Lightcar: Index v58: (1942)
Note: This is a sub-section of Light Car and Cyclecar
INDEX. Volume 58. 1942.
- A.A. and R.A.C,: Celestial Bodies (Editorial), 23CT
- Abbott, Captain C. J. M., 198
- A.C. Mechanical Petrol Pump, 424 :"
- Accident Figures, Road, 159, 237, 315, 357, 597, 441
- Accidents: Christmas Fatalities, 44 Accidents: Heresy? 27
- Accidents: Liability—Government Vehicle*, 159
- Accidents: Minister's Special Appeal, 6
- Accident*: Present and Future Dangers, 356
- Accurate Recording Instrument Company, 38
- Addia. Mr. P. E. D., 1&2 ? . \ .
- Aeroplane: Striking Power, 101 »
- A.F.S., A Musketeer in the. Article by Jack M. Reiss, 320
- Aikm*n, C.I.E., Sir Alexander, 348 *
- Airflow Defroster: Winter Safeguards, 16 1
- Aldington, Lieut-Col. H. J. and Mrs., 274* ?
- Aluminium: Post War, 65 Aluminium: Post-war Cars. 379
- Amaaons of ^Industry. Article by Elizabeth Sullivan, 258
- America Black-out Speed Limit, 399
- America: Motoring Data, 120
- America, War-time Sport in, 136
- America.: Reduced Motoring, 315
- American Car Production, 44
- Anagram: A Wet Sapper, 129, 135
- Aaderaon, E. J., 271
- Antd-freeze Controlled. 81
- Anti-lreeze Precautions, 382, 396
- Appleton, R. J. W., 373 -,
- Armstrong-, A. C., 232. Armstrong, F.R.S., Dr. E. F., 474 Army Drivers;? Proficiency Pay for. Article by
- " Indicator,". 297
- Army-: Royal Armoured Corps, 412.' 413 Army: Tank Training (Editorial), 114 Army Training School: Tommy Becomes ^Mechanized,
- / r 94, 95 Army Vehicle: It's
- 's an Ugly Duckling, but, 211
- ^rpncfel, Peter, 394
- \»hby, - C*pt. Jack, 73 •
- Ashley, K.B.E., C.B., Sir Percy, 474 •
- A-sked and Answered, 29, 103, 141, 182, 219, 257. 339, 381, 423, 465 „
- Aepin Engine, Th$. Article by Louis Mantell, 10 ^Aapin, Frank MetcaH, 5 "An Seconrs," Sporting Reflections by, 288 Austin: Advertising-, 154 Austin: Electric Conversion, 4-58 Austin Hints, Two, 466 Austin, Lady, Death of, 232 Austin Lifeboat Engines. Article by E. P. Willoughby. 108
- Austin MenVorial, 46, 80, 116
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 135, 306; 390.
- Austin, Lord, Tribute to, 6
- Austin Racing History: Mightier Atoms.- Article by F. J. Findon, 344
- Austin: Why. Three Cylinders? 13
- Austin's (Lord) Estate, 399
- Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., 390
- Baker, P. J. Noel, 82, 158
- Bale; Major Frank, 197, 232, 271
- Barimar, Ltd., W«lding Repairs. 46. 80, 182 '
- Basic Ration Abolished (Editorial), 113 Batteries, 196
- Battery Electrics (Cars), 238
- Battery Storage, Car, 161 •
- Battery: Taking Hydrometer Reading, 56
- Bayley, Mr. H. J., 38 B.B.C.: Broadcast at Br'ooklands, 155 B.B.C.: " Giants of Sport," 197 Beaumont, O.B.E., Major E. C. E., 27 Becke, O.B.E., Major J, 80 Bedin«field, C V., 470
- Beharrell, G. • E.> 348
- Beiisha Beacons, 7, 85
- Bendix^Ltd.: Irleld Differential.Wheel-spin, 130
- Benbam, Douglas, 198
- Bergel, J. G., Death of, 4
- Bergougnan, Raymond, Death ol, 399
- Berkshire, Royal. Article by Francis Jones, 362
- Big Shot Lubrication (Tecalemit, Ltd.). Article by the Editor, 370
- Bill: What Happened. Then, 463 .
- Birabongse. Prince, 5
- Bird, Mr. W. G. W> 306
- Birkett: Three Wheels for Four (Conversion), 410
- Births, 44O'
- Black, Captain J. P., 8
- -Black. Robert, 81 ,
- "Blower, The;" Article by: Thoughts Under the
- Table, 340 -
- "Blower, The," Sports Jottings by: 22, 72, 97, 136, 214
- Bluecol,'311 • l ?
- Boadicea: Spacious Days, 139
- Body Developments (" Technical Aspect"). Article by Louis Mantell, 90
- Bolsover-Rodgers Conversion, The, 448
- Bolster, Mrs. Barbara, Death ol, 45
- BOOKS:— ' " . ' ? .
- "Aeroplanes in Detail" (Temple Press Ltd.), 315 "Bits and Pieces,"-By B. Bira, 237, 285 Car storage (Vanxh*ll Booklet), 306 "Commercial Motor First Aid Simple Guide, The"
- (Temple Pre*i'Ltd.)..390
- Facts and Farujies, By Professor Low, 395
- Ford: Motor Vehicle Mechanism, 38
- ?" How Many Beans' Make Five,"- By Lord Perry> 306 -
- " How to Dri-ve a Motor Vehicle " (Temple Press
- Ltd.), 390 Mobility for the Home Guard, By Francis Jones, 330
- Motor Manual, The (Temple Press Ltd.), 330 Nuffield Organization Pamphlet,- 38 " Odd«ntification," By Wren, 135, 447 Parachutes in Peace and War, By Prof. A. M.
- Low, 330 "Petrol and Oil Engine-Differences," By D. S. D.
- Williams, 306
- Steience Looks Ahead, By Prof. A. M. Low, 330 ? .-
- " Some Notes on Occupational Skin Diseases," 38-
- "Tanks," By A. M. Low, 85 ,~
- Books for Sale, Motor, 46 \
- Bourne, Arthur, 198.
- Bower, Sir Percival, 236 ; f-
- Bowker Electric Vehicle, The, 210
- Brabazon, Lord, 429
- Bradley, A. P., 252
- Brakes, Lockheed. Article by V. S. D. Williams,
- Brakes' Longhead, 421
- Brett, Mr. C. W., 266
- Barimar, Ltd., 266
- Bracken, Brendan, 270
- Brakes: Facts About Girling, 450
- Brett, C. W., 80, 311
- Briault. " Duggie," 271
- Bridcutt, H. O. S., 310 >-
- Bridging Traffic Jams, 386 -"V
- Briggs, Dr. I. G., 315 ~\
- British Racing Drivers' Club, 469
- British Standards Institution, The, 38, 474
- British Timken, Ltd.: The Technical Press. Article by Mr. John Pascoe, 33
- Brooker, J. W. G., 310
- Brooklands: The Trunnel, 283
- Brown, Mr. William Ilenry, 306 " •
- Bryan, Mr. J. W.,- Death of, 237
- Buckley, Capt. Dennis and Mrs., 274
- Bumper Jacks, 338
- Burton, Mr. Geoffrey D.: Knight Bachelor, 266
- Butcher, Mr. G. H, 395 ' Butlere Side Lamp, A Neir, 196
- Burgess, W. H. M.,~ 117
- Burma Road, The. Article by Charl«s Mr Upham, 92
- Cadets Armoured Car C<#ps, 275 Cambridge University Au§ Club, 23 Car A National Biy Mri L. H. Hounsfield, 322 Car Age Registration Figures-,- 218 Car and Home Article bX Elizabeth Sullivan, 50 CM and the Future, T$6 (Editorial), 40 Car Design Chamge, 66 ^Car Designs, New? 21ff^ Car Lights and Safety* (Editorial), 349 Car, Pedal, 348
- Car Permit, New, 2f" - • . . „ •
- -Car Planning PeJldTHfance. Article^ by L. P.
