Lightcar: Index v66: (1950)
Note: This is a sub-section of Light Car and Cyclecar
INDEX. Volume 66. 1950.
- A.A.. 172
- A.A. and R.A.C. Developments. 231, 232
- Abbey Gateway, Evesham, 35
- Ab.ngdoa Door Sprag, 10
- A.C. Owners Club. 109. 222
- A.C. Owners Club Concours, Results. 496
- A.C. Owners Club, Hants and Berks M.C. Point-to-Point Trial, 55
- A.C. Owners Club Map Reading Competition, Results, 447
- A.C.^Sph.nx Spark Piu* Co.. Ltd., The, 500
- Accessories and Equipment, 10, 11, 68, 69, 122, 292. 293, 340. 341. 380, 381, 437
- Accidents: Child Safety (Editorial), 59
- Acc.dems (Figures). 171, 280 . 1
- Accdeots Involving Dogs, 459;- -
- Accdents Poster Competition. • 172
- Accidents: The Adult Problem, 278
- Accidents, The Roval Society for the Prevention of, 2
- Acaeson Colloids. Ltd.. 324
- Acburch, F. C. 164 Aeriais. New Car Radio. 380
- Ageless Eire, Article bv Fred O. Stead, 82. 83. 84
- Aix-Les-Bains Race Meeting, Results, 362
- Albi Grand Prix, Results, 445
- Aldington, Major H. E., 414
- Aldridge, C. E., 408
- Alignment Gauge, Newahams, 437
- All on a Gallon. Article by Ashlcv Taylor. 390. 391 Aiiard K2 Two-seater, Price Change, 459 Ailard Motor Co.. Ltd.. 286 Aliard Owners' Club. 3il8 Ailard, Sidney, 173
- Alpine Rally, see International Alpine Rally. 440. 445 Aluminium for Bridge Building, 96, 91 Alvis. The New 3-litre, 238 Amazing Maas Tunnel. The, Article by F. W.
- Simmonds. 385. 386, 387 American Plug Development, 260 " A.MLP. Battery Visor," 122 Amsterdam Motor Show, 237, 306 Ancient Fire Marke, Article by Reece Wiastone, 472, 473
- Anglo-American Oil Company, Fawley Refinery, 279 Angle-American Oil Co., Ltd., 164. 408 Anglo-French Periodicals, Ltd., 330 Another New Year (Editorial), 1 Appieyard " Spats," 261 '• Arax Multicore Solder," 123 Ardent Gadget " Fan," An, Article by Elizabeth
- Sullivan. 126. 127 Armstrong, A. C., 277 Asher, Albert, 452 Asked and Answered. 37. 89, 143, 184. 255. 312. 3-33, 578, 422, 481
- Association of Northern Car Clubs, 222 Aston Martin 2!4-!itre, A New, 242 Aston Martin, Ltd., 324
- Aston Martin Owners Club, 109, 115. 158, 160 Aaton Martin Owners Club Moorland Treasure Hunt.
- Resute. 497 Aston Martin Owners dub St. John Horsfall Meeting.
- Report and Results, 441. 446 Aston Martin Prices, 415 AT THE WHEEL:—
- No. 11, The Triumph Mayflower, 32 No. 12, Riley l'-^-litre. The, 90 No. 13, The l'i-litre M.G.. 150. 151 No. 14, Suntocam-Talbot, The, 208, 209 No. 15. Morris Oxford, The, 244'. 245 No. 16, H.R.G. 1^-Iitre Model. 294, 295 No. 17, Morgan Four-Four, 354, 355 Attlee, Mr.: Further Outlook Unsettled (Editorial), 409 Auid. Lieut.-Colonel S. J. M., WA Austin A40, 470
- Austin A40 American Stock Car Records, 317 Austin Cape Records, 115 Austin Devon Saloon. The (Motoring the Latest
- Models). 382, 383, 384
- Austin England-Cape Run, 8
- Austin—Feeny and Johnson Conversion: For the Disabled, 33&. 339
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd.. 274, 450. 500
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd.* Party, 474
- Austin Motor Export Corporation, 112
- Austin Seven, 474
- Austin Seven, The, " Practical Aspects," by John Handimaa, 212, 213 Austin Size O, 253
- Austin: Stock Car Run, 2
- Austin's 25O#OG*h. Export Model-. 167
- Autocheques, Ltd. (January), 11
- Autodrome G.P. Monza, Results, 362
