Lightcar: Index v48: (1936/05 to 1936/11)
Note: This is a sub-section of Light Car and Cyclecar
See the Issues for this index
INDEX. Volume 48. May 1936 to Nov 1936. (incomplete)
- A.A.: Bank Holiday Tours, 282
- A.A. General Meeting, 313
- A.A. Increased Legal Defence, 126
- A.A. Irish Handbook, 66
- A.A. Membership, 4
- A.A. Road Book, 339
- A.A. Statement, 588
- A.A. Winter Services, 785
- Aberdeen and D. M.C., 61
- Abertyaswg: Valley Road, 557
- A.C. Sphinx Works. 469
- Accessories, 37, 127, 164, 165. 255, 590, 591, 6S4, 801
- Accessories at the Motor Show, 67£, 673, 674, 675. 716, 73 7, 718, 719
- Accident Analysis, 423
- Accident: Cyclist (Halt Sign), 526
- Accident: Learner Driver, 5
- Accident: Parked Car, 473
- Accident: Pendine Sands, 473
- Accident: Road Dressing, 35
- Accidents: Definition, 418
- Accidents: Lack of Concentration, 282
- Accidents: M.O.T. Report, 485
- Accidents: Hew "Emergency" Council, 527 Accidents, Road, 4. 34, 98, 126, 162, 194, 226, 252, 282. 312, 338, 364, 390, 418, 446, 472, 498, 526, 556, 588, 630, 7^30, 758 Accidents: Speed Limit, 785 Accidents: Straws Show (Cyclists), 245 Accidents: Three in a String, 792 Ace Number Plate, 37 Acerbo Coppa Race, Results, 404 A.C.F. Grand Prix. (See French Grand Prix) A.-C.U. National Rally, 256, 492 Adler 1-litre F.W.D. Model. 616 Adler Records, 79 Adler (Show Report), 652 Aerial Light Car, 252 " Aeroluxe " Jolly Boat. 199 " Aeroplane. The," Special Numbers, 34, 162, 226,
- Affairs of the Moment, 1, 31, 63, 95, 123 159 191, 223, 250, 279, iO9. 335, 361 387
- Is!! 742475/74565V8i5- 523' 553' 585- «* Air Cleaner, An (How It Works), 49 Airlite 1937 Caravans, 63i. AIM Grand Prix Report and Results. 258 Albi Voiturette Race. 52
- AJeohol: The National Temperance League, 336 Aldershot Tattoo, 66, 131, 194 Alfa-Romeo 1937 Cars, 459 Allen Standard Car Trial 61 Alpine Trial, The, 351 Alpine Trial Results, 446 Alta 1,074 c.c. Model, 616 Altas. 1937 Models, 733 Alvis Cars, 558 Alvis C.C., 582, 678
- America, Long-distance Motoring in, 402 America: Petrol Taxes, 282 American 1937 Cars, 418 American Forecast, 464 American Motor Show, 588 Ammanford and D. M.C.. 220* 246, 358 Amroth Sea Defence, 312 Andre, T. B., 444
- Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., 338, 416, 628 Animals: Wild Life, 16 Anti-dazzle, 47 Antiseptic: " Nerm," 313 Appleton-Appleton Special Records, 745 Arbroath Speed Limit, 195 Ardleigh Green Road, 5 Armstrong Siddeley Club Trial, 679 Armstrong Siddeley Railcar, 364 Asbestos: " Bestobel," 364 Ascot Races, 98
- Ascot: "Keep to the Right," 168 Ashby-de-la-Zouch-Leicester Road, 446 Ashton Parish Council, 163
- Asked and Answered, 29. 61, 93, 121, 157, 189, 221, 247, 277. 307, 333, 359a, 385, 413. 441, 467. 493, 521, 551, 583, 625, 679, 753, 779, 809 Aston Martin 2-litre Model, 589
- Astra M.C., 156, 188, 384, 551, 679, 752,
- Audible Warning, 131
- Austin 7 h.p. and 10 h.p. Models, 616
- Austin: Agents and Press, 362
- Austin: Coals to Newcastle, 792
- Austin-Dodson Records, 648, 744, 768, 800
- Austin: Exports, 388
- Austin-Hayes Gear, 443
- Austin. Lord, 282. 390
- Austin: Motoring for the Disabled Driver, 398
- Austin: Our Front Co^er, 570
- Austin Rally, 196
- Austin Seven, Tuning and Maintenance ol the, 568, 604, 636, 720, 742, 794, 807
- Austin Sevens and Tens, Important Changes in, 366
- Austin Sevens: Tuning and Maintenance, 498
- Austin (Show Report), 653
- Austin, Sir Herbert, 164
- Austins, New, 338
- Australia Race, Round, 111
- Australian Grand Prix Race*, 143
- Automotive Manufacturers Association, 737 -
- Autovia Car, 556
- Backwell Hill-climb, 367
- Badgery, 201
- Bakelite Engine Bearings, 164
- Ball, Combined Clubs' Charity, 678
- Ball Race, A (How It Works), 543
- Ban on Cars: "Forward," 793
- Banfield Cup Trial, 61
- Banking and Insurance A.C., 28, 220, 276, 520, 550, 678. 779
- B.A.R.C.. 752
- B.A.R.C. August Bank Holiday Meeting, 239, 314
- B.R.K.C. August Bank Holiday Meeting: Report and
- Results. 344, 350, 358
- B.A.R.C. Autumn Meeting, 537, 556, 586, 630, 633, 678
- B.A.R.C. Autumn Meeting: Report and Results, 694, 723
- B.A.R.C. Whitsun Meeting, 7, 56, 96 B.A.R.C. Whitsun Meeting: Report and Results, 75, 93
- Barcelona Grand Prix Results, 111 Barnet and D. M.C., 92, 333, 678, 779 Barnsbury Pioneers M.C., 220, 551 Barnstaple Trial, 325
- Barnstaple Trial: Report and Results, 346, 359a Bath Chairs, 5 Battery Acid, 173 Battery Charging, 72, 756 Battery Master Switches, 223 Battery Master Switches, Wirins; Details for, 296 Battery: Replace or Replate, 692 Battle of Jutland, The, 66 B.B.C.: On the Air, 194, 226, 390, 526, 730 B.B.C. Road Safety Talk*, 340 Bearings: Assembly Tightness. 214 Bearings, Bakelite Engine, 164 Belgian 24-hour Race, 143
- Belgian Grand Prix : Report and Results, 258, 259 Belgium: Unrest, 160 Bellamy: L.M.B. Epoch, 340 Beileroche, Mike De, 610 Bell's Asbestos, 364 Below Street Level: Article by L Graham Davies, 106
- Benevolent Fund, 226
- Benevolent Fund: Lord Nuffield's Gift, 165 BenuJst-Bugatti Records, 572 Benwat Heaters, 591 Berkhamsted Club Trial, 7 Berkhamsted M.C. and C.C., 188, 22,0, 412, 520, 753. 808 Berkhamsted Speed Trials Report and Results, 233. 246, 520
- Berne Grand Prix, 405
- Berne Grand Prix: Reports and Results, 433 Berwick and D. M.C., 384, 413, 440, 467, 779 Beryllium: Demand Lowers Prices. 201 " Bestobel " Fireproof Material, 364 Bexhill Concours d'Ele^ance. 2, 68, 164. 224 BexhiK Ooncours d'Elegance: Report and Results, 256, 257
- Bianchi 1%-litre Model, 558 Bianchi 89 Model, 616 " Bidon de Cinq Litres " Fuel Consumption Trial, 498
- Bill: Transport (N.Z.), 4 Bira. B., 143, 483 " Bira, B.": Party, 31 Bira: Road Star, 722
- Birmingham: Derestriction (Not Helpful), 452 Birmingham: Modernized Street Lighting, 339 Birmingham One-way System. 227, 392 Birmingham Roundabout, 253, 453 Black, Capt.. 250
- Blackpool Motor Rally, 34, 68, 100 Blackpool Motor Rally: Report and Results, 128, 156
- Blackpool Underground Garage, 392
- Blakeney Hill Sign, 785 ,
- Blore, Denis, Article by: Motorist's Pans, The: By
- a Londoner, 578 "Blower, The," Article by: R.A.C. International Car
- Race (Practice Impressions) ,40
- "Blower, Th»," Sports Jottings by, 20, 51, 79, 110, 142 174, 205, 238, 266, 298, 404, 432, 459: 483: 510, 53&: 572, 610, 648, 744, 768, 800
- Bluemel: Comfort at the Wheel, 173 B.M.W. Cykes, 238 B.M.W. (Show Report), 656 Board of Trade Returns, 419, 527, Boat, "Aeroluxe" Folding, 199 Boden, Mr. Oliver, 446 Bol d'Or 24-hour Race, 67 Bol d'Or: Report and Results, 100 Bolster, John, 526, 648
- Bo'ne&s Hill-climb: Report and Result*. 60, 561 Bonnet Fasteners, 408
- BOOKS :—
- A.A. Irish Handbook, 66
- A.A. " Road Book of England and Wales," 339
- " Covered Wagon, 10 h.p.," 127
- " Desert Encounter," By Knud Holmboe, 763
- " Dicing with Death," By Navil Lloyd, 362, 763
- " Dictionary of British Wayside Trees-," 255
- Duniop Guide, 164
- " How To Drive a Car," 475
- " In Search of Romantic Britain," 98
- "In the Step* of St. Paul," By H. V. Morton, 763
- " Invention oi the Automobile. The," 524
- Lubrication Booklet (Acheson, Ltd.), 557
- "Many Happy Returns" (Safety First), By
- Fougasse and MoCullock, 557 "Monte Carlo Bally," By Humfrey Symons, 388 '• Motor Industry of Great Britain, The," 393 Motor Manual, The, 126 " Noise, and How It is Measured," 254 " Picnic* for Motorists," By Mrs. C. F. Leyel, 763 Pictorial Britain and Ireland, By 8. P. B. Mais
- (Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd.), 127 " Register of the Motor Trade, 1936, The," 253 Stamford (Uuid«), 390
- BOOKS (contd.)—
- " To Vienna by Motorcar," 99
- Wheels at Speed, 1935," By Prince Chula of
- Siam, 142, 224
- " Your Driving Test," By Oliver Stewart, 365 Border of Wales, On the, 359b Bosch, Dr. Robert, Honoured, 557 Bosch, Ltd., Anniversary, 313 Bournemouth M.C., 120, 678 Bowes Seal-fast Tyre Repair Outfit, 338 Bowmakers, Ltd., Hire-purchase, 685 Brake Adjustment, 130 Brake Horse-poer (What It Means), 603 Brake Maintenance, Hydraulic, 18 Brake Tests (Police), 63 Brakes, Police Tests of, 68
- Brazilian Grand Prix: Report and Results, 266 B.R.D.C., 376, 588, 678 B.R.D.C. 500 Miles Race, 503 B.R.D.O. 500 Miles Race: Entries, 483 B.R.D.C. 500 Miles Race: Regulations, 266 B.R.D.C. 500 Miles Race: Report and Results, 536, 537, 538, 539, 552 B.R.D.C. Dinner, 376, 778 B.R.D.C. Road Star Position, 432, 459, 483, 536, 572, 610
- Bridge as Monument, 98 Bridge at Wimbledon: Not Clever, 294 Bridge, Britain's Largest Road (Kincardine-on-Forth
- Bridge), 762
- Brfdge: Comedy of 'Errors, 195 Bridge, North Parade, 195 Bridge: Tested to Destruction, 391 Bridges, Toll, 195 Bridgwater Traffic Congestion, 419 Brighton and Hove M.C., 753, 809 Brighton and Hove M.C.: Donington Meeting, 111, 121, 298
- Brighton-Beer Trial, 92 Brighton-Beer Trial: Report and Results, 177, 189, 220
- Brighton Ring Road, 195 Brighton Speed Trials, 405, 511, 528 Brighton Speed Trials: Report and Results, 560, 572
- Bristol Club's Sporting Trial, 723 Bristol MC. and L.C.C, 753. 778, 808 Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. Mendip Grand Prix de
- Tourisme, 58a
- Bristol M.C. and L.C.C.: Scampton Cup, 157, 333 Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. Speed Hill-climb, 143, 157, 246, 306, 359a 412 Bristol Speed Hill-climb: Report and Results, 316, 333
- British Road Tar Association, 784 British Salmson 12 h.p. Model, 616 British Salmson (Show Report), 654 British Salmson Unchanged, 558 British Salmsons, 556 British Motors, Ltd.. 96 Broadcasting (Brooklands), 470
- Broadcasting: Now Going Over To : Article by
- "Vox," 641
- Broads Area (Map), 446 Bromley High Street, 163
- Brooklands (lVWitre Class) Mountain Record, 111 Brookland* " 130 m.p.h." Badges, 299 Brooklands August Bank Holiday Meeting, 239, 314 Brooklands August Bank Holiday Meeting: Report
- and Results, 344, 350, 358 Brooklands Autumn Meeting, 537, 556, 586, 630, 633, 678 Brooklands Autumn Meeting: Report and Itesults, 694, 723
- Brooklands Closed, 684 Brooklands, Future of, The, 1, 6, 126, 143, 159, 174. 191
- Brooklands: Rabbits. 537 Brooklands: Record-breaking, 496 Brooklands: Road Circuit. 536, 800 Brooklands Whitsun Meeting, 7, 56. 96 Brooklands Whitsun Meeting: Report and Results, 75, 93
- Brown Bowley Cup Trial, 29 Brussels Motor Show, 126
- B.S.A.: Motoring for the Disabled Driver, 398 B.S.A. Progress, 499 B.S.A. Scout Model, 617 B.S.A. Scouts for 1937, 476 B.S.A. (Show Report), 654 Bugatti-Benoist Records, 572 Bugatti O.C., 156, 246, 325, 332, 778, 809 Bumper Height, 201
- Bumpers: Ambition Realized, 598
- Burgess: How Noise is Measured, 254
- Burton, Mr. Geoffrey, 554
- Buxton Road. Macclesfleld, 731
- Caerleon Bridge, 419
- Caerleon: Roman Remains, 35
- Caird, E. Douglas, 627
- Cairo to Mount Sinai on Two Cylinders, 426
- Caledonian Market. 526
- Cambridge. University A.C., 753
- Camera, Car and, 302
- Camping Club, 93, 246, 359, 678, 778, 808
- Camping Equipment, 36
- Canadian Motorist's Tour, 446
- Cape Town Grand Prix, 800
- Car and Camera, 302
- Car? Are Designers Correct in Believing the Public
- ' Want a " Top Gear," 434 Car: Australian Midget, 283 Car Champions, Open, 361 Car Controls Simply Explained, Modern, 776
- Car Design: Your Thanks are Due to ... Article by Norman Conquest, 272
- C.S.M.A. Championship Event, 29
- Cutting In, 30, 62. 94, 122, 158, 190, 222 248 278, 308, 334, 360, 386, 414, 442, 568', 494, 522, 584, 625, 680, 726, 754| 780, 8X0 Cycle Paths, The Case For and Against: Articles by
- G. Herbert Stancer and The Editor of " The
- Light Car," 474, 514 Cycle Tracks, 387, 446 472 Cyclist: Teach 'Em Young, 88 Cyclists, 756
- Cyclists: Education (School), 784 Cylinders, Diamond, 793 Cylinder: No Bore Wear in U.S.A., 748 Cylinder Wear, Top, 708
- C (continued).
- Car, Driving the Other Man's, 804
- Car: Keep It Small, 507
- Car Maintenance: Viewed from Beneath, 50
- Car Ownership Means, What, 638
- Car Sold (1935), 557
- Car Weight, 523
- Caracciola-Mercedes Records, 745, 768
- Caravan Boom, 444
- Caravan Club, 61, 808
- Caravan " Diamond " Towing Hitch, 475
- Caravans: Transatlantic Topics, 564
- Carburation Hints, 72
- Carburation, The Elementary Principles of, 574
- Carburetter: Functions of a Choke Tube, 574
- Carburetter Tuning, 114, 328
- Cardiff-Caerphilly Road, 195
- Cardifl: Control of Advertisement Hoardings, 195
- Cars: Facts and Figures, 393
- Cars: Making Them Better, 506
- Cars (Old), Depreciation, 453
- Cars: Large v. Small, 117
- Cars: "Mass-production" of Specials, 239
- Cars: New Models, 294
- Cars: Points from the "Heavies," 750
- Cars, Quieter, 485
- Cars, Really Small, 46
- Cars Safe, Old, 320
- Cars Scrapped, 390, 682
- Cars (Sizes), As It Happens, 765
- Cars Triumph, Small, 685
- Cars (Used), Dealers Gathering, 64
- Castings, Hollow, 512
- Cemian M.C., 220, 276, 678, 779
- Census, Class 1 Road, 478
- Census, Traffic, 365
- Chambost, Raymond, Death of, 325
- Channel Islands, 381
- Charing Cross Bridge, 392, 451
- Charlton Amateur M.C., 28, 188, 332, 358
- Charter Radiator Muffler, 801
- Chassis Details for 1937, 706
- Chassis: Lighter Frames, 692
- Chemico Gun and Chemlets Solidified Upper-cylinder
- Lubricant, 255
- Chemico Insulating Material, 801 Chester M.C., 28, 29, 246, 384, 441, 779 Chula, Prince, 224 Ciano Coppa Results, 351 Cigarettes Cards, 191 Circuit, New Racing, 338 Cirencester Parish Church, 226 Cities Service Oil Co., Ltd., 632 Citroen 10 h.p. Saloon, 34 Clifton Suspension Bridge, 5, 446 Club: Committees, 764
- Club Items and Sporting Events, 28, 60, 92 120, 156, 188, 220, 246, 276, 306, 332, 358, 384, 412, 440, 467, 492, 520, 550, 582, 624, 678, 723, 752, 778, 808 Club of Nomad Motorists, 156, 247, 521, 582, 753 Clutch, An Automatic (How It Works), 73 Clyde Tunnel, 195 Coachwork, 1937, Special, 740 Coach work: Open or Closed, 321 Cobb: Eyston's Records, 325 Cobb, John, 362
- Cobb-Napier-Railton Records, 472, 511 Cockshoot Trial, Report and Results, 550 Coil Tester, Runbaken, 591 " Coil Warning Lights, 486 Coin: Romance? 320 Colchester-Claoton Road, 226 Combustion, Filming, 406 Comet 10 h.p. Model, 617
- "Commercial Motor, The," Special Number, 162 Commercial Travellers, 159, 252 Cornminges Grand Prix, 238, 351 Comminges Grand Prix Results, 376 Common Land: A Reminder, 252 " Companions of the Road," 99 Compression Leakage, 646
- Compression-pressure Gauge and Plug TesteT, A Combined, 348
- Compression Ratio (What It Means), 697 Connel Ferry Bridge, 253 Conquest, Norman, Article by: On Trial, 532 Conquest, Norman, Article by: Your Thanks lire Due
- to ... 272
- Conquest, Norman, Sports Jottings by, 325 Continent, Touring on the: Article by Peter Thompson, 132, 168
- Controls Simply Explained, Modern Car, 776 Cooke, Sir Stenson, 364 Cooling Systems, Effects of Furred, 212 Copper-plating the Cylinder Head, 576 Cork Car Race, Report and Results, 7 Cornish Scenery, 357 Correspondence, Condensed, 27, 59, 155, 187, 327, 411, 623
- Costs, Running, 565 Cotswold Trial, 582 Cotswolds, Red in the, 294 County Chemical Co., Ltd., 250 County Down Trophy Race, 21, 79, 143 County Down Trophy Race, Report and Results, 176, 189
- Court Case: Misprints, 388 COURT CASES:—
- Assailant Sent to Prison, 196
- Boys and a Car, 283
- Bullock, Mr. W. E., 162
- Contradictory Evidence, 588
- Costs Against Police, 4
- Cyclist Fined, 265
- Dangerous Reversing, 591
- Dismissed, 419
- Doctor's Car, 250
- Drunk Charge, 782
- Drunk: Five Shillings, 682
- Fiat Justitia, 446
- Fire: Responsibility, 692
- " Halt " Sign, 557
- Ice Cream Licking, 556
- Licences Endorsed, 682
- " Motor Case Clearance Court," 785
- COURT CASES (contd.) —
- " Necessary " Obstructions, 127
- One-way Street, 35
- Overran the Red Light, 470
- Point of View, 452
- Police: Speed Limit Charge, 336
- Plumber, 312
- Police Reproved, 6
- Provisional Licence, 35
- Record Numbers of Cases, 589
- Running Lady, The, 283
- Scarborough Warning, 5
- Sign, " Halt," 785
- Sign: "Halt Major Road Ahead," 782
- Signals to Motorists, 5
- Stewart: Speed Limit, 728
- Summonses (200), One-way Street, 195
- Tadcaster: Traffic Signals, 5
- Tram Driver Charged, 473
- Triplicate Summons, 589
- Tugboat Licence, 253
- Without Comment, 46
- Witness's Judgment, 731 Court Cases: Getting Off Lightly, 737 Court Cases: The National Press and Motoring, 760 Covadonca, Count de, 96 Coventry, By-passing, 436 Coventry Pneumatic Railcar, 199 Coventry-Victor Luxury Sports Three-wheeler Model, 617
- Coventry-Victor: Three-wheelers for 1937 734 Coventry-Victors (1937), 499 Craigantlet Hill-climb, 351, 358, 418 Craigantlet Hill-climb Report and Results, 466 467 Croft Bridge: Tested to Destruction, 391 Crossley 10 h.p. Regis Model, 617 Crossley (Show Report), 655 Crownwell Hydro and Country Club, 336 Crystal Palace Circuit: National Citizens' Union, 572 Crystal Palace Motor Course, 415, 422 722 8££±3? \M226 24? *** 52° 7
- Daimler OaT, 556
- Daimler Worm Drive Details, 751
- Dark, A. R., 7iS2
- Dats'un Car, 3'9o
- Dazzle: Central Hedges, 765
- Dazzle: Dropping a Brick. 200
- Dazzle " Regulation*, 469 Deauville Circuit, 111
- Deauville Grand Prix, Report and Results, 299 Decarbonizing: Also Overhead, 764 Delage 4V2-litre Oars, 637 Derwent: A Doomed Valley, 292 Derwent Toll Bridge, 195 ' Design for 1937, The Trend of, 700 Designers: Defect, &51 Detonation: What It Means, 797 Develiers-Les Rangers Hill-olimb, Results 525 Devon, 357
- "Diamond" Towing Hitoh (Caravan), 475 Disabled Driver, Motoring for the, 398 D.K.W. 7.16 hj). Model, 617 D.K.W. (Show Report), 666 Dobbs, H. G., 2«0
- Dodison-Austin Records, 648, 744, 768, &00 Dodison, C. J. P., 648 Dollis Lane, 419
- Donington 12<-hour Sports Car Race, 744 Donington Grand Prix Details and Entries, 510, 573 Donington Grand Prix: Prize Money, 404 Donington Grand Prix, Report and Results, 606, 610,
- S25
- Donington Hall, 279 Donington July Meeting, Details and Entries. 198, 199 Doningtori July Meeting, Report and Results, 230, 231, 2159, 246 Donin.gton Meetings, 52 Doomed Valley, A (Derwent), 282 Dreifaltigkeibsiberg Hill-climb, 3i25 Drill (Stages in Pegrinding), 753 Driscoil, L. P., 325, 338. 364. 404, 493, 537 Driving, Economical, 300 Driving: Road Prefects, 2*65 Driving Test. (See Test) Driving the Other Man's Car, 8O4 Driving: Traffic Indicator, 388
- Dublin University Hill-climb, Report and Results, 55a
- Dublin University Speed Trials, 157
- Duesenberg-Jenkin* Records, 472, 572.
- Dunlop Guide, The, 164 "
- Dunlop-India Combination? 390, 498 Dunlop Tyre Expert (N. W. H. Freeman), 388 Dynamo Overhauling, 4>54, 486
- East Cheshire Trials Group. 33-2, 723
- Eastbourne Conconrs d'Elegance, 2, 34, 63, 192, 224, 238 Rastbourne Concours d'Elegance, Report and Rewults, 197
- Ebblewhite, A, V., 174 E-conomieal " Criticals," 462
- Economical Running, 242
- Efficiency Trial, Report and Results, 551
- Efficiency (What it Means), 771
- Eifeler Hoi, 123
- Eifelrennen Meeting, 95, 99, 111, 123, 143
- Eifelrennen Meeting, Report and Results, 158, 140
- Electrical Breakdown: Its Diagnosis and Repair, 796
- Elephant*: Rear Lights, 194
- Eltham and D. M.C.C., 384, 467
- Enfleld M.C.,. 92, 440, 678, 732, 778, 779, 809
- Engine: Assembly Tightness, 214, 241
- Engine Attentions, 144
- Engine: Compression Leakage, 646
- Engine Development, 22
- Engine: Economical Running, 242
- Engine: Ensuring Ea»y Starting, 262
- Engine Fumes from Saloon Bodies, Eliminating, 18
- Engine Speed;*, Future, 1&2
- Engine: Starting, 117
- Engine: Tuning Experiments, 576
- Engines: Advice to Inventors, 354
- Engines, Bigger, 320
- Engines, Sleeve-valve, 544
- Engines that Ovefheat in Summer Weather, 212
- E.R.A. Olub, 52, 276, 763
- E,R.A.-May« Record, 472
- " E.R." Sparking Plug, 419
- Essex Club's Children's Outing, 157
- Essex Ford Owners Club, 306, 384, 440. 551, 779
- Evans, Mi«* Doreen, Married, 336
- Event: Postcard, 143
- Events, Forthcoming, 28, 60, 92, 12.0, 156 18>8, 220, 246, 276, 306, 332, 358, 384, 412, 440, 4-&7, 492, 6-20, 650, 556, 624, 678. 722, 73O, 752, 77«, 8O8 EVENTS—
- International Calendar (1937), 572, 745
- What's Happening? 4-, 34, 66, 98, 126, 162, 252, 282, 313, 339, 390, 418. 446. 472, 498, 926, 582, 588, 630, 684, 730 Whitsun, 7 Exeter By-pas«, 356 Exide Road Map, &84
- Experts' Trial, Report and Results, 769, 779 EXPORTS—
- Board of Trade Returns, 419, 527 New Zealand, 199
- Eyston: "Motor Racing" Lecture, 784 Ryston: Record Attempts, 21 Eyston-Speed of Wind Record*, 267 312
- P^acia: Instrument Panels, 693
- Fairley, Mr. David, 781
- Farina, 416
- Felpham By-pass, 588
- Fernihough (Eric) Motorcycle Record. 4O5
- Ferrari, Scu-deria, 2>38
- Ferry: Dover-Dunkirk, 98
- Fiat " 5OO," The (Road Test), 790
- Fiat " 500 " Model, 447, 589, 617
- Fiat (Show Report), 656
- Film Fans, 444
- Filming Combustion, 406
- Filtrate Canned Oil, 313
- Filtrate Pourer and Filler. 164
- Findhorn Bridge, 526
- Fireproof Material: " Bestobel," 664
- Fires. Forest, 162
- Flame Photogra-phy. 50 6
- Flame Propagation. 491
- Flint, Traffic Lights: Not What They Seem, 244
- Fog Precautions, 730
- Follett, Charles, 361
- Ford-Dagenham Trip, 553
- Ford De Lmxe (10 h.p.) Model, 618
- Ford Development, 4
- Ford, Edeel, 335 .
