelers: Refinement versus Simplicity, 330
- Tramway Dangers, Need for Reducing, The, 138
- Transmission Systems Fail, When, 399
- Trials: Are Modern Sports Cars Unsuitable, 610
- Trials? Are Small Cars Suitable for, 331
- Trials Are Worth While, 273
- Trials: Do We Want "Mud-slogging"? 610
- Trials, " Enter an ' Exeter,' Mr. Hart-Wilson," 303
- Trials Enthusiasts, West Country Hills for, 55 Trials, Mud Sections in Big, 488,. 556 Trials, " Mud-slogging " in, 699 Trials? What is the Use of, 216, 242 "Tricycles"? Why, 772 Tyranny by Local Authorities, Petty, o98 Tyre Wears Out First? Which, 670 Tyres, Coloured, 585, 642
- Tyres: Will Giant Balloons Become Popular? 25 Wear and Tear Allowances, 730 Wheel-shedding, 427
- Wheelspin, Do More Cylinders Stop, 303 Wolseley Hornet, 14,000 Miles in a, 557 Women Who Do Their Own Repairs, 55
- Paint, Heat-proof Aluminium (Stixeat), 340
- Paint Remover, Bripal, 652
- Paint Stirring, 133
- Parallite Body (Wolseley Hornet), The, 88
- Paris Exhibition Super-Eiffel Tower, 741
- Paris^ice Trial, 643
- Parisio—The All-powerful (Italy's New Dictator of
- Motor Sport), 227
- Parking at Twickenham (England v. Wales), 229 Parking Problem, The City's: Article by "Robin
- Hood," 116
- Parking, Scarborough, 371 Parking: Seaside Resorts Please Note, 684 Parking: Sixpence for Nothing, 600 Parking: "Thank You, Robert," 278 Parsons Non-skid Chain, 37 Patents in 193.2, Motor, 223 Patrick Special Bodies and Prices, 373 Pau Grand Prix, The, 2i86 Pedal, Roller Accelerator Pedal, 693 Pedestrians' Association, 5>22
- Pedestrians' Association: "Natural Enemies," 278 Penmaenbaoh Tunnel, 141 Perry Special Bodies and Prices, 373 Petavel, Sir Joseph, 662 Petrol Dip-stick, 635 Petrol Down Again, 771 Petrol: Five Times Is. 7%d., 500 Petrol From British Coal, 596 Petrol, Home-produced, 634 Petrol Level, Adjusting, 239
- viii.
- P (continued).
- Petrol Made From Coal, 79 Petrol Pipes, Fitting, 161
- Petrol Pumps, Department-store, 499 Petrol Tax Reduction, N.Z., 431 Petrol Through Flames! Pouring, Nonex Saiety Da-vice, 526
- Petrol: Tired of High " Gas" Bills, 210
- Petrol Which Vanished, 448
- Petrolift Petrol Pump, S.TJ., 441
- Phillip, Allan, Article by: OH the (Brighton Road, 666
- Phillip, Allan, Article by: Through the Burns Country, 1258
- Phillip, Allan, Article by: Winter Amongst the Cumberland Fella, 106
- Philosophy, Post-prandial (Why Worry?), 314
- Photographs: Albums of Abominable Smudges, 184
- Photographs, Original (For Sale), 491
- Photopuzzle: Were You Beaten ? 2>S6
- Photopuzzles, 254, 384, 314, 358, 368, 406, 442, 473, 496, 526, 667, ©96, 621, 649, 676, 708, 736
- Photopuzzle Winners, 287, 316, 337, 369, 412, 443, 472, 494, 5(26, 568, 697, 621, 649, 676, 7O8, 736
- Picnic? Why Not, 765
- Picnickers, Biscuits tor, 526
- Picnics: Villiers Inferno Eionic Store, 620
- Piercing Tool, Handy, 679
- Pipe: Clearing Copper " S*w-dust," 635
- Pipes, Bending Small, 213
- Piston, Adjusta-Matic, The, 393
- Piston Ring, Brico MaxigToove, 12
- Piston Rings Which " Fluttered," 660
- Pistons Are Used, When Odd-sized, 293
- Pistons, Tungstalloy, 198
- Plastic Stopping, 326
- Plated Parts, Protecting, 299
- Plug: About That Vital Spark, 414
- Plug-cleaning Machine, A.C., 497
- Plug Gap Variations, 238
- Plug Which (Misfiring), 579
- Plymouth M.C., 560, -588, 702
- Plymouth Rally, 520
- Police: Speed Cops Who Lurk, 662
- Pnrlock, Thoughts of, 598
- Possible " Point One," Be on the Look-out lor the: Article toy Norman Conquest, 446
- P.otts, Cyril A., Article by: Showing Them Over the Car, 151
- Pratts: Ethyl in Sports Engines, 662
- Press Motor Club Rally, 28
- Price, Hubert, 562
- Price " Johnny " in Road Crash, 263
- Price, Mr. J. E., 492
- Prices of All Current Light Oars, 372
- Problems: Asked and Answered, 74
- Problems: Baffled, 156
- Progress, Six Years', 167
- Public Schools M.C., 24-6
- Pybus, Mr., Resigns, 413
- Pyrene Fire Extinguisher: Christmas Gift, 89
- Pyrene Insurance Scheme, 346
- Quadro Wiper, 12
- Questions Asked and Answered, 26, 56, 84, 110, 138, 166, 192, 2il8, 244, 274, 304, 332, 360, 400, 428, 460, 488, 518, 658, 666, 612, 642, 670, 700, 730, 774
- Quixsol Soldering Pasts, 311
- R
- R.A.C. Breakdown Statistics, 443
- R.A.C. Caravan Rally, 587, 706
- R.A.C. Rally at Cheltenham Definitely Proves Practicability of "Light Car-avans," 7S2
- R.A.C. Caravan Rally Entries, 701, 706
- R.A.C. Caravan Rally, Report and Results, 762
- R.A.C, Events, 361
- R.A.C. Guides' OhTistmas Holiday, 113
- R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 61, 130, 248, 340, 402. 464, 466
- R.A.C. Hastings Rally, All About the, 434
- R.A.C. Hastings Rally: Coachwork Competition Results, 604
- R.A.C. Hastings Rally Discussed, 492
- R.A.C. Hastings Rally, Entries, 306, 410
- R.A.C. Hastings Rally: Minutes, 519
- R.A.C. Hastings Rally Regulations, 194
- R.A.C Hastings Rally: Results, 506
- R.A.C. Hastings (Rally Routes, 175, 462
- R.A.C. Hastings Rally/ Small-car Honours Go to Riley and Singer, 502
- R.A.C. Legal Defence, 463
- R.A.C. Major Dixon-Spain, 9
- R.A.C. Riviera Offices, 737
- R.A.C., To Personal Injuries—£8,000, 418
- R.A.C. Veteran Car Run. See Veteran Car Run
- Racer, Two-cylinder, A, 619
- Races, Visits to Foreign (J.C.C.), 256
- Racing: Continental (Notes, 587
- Racing Drivers, Foremost, 401
- Racing Helmets, 731
- Racing News, Continental, 275
- Racing, Road-, 27, 111
- Racing Track OT Road, The. Discussing the Query: Which Stresses the Oar and Driver More? Article by " The Blower," 646
- Radiator, Blanking Off the, 239
- Radiator: Damage Caused by Muffs, 57i2
- Radiator Leaks, To OuTe: Chemico Stop-it, 12
- Radiator Muff, Cadison Electric, 12
- Radiator Muff, Duco, 311
- Radiator Muff for Sports Cars, 727
- Radiator Muri Reminder, 269
- Radiator: Thoughts of Blanicing-off, 42
- Radiators, Muffs for the New, 384
- Radio. See Wireless
- R.A.F. Vacancies, 57O
- Raleigh Model and Price, 373
- Raleigh Three-wheeler, 52
- Raleigh Van, Improved, 670
- Ramp, Supporting, 761
- Ramp, We-stwood Portable Car, 13
- Rattle, Curing a (Tools), 761
- Rattles, Stopping, 2i99
- Rattling Doors, Those, 453
- Read, Robert, Article by: Ghosts of the Exeter Road, The, 162
- Readers1 Wants, 26, 66, 84, 110, 138, 166, 192, 2;18, 244, 274, 304, 332, 360, 400, 4*2i8 460; 488, 518, 658, 586, 612, 642, 670, 700, 730, 774
- R.E.A.L. Special' Bodies and Prices, 573
- Record, Austin Seven Altitude, 3S&
- Record, Hour, Count Ozaykowski, 732
- Record, Mrs. Stewart, 2-litre Class, 589 Record, World's Land Speed, Details of the Run (Sir Malcolm Campbell), 404
- Records, Auburn Special T>«lve, 401
- Records by FTatne and Hartz, 775
- Records, H. W. Stubblefield, 333
- Records, Henken Widengren, 672.
- Records List, Women in the, 771
- Records, M.G. "Magic Midget," 89, 114, 147, 168
- Red Triangles, Passing of Red, The, 320
- Registration Book, Scrap the, 236
- Registration Figures, 146, 229, 364, 492, 673, 736, 767
- Relay Race. See L.C.C. Repair Bills, Ill-feeling- Over, 158
- " Replaneur Motor " Device for Dents in Wings, 199 Reverse Stop for M.G. Midgets, 391 Rhodes's Running-in Compound, 116 Rich Mixture, Light Oar Comment and Advice by "Focus," 16, 4-2, 74, 100, 12:8, 156, 182, 208, 234, 264-, 294, 320, 3)50, 3&2, 418, 448, 474, 498, 536, 672. 598, 628, 660, 682, 714, 756
- " Riley-ability," 20,000' Miles of, 96 Riley, Cost of Racing, 219 Riley M.C. Trial, 220, 333, 361 Riley M.C.'s 12-hour Trial-, The, 394, 430 Riley Models and Prices, 373 Riley Motor Clu/b Rally, 473, 671 Riley Motor Otob Tours. 307, 32:2 Riley Monaco Special: 20,000' Miles of " Riiey-
- a,bility," 96
- Riley, MT. Victor, Message fTom, 366 Riley, Mr. Victor, New I.M.T. president, 8, 29 "Riley Service Depot, New, 654
- (Riley "Six-Twelve," First Impressions of the, 356 Riley " Six-Twelve " in Brief, 356 Rims? Why Not Stainless, 208 R.I.P. Hydraulic Shock Absorber, 198 Ripaults "Quiokstarter, The, 174 Road: " A.406," 264 Road, Glencoe, The New, 436 Road: Grand Trunk International Highway (Calasis
- to Istambul), 174 Road, Great Arteri-wall, The, 196 Road Information, 649, 671, 69'7, 655, 677, 710, 741
- Road Mending, High-speed, 64 Road, North Orbital, 174 Road: Oxford Southern By-pass, The^ 66 Road Racing in England (Donington P.ark), 55O, 5-60 Road Racing, Remarks on, 86 Road Repairs at Standards, 677 Road Reports, 116, 472, 494 Roadhouses Which Will Survive, 766 Road Scheme Postponed: North Orfcital Route, 525 Road-spraying: Black Gangs Out, 572 Road Tests of 1933 Cars, 122 Road Traffic Bill (Accident), 709 Road-wheel Revs, per Mile, 450 Roads, 307, 314, 335, 582, 645, 703 Roads, 180,000 Miles of British, 715 Roads: Great 30-Mile Skid, The, 550 Roads, New Way to Make,. A (Terolas), 339 Roads in Bedfordshire, Non-skid, 737 Roads, Story of Our, The: Article by Francis Jones, 52t8
- " Roads, Story of the, The," 621 Roads: Thoroughfares of the Past, 22 Roads Which Are Too Narrow, Trunk, 74 Robbialoid Hand Spray, 620 Robbialoid Two-way Hand Spray, 229 " Robin Hood," ATticle by: City's Parking Problem,
- The, 116 "Robin Hood," Article by: Wild Life in Winter
- Time, 181
- Rochester, Chatham and D. M.O., 220, 246, 560, 776 Romac Self-charging (Lamp, 241, 39O Romany Collapsible Caravan, 709 Roof, Cost of a, The, 44 Roof, For the, 351
- Rootes, Ltd., Maidstone Exhibition, 491 Rootes, Mr. W. E., 622, 590 Rootes, Mr. W. E., Message from, 367 Rover Co., Ltd., Message from, 367 Rover Free-wheeling System Explained, The, 395 Rover Magneto Coupling, 636 Rover Models-and Prices, 373 Rover Nine Horn Button, 761 Rovers' Report, 29
- Royal Norwegian Automobile Club, 193 Royoil Oil for Triumphs, 469 R.S.A.C. Scottish Rally. See Scottish Rally "Rubber" Cocktails! i2i84
- Rubber, Saying It in (Traffic Control Lines), 309 Rugs: No Hiding Places, 2;94 Runs: Why Not Cruise Round England: Article by
- Aston Wheatley, 746 Rush-hour Congestion, 312
- Safeguard Control: Dixon-Bate Fireproof Invention, 620
- " Safety First " Association, National, 522 Safety First: "Natural Enemies," 278 Safety Glass, Preserving, 229 Safety Warning Wireless, 571
- Sagar, H., Article by: Cycleoars for Long-distance Touring, 750
- Saga*, H., Article by: On Three Wheels, 548
- Salmson Aero Engine, 645
- Salmson Models and Prices, 373
- Saltburn Land-racing, 113
- San Bernardino Pass, The, 335
- Sandiord Multi-cylinder Cyclecars, 651
- Sandford, Stewart, Article by: Multi-cylinder Cycle-cars, 651
- Scampton Bridge to be Widened, 314
- Schrader TyTe Pressure Gauge, 390
- Science—Not Mere Guesswork! Modern Methods Rely on, 288
- Scintilla Vertex Magneto: For Those Who Dislike Coils, 158
- Scotland: Through the Burns Country, 258
- Scottish Automobile Club Bally, The, 402, 672
- Scottish Rally, 519, 560, 701
- Scottish Rally Entries, 741
- Scottish Six Days' Trial, 403, 461, 489, 519, 559, 707
- Scottish Six Days' Trial, Cars in the, 435
- Scottish Six Days' Trial COUTSB, 614
- Scottish Six Days' Trial: Entries, 708
- Scottish Six Days' Trial: Observers Wanted, 596
- Scottish Six Days' Trial Report, 770
- Scottish Six Days' Trial Route, 676, 70S
- Scottish Sporting Car Club, 220, 334, 776
- Scottish Sporting Car Club Opening Trial, 58
- Scottish Winter Sports, 147
- Screen—See Windscreen
- Screen Wipers—See Wipers
- Screwdrivers, Useful, 719
- Screws, Securing Wood, 354
- Second-hand Car: A VeTy Noxious Business, 265
- Sharp, Arthur, Article by: Floodlit Way, The, 214
- Shell-Mex House, 255
- Shell-Mex House: Up Amongst the Works, 280
- Shell's B.I.F. Display, 406
- SheUley Broadcast, 340
- Shelsley Empire Broadcast, 596
- " Shelsley," Improvements at, 713
- Shelsley to " Stiay Put," 38
- SheUley Walsh Dates, 429
- Shelsley Walsh Hill-climb, 736
- Shelsley Walsh Open Hill-climb Regulations, 621
- Shelsley Walsh: Sports Jottings, 85
- Shields, Steering Joint, 474
- Shock Absorber, R.I.SP. Hydraulic, 198
- Shooting the Salmon Nets at Bideford: Article by Mary Cranfield, 482
- Showfever! 4
- Show, Manchester Used Car, 221
- Showing Them Over the Car, Article by Cyril A. Potts, 151
- Siddeley, C.B.E., Sir John, Message from, 367
- Signal Birglow Robot Hand, 652
- Signal: Erring Robot, 228
- Signal: Robot that Remembers, 9
- Signalling Devices, Rainbow, 164
- Signals, Automatic Traffic, 8, 39, 59, 247, 403, 589,
- Signals: Get Ready—<Go, 76
- Signals: More Robots, 144
- Signals: Strip Control in Glasgow, 369
- Signposts, 307
- Signs: Direction Indicators, 413
- Signs: Help! Help!! Help!!! 681
- Singer Car Club, 194
- Singer Car Club, The, 86, 220, 430, 672, 702, 732
- Singer Competitions Department, 676
- Singer Dealer's Exhibition in Madrid, 29
- Singer Models and Prices, 373
- Singer Nine Hand Thiottle, 511
- Singer Nine Record, 645
- Singer Rally, 654
- Singer: Road and Rail Alliance, 650
- Singer S.A. Success, 284
- Singer Sports: Amongst the "Land's End" Hills, 580
- Singer Timing Chains, 38 Singer Twelve Saloon, The, At a Glance, 153 SingeT Twelve Saloon, That " Large Car Feeling " in, 152
- Singers in Switzerland, 468 •Singers: Trade Boom, 589 Sink, Cleaning, 710 .Skating_ Introduces a New Parking Problem. " Thank
- You, Robert," 278 Skids: To Measure Slipperiness, 101 S.M.M. and T. Announcements, 709 " Snag, The," History of, The, Article by J. D.