- "' Willoughby 373 .
- ar, Post-war, 337 ,:
- v Fife-cracker" . Article by Francis Jones, 324 L_.I*«U Washing, 116 ;: , ^Carburetter Direct Ripction ("Technical Aspect ).
- Article by haSU Mantell, 128
- ,,»,»retter, The SoWXj 341A
- u*. Battery Electties, 238
- irs, Compulsory Acquisition of Used, 314
- iit, La:d-up, 4S.& ,
- trs (Laid-upL W Essential Needs. 315»
- ITS (L*id-up>\ Deftositinp Vital Parts, 236
- ,rs, More AbjSut IWluisitioning of, 356
- ,r«, Moving Tj?feless, 43^
- ,rs- That Census Bombshell, 438
- ?rs to Ce.ase, Manufacture of New, 315
- ,ia, Turbirfe 296
- Article by Frank
- iehMtial bodies (A.A. and R.A.C.) (Editorial), 230 mi Bombshell, That, 4^8 . ;us: Laid-up Cars; 436 ihler, Mr W R., 309 ipion Starter (Jowett).
- Dickinson, 244
- iara«aki. Prince, Death of, 357
- neap Po»t-w»r Motorina 4Editorial), 392-
- iristmas Greetings (Editorial). 2.
- rula, Pttfice, 5 *
- jmla, Pri&ce, Article by: Pat Fairfield, 34 ,.. •JkfB Service Motoring Association, Tie, 23' f. j©apham, Dems, 98 ' I™ k, Lt -Col J. Sealy. 232 •ke, Ernie, 198 r, Major A G. Douglai, 333 d. Major the Hon. F^, 373
- Spring Article b$ Elizabeth Sullivan, 88 ,„. tie North? Enthusiasts' Car, 97 *, Mr. Norman P., 266 463
- S» Mr R H 390' ,11, Mr William Duncan, 274 aftst, Norman, Short Story by: Show Piece, 70 '"?- Standard, 326, 328, 329 T»«on, BolsoTer-Rodgers, 448 #»ion Electric (Austin). 458 tsion Three Wheels for Four, 410 feftmg to Electricity. Article by E. P. WiJloughby, 162 Humphrey, 271 Running, 379
- : Electrical Gear Changing, 144 Case Dr. Leslie Burgin, 274 Alderman J., 236 Racing Circuit, 5
- erland Circuit. Article bv Francis Jones,* 298 In. 36. 37, 74, 75, 110, 111, i48, 149, ^86, 187, 226, 227, 264, 265, 304 305, 346, 347, 388, 389, 430» 431, 472, 473 - Paradise False Start, 217 g (The Editor), 395
- ler Wear (Technical Aspects!. Article by Louis Mantell, 282
- D
- Xy, Mr. J C. 274
- lerfield, Mr Roland E.: Home Gvrard 271
- i«, Major S C H. 373
- Charlie, 198 ' rbomzing, About, 301 About Decarbonizing, 301
- Elizabeth
- e of the " Maxrieds.'
- Sullivan 124
- fcemy and Hyatt, 348
- Article
- Design : Change, 66
- Designs, New Car, 218
- Dickinson, Frank Article by: Champion Staiter
- (Jowett), 244 Differential: Is the Diff. Worth While? Article hy
- E. P. Willoughby, 250 Differential: Shattered Illusion. Article by E. P.
- Willoughby, 331 Differential Stories, 256 Differential, The Ifleld, 73, 130 Direct Injection (Technical Aspect). Article by
- Louis Mantell, 128 Divo, M., 315 Dodd, R.A.. Francis, 197 ' Doing Our Bit (Editorial), 39 Drive, Friction ^ 122, DrivingNin the Black-out, 29 Driving: No, After You, Cecil! 132 Dublin and District M.C.C., 288, 405 Dudley, Lord, 236 Duke of Kent, Death of. 352 Duke of Richmond and Gordon, The, 98 Duolop Guide: U.S.A. Army, 441 Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., 120 Dunlops: Tennis and Golf Balls, 154
- . E '
- Eagle St*r Insurance Go., Ltd., 266
- Eccentric Club, 394
- Economy (Technical' Aspect). Article bj Louie
- Mante.ll, 446 Edgar, Percy 155 Edgerton, Mr. Eric, 34S Edinburgh and District Motor Club, 136 Ediswan Film, 441 EDITORIAL :—
- A.A. and R.A.C.: Celestial Bodies, 230
- Army: Tank Training, 114
- Basic Ration Abolished, 113
- Car and the Future, The, 40
- Oar Lights and Safety, 349
- Celestial Bodies (A.A. and R.A.Q.), 230
- Cheap Post-war Motoring. 392 ;
- Christmas Greetings, 2
- Doing Our Bit, 39
- Electric Transport, 189
- "Fuel " Controlled, All, 308 "
- Horse-power Tax Must Go, 434
- Hounsfield: Motoring for the Masses, 307
- Insurance, Tax and, 229
- Law, Misrepresenting the, 350
- Lifts, Giving'. 40
- Light Car Ascendancy, 433
- Lights and Safety, Car, 349
- Misrepresenting the Law. 350
- Motoring, Cheap Post-waT, 392
- Motoring for the Masses, 307
- Motoring? Where is the Official Voice? 77
- Need for Signposts, The, 151
- Petrol Abuses; 1
- Petrol: Basic Ration Abolished. 113
- Petrol. Running the Pool 268
- Pool, The Volunteer Car, 267
- R.A.C. and A.A.: Celestial Bodies, 230
- Red-Green (Traffic Lights), 78, 114
- Road Deterioration, 151 c
- Signposts: The Need, 151
- Signals: Red-green, 78, 114
- Stagnant Pool, The, 391 '
- Tank Training, 114"
- Tax and Insurance 229
- Tax Must Go, Horse-power. 434
- Traffic Lights: Red-Green, 78, 114-
- Tyi« Problem*: Use and Requisitioning, 189
- Volunteer Car Poor, The, 267
- Volunteer Car Pool: The Stagnant Pool, 391
- Where is the Official Voice? 77
- Youth at the Helm, 308 Electric Car: A Policeman's Life, 422 Electric Conversion (Austin), 458 Electric Lecar, The, 262 Electric Transport (Editorial) 189 Electrical Gear Changing (Cotal), 144 Electrics, Battery (Cars), 238 Elgie, F., 474
- Ellis, M.P., Mr. W. Craven, 333 Emanuel, Mr. B.. 117 Engine: An Emergency Start, 67
- Engine: Cylinder Wear (Technical Aspects). Article
- by Louis-Mantell, 48 Engine: Intakes. 178
- Engine—the Aspin. Article by Louis Mantell, 10
- Engine: YThy Three Cylinders? 13
- Engineering Cadetships, 467
- Engines: New Uses, 27 ?
- Engines: What of the Future? (Technical Aspects).