- Ford Eights and Tens (Tuning and Maintenance), 234, 2<60, 2S0. 318 Ford: L.M.B. Epoch. 340
- Ford Motor Co., 335 Q
- Ford Motor Show, The, 499, 557, 586, 631, 690, 730
- Ford Motor Show: Preview, 695 Ford Output, 66
- Ford Popular (.8 h.p.) Model, 617 Ford Releases, 250 Ford Road Maps, 418 Ford Show Mvstery ("Playlet ), 5<J' Ford Visit, 554
- FoTd Works: Electric Controlled Windows. 4 Fords Unchanged, 558 Foreign Touring Club, 768
- Forgotten Village*: Article by Sydney Moor ho use 42 Forth Bridge: Britain's Largest Road Bridge, 762 Formula. (See Grand Prixl Foundry Requirements, 512 Fowey Bridge, 473 France: Untest, 169
- Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. lVa-litre Model, 618 Frazer-Nash-B,M.W. Models. 364 Fraser-Nash-B.M.W. (Show Report), 656 Frazer-Naeh C.C., 2W) Frazer-Na&h Model, New, 558 Frazer-Nash (Show Report). 656 Fra&er-Nash T.T. Replica Model. 618 Free Wheel (iHow it Works), 297 Freeman, N. W. H. (Dunlop Tyre Expert), ^88 Freiberg Hill-climb Results, 44-6 French Grand Prix, 101, 111, 166, 205, 238 French GTand Prix, Report and Results, 202 Friction, 295
- Frontieres Grand Prix Results, 67 Fuel: Benzole Output, 194
- Fuel Consumption: Economical Running, ^4^ Fuel Consumption: Many M.P.G.. 265 Fuel: Palm Oil, 356 Fuel: When to Fill. 17 2 Fuelling Record, Quick, 610 Fume Extractor, Tideswell. 684 Fumes, Eliminating F.ngine, 18
- y.
- Galloway: Scotland's Farthest South, 546
- Gardens: Spetchley Park, 162
- Gardner-M.G. Records, 451, 459, 472, 496
- Gauge, A Tyre (How It Works), 513
- Gauge Adaptor for Checking Cylinder Pressures, A
- Simple Home-made, 262 Gauge and Plug Tester, A Combined Compression-
- pressure, 348
- Gauge, Schrader Air Pressure Control and, 255 Gear and Compression Ratios, Results of Raising the, 576
- Gear: High Top, 506 Gear Ratios, Higher, 434, 632 Gears: Hypoid Bevels, 320 Gears: Worm Drive, 245 German Grand Prix, 266, 298
- German Grand Prix, Report and Results, 325, 350 German Olympic Games Motor Rally, 526 Glamorgan: Bridgend Landmark, 99 Gloucester By-pass, 195 Gloucester M.C. and C.C., 521 Gloucester: Traffic Congestion (New Road), 589 Gnat's Valley Hill-climb, 29 Goodyear: Mincing Rubber, 199 Goodyear New Stop-start Tyre, 632 Grafton. The Duke of, Death of, 335 Graham Davies, L., Article By: Below Street Level, 106
- Grand Cup Trial, 92 Grand Prix Formula, 266, 745 Graphite, 453 Graphite: I.A.E. Test, 473 Great West M.C., 156, 520, 753, 778, 808 Grice, A. G., 524 Grinding Cutters, 296 Grinham, Mr. E. G., 124 Grossglockner Hill-climb, 143 Guard Bridge, 312 Guard Rails, 67 Guildford Cathedral, 312 Grease Gun (How It Works), 431 Great Northern Motors (London), Ltd., 4, 31
- H
- Haggerston Castle Speed Trials, Report and Results, 440, 467
- Hagley and District L.C.C., 521, 753 Hagley's Club's Spring Trial, 61 Haigh, Gladney, 554 Halford, Major, 628 Handley, W. L., 537 Harman Valve Spring Compressor, 801 Harper: Motoring lor the Disabled Driver, 398 Harpfield Road. Extension, 557 Harrow C.C., 29, 61, 333, 385, 440, 492, 520, 779, 808
- Harvey, C. M., Death of, 335 Hawkyard, Dr. A., 758 " Heavies," Points from the, 750 Henly's Ball, 732, 782 Hermon 1^-litre Model, 618 Hill, Mr. NoTman, 250 Hill, Mr. Wilfrid, 250 Hillman Minx 10 h.p. Model, 618
- Hillman Minx De Luxe Saloon, The (Road Test), 738 Hillman Minx, Few Changes in, 369 Hillman: Sales and Service, 89 Hillman (Show Report), 657 Hillman's Evenkeel Suspension, 124 Hints on Screwing and Tapping, 348 Hints, Thirteen Useful, 629 Hitler, Herr, 756 Hobson, Mr. Hamilton, 196 Holbeach and Spalding M.C. and L.C.C., 306 Holder's Hill Road. 419 Holiday in Devon (The Editor), 309 Holiday, No Busman's, 356 Home Office Circular, 553 Hore-Belisha: Dictator's Way, 764 Hore-Belisha, Mr. Leslie, 387 Hore-Belisha: Road Safety Talks. 340 Horn Ban, 472, 495
- Horns, Ismay " Trumpeter " Wind, 164 Horns, Non-stop, 380 Horse Traffic, 338
- Horsham and D. M.C.C. and L.C.C., 753 Hospital Carnival, 127 Hospital: Night Volunteers, 89 Hotels. See Inns. How It Works, 19, 49, 73, 113, 151, 181, 213, 237, 263, 297, 349, 401, 431, 455, 487, 513, 543, 575
- H.R.G. 12 h.p. Model, 618 Hub Caps, A Simple Pattern for Making, 512 Hull A.C. and L.C.C., 157, 188 Hull Motor Club, 7, 28, 57, 92 HUMOROUS: Cutting In, 30. 62, 94, 122, 158, 190, 222, 248, 278, 308\ 334, 360, 386, 414 442, 468, 494, 522, 584, 625, 680, 726, 754, 780, 810
- Hungarian Grand Prix Results, 174 Hydrometer, A (How It Works), 349
- I.A.E. Dinner, 685
- I.A.E. Meetings, 731
- I.A.E. Research Laboratories, 2
- I.A.E. Test of Colloidal Graphite, 473
- Ideal Home Exhibition, 730
- " If Things Were the Other Way Round," 518
- Ignition Control, 86
- Ignition Problems, 270
- Ilford M.C. and L.C.C., 358, 467, 550, 582, 678, 778, 808 Ilkley and D. M.C., 28, 29, 157, 359a, 550, 723, 778
- Imports: Board of Trade Returns, 419, 527 India-Dunlop Combination? 390, 498 India Tyres, Price Reduction, 451 Indianapolis 500-mile Race Results, 66 Indicated Horse Power (What It Means), 645
- " Indicator," Rich Mixture by, 16, 46, 88, 116, 130, 172, 200, 244, 264, 294, &20, 356, 380, 408, 452, 484, 506, 530, 564, 598, 650, 692, 736, 764, 792
- Inn Signs, 526
- INNS:—
- Marine Hotel, Instow, 310 Rest Hotels, 758
- Instrument Unit, 6 ins., 498
- Instrument Panels, 693
- Instrument Position, 565
- Instruments, Visible, 408
- Insulating Material, 801
- Insurance Certificate Reminder, 162
- International Model Automobile Racing Club, 800
- International Road Racing Club, 432, 572, 588
- Inter-Varsity Trial, 808
- Inventions Exhibition, 162
- Inventors, Advice to, 354
- Irish Motor Racing Club, 536
- Irthlingborough Viaduct Opened, 731
- Irving, Capt. J. S., 682
- Isle of Man: Off the Course in " The Island," 24
- Ismay " Trumpeter " Wind Horns, 164
- Italian Grand Prix, Results, 511
- Jack, An Hydraulic, 487
- Jackson, Robin, 496
- J.C.C. (Junior Car Club). 92, 220, 550
- J.C.C. 200 Miles Race, 79, 325, 405, 424, 443
- J.C.C. 200 Miles Race, Entries, 376 424
- J.C.C. 200 Miles Race, Report and Results, 456, 459
- J.C.C. American Rally, 194, 315, 330, 350 J.C.C. Evening Trial, 277 J.C.C. Half-day Trial, 157 J.C.C. Inter-centre Rally, 29 J.C.C. International Trophy Race, 768 J.C.C. Members' Day (Brooklands), 111, 121, 143, 174 J.C.C. Members' Meeting Report and Results, 208, 221
- J.C.C. (S.W. Centre), 492
- J.C.C. South-Western Trial, Report and Results, 582 Jenkin Chapel to Re-open, 165 Jenkins, Ab, 298, 351, 377 Jenkins-Duesenberg Records, 472, 572 Jenkins: Eyston's Records, 325 Jensen 3U-litre Model, 589 Jensen, Alan and Dick, 628 Jersey Grand Prix Results, 472 Jones, Francis, Article by: Touring Trifles, 178 Jowett 8 h.p. Model, 618 Jowett: Bendix-Cowdrey Brake System, 706 Jowett: Cairo to Mount Sinai on Two Cylinders, 426 Jowett C.C., Southern, 29, 93, 188, 306, 412, 723, 752
- Jowett (Show Report), 660 Jowetts for 1937, Larger, 566 Jowett L.C.C., Scottish, 21, 29, 93, 188, 306, 440, 521 Jowetts Old and New. Tuning and Maintenance, 4, 12, 44, 84, 108 Junner, F.R.S.A., M.I.A.E. Mr. G. Mackenzie, R.S.A.
- Medal, 446
- Kent and Sussex L.C.C., 60, 325, 332
- Kent Coastal Road, 556
- Kentish Border C.C., 121, 157, 276, 413, 520, 679, 752, 778
- Kentish Border Sporting Trial, 404
- Kenton Lane, 4
- Kenya (Map), 557
- Ker, Mr. Inglis, Death of, 527
- Kerb Shyness, 264
- Kiddermingter-Halesown Road, 446
- Kincardine-on-Forth Bridge, 762
- King George Memorial Fund, 446
- King's Cross Alterations, 392
- King's Oil Well, The, 194
- Kingston-By-pass Modernization, 392
- Kirkham-Fleetwood Road, 472
- Kismet Inflator, 756
- K.L.G.: Flit and Forget, 628
- Kfd B 163 630
- K.L.G.: Flit and Forget, Knutsford By-pass, 163 Kohlrausch-M.G. Records, Kylerhea Ferry, 35 11 L" Driver, 485
- Laird, Henry, 34
- Lakeland, 116, 172
- Lakin, R.N., Sub-Lt. R. B., 20
- Lamp, A Dipping Head-, 19
- Lamp Bulbs and Holders, Attending to, 486
- Lamp, Protruding Rear, 380
- Lancashire and Cheshire C.C., 306, 332
- Lancashire Sporting Trial Report, 347
- Lanchester 11 h.p. Model, 618
- Lanchester 1937 Range, 391
- Lanchester Eleven, New, 527
- Lanchester, Frank, 756
- Lanchester Gathering, 554
- Lahohester: Reversion, 564
- Lanchester (Show Report), 661
- Lancia Aprilia Model, 558, 619
- Lancia (Snow Report), 661
- Lawrence Cup Trial, Report and Results, 38, 61
- L.C.C. (Light Car Club), 332, 521
- L.C.C. Buxton Trial, 385, 412, 582
- L.C.C. Buxton Trial, Report and Results, 6O9, 624
- L.C.C. Relay Race, 299, 377
- L.C.C. Relay Race, Future of the, 20, 174
- L.C.C. Relay Race, Report and Results, 8. 28, 53
- Lecot, Francois, 98
- Lehoux, Marcel, 312
- Leicester and D. M.C., 60, 12'0, 358, 551
- Leicester Ordnance Map, 419
- Leicestershire C.C., 753
- Leinster Trophy Race, 267
- Leinster TTophy Race, Report and Results, 285, 307
- Le Man* 24-hours Race: Postponed, 95, 98, 101, 111, 174
- Le Mans 24-hour Race, Details, 21 Le Mans: Southern Railway Service, 66 Letter: As She is Wrote! 444 Letting: Burnham-on-Sea, 283 Leverett, Victor, 362
- Lewes Speed Trials, 325, 332, 351, 364, 390, 413 Lewes Speed Trials, Report ami Results 141, 412 421, 441
- Lex Garage Reproduction, 2.26 Licence Endorsements, 254 Licence Reminder, 162
- Licence Suspension: Without Oommenl, 46 Licences, Driving, 472, 523 Licensing " Concession." 34 LIGHT CAE, THE— 24th Birthday, 630
- Features: Views, 2, 585
- New Readers, 630
- Our Front Cover, 4-96, 570
- Readers, 47O
- Show Numbers, 49-8, 556, 588, 684
- Special Issues, 523
- Summer Number, 66
- Telephone Number, 755, 758
- Volume XLVIII, 4
- Light Cars: Trend of Design for 1937, 700 LIGHT CARS—
- Abbott Nash, 358
- Adler, 7, 189, 285, 347, 592, 597, 616, 652, .706, 7O9
- Alta, 121, 141, 286, 358, 418, 560, 616, 731
- Alvis, 93, 22O, 358, 361, 385
- Amilcar, 121, 231
- Anzani-Nash, 121
- Appleton Special, 93, 121, 233, 745
- Aston Martin, 8, 28, 61, 259, 277, 285, 307, 332, 412, 467, 56-2
- Austin, 4, 8, 28,. 76, 121, 140, 141, 177, 192, 196, 221, 231, 241, 246, 276, 282, 288, 307, 316, 325, 333, 338, 358, 361, 366, 395, 398, 413, 443, 464, 467, 472, 496, 521, 523, 551, 568, 583, 594, 604, 616. 625, 630, 636, 648, 653, 677, 685, 706, 709, 713, 720, 741, 742, 744, 766, 789, 794
- B.H.D. Special, 1-21, 233
- Bianohi, 558, 597, 616
- Bolster Special, 1O2, 288, 316, 333, 358
- British Salmson, 8, 28, 558, 616, 654, 709, 715
- B.S.A., 287, 307, 398, 476, 499, 592, 617, 654, 706, 709, 715, 777, 789, 807 808 , Bugatti, 268, 259, 285, 412
- Citroen, 34
- Comet, 617
- Oorentry-VictoT, 499, 617, 734
- Crossley, 594, 617, 655, 709, 714, 715
- Crouch, 464
- Delage, 76, 456
- D.K.W., 69a, 594, 597, 617, 655, 705, 709. 714, 777
- Dorcas, 333
- Emeryson Special. 333
- E.R.A., 7, 32, 41, 76, 93, 121, 140, 189, 231, 239, 246, 258, 259, 280, 288, 347, 433, 456, 472, 521, 562, 606, 72.3 '
- Fiat, 8, 28, 93, 141, 156, 202, 220, 332, 358, 441, 447, 498, 560, 563, 589, 593. 617, 624, 656, 7O9, 790
- Ford, 7, 141, 234, 250, 260, 261, 290, 307, 318, 333, 336, 340, 346, 499, 551, 553, 554, 557, 558, 583, 595, 617, 6^56. 690
- Frazer-Nash, 7, 8, 28, 60, 61, 121, 221, 233, 285, 307, 345, 346, 358, 375, 385, 395, 558, 561, 618, 656, 705, 75"2, 789, 808
- Frazer-Nash-B.M.W., 8, 28, 221, 307, 346, 364, 376, 618, 656, 700. 706, 709, 714
- Fuzzi, 421, 56O
- G.W.K., 464, 524
- Harper, 398
- Hermon, 345, 358, 618
- Hillman, 124, 250, 361, 369, 498, 583, 593, 596, 618, 657, 7O5, 7O9, 714, 715
- H.R.G., 618
- Jowett, 12, 44, 84, 108, 269, 566, 592, 593. 594, 618, 660, 704, 706, 709, 715
- Lanchester, 391, 527, 554, 618, 661, 707, 709
- Lancia, 558, 593, 596, 619, 661, 707, 709 •
- Lea-Francis, 335, 413, 551
- Lloyd, 420, 619
- L.M.B. Epoch, 340, 341
- Maserati, 140, 2-46, 258, 351
- Mathis, 464
- M.G., 7, 8, 28, 60, 61, 67, 93, 105, 111, 141, 148, 174, 177, 189, 192, 220, 221, 223, 231, 246, 250, 259, 286, 288, 2»9. 307, 333, 344, 345, 346, 347, 358, 359A, 374, 375, 384, 385, 395, 413, 440, 451, 467, 550, 552, 56O, 562, 594, 619, 624, 625, 662, 679, 706, 709, 723, 741, 752, 779, 789, 800, 808
- Morgan, 71, 287, 307, 541, 571, 592, 594. 596, 619, 663, 704, 706, 709, 734, 759. 789
- Morris, 10, 29, 37, 121, 220, 256, 282, 283, 333, 342, 475, 619, 634, 664-, 685, 705, 709, 713, 715, 741, 758, 789, 798
- Opel, 196, 589, 619
- Peugeot, 563
- Rapier Special, 344, 345, 358. 416, 508, 620. 777
- Renault, 620, 665, 709
- ttiley, 7, 93, 3 05, 189, 19-2, 202, 220, 221, 231, 256, 287. 317, 333^ 345, 347, 358, 361, 370, 374, 375, 384, 385, 395, 413, 444, 480, 552, 593, 601, 620, 665, 704, 705, 709 714, 723, 740, 752, 779
- Rosengart, 597
- Rover, 156, 197, 256, 396, 551, 592, 593, 620, 666, 709, 714, 715
- Salmson, 375
- Salome, 233
- Sandford, 71
- Singer, 61. 1O5, 117, 152, 156, 170, 177, 189, 202, 210, 221, 233, 240. 259, 286. 289, 307, 338. 341, 546. 347, 358, 374, 384, 385, 413, 416, 526, 534, 550, 561, 582, 59?. 596, 620, 621, 667, 685, 706, 714, 715, 779. 789, 808
- vi.
- L (contiautd).
- LIGHT CARS (contd.)— Skirrow Special, 649 SS, 266, 332 Standard, 197, 2S0, 313, 333, 339, 447, 504, 558, 593, 620, 624, 668, 704, 705. 709, 716,. 741 Steyr, 447, 621 Talbot, 47, 61, 105, 284, 44-3, 496. 583, 621, 669, 681, 705, 709, 714, 7ifi, 740 Triumph, 197, 2'21. 223, 226. 228, 249, 250, 259, 372, 394, 592, 594, 621, 62S, 670, 709, 715
- Union Special, 121 Vale Special, 8, 2«, 472 Wolseley, 105, 220. 289, 339, 388, 593, 594, 621, 671, 681, 698, 7O9, ?13, 741 Lighter, Electrically Operated Cigarette (How it
- Works), 455
- Lighting, Bridlington Road, 6 Lighting: .floodlit Roads, 6 Lighting, Newport Street, S Lighting, Street, 5 Lighting: hurley Way, 126, 577 Lighting Regulation*, 557 Lighting-up, 130 Lighting-up Times, 4, 34, 66, 98, 126, 162, 194, 226, 252, 282, 312, 364, 390, 418. 446, 472, 498, 526, 556, 588, 630, 684, 730, 758, 784
- Lights: Testa, 784 Lights: What Does "A" Do? 46 Limerick Grand Prix, 79, 238, 267, 299, 314 Limerick Grand Prix, Report and Results, 347, 350, 377
- Lincolnshire A.C., 276 Liseen Portable Radio, 164 Lister: Hardened Bores, 632 Liverpool M.C., 582, 678 Liverpool M.C., North, 28 Liverpool M.C., South, 385, 467 Liverpool M.C. Trial Results, 29 Lloyd •l35O" Model, 619 Lloyd "350" Model (Road Te«t), 420 Lloyd Oar, 558 L.M.B. Epoch, The, 340
- Lodge: Plug "Points," Dismantling and Cleaning, 611 Lodge Works: More Space, 6 Lohr-Adler Records, 79 London-Bognor Road, 226 London by Night, 216, 217 London Ladies M.C., 60, 4-12, 551 Lord Mayor's Show, 730 Lord, Mr. L. P.: Resignation, 418 Lostwithiel: Fow«y Bridge, 473 Low Temperature Carbonisation, Ltd., 784 Lubricant, Chainlet* Solidified tipper-cylinder, 255 Lubricants, Fewer, 88 Lubricants: Salvolene Bottled Oil, 265 Lubrication (Booklet) Acheson, Ltd., 5S7 Lubrication, Central, 130 Lubrication System, Luvax-Bijur Automatic Chassis, 181
- Lubrication, Texaco Marfak Cbassiia, 731 LUCM Electrical Equipment, 590 Lurani. " Johnny," 7&8 Luvax-Bijur Automatic Chassis-lubrication System, 180
- Luvax-Bijur Lubricating Unit, 64 Lyndon-Barre, 362
- M
- Machine-shop Operations Adopted in Mass-production Work, Explanations of Various Interesting, 400
- Machining Valve Ports with Rotary Cutters, 112
- Mackenzie, George, " Doc," 537
- Madresfield Speed Trials, 239, 252, 234, 299
- Madresfield Speed Trials, Report and Results, 288, 307
- ' Magistrate Views: Motorists Who Ought to Walk, 758
- Magistrates' Association, 728
- Magistrate*: "Harden Your Hearts," 788
- Magistrates, Training, 507
- Maidstcme and Mid Kent M.C., 61, 156, 306, 359A, 723
- Maintenance, Tuning and: Jowetts, 12, 44, 84, 108. Singers, 152, 170, 210, 240. Ford Eights and Tens, 234, 260, 290; 318. Austin Seven, 568, 604, 636, 720, 742, 766, 794, 807
- Maintenance: Viewed from Beneath, 50
- Maiden and D. M.C., 29, 156
- Manchester-Huddersfield Road, 194
- Manchester: Traffic Congestion, 785
- Manifold Flooding, Preventing, 72
- Manitoba and Motoring, 756
- Mantell, L., Technical Aspects by: 22, 54, 86, 114, 144, 182, 214, 242, 270, 3(30, 328, 378, 406, 434, 462, 491, 516, 544, 576, 612, 646, 707, 748, 774, 804
- Manchester University M.C., 28
- Manx Race Prize Money, 266
- Map Reading: Sackcloth and Ashes, 201
- MAPS :—
- Exide Road, 684
- Ford Road, 418
- Kenya, 557
- Leicester, 419
- Price's " Quiet-way " Routes, 338
- R.A.C. Devon and Cornwall, 364
- Scottish Tours, 226
- Maps Tell Tales, 135
- Marble Church, 116
- Margate and D. C.C., 276, 808
- Margate Club's Wing Cup Trial, 29
- Marine Hotel, Instow, 310
- Market Place Parking, 785
- Markham, Mrs., 588. 628
- Marne Grand Prix Results, 239
- Martin. Lionel, 64
- Mays-E.R.A. Record, 472
- M.O.C. Brooklands Meeting, 377, 385, 492, 529
- M.C.C. BrooWands Meeting, Report ana Results, 561, 583
- M.C.C. Buxton Trial, Report and Results, 789, 800, 808
- M.C.C. High-speed Reliability Trial, 350 M.C.C. London-Edinburgh Trial, 7, 34, 56, 67 M.C.C. London-Edinburgh Trial Results, 101 M.C.C. London-Edinburgh Trial Photographs, 66 M.O.C. London-Edinburgn Trial Report, 80 M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 809 M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial, Awards, 93 M.C.C. Sporting Trial, 440, 572, 582, 768 M.C.C. Torquay Trial and Rally, 111, 121, 252, 254, 286, 298, 307, 332 Meare Lake-village, 418 Mercedes-Benz, Ltd., Festive Tea, 648 Mercedes-Caraeciola Records, 745, 768 Mercedes Try-outs, 744
- Meriden: Warwickshire Limit Changes, 392 Mersey Tunnel, 784 Merthyr Motor Club, 120 M.G. " lj^-litre " Engine, 589
- M.G. Car Club, 188, 246, 306, 384, 492, 521, 550 M.G. Car Club Dinner, 732 M.G. Clock, 404 M.G. Club Rally, Scottish, 246 M.G.-Gardner Records, 451, 459, 472, 496 M.G.-Kohlrausch Records, 630
- M.G. Magic Magnette ior Sale, The ex-Eyston, 111 M.G. Magic Midget for Sale, 800 M.G. Midget, An Improved, 148 M.G. Midget, New, 192 M.G. Midget Series T Model, 619 M.G. Midget " T " Series, 174 M.G. (N.E. Centre), 679
- M.G. Scottish Trial, Report and Results, 609, 624 M.G. (Show Report), 662 Middlesbrough and D. M.C., 28, 57, 92, 120, 188, 220, 306, 325, 332, 359A., 384 Middlesex County A.C., 61, 93, 120, 156, 220, 246, 306, 412, 467, 492. 551, 678, 778 Midget Car Racing, Australia, 21 Midland A.C., 60, 188 Mid-Surrey A.C., 307 Mid-Surrey A.C. Experts' Trial, Report and Results, 769, 779 Mid-Surrey Barnstaple Trial, Report and Results, 346, 359A
- Mid-Surrey Grand Cup Trial, 157 Mineola Race (U.S.A.), 537 Miramas Races, 53 Model Cars, 67
- Model Engineering Exhibition, 282 Monte Carlo Rally 537 Montmartre Hill-climb, 649 Moorehouse, Sydney, Article by: Forgotten Villages,
- Morgan 4/4 Improvements, 571
- Morgan 4/4 Model, 619
- Morgan, A Twin-engined, 759
- Morgan: British Three-wheelers in France, 71
- Morgan Cone Clutch Wrinkles, 71
- Morgan: Economical Motoring, 530
- Morgan Factory Fire, 784
- Morgan, H- T. S., 727
- Morgan: Public Interest, 17
- Morgan, Soott-engined, 730
- Morgan (Show Report), 663
- Morgan Three-wheeler Model, 619
- Morgan Three-wheelers for 1937, 541, 734
- Moroccan Interlude, Article by James T. Skinner, 206
- Morris Activities Reviewed, 342 Morris: Alternative Specifications Available, 758 Morris Eight, The 100,000th, 282 Morris Eight Saloon (Road Test), 634 Morris Eight Series I Model, 619 Morris Films, 475
- Morris " No Change " Programme, 283 Morris Rally, 37, 276, 520 Morris (Show Report), 664 Morris: Show-time Excursion, 630 Morris Ten-Four, The Four-speed, 798 Morris Ten Series II Model, 619 Morris Ten-Four Series II Saloon, The (Road Test}, 10
- Morris: Triplex Safety Glass, 472 M.O.T.: A Personal Message, 730 M.O.T. and Traffic Lights, 96 Motor Agents' Association Dinner, 728, 732 Motor Ball, The, 588, 728, 732 MOTOR SHOW:—
- Admission Charges, 556
- Accessories, 672, 673, 674, 675, 716, 717, 718, 719
- Attendance Figures, 730 Details, 391, 444, 446, 495, 585, 590, 599, 627, 628, 630, 650, 658 Equipment, Modern Light Car, 713 Guide, A Complete, 616, 681, 686 Guide to the Light Cars, 652, 709 Olympia at a Glance, 658 Olympia Pre-view, 592, 593, 594 Radio, Car, 658 Motor Show, 1937, The, 758 " Motor, The " 4, 34, 126 "Motor Cycling": Whitsun Number, 4 Motor Show, Plans for the, 335 Motorcycle Show 727, 730, 734, 758 Motoring: Cure for Monotony, 507 Motoring for the Disabled Driver, 398 Motoring: More Haste—, 409 Motoring Muse, The, 17, 46, 89, 117, 131, 173, 201, 245, 265, 295, 320, 357, 381, 409, 452, 485, 507, 530, 565, 593, 599, 651, 737, 765, 793
- Motoring: Sohooi.Curriculum, 527 Motoring, The National Press and, 760 Motorists' Paris, The, By a Londoner (Denis Blore), 578
- Motorists Who Ought to Walk, 758 Munich-Dreick Road Raee, Results, 376
- N
- Nairobi-Rand Race. 768 NA.L.G.O. (Met. Dist.) M.C., 120 Napier-Railton-Cob Records, 311 Narborough By-pass, 556
- National Car Parks, Ltd.. 659
- National Citizens' Union (Crystal Palace Circuit), 572
- National Motorists' Association, 526
- National Oil Refineries, Ltd., 446
- National Temperance League, The, 336
- Navy Week, 126 131, 194
- Neath By-pass, 5
- " Nerm ": New Antiseptic. 313
- New York Motor Show, 730
- New Zealand: Nationalization of Roads, 527
- Newcastle and D. M.C., 28, 220
- Newnham, Maurice, 64, 250
- Newnham Motor Show, 165
- Newport: Chamber of Trade, 253
- Newport Traffic Census, 195
- News, 4, 34, 66, 98, 126, 162, 194, 226, 252, 312, 338, 364, 39d, 418. 446, 472, 498. 526, 556, 588, 630, 684, 736, 784 Nineteenth Century Motorists, 779 Noise Abatement, 589 Noise: Rattle Tracing, 321 Norfolk M.C., 60 North Parade Bridge, 195 North Wales Sporting C.C., 157, 779 North-West London-Gloucester Trial, 722, 745, 752, 809
- North-West London M.C., 412. 511, 520, 531 North-West London Motor Club's Team Trial <" Selling
- Plate"), Report and Results, 608 North-leach Prison, 419 Norton (Malton) Bridging, 99 Norwood M.C., 384
- Nottingham M.C., 92, 247, 358, 551, 809 Now Going Over To (Broadcasting), Article by " Vox," 641
- Nuffield, Lord, £50,000 Offer, 226 Nuffield, Lord, " Willouehby " Gift, 165 Nuffield Trophy Race, 52, 174, 198 Nuffield Trophy Race, Report and Results, 230, 231, 239, 246, 267
- Nuffield Trophy Race, Entries, 143 Nuffield's (Lord) Gifts 684 Number Plate, Ace, 37 Nurburg Ring, 160, 416
- o
- Oates, Major W. H., 416 OBITUARY—
- Chambost Raymond, 325
- Grafton, The Duke of, 335
- Harvey, C. M., 335
- Hobson, Mr. Hamilton, 196
- Ker, Mr. Inglis, 527
- Lehoux, Marcel, 299
- Mackenzie, George " Doc," 537
- Owen, Gordon, 365 Oil In Tins, 496 Oil Now Canned, 137 Oil Pump, Wakefield New, 165 Oil Versus Petrol, 378 Oil Wells in England, 338 "Oiliness" and Ijtntritien, 612, Old Sodbury: Speed Limit, 731 Olympia Motor Show. See Motor SJiow. Olympia, Remodelling, 364 Olympic Games: Speed Limit, 282 On Three Wheels, by " Triangle," 71 On Trial, Article by Norman Conquest, 532 Opel 1937 Programmes, 589 Opel Cars, 196 Opel Olympia Model, 619 Opel P.4 De Luxe Model, 619 Oudtshoorn Double-Twelve Reliability Trial, 498 Owen, Gordon, Death of, 365 Ownership Means, What Car, 638 Oxton, MX!.. 60, 156, 189, 809
- Packard Car, 589
- Paris Salon, The, 390, 418, 556, 563, 596, 650, 684
- Paris, The Motorist's, By a Londoner (Denis Blore), 578
- Parking: Market Place, 785 Parking: Theatre, 310 Parking: Whitby, 5 Pateley Bridge, 163, 557 Pattern-making, Amateur, 512 Pedestrian Crossings: Hove, 253 Pedestrian Crossings: "Invisible-ray," 195 Pedestrian Signals, 530
- Pedestrians: Fines for Walkers! (Australia), 423 Pedestrians: Pitfall, 586 Penarth Road Toll-gate, 35 Perry, Sir Percival, 554 Petrol Consumption, 462 Petrol Gauge (How It Works), 181 Petrol Gauges, 201 Petrol: Odds or Evens, 793 PetTol, Oil Versus, 378 Petrol Pump (How It Works), 263 Perol Taxes (U.S.A.), 282 Pbilco-Delco Radio, 391 Philips Car Radio, 227 Phillips, Mr. J. C, 627 Phipps, Allan, Married, 336 Phoenix Park Grand Prix, 610 Phoanix Park International Car Race, 377, 404, 511, 528, 536 Phoenix Park International Car Race, Report a-nd
- Results. 562, 610 Photography, Flame, 516 Picardy Grand Prix, 143
- Picardy Grand Prix, Report and Results, 175 Pipe Tip, Broken Petrol, 629 Piston Fitting 72 Piston Ring Chatter, 802 Piston Rings, Broken, 774 Plug, A Sparking (How It Works), 113 Plug, " E.R." Sparking, 419 Plug History, Sparking, 362 Plug Maintenance., 112
- Plug " Points "—Bismaatling and Cleaning, Sal Plug Tester, A Combined Compression-pressure Gauge
- and, 348 Plugs, Reconditioned, 498, 784
- xii.