- Jevons, 768
- Snow, Adventures in the, 448
- " Snow, Wo Shall Have," Article by " Diogenes," 262 Snows, If it, 128 Soldering Iron, Heating a, 78 Soldering Paste, Quixsol, 311 South-East Car Club, 112, 334 Southport Meeting, Report and Results, 678 Southport Motor Racing Club Meeting, 559, 568-, 588 Southport Motor Racing Club Meeting Postponed, 194 Southport Motor Racing Club, Season Opens, 406, 440
- Spare Wheel Mounted on Rear Trunk Door, 199 iSparking Plug, Lumina, 469 Sparking Plugs, Reconditioned, 338 Speed Limit at Oxford, 561 Speed Limits, 339 Speed Limits, Calling lor, 714 Speed Trials and Litter, 490 Speedo., To Test a, 75
- Spirit of the Rock, The, A Christmas Story, 134 Sponge, Water, A Cheap, 543 Sponges, Cleaning, 213 Sporting Owner-drivers' Club, 220, 588 Sports Jottings, by " The Blower," 27, 57, 85, 111, 139, 167, 193, 219, 245, 275, 305. 333, 361, 401, 429, 461, 489, 5T9, 559. 587, 613, 643, 671, 701. 731, 775 Spray Gun Control Valve, 422 Spray Gun, Home-made, 78 Spray Guns, Balance Chamber for, 386 Spring, Improvement, 579 Springing, Independent Wheel, 420 Springs: A Counsel of Purgatory, 266 Springs, Lubrication of Road, 543
- Iz.
- S (continued).
- Springs Score, Where Transverse, 322
- Springs, Stiffening Road, 186
- Squeaks, Preventing, 133 8.8.11 In Brief, 696
- S.S.n on the Open Road, With an, 696
- Stadium Matchless Cigarette Lighter, The, 390
- Stadium Road Light, 37
- Standard! Attaining Super Balance, 223
- Standard " Big Twelve" at a Glance, 2
- Standard "Big Twelve" Saloon, Luxury Motoring in
- a., 2
- Standard Car Owners' Club, 671, 672 Standard Coupe Arrow, The, 62 Standard Models and Prices, 373 Standard Motor Co. Service Abroad, 314 Standard Owners' Club, 403, 492 Standard Production 80 per cent. Up, 11 Standard: Ten One-make Club, 449 Standards Booming, 472 Standards in London, 676 Standards: Increase Output, 615 Standards, Road Repairs at, 677 Standards, Team Work of, 684 Stanley, Major Oliver, 522 Starter Motors: Flywheels Too Light? 538 Starting: Burgess Ignition Booster, 726 Starting, Ensuring Easy, 268 Starting, For Rapid, 511 Starting Idea., Easy, 481 Starting Off the Mains, 536
- Starting " Off the Mains " (Mainud Transfomer), 633 Starting on the Switch, 600 Starting Test, A Quick, 235 Stearns Special Bodies and Prices, 373 Steering Gears Should be Higher, 265 Steering: Left-hand Drive? 418 Steering, Rubber-cushioned, Adamite Joint, 527 Stenson Cooke, Sir, 177 Stenson Cooke, Sir, Message from, '367 " Stenson, Just Plain," 208 Sternol Oil Guarantee by Lloyd's, 228 Stewart, Mr. Gordon, 734 Stewart, Mrs., 2-litre Class Record, 589 Stixeat: Heat-proof Aluminium Paint, 340 Stop Signal Illumination, 213 Stoplight Switch, 186
- Strange Interlude—or How to Sell a Car, 368 Streamlining, Explains, Article by Dr. A. H. Stuart
- B.Sc, Ph.D., 18D Street Lighting, Successful, 60 Stuart, Ph.D., B.Sc., etc., Dr. A. H., Article by, Away
- With Blind Spots, 686 Stuart, Ph.D., B.Sc., Dr. A. H., Article by, Graphite
- as an Aid to Lubrication, 230. Stuart, Ph.D., B.Sc., Dr. A. H., Article by, Graphite
- is a Wear Saver, -310
- Stuart, B.Sc., Ph. D., Dr. A. H., Article by, Streamlining, Explains, 180. Stubblefield, H. W., Records by, 333 Studs, Removing Broken, 579 Studs, Removing Tight, 133, 186. Stymied, 236
- S.U. Petrol Pump (Petrolift), A New, 441 Sump, Advantages of a Big, 572 Sump, Derrington Oversize, 413 Sumps Should be Fixtures, 684 Sump, Topping Up the, 239 "Sunbac, 140
- " Sunbac" Inter-club Team Trial 731 " Sunbac " Trial, 489 Sunbeam, M.C.C., 194, 276 Superbestos Brake Lining, 198 Suspension, " Marjib " Super, 199 Suspension System, Coy Rubber, 633 Sutton Coldfield and North Birmingham A.C., 276 Swallow Special Bodies and Prices, 373 Swedish Winter Grand Prix, 276, 413 Swiss Automobile Club, 276 Sydenham Motor Club, 644, 776 Sydenham M.C. Grass-track Meeting, 672 Symon, H. M., Article by, Christmas Ere Across
- England, 118
- Table, A Useful, 511
- Tapley Brake Efficiency Indicator, The, 390
- Tappet Adjustment, For, 78
- Tappet Thimble Replacer, 543
- Tavistock: A Much-haunted Town in Devon. Article
- by " Marmaduke," 688 Tax, Penny a Pint, A, 716 Tax: The S. Opens the Door, 100 Tax: To Keep the Boomlet Going. 500 Taxation and the Budget, Car, 562 Taxation: Hitler's Experiment, 646 Taxation, Motor (Gross Receipts 1930-1931), 1 Technical Aspects. By L. Mantell. 20, 41, f9, 105, 132, 160, 187, 212, 238, 268, 298, 324, 355, 387, 423, 452, 480, 510, 542, 578, 606. 634, 664, 692, 718, 760 Tent-hut, Jaffe, 228
- Tent, You Can Camp in Comfort With a, 764
- Terolas: New Way to Make Roads, A, 339,
- T.F.T., Quick-release Filler Cap, 311
- Theft Device, Anti, 53
- Thefts: A Warning, 144
- Thermorad Exhaust Car Heater, 36, 390
- Thiefproof Device, A, 464
- Thief Warning Device, Car-gun, 431
- Thieves' New Trick, Car, 648
- Thoroughfares of the Past, 22
- Threads, For Damaged, 481
- Three Body Type* in One! (Trinity), 549
- Three-wheeler, A New, 434
- Three-wheeler Chassis, The Latest, 50
- Three-wheeler Display, A,_64
- — " ' eers of the. 4_ 751
- Three-wheelers: Cyclecars Forging Ahead, 43 Three-wheelers of 1933, 46 Three-wheelers: Racing at Donington, 750 Three Wheels, On, Article by H. Sagar, 548 Tid-worth Tattoo Figures, 9 Tilbury Ferry, 475
- Tisit Mortiiog, 13 Toolbox, Uselul, 53 Tooting When Passing, 130
- TOPICS OF THE DAY: 19, 45, 77. 103, 131, 159, 185, 211, 237, 267, 297, 323, 353, 385, 421 451, 477, 501, 539, 575. 601. 631, 663, 685, 717, 759.