- Article by Louis Mantell, 24 Enness Sentinel, Ltd., 7
- Enthusiasts' Car Club, The, 332, 372, 373, 469 Enthusiasts' Car C!ub for" the North? 97 • '? Enthusiasts' " Luncheon, 403
- Especially for Eve. Article by Elizabeth Sullivan. 172
- Es-sex Ford Owners' Club, The, 198
- Etancelin, P., 315 .-
- Everitt, Commander Bill. 5 Exhibition: "Gangway, Please," 429 Exports: Notice, 7
- Fairey, Mr. C. R.: Knighthood, 266
- Fairfield. Pat. Article by Prince Chula; 34
- Fane, A. F. P., Death of, 332
- Farming by'Motor, 206
- Fellowship of the Motor Industry, The, 192. 399,
- Field," Cecil, 373
- Findon, F- J. Article by: Invasion of Germany,' 184
- Findon, F. J. Article by: Mightier Atoms (Au«tin
- Racing History), 344
- Findon, F. J. Article by: Youth at the Helm. 286
- Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co. Ltd., 135
- Fison, C. IL, 270 - *
- Flint, R.A... W. Russell, 197 Follett, Charles, 533, 373
- Ford Aircraft Engine, 441 ••
- Ford Emergency Food Vans,. 82 159, 182, 266 Ford Film: "Switchover," 8 Ford, Henry, 315
- Ford: Motor Vehicle Mechanism (Booklets). 38
- Ford Salvage Exhibition, 306, 390
- Ford " Save" Fuel " Campaign, 348
- Ford: Sports Club—Holiday Resort, 266
- Ford Trade School, 474
- Ford: Warship Week, 85
- Fox, Arthur, 270
- Fraser, Alex, 437
- Fraler N/ash. Captain A. G., 197
- FTee Wheel Maintenance, 67 "
- ""Freeman, Norman, 271
- Friction Drive, 122 ,
- From Information Received (Trade), 38, 49. 105, 135. 182, 266, 306, 348, 390, 432, 474 Fuel, Alternative, 85, .-396 Fuel Consumption :-Illusory, 177
- "Fuel" Controlled. All Motor (Editorial), 308 -
- Fuel, Different, 255
- Fuel Orders—Defence Regulations, 315
- Fuel: Producer Gas, 194
- Fuel: Producer-gas Plants, 157
- Fuel Rationing Order, Motor, 273
- Fuefe • Restricted Use of Gas, 440
- Fuel: " Victory " Gas Producer Plant. 7
- Fuels, Alternative. 464 :-
- Fuels, Steam and Other Alternative, 396 Fursdon, hi. B. W., 232
- Galloways of Manchester, 352
- Gandhi. Mr. David L., 97, 136. 332 373, 469
- Game, " WaT Planes " Card, 315
- Garage, The Ideal, 52
- Gardner. Lt. Colonel A. T., 372
- Garnon, Mr. E. W., Death of, 46
- Gas Producer, 194
- Gas Producer Plant, " Victory," 7
- Gas Producer Plants, 157
- Gas, Restricted Use of, 440
- Gawden, Helena. Article by: Happy Hours, 106
- GeaT Changing, 380
- Gear Changing, Electrical (Cotal), 144
- Gear ?* Changing • Synchromesh. Article by E. P.
- Willoughby, 374 Germany, Invasion of. Article by F. J. Findon. 184
- Germany: So Was Blitzkrieg Born, 193
- Germany: War and Pre-war Machine, 168
- Gibson, Captain J. Ea-son,- 288
- GirliD'gs, Facts About,\450
- Givons Grove Service Station- 2J7
- Glazing, Ever Tried. 54
- Gloria. Death of, 5 : .
- Godber, Mr. Frederick: Knighthood, '266
- Godbold, Mr. Ernest Hilder, Death of 83
- Good, C.B.E., Mr. P., 38 . •
- Goodall, Georg«, 332 .
- Goold, Mrs. Lilian, Death of. 404
- Grainge, George, 198
- Grant, Gregor J.. 116, 266, 288
- GriWben, Squadron Leader, 333
- Griffen, Dr. E., .310 •
- Guides, Civilian Street, 357
- G.W.K.. Friction Drive," 122
- H
- Halifax, Lord, 81 '
- Hall, Mrs. E. R.: Joan Hall—Pit Manager
- view with H. J. Morgan), 222
- Hancock, Judge, .155 ?? \ .
- Hancock, M.B.E., Mr. E. W.. 390 , ,;•;
- Happy Houn. Article by Helena Gawden, 106 %|
- Hardy, John, 310 - • ' V'?:?
- Harper Runabout, 88 a
- Harris, Sqdn. Ldr.. F. I, M-, 271. 373 -? ' ;S'
- Hartley Head-lamp Mask, 399. 437 £
- Hastings, Harold C, 73. 159. 470 :•
- Hayter " Tommy," 117, 373 XJ p.
- He Rode in a Peep. Article by, Ashley Taylor. 454 J
- Healey, B.Sc,. Mr. A., 474 ? . . . J§,
- Heat ProiWems (Technical Aspects).. Article by Loui*-
- Mantell, 48 ; ' ;
- Henly; H. G-, 80 <V
- 'Hepworth. and Grandage, Ltd., 38, 474 -'::
- Hepworth, G. C, 474 *
- ! HepwoTth, J. L., 474 . ;^
- Hess, Major Alan, 394 . J4~
- Highway Code: Should Be Made Law?"314- ~:.:$\
- Hints: Ideas lor Gwneis, 67 . ;;s>
- Hints: Hose Connections, 120 " • ',
- Hints: January Chills, .30 #
- Hints: Mask Cleaning, 29 / * :V
- Hints: Plug Points, 29 , fl
- Hints: Rust, 29 . ?
- Hints: Car Storage, 414 t
- Hints: Utilize Girage Oddments, 62 ?:;..
- Hints: Winter Safeg'uards, 16 - ';-«
- Hire-purchase: "Glad and Sorry," 102 ,-" "?
- Hired Cars Order, 315 ' , ?•'?.'/??'?*
- Hodson, Mr. F. G., 390 -?IS-|
- Home Guard Front. Article by Franci3 Jpnes; SSQj'i 402 - • ' ' ? >r-;|^
- Home Guard: If Invasion Cornea.- Article by Frii&BR;
- Jones 444 - j^Sj
- Home Guards Wanted, Motoring, 97 . . . MM&
- Home-made Tractor, A, 104
- Homerton Rub<r>er Works, Ltd., 117
- Hood®: Purchase Tax, 275
- Horse-power Tax Must Go (Editorial), 434
- Hospital Day, 135
- Hounefield: A National Car, 322
- Hounsfield: Motoring for the Masses (Editorial),
- Hounsfield. Mr. Leslie H. 275
- Howlett, Mr. J. W., 182
- Huhnlein. General, Death of, 272
- Hunrber-Hillman Bulletin: Storage Hints, 266
- HUMOROUS:— • .