- S (continued).
- Stopham Bridge, Pulborough, 176
- Stormgard Leather Coat, 72
- Stuart, Mr. H. J. (M.G. Scottish Centre Cltab
- Dinner), 119 Steyr Radiator, 431 Stratiord-on-Avon, 682 683 Stratford-on-Avon (M*p), 683 Style*, W. G. (Hillman), Vintage Car Club Joint
- Trial. 697 i
- Sunbao Inter-team Trial, 727 Suabac Vesey Cap Trial, Incident*, 34, 55 Sunbeam Car Trial, Incidents, 313 Swedish Winter Grand Prix, 141 Synool Anti-fre«ie, 71
- Talbot Engine, 64, 373
- Talbot Radiator, 431
- Talbot Ten Saloon, Side, Front, Rear and Interior
- View*, 372, 373
- Tangley Farm, Robber* Door, 321 Tanker, A Streamlined Petrol, Oil and Air, 123 Tapl«y Performance Meter, 811 Tappet Adjustment Details, 110 Tt Flt Mthd i M
- Tappet Adjustment Details, 110
- Tappet Flats, Method oi Measuring (Diagrams), 138
- Taxi, Three-eeater Three-wheeler, 123
- Taub, Mr. Alex, 764
- Ti Ei Di
- Tau, Mr. Alex, 76
- Taupin Engine (Diagram of Strokes), 815
- Taupin Geared Crankpin and Big-end Details, 815
- Taylor, C. W. (ABton Martin), Harrow Car Club
- Driving Tests, 569
- Taylor, Miss K. (Standard), Monte Carlo Rally, 314 " Tea Pot Hall," 754 Tec Car Polish, 500 Tecal&mit Force-feed Oilcan, 71. 417 Temple Press Ltd., Staff Dinner, 570 Temby, 375 Tenbury, 488, 490 Thatcher Trophy Trial, Incident, 3 " Thermorad Car Heater, 168 Thermo-SAphdn Cooling (Diagram), 235 Thirlmere, 589
- Thompson " Rubberod " Steering Joint, 653 Thorney, Sussex, 616 Timing Apparatus, Robot, 156 Timing Diagram, A, 49 Tintern Abbey, 38 Tippetts, S. A. (M.G.), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 230
- TUit Anti-freeze Mixture, 71 Torque Reaction Diagram, 119 Torsion Bar Suspension (Diagiam), 327 Touring Bureau (Route-finding by Electricity), 131 Tower Jack, 653
- Traffic-control Diagram, 329
- Tree Lopping, Roadside, 116
- Tree* in Winter, Roadside. 232, 233
- Trial: Beating a Ban, 42
- Trial Incident, 66
- Trial Incident (Humorous), 265
- Trial* Driver*' Problem, 647
- e and Interior Views,
- Triumph 1%-litre Engine, 443 Triumph 1%-litre Saloon Sid* 778, 779
- Triumph Engine Mounting Detail*, 443 Triumph 1%-litre Engine (Sectional), 443 Triumph lJA-litre Saloon, 442 Triumph: Hand-brake Lever, 443 Triumph: Piping and Axle Casing Detail*, 442 Triumph Radiator, 431 Trolleybus, 19O
- Trolleybus: Strange Device, 309 Truing Tool, 327
- Tuson, V. H. (Fiat), B.A.R.C. Easter Meeting, 604 Twyford, J. (M.G.), Chiltem Trial, 279 Tyre Details, 409 Tyresoling Retreading Process, 597
- u
- Uglow, W. P. (H.R.G.), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 225 Uglow, W. P. CH.R.G.), M.C.C. London-Land's End
- Trial, 600
- Universal Joint Detail*, 410 Uxbrid'ge, 465
- Valve Bounce (Diagrams), 139
- Valve Diagram, 75
- Valve Seat Detail*, 781
- Valve Sitting Checking, 25
- Vaugban, Mrs. M. L. (Standard), Monte Carlo Rally, 314 '
- Vernon Balls, Ltd., Hydraulic Lift Details, 597 Vessels Between Ins tow and Bidelord, 571 Veteran Oar Club Rally and Hill-climb, 691, 697 Victoria Memorial, The, 689 Victorial Square, Birmingham, 343 Villoresi, M., At Monza, 76 Villore*i (Fiat), Monte Carlo Rally, 390 Vintage Car Club Joint Trial, 697 Vintage Sports C.C. Gloucester Trial, Incident, 89 Volans, if A. (M.G.), Chilterns Trial, 304
- w
- Wakefield: From Pump to Sump, 369 Wakefield, Lord, 278
- Walker, P. D. (E.R.A.), Campbell Trophy Race, 768 Walker, W. D. (E.R.A.), British Empire Trophy Race, 658, 669
- Wan*ford Bridge, 176
- Waring Electric Heater, 218
- W.A.S.A. Dinner, 569 '
- Washers, Filing Thin (Diagrams), 138 Watford By-pas* Subway, 380 W. D. Special, 361, 467 Weatherihielda MuhWe, 70 Weathershields Opening Head for Saloon Oars, 596, 597
- We&thershield* Tonneau Cover, 417 Weekes, Mis* Joan (Ford), Brighton and Hove M.C.
- Spring Cup Trial, 569 Welding Diagram, 553 Welding, Oxy-acetylene, 781 Welflex Piitc-n, 416 West Tanfield, York*. 135 Western Avenue, 615 We*tric Battery Charger, 72, 418 Westway Demonstration, 340 Wharf* Stepping Stones, 177 Wheel-changing Hint, 356 " Wheelbarrow, Competition," 397 White, Major G. (Standard), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 543
- Whitehead, P. N., 6S9
- Whitehead, P. N. (Alta), Thatcher Trophy Trial. 3 Whitehead, P". N. (E.R.A.), Coronation Trophy Race, 719, 724
- Wiloot Radiator Muff, 70
- Willcooks, MM. (M.G.), J.C.C. (S.W. Centre) Trial, 7.20 Wimille, J. P. (Bugatti), at Speed, 201 Wimille, J. P. (Bugatti), Pau Grand Prix, 451 Winchester By-pass, 397 Windout Hill WateMplash, 194 Window-winding Mechanism, 655
- Windscreen Spray, Home-made, 709 Windscreen-wiper Mechanism, 202
- .. -wipe!
- Wing, T. (Singer), Kentish Border C.C. Sporting Trial, 85
- Winnioot, H. R. (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.), J.C.C. Brook-lands Rally, 4-77
- Winter Nocturne, 57
- Withies, Gathering, 579
- Wolseley Radiator, 431
- Worcestershire: Blossom Time, 821
- Wye Cup Trial, Incident, 439
- Wye River, 39
- Wye Valley A.C. Motorcycle Trial, 627
- Wye Valley (Floods), 151
- Young, Miss Winifred, 338
- M (continued).
- Mirror, Exterior-mounting, 416
- Monte Carlo, 365
- Monte Carlo Rally, Incidents, 344, 345, 346, 347, 390, 391
- * Monte Carlt) Rally Routes (Map), 287 Moor, Mr. Geo., 677 Moreton-in-Marsh, 178 Moreton Old Hall, 691 Morgan 4-4 Facia Board, Hood Details and Side
- Views, 196, 197
- Morgan Four-cylinder Engine, 41 Morgan Four-cylinder Three-wheeler Two-geater, Side,
- Front and Interior Views, 40,. 41, 130 Morgan 1,122 c.c. Engine, 196 Morgan, Cedric (M.G.), Monte Carlo Rally, 345 Morgan, H. F. S., 1,500 c.c. Hour Record Attempt, 5 Morgan, H. F S. (Morgan), R.A.C. Hasting* Rally, 533
- Morgan Radiator, 429 Morgan, The Rev. H. G., 5 Morris Camshaft Timing Wheel, 305 Morris-Cowley Factory, 352, 353 Morris Eight " Control Platform," 64 Morris Eight, Plasticine Model, 576 Morris Eight Wiring System (Diagram), 529 Morris Engine Shops, 628 Morris Radiator, 429 Morris Ten Fitted with Lucas Dual Wiper Conversion, 285
- Morris Works, 395 Motorcars: Up-to-date Toys 151 Motrex Fire-extinguisher, 73, 418 Muggleswick Common, 114, 115
- Murray, D. H. (Frazer-Nash), Inter-Varsity Trial, 8 Murray D. H. (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.), Monte Carlo
- Rally, 347 Mursell, P. (Ford); Inter-Varsity Trial, 8
- N
- " Nautical William " Road House, 777
- Neale Magnalite Inspection Lamp, 73
- Nebulite Super-Lamp, 67
- Nell Gwynne's Monument, Tring Park, 752
- Nelson Bohnalite Piston, 418
- Neubauer, Herr, At Monza, 76
- New York Motor Show, 33
- Newhaven (Gale Results), 29
- Newnham, Maurice, 438
- Nivex Time Switch, 500
- Norfolk Broads, 167, 650
- North Marston Village Well, 303
- North Orbital Road, 332, 333
- North Orbital Road (Plan), 332
- North-West London M.C. Coventry Cup Trial 497, 503, 527 North-West London M.C. London-Gloucester Trial,
- Incidents, 104, 105, 109 Notek Fog Lamp, 67 Notice: Bank It, 123 Notice: One-way Traffic, 151 Notice: PaTks and Garages, 536 Notice, Roadside, 777 Nuffield, Lord, 59, 192
- Nuffield, Lord (Safety Crusade Luncheon), 96 Number Plates, Coronation, 627 Nuneaton, " Chicanery " at, 310
- OH The Line, 402, 403
- Offham, Kent, The Quintain at, 302
- Oil Drum (Storage), 356
- Oil Engine (1,000 h.p.), 806
- Oil " Pump " (American), 95
- Oliffe, Miss Yvonne, with her Standard Saloon, 628
- Olympia Motor Show, 192
- Opel 12 h.p. Model, 535
- Opel 1,074 c.c. Engine, 635
- Opel Cadet and Olympia Models, 470, 471
- Opel Oadet Engine, 470
- Opel Cadet Saloon, 538, 634, 635
- Opel Front Suspension Unit, 470
- Opel Hydraulic Brake Details, 471
- Opel Radiator, 430
- Orme's Church, 616
- Osram " Nursery Rhyme " Lights, 100
- Oxygen Cutting (What It Means), 613
- P. and H. Fog Lamp, 418
- " Panorama Cottage," Finedoa, 814
- Park at Windsor, Car, 629
- Parking Methods and Diagrams, 282, 283
- Parking Notice at Taunton, 273
- Parnell (M.G.), British Empire Trophy Race, 661, 668, 669
- Parnell (M.G.), Coronation Trophy Race, 719 Parnell Miss E. E. (Hillman). Monte Carlo Rally,
- Parsons Emergency Grip, 417
- Patrol Fog Guides (Manchester), 32
- Pau Grand Prix, Incident, 451
- Pearce, Mr. Frank, 534
- Peat Drying, 579
- Pedestrian (Children), 630
- Pedestrian Control at Birmingham, 190, 449
- Pedestrians (Children), 96
- Pedestrians Crossing, 62
- Peeping Tom Hotel, Coventry. 497
- Perrin, C. H. (Canstatt Daimler), R.A.C. Veteran Car
- Run, 19
- Perry. Sir Percival, 658 Petrol Gauge Mounting Details, 706 Petrol Pump Diagrams, 384, 385 Petrol Pump, Gilbarco Meter; 440 Pevensey, 504 " Philante," Mr. T. O. M. Sopwith's Yacht, 400
- Philco Car Radio, 101, 152
- Philips Battery Charger, 72, 417
- Pictorealities: 3, 29, 59, 123, 151, 185, 217, 249, 279, 309, 367, 397, 439, 465, 497. 535, 569, 595, 629, 659, 795 Pirelli Courier Tyre, 629 Piston Machine Tool. 547 Piston, Ring and Cylinder Diagrams, 636 Playfair, J. E. (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.), Edinburgh and
- D\ M.C. Half-day Trial, 691 Plough Inn, Meer End, Temple Balsa.ll, 320 Plough Inn, Speen, 802 Plug Graph, 637 Plug, Sparking (Sectional), 4-09 Plymouth M.C. Annual Dinner, Incident, 147 Plymouth M.C. Inter-team Trial, 627 Police: Go-ngster Rally, 497 Police Loud-speaker Car, 449 Policemen Training, Traffic, 123 Polperro, 620
- Porter, R. C. (De Dion), R.A.C. Veteran Car Run, 19 Potterne, Wiltshire, 91 Powys-Lybbe, A., 780 Powys-Lybbe, A. (Alfa-Romeo), Campbell Trophy
- Race, 765, 789
- Pride and Clarke Windscreen Wiper, 72 Primer Control, 384
- Procter, R. M. (Talbot), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 543 Production: Off The Line, 402, 403 Pulteney Bridge, Bath, 321 Pyrene Fire Extinguisher, 73, 418
- Jueen's Hotel, Hastings, 472
- juinlin (Delahaye), Monte Carlo Rally, 347, 391
- R.A.C. Coronation Route Sign. 763
- R.A.C Guides' Coronation Uniform, 691
- R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 533, 540, 541, 54-2, 543, 545, 554, 563
- R.A.C. Hastings Rally, Routes (Maps), 473 R.A.C. Roads Signs for the Coronation, 631 R.A.C. Veteran Oar Run, Incidents, 3, 19, 25 Racing: Pit Stop, 509 Radbourae, J. H. (Austin), M.C.C. London-Exeter
- Trial, 223
- Radiator Device to Prevent Loss of Water, 127 Ramp* for Axle Greasing and Inspection, 126' Rand Grand Prix, Incident, 432 Rapier Model: The Camera Lies, 273 Rapier Open Four-seater Modell, 129 Rapier Radiator, 430 Rasch, Fred, 88, 795 RayBon, E. K. (Maserati), B.R.D.C. British Empire
- Trophy Race. 633
- Rayson, E. K. (Maserati), Campbell Trophy Race, 788 Renault Radiator. 430 Re-Po Polish, 539
- Restaurant, Roadside " Sea-food " 151 Rheims Cathedral. 161 Richardson, R. J. (Austin), Suiibao Vesey Cup Trial, 34-
- Richmond and Gordon, Duke of, 2© Richmond Bridge, 537 Richmond, Miss Joan (Fiat), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 502, 543
- Riley lUj-litre Chassis, 446, 447 Riley l^litre Chassis Lubrication. System, 511 Riley liA41tre Engine: Cylinder Layout, 448 Riley 1%-litro Engine: Valve Gear Details, 44-8 Riley 114-litTe Front Axle Swivel Pin Details, 511 Riley 1%-litre Rear Axle Casing Details, 510 Riley 1,496 c.c. Engine, 349 Riley Automatic- Clutch Details, 479 Riley Bulkhead and Facia Back Detail*. 706 Riley Club Trial, Incident, 439 Riley Engine Rear Mounting Details, 478 Riley Falcon Water Pump, 55 Riley Front Engine Bearer Bar Details, 478 Riley Kestrel Sprite Saloon: Side, Rear and Interior
- Views, 348, 349 Riley Nine Engine, 3 Riley Nine Monaco Saloon, 3 Riley Radiator. 430
- Ril'ey Torque Tube Assembly with Axle Casing, 479 Road, Alexandria-Cairo, 309 Road, Cotton-covered (U.S.A.), 186 Road: "Flying Junction," 367 Road Junctions at New Hudson Bridge, 342 Road Near Vauclerc, France, 162 Road Surface (Warning), 337 Road: West Country Lane, 167 ROADS:—
- Barnet By-pass, 659
- Brighton-Newhaven Coast, 251
- Chester (Cycle Track), 29
- Coventry By-pass, 599
- Fosse' Way, 520, 52il
- Great North, 309
- Great West, 98
- Harwood, Fulham, 341
- Kingston By-pass, 401
- North Orbital, 332, 333
- Sidcup By-pass, Z50
- South Circular, 248
- Victoria Square, Birmingham, 343
- Watford By-pass Subway, 280
- Western Avenue. 615
- Winchester By-pass, 397 Roads: £140,000.000 to be Spent, 660 Roads, Arterial, 97
- Robbing, G. H. (H.R.G.)', Lewes Speed Trial, 796 Robertson, R. W. (Morgan), Scottish Three-wheeled
- C.C. Trial, 655
- Robins. G. H. (H.R.G.), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 501 Rock House, 776 Roman Fosse Way, 185 Roman Pavements at Aldborough, 809 Rootes, W. E., 193 Rose (Alia-Romeo), B.R.D.C. British Empire Trophy
- Race. 633 Rosebery, Lord, at the Scottish Motor Show, 7
- Ross, Mr. Alexander, at the Scottish Motor Show, 7
- Rotherham Snapshut Petrol Tap 417
- Rover Brake Pedal Compensator. 133
- Rover Clutch Cable Adjustment, 37
- Rover Compression Tube Details, 103
- Rover Cylinder Head and Manifolds Details, 37
- Rover Engine in Detail, 11
- Rover Gearbox Filler Details, 103
- Rover Radiator, 430
- Rover Rocker Shaft, 37
- Rover Stabilizer Bumper Dismantled, 103
- Rover Transverse Axle Compensator, 133
- Roy Fedden Trophy Trial, Incidents, 3, 9, 77
- Royal Group in a Horseless Carriage, 4
- Ruibberod Steering Joint, 653
- Runbaken Electric Grinder, 612
- Runbaken Engine Tuning Tools, 612
- Runbaken Precision Engraver, 157 673
- Sackville. College, East Grin&tead. 6 "Safety Force " at Birmingham, 311
- Salisbury Church House, 584
- Salmson Radial Aero Engine (Sectional), 815
- San Francisco-Oakland Bridge, 61
- " Saracen's Head." The, Southwell, 752
- Sargeant Special Sports Model, 694
- Schrader Eezemount Valve and Dust Cover, 418
- Schrader Tyre Gauge, 100
- Scott. A. C. (H.R.G.). R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 501
- Scottish Hill-climb (Bo'ness) Plan, 812
- Scottish Motor Show at Kelvin Hall, 6, 7, 193
- Scottish Sporting C.C. Bo'ness Hill-climb. 796, 823
- Scottish Sporting C.C. Trial, Incident. 367
- Scottish Three-wheeled C.C. Trial, 655 ,
- Scribbans, D. H. (E.R.A.), British Empire Trophy
- Race, 667
- Scribbans, D. H. (E.R.A.), Campbell Trophy Race, 789 Scribbans, D. H. (E.R.A.). Coronation Trophy Race, 719, 749
- ScriveTsby Court, 754-Seaman, R. J. B., 264, 646 Seaman, R. J. B., at Monza, 76 Seaman, R. J. B. (Delage), Berne Grand Prix, 170 Sewell, W. S. (Austin), Colmore Trophy Trial, 474 Sgur-nan-Gillean Peak, 322 Shackel, K. R. W. (Hornet Special), Wye Cup Trial. 439
- Shell Oil-burning Garage Heater. 71 Shelsley Walsh (Views), 782 Shenton, J. P. (Frazer-Nash), M.O.C. London-Land's
- End Trial, 602 Shepherd Tyre Groover, 179 Shrewsbury, 753 SMcup By-pass, 250 Sidecar, Skidding, 219 Sighs, Bridge of, Cambridge, 177 Sign Erection, Haphazard, 29 Sign : Informative Addition, 59 Sign: Misprint, 497 Signal' for Pedestrian*, 397 Signal, The A.A. New, 125 Signals: AmbeT-jumping. 312 Signals: Car Diagrams, 23 Signals, Correct Hand, 22 Signals: Our Cover Picture, 329 Signals: Road Traffic Lights (the Lesson of the
- Lights), 270, 271
- Signs on the Warwick-Kenilworth Road, 625 Silencer DetailB, 780 Simms, Mr. F. R. (Presentation), 2.79 Singer 1%-litre Engine, 399 Singer lty-litre Sports Chassis, 399 Singer l^-litre Sports Model, 378 Singer 972 c.c. Engine, 377 Singer Nine Le Mans Speed Model, 128 Singer Radiator, 431 Sin«er Super Nine Saloon: Side, Front and Interior
- View, 376, 377 " Skidding Sidecar." 219
- Skirrow Special f.w.d. Speedway Car, Chassis. 705 Skoda Saloon, 538 Skye, Isle of, 387
- Slade, P. (Singer), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 223 Smith Anti-dazzle Road Lamp, 418 Smith Combined Badge and Flags for the Coronation, 629
- Smith Filter, 297 Smith " Jackall" Jack, 227 Smith, P. H. (M.G.), M.G. Car Club Abingdon Trial, 771, 785
- Smith Road and Foglamp, 67 Sneekapeek, First Published Picture of the, 43 Snow and Flood Scenes, 339 Soldering Diagram. 234 South Circular Road, 249 Southam, 753 Southsea Trial. 465 Southwold Lighithouse, 29 Soutra Highway (A68), 685 Spanner Jaws, Stretched, 234 Speed Limit Demonstration, 370 Speedometer and Clock, Mounting Detailt. 707 Spray for Spraying Chassis, 126 Sprayer, Metal, 811 Spring Leaves, Diagram, 147 Spring Mounting, Trunnion T-—» of, 393 Spring Unbolt Nuts (Details), 413 St. Leonard's Forest, 673 Stadium Bonnet-mounting Flap 157, 416 Standard Car Owners Club Dinner, 279 Standard Radiator, 431 Staniland, C. S. (Alfa-Romeo), Campbell Trophy Race, 770
- Stanway Hall, 16
- Starting Mechanism (Drawings), 806, 807 Steering Track-rod, 408 Stevenson Jack, 226 Stewart, Gordon, 2, 96 Stewart, Mrs. Gwenda, 293 Steyr Saloon, Exterior and Interior, 461 Stillingfleet Church. Doorway of, 808 Stoewer Engine, 460, 461 Stoewer Facia Board, 4-61 Stone (Bogy), 795 Stone, Near Knowle Green, 755
- H (continued).