- Accident Statistics, 663
- Accidents Bill: A Harsh Measure, 759
- Accidents: Significant Figures, 663
- Agent's Position, The, 385
- Amber Light, The, 19, 297
- Audible Warning, 717
- Berlin Show: Strides in Germany, 353
- " Breakdowns " Analysed, 451
- " Caine," The, 575
- Caravan-minded, Becoming, 663
- Caravan Reaction, 759
- Cars Small, Keep Small, 77
- Coal-petrol, 77
- " Dazzle " Power, Another, 237
- Dipping Problems, 237
- Direction Indicators, 451
- Door, Slamming the, 631
- Court: Hard Case, A, 631
- Economics, Question of, A, 575
- Engine Wear, Cold, 185
- " Ex Works," 385
- Fine 10s. View Astern, 159
- Fires, Heath, 601
- Fog, Unprepared for, 185
- " Fume-free," A New Slogan, 45
- Garage, Fire in the, 477
- Gaudeamus Igitur, 385
- Gear-changing, Easier, 211
- Graphite as a Lubricant, 237
- Greetings, 131
- Holiday, The, 539
- Hooters Next? No, 131
- International Trophy, The, 685
- Larnin' 'Em, 19
- Law, Ignorance of the, 267
- Learning^ A Little, 421
- Licence Reminders, Driving, 159
- Lighting-up Time Dangers, 131
- Lights Which Confuse, 103
- Markets, Our Foreign, 353
- Monte Carlo Rally, The, 267
- National Handicap, A. 575
- National Issue, A, 421
- Nelson Looks On, 451
- Nemesis, 421
- Noblesse Oblige, 601
- Noisy Trials Drivers, 103
- Obstruction, 501
- Oxford's Limit, 685
- Parking Charges, 631
- Parking, Dangerous, 19
- Parking Fees, 501
- Parking: Time Limit Too Short, 323
- Petrol, A Warning. 353
- Promise of 1933, The, 159
- Questionaire, A Distasteful, 501
- Radio Warnings, 601
- Rally, The, 477
- Rattles^ Still Too Many, 77
- Road Economy, False, 539
- Robot Says " Go," When the, 297
- Romance of 60 m.p.h., The, 717
- "Safety First," 685
- Signal: Stop on the Amber, 717
- Snow Driving, 267
- Stanley, On! On, 539
- Streamlining, 185
- Summons, Answering a, 211
- Taxation Burdens, 477
- Three-wheelers of To-day, 45
- Trial, A Successful, 323
- Tyres, Smooth, 211. 297
- Walker's Liability, The, 103
- When the Shoe Pinches, 323
- Whitsuntid-ings, 759
- Winter Motoring, 45 Tour: Cornwall for Easter, 608 Tour de France, 527 Tour," " Emily's World, 716 Tour, Mountainous North Wales is Ideal for a Winter, 326
- Touring: Come to Britain, 660 Touring Trifles, Article by Francis Jones, 766 Tourist Trophy. See T.T. Tow—But How? A, 448 Tower on Mount Valerian, 615 Trade Has Done Well, The, 295 Traffic Control Lines, Saying It In Rubber, 309 Traffic: "One-way" in Maidenhead, 339 Traffic: One-way in Sunbury, 345 Traffic: Paris to go Slower? 8 Traffic: Rush-hour Congestion, 312 Traffic Signals. See Signals. Trailer: Hitch Your " Wagon," 540 Trains! "Ware, 177
- Trans-European By-pass, A (Calais to Istambul), 174 Travel, Rush-hour Congestion, 312 Trial, Top-Gear, A, 499 Trials Drivers, Hints for, 102 Trials, Winter, 57 Trials Without Tribulations, Article by George
- Goodall, 66
- Trico Wiper Blades, 727 " Tricyclecar," The, 44 Tring Road Circuit. See Ivinghoe Trinity Special: Three Body Types in One! 549 Tripoli Grand Prix, 520, 672 Tripoli Grand Prix Result, 732 Triumph Car Club, 702 Triumph Dip-stick, 104 Triumph Dinner, 369 Triumph Light Van, 284 Triumph Models and Prices, 373 Triumph Motor Club's Dinner, 431 Triumph Motor Club Dinner, 169. 306, 345, 462 Triumph Motor Club Function, 141 Triumph Motor Club Scheme (British Race Team
- Club), 489
- Triumph Owners, For, 453 Triumph Prices, 316
- Triumph: Preventing Cylinder Wear, 175 Triumph: "Reasons Why" of a Super Nine, The, Article by F. L. M. Harris, 576
- Triumph "Southern Cross," A Comfortable " Seventy "
- in the, 232
- Triumph "Southern Cross," The (Gear Ratios), 312
- Triumph " Southern Cross," In Brief, 232, 656
- Triumph " Southern Cross," on Special Service 656
- Triumph Success, A (South Africa Rally), 255
- Triumph Super Eight Pillarless Saloon, 690
- Triumph Super Eight Pillarless Saloon, In Brief,
- Triumph Super Nine, at a Glance, 70
- Triumph Super Nine, Jacking Has No Terrors With
- the, 70
- Triumph Super Nine, Swooping up to 45, 418 Triumph Ten, 464, 562 Triumph Tec, Launching the, 472 Triumph Ten Saloon, A New, 444 Triumph Ten Saloon, The, In Brief, 444 Triumphs. Royoil Oil for, 469 Trojan Models and Prices, 373 Trophies Exhibition, Sporting, 681, 704 Trophies, National Sporting, Display, 613 Truth is Stranger . . , 570 Tsubasa Three-wheeler, 673 T.T. Financial Note, 111 T.T. Points, 701 T.T. Prize Fund, 731 T.T. Regulations. 643 T.T., Ulster, 361 Tubes, Useful Old. 573 Tungstalloy Pistons, 198 Tunis, Grand Prix of. The, 520, 587 Tunnel-type Heater, To Warm Sump Oil, 176 Two Passing Glimpses, 150 Tyre Bills,.To Save, 208 Tyre Cuts, For Sealing (John Bull Mend-a-Tear), 630
- Tyre Facts, Potted, 683
- Tyre Problem, " Blue Bird's," 338
- Tyre, There's Romance in Building a, 530
- Tyre Wears Out First? Which, 574
- Tyres Better, New, 321
- T Dicovering Slow
- Tyres Better, New, 32
- Tyres: Discovering Slow Leaks, 453
- Tyres Get Still Bigger, 17
- Tyres: Tubes Went Bang, 183
- T U f Old 325
- u
- Ulster A.C.. 588, 775
- Upholstery, Cleaning, 161
- Upholstery, Renovating, 607
- Upholstery to Return, Cloth, 474
- Used Car Show, Manchester, 221
- Used Motor Show, The, 673, 736
- Utex Suction-controlled Ignition Switch, 12
- Valances for J2 Midgets, Derrington Wing, 253
- Vale Special Model and Price, 573
- Valve-grinding Device, 693
- Valve Life, Increasing (Salt Cooling), 175
- Valves, Question of Valves, A. 542
- Vase, Lang Flower, 652
- Ventiscreen Side Screen, The, 390
- Vesey Car Trial, 701
- Veteran Car Run Report, 10, 28
- Vibration, When Tracing, 157
- Vice, Noveto, 652
- Villiers Inferno Picnic Stove, 620
- w
- Waite, Capt. Arthur. 464
- Wakefleld Bridge, New, 345
- Wakefleld, Lord, 590
- " Wakefleld Trophy " Trials, 587
- Walton. Mr. Leslie, 734
- Wanted—Measured Miles, 75
- Warming a Saloon, 104
- W.A.S.A. Cotswold Trial Report. 605
- W.A.S.A. Cotswold Trial Results, 644
- W.A.S.A. London-Exeter Trial, Sir William Morris's Trophy, 587
- W.A.S.A. Trials, 461
- " Wash Speedway," Exit the, 280
- Water Jackets, Repairing, 543
- Wear, Campaign Against, A, 387
- Weather, Never Mind the, 34
- Weaver, W., Interview with, 40
- West Hants L.C.C., 402, 776
- West Middlesex Amateur M.C., 402, 430, 776
- Westwood Portable Car Ramp, 13
- Weybridge Motor Sports Club, 732
- What's On—The Cream of the News, 1, 29, 59, 87, 113, 141, 169
- Wheatley, Aston, Article by, Let's Go and Buy Maps, 534
- Wheatley, Aston, Article by, Why Not Cruise Round England? 746
- Wheel Alignment, Checking, 21
- Wheel-changing by Tail Light, 128
- Wheel-changing, Easy, 325
- Wheel Off, A, 320
- Wheels, Cleaning, 481
- Wheels lor Small Cars, Stronger, 9
- Wheels? Remember Stepney, 320
- Wheels Wobbly? Are Your, 682
- When Does a Car Wear Out? 636
- White Lines, Paint Used. 561
- Whitney Toll Bridge, 221
- Whitsun. 756
- Why Not Cruise Round England? Article by Aston Wheatley, 747
- Widengren Records, 672
- Wilcot: Bristol Firm's Inventions, 40
- Wilson, Mr. Edward A., 734
- Wilson Two-seater Ford. 339
- Wilson's Special Bodies and Prices, 373
- Windows, Strap-operated, 710
- Windscreen Blind Device (Detective-inventor Wens-ley), 371
- Windscreen Clean, Keeping the (Cleartex), 253
- Windscreen Improvement, A, 453
- W (continued).
- Windscreen, To Clean the, 43
- ?Windscreen: Wintawypa (or Frost or Snow, 13
- Wing, Cycle-type Front, 391
- "Wing-Flap," Curing (M.G.), 709
- Wing, Spreading Their (Mudguards), 270
- Wing Valance, O.M.I. M.G., 287
- Wings, Protecting Rear, 511
- Winnams Masterpiece Fire Extinguisher, 13
- Wintawypa Windscreen Preparation (for Frost or
- Snow), 13 Winter Amongst the Cumberland Fells, Article by
- Allan Phillip, 106 Winter Motoring in Comfort, 36 Winter Motoring is Different, 32 Winter Widens the View, Article by " Diogenes," 30
- Wint Wipe Wipe Wipe Wipe Wipe
- ?y, Westerly Week-end, A, 126 •, A Good, 184
- Arm, Quadro Screen, 12
- Blades, Trico, 727 ?, Dual Screen, 133 : Invention, A Clever, 538
- Wiper Tubling, Screen, 269 Wiper Vacuum Tank, A Screen, 453 Wipers, Look to Your Screen, 72 Wipers, Much Better, 42 Wireless in Cars, 758
- Wireleis Set, Emerson (Radio for Cars), 620 Wiring, Protecting Frayed, 710 Wolseley Hornet Abbey Saloon, The, 436 Wolseley Hornet: Compton "Combination," 61 Wolseley Hornet, Hardy, _jhe, 740 Wolseley Hornet in N.S.W., 369 Wolseley Hornet Maltby Sports Saloon, The, 63 Wolseley Hornet Paralhte-bodied Car, 88 WoUeley Hornet Progress, 677 Wolseley Hornet Saloon. At a Glance, 69 Wolseley Hornet Saloon, Power, Smoothness, Speed— in the Latest, 68
- Victoria
- in the Latest, 68 Wolseley Hornets, For, 386 Wolseley Models and Prices, 373 Wolseley: Traffic Robots in Factory, 650 Women and Motor Racing, Article by
- Worsley, 748
- Women in the Records List. 771 Wondermist: Chemical Car Cleaner, 43
- Wood Green and D. M.C., 112, 220, 334, 614, 732
- Worcester Bridge, 145
- Worsley, Miss victoria, 704
- Worsley, Victoria. Article by, Women and Motor
- Racing, 748
- Wright Special Bodies and Prices, 373 Wroxton, Sale at, 745 Wye Valley Trial, The, 605 Wye Valley Trial Results, 644
- nyn, Cp, ing
- London to Calcutta), 223 Yates-Benyon, Capt., Honoured, 676 Yorkshire Sport* Car Club, 702 Yorkshire, In, 350
- Zero Anti-freezing Mixture, 42
- A.A. Night Patrol, The, 561 A.A. Scout Fixing a Sign, 249
- A.A. Special Van Used by the Road Sign Department, 99
- Abbess Roding, Rural Scene Near, 81 Abbey Wolseley Hornet, 126, 127 Abbey Wolseley Hornet Fourseater Saloon, The
- (Views), 436 Abinger Hammer, 628 A.C. Plug^leaning^ Device, 497 A.C. Towing a Light Aeroplane Fuselage, 89 Adamite Rubber-cushioned Steering Joint " Exploded," 527
- Adjusta-Matic Piston, 393 Adlington, E. N. (Alvis), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 189
- A.E.C. Oil Engine, 207
- A.E.W.-Austin, Four-seater Sports Model. 223 A.J.S. Front Mudguard, The, 270 Aldington (Frazer-Nash), B.A.R.C. Easter Meeting, 639 Aldington, H. J., at the Wheel of the T.T. Replica
- Frazer-Nash, 245 Aldington, H. J. (Frazer-Nash), Donington Park
- Races, 739 Aldington, H. J. (Frazer-Nash), J.C.C. International
- Trophy, 722 724 Aldington, H. J. (Frazer-Nash), Monte Carlo Rally, 282 Aldridge, M. S. (Austin), M.C.C. London-Exeter
- Trial, 170
- Allard Special, Morgan Conversion, 146 Allard Special, Morgan Conversion, " Cockpit" and
- Rear Views, 146 Allott, F. (Wolseley Hornet), M.C.C. London-Land's
- End Trial, 624 Allwright, S. W. (Morgan), M.C.C. London-Exeter
- Trial, 188
- Alvis Dispatch Department, 389 Alvis "Firefly" fi/2-mre Model, 374 Alvis Firefly Engine, 205 Alvis Firefly Saloon in a Trial, 204 Alvis Firefly Saloon, Rear View, 204 Amal Bonnet Fastener, 469 Amal Down-draught Carburetter, 318 Amsterdam Motor Show, The, Austin Exhibits, 309 Anderson, A. (Hillman Minx R.A.C. Cape Town
- Rally), 405.
- Angela Caravan, Interior, 541 Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., Luncheon, 675 Appleton, R. J. W. (Bugatti), B.A.R.C. Meeting, 484 Archer's (J.M.) Lanchester, R.A.C. Hastings Rally,
- Arden, In Ihe Forest of, 767
- Ards Circuit, Racing on 546
- Armstrong, Commander F. P., 367
- Armstrong-Saurer Oil Engine, 206
- Armstrong Siddeley 12 h.p. Australian-built saloon, 254
- Armstrong Siddeley 12 h.p. " Self-changing" Gearboxes, 99
- Armstrong Siddeley 1,434 c.c. Engine, 120, 122 Armstrong Siddeley Dispatch Department, 388 Armstrong Siddeley Economy Sports Saloon, 120, 122, 656 Armstrong Siddeley Economy Saloon Fitted with the
- D.W.8. Permanent Jacks, 121 Armstrong Siddeley Economy Sports Saloon, Luggage
- Grid, 121
- Armstrong Siddeley Economy Sports Saloon, Semi-servo Brakes, 121 Armstrong Siddeley: Gear Control Under Steering
- Wheel, 201
- Armstrong Siddeley Saloon, 374 Armstrong Siddeley Showrooms, 681 Arrow Standard Coupe, The, Interior and Rear Views, 62
- Arundel Bridge, Under Repairs, 563 Ashby Sportsmuff, 727 Ashdown Forest, 767 Ashtray, Lane Bakelite, 652 Aston Hill, 30 ' Atkins, W. H. (Morgan) M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 173
- Atlantis Combined Mirror and Indicator, 37 " Auld Bridge o' Doon," The, 259 Austin, A.E/W., Four-seater Sports Model, 223 Austin Dispatch Department. 389 Austin Flewitt Two-seater Drop-head Coupg, 39 Austin Longbridge Factory Extensions, 563 Austin Nobby Anti-bump Spring. 115 Austin Ploughs Its Way ("Depth" of Winter, The), 413 Austin Seven, 1923 Model, Thoroughly Overhauled
- and Fitted with a Home-built Body, 137 Austin Seven, 1924 Model Altered, 427 Austin Seven Converted. 1928 Model, " N.G.