- Cutting In. 36, 37, 74. 75. 110, 111, 148/ 186, 187, 226 227, 264, 265, 304, ? 346, 347 388. 389, 430, 431, 472, 473 Humphreys, Mr. H. H., 49 Hutchison, K. N., 288, 332
- Hydraulic Steering, 251A ,: ,
- I.A.E. (Institution of Automobile Engineers) Disefifo-
- sion, 135 . i-*" ',
- I Turn Trade- Driver;, Article by A. S. Jenkinson, 200
- Ideas for Owners, 67 '
- If Invasion Comes" (Home Guard). Article by Francis-
- Jones, 444
- Hydrometer Readings, Taking (Jobs You Can Do)
- ['Jo
- ,Ifield Differential, The, 73, 130 "Immobilization—Fire Bombs, 357
- [Demobilizing of Cars: Storekeeping, 295 adianapohs in 1942, 72 " Indicator,." Article by: Proficiency Pay for Army
- Drivers? 297 'Indicator," Rich Mixture by: 27, 65, 101, 139, 177. 217, 265, 295, 337, 379, 421, 463 epection, Keel, 261 istitution "of Automobile Engineers Meeting, 275 Is-urance, Tax and (Editorial),. 229 Invasion of Germany. Article by F. J. Findon, 184 It Won't Happen Again (A True Story), 134-
- Bumper, 338 ., Mr. Phihp, 474
- \ry Chills. Article by Elizabeth Sullivan, 30 te. Mr. Frank, 379 ie, Mr 'W, 274 (Junior Car Club), 98
- (Junior Car Club) .Luncheon, 43, 117, 155, 197, 271, 533, 372, 394, 437
- »p, It's an Ugly Duckling, but , 211
- f #hat Abotlt the, 372
- 'neon, A S, Article by: 1 Turn Trade Driver, 200 . .
- ings, Christopher, 332 .
- ^John, 98
- Francis, 271 . ...-
- Francis, Article by: About Wales, 126 -,' Francis, Articte by: Car v. Fire-cracker, 524 Francis, Article by: Cars and the H.G., 284, Francis, Article by: Cumberland Circuit, 298 Francis. Article by: Home Guard Front, 360, 4O2
- Francis, Article by: II Invasion Comes (Home Guard), 444
- Francis, Article by: Simple Transport, 30 Francis, Article by: Surrey Souvenir, 164 Francis, Article by: Sussex for Aye, 68 Francis, Article by: Wiltshire Ways, 452 : Champion Starter. Article by Frank Dickdn-•-v-; son, 244 fvmk, Yard, 66
- '+; ' K.
- JEfey ana Co , Messrs. W. G., 474 ""Kcesl Inspection, 261
- ward, Mr H L , 436, 474 Iner, Percy, 197
- beck, MT Sydney, 73
- :r, . Cecil, 4
- irsley, Lord, 272
- -ig, A V , "73
- ih, Sir Cecil, 348
- IOX, Deputy Chief' Constable, 117 ' -
- Bnperbe " Au," 86
- >rt, OBE., Mr. A. Warren, 314, 356 , A New Side (Butlers), 196 ister Electrical Co.: The Lecar, 262 • am, Charles, 42, 85 Misrepresenting the (Editorial), 350 rancis Club, 72 . x ers. Lord/ 6, 42, -82 t The, 262 ette (Story), 385
- Fjinny Peculiar or Funny Ha Ha? 312 -£,- North Country. Article by Ashley Taylor !r ^18, 61, 112, 14OA, 179, 213, 260, 278, 316, . < «58, 400, 442 Licences, Motor Vehicle, 8 'for Pedestrians. 399
- Giving (Editorial), 40 t Car Ascendancy (Editorial), 433 right Car, The": For Exchange, 348 1»t Car, The ": Pocket Size, 192
- CABS — '
- stm, 13, 342, 458, 466 rter Electric, 210 L.A., 35, 342
- «.K, 122 '
- ct> (Electric), 262
- LIGHT CARS—eontd.
- M.G., 280, 320 ,
- Morris, 294
- Peep, 454
- Sunbeam-Talbot, 342
- Triumph, 142, 143 '
- Vauxhall, 310
- Light on Old Subjects (Floodlighting), 177 Light in the Black-out (Regulations), 351 Lighting Regulations: Combined Appeal, 45 Lighting: Until Then, 65
- Lighting-up Times ("Black and White". Guide), 9, 47, 102A, 121, 160, 199, 239, 279, 317; 359, 401, 443
- -Lights and Safety, Car (Editorial), 349 Lights: Side Lamps Test, 353 Llewellin, Col. J. J., 82, 119 Lloyd George, Major Gwilym, 273
- Lockheed Brakes. Article by D. S. D. William6, 180
- Lockheed: Diary, 4 ? :?
- Lodge: Old Sparking Plugs, 83
- Log Books, 8 ?> '?'?•?
- Logette, A. L, 192, 197 - • . ,
- London Region (Civil Defence) Driving Competition;
- Report and Results, 170, 171
- Lord Mr. L-. P., 306 -
- Lorkin, D. C, 373 ;
- Lobbinie're, S. J. de, 155 • ? .
- Lubrication, Big Shot (Tecalemit, Ltd.). -Article by:
- The Editor,. 370 ? .->.
- Lubrication, Grouped-nipple Cha»si«, 310 Lubrication Pointers 364 ' Lubrocharger, The, 445
- Lucas Maxlite, 599 >
- Lucas Screen:wiper Maintenance, 208
- Luvax: Shock Absorbers, 6 ' -'
- ??? M . ,' _ •'?
- "McAbre," Short Story -by: The Man With th«
- Wooden Farce, 32 ' '
- McCormick, Dave, 98 ? .
- McOullough, Donald, 197 '
- McMahon, B., 474 .
- McWhirter. Charles, Death of, 233 M.A.C. (Midland 3V.utomobite Club).: German Excursion, 154 Maintenance: Five Useful Tips:. Article by D. S. D.
- Williams, 416
- Maintenance:- Screenwiper,*208 Maintenance: Timely Reminder, 361 Maisky, M., 270 Maistre, C.B.E., Mr. C. le^ 38 Man With the. Wooden Face, The: Short Story by
- " McAbre," 32 - ?
- Manders, Charles, 98
- Manners-Spencer, Fit. Lieut. Denis, Death of, 440 Mantell, Louis, Article by: Acpin. Engine, The, • 10 •". Mantell, Louis, .Article by: Technical Aspect"
- Body Developments, 90 Mantell, Louis, AjrticW -(by: " Technical Aspect "
- Cylinder Wear, 282 Mantell, Louis, Article by: "Technical Aspect"
- - Direct Injection, 128 Mantell, Louis, Article by: "Technical Aspect"
- Economy, 446 . -
- Mantcll,. Louis, Article "by: " Technical- Aspect
- Heat Problems, 48 Mantell, Louis, Article by: "Technical Aspect"
- My Reply to- Russia, 204 Mantell, Louis, Article by: "Technical Aspect"
- Octane Increases, 408 Mantell, Louis, Article by: "Technical Aspect"
- Aspect' Aspect' Aspect' Aspect' Aspect' Aspect'
- Petrol Can Be Saved, 242 Mantell, Louis, Article by: "Technical
- Petrol " Ignitability," 408' Mantell, Louis, Article by: " Technical
- ' Technical ' Technical ' Technical
- ' Technical
- Utility v. Long Life," 318 . Mantell, Louis, Article by: "Technical Aspect
- Polishing Pays, 166 Mantell, Louis, Article by:
- Ring Flutter, 368-Mantell, Louisa Article by:
- Scuffing, 408 Mantell, Louis, Article by:
- ?What of the Future? 24
- Streamlining, 408" Mantell, Louis, Article by:
- Margesson, Captain D., 159
- Marriage: 440 .