- Hanson, Robin (Maserati), Coronation Trophy Race, 726
- Harris, D. E. (M.G.), Monte Carlo Rally, 345, 390 Harrocks, 8. M. (M.G.) M.C.C. London-Land's End
- Trial. 603 Harrow Car Club Cottingham Memorial Trophy Trial, 29
- Harrow Car Club Driving Tests, 569 Hartnall, R. W. (8inger), M.C.C. London-Land's End
- Trial, 601 Harvey, Miss B. (Austin), Hagley and D. L.C.C.
- Junior Handicap Trial, 590 Harwood Road, Fulham, 341 Hastings, 504 Hawkes, Mr. Douglas, 293
- Healey, Donald (Triumph), Monte Carlo Rally, 314 Heatera, Interior, 168 Heath, Harold. 248
- Heenan and Froude Dynamometer, 577 Hele-Shaw Streamline Filter, 296 Henly, H. G., 396 Henlys' Service Station, 367 Hereford, The Old House, 684 Hertfordshire, 406 Hester-Baker, Mr. B. R. Hexharn Market Hall, 53 High Bridge, Lincoln, 320 Highland Two-day Trial, 598
- HiU, J. P. (Riley), Highland Two-day Trial, 598 Hillman Cars en Route to British Columbia, 499 Hillman Minx Chassis at the Scottish Mo-tor Show, 7 Hillman Minx Economy Test, 693 Hillman Radiator, 428 Hill-Wood, Sir Samuel (Crystal Palace Road Circuit),
- Cutting the First Sod, 108 Hillman Works, Mew South Wales, 154 H.M.S. " Vindictive " Remains, 321 Holborn Bars, London (Christmas), 153 Holliday, Mr. Hubert, 366 Hoosier Highway, Indiana, 371 Hordern, Mr. Edmund, 28 Hore-Belisha, Mr., 184, 498, 594 Horstman Foot-operated Mechanism, 807 Howe, Earl, 594. 726
- Howe, Earl (K.R.A.), Campbell Trophy Race, 769 Howe, Lord (E.R.A.). Rand Grand Prix 432 HoweH, John, Boils Arlieu to H. F. S. Morgan at
- Leamington (R.A.C. Hastings Rally), 533 H.R.G. l>2-litre, Front, Side and Interior Views, 290, 291
- H.R.G. Radiator, 428 Hub (Front) Details, 810
- Hughes (M.G.), British Empire Trophy Race, 661 Humbie Hill, 795 Humorous: A.A. Signal 299
- Cutting In, 26, 56, 90, 120, 148 182 214, 246, 276, 306, 312, 364, 394' 436 462, 494, 532, 566, 588, 620, 656 688 716. 762, 792, 824 Trial Incident, 265 Trials Drivers Problem, 647 Hunt Direction Indicator, 22 Hurricane Pipe, 101
- Hutchison, K. N. (Ford), Sovithsea Trial, 465 Hydrometer, Syringe Type, 675
- I
- I.A.E. Research Laboratories, 558, 559
- Ignition Diagrams, 74, 266, 267
- Imhof, A. G. (M.G.), Colmore Trophy Trial 474
- Inn Signs 228, 229
- Innes, J. Nv 605
- Innes, W. L. (Riley), Monte Carlo Rally, 314, 345,
- INNS :—
- "Crooked Billet," Iver Heath, 657
- " King's Head, The," Aylesbury, Bucks, 820
- Plough Inn Speen, 802
- " Royal Oak," Winsford. 229 Inter-Varsity Speed Trials, 3, 8, 17, 569, 580 Invicta Surface Carburetter (Sectional), 254 Irish Motor-racing Club Team, 598 Italy: Notice to Travellers, 328
- Jackson, C. O. (Austin), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 540 Jackson, W. L. (Frazer-Nash), Coventry Cup Trial,
- Jagrose Ventilator, 70, 418
- Jarrett, B. W. (1900 Orient Express), R.A.C. Veteran
- Car Run, 3
- J.C.C. Blackdown Scramble, 569, 581 J.C.C. Brooklands Rally, 475, 476, 477 J.C.C. Dinner 59 J.C.C. (S.W. Centre) Trial 720 Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher, 439 Jensen, Alan, 437 Jones, T. H. (Morgan), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 223 .lones, T. H. (Morgan), M.C.C. London-Land's End
- Trial, 602
- Jordans Quaker Meeting Honse, 803 Jowett Engine, 64 Jowett Radiator, 429 .Tucker. P. F., 580
- Keegan, G. B. (Hillman), M.C.C. London-Land's End
- Trial, 601
- Kendrick, A. R. (M.G.), Colmore Trophy Trial, 465 Kenfighill Bridge, 185 Kentish Border C.C. Dinner, 339 Kentish Border C.C. Sporting Trial, Incident*, 85 Kersey, Suffolk, 298
- King, C. R. Y. (Talbot), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 502 Kins Edward VIII, H.M. (Rover Saloon), 31 King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, T.M., 124, 718
- King Pin Details, 410
- King, W. (M.G. Midget). Grass-track Racing, 42
- " King's Head, The," Aylesbury, Bucks, 820
- Kingston By-pass, 401
- Kingston By-pass: White Kerbstones, 367
- Kirkcaldy Trial, The, 759
- K.L.G. Sparking Plugs, 101
- Kop Hill: A« the Rear Seat Passengers See It, 247
- Ladywell Bridge Lewisham, 660
- Laing, J. M. (Riley), J.CC. Blackdown Scramble, 51
- Laird. Henry (Morgan), Wye Valley Trial. 627
- Lake Como, Italy, 263
- Lake Windermere, 740
- Lambert, Mr. J. F. (Plymouth M.C. Dinner), 147
- Lamp Diagram, Earthing Points, 78
- Lamp Diagram, Spring Loaded Contact. 78
- Lamp Dipping Diagram, 243
- Lanchester 11 h.p. Engine Details, 381
- Lanchester Back Axle Filler Cap, 485
- Lanchester Chassis: Lubrication Chart. 455
- ac Crt. 45
- Lanohester Cylinder Head, Plan View, 455 Lanchester Flywheel Timing Details, 454 Lanchester Gearbox Filler Plug Details, 485 l 484
- lg
- Lanchester Oil Filter Details, 484 Lanchester Oil Valve Details, 484 Lanchester Rudiator, 429 Lanchester Valve Spring Compressor, 380 Lanchester Works, 593 Lancia Radiator, 429 Lang Herman, 264
- Langley, A. H. (Singer), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 545 Langlev A. H. (Singer), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial,
- Latimer Village, 242
- Lave, Evelyn, 795
- Ledson, N. L. (Fiat), M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial, 600
- Lee-on-Solent: Seaplane Traffic, 249 Lees. P. (Riley), M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial 601 Legat, P. (Morgan), M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial, 603
- Lemon, R. M. (M.G.) Inter-Varsity Speed Trials, 580 Lemsford Mills, 360
- Letchworth, Dr. (Plymouth M.C. Dinner), 147 Lewes Speed Trials, 796 Leycester Hospital, Warwick. 752 " LIGHT CAB, THE " :—
- Buyers' Guide Cover, 368
- Coronation and Whitsun Number Cover, 692
- Winter Number Cover, 31
- " Light Car, The," R.A.C. Hastings Rally Trophy, 502 LIGHT CARS:—
- Adler, 426
- Alta, 3. 256, 257, 426, 580 783
- Alvis, 9, 605
- Anderson Special, 367
- Anzain G.N., 104
- Aston Martin, 569, 5€1
- Austin 34, 104 238, 239. 273. 284, 426, 441, 475, 540, 543, '569, 602, 604, 641, 678. 679, 727
- Bianchi, 426, 548, 549
- British Salmson, 427
- B.S.A, 128,198, 217, 240, 241, 261, 262, 318, 319, 427, 607, 608, 670, 6il
- Bugatti, 724.
- Century Tricar, 691
- Comet, 427
- Coventry-Victor, 427
- Crossley, 315, 427
- Delaee, 170
- D.K.W., 427, 460
- E.R.A.. 432, 667, 668, 669, 677, 719, 724, 725. 726\ 748, 749, 765, 768, 769. 770
- Fiat 128, 252, 390, 428. 502, 503, 538, 540. 600. 604
- Ford, 3, 104, 224, 428. 569 585, 659, 664, 665, 666, 800, 801
- Framo, 529
- Frazer-Nash, 8, 428, 497 602
- Frazer-Nash-B.M.W., 129 428, 477, 691, 698, 699, 700, 744, 745,'774, 775
- Freikaiserwagen, 704
- G.N., 149
- Hansa, 461 ?"
- Hillman, 7, 154, 315, 347, 428 601, 693, 697
- H.R.G., 290, 428, 5(Jl, 6<k)
- Jowett, 64, 429
- Lanchester, 380, 381, 429 454, 455, 484, 485
- Lancia, 429
- Maserati, 667, 724
- M.G., 8, 9, 34, 42. 44, 45, 85, 104 109, 129, 217, 222, 230, 279, 304, 305, 345 391, 429, 439, 465. 474, 476, 482, 483, 497, 503, 595 603, 604, 645, 661, 668, 669, 720 759, 77l| 785, 788, 789
- Morgan, 5 40, 41. 130, 196, 197, 223, 224. 429, 533, 5^43, 545 602, 6^03 627 655
- Morris, 285, 352, 353, 430
- Neander 221
- Opel, 430, 470, 471, 535, 538, 634 635
- Peugeot, 3
- Rapier, 129, 430
- Renault, 430
- Riley 3, 9, 55^ 217, 430, 446, 447, 448 478 479, 510, 511, 569, 581, 667, 697, 706 726. 761
- Rover, 11 36. 37, 132, 133, 430, 541
- Sargeant Special. 694
- Singer, 474, 501, 527, 541, 545, 603 727
- Skirrow Special, 705
- Skoda, 253, 538
- Standard, 314. 431, 476, 542, 628
- Steyr, 431, 461
- Stoewer, 460
- Talbot 6, 25, 64, 315, 346, 372, 373, 431, 502 543
- Triumph. 431, 423, 778. 779
- W.D. Special, 361. 467
- Wolseley, 89, 225, 431, 439, 545, 627, 776, 777
- Lighting Diagram (Dimming), 299 Lights, Car and Garage, 552 553 Lingfield, 673
- Little Wittenham, 144
- Llangollen, Horse Shoe Pass, 1
- Llangorse Lake, Wales, 375
- Lloyd Radiator, 429
- Loch Fyne, 322
- Lockheed Brake System, Details, 453, 468, 469
- Lodden Bridge. 693
- Lodge Sparking Plugs, 101, 416
- London: " Coronation Area," The, 662, 663
- London (Coronation Route Map), 722, 723
- London (Reference Map), 739
- London Views, 734, 735, 737
- London (Views), Coronation* 721
- Loughborough Timing Apparatus, 156
- Lucas Battery, 72
- Lucas Dipping Headlamp Mechanism, 48
- Lucas Direction Indicator, 23
- Lucas Dual Wiper Conversion, 285, 539
- Lucas Passlight, 67
- Lucas Spare-bulb Holder, 100
- Ludlow Bridge, Salop, 177
- Lurani Count, At Monza, 76
- Luvax-Bijur Cnassijs Lubrication System: Pump TJnii
- and Metering Valves, 132, 133 Lynmouth, 167
- M
- Macdonald, I. M. N. (Wolseley), M.C.C. London-Exeter
- Trial, 225 Macdermid, R. A. (M.G.), North West London M.C.
- London-Gloucester Trial, 109 MacdeTmid, R. A. (M.G.), Roy Fedden Trophy Trial, 3
- Machine Tools at the Morris Works, 546, 547
- Maclean, D. (M.G.), Roy Fedden Trophy Trial, 9
- Maclure, Percy, 669, 726 >
- Maclure, P. (Riley), Coronation Trophy Race, 761 " Magnalite " Inspection Lamp, 417 Magneto Circuit Diagram, 480 Magneto Contact Breaker, 480 Magneto Distributor Setting, 481 Magneto Overhauling Diagrams, 516, 51'7 Maintenance: Front-end Greasing, 211 Manders (M.G.), British Empire Trophy Race, 667 Manifold Joints, 780 Mansfield Bridge, 367 Manzoni, H. J., 193 Mapledurham Mill, 648
- MAPS:—
- Brooklands Campbell Circuit, 729
- " Coronation Area," The (London), 662, 663
- Countryside South of London, The, 773
- Crystal Palace Road Circuit, 108, 702
- Crystal Palace (Sydenham and Districts), 701
- Donington, 652
- Douglas Road Circuit, 155
- Greaves Hall Circuit (Plan), 137 i
- London (Coronation Route), 722, 723
- London (Reference), 739
- M.C.C. London-Edinburgh Trial, Route, 799 «
- M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial, 600
- M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial Route, 194
- M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial Route, 572
- Monte Carlo Rally Routes, 287
- North Orbital Road (Plan), 332
- R.A.C. Hastings Rally Routes, 473
- Routes from London to the Countryside, 731
- Skye, Isle of, 387
- Stratford-on-Avon, 683
- Marble Arch de-froster, 72
- Marathon Dam, The, 87
- Marne Grand Prix, Incident, 187
- Marshall, Miss B. (Anzani-G.N.), North-West London M.C. London-Gloucester Trial, 104
- Marshall, Mis« Barbara (Anzani-G.N.), Vintage Sports C.C. Gloucester Trial, 89
- Mason, R. H. B. (Rover), Inter-Varsity Trial, 17
- Massa Sparking Plug, 417
- Maud Heath's Causeway, 610, 611
- May, C. A. N. (M.G.), Kentish Border C.C. Sporting Trial, 85
- Mays, Raymond, 668
- Mays, Raymond (E.R.A.), British Empire Trophy Race, 668
- Mays, Raymond (E.R.A.) Coronation Trophy Race, 748
- M.C.C. Dinner at the Park Lane Hotel, 309
- M.C.C. London-Edinburgh Trial (Views of the New Hills), 795. 798
- M.C.C. London-Edinburgh Trial Route (Maps), 799
- M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, Incidents, 217, 222, 223, 224, 225, 230
- M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, Route, 194
- M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial, 600, 601, 602, 603, 623, 645
- M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial Route (Map), 572, 600
- McLaren, D. (Singer), Caledonian M.C. Trial, 527
- McOstrich, Miss P., 605
- Meikle, T. W. (Frazer-Nash), Bo'neg* Hill-climb, 796
- Mercedes Grand Prix Chassis, 136
- Metal: Extruded Sections (Diagram), 707
- Metal Spinning, Diagrams, 637
- Metal Sprayer, 811
- M.G. 1,292 Engine, 45
- M.G. (" Armis ") Engine, 483
- M.G. " Armis "' (Musketeer) Model, 482
- M.G. Car Club Abingdon Trial, 771, 785
- M.G. Car Club Dinner, 59
- M.G. Chiltern Trial, Incidents 279, 304, 305
- M.G. Midget (T Series), Side, Front, Facia Board and Control Layout, 44, 45, 129
- M.G. Radiator, 429
- M.G. Scottish Centre Club Dinner, 119
- Micrometer, 266
- Mi ddleham Cross, Yorks, 134
- Middlemore Fume Extractor, 417
- Milburn, A. J. (M.G.'), Chilterns Trial, 304
- Milestone at Oartmel, Ancient, 3
- Miller, C. C. D. (M.G.), Inter-Varsity Speed Trials, 580
- MilleT, W. E. P. (Ford), Monte Carlo Rally, 345
- Milton's Cottage,, Chalfont St. Giles, 803
- MiTror Arrangement for Facilitating Emergence from Blind Exits, 361
- Caledonian M.C. Trial, 497 Campbell, Sir Malcolm, 594, 788 Campbell Trophy Race, 768, 769, 770, 788, 789 Campbell Trophy Race, Incidents, Drawing by Raymond Groves, 765 Camshaft Drive Details, 408 Car (Baby), An Artist's Impression, 641 Car (Baby), Dimensions, 642 Car Cleaning, 458 Car (Model) Made to Measure, 576 Car: Winter Wrinkles, 69 Caracciola, Rudolf, 264 Caravan Campi.ig, 719, 740, 741, 742 Caravan: "Covered Wagon," 253 Cardaflex Universal Joint, 289
- Oarr, Frank (M.G.), Accident at Brooklands, 595 Cartoonist's Impression of the British Car Exhibits
- at the New York Motor Show, 117 Carver, J. C. (Ford), Inter-Varsity Trial, 3 Castle Acre, 259
- Castle Coombe Bridge, Wilts, 176 Castrol Oilcan, 71 Cathode Ray Oscillograph, 577
- Cattell. Mrs. C. H. F. (Plymouth M.C. Dinner) 147 Cawood Castle, 809
- Celamel Dabiton Retouching Outfit, 41-6, 500 Oentrallograph. Recorder, 756 Chapel St. Leonards, Lincolnshire, -741 Charnwood Forest (Views), 712, 713 Charter Radiator Muff, 70 Chassis of a Baby Car on Simple Lines, 640 Chelsea Bridge, London, 465, 797 Chemico Car Polishing Set, 72 Chemico Spray Gun, 539 Chepstow Castle, 39 Children Playing, 761 Christmas—Old Style, 149 Chula, Prince, 788
- Clark, P. C. T. (Alvis), Great West M.C. London-Bournemouth Trial, 696 Clayson Battery Terminal Oiler, 157 Clough, J. (Riley), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 217 Clough, J. (Riley), Sunbac Inter-team Trial, 727 Clough, J. F. A. (Riley), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 545 Club Motoring, 522, 523 Clupet Piston Ring, 416 Clutch Action, Diagram, 245
- Cobb, John (Napier-Railton), B.A.R.C. Easter Meeting. 609
- Col des Roches Tunnel, 161 Collier Service Station at Shelden, Birmingham, 279
- Collins, Mr. J., 659 Colmore Trophy Trial, 465, 474, 475 Comet Radiator, 427
- Connell, I. F. (E.R.A.), Campbell Trophy Race, 789 Connell (E.R.A.), Coronation Trophy Race, 725, 726 Constantine, B. S. (Bugatti), Bo'ness Hill-climb,, 823 Corlway Castle* 550 Cock, Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey, 668 Cook. R. (Alvis), Roy Fedden Trophy Trial, 9 Cooling, Thermo-siphon, 235 Cope, E. F. (B.S.A.), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 217
- Cormack, A. J. (Alta), Bo'ness Hill-climb, 796 Coronation Grandstands in Parliament Square, London, 437
- Coronation Programme Cover, 369 Coronation Route (Comprehensive Drawing), 734, 735 Coronation Trophy Race. 724, 725, 726, 748, 749, 761
- Coronation Trophy Race (Artist's Impressions), 719 Costerton Hill, 795, 798 Cotton, Billy, 605 Cotton, Billy (Riley), British Empire Trophy Rape, 667
- Cotton, Mrs. J. (Hillman), Monte Carlo Rally, 315 Coventry By-pass 599 Coventry Cup Trial, 497, 503 Coventry-Victor Radiator, 427 Couquet Valley, near Rotbbury, 52 " Covered Wagon " Caravan, 253 Cracknore Hard, 567 Cradley Village, 272 Cranbrook Windmill, 13
- Crane, F. N. (M.O.), J.C.C. Brooklands Rally, 476 Crawford, H. K. (M.G.), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial. 217 Crawford, H. K. (M.G.), M.G. Car Club Abingdon
- Trial, 771 Crawley, 2Q6 Crossing. Coloured, 277 Crossing: Safety for School Children, 279 Crossley Radiator, 427 Crowcombe, 578
- Crystal Palace, The, 60, 84, 191 Crystal Palace Circuit, 702, 703 Crystal Palace Circuit (Map), 702 Crystal Palace Coronation Trophy Race, 724, 725, 726, 748, 749, 761
- Crystal Palace Coronation Trophy Race (Artist's Impressions), 719
- Crystal Palace (Sydenham and Districts), Map, 701 Crystal Palace Road Circuit, 292, 433. 526 Crystal Palace Road Circuit (Cutting the First Sod), 108
- Crystal Palace Road Circuit (Map), 108 Cunane, T. L. (M.G.), Edinburgh and D. M.C. Half-day Trial, 691 Curtis. A. E. S. (H.R.G.), J.C.C. Blackdown Scramble, 569 Curtis. A. E. S. (H.R.G.), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 501
- Cutter Tool, 326
- Cutting In (Humorous), 26, 56, 90, 120, 148, 182, 214, 246, 276, 306, 336, 364, 394, 436. 462, 494, 532, 566, 592, 624, 656, 688, 716". 762, 792, 824
- Cylinder Head (Coppei'-plated) Diagrams and Drawings, 804, 805
- Cylinder Head, Details, 410
- Cylinder Head, DiagTam (Flame Propagation), 15
- Cylinder Honing, 747 ,
- Cylinder, Piston and Ring Diagrams, 636 /
- Darken, D. F. (Morgan), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 224 Davis, C. M. (M.G.), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 222
- Davit, Mrs. S. H. (Essex Ford O.C. Dinner), 535 Davison, Mr. Wm. (W. D. Special), 467 Debenham, A. T. K. (Singer), Harrow Car Club Trial,
- Debenham, A. T. K. (Singer), Sunbeam Car Trial, 313
- Delius, Ernst von, at Speed on the Avus Track, 705
- Denny, E. A. (Riley), Monte Carlo Rally, 390
- Dent, D. M. (Frazer-Nash), B.A.R.C. Easter Meeting, 604
- Denyer, A. L. S. (Lea-Francis), Vintage Car Club Joint Trial, 697
- Die-casting Details, 481
- Direction Indicator Wiring Layout, 531
- Distributor Details, 409
- Dixon, F. W., 599
- Dixon, F. W., with His Daughter and Racing Trophies, 555
- D.K.W. 1-litre Two stroke Chassis, 460
- D.K.W; Front Suspension Details, 460
- D.K.W. Radiator, 427
- D.K.W. Saloon, 460
- Dobson, A. (E.R.A.), British Empire Trophy Race, 667
- Dobson, A. (Maserati), British Empire Trophy Race, 661
- Dobson, A. C. (E.R.A.), Campbell Trophy Race, 789
- Dobson Arthur 726
- Dobson, Arthur (E.R.A.), Coronation Trophy Race 724, 748
- Dobson, Austin, at the Wheel of His Alfa-Romeo, 583
- Dodson, Charles (Riley), at Speed, 200
- Donington (Map). 652
- Donington Circuit, 537
- Donington Hall, 627
- Door Lock and Hinge, Details, 746, 747
- Doubs River at Villers-le-lac 160
- Douglas, Queen's Promenade, 61
- Douglas Road Circuit (Plan), 155
- Downs, Petersfield-Winchester, 206
- Drayton St. Leonards, 144
- Dreyfus, R. (Delahaye), British Empire Trophy Race, 667
- Driving: How's Your Car for " See-outability " ? 525 Driving: The Slip-streamer. 173 Dunlop " 90 " Tyre, 72, 418 Dunlop Minor Foot Tyre Pump, 101 D.W.S. Jacks, 226, 227 Dyer, L. F.. 58
- Eadon, A. F. (Singer), Sunbac Vesey Cup Trial, 55
- Earl's Court Exhibition, 535
- Earl's Court: The Old an I the New, 93
- East Anglia, Views, 106, 107
- East Garston, 144
- Eccles (Bugatti), B.R.D.T British Empire Trophy Race, 633
- Eccles, Roy, 605
- Edinburgh and D. M.C. Half-day Trial, 691
- Edmondson, R. (Essex Ford O.C. Dinner), 535
- Edwards, Harry, 325
- Edwards, H. N. (Crystal Palace Road Circuit), 108
- Edwards, J. R. (M.G.), North-West London M.C. London-Gloucester Trial, 104
- Elan Reservoirs, 38, 776
- Electro-plating, Diagram, 675
- Elgin Cathedral, 322
- Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. (C.S.M.A.). 88
- Ely Cathedral, 258
- Emery, Mr. H. M., 308
- Empson, K. (Singer), North-West London M.C. London-Gloucester Trial, 104
- Enfleld Motor Club Dinner, 117
- Engadine Mountains, Switzerland, 263
- Engine: Auto-extraction, Diagram, 203
- Engine and Sump Filter, Diagram, 75
- Engine Balance, Diagram, 413
- Engine: Big-end Diagram, 74
- Engine: Crankcase Breather, 208
- Engine: Filling, Diagram, 169
- Engine: Hot-spotting, Diagram, 111
- Engine Mounting (Floating Power), 385
- Engine: Raising Compression, Diagrams, 435
- Engine: Splash-feed Layout, 208
- Engine Temperatures: Diagrams, 14
- Engines, 1-litre and 4V2-litre, 209
- Engjebert " A.D. " Tyre, 72
- " Engravex " Engraver. 157
- Enots Easiject Oilcan, 71
- Enots Hyject Water Pump, 655
- Enots Monza Quick-acting Filler Cap, 416
- Enots Ventacar. 70
- E.R.A Suspension, Details, 677
- Esccm House, Johannesburg, 397
- Esstx Technical College. Test Shop, 35
- Esson-Scott A (Bugatti), Coronation Trophy Race. 719, 725
- Ethelbert's Gate. Norwich, 650
- Ever-Ready Torches, 67
- Eversure Telescopic Rear-view Mirror, 416
- Exide " Double Life " Battery, 63, 73, 416
- Eyston, G. E. T., 92
- Eyston G E. T. (Crystal Palace Road Circuit), Cutting the First Sod, 108
- Fabram Cushions, 100
- Fagioli, Luigi, 813
- Fairfleld, P. G., 355, 726
- Fairfield, P. G. (E.R.A.), Coronation Trophy Race, 724, 726, 748
- Fairhurst, H. (Peugeot), R.A.C. Veteran Car Run. 3 Fairley, Mr. David, At the Scottish Motor Show, 7
- Feilding, Viscount (Crystal Palace Road Circuit), Cutting the First Sod, 108
- Fernihough, Eric, 647
- Ferodo Brake Efficiency Meter, 418
- Fiat " 500 " saloon, 538
- Fiat Balilla Two-seater Model. 128
- Fiat Radiator, 428
- Filling Station, 46 .