- Special," 611
- Austin Seven Double-capacity Sump, 115 Austin Seven Shock Absorber, 21 Austin, Sir Herbert, 366
- Austin Stand at the Berlin Motor Show, The, 343 Austin Sump Cooling, 299 Austin Ten Flewitt Foursome Model, 39 Austin Ten-Four Cabriolet, The, 597 Austin Ten-Four Engine, Exhaust Manifold, 712 Austin Ten-Four, Front View, 711 Austin Ten-Four, Interior. 712 Austin Ten-Four Patrick Four-seater Coupe, The, 442
- Austin Ten-Four, Rear Brakes Layout, 712 Austin Ten-Four Saloons in South Africa, 675 Austin Ten-Four Steering Arrangement, 712 Austin Ten-Four Tourer, 374 Austin Ten-Fours at Cape Town, 249 Austin Twelve-Six Coachbuilt Saloon, 346
- Vertex
- Austin Twelve-Six Engine, 329, 347, 743 Austin Twelve-Six Engine, with Scintilla
- Magneto, 347 Austin Twelve-Six, Instruments and Controls, 347 Austin Twelve-Six Saloon, 328
- A iiKtin T-ntnlaaJQiv Qainnn • f^ntif ^A!« TOO
- Austin Twelve-Six Sports Tourer, 742, 743
- Austin Twelve-Six Sports Tourer: Facia Board and
- Instruments, 743
- Austin Twelve-Six Sports Tourer, Interior, 742 Austin Twelve-Six Sports Tourer, Rear View, 743 Austins, Curtain Rack for, 481 Austin's Showrooms, 383
- Autoyac, Details (Working of Vacuum Tank), 166 Avening, 75
- A very, H. M. (Singer), London-Glouceste* Trial, 90 Avon Standard Front Mudguard, The, 271 Avus Track, On the (Race), 643 Aynho, 757 Ayrshire Coast, 258
- B
- Bailey, B. E. (Austin), Southport Meeting, 569 Baker, G. L. (Minerva), B.A.R.C. Meeting, 484, 485 Baker, J. R. (Singer), Donineton Races, 552,' 735 Baker, J. R. H. (M.G. Magna), M.C.C. London-Exeter
- Trial, 188
- Baldwin Washer for Locking Bolts, 340 Ball Joint. Sleeve, 422 Banbury, High Street, 766 B.A.R.C. 1933 Members' Badge, 312 B.A.R.C. Dinner, The, 18
- B.A.R.C. Easter Meeting, Incidents, 638, 639 B.A.R.C. Opening Meeting, Incidents, 484, 485 Barclay Ten, In Brie}, 370 Barclay Ten Jensen Saloon, 370 Barclay Ten Jensen Saloon, Driving Compartment, 371
- Barclay Ten Jensen Saloon, Facia Board and Steering, 370 Barclay Ten Jensen Saloon, Luggage Boot and
- Streamlined Tail, 371
- Barclay Ten Jensen Saloon, Rear Compartment, 370 Barnes, F. 8. (Singer), Colmore Trial, 392 Barnes, Mr. F. S., with his Singer Nine, 709 Barnes, J. D., 694 Barnes, J. D. (Austin), J.C.C. International Trophy, 721, 725
- Barson Special, The, 8 Batchelor, Major H. V. (Riley), Riley M.C.s 12-Hour
- Trial, 394
- Bates, Sir Dawson, 111 Battery, Charging, 104 Bax, E. P. A. (Wolseley Hornet), L.C.C. Half-day
- Trial, 438 Beachy Head, 756 " Beacon of Bucks," 17 M
- elgrave, W. (M.G. Magn), Monte Carlo R Belleroche (Austin), B.A.R.C. Meeting, 639 Beld, J. D. (Ali) JCC Itti 723
- Carlo Rally, 283 n), B.A.R.C. Meeting, 639 (Alris), J.C.C. International Trophy,
- Beacon of Bucks, 17 Beemac Battery Master Switch. 726 Belgrave, W. (M.G. Magna), Monte Bllh (Ati) BARC Mti
- elleroch Benjafleld, . 723
- Bensusan's (Mr. K. E.), Caravan Outfit, 753 Benn's (J. E.) Austin Seven, R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 512
- Benz (Carl) Memorial, Unveiling the, 654 Beresford, R. 8. C. (Fiat)-, Veteran Run, 10 Bergan, Per (Austin Ten-Four), Monte Carlo Rally, 250
- Berkhamsted Castla, 31 Berkhamsted Speed Trials, Incident, 677 Berlin Motor Show, The, 335, 341, 342, 343 Berridge, Miss Pauline, 7 Berry, N. A., with the T.T. Replica Frazer-Nash for
- the Monte Carlo Rally, 245 Bidlake, Mr. F. T., Signing the " Golden Book " at
- the Cycling Concert, 253 489
- machine, 289 in-cjlinder Engine,
- Bishops WalthanY Palace (Hants), 235 Black and Deckler Valve-grinding machine, 289 Blackburne 750 c.c. Air-cooled Twilid E 619
- Blackpool's Famous Tower, 30 Blake, Mr. H. E., 366 Bletchington Village, 715 Blow-pipe Workshop. 239 " Blue Bird," 1912 Model, Sir Malcolm Campbell
- at the Wheel, 99
- B.M.W., 1,200 c.c. " Six" Model, 342 Boat Race: Brig.-General Gibbon Coaching the Oxford
- Crew from a Morris-engined Launch, 493 Boat: Ultra Lightweight Outboard, Fitted with
- Trailer Wheels and 4 h.p. Engine, 570 Bodies: "Away with Blind Spots" (Diagrams), 686, 687 Bolster, R. V. C. (G.N.), Inter-Varsity Speed Trials, 439
- Bolts, Locking Coach. 133 Bonora Quick-release Filler Cap, 311 Borrowdale, 107
- Bosch Direction Indicators, The, 433 Bosch Fog Lamp, 497 Bowden, Sir Harold, Giving a Helping Hand at the
- B.I.F., 405
- Bowes, R. L. (Bugatti), B.A.R.C. Meeting, 485 Brace, Wheel, 635 Brand, G. B. (Morgan), M.C.C. London-Land's End
- Trial, 627
- B.R.D.O. Banquet to Sir Malcolm Campbell, 501 B.R.D.C. British Empire Trophy Meeting, " Pictorial
- Slogan," 613 Bracey, N. E. (Wolseley Hornet), J.C.C. Brooklands
- Rally, 407
- Brake Adjustment, 635 Brake Adjustments, For, 453
- Brake Drums, Composite Steel (Diagrams), 228
- Brake Shoe: Riveting Linings, 730
- Brake Shoes Arrangement, 460
- B.R.D.C. Dinner, The, 384
- Briault, D. (Wolseley Hornet), Donington Park
- Races, 735
- Brico Maxigroove Ring, 12 Bridge at Dob Park. The Old Pack-horse, 141 Bridge: "Auld Bridge o' Doon," The, 259 Brighton and Hove 12-Hour Trial, Incidents, 678 Brighton Road Race: The Roedean Hairpin, 167 Bripal Cellulose Tin, 652 Brooklands Entrance, Plan of, 313 Brooklands Entrance, Views, 313 Brooklands Flood Damage, 229 Brooklands Hub Cap, 229 Bnooklands: J.C.C. Scratch Race, 93 Brooklands, Racing at, 546, 595 Brooklands Spring Steering Whee
- c, (7our No
- Bruce, The Hon. Victor, 680
- Bruce, Hon. Mrs. Victor, Flying Visit to Jowett Works, 741
- Brunell, Miss Kittv (A.C.), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, Winner in the 16 h.p. Class, 493
- Brush for Wire Wheels, 186, 422
- B.S.A. 10 h.p. Engine, 256
- B.8.A. 10 h.p. Fluid Flywheel Chassis Fitted with the Peerless CoupS Body, 563
- B.S.A. 10 h.p. " Fluid Flywheel " Model, 374
- B.S.A. 10 h.p. "Fluid Flywheel" Peerless Close-coupled Four-seater CoupS, 412
- B.S.A. 10 h.p. Saloon, Driving Compartment, 257
- B.S.A. ID h.p. Saloon, Front View, 256
- B.S.A. 10 h.p. Saloon, Standard Model, Side View, 257
- B.S.A. 1,021 c.c. Engine, 179
- B.S.A. Chassis, Detailed Drawing, 51
- B.S.A. Four-cylinder Sports Model, 46, 47
- B.S.A. f.w.d. Front Mudguard, The, 271
- B.S.A. Twin-cylinder De Luxe Two-seater, Front and Side Views, 178, 179
- B.S.A. Twin Sports Model, 52
- Bugatti Car (Model), 140
- Bugatti Model, Views, 461
- Burgess Ignition Booster, 726
- Burnham-on-Crouch Views, 350. 351
- Burns's Cottage at Alloway, 258
- "Burst! " 701
- " Butta», The," 397
- Cabinet, Storage, 579
- Oadison Electric Muff Heater, 12
- Calormeter, 13
- Cam, on the, 545
- Cambridge, Views of, 545
- Camp Complete, The, 540 ?Campbell, Mr. B., 675
- Campbell, Sir Malcolm, 675, 694
- Campbell, Sir Malcolm and Lady, 471
- Campbell, Sir Malcolm, and the Philip's " Mike," 675
- Campbell, Sir Malcolm, at the Wheel of His 1912 " Blue Bird," 99
- Campbell, Sir Malcolm (Sunbeam), J.C.C. International Trophy, 725
- Campbell, Sir Malcolm's, " Blue Bird " at Brooklands, 463
- Campbell, Sir Malcolm's, Record-breaking Car Speeding Along the Sands at Daytona, 450
- Campbell Special " Blue Bird " at the B.A.R.C. Easter Meeting, 639
- Campbell Special "Blue Bird" (Drawing), 429
- Campbell Special " Blue Bird" (Part-section Drawing), 196
- Car, Home-built (Mr. C. Williams), 359
- Car, Home-built Sports Model (South African Reader), 40.1
- Car, "If I Won the Sweep," 689
- Car in the Midst of a Somersault at the Legion Ascot Speedway, Los Angeles, 671
- Car: Two-cylinder Racer, " Killick Special," 619
- Caravanners, 706
- Carburetter, Single-jet (Diagram), 317
- Castle Ashby Park, 599
- Castle Coombe, 763
- Castrol Lubrequipment, 465
- Celamel: Cellulose Spraying, 325, 390
- Celamel Spraycan, 726
- Chains, Snow (Home-made), 269
- Cheltenham Race-course, 617
- Chewton Mendip, 128
- Chiddingstone, Half-timbered Houses at, 157
- Chiesman, Miss M. G. (Riley), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 466, 512
- Chiltern Hundred Trial, Incidents, 407
- Chilterns Above Aldbury, 42
- China, The Great Wall, 236
- Chipping Campden, High Street, 22, 763
- Christmas Card Style, In, 113
- Citroen, Andre, 148
- Citroen 10 h.p. Saloon, 374
- Citroen 1,452 c.c. Engine, 479
- Citroen Ten " Floating Power," Diagram, 774
- Citroen Ten Saloon, The, 478, 479
- Citroen Ten Saloon, The, Interior, 479
- Clark, Miss T. (B.S.A.), Colmore Trial, 365
- Cleaning Smill Parts, 481
- Clifton Hampden, 476
- Clifton Suspension Bridge, 746
- C.M.I. Central Armrest, 726
- C.M.I. Reverse Stop, 287
- C.M.I. Wing Valance for M.G. Cars, 287
- xu.
- C (continued).
- Coath, R. J. B. (Armstrong Siddeley), London-Gloucester Trial, 91
- Cobb's Racer, Model, 462
- Coil, Contact Breaker and Distributor, 457
- Coil, Internal Wiring, 457
- Coil, Semi-diagrammatic Circuits of, 456
- Oolmore Trophy, The, 245
- Colmore Trial, The, Incidents, 365, 392, 393
- Commutator Micas, Undercutting, 161
- Compagnoni (Alfa-Romeo), Italian 1,000-mile Race, 603
- Competition: " Pbotopuzzle." See " Photopuzzle."