- Martin, Noel, 193
- Mask Cleaning Hint, 29
- Masters, " Jackie," 333
- Matford Works Bombed, 120
- Mays, Raymond, 197, 233
- Mays, Raymond, Article by: We Could Beat the
- World (Motorilacing), 245 M.C.C. Annual Meeting, 214 Mestivier, M., 3i5 Metal Salvage, 441 M.G.: A "Musketeer" in the A.F.8. Article by
- Jack M. Reiss, 280 M.G, Car Club, 372 M.G. Car Co., Ltd., 373 M.G.: Cecil Kimber, 4 Mightier Atoms (Austin-Racing Hi-story).. Article by
- F. J. Findon, 344
- Mining Above Ground, 567
- Misrepresenting the.Law (Editorial), 350
- Mobile Producer Gas Association, 194
- Monkhouse, P. R., 405
- Monocar, Revive the, 426» .
- Months' News Commentary. The: 5, 45, 82, 118. 156, 194, 235, 272, 312. 354, 396, 438 Moore-Brabazon, Lt.-Col. J. T. C, 119, 159 Morris Engine and Chassis Charts, 306 Morris Motors, Ltd., 315 Morris Owners' Rally: All oi a Kind, 295 Morrison, Mr. Herbert, 236 Motor Fuel Rationing Order, 273 Motor Vehicles (Laid Up): Depositing Vital Parts, 236
- Motoring, Cheap Post-war (Editorial), 392 -Motoring tor the Masses (Editorial), 307 Motoring Muse: 89, 125, 173, 221. 259, 293, 335, 377, 407, 461
- Motoring: Where is the Official Voice? (Editorial), 77 "Motorists, Fair Play for Business, 354 Murray, David, 399 '.' Musketeer " in the A:F.S., A. Article by Jack M.
- Reiss, 280, 320
- My Reply to Russia ("Technical Aspect"), Article by Louis Mantell, 204.
- N
- National Benzole Co., Ltd., ~232
- National Car, A: By Mr. L. H. Hounsfield, 322
- Need for. £.ign-posts, The (Editorial), 151
- Neil and Mostyn, Ltd., 357
- New Coats for Old. Article by Elizabeth Sullivan, 220 y .
- News Commentary, The Month's: 5, 45, 82, 118, 156. 194, 235, 272, 312, 354, 396, 438 News Presentation of, 118 Newsgnuns: 313, 557, 441 Newton, Mr. Janves, 315 Nixon, St. John C, 404 Noble, Dudley, 394 Noel-Baker, M.P., Mr. P. J., 313, 356 North Country Letter. Article by Ashley Taylor, 18, 61, 112, 140a, 179, 213, 260, 278, 316. 354, 400, 442
- Northern Car Club, The, 3-32, 373 Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, Ltd., 474 Nott, Mr., 135
- Nuffield: Austin Memorial Fund, *6, 80, 116 Nvffield Organization Pamphlet, 38 Nuffield's (Lord) Challenge Cups, 266 Nuts, Seized, 67
- o
- Austin, Lady, 233 Bergel, J. G., 4 Bergongnan, Raymond, 399 Bolster, Mrs. Barbara, 45 Bryan, Mr. J. W., 237 Duke of Kent, 352 Eltisley, Lord, 399 Fane, A. F. P., 332 Garnow, Mr. E. W., 46 Gloria, 5 Godbold, Mr. Ernest Hilder. 83
- OBITUARY—eoatd.
- Gpold, Mrs. Lilian, 404
- Huhnleih, General, 272 ~~
- Kenward, Lt. Peter J., 390
- Manriers-SpenoeT, Fit. Liept. Denis, 440
- McWtfirter, Charles, 233
- Par'sQ^s, Mr. Harold, 49
- Prince Charas&ki, 357
- Smith, Mr. R. J., 357, 469
- Stapilarid, Fit. Lt. C. S., 288
- Tnrossell, A Graham, 159
- Todt, Dr. Fritz, 84 ?" Twist, Brian, 73
- Wakefield, Lieut. J. P., 201
- Wilson, Fit. Lt. Norman G, 201
- Windham, SiT Walter,. 275 Octane Increases ('.'Technical Aspects"). Article by>
- Louis Mantell, 408. Ogilvfe, Mr; F. W.: Knighthood, 266 O'Halloran, Mr. H., 348 On Your Uppers (Tyres), 96 Owen and Co., Ltd., Messrs. Rubery, 390
- Page, Mr. F. Handler: Knighthood. 266
- Palmer Phillips. A. F., 192, 394
- Paper: Books that the Government Wants, 37
- Paper Contest: Waste, 71, 14O
- Paper Control, 356 - . ? .
- Paper: Does This Mean Yon? 365
- Paper Economy Committee. 441
- Paper: Give Them the Tools! 459
- Paper: Hints to War-tim«. Conjurors. 91
- Paper SalT*«e, 12, 25. 45, 12O. 135, 159. 225. 243-, 515, 352, 399. 426
- Paper Salvage, Facts About, 167 - * f,
- Paper: Salvage and the Law, 236 Piper: "Some Applications oi Photography
- Compression-ignition
- Engineering," 38 Paper: " Supercharging the
- Engine,".348 16
- . Paper (Waste) Exhibition, 357 Park Rash, Taming-of, 97 Parslow, Mr. W. J., 5 Parsons Chains: Winter Safeguards. Parsons, Mr. Harold, Death of, 49 Pascoe, Mr. John, Article by: Technical Press The. 33
- Patterson, Frank, 441 Pau Grand Prix, 29
- Payton. Mr. E. L., 116, 192. 306 *
- Pedestrian Control, 102 Pedestrian Crossings, 237
- Peep? What About the, 372 * -*w
- Peridennis Motor Social Club. 405 ' 'm
- People and Things. 4, 42, 80, 116, 154, 192'. 232". „ 270, 309 352, 394, 436 ' "'*~
- Permutit: Soft Water, 60 U
- Perrot, M., 315 - j?
- Perry, Lord, 4 ^ *J&
- "Peter the Heater": A Floor-type Heater. ;,12 *V-/
- Petrol Abuses (Editorial), 1 *• -
- Petrol Application, 195
- Petrol: Basic Ration, 46, 156 Jfi*
- Petrol: Basic'Ration Abolished (Editorial). 113 T if ,?
- Petrol: Basic Bation--After June 30 235. 237 """" ~3«j
- Petrol: Basic Ration Finished, 312 ^ „'
- Petrol: Basic Ration—Three-wheelers. 397 >* • «>
- Petrol Can be Saved (Technical Aspect). Article B|' X
- Louis Mantell, 242 ' . .-
- Petrol Cans Needed, 357
- Patrol for Pocket Lighter—Price Control, 315 "^ \
- Petrol for Service Men .on Leave, 354 Pelrol: Heresy Hunt, 101 Petrol " Ignitability " (Technical Aspects). Article 7
- by Louis Mantell, 408 Petrol: Lighter Fuel Price, 399 Petrol: Longest Way Round, 139 Petrol-paraffin OrSer, 357 Petrol Price Up, 82
- Petrol Pump The A.C. Mechanical, 424 Petrol Rationing, 272
- Petrol: Running the Pool (Editorial), 268
- Petrol Thief Guard, Weathershields, 240
- Petroleum, Acting-Director of, 348 /
- Philips Lamps, Ltd., 390
- Phillips A F. Palmer, 192, 394.
- Phillips (Captain A. W. 468
- Pickup Dr L., 474
- Pit. Keel Inspection, 261 .