- Filter Fitting Diagram, 297
- Finedon, " Panorama Cottage," 814
- Fingle Bridge, Dartmoor, 185
- Fleming, R. C. '(Alfa-Romeo), Campbell Trophy Race, 1 769, 789
- Flint Knapper at Work, 258
- Flood and Snow Scenes, 339
- Flood Scenes, 307, 691 ? Flooded Roads, Hints. 379
- Floor (Oar) Tip, 357
- Flower, P. S. (M.G.), Roy Fedden Trophy Trial, 9
- Follett, Charles (Alvis), B.A.R.C. Easter Meeting, 605
- Ford Cinema, 95
- Ford, Henry, 192
- Ford Radiator 428
- Ford Tea Engine, 801
- Ford Ten Four-door Saloon. Side and Interior Views. 659, 665
- Ford Tea Four-door Saloon (Sectional Drawing). 664
- Ford Ten Saloon. The New, Side, Rear and Interior Views, 800, 801
- Ford Ten Tourer, 666
- Forging Details, 517
- Fosse Way. 520, 521
- Fotheringharn-Parker, P. (Century Tricar). R.A.C. Veteran Oar Run, 25
- Fotheringham-Parker (Century Tricar), Veteran Car
- Club Rally and Hill-climb, 691 Fountains Hotel, Fenny Stratford. 585 Framo Rear-engined Car. 529 Frazer-N&sh-B.M.W. Brake Gear Details. 775 Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. Chassis Layout, 698 699 Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. Cylinder Head (Sectional). 774 Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. Engine, 450 574 Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. Engine: Hot-spot Details 774 Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. Engine (Sectional), 745 Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. Independent Front Suspension
- Details, 700
- Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. Piston Details, 744 Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. Radiator, 428 Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. Saloon, Side, Interior and Rear
- View, 574, 575
- Frazer Nash-B.M.W. Steering Gear Details, 775 Frazer-Nash Radiator, 428 Frazer-Nash " Shelsley " Engine 450 Frazer-Nash Shelsley Model, 129 Freikaiserwagen, The, 704 Frithden Copse, 818 Fuel: Mixture Distribution, 79 Fursdon, B. W. (Wolseley), R.A.C. Hastings Rally
- Gachon Gear Details (Magnetic Starting Clutch) 807
- Galloway Mull, 708 Gamage Paralax Lamp, 67, 416 Gamage Reversing Light. 73 Garage Storage Space, 181 Garage " Warning eDivce," 123
- Gastonides (Hillman), Monte Carlo Rally, 347, 390 Gear Ratio Diagram. 267 G.E.C. " Little Wonder " Electric Brush. 157 German Stock Car Trial Incidents, 383 Ghost: Who's There? 164
- Gibbon, H. E. (Rover), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 543 Girling Brake Details, 510 Glegg, Gordon, 647 Goodacre, C. L. (Austin), Sunbac Inter-team Trial 727 Goodall G. H. (Morgan). R.A.C. Hastings Rally,
- Goodall, W. A. (Wolseley), Plymouth M.C. Inter-team Trial, 627
- Goold, Mrs. (Cartoon by "App."), 568
- Gordon, Mrs. (Fiat), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 502
- Grafton Ventiscreen, 70
- Grant, A. B. (Triumph), Monte Carlo Rally. 347, 391
- Grease Guns, 127
- Great North Road, 309
- Gre'at West M.C. London-Bournemouth Trial, 691, 696
- Great West Road Junction, 98
- Greaves Hall Circuit (Plan), 137
- Green, W. J. (M.G.), Chiltern Trial, 279
- Green, W. J. (M.G.), Sunbac Vesey Cup Trial, 34
- Grimshaw, T. E. (Crossley), Monte Carlo Rally 315
- Groombridge, Kent, 386
- Grose Fog Lamp, 67
- Grose Lean-to Tent, 742
- Guinness, Kenelm Lee, 663
- Guinness, Lady Algennon, 626
- Gummenan Bridge, Switzerland, 160
- Gyros Carburetter (Sectional), 63
- H
- Hadley (Austin), British Empire Trophy Race, 667 Haesendonrk, E. J. (M.G.). M.G. Car Club Abingdon
- Trial, 771
- Hagley and D. L.C.C. Junior Handicap Trial, 590 Haldon Memorial Tower. 784 Halford Electric Radiator Heater, 71 Halford Village. 445
- Hall, P. O. (M.G.), Inter-Varsity Trial, 8 Hampden House, 753
- Hansa 1^-litre Streamline Saloon, 461 Hanson, Robin, 726 Hanson (Maserati), Br.t:s!i Empire Trophy Race, 667, 677
- viii.
- V (continued).
- Vergophrage: Bolt, 626. Wing, 658. Horn, 690.
- Spring, 718. Mirror, 764. Lever, 794 Veteran Car Club Rally and Hill-clirbb Report and
- Regults, 697, 715 Vibration, Damping, 819
- Vickers-Armgtrong-Whitworth M.C.: 686, 822 Victor Oil Engine, 284 Vintage Sports CO., 325, 335, 435, 622 Vintage Sports C.C. Joint Trial, Report and Results, 696, 715 Vintage Sports Car Club Gloucester Trial, Report
- and Results, 89 Visibility: Blind Space, 525 Visibility: It's Coming, 445 Voltours M.C., 146, 180, 245, 305 Vosges Circuit Race, 555
- w
- Wakefield and Co., Ltd., C. C., 629
- Walker, Graham: Anachronism, 521
- W.A.S.A., 567, 590
- W.A.S.A. " Maid ol Kent " Trial, Report and Results, 715
- W.A.S.A. New Premises, 338, 354 W.A.S.A. Speed Trials, 799 Waterloo Mementos, 814 W.D. Special, The, 440, 467 Waddy, R. A., 265, 293 Wadsworth: Trailer Equipment, 289 Wakefield Co.. 278 Wakefield: Oil from the Pump, 369 Wales, 445
- Wales Sporting C.C., North, 245 Walker, Graham W., 91
- Wandering on Wye, Article by " Marmaduke," 38 Wandering: Simpler Things, 323 Ware, E. B., 248
- Waring Garage Heater 218, 366
- Warlingham and Caterham Ratepayers' Association, 247
- Washers, Filing Thin, 138
- Waterloo Bridge, 660 , , „„,_
- We Shall Remember '36 (Racing), Article by The
- Blower," 170, 200 Weather: Snow, 340 Weathershields New Opening Head, 596 Weight Means Waste, 620 Welding, Oxy-acetylene, 781 Welding, Resistance (What It Means), 553 Welsh Rally (1937), 18, 705 West Bromwich M.C. and C.C., 275 West Hants and Dorchester C.C. Hartwell Cup, Report
- and Results, 531 West Hants and Dorset C.C., 452 West Hants L.C.C., 54, 147, 435, 451 ' West of England M.C., 622, 687, 823 West of England M.C. Knill Cup Trial, Report and
- Results, 453 West of England M.C. Novice Trial, Report and
- Results, 715 Westminster Abbey, 796 Westway, Shepherd's Bush, 247, 285, 310, 341, 371, 396
- Wetherby Speed Trials, 823 What It Means: 15, 49, 79, 111, 138, 169, 203, 235, 267, 297, 327, 385, 413, 481, 517, 553, 613, 637, 675, 707, 747, 781, 811 Wheel Changing HintB. 356 Wheel Nuts, Check, 650 Whitsun, Longer, 730 Whitsun Traffic, 796 Whitsuntide, 793
- Who's There? Article by Robert Reade, 164 Whys and Wherefores of County Names, The, Article
- by Peter Thompson, 316 Wilkes, S. B., 216 Wilkinson, James R., 437 Wimille, J. P., 646
- Wimille Wins Bugatti Prize, 704
- Window? Light or, 82
- Windscreen Position, 773
- Windscreen Washing. 303, 489
- Windscreen: When the Screenwiper Won't! 202
- Windscreens: Frozen Screens, 374
- Wingard Flexible Pipe Connection, 157
- Winter Motoring, 57
- Winter Sports by Car, To the (Switzerland), 160
- Wireless, 8e« Radio.
- Wirral Hundred" M.C.C., 790
- Wisdom, Mr. and Mrs., 690
- Wolgeley Models, 431
- Wolseley Motors, Ltd.. 248
- Wolgeley: Screen Position, 773
- Wolgeley Service, 767
- Wolseley, Three Men in a, 776
- Wood, G. Bernhard Article by: Blagroves: Th«
- Refuge of the Princes' Murderer, 560 Wye Cup TTial, Report and Results, 453 Wye Valley A.C. Dinner, 119
- Wye, Wandering on. Article by " Marmaduke," 38 Wylie, Capt. John H., 92
- Year Reviewed, The Past, 190
- York, Lovely Villages of the Plain of, Article by
- Sydney Moorhouse, 808 York M.C., 564 York-Scarborough Road, 628 Yorkshire Federation of Women's Clubs, 30 Yorkshire Sports CO., 759 You Must Not— (Law), 411 Young, H. Clayton, 658 Young, Major, 57 Young, Miss Winifred. 338
- Zehender, 264
- A.A. Patrol Guides a Fog-bound Motorist, 32
- A.A. Place-name Sign, 397
- A.A. Signal (Humorous), 299
- Abinger Hammer, Surrey, The Hammer-roan at, 303
- A.C. Petrol Pump, Method of Attaching the Operating Wire, 384
- Accidents: Graph (1935-1936), 189
- Ace Illuminated Number Plate, 418
- Ackerman Steering Diagram, 297
- Adler Radiator, 426
- African Journey by Austin, Incidents, 238, 239
- Air Raid Mobile Volunteer, 795
- Aitken, Hon. P. (Maserati), Campbell Trophy Race 770
- " Ajap-Autowash " Glove, 653
- Aldbury Stocks, 302
- Alexandria-Cairo Road, 309
- Allard, S. H. (Ford), Sunbeam Car Trial, 313
- Allen, G. W. (Riley), Vintage Car Club Joint Trial 697
- Allen, Major G. W. G. (Foster Wagon), Veteran Car Club Rally and Hill-climb, 697
- Allen, Miss Margaret. 439
- A1U Racing Model, 783
- Alta Racing Model (Sectional), 256, 257
- Alt* Radiator, 426
- Amphibiomobile. 583
- Anderson, J. (Anderson Sp!.), Scottish Sporting C.C. Trial, 367
- Andrews, R. M. (M.G.), Great West M.C. London-Bournemouth Trial, 696
- Andrews, Y. F. (Fiat), Coventry Cup Trial, 503
- Angela Caravan, 743
- " Anglican Cross " at Bewcastle, 814
- Antony, C. M. (Aston Martin), J.C.C. Blackdown Scramble, 581
- Appleby, T. G. W. (Talbot), Monte Carlo Rally, 315, 346
- Appleton (Appleton Riley), Coronation Trophy Race,
- " Arethusa " Training Ship, 793
- Army Vocational Training Centre, 249
- Ashridge, Herts, 140
- Ashridge House, 819
- Aston Hill, 506, 507
- Atalanta Sports Model, 627
- Austin Articulated Outfit, 185
- Austin Cambridge Saloon, Side, Rear and Interior
- Views, 678, 679 Austin, Lord and Lady, 192 Austin Radiator, 426 Austin Seven 1930 Model, 641 Austin Seven Cabriolet, Views. 284 Austin Seven (Greasing Diagram), 273 Austin Ten Engine, 679 Austin Works, 757 Auto-extraction Diagram, 203 Avon River at Oleve Prior, 528 Axbridge, Somerset, 121 Axle, Floating (Sectional), 363
- B
- Baker-Carr (Bentley), B.A.R.C. Easter Meetine 605 B.A.R.C. 1937 Badge and Brooch, 325 B.A.R.C. Easter Meeting, 595, 604, 605, 609 Barimar Welding Repair, 73
- Barker, J. (Ford), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 224 Barker, J. (Ford), North-West London M.C. London-Gloucester Trial, 104
- Barker, K. (Essex Ford O.C. Dinner), 535
- Barnes, F. S. (Singer), Monte Carlo Rally, 286, 344, 391
- Barnes, F. S. (Singer), Sunbac Inter-team Trial, 727
- Barnes, F. 8. and J. D. (Singer), M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 225
- Barnes, J. D. (Singer), Colmore Trophy Trial, 474
- Barnes, J. D. (Singer), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 545
- Barnes, Stanley (Singer), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 501, 541, 545
- Barnet By-paw, 659
- Battersea Park Lake, 158, 159
- Battery Charging and Lighting Circuit Diagram, 674
- Battle Abbey, 505
- Baumer, Walter (Mercedes G.P.), at Monza Track, 188
- Baycliff Radiator Muffs, 70
- Beacon Illuminated at Jesmond, 215
- Beauchamp, " Smiler," R.A.C. Guide, 289
- Bedrufchan Steps, 620
- Beehard, Emile, with the Beehard Turbine-type Engine, 631
- Beeton, J. H. (Riley), Roy Fedden Trophy Trial, 9
- Begue, Le (Delahaye), Monte Carlo Rally, 347, 391
- Beflbro Wrench, 653
- Bench, Workshop, 234
- Bendix Hand-brake Control, 417
- Benge, E. G. (M.G.). M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial, 645
- Benington Village, 407
- Benjafield Dr. J. D., 325
- Bennett, Sir Noel and Lady Curtis, 88
- BenVat Car Heater, 168, 418
- Berlin Motor Show, The, 439, 441
- Bersey, F. T., 150
- Berthron, Peter, 726
- B.H.B. Piston Ring, 417
- Bianchi 1,452 c.c. Engine, 548, 549
- Bianchi Radiator, 426
- Bianchi S.9 Viaregeio Saloon (Viewg), 548, 549
- Big-end Diagram, 74
- " Bira B." 171, 325
- Bira, B. (Materati), Campbell Trophy Race, 769, 788
- Birmingham, Hall of Memory, 30
- Blagroves, 560
- Bluecol Anti-freeze, 71
- Bluehills (Views), 466
- Bluemel Campbell Spring-arm Steering Wheel, 416
- Bo'ness Hill-climb, 823
- Bo'ness Hill-climb (Plan), 812
- Books, Motoring, 94
- Borough Bridge, Somerset, 465
- Boxford Village, 27
- Boy Scouts and Their Two-cylinder Jowett, 499
- Bracey, N. E. (M.G.), Coventry Cup Trial, 503
- Bracey, N. E. (M.G.), J.C.C. Blackdown Scramble, 581
- Bracey, N. E. (Standard), R.A.C. Hasting* Rally, 542
- Braokenbury, C. (Alfa-Romeo), British Empire TTOphy Race, 669
- Braokenbury, C. (Maserati), Coronation Trophy Race, 725, 726
- Bradford-on-Avon Bridge, 177
- Brake Details, 275, 408, 810
- Brake Drum Details 55
- Bray Electric Engine Heater 71
- B.R.D.C. British Empire Trophy Race, 659, 661, 667, 668, 669, 676
- B.R.D.C. British Empire Trophy Race (1936), 633
- Brecknock, Lord, 216
- Brenchley Village, 13
- Bres*ey, Sir Charles, 496
- Brettell (Austin), B.A.R.C. Easter Meeting, 604
- Brexton Picnic Set, 416
- Breyer, Jan, At the Wheel of " Salome," 122
- Bridge End, Warwick, 210
- Bridge, Hump-backed (Deceptive), 82
- Bridges, Britain's Beautiful, 176, 177
- Brierley, P. R. (Standard), J.C.C. Brooklands Rally, 476 '
- Brighton and Hove M.C. Dinner, 59 Brighton and Hove M.C. Spring Cup Trial, 569 Brighton-Newhaven Coast Road, .251 Bristol: Cash on the Nail, 151 British Salmson Radiator, 426 Broadway, Worcs, 86
- Brookland* Campbell Circuit, 695, 728, 729 Brookland* Campbell Circuit (Map), 729 Brooklands Easter Meeting, 595, 604, 605, 609 Brooklands Road Circuit, 152, 498 Brooklands Track, 324, 573 Brooklands Track: Campbell Trophy Race (From the
- Air), 789
- Brooklands Track Under Repair, 5 Brooks Foot-muff, 71 Brooks Radiator Muff, 70 Broomfield, T. (Rilgy), Riley Club Trial, 439 Broomhall, C. A. B. (Fiat), R.A.C. Hastings Rally, 540
- Brown, I. G. (M.G.), Kirkoaldy Trial, 759 Brush, Wire, 126
- Brussels Motor Show, 249, 252, 253 Brussels: Palais du Cinquantenaire, 252 B.S.A. Clutch Details, 241 B.S.A. Engine Details, 199 B.S.A. Radiator, 427
- B.S.A. Scout Back Axle (Sectional), 671 • B.S.A. Scout Chassis, The, 606, 607 B.S.A. Scout Chassis- (Plan View), 260 B.S.A. Scout, Clutch Details, 639 B.S.A. Scout Crankshaft, 608 B.S.A. Scout Drain Plug of Cooling System and Water
- Connection, 319
- B.S.A. Scout Engine, Fan Details, 638,,., B.S.A. Stout Engine (Sectional), 608 '" B.S.A. Scout, Front Brake Layout, 240 B.S.A. Scout, Front Wheel Bearing (Lubricator), 261 B.S.A. Scout: "Front-end" Details, 241 B.S.A. Scout Jacking Detail, 319 B.S.A. Scout Oil Filler, 639 B.S.A. Scout Open Four-seater Model, 128 B.S.A. Scout Shock Absorber Details, 319 B.S.A. Scout Steering Box and Column Details, 261, 670
- B.S.A. Scout, Springs Layout, 670 B.S.A. Scout Universal Joints, 670 Buckden Towers, 614 Buckland, Sir Henry (Crystal Palace Road Circuit),
- Cutting the First Sod, 108
- Buckley, C. D. (Austin), Colmore Trophy Trial, 474 Buckley, C. D. (Austin). M.C.C. London-Land's End
- Trial, 602 Buckley, C. D. (Austin), North-West London M.C.
- London-Gloucester Trial, 104
- Buckley, K. (Riley), Inter-Varsity Speed Trials, 569 Bulb, Types of Headlamp, 48 Burgess Screwdriver, 416 Burman-Douglas Steering Wheel Details, 133 Burraton Reservoir, 414
- Burt, H. T. (Triumph), J.C.C. Brookland* Rally, 475 Burt, H. F. (Triumph), M.C.C. London-Land's End
- Trial, 623
- But-Less London. A, 766, 767 Buttertubs Pass, 134
- S (continued).
- See the High Spots this Easter, Article by Robin
- Hood, 50Q Segrave Biography. 17
- Segrave Trophy, The, 340
- Selo Film Exhibition, 763
- Service: Thank You, 621
- Severn Bridge, 30, 628
- " Shacklepin ": Praotioal Aspects by, 14, 48, 78, 110, 138, 168 202, 234, 266, 296, 326, 384, 412, 440. 480, 516, 552, 612, 636, 674, 706, 746, 780
- Shakespeare's Birthday, 660
- Shakespeare's Hometown, 682
- Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C., 180, 212, 334
- Sheffield C.C., 564
- Shell: Five-day Week, 280
- Shell Oil New«, 495
- Shelsley Walsh Hill-climb, 308, 450, 582, 647., 676, 813
- Shelsley Walsh Hill-climb Timing, 582
- Ship: New I.o.W. Ferry, 695
- " Sifflex " Whistling Pump-connection, 157
- Sign: Frosty Roads, 284
- Sign: "Halt Major Road Ahead," 186
- Sign: Halt Means Stop, 2
- Sign: Horse and Pony Club, 340
- Signal: Amber Light, 396
- Signal for Pedestrians, 27
- Signal! Here's a New, 125
- " Signal-lazy," 30
- Signal: Stoplight (Oui Bono?), 444
- Signal, The Ubiquitous Traffic, 118
- Signals, Fire Brigade Headquarters Traffic. 568
- Signals: "Lesson of the Lights, The," 312
- Signals: Make Your Intentions Clear, 22
- Signals: The Lesson ol the Lights, 270
- Signals: Traffic Lights, 154, 570
- Signals: Traffic Lights at Blackfriars, 570
- Signals: Traffic Lights at Cross Roads, 4
- Signals (Traffic), Piccadilly Circus, 310
- Signposts, Inadequate, Article by Francis Jones, 561
- Signs, " Stop," 694
- Signs: Traffic Lights, 594
- " Silence Zone," Bath's, 341
- Silencing Power Roar, 112
- Simms, Mr. F. R., 278
- Simon Trophy Trial, Report and Results, 147
- Singer, A New iy2-litre, 378
- Singer M.C.C.. 54, 334, 687
- Singer Models, 431
- Singer Motors, Ltd., 796
- Singer, New iy,-litre, 310
- Singer Super Nine Saloon, The (Road" Test), 376
- Skating, Roller, 216 Sleights Viaduct, 250, 311
- Smith Coronation Decorations, 629
- Smith, Major R. A. B.. 308
- S.MvM. and T.: Annual Report, 767
- S.M.M. and T.: Officers for 1937-8 Season, 767
- S.M.M.T. Detailed Specifications, 599
- S.M.M.T. Players, 499, 793
- Sobriety, Test of, 53
- Soltan, B. A., Article by: " African Journey by
- Austin," 238
- Somerset, Lesser-known, 578 South Africa: Rand Grand Prix, Report and Results, 354
- South African Grand Prix, 152, 155 South African Grand Prix, Report and Results, 231 South African Road Races, 18, 42 Southampton C.C. Trial, 759 Southern Counties Trial. Report and Results, 714, 715
- Southport M.R.C., 759 Southport Meetings, 526, 622, 799 Southport: Safety Measures, 250 . Southsea M.C. Trial, 275, 434, 492 Soviet Russia: Cars As Rewards 441 Spanner for Tappet Adjustment, How to Make a
- Double-jaw, 138
- Specifications and Prices of Light Cars, 426—431 Speed: Automatic Restriction, 27 Speed Limit: 20 m.p.h. Limit Request, 96 Speed Limit at Abercarn, 186 Speed Limit: Derestriction. 154, 369, 720 Speed Limit: Enforced Derestriction, 154 Speed Limit: Over-riding Order, 310 Speed Limit: Reward of Virtue, 13 Speed Limit: Road News, 97 Speed Limit: Threat to Arterial Roads, 97 Speed Limits (Australia), 661 Speed: Mean and Maximum, 83 Speed Record Curiosities, Some, 130 Speed: Thus Do We Progress! 764 Speed Warning:'" Electric Eye," 280 Sport, Motor, 593 Sporting Light Cars of 1937. M.P.H. For Sale,
- Article by " The Blower," 128 Sporting O.D.C., 275, 822 Sports by Car, To the Winter, 160 Sports Car, Lure of the, Article by " The Blower," 512
- Sports Jottings: By "The Blower," 18, 42, 76 108 136, 230, 264, 292, 324, 354 382 432 450, 526, 582, 609, 646, 676, 704" 748, 782, 812
- Springbok Trophy Race, 677 SS Car Club, 212, 435, 492 SS Club Chiltern Trial, Results, 590 SS D.onington Meeting, 354 Stadium Bonnet Mounting Flag, 156 Stafford Clarke Cup, Report and Results,, 686 Standard: Brown Black, 302 Standard C.O.C., 146, 212, 305, 335, 393 454, 452, 493, 564, 590, 714, 758. 791 Standard Models, 431 Standard Motor Co., Ltd., 628 Standard Nine Gearbox, 464 Standard: Owner-contact, 444 Standard: Performance, 232 Standard Price Revision, 721 Starter? Remember the Kick, 806 Starting: Elementary Advice, 64 Starting from Cold, 80 Starting Hints, Winter, 174
- Statistics: Deaths, 338
- Law-breakers, 1936, 370
- Motor Vehicles, 220
- Taxation Receipts, 283 Steel Story, 689
- Steering, Ackerman (What It.Means), 297 Stewart, Gordon, 2, 91, 720 Stewart, Mrs. G. M.: Gold Medal, 109 Stewart, Mrs. G. M., Married, 280 Steyr Models, 431 Stockton-Haverton Road, 628 Stockport M.C., 24, 55, 304, 434, 686, 822 Stolen Cars, 797 Stone, A Mysterious, 755 " Stop-it Freezing " Anti-Freeze Test, 63 Stoplight: Cui Bono? 444 Story: Not So Lucky, 375
- Suicide? 375
- Strike, " No-licence," 689 Stuck, Hans, 109 Summer Time, 218, 628
- Sunbeam Car Trial, Report and Results, 313 Sunbac, 24
- Sunbac Dinner,' 248, 2?4
- Sunbac Inter-team Trial, Report and Results, 727 Sunbac Team Trial, 705
- Sunbac Vesey Cup Trial, Report and Hesults, 34, 55 Sunbeam Car Trial, 363 Sunbeam M.C., 244
- Supercharging for'Acceleration (Marshall), 99 Suspension: Good Springs, 232 Sutton Coldfield and N.B.A.C, 3 80 Swansea: Road Widening, 398 Switzerland: To the Winter Sports by Car, 160 Syston Circuit, 583
- Talbot, O.C., 392 Talbot Models, 431 Talbot Owners' Club, 687 Talbot Ten Petrol Consumption Figures 694 Talbot Ten, The Editor Records His First Impressions of the, 372 Tappet Adjustment,' 110 Tappet Adjustment. How to Make a Double-jaw
- Spanner for, 138 Taub, Mr. Alex., 310, 764 Taunton M.C., 24, 55, 362, 393, 531, 564 687 790, 791
- Tax: Horse-power Formula, 115 Tax: Radiator Water, 4 Tax: There's a Difference, 115 Taxation, 183, 307, 463 Taxation: Budget, 534 Tecalemit, Ltd., 340 Tecalemit: Pneugrippa, 58 Tecalemit Polish, 50Q
- Technical Aspects, by L. Mantell, 20, 50, 80, 112. 142, 174, 204, 236, 268, 300, 330 358 388, 422, 456, 486, 518, 556 586 618 644, 680, 710, 750, 786, 816 Television. See B.B.C. Teanple Press Journal: "Plastics," 537 Test: An "L" Driver Graduates, 172 Test (Driving) 11th Attempt, 693 Tests (Car) New Regulations, 660 Tests, Cheaper Driving, 596 Tests (Driving) Failed, 441 Tests, Driving (Figures), 152 Thames Tunnel, 692 Thatcher, Fred, 396
- Thatcher Trophy Trial, Report and Results, 24, 25 Thermo-Siphon Cooling, 235
- This Scepter'd Isle. Article by "Robin Hood," 752' Thomas, Mr. W. M. W., 92, 281, 530 Thomas, W. M. W., Article by: Evolution oi a New
- Model, The, 576 Thompson, Peter, Article by: Attracting the Thirsty
- Traveller (Inn Signs), 228 Thompson, Peter, Article by, Whys and Wherefores
- of County' Names, The, 316 Thompson " Rubberod " Steering Joint, 653 Thorney: A Doomed Sussex Village, 616 Three Men in a Wolseley, 776 Three-wheeler Club (N.W. Section), 24 Timber: Cuprinol, 794 Timing Apparatus, Loughborough, 156 Timing Diagram (What It Means), 49 Toll Bridges Freed, 796
- TOPICS OF THE DAY: 21, 51, 81, 113, 143, 175, 205, 237, 269, 301, 331, 359, 389, 423, 457, 487, 519, 557, 587, 619, 643, 681, 711, 751, 787, 817
- Accidents, Inquiring Into, 175
- Accidents: Safety Last, 269
- Apprentices: Teaching Them Young, 51
- Baby With Frills? A, 787 •
- Bridge Problem, 301
- Brooklands: Road Racing, 751
- Budget Prospects, 519
- Bumpers? Better, 457
- Buyers, Advice to. 423
- Car: A Baby Without Frills, 643
- Car Keys, 681
- Car Owner: Your Responsibility, 423
- Cleanliness, Winter, 301
- Commercial Vehicle? What Is a, 21
- Coronation Plans, 751
- Court Case: The "Right" Side of the Road, 5!