- Compton Bassett, 43
- Compton Two-four Body on the Wolseley Hornet Special Chassis, 61
- Constable, S. H. (Wolseley Hornet), " Brighton 12-hour Trial," 678
- Control-rod Rattle, Stopping, 299
- Coombe Hill, 30
- Oorfe Castle, Dorset, The, 264
- Cornwall's Cliffs, 608
- Cotters, Fitting Horseshoe, 53
- Coventry-Climax 10 h.p. Engine, 371
- Coventry Victor Chassis, Detailed Drawing, 51
- Coventry Victor, Four-seater Chummy Model, 48
- Coventry Victor, Full Four-seater Model, 52 *
- Coventry Victor Luxury Model, 47
- Coventry Victor Luxury Model, Front View, 46
- Coventry Victor " Midget " Engine, 124
- Coventry Victor Midget Model, 48, 124, 125
- Coventry Victor Oil Engine, 207
- Coventry Victor Three-wheeler Model, 375
- Coventry Victor Three-wheeler Mudguards, The, 271
- Coveraok, 608
- Cowfold Village, 666
- Cox, G. K. (Rover), B.A.R.C. Meeting, 484
- Coy Rubber Suspension System, Layout, 633
- Cozzi Brothers (Touring in a 20-year-old Car), Hum-berette, 526
- Crabtree, S. A. (M.G. Midget), .T.C.C. International Trophy, 705
- Crawley, The Punch Bowl, 763
- Crossley Sports Model, 375
- Crowcombe Village, 294, 295
- Cumming, J. (Maserati), B.A.R.C. Meeting, 484
- Cummings, Miss Ivy, 749
- Cummings, Sidney (Peugeot-Voiturette), Veteran Run, 10
- Cummins, Oil Engine, 206
- Cuthbcrt, W. A. (Riley), J.C.C. International Trophy, 724
- Cylinder Liner " Wet " Type, Method of Fitting, 586
- Cylinder Lubrication, Device for Upper, 354
- D
- Dargue, T. W. (Riley), M.C.C. London-Land's End
- Trial, 622
- Davis, 8. C. H. (Leon-Bollee), Veteran Run, 10 Davis, V. (Hornet), London-Gloucester Trial, 91 Daytona Beach, Florida Stormscape, 145 D.-B. Trailer Tow-bar Attachment, 541 Delaney, C. T., 485 Delaney, C. T. (Lea-Francis), B.A.B.C. Meeting, 485, 639
- Denly, A., 158
- Dennison, G. T. (Riley), Monte Carlo Rally, 291 Dennison, G. (Riley), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, Winner
- of " The Light Car and Cyclecar " Trophy, 491 Derrington Luggage Grid, 497 Derrington Oversize Sump, The, 413 Derrington Special Inlet and Exhaust System, 737 Derrington Wing Valance for J2 M.G. Midget, 253 Derwent, River, 107
- Desmo Combined Spotlight and Inspection Lamp, 241 Desmo Direction Indicator, The, 433 Desmo Hand-operated Wiper, The, 263 Desmo Mascots. " Eagle and Ball," " Horse and
- Jockey " end the " Skating Girl," 340 Desmo Mirrors, 390, 497 Desmo Safebeam Anti-dazzls Lamp. 391 Desmo Swinging Arm Direction Indicator, with
- Switch, 37 Dewandre Vacuum Servo Brake Coupling fitted on
- the M.G.-Wayside Combination, 773 Dickson, Miss M (M.G. Midget), Scottish Six Days'
- Trial, 770
- Dinham Bridge, Ludlow, 747 Dipstick, Petrol, 635 Dipstick Wiper, 761
- Dirt-track Racing in Sydney, N.S.W., 193 Dixon-Bate Caravan. 753
- Dixon, F. W. (Riley), B.A.R.C. Meeting, 485 Dixon, F. W. (Riley), Donington Races, 552 D.K.W. 600 c.c. Two-cylinder Two-stroke Engine, 341
- Dobbs, H. G. (Riley), B.A.R.C. Meeting, 484, 485 Dobson, C. T. (M.G. Midget), On Gooseham Mill Hill,
- Donington Park Concours d'Elegance, Incident, 569 Donington Park Hill-climb, Incident, 569 Donington Park Road Racing Circuit, Views, 285 Donington Road Baces, Incidents, 523, 548, 550, 551, 552. 735. 738. 739. 758 Douglas-Morris, Major D. E. M. (Invicta), Donington
- ConcouTs, 569 Douglas-Morris, Major D. E. M. (Invicta), Monte
- Carlo Rally, 291 Drill Holder, 269 Driscoll, L. F. (Austin), J.C.C. International Trophy, 725
- Driskell, J. A. (Ford), L.C.C. Hall-day Trial, 438 Drydex Torch, 241 Duco Hot-water Foot-warmer, 36 Duco Inspection Lamp, 241, 391 Duke's Meadow, Chiswick (Boat Race Fever), 574 Dunfee. Geoffrey. 7 Dunlop Tyre, Testing one of the " Blue Bird's," 338
- Dunlop Tyres in the Making. Views, 530, 531, 532 Punster, 747
- Dutch Rally Incident, 650
- D.W.S. System of Permanent Jacks fitted on the Armstrong Siddeley Economy Saloon, 121
- East Hagbourne, The Old Village Cross. 396
- Ebrington, Village of, 43
- Eccles 10-ft. Caravan, 521
- Eccles, A. H. L. 'Bugatti), B.A.R.C. Meeting, 485
- Edge's (Mrs. Francis) Wayside-M.G. " Limbering
- up," 753
- Fldridge, E. A. D., 147, 158 Elwes, J. C. (M.G. Midget), J.C.C. International
- Trophy, 721, 724 Emerson Wireless Set, 620 Engine: Inlet and Exhaust Manifolds Arrangement
- to form a Hot Spot, 670 F.KGIKKS—
- A.E.C. Oil, 207
- Alvis Firefly, 205
- Armstrong Siddeley 1,434 c.c. 120, 122
- Armstrong-Saurer Oil, 206
- Austin TeiPFour, 712
- Austin Twelve-Six. 329, 347, 743
- B.S.A. 10 h.p., 256
- B.S.A. 1,021 c.c., 178
- Citroen 1,452 c.c., 479
- Coventry Climax 10 h.p., 371
- Coventry-Victor 688 c.c. Oil, 207
- Coventry Victor " Midget," 124
- Cummins Oil, 206
- D.K.W, 600 c.c. Two-cylinder Two-stroke, 341
- Ford 8 h.p., 659
- Jowett 7 h.p., 425
- Lanchester 10 h.p., 109
- M.G. Magna 1,086 c.c., 524
- M.G. Magnette 1,086 c.c., 514
- Morris Ten, 349
- Riley 12 h.p., 352
- Riley Monaco, 96
- Singer 12 h.p., 152
- S.S. II, 697
- Standard 1,006 c.c., 697
- Standard Six-cylinder 1,497 c.c., 3
- Triumph Four-cylind»r. 71, 233
- Triumph 7.9 h.p., 690
- Wolseley Six-cylinder, 69 Engelbert Tyre, The New, 116 Enots Direction Indicator.-., The. 433 Enots Grease Gun, 253 Enots Hydraulic Jack, The. 390 Erie ReBistor for Wireless Fans, 340 Essex, Views of, 80, 81 Evans, Dennis, 7
- Evans, K. D. (M.G. Mid,;et), B.A.R.C. Meeting, 484 Evans, K. D. (M.G. Midget), Inter-Varsity Speed
- Trials, 439 Evans, K. D. (M.G. Midget), University Club's Speed
- Trials, 409
- Ever-Ready Focusing Torch, 241 Ever-Re-ady Mobile Light, The, 241, 391 Exeter, 119
- Eyston, G. E. T., 147, 158, 315, ^89, 694 Eyston, G. E, T., Chatting with Sir William Morris, 59 Eyston, G. E. T. (M.G.), Italian 1,000 Miles Race, 630 Eyston, G. E. T. (M.G. Midget), Montlhery Track, 147 Eyston, G. E. T. (M.G. Magic Midget), with Gas
- Mask, 99
- Eyston, G. E. T. (M.G. Magnette), Italian 1,000 Miles Race, 600
- Facia-board Petrol Taps, 511
- Falmouth, 609
- Fan Belt, Tension Test, 400
- Farran, A. (B.S.A.), Dnnington Park Hill-climb, 569
- Fell, J. H. (Morgan, C.), Inter-varsity Speed Trials, 439
- Ferrari, 315
- Ferodo One-piece Clutch Ring, 617 Fiat 995 c.c. Engine, 632 Fiat Model " 508," Front View, 632 Fiat Nine: Crankshaft and Pistons after Water Had
- Entered the Engine, 217 Fiat Saloon, Model " 508," 633 Field, J. (Bugatti), Southport Meeting, 587 Filler for Topping-uB the Sump, 239 "Fingle Bridge," 29 Fishing: Oar and (Rod this Easter, Article by " Mar-
- maduke," 533 TUtzford Mansion, 688 Flewitt Austin Ten Foursome Model, 39 Flewitt Austin Two-seater Drop-head Coupe, 39 Flex Wires, Securing. 53 Floodlit Way, The, 214. 215 Floods at Runnymede, 441 Flywheels Too Light? 538 Footrest. Useful, 325 *V>rd 8 h.p. Engine, 659 Ford 8 h.p. Four-seater Sports Model, 9 Ford 8 h.p. Pukka Sports Model, Front View, 659 Ford 8 h.p. Standard Saloon, Front View, 658 Ford 8 h.p. Standard Saloon, Interior, 658 Ford 8 h.p. Saloon, 375 Ford 8 h.p. Terrier Sport Model, 659 Ford 8 h.p. Tudor Saloon, 658
- Ford 8 h.p., Wilson's Two-seater Sports Model, 339 Ford: At Dagenham, 536 Ford, Henry, 148 Ford Rear Mudguards, The, 271 Ford Show, Albert Hall, 4 Fothringham, T. S. (Btjgatti), J.C.C. International
- Trophy, 722, 723 Fowey, 608 Framo Piccolo Two-seater, The, 341
- Framo-Stromer Chassis, 341 Framo-Stromer Three-wheeler, The, 341 Framo-Stromer Three-wheeler, Rubber Suspension, 342
- Frazer-Nash lj^-litre T.T. Replica Model, 443 Frazer-Nash Car Club Dinner, The, 567 Fryer, C. J. (M.G. Midget), L.C.C. Half-day Trial, 437 Fuses, Temporary, 21
- Fuyt, S. (Wolseley Hornet), Dutch Rally, 650 Gallagher, Mr. P., of Coventry, with an Armstrong
- Siddeley Economy Sports Saloon (Irish Sweepstake Winner), 597
- Gamage Direction Indicator, The, 433 Gamage Fire Extinguisher, The, 391 Gamage Inspection Lamp, 241 Gamage Lightweight Spotlight. 37 Gamage Three-light Direction Indicators, 37 Gamage Water Brush, 726 Gamage Wing Mirror, 727 Garage at Sunninghill, 203 Garage DOOM, Lifting, 693 Garage Illumination. 5-11 Gardner, Major A. T. G., 7 Gear, "Twin-Two" (Diagram). 17 Gears: Principle of Synchronization, 202 Geneva Motor Show, 463 (George Inn, Norton St. Philip, 762 Giglio, C. (Morris Minor), London-Gloucester Trial, 87 Glass Drilling, 299 Golden Arrow Fog Piercer, 12 Goliath Rear-engined Chassis, 341 Good, R. E. (Austin), M.C.C. London-Land's End
- Trial, 6i2S Goodacre, C. (Austin), J.C.C. International Trophy, 725
- Goodall, G. H. (Morgan), Wye Valley Trial, 591 Goodall, George, Driving in a Trial, 66 Goodban, Miss P. (Wolseley Hornet), Scottish Six
- Days' Trial, 771 Gooseham Mill Hill, 5S, 581 Gordon Crosby, F. (Riley), R.A.O. Hastings Rally, 5O5
- Gough, Mrs. R. (3tiley), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 605 Grange, The, Leominster, 747
- Graphite as an Aid to Lubrication (Diagrams), 230 Great Portland Street Gala Week, 406 Green, W. H. (tB.S.A. f.-w.d.), London-Gloucester Trial, 90
- Greenleaf, W. E. C. (RileyV L.O.C. Half-day Trial, 438 Greenleaf, W. E. C. (Riley), M.C.C. London-Exeter
- Trial, 17®
- Grose B.8.A. Bumpers, 263, 391 Grose Dumbiron Apron, The. 61 Grose Foot-muff with Zip Fastener, 36 Grose Inspection Lamp, 241 Grose Paraffin Radiator Lamp, 38 Grose Valance for J2 Midget Front Wing, 197 Grose Waterproof Armlet, 311 r,un, Pressure Spray (Home-made), 543 Guy's Cliffe, Watermills, 475
- H
- Hacking. J. T. (B.S.A.), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 513
- Hall, E. R,., 722
- Hall, E. R. (M.G. Midget), Donington Park Races, 739 Hall, E. R (M.G. Magnette), J.C.C. International
- Trophy, 705
- Hall, E. R. (M.G. Midget). Donington Races, '551 Hamilton, H. O., 4-89, 630 Hamilton, H. C. (M.G. Magnette), Italian 1,000-mile
- Race, 603
- Hanomag, Drop-head Saloon Body, 144 Hants Light Car Club Annual Dinner, 653 Hardy Wolseley Hornet Fcur-3eater, 740 Harris " Dirt-track Special," 219 Hastings, Views, 175, 454, 455 Heater Control, 2,13 Heater, " Tunnel-type Electric," 176 Henley Bridge, 498 Henlys Dispose of Old Cars, 99 Henlys, Euston Road, 383 Hess, Alan C. (M.G. Midget), L.C.C. HaM-day Trial, 438
- Hexton, 76
- Hicks, A. L. (MOrg'a.n), Chiltern Hundred Trial, 407 High Wycomibe from the Red Lion, 119 Hike-lite Torch, 241 Hill-climb, A Sussex, 168 Hillman Aero-Minx Model, 180, 375 Hillman AeTo Minx Moidguard, The, 271 HiilTnan Dispatch Department, 3<88 Hillman: John McGrath, Ltd., Sydney Depot. 252 Hillman Minx, Capt. T. Yates-Benyon's London-
- ' Calcutta. Oar, 3O9 Hillman Minx: How Far for Five Guineas? 675, 710, 774
- Hillman Minx in a Typical Australian Setting, 617 Hillman Minx R.A.O. Cape Town Rally Team, 405 "HiHman Minx Sports Model, 116 Holland: Skating at Friesland, 3O9 Holm Close Country Club, Brundall, 247 Honister Pass, 106 Hoog«ven. Mr. (Singer), Royal Dutch A.C. 24-hour
- Trial, 174
- Horn, Dual Control, 78 Hornet Oar Club Dinner, The. 85 Hornet Car Olub Rally, Incident, 472 Horridge, Mr. Justice, 336 Horton, R. T. (M.G. Magnette S.), Donington Races, 561 florton, R. T. (MJG. Midget), J.C.C. International
- Trophy, 7O5 Hose Nozzle, 354
- Houses, Herefordshire's Half-timbered, 209 Howe, Earl, 489, 630 Howe, Earl (Drawing), 114 Howe, Lord, 315 Howe, Earl (M.G. Magnette), Italian 1,000-mile
- Race, 603 Howe, Earl (M.G. Magnette), J.C.C. International
- Trophy, 724
- H (continued).
- Humberette (1913) Touring In a 20-year-old Oar,
- ©26
- Humm, H. (Riley), Riley M.C.'s 1'2-hour Trial, 394 Humphreys, W. E. (Amilcar), J.C.C. International
- Trophy, 723 Hunter, H. C. (Riley), MJO.C. London-Exeter Trial, 170 Hunter, H. C. (iRiley), M.GA). London-Land's End
- Trial, 624 Hutehing's " Winchester" Crew—and Ford Eight
- CR.A.C. Caravan Rally), 752 Hutchinson, K., 739 Hutchison, K. (Bugatti), Berkhamsted Speed Trials, 677
- Hutchinson, K. (Bugatti), Donington Races, 650, 552 HUMOROUS:—
- ". . . And Whoever Gets There First Waits for
- the Other? " 210 Borrowing a Car Licence, 494 " Could I Borrow Your Starting Handle, Young ' Man?" 296
- Driver: " I reckon that half the people in that enclosure thought ne -were going to crash," 32>2
- Has It Come to This? 83
- " Henry, we must fit one of these .stoneguards and bring the car up to date," 641
- " Just Imagine " 322
- Speed, 191
- ". . . Well, you said run it in at thirty . . ." 316 Your Hole, Sir! 517
- Ignition Testing, Diagram, 558
- Ignition Key, Spare (Place for), 186
- India Standard Tyre, 469
- India Tyre Factory, Tour Incident, 705
- Indian Contrast: An (The Transport Elephant and
- the Morris Ten), 337 Indicator Tell-tale (Diagram), 607 INNS:—
- " Axe and Compasses," 81
- Bell House, The, 16
- " Dog and Badger " at Medmenham, 498
- Swan Hotel, The, 16
- " White Hart " Interior, SI International Trophy—See J.C.C.