- Planning Performance. Article by E. P. Willoughby, 278
- Plans for Redevelopment of London, 398 Platt, Maurice, 310 Plug Points, Adjusting, 29 Plugs, Old Sparking, 83 Plugs Watch Your, 169 Pneugnppa Winter Safeguards, 16 Police Citiy "Specials," 196 /Police Phosphorescent Belts, 441 Police " Safety Patrols," 193 Pohsaing Pays {Technical As.pect). Article by Louis
- Mantell, 90
- •OPomerov Lessons From Continental Cars, 98 'Pool, The Volunteer Car (Editorial), 267 |\'Post-war Holiday. Article by Elizabeth Sullivan, 460^ PoweTS to Move Laid-uo Vehicles. 355 "Practical Aspects (Everyday Topicalities), 342 ;LPremier Motor Policies, Ltd.. 266 ..Press, The Technical. Article Mr. John Pajscoe, 33 Jp>ices (Used Cars): Panel ol Inquiry, 274 ' PVince Paul, 43 \iPrmgle, Mick, 98, 470
- "Proficiency Pay for Army Drivers? Article by
- - " Indicator," 297
- , ' Pullinger. Mr. T. C. 85 r- 'Pyrene Co, Lta.. The, 474 -- Pump, The A.C. Mechanical Petrol. -424 j/ Puzzle Corner, 463
- r ? R
- I BAC. and AJV.: Celestial Bodies (Editorial), 230
- R A.C " Get You Home Service," 84 , - R.A.C President" Duke of Kent. 275 i ' Racing, 137
- y< Racing (Car) and Yachting. 174 !?» Racing, One-design Motor. 214 Racing, Road. 296
- Racing Sporting Reflections. Bry " Au Secours," 288 Racing We Could Beat the World. Article by Raymond Mays, 245
- * Radiator Compound. Radweld (Leaks), 7
- Radweld Radiator Compound, 7
- i R.A F Exhibition, 441 I Rail Journey: Security, 295
- Railway Is Your Journey-—-? 379
- > Rally, The Victory. 22, 72
- .Randall. Cecil, 271
- Rasch. Mr F. H. 8., 474 »
- , -Red Cross Fund, 441
- * Red-Green (Traffic Lights), (Editorial), 78, 114
- J'^J Iterfex Demonstration, 83. 135
- *? Registration Figures, 218 *
- ff ^Regulations Light in the Black-out, 351 » t,Reiss, Jack M.. Article by: A "Musketeer" in the
- A F S. 280. 320
- . Mrs , "98 ? '
- ault Works Bombed, 120
- read Manufacturers' Association, 306
- •enue Motor Vehicle Duties; 399
- •v+ve. the Monocai, 426A
- nolds, George, 333 ^
- Mixture, by " Indicator," 2T? 65, 101 139. 177. 217. 255. 295, 337. 379. 421. 463 g Flutter (Technical Aspect). Article by Louis
- Mantell, 368 IO Roll Down to, 224 ' er Names. 421
- _id Deterioration (Editorial). 151 Road* Roll Down to Rio. 224
- Roadr The Burma. Article by Charles M. Upham. 92 " Roadfarers" Club, The," 429
- Roads Facts, and Figures Ahout Roundabouts. 355 RiOads Surfasce pressings. 315
- ,O»ds White Lines are Now in Short Supply, 355 ieesch Mr George. 158 :oft Sports Quiz, 135, 137 me Lest We Forget, 101 otes, LtJ : R.A.F. Exhibition. 441 ntes. Sir William, 270
- Sstes Soviet Show, 270
- Bootee Children Tea Parties, 266 y IKea^B, W E., 42 &" RoueriV 337
- Royal Academy of Arts: Motoring, 197
- Royal Armoured Corps, 412. 413
- Royal Berkshire. Article by Francis Jones. 362
- Rubber: New Order, 441
- Rubber Salvage Campaign, A Big, 156, 352
- Rubber Scarcity, 155
- Rubber: Spending to Save, 422
- Rubberless Cars, 178
- Russia My Reply to (Technical Aspect), Article by
- Louis Mantell. 204 Rust, Cleaning Off., 29 Rytecraft: Simple Transport. Article by Franeis
- Jones, 30 >
- Sadler, Mr. S., 120
- Salter, Sir Arthus, 315
- Salvage: Paper, 12, 25, 71
- Salvage Pays, 237
- Scott, Mr. J. E., 49
- Article by Louis
- Scuffing (Technical Aspects). 217
- Mantell, 408 Selsdon, Lord Peter, 353 Service Station: Fault to Merit, „*.. " Seven-fifty " Club, The, 23, 73, 136 Shattered Illusion (Differential). Article by E.' P
- Willoughby, 331 Shepherd, Mr, W. W. F., 49 Shock Absorber Hint, 6 Shadow Factories, 8
- Show Piece. Short- Story by Norman Conquest. 70 Showell, Mr. C. A., 436
- Showell, Mr. C. A., 436
- Siddeley, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Cyril Davenport, 399
- Sign: (Road) Danger, 27
- Signals: Red-Green (Editorial), 78, 114
- Signals: Traffic Lights, 353
- Signals: Traffic Lights -Discontinued, 357
- Signals: Traffic Lights—Edinburgh, 312
- Signals: Traffic Lights—Summer Time, 159
- Signals: Traffic Lights—Unmasked, 120
- Signals: Traffic Lights Unnecessary. 235
- Signpost Restoration, 397
- Signposts—Petrol Waste,. 315--
- Signposts, The Need (Editorial), 151
- Sinnnonds Aerocessories, Ltd., 117, 474
- Simple Transport. Article by Francis Jone«, 30
-, Bill, 405, 470
- Smith and1 Sons (M.A.), Ltd.. L., 83, 182
- Smith, Ken, 399
- Smith, Mr. R. J., Death.of, 357, 469
- Smith, Mr. W., 49
- Snagge,, John, 155
- Snow: Protests, 85 ""'
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, The, 192
- Solder, 338
- Solex Carburetter, The, 342tA
- Soviet Russia: Medical Supplies Fund, 441
- Spares, Don't Hoard, 83
- Speed' Limit for Civil Defence Car*, 315
- Speed Limit, The 30 m.p.h., 315
- Spencer, Leonard, Article by: Youth on the March, 418
- Sport and Sportemen, 372, 403
- ^Sporting Reflections.: Article by " Au Secours," 288 Sporting Reflections. Article by William Willingale, 252 • ?
- Sports Jottings, By " The Blower," 22, 72, 97, 136, 174, ai4, 468 Sport: Thoughts Under the Table. Article by "The
- Blower," 340
- Spring Clothe«. Article by JElizabeth Sullivan, 88
- Stagnant Pool. The (Editorial), 391
- Stancer, G. H.: Testimonial Fund, 357
- Standard Controls, 326, 328,- 329
- Standard: Flying Standard Airoraft, 85
- Standard Motor Co., Ltd.: Fighter Aircraft Fund, S57
- Starting (Engine): An Emergency Start, 67
- Steam, and Other Alternative Fuels, 396
- Steam" Propulsion, 157
- Steering, Hydraulic, 251A
- Sternol, Ltd., 390 *
- Stevenson, Mr. A. K.-, 469
- Stevenson, Mr. H. B., 274
- Stokes, M.P., Mr. R. R., 136
- Stokes, Mr. W. B., 474
- Storage: Common Sense Laying Up, 290
- Storage For Cars, 5J37 ? •
- Storage Hints: Humber-Hillman Bulletin, 266
- Storage: Jacking-up Car, 436 Story. It Won't Happen Again, 134 Story: La- Superbe " Au," 86 -Story: Lecturette, 385 Streamlining (Technical Aspects): Article by Louis
- Mantell, 408 Stuck, Hans, 3.15 Sullivan, Elizabeth, 7, 117, 309 Sullivan, Elizabeth, Article by: Amazons of Industry, 258
- ?Sullivan, Elizabeth, Article by: January Chills, 30 Sullivan, Elizabeth, Article by: Car and Home, 50 Sullivan, Elizabeth, Article by: Defence of the
- " Marrieds," 124 .Sullivan. Elizabeth, Article by: Especially For EVe, 172 %
- Sullivan, Elizabeth, Article by: Mechanized Transport
- Corps, The, 377 Sullivan, Elizabeth, Article by: New Coats for Old,
- Drivers, 292
- Sullivan. Elizabeth, Article by: What About the Girl 334 Sullivan, Elizabeth, Article by: Wool Gathering and
- Wool, 406
- Summer Time, Double, 85 SnbeamTalbot Yale Lok
- orwk
- Talkot-Forty, Tie, 4-28
- Tank Training (Editorial), 114
- Tanks, Scuttle, 255 - ,
- Tax? Abolish Car, .156, .