- Dazzle: Light Hogs, 237
- Dearer Motoring, 587
- Drive, Left-hand, 269
- Driving Tests, 205
- Easter Plans, 519
- Engines, Rear, 331
- Filling Up, When, 175
- Free Air, 619
- Garages Co-operate, City, 11*5 .
- Gear, Changing, 21
- Highway Code, The, 359, 389
- Holiday .Motoring, 751
- Hooting to be Optional? 113
- Hore.Belisha: B.M.G. ? 557
- Hore-Belisha: Minister as Journeyman? 681
- Lamps: Yellow Headlamps, 113
- Light Car, The Ubiquitous, 21
- Light Cars: The Essential Type, 457
- TOPICS OF THE DAY (cjontd-J —
- Light Hoga (Dazzle), 237
- Lighting, Street, 389
- Lord Mayor's Views, A, 587
- Loyal Toast,- 787
- Monte Carlo! Hello, 331
- Motorcar: Too Vulnerable, 817
- Motorists' Part, The, 359
- Oils, Winter, 81
- Pedestrian Crossings, 143
- Pedestrians, Fine, 681
- Petrol, 787^
- Petrol at Night, Obtaining, 711
- Petrol Consumption, 457
- Petrol-pump Service, 619
- Police: Away With the Mailed Fist, 389
- R.A.C. Rally, 519
- Regulations: Construction and Use, 711
- Roads, National, 543
- R/Oads of To-morrow, 175
- Safety First, Please, 587
- Safety Force, A, 487
- Safety Glass, 205
- Saloons That Open, 331
- Second-hand Cars, 423
- Sign: Halt, 205
- Signs, Coloured Warning, 643
- Speed.' Limit Signs, 51
- Speed Traps: Civilian Referees? 301
- Sipeedometers, Optimistic, 81
- Sunday Trading, 817
- Tests, Driving, 205
- This Motoring, 619
- Traffic: A Coming Problem, 269
- Trams, Stationary, 711
- Winter Motoring, 81 Torbay and Totnes M.C., 435, 687 Torbay and Totnes M.C. March Hare Trial, 531 Torbay Standard Car Event, 275 Torque Converters, 50
- Torsion Bar Suspension (What It Means), 327 Touring, Talking of, 730 Touring: Travellers' Cheques, 12 Touring Trifles: Article by Francis Jones: Inadequate
- Signposts, 561 Touring Trifles, Article by Francis Jones: Somerset,
- Lesser-known, 578
- Tourist Trophy Motorcycle Races, 433 Tourist Trophy Race. See R.A.C. Tourist Trophy
- Race.
- Tourists' Scrapbook, 320, 616, 814 Tower Jack, 653 Townsend Ferries, 793 Traffic: Forty Years Ago, 797 Traffic: Never Harpy, 323 Tower Street, York Castle, 221 Trailer Equipment, 289 Trailers, Four-wheeled, 281 Traffic Ban, Slow, 255 Traffic Census, 94 Traffic Changes, 352
- Traffic Congestion: Hyde Park-Victoria, 125 Traffic Lights. See Signals. Tram and Bus Stops, 153 Trams, Swansea, 368 Trams, 150
- Trams: Compensation, 125 Travel Association 'Calendar, 218 Travel and Industrial Development Association of
- Great Britain and Ireland, 568 Travelling: Triptyque System, 597 Trees, Roadside, 371 Trials in Surrey, 310 Trials, Phenomenon in, 265 Trials. " Selling-plate," 43 Trials: Watch Your Step. 42 Triplex Sa-fety Glass, 216 Trico-Folberth. Ltd., 489 Tripoli, 1,500 c.c. Race, 704 Tripoli GTan.l Prix. .^25, 555. 647 Tripoli Grand Prix Results, 812 Triumph, A New l!^-litre. 442 Triumph, The New lt^-litre (Road Test), 778 Triumph Models, 431 Triumph 1,'^-litre Model, 438 Triumph Luncheon. 629 Triumph Range, 658 Trolleybuses for London, 597 Trolleybus: Influence Tells, 302 Trolleybuses: Protest, 124 Trunk Roads Bill. 31, 94 Trust Houses, Ltd.. 570 Tubest Automatic Light Switch, 61 Tuning and Maintenance. See Maintenance. Tunis Grand Prix, 799 Turin Circuit Race, 647 Turin Circuit Race Results, 705 Tyre Prices, 340 Tyre: Pump the Spare, 488 Tyres: Second Life. 159 Tyresoles, Ltd., 571
- u
- Under the Microscope: (I) The m-litre Riley Chassis, 446 478 510. (II) The B.S:A. Scout, 606, 638' 670. Frazer-Nash-B.M.W., 698, 744, 774
- "Under the Microscope"? New Series, 488
- United Hospitals and University of London M.C., 393
- United Hospitals Trial, Report and Results, 453
- Universal Joint, Cardaflex, 289
- Upholstery, Cloth, 353
- Used Motor Show, 594, 693, 721, 766
- Valve Bounce (What It Means), 138 Valves, Really Gas-tight, 326 Valves, Sticking, 486 Vanderbilt Cup Race, 383, 555, 705 Vanderbilt Cup Race Results, 42 Varzi, Achille, 76
- Verse (Motoring Muse): 12, 53, 83, 115, 145, 159, ' 207 233 262, 302, 322, 353, 375, 407, 444 489 521, 550, 589, 621, 650, 672, 713,' 731/773. 819
- R (continued).
- .READERS' OPINIONS (contd.) —
- Baby: A Chance that Britain Lost (Or Did She?) 785
- Baby Without Frills. That, 708, 761 Battery: Current Consumption, 243 Beacons, Alternative to Illuminated, 760 Bill Becomes Law, When the Trunk Road. 117 Blind Exits, For Safety at. 361 Budget-begotten, A Grim Nightmare, 684 Budget, Trie: A Disappointment to the Dailies, 761 Bulb Economy. On, 459 Bus Strike Lull, 821 Campers, Straight Tips for, 784 Car: Baby Without Frills. 708 Car: Decline of the Open Tourer, 614 Car: Fortune Had No Favours For Him, 298 Carbon Formation, Mysteries of, 242 Chassis: Steel Cables for Frame Bracing, 562 Cleaner Alleges " Sarcasm," Champion Car, 458 Cleanliness: "Nursing" is Ill-repaid at Selling
- Time, 459 Colour: "Chromatic Outrages " on Four Wheels, 298
- Copper-alloy Heads, 529 County Names, Concerning, 387, 415 Court Case: Light-jumping Tram Driver Goes
- Scot Free, 585
- Crystal Palace: Road Racing in London 140 Cyclist Ignores "Halt" Sien, Is Exonerated, 17 Cylinder Wear, I. A. E. Savant on, 272 Cylinder Wear: Two Pertinent Posers, 141 Cylinder Wear? What Causes, 47 Dealer's Difficulty, The, 360 Detonation, Latent Heat and, 615 Devon Monument, A Notable, 785 Drive on British Roads Left-hand, 273 Driving: A Tale of Two Perfect Gentlemen, 179 Engine: A Tale of Two Rebores, 414 Explosion Development, 273 Facia Board: Convenience at the Wheel, 16 Facia Board Instruments, 116 Facia Board Instruments, Hard-to-read, 87 Fiat: Italy Sets Us An Example, 1'6 Flags on Radiators, 649 Flag: The Double-acting Vacuumatic Pennant
- Oscillator, 761
- Flooded Areas, Hints to Dwellers in the, 459 Fog Driving Infra-red Rays for, 210 Fougasse (Mr.) and Centrifugal Force, 648 France: Silent Nights in Gay Paree, 210 Freezing Out a Gate-crasher, On, 386 Fuel from Heavy Products, 563 Game of Chance, A, 649 Garages, Modern Home, 458 Garaging at Theatre Time, 86 Gearbox and Back Axle, Refilling the, 415 Government and the Motoring Community, 563 Hampshire? Whence the Name, 490 Heat: Ice Boxes on Wheels 117 Hore-Belisha: M.O.T. Poses for his Picture, 243 Horn, Charm of the Variable-tone, 760 I. A. E. Savant on Cylinder Wear, 272 Indicator: A Sample Trafficator Tell-tale, 87 Indicator: Victory of Mind Over Trafficators, 117 Instruments: Convenience at the Wheel, 16 lacking Systems Built-in, 585 Journev: Wanted, an Antidote to Ennui, 615, 684, 709
- Lamp: Cyclopean Night Riders, 299 Lamp? Do We Dip the Wrong? 243 Licence: Grim Jesting at the Borough Offices? 760 licence: Some Examples of "Official Kindness," 821
- Licences, Pre-dated Car, 491 "Light Car, The": An Appreciation, 821 " Light Car, The," in China, 361 " Lighter Light Car," Plea Again, 563 Lighting: Easier Dimming on an Eight-year-old
- " Seven," 299
- Lights. "No Headlights," 17
- Lights: The Awful Prodigality of Your Headlamps, 16
- Maintenance: Front-end Greasing, 211 Marathon Dam: Motoring Over a Dam. 87 Mirrors, Rear-view, 329 Morris " 8 " Lighting System, Experiments with a, 528
- Morris Eight Lighting System (1935), 584 "Motor Racing "Scholarships"? 414 "' Motoring Muse " Tops Popularity List, 141 "Motoring My Greatest Pleasure": S. F. Edge, 140 Motorists: Effete, Shrill-voiced, White-helmeted
- Youth, 615
- Motorist's Palis, By a Frenchman, The, 46 Motorists Unhappy Lot. The, 179 Mudguarding, Modern, 360 "Musketeer in Mufti," That, 563 Nairobi-Johannesburg Race, 47 Oil Engine, The Electrically-sparked, 784 Oil Engines, Possibilities, 709 Parking Ban Goes Through, Jf That, 584 Parking Ban, That Threatened, 528 Parking Unilateral, 243
- Pedestrian: When a Motorist Goes Walking, 820 Petrol Consumption: London to Edinburgh on
- Four Gallons, 47 Police Red Tape, 117, 141 Race Heard Seven Miles Away, Road, 709 Rally for Fifteen-Year-Olds ? A, 86 Rebores, A Tale of Two, 414 Retort Explanatory, 87
- Road Bill Becomes Law, When the Trunk, 117 Road Maintenance. The Motorist's Share in 361 Roads as Playgrounds, 760, 821 Roads: "Beware of the Ramp." 458 Roads: Britain's Highways Have "Character," 785
- Roads, Please! Better, 491
- Roads: The L.C.C.'s Unofficial Skating Rinks, 329 Roar of Racing Cars Carries, The, 760 Rover Out-climbs Many Moderns, Afred, 329 Scarborough Road Circuit, The. 178 Screen Wiping in Emergencies', Manual, 16 Seating: Sjtting Up and Taking Notice, 178 Service from a Modern Car, Poor, 141, 211 " Shacklepin," A Posv for, 87 3ign: Halt at Major Road Ahead, 299 Signal: A Cure for AnYber-jumping, 387
- Signal: Siesta at the Traffic Crossing, 46 Signals: Halt-flouters and Amber-jumpers, 328 Signposts Inadequate, 585 Signs—a Thanksgiving, Modern Safety, 86 Siren, Definition of a, 785
- Skye: Hebridean Geography. 387
- Sobriety, Test of, 87.
- Speed Limit Anomalies, J140
- Speed Record Attempts, Measuring Distances for, 299
- Speeds, Accuracy in Calculating Record, 361 Speeds, Average and Maximum. 116. 211 Speeds Compared, Car and Motorccyle, 820 Sports Car, Another Home-constructed, 360 Starting: Pressed Starter Button, Came a Griint,
- Then Nothing, 140
- Steer Left: When its Foggy in Australia, 273 Supercharging, Pros and Cons of, 179 Taxation: A Startling Proposal, 615 Taxation: Motorists a Minority, Therefore Tyrannized 529 Taxation: Shanks's Pony for Voters Next Election
- Time? 585
- Test Catechism, Tricky Driving, 529 Test Examiners, Driving, 47 Test: For "L" Drivers, 529
- Testimonials: The People Who Are Pleased, 211 Tests, The Driving, 458, 491 Timing to Ultra-fine Limits, 243 Tool Kit Mysteries, 585 Tourer, Decline of the Open. 614 Traffic Control in Sydney. N.S.W., Stringent, 329 Traffic: Ledbury's Bright Idea. 821 Trailer: Another Tom-fool Regulation Coming? 299
- Tramway System, London's, 614 Trials Organizers, The Appeal to, 387 Trials Three at a Time, Running, 562 Trolleybuses: What Rotherham Thinks To-day . . . 361
- Tyres: Ethics of Free Air Analyzed, 648 Tyre-grooving Without Removing Wheels, 179 Tyre Inflation, Experiments in, 17 Tyre Pressure! Watch Your Snare, 563 Tyres with the Bare Hands, Peeling, 649 "Under the Microscope": An Appreciation. 491 " W.D. Special," That Astonishing, 415, 529 Western Avenue Compared with an Autobahn, 709 "Western Avenue, the English Autobahn,". 614 " Westway ": Leisurely Local Authorities, 491 Westway's New Limit: Official Inertia, 459 Windscreen Spray, A Home-made, 708 Wiper? Why Not a Clockwork, 47 Youth Effete Shrill-voiced, 649, 685, 7.61
- Readers' Wants:'25. 55, 89. 119, 147, 181, 245, 306, 363, 393, 435, 453, 493, 531, 623, 655. 687, 759. 791
- Record Curiosities, Some Speed, 130
- Record Diesel-engine, 583
- Record, World's Land Speed, 18, 76
- Caracciola—Mercedes, 18
- Fernihough—Brough Superior, 749
- Hertzteerger—M.G., 155
- Wimille, Veyron and Williams—Bugatti, 42
- Registration Figures: 4, 124, 150, 187, 285, 440, 667, 570, 694
- Registration Marks: Not Complimentary, 374
- Regulations, Draft,. 597
- Regulations: Knotty Points About the Law, 98
- Regulations, New, 660, 797
- Renault Models, 430
- Repair Service: The Small Man, 207
- Resolutions: January 1, 206
- Reverse-a-Phrase: Pipe, 2; Hood, 28; Cam, 58; Bonnet, 92: Fan. 122; Seat, 150; Mat, 184; Wheel, 216; Bolt, 248; Piston, 278; Tyre, 308; Spanner, 338; Brace, 366; Terminal, 396; Ammeter, 438- Wing, 464; Lead, 496; Port. 534; Mascot, 568, Mat. 594
- Reviewed, The Past Year, 190
- Riber Castle, 60
- Rich Mixture by " Indicator," 12, 52. 82, 114, 144, 158, 206, 232, 262, 302, 322. 352, 374. 406, 444, 488, 520, 550, 588, 620. 650. 672. 712, 730, 772, 818
- Richmond and Gordon, Duke of, 28
- Riley Chassis, The l^litre (Under the Microscope), 446, 478, 501
- Riley Kestrel-Sprite Saloon, The (Road Test), 348
- Riley Models, 430
- Riley Monaco Model, 2
- Riley Motor Club. 438. 531, 822
- Riley M.C. Trial Report and Results, 452
- Riley: Racing, 460
- Ringwood M.C. and L.C.C., 244, 335
- Road: 13-mile Boulevard, 281
- Road: Clydach Viaduct, 280
- Road: Concession to Pedestrians, 281
- Road Construction: Memorandum, 396
- Road, Cumberland Coast, 60
- Road, Derby Ring, 766
- Road Developments, 4
- Road Dressing (Dursley), 310
- Road: Dual Carriageways, 94
- Road Fellowship Club, 25, 54,. 88, 118, 245, 334, 363, 530, 590, 658, 790
- Road: "Flying Junction, 366
- Road: Fosse Way (Verb. Sap.), 83
- Road Fund, 767
- Road Fund: Scotland, 400
- Road Improvements, 95. 281, 371
- Road, Modern Roman, 250
- Road News, 33, 97, 399, 598, 695
- Road. North Circular, 186
- Road: North Orbital Road: Progress on London's Greatest By-pasB, 332
- Road: Perranporth Landslide, 598
- Road Racing Club, The, 293, 355. 382
- Road Scheme, Highland, 570
- Road Schemes, 280
- Road, Slippery London, 340
- Road: Sleights Viaduct, 311
- Road Tests: Maximum Speeds. 92
- Road Tests of 1937 Models:—
- Austin Cambridge Saloon, The, 678 Ford Ten, The New, 800
- ROAD TESTS OF 1937 MODELS (contd.)—
- H.R.G., The lVi-litre, 290
- M.G. Midget (T-Series), The. 44
- Morgan 4-4 The, 196
- Morgan 4-c;linder Three-wheeler, The, 4(1 .
- Opel Cadet, The, 634
- Riley Kestrel-Sprite Saloon, The, 348
- Singer Super Nine Saloon, The, 376
- Triumph, The New lj^-litre, 778 Road, Newport New, 499 Road, Red. 186 Road Repairing Offer, 340 Road Two-colour Carriageway, 4 Road v. Rail, 398 Road: Westway Compromise, 371 Road: Westway Development, 285 Road Widening at Swansea, 398 Road Widening near Bulrcer, 218 Road Work* Plan, Wakefield Five-year, 281 Road, World'* Motor, 261 ROADS:—
- Chertsey Arterial, 220
- Corsham High Street, 30
- George Street, Luton, 4
- Highlands. 220
- Horsham-Orawley, 796
- Kidderminster-Halesowen, 766
- Kidlington 30
- Kingston Bv-pass, 94, 596
- Lartmston-Gotherstone, 628
- London-Oxford, 4
- Norfolk Street, London, 340
- Piccadilly Circus, 628
- Por-track. 6 28
- St. Albans-Luton, 281
- Stockton-Haverton, 628
- Tower Street, York, 221
- Westway, Shepherd's Bush, 247, 310, 341, 396
- York-Scarborough, 628 Roads, Bad, 310 Roads Bill, Trunk, 31, 94 Roads: Chester Ring, 603 Roads: Derestriction, 154, 369, 720 Roads: Forty Years Ago, 797 Roads: Germany, 125. 568 Roads, Iron Tiles ior, 35 Roads: MOT. Recommendations, 401 Roads, Mountain, 340 Roads, Non-skid, 219
- Roads: Prevention of Accidents, The, 342 Roads, Rainbow, 570
- Roads: (One-Way) Which the Worse? 145 Roads, Scenic Splendour* of Northern, 134 Roads: South Africa, 353 Roads: Subways for Leeds? 369 Robin Hood, Article by: See the High Spots this
- Easter, 506
- Robin Hood, Article by: This Scepter'd Isle, 752 Rochester. Chatham and D. M.C., 25, 118, 147. 212. 363, 392, 393, 493. .530, 590, 758, 790 Rodborough Common: National Common, 280 Rolls-Royce: Better Service, 444 Romantic Backwater, The, Article by A. S. Jenkin-
- son, 268
- Roosevelt Circuit, The, 187 Rosemeyer. Bernd, 264 Route-Finding by Electricity, 131 Rover Models. 430
- Rover Ten and Twelve Models, Tuning and Maintenance of, 10. 36, 60. 102, 132
- Roy Fedden Trophy Trial, Report and Results, 9, 25 R.P.M, Motor Club, 822 Rubber and Car Design, 496 " Rubberod " Steering Joint, 653 Rugby M.C. and L.C.C., 564, 622. 759 Rnnbaken Precision Engraver, 157 Running Boards: Not Obsolete, 40-7 Running-in Details, 412 Running In: Speed Trap, 772 RUNS :—
- Ohiltern Hills. 802
- Scenic Splendours of Northern Roads, 134
- See the High Spots this Easter, 506
- Somerset, Lesser-known, 578
- Wye, Wandering on, 38
- York, Lovely Villages of the Plain. 808 Runs—in Winter! All-night, Article by Norman Conquest. 294 Russia, see Soviet Russia.
- Safety Crusade, Children's, 91, 96
- "Safety First" Association, National, 247, 368
- Safety First Film, 2 ,
- " vSafety Force" of 800, A, 449
- Safety Glass, 186, 407
- Safety Glass: Police Action, 365, 368
- Safety: Hear, Hear, 114
- Sale and D. M.C., 24, 362, 758
- Sales (Car) : Facts and Figures, 187
- Salisbury M.C., 392
- Scannell, D. J., 18
- Scarborough and D. M.C.., 362
- Scarborough Racing Circuit, 124, 137, 382
- Scavenging Schemes Criticized. 556
- Schell, 689
- School: Traffic Inspectors, 250
- Scotland, 323 !
- Scotland: Improving Roads, 220
- Scotland's Empire Exhibition, 628
- Scottish Empire Exhibition, 280
- Scottish M.G. Trial, 452
- Scottish Motor Show Report, 4, 6, 52
- Scottish Raily. 324 466, 677, 812
- Scottish Sporting C.C. Bo'ness Hill-climb, 783, 812, 823 Scottish Sporting C.C. Standard Tyre Trial Report
- and Results, 393 Scrap Yard, 489 Screenwiper, Chevallier, 441 Screehwiper Won't! Wiien the, 202 Scribbans: E.R.A., 451
- Scrivelsby Court: The King's Champion, 754 Seaman, R. J. B., 264, 646 Second-hand Car, Improving a, 408
- M (continued).
- MAPS:—
- A.A. Coronation, 766 R.A-C. County Road, 4
- Margate and D. C.C., 305, 392, 453, 492
- Margate and District C.C. Clifford Cup Trial, 590
- Marmaduke, Article by: Wandering on Wye, 38
- Marne Grand Prix, 555 < Marshall: Blowing for Acceleration, 99
- Masaryk Grand Prix, 647
- Masters Racer, 109
- Matthews: Leeds Police Chief Resigns, 281
- Maud Heath's Causeway, 610
- Mays, Raymond, 438, 704
- M.C.C. (Motor Cycling Club), 274, 304, 362
- M.C.C. Annual General Meeting, 354
- M.C.C. Dinner, 119, 274, 334
- M.C.C. London-Edinburgh Trial, 647, 766, 798, 799
- M.C.C. London-Exeter. Trial, 60, 94, 109, 186, 398
- M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, Details and Entries, 194, 195
- M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, Photographs, 244
- M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, Report, 222, 231, 244
- M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, Results, 255, 293
- M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial, 362, 368, 537, 572, 591, 596
- M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial Report, 596, 600, 609, 623, 629, 646
- M.C.C. London-Land's End Trial Results, 645, 758
- M.C.C. Sporting Trial, 25
- McEvoy, F. J., 280
- McEvoy, Michael, 583
- Mercedes Team, 76
- Meriden Hill Derestricted, 251
- Metal; Extruded Sections, 707
- Metal Spinning (What It Means), 637
- Metal Spraying (What It Means), 811
- Metallurgy Powder, 53
- Metropolis Garages, Ltd., 399
- M.G.: A Musketeer in Mufti. Article by The Blorer, 482
- M.G. Car Club, 147, 274, 304, 335, 452, 759
- M.G. Car Club Abingdon Trial, 749, 758, 766
- M.G. Car Club's Abingdon Trial, Report and Results,-771, 791, 822
- M.G. C.C. Trial Postponed, 531
- M.G. Car Co., Ltd., Warning, 280
- M.G. Chilterns Trial, 274
- M.G. Club Chilterns Trial, Report and Results, 304
- M.G. Club Dinner, 18, 89
- M.G. Kimber Trophy Trial, 212
- M.G. Midget (T Series), The (Road Test), 44
- M.G. Models, 429
- M.G. Scottish Trial, 363
- M.G. Scottish Trial, Report and Results, 452
- M.G. T-type Models, 341 M.G.s Musketeer, 43 Middlesbrough and D. M.C., 434 Middlesbrough and D. M.C. Speed Event, 799 ?Middlesex County AC. 434, 687, 758 Midget-car Speedway Racing, 451 Mid-Surrey A.C. Joint Trial, Report and Results, 696, 715
- Midland A.C., 88, 118, 146, 180, 245, 530 Mid-Surrey A.C. Trial, 527 Milan Motor Show, 5 Milan Race, 647
- Mille Miglia. See Italian Thousand Miles Race Minister of Transport: What's To Do? 498 Mirrors, Rear View, 283, 690 Moel Fammau. The Ruin of. Article by Roger
- Furness, 152
- Monte Carlo Rally, 43, 109, 186. 265, 293, 314 Monte Carlo Rally, Entries, 137, 187, 230, 288 Monte Carlo Rally: Report and Results, 344, 345, 346, 355, 393 Monte Video Motor Show, 4 MontlWry: "Controlled Performance," 382 Montlhe'ry: Independents' Day, 265 Montlhe'ry Meeting, 783 Moore-Brabazon, Lt.-Col., 374 Moorhouse, Sydney, Article by. Lovely Villages of
- the Plain of York, 808 Morgan 4-4, The (Road Test), 196 Morgan Four-cylinder Three-wheeler, The (Road Test), 40
- Morgan: Gas Converted, 366 Morgan Models, 429 Morgan, The Rev. H. G., Death ol, 5 Morgan, H J., 42, 58 Morgans, French-built, 499 Morley, E. G., 308 Morocco Rally, 599, 677 Morris Factory, 597 Morris: Four Speeds Preferred, 369 Morris: Industry Entertains, 441 Morris: Lucas Dual Wiper Conversion, £85 Morris Models, 430 Morris Motors Band, 281 Morris Works, 794
- Morris Works: Visits, 280, 693, 766 Moseley and Sons, Ltd., David, 464 " Motor Boat, The," Special Number, 537 Motor Legislation Committee, 438, 463 Motor Show, Earl's Court, 764 Motor Sport, 593 " Motor, The," Special Numbers, 5, 398
- Motoring: Cutting Your Nose , 588
- Motoring During a Canadian Winter. Article by
- Brian Meredith, 163 Motoring: Eluding Winter's Grip, 66 Motoring Muse, The. 12, 53, 83, 115, 145, 159, 207, 233, 262, 302, 322, 353, 375, 407. 444, 489, 521, 550, 589, 621, 650, 672, 713, 730, 731, 773, 819 Motorists and Prohibition, 341 Motorists Defence League, 660 Mow Cop Castle, 61 Af.P.H. For Sale: Sporting Light Cars of 1937.