- Inter-Varsity Speed Trials Incidents, 409, 437, 439 In'verfarigaig "Corkscrew," 435 Inverlorth, Lord, 675 I.O.M. Car Raoe. Where? 361 Isis, On the, 544 Italian 1,000 Miles Race, Incidents, 600, 602, 603, 604
- Italian " Terror," An, 9 Italian 1,000 Miles Race. Incidents, 564 Ivinghoe Circuit Club House, Artist's Impression, 337 Ivinghoe-Tring Road Circuit (An Artist's Impressions), 225, 275
- Jack, Four-wheel, and Turntable, 22.9
- Jay-Bee Easyfix Chain, The, 37, 263
- J.C.C. Brooklands Rally, Incident*, 403, 407, 408
- J.C.C. Dinner, The, 102
- JJC.C. International Trophy Race, Incidents, 705, 716, 72O, 721, 722, 723, 7i24, 725 J.C.C. Scratch Race: How Handicapping Will Be
- Eliminated, 93
- Jensen Barclay Ten Saloon, 370 Jensen Barclay Ten Saloon, Driving Compartment, 371 Jensen Barclay Ten Saloon, Facia Board and Steering, 370 Jensen Barclay Ten Saloon, Luggage Boot and
- Streamlined Tail, 371
- Jensen Barclay Ten Saloon, Rear Compartment, 370 Jensen-bodied M.G. Midget J2 Model Converted, 287 Jensen Special Sports Morris Minor Model (Exterior
- and Interior Views), 369
- Jensen Wolseley Hornet Sports Four-seater, 337 Jevons, J. D., 768, 769 J.M.B. Three-wheeler, 750
- J.M.B. Three-wheeler, Engine and Transmission Layout, 470
- J.M.B. Three-wheeler, Experimental Model, 470 J.M.B. Three-wheeler, Front Suspension, 47O J.M.B. Three-wheeler, Head-on View, 470 J.M-B. Three-wheeler, Rear Suspension, 471 J.M.B. Three-'wheeler, Rear Wheel, 470 John Abel's Masterpiece, An Old House in Hereford, 747
- John, Mr. T. G., 366
- Jones, G. L. (Bugutti), Southport Meeting, 569 Jones's (Mr. W. H.) Collapsible Home-on-Wfaeels, 763 Jowett 7 h.p. Engine, 426 Jowett, 7i2-hour Non-stop, €48 Jowett Club, Members ana Otiests at Dinner, 286 Jowett Dispatch Department, 369 Jowett Engine, Diagrams, 6O7 Jowett Factory at Idle, Visit by the Lord Mayor of
- Bradford, 249
- Jowett, Grinding Tool, 607 Jowett Kestrel Saloon, 375
- Jowett Kestrel Saloon and a 1911 Model (Twenty-two Years' Progress), 420 Jowett Kestrel Saloon, The 7 h.p., 424-Jowett Kestrel Saloon, The 7 h.p., Facia Board, 424 Jowett Kestrel Saloon, The 7 h.p., Rear Luggage
- Carrier, 425 Jowett, Mr. W., with the Lord Mayor of Bradford
- at the Jowett Factorv. Idle, 249 Jowett, Position of the Hollow King Pin, 612 Jowett: Rear-brake- Mechanism, 506 Jowett: Steering Gear, 508 Jowett: Two-tryrow Crankshaft, 508 Jowett: Universal Joint and Shaft, 608 Joyce, C. J. (Crossley Ten), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 467, 505 Jurgens, C. (Hillman Minx R.A.C. Cape Town Rally), 405
- K
- Kashmir Gate, By the, 496
- Kaye Don, 694
- Kaye Oiler, 469
- Kenilworth, 475
- Kenilworth Castle and Barn, 100, 101
- " Kiferm " Thief-proof Spare Wheel Lock, 199
- Killick Special Racer, 619
- K;"reb*r, Mr. Cecil, 367, 489
- Kimber, Mr. Cecil, Congratulates E. R. Hall and
- Mrs. Wisdom, J.C.C. International Trophy, 705 Kimber, Mr., With "Stainless Stephen" ;-:id the
- M.G. "Magic Midget," 249 King-Fa.rlow, Mrs. A. R., 7 Kingsgate, 683, 757
- La Licorne l>2-litre Saloon, 571
- Labouchere, Miss C, With Her Wolseley Hornet for the Monte Carlo Rally, 249
- Lacroze, M. (M.G. Magna), Monte Carlo Rally, 283
- Laird, H. (Morgan), Victory Trial, 431
- Laird, H. (Morgan), Wye Valley Trial, 605
- Lake Windermere. 107
- Lambert, O. P. (Austin), M.C.O. London-Exeter Trial, 173
- Lambert's (Mrs. E. E.), Riley Nine. R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 512
- Lamp, Useful Roof, 213
- Lamps, Current-saving, 386
- Lanchester 10 h.p. Engine, 109
- banchester Front Mudguard, The, 270
- Lanchester Mulliner Two-four-seater sports Model, 341S
- Lanchester Ten, The, Interior, 94
- Lanchester Ten Coupe de Ville, The, 596
- Lanchester Ten Saloon, 95^ 376
- Langdale Valley, 107
- Langford, R. S. (Frazer-Nash). Colmore Trial, 393
- Langley, A. B. (M.G. Magna). M.G. Club Second Chiltern Trial, 679
- Langley, A. H. (Singer) Donington Park Races, 735
- L.C.C. Half-day Trial, Incidents, 437, 438
- Le Mans, Incidents. 332, 547
- Leaden Roding Old Fire Engine, 81
- Lemsford Mills, Near Welwyn. Views, 418, 419
- Leominster Market Hall Used as a Covered Car Park, 208
- Leon, H. C. (Hillman Minx R.A.C. Cape Town Rally), 405
- Leon, H. C. With his Hillman Minx de Luxe Saloon, 175
- Letts, D. N. (M.G.). B.A.R.C. Easter Meeting, 638
- Lewis Fur-lined Foot-muff, 36
- Lewis, Hon. Brian (AUa-Romeo). J.C.C. International Trophy. 716, 721, 724, 725, 731
- Lewis, Hon. Brian (Sunbeam-Mabley). Veteran Run, 10
- Leyland Hippo " Six-wheeler " Petrol Lorry, 177
- " Light Car and Cyclecar, The." Cover of the Annual Buyers' Guide, 344
- " Light Car and Cyclecar, The," Trophy for the R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 466
- Light Car Club Relay Race. Diagram of Car Parking, 11
- Abbott-Nash, 484, 485
- A.C., 89, 407
- Alvis, 189, 204, 205, 388
- Amilcar, 647, 723
- Andre V, 6
- Anzani Special, 439
- Armstrong Siddeley, 91, 99, 120, 121, 122, 201, 254, 388, 656
- Austin, 39, 137, 170, 173, 188, 223, 249, 250. 270, 273, 299, 309, 343, 346, 347, 389, 427, 437, 442, 481, 512, 569, 596, 625, 626, 673, 676, 711, 712. 720, 725, 742, 743
- Barclay, 370, 371
- Barson Special, 8
- B.M.W., 341, 342
- B.S.A., 46, 47, 49, 51, 52, 90, 178, 179, 189, 253, 256, 257, 412, 563. 605, 608, 609, 628
- 'Bugatti, 140, 485, 550, 552, 569, 677, 768, 769
- Citroen 478, 479
- Coventry-Victor, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 124, 125. 207, 271, 493
- Crossley, 292, 293, 467, 604, 505, 647
- D.K.W. 341
- Fiat, 10, 189, 217, 632, 633
- Ford. 4. 9. 272, 339, 438, 658, 659
- Framo, 335
- Framo Piccolo 341
- Framo Stromer, 341, 342
- Frazer-Nash, 90, 188, 245, 443, 484, 625
- G.N., 437
- Goliath, 341. 343
- Hanomafr. 144
- Harris, 219
- Hillman, 175, 180. 252, 276, 309, 388, 405, 496, 675, 710, 744
- Humberette 526
- Invicta, 291, 669
- J.M.B.. 470. 471
- Jowett. 389. 420, 424, 425, 507, 508, 607, 612, 648
- Killick. 619
- La Licorne,. 571
- Lancaster. 94, 95. 109, 270, 344, 505, 596
- Leon Bollee, 10
- Maserati, 484, 559
- M.G., 7, 8, 55, 59, 90, 91, 99, 114, 147, 158, 170' 188. 249, 271, 283, 287, 291, 315, 388, 4Q7, 409, 416, 417, 437, 438, 439, 463, 484, 485, 489, 497, 514. 515, 524, 550. 561, 564, 569, 591, 602, 603, 605, 623, 630, 638, 679, 704, 709, 720, 724, 725, 736, 738, 739, 758, 770
- Minerva 484
- LIGHT CARS (contd.)—
- Morgan, 46, 47, 48, 50, 52, 146, 154, 155, 161. 173, 188, 279, 431 439, 585, 605, 607, 627 Morris, 61, 87, 92, 224, 337, 348, 349, 388, 405, 433, 46r., 476, 591, 647, 703, 704 N.A.G., 310 N.G. Special, 611 Peugeot-Voiturette, 10 Pieper, 10
- Raleigh, 52, 309 405, 750
- Rilev 96, 97, 167. 170, 172, 180', 189, 202, 250, 279, 291, 314, 352, 356, 357, 466, 484, 485, 491, 505, 512, 550, 552, 605, 622. 624, 645, 724, 735 Riley Tricar, 10 Rover, 201. 202, 228, 498, 589, 635, 714, 715, 761
- Salmson, 314 Sandford, 651
- Singer, 38, 91, 162, 153, 174, 176, 249, 389, 407, 437, 474, 505, 511, 513, 562, 580, 626, 678, 709, 735, 770 S.S.. 684, 696 Standard, 2, 3, 62, 92, 195, 270, 389, 521, 591. 625. 771 Stoewer, 343 Sunbeam-Mabley, 10
- Triumph. 70, 71. 104, 171, 232, 233, 270, 309, 389. 405, 437. 444, 562, 576, 647, 657, 690, 691 Vale Special 523 V6, 220
- Wolseley Hornet, 61, 68, 69, 88, 91, 126, 127, 172 192, 249, 271, 281, 337, 388, 407, 409, 436, 438, 472 493, 623, 557, 617, 624. 627, 650, 678, 700, 735 740, 753, 771
- Lincoln, Exchequer Gate, 22 Lindsell Apron-like Rug. 36 Lints Smith, Mr. W.. 675 Little Houghton, near Northampton, 599 Livesey, R. (Morris Minor), London-Gloucester
- Trial, 92. Llyn Mymbyr, 326. London-Gloucester Trial. Incidents, 87, 90, 91, 92, 139 Long Crendon Village, By Day and by Night, 448, 449 Longman, Frank A. (Andre V6). J.C.C. Brooklands
- Rally. 4-07
- Lubrication. Graphite as an Aid to (Diagrams}, 230 Lubrication Systems, Modern (Diagram), 518 Lucas Hand Lamp. 241
- Lucas Screen Wipers, Diagrams and Details, 7 2 Lucas " Self-startmg " Electric Wiper. The, 262 Lucknow, The Residency, 224 Luggage Case, An Easily Made, 555 " Lumen " Piston-ring Tongs, 198 Lumina Sparking Plug, 469 Lunn, Peter, on Road Skis, 691 Lurani, Count G,, 7, 315, 630 Lurani, Count G., ami His Bride, 705 Lurani, Count (Maserati). Rome Criterium Hill-climb, 559 Lynton Station Hill, 580
- M
- Macdermid, R. A. (M.G. Midget). Scottish Six Days'
- Trial, 770
- M.A.C. Dinner, Signatures on Menu Card, 336 Maclean, D. (M.G. Midget), J.C.C. Brooklands Rally, 407
- Maclean. D. (M.G. Midget). M.G. Club's Second Chiltern Trial, 679
- Magnalite Magnetic Inspection Lamp, 241 Magnet Torch in Bakelite, 241 Magneto Contact Breaker (Details), 457 Magneto Contact Breaker Repair, 161 Magneto, Semi-diagrammatic Circuits of, 456 Mainud Transformer 633 Maltby, Lt.-Commander, G. M. D. (Riley). Monte
- Carlo Rally, 279 MAPS—
- Brooklands Entrance, 313
- " Colmore " Course, 362
- Donington, 495
- Donington Park Road Racing Circuit, 284, 316
- England, Suggested Tour, 746
- Gloucester Trial, 63
- Hastings, 455
- I.O.M. Official Circuit. 145
- J.C.C. International Trophy Race, Fork Area, 412
- London Car Park, 117
- M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial Route, 142
- M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial Route, 592
- Monte Carlo Rally Routes, 222
- Oxford Southern Jby-pass, The, 65
- R.A.C. Hastings Rally, The Front at Hastings, 255
- Road: North Orbital Route, 525 Mareuse, Mme. In the Dieppe Grand Prix, 749 Margate, 683 Marker, R. R. K. (Bentley). M.C.C. London-Exeter
- Trial. 1,70
- Marsh, Near Henley. 498
- Marshall G. H. (Wolseley Hornet). M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial, 627 Marshall, J. (Morris Minor), Walna Scar Climbed by
- Car, 737 Marshfleld, 22 ' Maxwell. C. W. (Standard). M.C.C. London-Land's
- End Trial, 624 Maxwell, L. (Magna). M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 170 M.O.C. London-Exeter Trial. Incidents, 170, 171 172. 173, 188. 189 M.C.C. London-Land's End Hills 593 M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial. Incidents, 622 623, 624 625, 626, 627, 729 M.C.C. " The Edinburgh " Incident, 465 McGrath, Ltd., John. Hillman Minx Saloons at their Sydney Depot. 252
- M (continued),
- Mein'a (Miss M. E.) Lanchester. B.A.C. Hastings
- Bally 505
- Mere, B. M. (M.G. Magnette). Donington Park
- Baoes, 758 Metcalfe, C. Le Strange (Abbot-Nash). B.A.B C.