- Tax and Insurance (Editorial), 229
- Tax Concession Suggested, 270
- Tax Must Go, Horse-power (Editorial), 434
- Tax, Reduced Car, 315
- Taxes, Motoring, 256 ?
- Taylor, Ashley, Article by: He Rode in a Peep, 4>54
- Taylor, Ashley, Article by: North Country Letter, 18, 61, 112, 14OA, 179, 213, 260, 316, 354, 400, 442
- Taylor, Geoffrey, 270
- Xaylbr, G. K. (Ken). 405
- TecalemiV Ltd., 182
- Tecalemit, Ltd.: Big Shot Lubrication. Article .by the
- Editor, 370 *
- " Technical Aspects," by Louis Mantell: Body Developments, 90
- " Technical Aspects," by Louis Mantell: ^Cylinder Wefcr, 282
- " Technical Aspects," by Louis Mantell: Direct Injection, 128
- "Technical Aspects," by Louis Mantell: "Economy, 446
- " Technical Aspects," by Louis Mantell: Heat Problems, 4fl
- " Technical Aspects," by Louis Mantell: My R«ply to
- Russia, 204 ,
- " Technical Aspects," by. Louis Mantell: Octane Increases. 408
- " Technical Aspects," by Louis Mantell: Petrol Can Be
- Saved, 242 • .
- " Technical Aspects," by Louis Mantell: Petrol
- " Ignitability," 4O8 • '
- "Technical Aspects," by Louis Mantell: Polishing Pays, 166
- " Technical Aspects," by Louis Mantell: Ring Flutter, 368
- "Technical Aspects," by Louis Mantell: Scuffing, 40B
- "Technical Aspects," by LouiS Mantell: Streamlining, 4-08
- "Technical Aspects," by Louis Mantell: Utility, v. Long Life, 318
- "Technical Aspects," by Louis Man tell: What oi the
- Future? (Engines), 24
- Technical Press, The. Article by Mr. John Pascoe, 53
- Terry, Norman and Josephine, 373
- Tests, Indoor " Road," 140
- Thief Guard, Weathershield Petrol, 240
- Thief Guard: Yale. Lock Petrol Filler Cap, 240
- Thompson, Mr. H. Bell, 390
- by " The
- Thoughts Under the Table, Article
- Blower," 340
- Three-wheelers: Tricycles, 177 ~"
- Thross-elr; A. Graham, Death of, 159 Timely Reminder: Maintenance, 561 Tobacco: At It Again, 66 Todi, Dr. Fritz, Death of, 84 ' Tractor, A Home-made, 104 Trade: From Information Received, 58. . 4©-, 105, 135, 182,, 2<&6, 506, 348, 390, 452, 474 , "Trade" Plate Incident: What Would You Dot 217 Traffic Jams, Bridging, 586
- Traffic Lights: Red-Green (Editorial), 78, 114 Tripp, Mr., Postscript by, 440 Triumph Twelve, The, 142 Trunnel, The, 285
- Turbine Cars, 2.96 s
- Turner, Edward, 357
- Turpin. Ltd., C. C, 155
- Twist, Brian, Death of, 73
- Tyre Control: Requisitioning,' 194 ,
- Tyre Manufacturers' Conference, 474
- Tyre Position, 118, , ,
- Tyre Pxpfbtam: Use and Requisitioning, 189
- Tyr? Rationing Scheme, 2J5
- Tyre Retreading, 315
- Tyre Substitute Competition, 557
- Tyre, To One: 30,000 Miles, 202
- Tyres,-Ban on New, 8 .
- Tyres (Commandeered), 255 '
- Tyres, Control oi Rubber, 157 ,
- Tyres: Licensing the Supply, 135 Tyres: On Your Uppers, 96 Tyres: Opportunities for Inventors, 599 Tyres, Oversize, 1.83 Tyres, Requisitioned, 456, 458 Tyres: Retread ^Manufacturers' Association, 506 Tyres Retreaded: Purchase Tax, ?&> &2 Tyres: Time to Re-tyre, 146 Tyresoles, Ltd.: On Your Uppers, 96 ryresoles: Winter Safeguards, 16
- u *
- Umpleby, R. D._ 474
- Upham, Charles M., Article by: Burma" Road, Ttie, 92
- Upholstery, Pneumatic, 2® Utility v. Long Liie ("Technical Aspect"), Article
- by Louis Mantell, 518 Utilize Garage Oddments, 62
- Vauxha.ll Motors, Ltd., 118 :J> -
- Vehicles, Bcrwers io Move Laid-up, 555 vsr^
- Verse: Th« Motoring Muse, 89, 125, 173, 221, 2S8,',i 293, 555, 377., 407, 461 . * ~-
- r Veteran Car Tyres Safe, 468 ' t
- 'T Victory " Gas-producer Plant, 7
- , Victory Rally, The, 22, 72, 97 ~~
- Volunteer Car Pool, The (Editorial), 267 Volunteer Car Pool: The Stagnant Pool (Editori*lJ> 391 ? Volunteer Car Pool Scheme, The, 272, 310, 3H4, 591, 439 ,
- w ? -y
- Waite, Hon. Mrs. Irene, 253 *
- Waite, Col. A. C. R., 192, 197, 255, 557, 456 '
- Wakefield, Lieut. J. P., Death of, 2O1
- Wales, About, Article by Francis Jones, 126
- Walker, Graham: " The Possibilities of Motorcycle
- Engineering," 441 -*
- Walkerley, Lt. C. V. (Tom), 73
- Walkerley, Tom (C. V.), 98
- Walton, Mr. Leslie, 118
- War and Pre-war machine, 168
- War Dresses for Oomp. Drivers, Article by Elizabeth
- Sullivan, 2.92 War, Fourth Year, 353 War-time Women, 58 -Witter Soft, 60
- - Waterloo Bridge, 313 i
- "Waters, Mr. C. W., 182 We- Gould Beat the World {Motor Racing), Article by
- Raymond Mays, 245
- Weather Be Prepared for Jack Frost, 396
- Weathershield Petrol Safety Device, 29, 240
- Welding Research Council Report, 348
- WHworthy Piston Rings, Ltd., 1&2
- ^Werhn, Jacob. 84
- "Walat About ti« Girls? Article by Elizabeth Sullivan,
- F -334
- Wtfeel, Size of a, 421
- Where is tne Official Voice? (Editorial), 77 "?White Lines are Now in Short Supply, 355
- White Motor Company, 81 : Why Three Cylinders? 13
- JsWiHiams, D. S. D., Article by: Five Useful Tips, 416
- f>Williams, D. S. D., Article by: Lockheed Brakes,-18Oi
- "" Williams, Mr. D. S. D., 12O. •
- Wilhngale, William, -Article by': Sportifig Re-flections,
- .% 25i2
- Willoughiby, E. P., Article by: Austin Lifeboat
- Engines, /108 • - '
- WiHoughby, E. P., Article by: Converting to
- Electricity, 162 Wilkm«hby. E. P., Article by: Ig the Ditt. Worth