- Article by The Blower, 128 Multiplex Double-filament Lamp, 94 % Musketeer in Mufti, A. Article by The Blower, 482 Musketeer M.G.s, 43
- N
- Nairobi-Johannesburg Race, 18
- N.A.L.C.O. (Met. District) M.C., 119, 336, 434
- Naples H/2-litre Race, 749
- National Benzole Co., Ltd., 626
- National Car Parks, Ltd., 499
- National Park, 310
- National Physical Laboratory, 797
- National Trust, 4, 280, 597
- Navy Week, 466, 767
- Neander Runabout, The, 221
- Net for Parcels, " Handirac," 157
- Netherlands Automobile Racing Club, 325
- Neubauer, Herr, 555
- Newnham, Maurice, 438, 658
- News, 4, 30, 60, 94, 124, 152, 184, 218, 250, 280, 310, 340, 368, 398, 440, 466, 498, 536, 570, 596. 628, 660. 692, 720, 766, 796 News from the Past. By Roger Furness, 152 News: Trumpet, 352 Nivex Time Switch, 500 Noise Notice, 217 Noisy Vehicles, 571 North Orbital Road: Progress on London's Greatest
- By-pass, 332
- North Wales Sporting Car Club, 334, 715 North-West London M.C., 244, 305, 434, 452. 790 North-West London M.C, Coventry Cup Trial, Report
- and Results, 503, 531, 704, 715 North-West London M.C. Laurence Cup Trial. 813 North-West London M.C. London-Gloucester Trial, 77 North-West London M.C. London-GlouceBter Trial,
- Report and Results, 104, 109, 119 Nottingham M.C.,- 54, 88, 244. 392, 492, 790 Nuffleld, Lord, 91, 114, 152, 186, 368, 398, 692, 718, 782, 812 Nuffield, Tribute to Lord, 61 Nuffleld Trophy Race, 647, 782 Nuffield Trust, 537 Nuvolari, T., 43
- Oonway, Lord, 720
- Guinness, K, Lee, 658, 663
- Holden', Gen. Sir Capel, 658
- Jackson, M.P., Sir Henry, 466
- Lan-*ia, Signor, 398
- Madoc, Colonel, 278
- Morgan, The Rev. H. G., 5
- Pemberton, Harold, 371
- Pepper, Sir Francis, 30 Off the Une: Pioduction, 402 Oil: Boring at Aiglaby, 720 •Oil Engine, The," Special Number, 251 Oil in Bulk, Storing, 356 Oil in England, 629 Oil in Yorks? 219 Oil Prevents Wear, 456
- r°^i%eTeilt* Wear- Clean- 296 A iSldet- The !Road Test), 634 Opel "Models, 430, 466, 470 498 Order of the Road, 440, 464. 469, 625 Organizations: Helpers or Hawkers? 650
- * 616 T°Wer and Spire °" °ne Church,
- Osborne, A. S.. 438 Oswestry and D.M.C., 759
- Pacey Hassan Special, 583
- Paisley: Over-riding Order, 251
- i alatine Sports Club, Ltd , 137
- .Pan-American Cup Race, 555
- Pan-American Sweepstakes, 42
- Paper: Engineering Apprenticeship, 30
- Paris Exhibition Rally, 109 527
- Paris Saljn, The, 539
- Park Underground Car (Cardiff), 153
- Parking 150, 495
- Parking': Bexhill, 149
- Parking: Boat Race, 440
- Parking: Bristol, 153 596
- Parking Business, This. 550
- Parking Fees, 539
- Parking. G.W.R., 310
- Parkin*: Kenilworth, 122
- Parkii}§: Lowesooit, 149
- Parking: Olympia, 399
- Parking Problems, 282, 690
- Parking Signs, New, 441
- Parking: Southampton, 438
- Parking: Weston-super-Mare, 310
- Parking: What's To Do? 498
- Parks, Car, 797
- Parks, Improved Car, 340
- Parks. London Car, 251
- Parnell's M.G. Magmette, 582
- Parson's Glade, 583
- Past Year Reviewed, The 190
- Pau Grand Prix, 137, 382, 451
- Pearce, Mr. Frank, 534
- Pedestrian Crossing: Life Saving, 114
- Pedestrian Crossing Regulations, 124, 396
- Pedestrian Guard Rails 149
- Pedestrian Crossings, 62, 186
- Pedestrian Crossings, Illegal, 250
- Pedestrian: Subways, for Leeds? 369
- Pedestrians' Association, 496, 534
- Pedestrians' Association: Threat to Arterial Roads 97
- Pedestrians, Concession to, 281
- Pedestrians: Jay Walkers, 250
- Pedestrians: "Safety First" Measure, 186
- Pedestrians, Tunnels for, 396
- Pemberton, Harold, 371
- Pennethorne, Gwyneth, Article by, Britain's Beautiful Bridges, 176
- Pepper, Sir Francis, 30
- Ptrry, Sir Percival, 658
- Percy Butler Trial, 118
- Periodical Trade Press and Weekly Newspaper Proprietors' Association, 69J
- Petrol. Cheaper, 796
- Petrol? Do You Waste, 661
- Petrol Home-produced, 537
- Petrol: Myth, 262
- Petrol Prices, 440
- Petrol Prices in Italy, 398
- Petrol Price Increase, 280. 398
- Petrol Pump Pointers, 384
- Petrol, Synthetic, 250
- Philco Car Radio, 153, 283, 463,. 760
- Philips High-pressure Lamps, 500
- Phipps, Mrs. Doreen, 2
- Picardy Grand Prix, 647
- Piccadilly Circus: Traffic Signals, 628
- Picture Hire, Ltd., 570
- Pictures. Our, 520
- Pintacuda, Carlo, 554, 582
- Pipe Connection. Wingard Flexible, 157
- Pirelli " Courier " Tyre. 629
- Pit Stop, Article by H. K. Hardy, 509
- Play "Hell for Leather." 4. 57
- Plugs, The Choice of, 680
- Plugs. The U>e of " Too-cold " Plugs, 358
- Plymouth M.C.. 146. 244, 335, 434, 530, 564. 687, 714, 790, 822
- Police: A "Safety Force" of 800, 449 Police: Armoured Car, 310 Police Criticized. 343 Police Folly, 233 Police Patrols, " Super,"- 251 Police: "Silent Speed Trapping'." 6C Police: Teaching Us Manners. 819 Police Testing Anti-dazzle Device, 280 Police Trapping, 594 Police Use " Speedograph," 692 Portrack Road. 628 Portsbridge Alterations, 60 Post Office: Travellers' Cheques, 12 Potatoes: Did You Know That—, 340 Practical Aspects, by A de Puty, 356 Piactical Aspects bv " Shacklepin." 14. 48. 78, 110,
- l.~S, 168. 202, 234. 266, 296, 326, 384, 412, 440, 480 516, 552, 612, 636, 674, 706, 746, 780
- Premier Motor Policies. Ltd., 438 Press and Motoring, 28
- Press: "Dare Devils of the Motor. Track," 813 Price, Hubert, 308
- Prices and Specifications of Light Cars, 426, 431 Prices: Figures May Mislead, 303 Price's Lubricant, 278 496 Prince Rainier Cup. The. 43, 647 Production: OH the Line. 402 Pump Connection, " S fflex " Whistling, 157 Pump Pointer?, Petrol. 384 Puty, A de, Practical Aspects by, 356 Pyrene Company, 58
- Queen's Hospital Treasure Hunt, 500
- R
- R.A.C., 597 R.A.C. Car Park, 365 R.A.C. Folkestone Office, 4
- R.A.C. Hastings Rallv. 125, 136, 257, 325, 368, 433, 451 467, 472, 501, 533, 536, 554, 583
- P..A.C. Hastings Rally. Report and Results, 540-545 U.A.C.: Helping Hospital Patients, 441 R.A.C. International Car Race, 77, 450, 477, 647, 704, 782, 813 R.A.C. Land's End Box, 124 R.A.C. Legal Defence Report, 370 R.A.C. No Guides (Christmas), 152 R.A.C. Recommendation, 399 R.A.C. Signs. 598 R.A.O. Telephone Box, 280, 467 R A.C. Tourist Trophy Race, 324, 477. 582, 594, 609. 647 704', 748 11.A.C.:. Uninsured Losses, '371
- R.A.C. Veteran Car Run, Report and Results. 4, 19 Racing: French Subsidy. 230 Racing, Midget Car, 433
- Racing: Pit Stop, Article by H. K. Hardy. 509 Racing: Spectator Safety, 818 Racing Teams, 76 Racing: We Shall Remember '36. Article by 'The
- Blower," 170, 200 Radio. Car, 28 Railway: Train Journey, 52 R.A.C. Handbook, 536 R.A.C. Tourist Trophy Race: Brochure (Results), 42.
- Prize Money, 219 Radio, Car, 764 Radio Sales, Car, 629 Railton, Mr. Reid, 582, S«8 Rally for 1912-20 Vehicles, 92 Rand Grand Prix, Report and Results, 354 Randall, Raymond, 625 Rapier Models, 430 Rasch, Fred, 625, 794 Rattles Mean Something, 650 Pavens-bury M.C.C., 88, 118, 244, 362, 435, 530. 686
- Ray: New Apparatus Tested, 311 Raymond Ways Motors: Novel Scheme, 153 Re-Po Polish, 539
- Reade Robert, Article by: Who's There? 164 Readers' Ideas for 1938, 285 READERS' OPINIONS:— 16, 46, 86, 116, 140, 178, 210, 242, 272, 298, 328, 360, 386, 414 458, 490, 528, 562, 584, 614, 648L 684, 708, 760, 78^4, 820
- A.A. Signal Put to Base Use, New, 298
- Accident, Sequel to an, 272
- Ackerman Steering? What is, 361 387
- Air Analyzed, Ethics of Free, 648 : Alcohol and Oil Consumption, 615
- Anti-freeze, Common Salt as an, 459
- Anti-freeze: Don't Put Salt on Jack Frost's Tail! 490
- Antifreeze: On Freezing Out a Gate-crasher, 386
- Austin: Saloone That Open 415
- Austin Seven, Greasing a 1937 273
- Axle, Perilling the Gearbox and Back, 415
- G (continued).
- Grose Union Jack Transfer, 464
- Grosvenor Grand Prix, Report and Results, 293
- Guide: London's Amusements, 737
- Guinness, K. Lee, Death of, 658, 663
- Guinness, Lady Algernon, 626
- Gyros Carburetter, 63
- H
- Hagley and District L.C.C., 25, 452, 564, 714
- Hagley and D. L.C.C. Junior Handicap Trial, 590
- " Handirac " Net for Parcels, 157
- Hardy, H. K., Article by: Pit Stop, 509
- Harrow C.C., 24, 54, 3 18, 334, 3H3
- Harrow 'C.C. Cottingham Memorial. Trophy Trial,
- Report and Results, 34, 55 Harrow Car Club Dinner, 92 Harrow C.C. Chiltern Trial, 453 Harrow C.C, Driving Tests, 590 Harrow C.C. Protest, 311 Hartmann, Hans, 187, 264 Hawkes, Mr. Douglas, Married, 280 " Haydon " Metal Spring Gaiter, 653 Hayles Abbey, 597 Hayward Tankard Trial, The, 355 Heat From the Exhaust or the Radiator, Warming
- a Saloon in the Winter by Taking, 168 Heater for Sump. 122 Heater, Waring Garage, 218 Heath. Harold, 248 . Helmet, White, 43 Henly's Cricket Ball, 794 Hehly's Service Station, 396, 399 Herts County A. and A.C., 714 Hertzberger M.G. Records, 155 Heston Aircraft, Ltd., 28 Highland Two-day Trial Report, 598 Hillman Australia Works, 154 Hillman " Coronation " Coupe, 767 Hillman: Economy Test, 663 Hillman Minx: Continental Tour, 251 Hillman Minx: How Far On 50a.? 693 Hillman Models, 428 Hillmau Motor Car Co., Ltd., 248 Holden, Gen. Sir Capel, 658 Holiday, Special, 730
- Holiday: Out Into the Wide Open Spaces, 740 Holidays: Looking Ahead, 672 Holliday, Mr. Hubert, 366 Hordern, Mr. Edmund, 28 Hore-Belisha, Mr., 184 Hore-Belisha: Letter From Leslie, 712 Hore-Belisha: M.O.T. Televized, 441 Hore-Belisha: Press Dinner, 694 Horsforth and D. M.C., 2^4
- Horsham and D. M.C and L.C.C., 393. 686, 759, 790 Horsham-Crawley Road, 796 Hospital Week, 61 Hot Spotting: What It Means, 111 Howe, Earl. 766 Howe, Lora. Married, 368 H.R.G. Models, 428
- H.R.G., The 1^-litre (Road Test), 290 Humber Ferry, Refitting, 95 Humber, Ltd., 248 Humorous: Cutting In, 26, 56, 90, 120, 148, 182, 214, 246, 276, 306, 312. 364, 394, 436, 462, 494, 532, 566. 588, 620, 656, 688, 716. 762, 792. 824 Hunting, Fox, 122 Hutchison, K. N., 647 Hyject Pump, 653
- I
- I.A.E. Finds Out " Why," The, 558
- I.A.E. Repair Certificates, 60
- Ideal Benefit Society, 721
- Ideal Home Exhibition, 631
- Ignition and Performance, 266
- Ignition Controls, Seized Automatic, 358
- Ignition Keys, 551
- Ilford M.C. and L.C.C., 24, 88. 146, 180, 245, 275, 363, 393, 530, 686, 758
- Ilkeston and D. M.C. and L.C.C., 452, 492, 791 Ilkley and D. M.C., 25, 146, 530, 686 Import Figures, 35, 187, 312, 441, 571, 723 ? Indicator," Rich Mixture by, 12. 52, 82, 114, 144. 158, 206, 232, 262, 302, 322, 352, 374, 406, 444, 488, 520, 550, 588, 650, 672, 1 712, 730, 772, 818 Inn: " Crooked' Billet, The," 660 Inn Signs: Attracting the Thirsty Traveller, Article
- by Peter Thompson, 228 Insurance: A Warning, 398 Insurance: Cyclist, 250 Insurance: Irish Free State, 4 Insurance, Third-party, 28 Insuring the Contents, 588
- International Road Racing Club, 60, 108, 124 Inter-Varsity Speed Trials, 530 Inter-Varsity Speed Trials, Report and Results, 8, 25, 43, 580, 590 Invicta Jetless Carburetter. 254 I. of M. Douglas Road Circuit, 155 Ireland Trial, Circuit of, 433. 687 Irish Motor Racing Club, 382
- Irish M.R.C. Speed Trials, Report and Results, 758 Iron, Old, 651
- Isle of Man Car-race Committee Dinner, 57 Italian 1,000 Miles Race, 555 Italian 1,000 Miles Race, Report and Results, 647, 690
- Italian Championship Class, 76 Italy. Touring in, 250
- Jacking Systems, Permanent, 226
- .I.A.P. Engines, 433
- J.C.C. (Junior Car Club), 42. 54, 58, 274, 335, 362, 392, 570. 622, 687. 714 J.C.C. Blackdown Scramble, 451, 555. 581, 715 J.C.C. Brooklands Rally, 325, 354. 451 .J.C.C. Brooklands Rally Awards, 527
- J.C.C. Brooklands Rally, Report and Results, 474, 493
- J.C.C. Dinner, 88
- J.C.C. Inter-Centre Rally, 791 . •
- J.C.C. International Trophy Race, 60, 230, 293, 382, 477, 527
- J.C.C. (S.W. Centre) Trial, 759
- Jeans Gold Cup Trial, Report and Re»ulti, 686, 715 Jenkins, Ab., 122, 155
- Jenkinson, A. S., Article by: Chiltern Contrast*. 802 Jenkinson, A. S., Article by: Romantic Backwater,
- The, 258
- Jennings, Christopher, 383. 438 Jersey M.C. arid L.C.C., 791 Jersey Sand Races, 646
- Jones, Francis, Article by: Inadequate Signposts, 561 Jones, Francis, Article by: Touring Trifles, 578 Journey, Antidote to Ennui, 673 Journey by Austin, African, Article by B. A. Soltan, 238
- Jowett and L.C.C., Midland, 590. 758 Jowett (Bury) and L.C.C., 362, 758 Jowett C.C. Scottish, 244, 758 Jowett C.C., Southern, 25, 88, 212, 305, 308, 452, 530
- Jowett Models, 429 Jowett: One-litre Diesel, 284
- Karpol: Easy Washing, 407 Kent and Sussex L.C.C., 687 Kentish Border C.C., 118, 146, 274, 335, 362, 363, 622. 79O, 822
- Kentish Border C.C. Sporting Trial, 30 Kentish Border C.C. Sporting Trial Report and
- Results, 85, 89 Kerbstone, Illuminated, 30 Keys, 488
- Kidaerminster-Halesowen Road, 766 King and Queen, The, 718 King and Queen, Their Majesties, the: Second State
- Procession, 766
- King Edward VIII Farewell Speech, 124 King George VI, 124, 763 King, The, 121 King's Champion, The, 754 Kingston By-pass, 94, 596 Kirkcaldy and D. M.C., 622 Kirkcaldy Trial, Report and Results, 758, 759
- "L" Driver Graduates, An, 172
- Lambeth Street Lighting, 343
- Lamp, Multiplex Double-filament, 94
- Lamps, Philip* Mercury, 500
- Lamps, Yellow-tinted, 60
- Lancashire A.C., 434, 749
- Lanchester Eleven and Tea, Tuning and Maintenance
- of the, 380, 398, 454, 484 Lanchester, Frank,'718 Lanchester Model, 429 Lancia Model,' 429 Lang, Herman, 264 Lartington-Gotherstone Road, 628 Laurie, Miss Jacqueline, 122
- Law, Knotty Points About the (Regulations), 98 Law: Legal Loopholes, 407 Law of Manslaughter, The, 723
- Law: You Must Not , 411
- Lawrence Cup Trial, 813
- Laystalls, 150
- L.C.C. Relay Race, 477, 705, 782, 812
- Lea-Francis Model, 536
- Leeds Watch Committee: Dissatisfaction, 30
- Legislation, Motor, 277
- Leicester and D. M.C., 54, 244, 393, 530
- Le Mans 24-hour Race, 382, 526, 646
- Le Mans 24-hour Race, 187, 231, 265, 382
- Leuon of the Light*, The, 270
- Level-crossings, 568, 596
- Lewes Speed Trials, Report and Results, 823
- Licence (Driving): Letter from Leslie, 712
- Licences: Figures, 280, 310
- Licences, New, 125, 537
- Licence: New Regulations, 797
- Licences, Pre-dated Car, 400
- Buyer*' Guide, 368
- Coronation and Whiteun Number, 692
- Easter Number, 466
- New Volume, 4
- Our Cover Picture, 629
- Our Birthday, 94
- Winter Number, 60 Light Car Club, 24, 245, 304 Light Car Club Relay Race, 383 LIGHT CARS:—
- A.C., 313
- Adler, 252, 426, 460
- Aero, 345
- Allard Special, 581
- Alta, 25, 256, 426, 590, 783
- Alvis, 255, 465
- Anzain G.N., 119
- Appleton Special, 823
- Armstrong Siddeley, 159
- Aston Martin, 43, 89, 355, 544
- Austin. 25, 55, 130, 215, 238, 239, 273, 277, 284, 313 331, 426, 461, 493, 538, 544,623, 645, 678, 721, 726, 756
- Bianchi 5, 426, 548
- British Salmson, 427
- B.S.A., 128, 19«, 240, 261, 318, 427, 439, 459, 606, 638, 645, 670
- Bugatti, 623
- Citroen, 130, 252
- Comet, 427
- Coventry-Victor Three-wheeler, 427
- Crossley, 345, 427
- D.A.S. Special, 453
- Pelage, 171
- D.K.W., 345, 427, 460
- E.R.A., 130. 293, 623, 667, 676, 720, 769
- E.R.S., 645
- LIGHT CARS (contd.)—
- Fiat, 5, 7, 16, 130, 252, 255, 345, 428, 453, 461, 466, 53,0, 544, 728, 823 Ford, 5, 25, 35, 253, 283, 345, 401, 428, 441, 492 544, 645, 658, 665, 715, 800
- Fraser-Nash, 25, 55. 255, 304, 313, 428, 492, 493 574, 581, 590, 645
- Frazer-Najh-B.M.W., 7, 25, 129, 428, 492, 645, 698, 715, 744, 774 Freikaiserwaeen, 812 ' G.N., 149' Hansa, 460 "Hanomag, 345 Hillman, 7, 154, 248, 251, 252, 345, 401, 428, 492, 645, 693 H.R.G., 255, 290, 345, 428, 493, 533, 544, 581, 645. 677, 823 Humber, 248
- Jowett, 6, 284. 428, 492 Laffitte, 2
- Lanchester, 380, 429, 454, 484, 534 Lancia, 7, 252, 398, 429, 461 Lea-Francis, 255, 536, 697 Lloyd, 429
- L.M.B. Epoch, S., 8, 25 Martin-J.A.P., 782 Ma«erati, 623, 667, 769 McJEvoy Special, 24, 25, 313, 645 M.G., 9, 24, 25, 44 55, 89, 118, 119, 128, 129, 1.47, 155, 255, 304, 313, 335, 341, 345,429, 452, 482, 492, 530, 531, 538, 544. 589, 590, 623, 645, 686, 714, 715, 727, 758, 771, 823 Morgan, 5, 40, 129 147, 159, 196, 255, 285, 366, 429, 499, 533, 544 645, 693 Morris, 4, 6. 24 25, 55, 89, 253, 255, 345, 369. 403, 430, 528, 530, 544, 576, 584. 645, 794 Neander, 221
- Opel, 252 345, 430, 460, 470, 534, 634 Peugeot, 252
- Rapier, 273, 382, 430, 645 Renault, 7, 252, 430
- Riley, 2, 89, 129, 255, 314, 344, 345, 347, 348 349, 382, 331, 401, 430, 446, 453, 478, 510 533, 544, 623, 645, 667, 726, 727 Rover, 6, 10, 36, 132, 215, 329, 430 464 "Salome," 122
- Singer 6, 24, 25, 55, 85, 89, 104, 118, 119, 128, 129, 224, 253, 255, 286, 313, 344', 345, 376, 377, 378, 390, 431, 453, 492, 493, 531, 133. 144, 581, 645, 714, 71^ Skoda, 252, 345, 538 Standard, 206, 255, 431, 444, 558, 551 721 726
- Steyr. 431, 461 Talbot 6, 25, 255, 315, 345, 346, 372, 373, 401, 431, 533, 544, 645, 677, 694 Tatra, 645 Triumph, 314, 391, 431, 439, 442, 538, 544 645, 658, 778 W.D. Special, 361, 415, 467 Wolseley, 255, 401, 431, 533, 645, 714 776 Lighting, Bristol Street, 221 Lighting. Darlington Street 310 Lighting, Street, 341, 343 Lighting, Modern Street, 280 Lighting, Paris Street, 216 Lighting Debate, Street, 250 Lighting, Liverpool Street, 440 Lighting, Road, 489 Lighting System Maintenance, 48, 78 Lighting-up Times, 4, 30, 60, 94, 124, 152, 186 25$, 280, 310, 340, 368, 398. 440, 466. 498 536, 596, 628, 660, 692, 720, 766, 796 Lights. Car and Garage, 552 Lights, Problem, 302 Lights, " Tubeat " Automatic Switch, 4 Limerick Road Race, 527, 783 Liverpool M.C., 54, 212\ 564 622 Llandaff North Bridge, 628 Lloyd, Col. Lindsay, 216 Lloyd Model, 429 Locke-King, Mr. H. T., 660 Lockheed (Brakes) Improvements, 468 Lockheed: Enterprise, 375 Loughborough Timing Apparatus, 156 Low Temperature Carbonisation, Ltd., 537 Lubrication: Bristol Invention, 568 Lubrication Efficiency, " Thous." Count in 546 Lubrication: Oil Prevents Wear, 456 Lubricants: Buyers' Guide, 420, 421 Lucas: Correction, 374 Lucas Dual Wiper Attachment, 285, 539 Lucas Frostguard: Winter Warmth 82 Lucas Passlight, 158 Lubrication in Winter, 74 Lurani, Johnny, 526, 568 Lyndon, Barr«, 57
- M
- M.A.C. (Midland Automobile Club), 308, 392 434
- Madoc, Col., Death of, 278
- Magneto Facts and Faults, 480
- Magneto, Overhauling a, 516
- Maidstone and Mid-Kent M.C., 54, 118 274 335 362, 393, 492, 527 Maidstone and Mid-Kent M.C. Safety-first Run, 527, 531
- Maintenance, Bodywork, 746 Maintenance, Easing, 588 Maintenance of. Tuning and: Rover Ten and TweiTe, 10, 36. 60, 102, 132. B.S.A. Scout, 198, 240, 280. Lanchester Eleven and Ten, 380, 398, 454, 484
- Maintenance, Simple Aids to Easier, 126 Maiden and D. M.C., 275, 304, 334, 362, 363, 392, 435, 452, 530. 564. 622, 686 Manchester Garages, Ltd., Cars " Valeted " in 30
- Minutes, 599
- Manchester: Underground Garage, 60 Manchester University M.C., 363 Manifold Valley, The, 221 Manners, 252 Mantell, L., Technical Aspects Uy: 20. 50, 80, 112. 142, 174, 204, 236, 268, 300, 330, 358, 388, 422, 456, 486, 518, 556, 586, 618, 644, 680. 710, 750, 786, 816 Manufacturers: Organization, 551
- lii
- C (continued).