- Meeting, 484, 48>5 M.G. Articulated Wing Stay, 709 M.G. Club's Second Chiltern Trial. Incidents, 679 M.G, Daytona Magnette E.W. Sports Four-seater, 736 M.G. Dispatch Department, 388 M.G. J2 Midget. Crankcase Extension, 417 M.G. J.2 Midget Cylinder Head, 417 M.G. J2 Midget Bear Suspension, 417 M.G. J2 Midget Valve Gear, 417 M.G. Luggage Trunk and Grid, 727 M.G. Luncheon, The, 44 M.G. Magic Midget, G. E. T. Eyston at the Wheel,
- Chatting with Sir William Morris,, 59 M.G. " Magic Midget." Mr. Kimble With " Stainless
- Stephen," 249
- M.G. " Magic Midget," Preparing the, 147 M.G. " Magic Midget " Becord Bun, The Start, 114 M.G. Magna Engine, 1,086 ex., 524 M.G. Magna L.-type Tourer. Views, 624 M.G. M&gnette 1,086 c.c. Engine, 514 M.G. Magnette, 514 M.G. Magnette Interior, 515 M.G. Magnette Mudguards, The, 271 M.G. Magnette Bear Locker, 515 M.G. Magnette Steering and Controls, 515 M.G. Magnette Team for the Italian 1,000 Miles'
- Bace, 603>
- Middle Tongue Hill, 655
- M.G. Midget. Celebrating a Clean Sweep, 158 M.G. Midget " J2 " Converted Jensen Body, 287 M.G. Midget J2 Model, 576 M.G. Midget Bear Mudguard, The, 270 M.G. Midptet Team in the Scottish Six Days' Trial, 770
- Middlemore's Joint Shield, 38, 390 Milan Motor Show, 654 Milton, W. J. (Austin). M.C.C. London-Exeter
- Trial, 188 Milton, W. J. (Austin). M.C.C. London-Land's End
- Trial, 626
- " Miss Brico " Mascot, 144 Model Oar, Mr. A. T. Sfcortell's, 641 ?Model Village, Mr. Oallingham's, 623 Monaco Grand Prix Course, Panoramic View, 618 Monograms ior Badiators, 115
- Montague Johnstone, Miss D. (M.G. Magna). London-Gloucester Trial, 91 Montague Johnstone, Miss D. (M.G. Magna).
- W.A.6.A. Trial, 591 Montague-Johnston, Mrs. (Riley). Monte Carlo
- Rallv, 314
- Monte Carlo, Qnai de Plaisance, 221 Monte Carlo Bally. Incidents, 250, 251, 279, 282, 283, 291, 314 Monza, Racing at, 547
- Moore, T. G. jFiazer-Nash). B.A.R.C. Meeting, 484 Morgan 990 c.c. Matchless Sports Model, 677 Morgan Accelerator Pedal, 161. Morgan Chassis, Detailed Drawing, 50 Morgan Conversion, Allard Special, 146 Morgan Conversion, Allard Special " Cockpit" and
- Bear Views, 146
- Morgan Coupe1 Conversion of 1927 Aero Model, 685
- Morgan " Family " Model, 47, 52
- Morgan " Family" Model, Front View, 46
- Morgan Number Plate, 60,7. •
- Morgans, Family Models for Newport Police, 279 Morgan, Mr. H. F. 8., 40
- Morgan Sports Two-seater Model, 46, 154, 155 Morgan Sports Two-seater, Spare-wheel Mounting, 154 Morgan Super^sports Model, 47, 48 Morgan Three-wheeler Sports Model, 376 Morley, B. J. P. (AC). J.C.C. Brooklands Bally, 407
- Morris 10 h.v. Tourer for Oxford Constabulary, 405 Morris Car Loading 169 Morris Dispatch Department, 388 Morris Minor, A Study in Angles, 623 Morris Minor Lubrication, Details, 642 Morris Minor Presented to the Mayor of Ealing for
- Ealing Nurses. 705 Morri9 Minor Special Jensen Sports Model (Exterior
- and Interior Views), 369
- Morris Motors, Ltd., View of the Factory, 662 Morris- " Movies " in the Making, 704 Morris, Sir William, Chatting with G. E. T. Eyston, 69
- Morris, Then and Now. 1912-1933 Models, 433 Morris Ten Coupe Model, 376 Morris Ten Engine, 349 Morris Ten Light Car in India, 337 Morris Ten Open Tourer, 61 Morris Teui Saloon, 348
- Morris Ten Saloon Driving Comprmatent, 348 Morris Ten Saloons, Bear View. Showing Luggage
- Grid, 349
- Morris. Traffic Control Man Provided with Fire, 309 Morton, Old 'Mill and Thatched Cottages at, 80 Moseley iFloat-on-Air Cushion. 390 Moss, T. L. (M.G. Magna), Sotithport Meeting, 569 Motor Industry, Pictorial Sidelights, 379 " Motor, The," Trophy for the B.A.O. Hastings
- Bally 434 MullineT-Lanchester Two-lonr-seater SpoTts Model, 345 Much Wenlock, Shropshire, 396
- N
- N.A/Q.-Voran li/3-litre Saloon Model, 310
- N.A.G.-Voran Engine-gearbox Unit, 310
- Nant Ffrancon Pass, 327
- Nash, B. G. J. (Anzani Special), Inter-Varsity
- Speed Trials, 439 Newbridge, 762 Newnham, Maurice, 378 Newnham's Hammersmith Depot, 383
- Newnham's New Showrooms, 177
- Newquay, 609
- News in Pictures, 99
- " N.G. Special" (1928 Model Austin Seven -Converted), 611
- N.L.G. Oil-drum Stand, 19.7
- Nobby Anti-bump Spring, 115
- Noble, Mr. W., Ill
- Nonex Safety Device for Fuel Tank, 526
- Norchi, G. A. (B.S.A.), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 189
- Norwich: St. Ethelbert's Gate, 23.
- Notice Cards, 611
- Noveto Vice. 652
- Nuvolari, 1932 Champion (at the Wheel), 305
- Nuvolari, T., 315
- Nuvolari, T. (Alfa-Bomeo), 1,000-Miles Bace, 603
- Nuvolari, Tazio, Prince of Piedmont Congratulating, 227
- o
- Ogilvie, W. H. (Wolseley Hornet), Colmore Trial, 393
- Oil Drum Back, 761
- Oil-drum Spout, 543
- Oil: Essolube From the Bottle, 649
- Olympia, New Buildine, Architect's Drawing, 411
- Olympia, Prelude at, 364
- Order of the Boad Luncheon, The, 538
- Oundle, 22, 599
- Oxford, The " High," 23
- Oxford, Views of, 544-
- Parallite-bodied Wolseley Hornet, View, 88, 270
- Paris: Bridge of Alexander III, 591
- Paris Salon, The, 4
- Parish, O. D. (Austin Seven), Southport Sand Bacing, 440, 569, 587 Barisio, M., 315 Parking, 312
- Parks, London's Overcrowded Car, 117 Parsons Non-skid Chain, The, 37. 263 Patoham Mill, near Brighton, 666 Patrick Austin Ten Four-seater Coupe, The, 442 Patrick. J. A. M. (Hornet), London-Gloucester Trial,
- ; 91
- Paul and Co., Showrooms, 8
- Paull, Mr. W. H., 675
- Pedal, Boiler Accelerator,, 693
- Pedal: "Sleeve" for Preventing Draughts, 719
- Peerless Coups Body Mounted on the B.S.A. 10 h.p.
- Fluid-flywheel Chassis, 563 Personalities in the News. 7
- Fertile (Alfa-Bomeo), Italian 1,000-Mile Race, 600 Philcox, Miss P., 675 Photopuzzle, 254, 284, 314, 339 368, 406, 442, 473, 496, 526, 567, 596, 621, 649, 676, 708, 736
- Piercing Tool, 579 Pits: Breathing Space, 519
- Platt, W. T. (M.G. Midget), Monte Carlo Bally, 291 Player, B. O. (Bildy), Oolmore Trial, 393 Plug, Sparking, Section and Parts, 415 Polishing Machine, Cellulose (Electrically Driven
- Botary Buffing Wheel), 289 Polperro, 609
- Porter-Hargreaves, H. H. (Frazer-Nash), M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial, 624)
- Potts, Mr. O. A., and His Wolseley Hornet, 557 Prestwich, H. B. (Frazer-Nash), Southport Meeting, 569 Prince of Piedmont Congratulating Tazio Nuvolari, 227
- Pyrene Bumper (Front), 391 Pyrene Fire Extinguisher. Incident, 345 Pyrene Non-skid Chain, The, 262
- Quadro Wiper, A, 12
- Quintin, M. (Salmson), Monte Carlo Bally, 314
- R
- B.A.C. Caravan Bally Incidents, 733, 735, 752, 753, 754
- B.A.C. Hastings Bally Incidents. 466. 467, 491, 493, 502. 503, 504, 505, 512, 513
- Badiator, Blanking off the, 239
- Badiator Construction (Diagram), 488
- Badiator Heater, A Typical, 274
- Radiator Muff Beminder, 269
- Radiator, Principle of (Diagram), 360
- Badway Tower, 475
- Raleigh Passengers' Saloon, 52
- Raleigh Three-wheeler in Saloon Form, 750
- Raleigh Three-wheeler, Used as a First>aid Car, 309
- Rally Competitor (1932) Compares His Watch Before Checking in, 434
- Ramp, Supporting, 761
- Rayson, E. K. (Riley), Dotiington Races, 550
- Rayson, E. K. (Rilev), J.C.C. International Trophy, 724
- Relay Bace. See L.C.C.
- " Beplaneur Motor " Tool for Wing Dents, 199 Btiverse Stop for M.G. Midgets, 391 Rico Arrangement for Towing Purposes, 541 Bichardson, W. J. B. (Singer), "Brighton 12-hour
- Trial," 678 Riley 1^-litre Gamecock Model (Monte Carlo Bally
- Car), 167
- Riley 12 h.p. Engine, 352 Biley Dispatch Department, 388 Biley Kestrel Model, 180
- Biley M.O. 12-hour Trial, The, Incident, 365 Riley M.C.'s 12-hour Trial, Incident, 394 Riley Monaco Engine, 96 •Riley Monaco Special Saloon, 96 Riley Motor dub Rally, Incidents, 473 Biley Nine Coups Model, 376 Biley Occasion, A (Boat Race Tea), 591
- Riley, Rupert (Riiey) Monte Carlo Rally, 250
- Biley " Silent Third Gearbox Mechanism, 202
- Riley " 8i*-Twelve " Saloon, 356
- Riley " Six-Twelve " Saloon Controls, 357
- Riley " Six-Twelve " Saloon, Head-on View, 356
- Bipaults Quickstarter, The, 174
- Boad Between Settle and Hawes, Yorks. 757
- Road Between Tring and Wigginton, 266
- Road: Gibbett Hill, Roundabout, 279
- Road, Great North Orbital, 525
- Boad: Haymarket "One-way" Sign, 279
- , y, 8
- Boad: Hidden Turning Indicated by Signpost, 447
- Road: Italian Highway, A Wonderful, 307
- " Road-melting Machine," 64
- d N C At 627
- Boad, Henley-Marlow, 498
- Bd Hidd Ti Id
- Rodmelting Machin, 6
- Boad: New Cross, At. 627
- Boad, Northampton-Wellingborough, 599
- Boad, Oxford Southern By-pass, 65
- Boad: Purjey Way, Croydon (Experimental Lighting), 60
- Boad, Beally Boman, 184 '
- Boad, Reflecting Posts on the Great South-West, 433
- Road, Yorkshire Moorland, 746
- Robbialoid Two-way Hand Spray, 229
- Rolfe, F. O. (Singer Nine), R.A.C. Hastings Bally, 513
- Bomac Self-charging Lamp, 241, 390
- Rome Critermm Hill-climb, 559
- Rootes, Mr. W. E., 367
- Bootes, Ltd., Maidstono Show, 4-95
- Rootes, Piccadilly, 383
- " Rose " Pratts Horse, 116
- Rose-Rjchards, T. E. (Bugatti), J.C.C. International Trophy, 723
- Rouault, Mme. (Salmson), Monte Carlo Rally, 314
- Rover Facia Board and Steering Wheel, 201
- Bcver Four-speed Gearbox, Sectional View, 395
- Bover Free-wheel Unit: Self-explanatory Sketch. 395
- Bcver Magneto Coupling, 635
- Bover Nine Horn Button, 761
- Rover Ten Family Model, 377
- RoveT Ten Free-wheel-Device, The Compact, 202
- R.A.C. Royal Automobile Club.
- R.A.C. Veteran Oar Bun. See Veteran Car Bun.