- While? 250
- Willoughiby, E. P., Article by: Planning Performance, 278
- Willoughby, E. P., Article by: Shattered Illusion
- (Differential), 331
- Willoughby, E. P., Article by: Synchromesh (Gear-changing). 374 Wilson, A. j;., 1,17
- Wilson,' FH.-Lt. Norjaan G., Death of, 201 Wilson; Mr. W. A., 38, 474 Wiltshire Ways, Article by Francis Jones, 452 Windham, Sir Walter, Death of,~275 Windscreen Wiper Maintenance, 2O>8 Winter Safeguards (Hints), 16 Women: Amazons of Industry, Article by Elizabeth
- Suliiran, 258 Women: The Mechanized Transport Corps, Article by
- Elizabeth Sullivan, 376 Women: War Dresses for Comp. Drivers, Article by
- Elizabeth Sullivan, 292
- Women, War-time, 58 , '
- Women: What About the Girls? Article by Elizabeth
- Sullivan, 334 Women's Feature Articles by Elizabeth Sullivan, 30, 50, &8, 124, 172. =, V • "
- Woods, Stanley, 98 ? .<
- Wool Gathering and Wool, Article by Elizabeth
- Sullivan, 406
- Yale Lock Petrol Filler Oap, SunDeam-.Talbot, 240
- Young, Clayton, 117
- Youth at the Helm (Editorial), 308
- Youth at the Helm, Article by F. J. Findon, 2.8*
- Yugoslavia Grand Prix, 29
- Zoller SuperohargeT, 343
- mm
- Abecassis, G. E., 174
- A.C. Fuel Pump, Tie (Details), 424, 425, 426
- Airflow Defroster, 16
- Aitken, Hon. P., 174
- Animals: That Little Lamb! 193
- Anny: Canadian Troops Training, 418
- Army: Cinema Unit, 316
- Army: Essex Home Guard Trial, 21
- Army: Military Police, 44
- Army: Roadside Repair, 21
- Army: Royal Armoured Corps, 412, 413
- Army."Dractor Crew, 358
- Anny T»»ming School, 94, 96
- Army Transport, 284.
- Army Vehicle " Jeep," 211, 236
- Ashby, A. F., 174, 468
- Aspin Engine (Sectional Drawing and Diagrams), 10. 1\
- Acpin, Frank M., 5 »
- A.TS. DriTtn, Training, 191
- Austin 6 h.p. three-cylind-er Engine, 13, 14
- Aiistin 8 h.p. Engine, 15 -
- Austin Big Seven Chassis (Drawing). 364
- Austin Eights Ready for Delivery, 398
- Austin Electric Conversion^ 458, 459
- Austin Lifeboat and .Engine, 108, 109
- Austia Racing Cars, 344, 345
- Austin Ten Petrol Filler Cap, 342
- Austin Tractor Conversion, 66
- Auto Union Workshop, 169 • , t
- Austin Universal Joint (Diagrams), 466 Avebury, Lord, 174
- B
- Bale, Major Frank, 197
- Barnes, Major Stanley, 120
- Battery Diagram (An Emergency Start), Diagram.
- v67 Be»n, Noel (Beam Special), Wethetby HM-elimb, 112
- Beek«, MajoV 81 Beharrell. G. B., 348
- Berkshire. Diawing by Frank Patterson, 363 Bertbon, Peter, 246 Big Ben and Boadicea, 139 Bira, B., 246, 285 Birabongse, Prince, 5 Birkett Conversion, The, 411 Black. Capt. J. P., 440 Black, Mr. Robert, 81 Bluecol Hydrometer, 382 Boadicea and Big Ben, 139
- Bolsover-Rogers Steam Engine (Diagrams), 448, 449 Bolster, Barbara, '45
- Bowker Electric Vehicle and Motor, The, 210 y
- Bradley, A. P., 232, 403 Brett, C. W., 80, 310 Brooklands, Easter Monday. 1939, 153 Brooklands: The Trunnel, 283
- Brown, Mr. Ernest, Inspecting the American Ambulance Corps, 292 Burma Road, The, 93 Butcher, Mr. G. H., 395
- c
- Cabinet for Small Parts, 62
- Canning, Sir Ernest, 266
- Capell, Lady Iris, 271
- Car (Driven By Pedal*), 240
- Car: National Motor Vehicle (Diagrams), 322, 323
- Car on Lift for Keel Inspection, 2.90
- Caracciola, R., At the Wheel of the 3-litre G.P.
- Mercedes, 249 Chateau de Blois, 463
- Christmas Greetings. Drawing bv Frank Patterson, 3 Chula, Prince, 5 Citroen " Handsome " Cab, 435 Clarke, E. C, 198 Clayton, H. T. H. (M.G.), Over the Top at US
- m.pji., 98 Clean Powled, 289
- Coal (Mining Above Ground (Graphic Drawing), 367 Cobb's (John) Railton Special, 248 Connell I. F., 174
- Cornwall. Drawings by Frank Paterson, 231
- Cotal Gearbox Control, 144 .
- Coial Gearbox (Sectional Drawing), 145 Cotton, Billy, 174 Country Scene, 200 Craven, Sir Charles, 440 CuddTm-Fletcher, 174
- Cumberland. Drawing by Frank Patterson, 299 Curson, Lieut. Viscount, 437 Cuttings In: 36. 37, 74. 75, 110, 111, 148, 149, 186, 187, 226, 227,, 264 265, 304, 303, 346, 347, 388, 389, 430, 431, 472. 473
- Davis, MTS. S. H*., 198- • x
- Dawson, Capt. A. W., 120
- Delco Conversion Unit, 62
- Derwentwafcer, 421
- Differential Diagrams, 251
- Dlk.W. Electric Conversion, 88
- Dobson, Arthur, 174
- Driving. No. After Ym, Cecil! 152, 153
- Duke of Kent, Air Commodore H.R.H. the, 353
- Duncan, Sir Andrew, 440
- Dunlop: " Willie the Waster," ,306
- Edmondson, R. C., 198
- Electric Car, 6
- Emanuel, Mr. B., 117
- Ensux-a-lite, 82 -..
- E.R.A. 1939 Model, 2.48 -
- E.R.A. Engine Fitted With the Zoller Supercharger.
- . Engine 342 171
- Evans, K. D., 174 Evans, Sir Edward, ir Exhaust Deflector, 417
- Fairfield, Pat, 34
- Fairfield, Pat (E.R.A.), 1935. R.A.O. Mannm
- Race, 250 Fairfield, Pat (E.R.A.); At Speed, 35 Fane, A. F. P., 332 Farming by Motor, 206, 207 Farmstead, An English, 325 Findon, F. J., 154 Ford Anglia, The, 102 Follett, Charles, 333
- Ford BHU Buggy, The, 20, 21 t
- Ford Emergency Food Vans, 159. 396 f
- Ford Prefect Engine, 161 /
- Ford Ten Controls, 329 (
- r
- Fonrnby, George, 156 Fox, Arthur, 270
- Fox, Mr. V. A., Demonstrating Redex, 83 Fursdon, Lt. B. W., 233
See Also
Sources of Information