- Clevedon: Tree Felled, 61 Chiton Suspension Bridge, 369
- Club Itemi and Sporting Events: 24, 54, 88, 118, 146, 180, 212, 244, 274, 304, 334, 362, 392, 434, 452, 492, 530, 564, 590, 622, 654, 686, 7J4, 758, 790, 822 Club Motoring, 522 Club of Nomad Motorists-, 244. 434, 493, 714, 759, 791
- Club Officials, 621
- Clubs, Guide to the, 524, 565. 617, 652 Clydach Viaduct, 280 Coachwork: Body Conversions, 1 Coachwork: Bodywork Maintenance, 746 Coachwork: Malleable Wood, 731 Coachwork, Special. 401 Coasting, More About, 322
- Colmore Trophy Trial 265, 334, 368, 451, 452 Colmore Trophy Trial, Report and Results, 474, 493 Colour Schemes, 215 Combined Clubs' Charity Ball, 146 Combustion, Controlled, 300 Combustion Head Design, 268 Comet Models, 427 Comfort, Effect of, 233
- " Commercial Motor, The," Special Number, 189, 537 Company of Veteran Motorists, 597 Compression-control Criticized, 556 Compression Drop, 422 Connel Ferry Bridge, 766 Connell, Ian, 526 Conquest, Norman, Article by; All-night Runs—In
- Winter! 294
- Conquest Norman, Article by: Car For You, The, 424 Conquest, Norman, Article by: Car You Deserve! The, 350
- Conversions, Body, 1 Conway, Lord, Death of, 720 Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey, 438 Cook, Mr. Humphrey, 570 Copper In Car Design, 467 Copper-plated Heads, 804 Cork Road Race, 555, 677, 749 CoTlrss Valve, .365 Coronation, The, 717 Coronation: Conducted Tour of the Processional
- Route, 732
- Coronation Plans, 288, 534, 536 Coronation Programme, 369 Coronation: The King's Champion, 754 Coronation Traffic, 662 Coronation Traffic Arrangements, 722 Coronation Trophy Race, Report and Results, 720, 724, 725 Correspondence, Condensed, 47, 243, 299, 361, 387, 491, 585, 649, 686 Correspondents, Notice 20, 179 Cottenham, Earl .of, 464
- Count Your Blessings! Article by Denis Blore, 404 Countryside: Defacement, 251 County Down Trophy Race, 812 County Names, The Whys and Wherefores of, Article
- by Peter Thompson, 316 Court, Bristol's Motoring, 398 COUBT CASES:—
- An Expensive Week-end, 94 Car Park Proprietors, 281 Cross-road Crashes, 187 Cyclist: No Lights, 125 Cyclist Without Lights, 280 Dazzled, 250 Driver Asleep, 692 Evidence, 61 Fines, 150
- ' Halt Sign," 4, 124, 369' Hudson, Capt., Witness, 186 Law of Manslaughter, The, 723 Leeds, 369 Lighting, 125
- Lights: Practical Joke? 368 Obstructing the Police, 250 Parking, 398 Parking: Car Parks, 797 Police Criticized, 343 Police Fined, 499 Police Speed, Checking, 95 Speed Limit, 368 " Speedograph," Police Use, 692 " Stop " Signs, 694 "Uncorroborated Evidence, 255 Court Cases: Justices' Report, 400 Court, Laughter in, 60 Court: When Found, Make a Note, 207 Coventry Cup Trial, Report and Results, 503, . 531 Coventry Triangle M.C., 531 Coventry-Victor Three-wheeler, 427 " Covered Wagon " Caravan, 253 Court Cases: Law-breakers* 1936, 370 Craigavon, Lord, 690 Crippleage: Entwelve Players, 338 Cross Rotary Valve, 365 Crossley Models, 427 Crystal Palace, The, 184, 337, 451 Crystal Palace Coronation Trophy Race, Report and
- Results, 720, 724, 725
- Crystal Palace Meeting, 355, 646, 647, 661 Crystal Palace Road Circuit, 94, 108, 398, 570,
- , 692 Crystal Palace Road Circuit: Road Racing Comes to
- Town, 701
- Crystal Palace Road Hface Circuit. See alto International Road Racing Club and Road Racing Club.
- C.S.M.A., 61, 118. 244, 362, 530, 822 C.S.M.A. (Manchester Centre), 54 C.S.M.A. Proposed Leeds Group, 392 Cumberland Garage, 337 Cunningham, Mr. Graham, 596 Cuprinol, Ltd., 794 Curzon Cup Race, 280
- Cutting In (Humorous), 26, 56, 90, 120, 148, 182, 214, 246, 276, 306, 336, 364, 394, 436, 462, 494, 532, 566, 592, 624, 656, 688, 716, 762, 792, 824 Cycle Tracks, 369, 550, 766
- "Cycling" Concert, 340
- Cycling Permits (Schoolchildren), 796
- Cycling: School Test, 368
- Cyclists: Controlled, 340
- Cyclists' Touring Club: Co-operative Effort, 469
- Cylinder: Copper-plated Heads, 804
- Cylinder Honing: What It Means, 747
- Cylinder Wear: From Sudan, 551
- Cylinder Wear: Oil Prevents Wear, 456
- Cylinder Wear, Causes of, 84, 99
- Cylinder Wear, Eliminating, 208
- Cylinders, Plated, 253
- Damblanc: Variable Stroke Engines, 815
- Dancer's End Hill-climb, Report and Results, 823
- Dangerfield, Mr. and Mrs. Roland 368
- Darby: England's Oldest Driver? 368
- Dartford Tunnel, 438, 440
- Dawson, Kenneth, Article by, East and West
- (England), 166 Dazzle: Polarization, 338 Dazzlers, Publicity, 302 Dealers: Part Exchange, 207 Delahayes: 1937 Racing, 42. 677 Delius, Ernst von, 264, 293 Derby and D.M.C. Dinner, 137, 146 Derby Club's 12-Hour Race, 647 Derby Ring Road, 766 Design: Drop-head, 262 Design? What Next in, 388 Detonation Control 518 Did You Know That— 540, 363 Die Casting (What It Means), 481 Dieneman, Herr, 325 Diesel Oil Engine, Victor, 284 Direction Indicators. See Signals. Dixon, R. A. N., Article by: City Beneath the Waves,
- The, 106
- D.K.W. Models, 427
- Dobson, Austin, 43, 231 432, 526, 583 Dodson Charles, 705 Dome Service, 58 Don, Kaye, 354
- Donington Coronation Day Meeting, 749, 783 Donington Grand Prix. 554, 749 Donington Meeting, 730 Donington: Nuffleld Trophy Race, 782 Ronington Races, 355 Dorset C.C, 435 Douglas Road Circuit, 155 Drew, Mr. G. Keith, 764 Dreyfus, 689
- Drivers' (Race) Interviews, 382 Driving: Eluding Winter's Grip, 66 Driving: Signalling at Night, 551 Driving Strange Car, 2 Driving Tests. See Tests. Driving: The Slip-streamer, 173 Dunwich: The City Beneath the Waves, Article by
- R: A. N. Dixon. 106 Dyer, L. F., 18 42, 58 Dyer Fund, 109
- Earl's Court Motor Show, 764
- Earl's Court: The Old and the New, 93
- Eastbourne Concours d'ElSgance. 451, 677
- Easter, 498, 520
- Edge, Mr. S. F., 660
- Edinburgh and D. M.C., 492, 564
- Edinburgh and D. M.C. Half-day Trial, Report and Results, 714
- Edinburgh Trial, 759
- Eifel Meeting, 583, 647
- Electrical Equipment: Current Consumption, 158
- Electricity, Route-finding by, 131
- Electro Plating (What It Means), 675
- Elephants, 338
- Emery. Mr. H. M., 308
- Enfield and District M.C. and C.C. Dinner, 92, 119
- Enneld M.C., 335. 392
- Engine Balance (What It Means), 413
- Engine: Combustion Head Design, 268
- Engine: Compression Drop, 422
- Engine: Copper-plated Heads, 804
- Engine: Filling (What It Means), 169
- Engine: Hot Spotting (What It Means), 111
- Engine: Interlude, 82
- Engine Maintenance and Tuning, 636
- Engine: Running-in Details, 412
- Engine: Starting From Cold, 80
- Engine Temperatures During Winter Running, 14
- Engine Testing: Efficiency, 12 ,
- Engine Tuning Amateur, 612
- Engine: Unit Construction, 20
- Engines, Variable-compression, 467
- Engines, Variable Stroke, 815
- England: East and West, Article by Kenneth Dawson, 166
- " Engravex " Electric Engraver 157
- Enots Hyject Water Pump, 653
- Equipment. See Accessories.
- EJft.A. Club, 43, 335. 526, 530. 555
- E.R.A. Club Dinner, 54, 570
- E.R.A. Staff, 477
- Escape! (Easter "Going Away" Problems), 515
- Essex Ford O.C., 180, 274, 363, 392, 564
- Essex M.C. Royal Meeting, 763
- Essex Technical College: Technical Training, 35
- Events, " Approved," 370
- Events: Easter Guide, 572. 573
- Events: R.A.C. Fixture List, 704
- Events for 1937—Full List, British Sporting, 180
- Events, Forthcoming, 24, .54, 88, 94. 118, 146, 152. 212, 244, 274, 304, 334, 362, 369, 392, 398, 434 452, 466, 530, 537, 564, 570, 622. 654, 686, 714, 758, 790, 82^2
- Events. International, 265, 450, 783
- Evolution of a New Model, The, Article by W. M. W. Thomas, 576
- Exhaust Gas Freedom 780
- Export Business, This, 772
- Export Figures, 35, 187. 312, 368, 441, 571, 723
- Eyre-Todd. Mr. Adrian, 658
- Eyston, G. E. T., 91
- Facia Board, Behind the, 706
- Falkirk Trial, The, 275
- Faucille, Course de Cote de la, 783
- Fengler, Harlam, 354
- Femihbugh, 676
- Fernihough-Brough Superior Record, 749
- Ferrari, Scuderia, 187
- Ferry, New I.o.W., 695
- Ferry, Refitting Humber, 95
- Fiat Models, 428
- Filling (What it Means), 169
- Film: "And Sudden Death," 150
- Film: "Garden of Allah, The," 153
- Film: Highway Homes, 663
- Films: Factory Holly woods, 35
- Filters: Clean Oil Prevents Wear, 296
- Fine*, Saving for, 773
- Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd., 63
- Flag Flying, 818
- Flag, Stadium Bonnet Mounting, 156
- Flags, Coronation (Smith), 629
- Flame: Combustion Head Design, 268, 300
- Flame Propagation, 15
- " Flame Rate": Phenomena Explained. 236
- Floating Power: What It Means, 385
- Flood: Cars Marooned, 153
- Flood: Ouse Catchment Board, 340
- Floods, 307
- Florence Circuit, 647
- Flower*, Lincolnshire, 662
- Fog: Chaos, 121
- Fo«: Near or Off? 206
- Fog Problem, The, 32
- Fog Service, 60
- Food, Eat Local, 672
- Ford: A Million Cars a Year, 441
- Ford: Australian Assembly, 253
- Ford: Composite Rear-drive Unit, 283
- Ford Employees, 281, 340
- Ford Extensions, 5
- FoTd Films, 95, 124, 629
- Ford: Historic Occasion, 280
- Ford Models, 428
- Ford Motor Show, The, 721
- Ford Owners' Club, 392
- Ford: River Cruises (M.S. " New Dagenbam "), 796
- Ford: Royal Visit, 398
- Ford: Sipectacular, 61
- Ford Speedometers: Accuracy, 145
- Ford Strikers, 720
- Ford: Technical Training, 35
- Ford Ten, A New, 658, 665
- Ford Ten, The Mew (Hoad Test), 800
- Ford: " When the Whistle Blows," 28
- Foreign Touring Club, 88, 334, 363, 435, 492 531 6-22, 667, 758 791 Forging, Drop (What it Means), 517 Fosse Way, 83, 521 Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. Models, 428, 498 Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. Under the Microscope, The, 698.
- Frazer-Nash C.C., 304 Frazer-Naeh Models, 428
- Frazer-Nash-B.M.W., Out and About with the 575 tree Air: Something for Nothing, 621 French Championships, 265 ' French Grand Prix, 292, 555 I'rontiereis Grand Prix, 799 Frost, Effects of, 330 Fry, D. H. C, 812 Fuel, Gas 366 Fuel, Home-produced, 152 Fuel: Mixture Distribution 79
- Fuel Waste, Causes of, 358, 710, 750, 786, 810, 816 b uel, Wood, 4
- Fuels: Buyers' Guide, 420, 421
- Furnese, Roger. Article by. Ruin on Moel Faminan. 1 he, lo<2
- Gaisberg, Course de Cote du, 783
- Garage: Believe It or Not, 159
- Garage, Birmingham Underground, 33
- Garage: Build Them Larger, 82
- Garage Charges, 145
- Garage: Fire Extinguishing, 58
- Garage Heater, Waring, 218
- Garage? How Big is a, 356
- Garage Lights, Car and, 552;
- Garage: Vernon Balls, 763
- Garages and Petrol Stations: 40-hour Week (France), 693
- Garages: Ideal Home Exhibition, 631 Garaging Charges, 1 Gardens: "Floral Ways," 398 Gardner, Major, 526 Gardner, Dr. Eric, 248, 264 Gas Filters, 466 Gas Freedom, Exhaust, 780 Gates, Unlocked, 31 Gear Ratio (What It Means), 267 Gears: How Many Ratios? 374 G.E.C.: Fulham's New Lighting 341 G.E.C. " Little Wonder " Electric Brush 157 Geneva Show, The, 538 German Motor Show, 440, 460, 461 ? German Roads, 568 Germany, 406
- Germany : Wooden Cars ? 694 Gipsy. M.C., 147, 392 Glass. See Safety Glass.
- Gloucester M.C. and C.C., 334, 590 686 Godber, Noel, 625 Goold, Mrs., 568 " Grand National " Parking, 499 Graphite: Exonerating "Indicator," 311 Graphite, Filtering, 207 Gravesend-THbury Bridge, 536 Great West M.C., 24, 54, 118, 146, 334, 452, 492. 530, 714. 791 Great West M.C. Bournemouth Trial, Report and
- Results, 696, 715 Greaves Circuit, 137, 265 Grenfell, GranviUe, 382
- A.A. Coronation Hap, 766
- A.A. Film: "This Motoring," 368
- A.A. Handbook, 597
- A.A.: Here's a New Signal! 125
- A.A. Manchester Office, 152
- A.A. National Defence, 311
- A.A. No Guides (Christmas), 152
- A.A. Patrols: Hours of Duty. 692
- A.A. Sign: Frosty Roads, 284
- Aberdeen and D. M.C., 212
- Accessories, 61, 63, 70, 73, 100, 101, 122, 157, 289, 416, 417, 418, 500, 539, 653
- Accessories: Fitting Extras, 114
- Accessories, " Winter,". 70
- Accessories: "Names and Addresses," 73
- Accessory Dealers, The Buyers' Guide to the, 419
- Accident Figures (Holland), 727
- Accident: Dream, 338
- Accident Figures, Road. 4, 60, 94. 251, 399, 660
- Accident: Nab Your Witnesses, 233
- Accident, One-way Traffic, 340
- Accident Returns, 630
- Accident Statistics, 248, 630
- Accident: The Opportunist, 369
- Accidents, 183
- Accidents, 1935-1936, Road, 189
- Accidents: General Opinion, 12
- Accidents: Germany, 597
- Accidents, New " Angle " on, 596
- Accidents, Prevention of, The, 342
- Accidents: R.A.E.C., 311
- Accidents, Road, 537
- Accidents: Road Safety, 250
- Accidents: Hear, Hear, 114
- A.C.F. " Sports Cup " Race, 382
- Ackerman Steering (What It Means), 297 .
- Aeroplane, Car-cura-, 28
- " Aeroplane, The," 499
- Adler Models, 426
- Affairs of the Moment, 1, 28, 57, 91,121, 149, 183, 215, 247, 277, 307, 33>, 365, 395, 437, 463, 495, 567, 593, 625, 689, 717, 763, 793
- Air Intake Temperature, Wrong Air, 358
- Air Raid: Volunteer Corps, 310
- Aircraft, Civil, 186
- Aislaby, Boring at, 720
- " Ajap-Autowash," Glove, 653
- Albi Grand Prix, 647
- Aldershot Tattoo, 250
- All-night Runs in Winter! Article by Norman Conquest, 294
- Allan, Miss Margaret, 383, 438
- Alta 1937 Plans, 293
- Alta for 1937, A New Racing, 256
- Alta Models, 426
- Aluminium Solder, 539
- Alunize Aluminium Solder, 539
- America: Strikes, 250
- American Motor Strike, 398
- American National Championship, 433
- American Oil Co., Ltd., 629
- Ammanford and D. M.C., 180, 245
- Anderson, E. J., 626
- Andre (Components), Ltd., 466
- " Anglican Cross " at Bewcastle, The, 814
- Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., 495
- Anglo-French Team Match Races, 354, 582, 646
- Anthony's Adventure. 58
- Anti-freese: Effects of Frost, 330
- Asked and Answered, 25, 55, 89, 119a, 147, 181, 23 2, 245, 275, 305, 335, 363, 393, 435, 453, 493, 531, 623, 655, 715
- Astra M.C., 180. 245, 334, 435
- Attracting the Thirsty Traveller (Inn Signs), 228
- Austin, African Journey by, Article by B. A. Soltan, 238
- Au«tin Cabriolets, New, 284
- Austin Cambridge Saloon, The (Road Test), 678
- Austin Factory. 215, 277
- Austin: Minutes Mean Money! 756
- Austin Models. 426
- Austin Price Revision, 721
- Austin: Progress, 232
- Austin: Racing, 450
- Austin: "When the Whistle Blows," 28
- Australian Centenary Rally, South, 325
- Australian Grand Prix (South) Results, 187
- Auto-Extraction (What It Means), 203
- Automobile Club de France, 109
- Automobile Manufacturers Association, 30
- Avon Bridge Bath, 369
- Aynho Village, 796
- B
- " Baby " Without Frills, A, 640, 713
- Backwell Hill-climb. 382
- Baddeley, L. AS, 626
- Badge Bearing, 651
- Badge, Coronation (Smith), 629
- Balls, Vernon. 763
- Ban: What's to do? 498
- B.A.R.C. Dinner, 24
- B.A.R.C, 109, 264, 583
- B.A.R.C. Campbell Trophy Race, 432, 555, 676. 728, 748
- B.A.R.C. Meetings, 355, 477, 573 B.A.R.C. Easter Meeting, Report and Results, 604, 609, 623
- B.A.R.C. Whitsun Meeting, 798, 822 Barnet and D. M.C.. 24,5, 622, 791 Barnsbury Pioneers M.C., 363, 715 Bath: Silent Zone, 310 Bath's " Silence Zone," 341 B&ttery Master Switches, 534 Battery: Preventive Maintenance, 303 Battery, Saving the, 353 Battery Terminal OileT, Clayson, 157
- Battery: Trickle Charging, 303 Battery: When Bulbs Burn Out, 674 Bauxner, Walter, 264
- B.B.C.: On the Air, 60, 251, 368, 398, 596, 813 B.B.O.: Television. 400, 437 Bearings, Better, 651 Beasley, Mr. H., 248 Bekonskot Model Village, 571 • Belgian 24-hcrar Race, 325 Belisha Beacons, 186, 657 Bellibro Universal Wiench, 653 Benevolent Fund, 340, 499, 793
- Berkbamsted M.C. and C.C., 276. 362, 434. 492, 714 Berlin Motor Show. 125, 250 Berlin Motor Show, The. Reviewed by Edwin P. A.
- Heinze, 460 Berne Grand Prix, 647 Bersey, F. T., 150 Berthon, Peter, 438 Berwick and D. M.C., 622 Berwick Club's Trial, 118 Bexhill Ooncours, 692 Bianchi Models, 426
- Bianchi Viareggio Saloon, The S.9 548 B.I.F; (British Industries Fair), 289, 399, 445 Bill, Trunk Roads, 31, 94 Bira, B., 682 Birmingham M.C., 392 Birmingham Road News, 33 Black, Norman, 366
- Blackpool M.C. and L.C.C., 492, 622, 714. 822 Blackpool Motor Rally, 692, 749, 783, 813 Blagroves: The Refuge of the Prince's Murderer.
- Article by G. Bernhard Wood 560 Bl'ore, Denis, Article by: Count Your Blessings! 404 "Blower. The," Article by: A Musketeer in Mufti, 482 "Blower, The," Article by: Lure of the Sports Car, 512 "Blower, The," Article by: M.P.H. for Sale (Sporting
- Light Oars of 1937), 128 "Blower, The," Article by: We Shall Remember '36
- (Racing), 170, 200 " Blower, The." Sports Jottings by: 18, 42, 76, 108, 136, 230, 264, 292, 324, 354, 382, 432, 450, 477, 526, 582, 609, 646, 676, 704, 748, 782, 812
- Bluemel Telescopic Steering Wheel. 464 B.M.C.R.C., 564
- Board of Trade Returns, 60, 312, 441, 571, 723 Boat Race, The, 536 Boddy, Mr. W., 92 Bodywork Maintenance, 746 Bol d'Or 24 Hours Race, 432, 646, 799
- BOOKS :—
- " 1936 Achievements," 629
- A.A. Handbook, 597
- " Aeroplane Directory The," 767
- Bnooklands Year Book, 1937, 628
- " Enemies of Timber, The," 794
- " House of Sternol, The," 94
- " Motor Boat Manual, The," 499
- " Motor Ship, The," 343
- " Motoraces," by George Monkhouse. 797
- " Pennychuck." by Slade Kennedy. 567
- R.A.C. Handbook, 636
- " Record Makers, The," 77
- " Road Racing, 1936,.' by Prince Chula, 371, 432
- " Sir Malcolm Campbell's Book of Famous Motorists," 764
- " Selina's Summer," by Janet Lynn, 626
- S.M.M.T. Detailed Specifications, 599
- Temple Press Handbooks for Motorists, 213
- "To Vienna by Motorcar" (Booklet), 628 .
- Walpole's (Hugh), Books, 13 Bournemouth M.C., 24 Brackenbury, Charles, 77 Brackenhurst Hill-climb, 527 Bragg, F.R.S., Professor W. L., 797 Brake Adjustment, 12 Brake Efficiency, 144 Brakes: Oare in Snow, 588 Brakes, Waterproof, 352 Braking Extraordinary! 250 Bray Road R-ace, 466
- B.R.D.C. (British Racing Drivers Club), 18, 477 B.R.D.C. 500-Miles Race, 526. 646 B.R.D.C. British Empire Trophy Race, 324, 632, 633, 646
- B.R.D.C. British Empire Trophv Race, Entries, 609 B.R.D.C. Star Markings, 432, 783 British Empire Trophy Race, Report and Results, 658, 66^1, 667, 676, 813 Brecknock, Lord, 216 Brendel, 264 Bressey, Sir Charles, 496 Breyer, Jan, 122 Bridges Britain's Beautiful: Article by Gwynetb
- Pennethorne, 176
- Brighton and Hove M.C.; 58, 88, 435, 714 Brighton and Hove M.C. Spring Oup Trial, 590 Britstol M.C. and L.C.C., 9, 25, 137. 146, 382, 393, 62(2, 676, 714, 783, 791 Bristol One-way Traffic, 186 Bristol Parking Facilities. 61 Bristow, F. G., 625 British Racing Mechanics Clutt, 212 British Road Federation, 463 British Salmson Models, 427 Brooker, Mr. J. W. G., 278, 626 Broc-klands Campbell Circuit. 692, 695 Brooklands Campbell Trophy Race, Report and
- Results. 766, 768, 769, 7&2, 790 Brooklands Ceremony, 660 Brooklands Meeting, 310 Brooklands Easter Meeting, 466, 573 Brooklands Baster Meeting, Report and Results, 604, 609, 623
- Brooklands Tennis Courts, 626 Brooklands Track. 18, 216, 354 Brooklands: Sneekapeek, 43 Brooklands Whitsun Meeting, 798, 822
- Browning. Mr. H. B., 92
- BruneJl, Mi»s Kitty, 647
- Bruih, G.E.C. " Little Wonder" Electric, 157
- Brussels Salon, The, 187, 262
- Bryan., J. W., 438
- B.S.A.: Cartoonist-commissionaire, 661
- B.S.A. Models, 427
- B.S.A. Scout, The (Under the Microscope), 606, 638, 670 B.S.A. Scout. Tuning and Maintenance 198, 240, 260, 280, 318 Budget, 660, 692, 717. Bugatti Club Night Trial, 89 Bugatti Owners' Club, 304 Bugotti Records, 42 Bulb Economy, 407 Bulbs Burn Out, When, 674 Bulbs: Philip's High-pressure Lamp*, 500 Bumper Heights, 122 Bus Strike, 766 Buyers' Guide, 398, 406 Buyers' Guide, The (Specifications and Prices of Cars), 426-431
- Buying a Car: Advice, 306 Bus and Tram Stops, 153 Bwlch y Groes, 445
- Caerleon Amphitheatre, 221
- Caldwell Engine Heater and Trickle Charger, 187
- Caledonian M.C. Trial, Report and Results, 530, 531
- Cambridge University A.C., 687
- Camp Sites, 4
- Campbell Cup, The, 187
- Campbell, Sir Malcolm, 582, 594
- Campbell Trophy (Fastest Lap). 812
- Campbell Trophy Race, 432, 555, 676, 728, 748
- Campbell Trophy Race, Report and Results, 766, 768, 769, 7%2, 790
- Camper's Equipment Guide, 743 Campers: Unlocked Gates, 31 Camping Club, 147, 244, 274 362 Camping: Out Into the Wide Open Spaces, 740 Canadian Motorists' Visit,- 440 Canadian Winter, Motoring During a, Article - by
- Brian Meredith, 163 Canoe Across Channel, 464 Car: A "Baby" Without Frills, 640, 713 Car and Garage Lights, 552 Car: Blind Space, 525 Car Choice, 52 Car-cum-Aeroplane, 28 Car Design: Beauty or Utility? 489 Car for You, The, Article by Norman Conquest, 424 Car, Improving a Second-hand, 408 Car Is New/*When, 412 Car Models, Dror-head, 262 Car, New, 206 Car: That Baby Again, 773 Car: Winter Wrinkles, 69 Car You Deserve! The, Article by Norman Conquest, 350
- Caracciola, R., 264 Caracciola-Mercedes Records, 18 Caravan: "Covered Wagon," 253 Caravan Unhitched, 58 Caravanners: Unlocked Gates, 31 Caravanning • in U.S.A., 663 Carbon? What Causes, 142 Carburation: Not Easy to Answer, 644 . Carburetter, A Jetless, 254 Carburetter, Gyro.8, 63 Carburetter Layout, 618 Carburetter: Petrol Pump Pointers, 384 Carburetters, Multiple, 586 Carburetters, Twin, 12 Cardaflex Universal Joint, 289 Carless, Capel and Leonard, 626 Cars of 1937. Sporting Light: M.P.H. For Sale,
- Article by " The Blower," 128
- Cars, Second-hand, 593
- Cars: Specifications and Prices, 426-431
- Cars Stolen, 797
- Cars That Open, Closed, 589
- Cars: Unit Construction, 621
- Cars: Weight Means Waste, 620
- Cawpra Motor Club, 492, 622, 687, 714
- Celamel Dabiton Retouching Outfit, 500
- Cemian M.C., 119, 362, 493, 715
- Census, Traffic, 94
- Charing Cross Bridge, 464
- Charlton Amateur M.C., 24, 334 '
- Chelsea Suspension Bridge, 281 Chemico Spray Gun, 539 Chertsey Arterial Road, 220 Chester M.C., 118, 434, 492, 715, 759 Chester Ring Road, 663 Chevallier Screenwiper, 441 Children's Outing, 693 Chiltern Car Club, 492, 790, 822 Chiltern Contrasts, Article by A. S. Jenkinson, 802 Chiltern Hills, The, 440 Chiron, L., 264 Christmas, 149, 158, 184 Christmas Gifts, 91, 100 Chrysler Hell Driver's Passenger, 121 Chrysler Strike, 536 Churches, England's Earliest, 814 Chula, Prince, 582
- Report and
- Ciano Coppa, 647
- City and Guilds College M.C .Joint Trial,
- Results, 696, 715 City and Guilds College M.C. Trial, Report and
- Results, 530 City Beneath the Waves, The, Article by R. A. N. Dixon, 106
- Clay son Battery Terminal Oiler 157
- Clean. Keeping It (Car), 206
- Cleanliness ih Winter, 356
- Clegg, Mr. David, 583
See Also
Sources of Information