- Boyce, Bt., Sir Frederick Henry, 647
- Bubin, B'., 315, 489
- Bunciman, Mr. Walter, Performing the Opening Ceremony at Shell-Mex House, 280
- B'unnymede Floods, 441
- St. Albans: Fishpool Street, 22 St. Michael's Mount, 399
- Safeguard Control, Mechanism of the (Dixon-Ba-te Fireproof Invention), 620 Sagar, Mr. H., 548 Salisbury: The Close Gate, 118" Saltersgate Corner, 572
- Sandford 1,100 c.c. Buby-engined Three-wheeler, 651 Sandford St. Martin Village, 715 Scarborough's Harbour and Castle, 320, 321 Schrader Tyre Pressure Gauge, 390 Scottish Show at Kelvin Hall, 5-Scottish Six Days' Trial, Incidents, 770, 771 Screwdrivers, Useful, 719
- Scudamore, Mrs. C. G. (Singer Nine), Chiltern Hundred Trial, 407 Sedlescombe, 455 Selworthy Village, 646, 660
- Sforza, F. (M.G. Mastna), London-Gloucester Trial, 90 Shell-Mex, House, 255 Shell-Mex House, Onening Ceremony by Mr. Walter
- Bunciman, 280
- Shell-Mex House: Opening Luncheon, 279 Shelsley Walsh, 712
- Shooting the Salmon Nets at Bideford, 482, 483 Shortell's (Mr. A. T.), Model Car. 641 Sign, Baymaiket "One-way," 279 Signal: Automatic Traffic Lights, 527 Signals at Trafalgar Square, Inaugurating Automatic
- Traffic, 563
- Signpost, Ultra-modern, 224
- Signposts, Various Types of, 182, 183
- Signs, Help, 681 *
- Signs, Sensible, at Kidderminster, 465 Singer 9 h.p. Saloon atfd Pre-war Model, 365 Singer 12 h.p. Engine, 152 Singer at Holland, Unloading the 100th, 249 Singer Camshaft, Diagram, 58 Singer Car Club Dinner, The, 60 Singer Dispatch Department, 389 Singer Nine Hand Throttle, 511 Singer Nine Saloon, The, 377
- Singer Nines: Purchased by Three Sweep Winners, 176 Singer Team in the Scottish Six Days' Trial, 770 Singer Twelve Saloon,- The, 152 Singer Twelve Saloon, The, Interior, 152 Singer Twelve Saloon, The, Near-side Front Wheel, 153
- Singers' for Export, 465 Sink, Cleaning, 719 Skating at Keston, Kent. 286 Skating at Wimbledon, 277 Smith, A. W. F. (M.G. Midget), M.C.C. London-Land's
- End Trial, 623 Smith, G. A. D. (Wolseley Hornet), University Club's
- Soeed Trials, 409
- Smith, Urlwin (Alfa-Bomeo), B.A.B.O. Easter Meeting, 638 Snowdon, 326
- Soldering Iron, Solon Electric, 304 Solex Carburetter (Sectional), 319 Solon Electric Soldering Iron, 304-- Southport Meeting, Incidents, 440, 569, 587, 673, 678 ,
- South wick Village, 234 Spangler, Lester, m a Spectacular Crash a,t Oakland
- Speedway, 57 Sparrow, B. (Austin), Donington Park Baces. Drawing
- by Bryan de Grineau, 738
- Striking, F. B. G. (Singer), fi.A.O. Hastings Rally, 505 Spray Gun, Balance Chamber, 386 vSpray Gun, Control Valve, 422 Spray Gun, Home-made, 78 S.S.II, 684 .S.S.II Interior, 696 S.S.ET Bear Container, 697 S.S.II Three-quarter Frnot View, 696 St. Ives, 609
- S (continued).
- St. Margarets Bay, 683
- Stadium Clip-on Inspection Lamp, 241
- Stadium Electric Wiper, The, 263
- Stadium Matchless Cigarette Lighter, The, 390
- Stadium Road Light, 37
- Standard 1,006 c.c. Engine, 697
- Standard Arrow CoupS, The Interior and Bear Views, 62 Standard " Big Twelve" Saloon, Front and Side
- Views, 2, 3
- Standard Dispatch Department, 389 Standard Front Mudguard, The, 270 Standard Light Car and Baby Locomotive of the
- Dymchurch Miniature Railway (Two Kinds of
- Transport), 196
- Standard Little Twelve Saloon, The, 377 Standard Six-cylinder 1,497 c.c. Engine, 3 Standard, Works at Coventry, 280 Stanley, Major Oliver, at the Order ot the Road
- Luncheon, 539 Starting Device, 481 Steering Layouts, Common, 56 Stenson Oooke, Sir, 177, 367
- Stephenson, P. (Austin), Southport Meeting, 673 Stewart and Ardern's Showroom, 383 Stewart, Lt.-Col. R. N., 252 Stewart, Mrs. Gerda, 749
- Stoewer Chassis, Three Transverse Springs, 343 Stop Signal Illumination, 213 Stoplight Switch, 186
- Straight, W. (Maserati), B.A.R.C. Easter Meeting, 639 Straight Whitney (Maserati), J.O.Q. International
- Trophy, 721, 725
- Streamlining Diagram and Graphs, 181 Stretton Hills, 746 Strong, G. H. (Standard), M.C.O. London-Land's End
- Trial, 625 Strong, G. H. (Standard), Scottish Six Days' Trial, 771 Stroud, H. J. (E.W. Hornet), M.C.C. London-Exeter
- Trial, 172
- Stndland Village, Dorset, 265 Studs, Removing Broken, 579 Studs, Removing Tight, 133 S.XJ. Carburetter, Part-section«a View, 318 S.U. Petrolift, with Diagrammatic Sketch of the Component Parts of thei Pump, 44-1 Sump, Double-capacity (Austin), 115 Sunhte Hand Lamp, 241 Siiper-suspension Fitting, 199 Sussex1 Downland, 198 Sussex Hill-climb, 168 Sutton, Sir1 George, 471
- Tapley Brake Efficiency Indicator, The, 390
- Tappet Adjustment, For, 78
- Tappet Thimble Replacer, 543
- Tavistock, Gateway of the Mansion of Fitzford, 688
- Taylor, G. (Alta), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 171
- Taylor G. E. (M..G. Midget), London-Gloucester Trial, 91 Taylor G. E. (M.G. Midget), M.C.C. London-Exeter
- Trial, 188 Tenbogch, M. P. (M.G. Midget), M.C.C. London-Exeter
- Trial, 188
- enbrook House, King Street
- " Etching), 89 erry Spring Foot Rest, 391 hatcher, F. A. (Triumph), 437
- Tenbosch, M. P. (Singer), L.C.C. Half-day Trial, 437 Tenbrook House, King Street, Hammersmith • (From " Ethi) 89
- Tery Spg Foo Rest, 391
- Thatcher, F. A. (Triumph), L.C.C. Half-day Trial, 437
- Theft Device. Anti, 53 Thermorad Exhaust Car Heater, 36, 390 Thompeon, W. L. (Austin Seven) Southport Sand
- Racing, 440
- Three-wheelers in Wet Tramlines (Diagrams), 25 Tice, J. G. (Avon Standard), London-Gloucester Trial, 92
- Tilgate Forest, 666 Timing Gears (Marking), 428 Tongue, R. E. (Riley), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 189
- Tool Tray for .12 Midgets, 311 Tornapress, 707 Torquay Rally, Incident, 5
- Trailer, An Unusual, A.C. Towing a Light Aeroplane
- Fuselage, 89
- Transitone Wireless Set for Car, 337 Trico-Folberth Suction Dismantled, 73 Tring-Ivinghoe Road Circuit (An Artist's Impression*), 225, 275
- Trinity Special Two-seater, Four-seater Body, 549
- Triumph 7.9 h.p. Engine, 690
- Triumph Chassis, Mounting for Battery, 445
- Triumph Club's Members and Friends at Dinner, 459
- Triumph Dip-stick, 104
- Triumph Dispatch Department, 389
- Triumph Four-cylinder Engine, 71, 233 •
- Triumph Nine in Holland, 405 Triumph " Southern Cross," Open Four-seater Model, 232 233 Triumph "'Southern Cross " Sports Model (Views), 657
- Triumph Spare Wheel Mounting, 445 Triumph Super Eight Pillarless Saloon, Interior, 691 Triumph Super Eight Pillarless Saloon, Rear and Side
- Views, 690, 691
- Triumph Super Nine, Front View, 576 Triumph Super Nine, Front Springing Arrangement
- and Shock Absorber Mounting, 576 Triumph Super Nine, Power Curves of Engine (Chart), 577 Triumph Super Nine Saloon De Luxe, Front and Side
- Views, 71 Triumph Super Nine Saloon De Luxe: Jacking System, 70 Triumph Super Nine Saloon De Luxe: Rear Opening
- Door. 70 Triumph Super Nine, Steering Column Adjustment, 577
- Triumph Super Nine, Steering Wheel Controls, 577 Triumph Super Nine Two-seater Model, 377 Triumph Ten Saloon, The, Views, 444, 445 Trophy, M.G. Magnette Team Prize for the Italian 1,000 Miles Race, 653
- Trunk with a Door for Loading Heavy Suitcases, 199 Turner, C. J. (Triumph), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 171 Tyres. Use for Old, 325
- u
- Ulster Automobile Club, 111 Used Motor Show, The, 174 Utex Suction Controlled Ignition Switch, 12
- V6 Car (F. A. Longman'B Monte Carlo Rally Car), 220
- Vale Special 832 c.c. Sports Two-seater, The, 523 Valve-grinding Device, 693
- Valve-grindini Machine (Black and Deckler), 289 Vase, Lang Flower, 652 Ventiscreen Side Screen, The, 390 Veteran Car Run, Incidents, 1, 10 Victory Trial, Incident, The, 431 Vidler, H. J. (Lea-Francis), M.C.C. London-Land's
- End Trial, 622
- Villiers Inferno Petrol Stove, 620 Vokes-Folberth Wiper, The, 263 Vokes-Folberth Wiper, Diagram, 73
- w
- Waddicor, W. (Riley), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 505 Wagstaff. C. (Lea-Francis), Donington Park Races, 758
- Walker, J. (Bugatti), Southport Meeting, 569 Walna Scar Climbed by Car, 737 Warning a Saloon, 104 Warmington, 74 Warwick, Mill Street, 553 Warwickshire Views, 474, 475 W.A.S.A. Cotswold Trial, Incidents, 591. 605 Water-aplash near Midhurst, Surrey, 234 Watson, Miss E. V. (Riley), W.A.S.A. Cotswold Trial, 605
- Weathershields Radwarma, 38 Weaver, Mr. W., 40
- Weaver, Mr. W. A. (Coventry-Victor), Testing a
- Luxury Model, 493
- Wellingboro', Northampton Road, 599 Wells. Chapel at, 661 Weobiey, Hereford, 367 West, D. (Frazer-Nash), M.C.C. London-Land's End
- Trial, 623
- West Stonesdale Hill. 655 Weston, T. D. W. (Rover), R.A.C. Hastings Rally,
- Winner in the Large Car ClasB, 493 Westwood Car Ramp, 13
- Whalley, J. W. (Ford), Southport Meeting, 673 Wharfe, River, 647 Wheel Alignment, Checking, 21 Wheway Emergency Chain, The, 262 Whiddington, A. S. (Fiat), M.C.C. London-Exeter
- Trial. 189 Whitby Abbey, 762 White Roding, Mill at, 81 Widengren, Henken, 647 Widengren, H. (Amilcar), J.C.C. International
- Trophy, 724 Wilkie, Mr. H., 675
- Wilson, Leslie (Panhard), Veteran Run, 1 Wilson's Two-seater Sports 8 h.p. Ford, The, 339 Windermere, Lake. 107 Windle, J. D. (Frazer-Nash), London-Glourester
- Trial, 90 Windle, J. D. (Frazer-Nash), M.C.C. London-Exeter
- Trial, 188
- Windscreen Improvement, A, 453 Wing, Cycle-type Front, 391 Winham s Masterpiece Fire Extinguisher, 13 Winter Beauty, 365
- Winter, " Depth " of, The, Incident. 413 Winter: In Christmas Card Style, 113 Wiper, Dual Screen, 133 Wiper Vacuum Tank, A Screen, 453 Wisdom, Mrs. E. M., and Her Husband, 723 Wisdom, Mrs. E. M. (Leyland-Thomas), Brooklands, 749 M 749
- Wisdom, Mrs. E. M. (M.G. Magnette), J.C.C. International Trophy. 705, 724
- Wisdom. T. H., 147, 158
- Wid' LldTh
- Wisdom. T. H., 147, 158
- Wisdom's Leyland-Thomas, B.A.R.C. Easter Meeting, 639
- Wolfe, Mr. F. J., 675 Wolseley Dispatch Department, 388 Wolseley Hornet, Abbey, 126, 127, 436 Wolseley Hornet Jensen Sports Four-seater, 337 Wolseley Hornet Parallite-bodied Car, Views, 88, 270 Wolseley Hornet Radiator Shutter Control, 386 Wolseley Hornet Remote Control, 700 Wolseley Hornet Saloon, Front and.Side Views 68 69 Wolseley Hornet Saloon in a Snowy Setting (Season-
- a-ble Showmanship), 281 Wolseley Hornet: Self-adjusting Ball Joint for Track
- Rod, 192 Wolseley Hornet Special Chassis Fitted with Corapton
- Two-four Body, 61 Wolseley Hornet Sports Model, Woman Motorist and
- a Deer, 365
- Wolseley Hornet Standard Saloon, 377 Wolseley Hornet Windover Coupe Designed by the
- Earl of Portarlington, 493
- Wolseley Hornets, Team of Four, Winners ol the N.S.W. L.C.C. Relay Race, 523
- Wolseley Show, A, 617
- Wolseley Six-cylinder Engine, 69
- Wood, Mrs. E. L. (Pieper), Veteran Run, 10
- WorBley, Miss Victoria, 748
- Worsley, Miss Victoria (Mrs. A. R. King-Farlow) 7
- Wright's (G. W. J. H.) M.G. Midget Flare-up, 485
- Writer, W. R. (Singer), M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial. 626
- Wroxton Village, 715 Wye Valley Trial Incidents, 591, 605
- Yallop, R. A. (M.G. Midget), B.A.R.C. Meeting, 4£5, 638
- Zenith "V" Type Carburetter (Sectional), 319
See Also
Sources of Information