- Automobile Association Membership, 415
- Automobile Association. Women Drivers, 232
- Automotive Products Co., Ltd., 500
- Baillieu. Sir Clive. 456
- Bakelite Exhibition, 550
- Balfour, Lt.-Gcn. P. M.. 373
- B.A.&.C. " 500" International Trophy Race, 317
- B.A.R.C. Chichester Cup Race. 316
- B.A.R.C. Eastbourne Rally, 8; Results, 304
- B.A.R.C. Film Show, 108
- B.A.R.C. Goodwood " 500" International Trophy,
- Results, 362 B.A.R.C. Goodwood Meeting. Report and Results, 270, 316. 321, 401, 444, 447, 494 B.A.R.C. Jersey Road Race. Report and Results. 399, 404
- B.A.R.C. Lulsgate Meeting, 215 B.AJLC. " Midnight Matinee." 61 B.A.R.C.'s Whitsun Meeting. 356 Ban Grand Prix, Results. 405 Barnes. Alfred. 171 Bath Club, 276
- Bath Garages. Ltd. (January), XII Barton, F. G., 167 Batley, Ernest, Ltd., 366 Battery Inspection Aid (A.M.P.). 122 Baxtrol: Official View, 4 Beharrell. G. E.. 286 Belgian Grand Prix, Results, 402 Belishas Are Floodlit, 168 Bemrose Publicity Co., Ltd. (Derby), 121 Benett. C. G.. 221
- Benevolent Fund (January), XII, 112, 372 Bentley D.C. Eastbourne Rally, Results, 271 Bentley D.C.. Firle Hill-climb, Results, 494 Bentley D.C. Lulsgate Meeting, 215 Bentley D.C. Rally, Report and Results, 269, 271 Bentley D.C. Silverstone Meeting. Results, 405 Berkeley " Messenger " Caravan, 453 Berkeley Square House Garage, 277, 287 Berkhamsted M.C. and C.C., 158, 216 Berkhamsted M.C. and C.C. Evening Frolic, Event,
- Results. 496 Berkhamsted M.C. and C.C., Speed Trials, Results, 320, 447
- Berlin Motor Show, 286. 352 Berryman, R. H. (January), XII Berthon, Peter, 314. 408 Berwick and D. M.C.. Lothian C.C., Hawick and
- Border C. and M.C.C., Berwick Race Meeting,
- Results, 495
- B.I.F. Motorcar Exhibits, 327
- Birmingham Information Department, The City of, 171 Black, Sir John. 164 Black, W. R., 286 Blackburn Welfare M.C. Brough " 500 " Race Results.
- Blackburn Welfare M.C.s Meetings, 216
- Blake, J.. 324
- " Blue Lamp, The " (Film), 167
- Blue Star Garages. Ltd., 408
- B.M.W. Limousine Models, 307
- Body Styling Faults (Editorial). 275
- Bond Minicar, The (Tested), 464, 465
- i50 Years of the House of Dutton," 235
- •' Achievements 1949." 372 --,.,_ T»
- " Alpine Highways of Switzerland, The.' by Bruno
- Wagner. 419
- •' Austin Through the Years." 459 " Austins Records and Other Post-war Achievements." 459
- - Bon Vovage," Frances Dale, 289 " Book of the Vauxhall, The " (Pitman), 148 •• Book of the Wolsdey. The " (Pitman), 148 " Britain's Motor Industry," 375 •• British Cars 1950," 419 British Road Federation Pictorial Survey, 120 •• British Road Racing," by John Dudley, 375 " Bugantics." 26^
- •' Car Care " (Wakefield's Booklet). 286 " Caravan and Camp Sites," 372 •• Care of Car Tyres. The " (Dunlop), 172 11 City of Birmingham Handbook. The," 416 " Cycling Guide to Southern England," by H.
- Briercliffe (Temple Press Ltd.), 289 " Farmhouses," 372 " Grands Prix 1934-1939," by Rodney Walkerley, 177 " Guide and Quiz " to Belgium and Luxembourg, 127
- " Guide to Trust Houses, A." 127 " How to Drive a Car " (Temple Press Ltd.), 368 Leeds City Plans, 127 •' Maintaining the Breed," by John W. Thornley, 419
- Manchester City Plans, 127 Michetin Guides, 127, 289. 330 " Modern Aircraft Design" (Temple Press Ltd.), 375 " Modern Car Easy Guides " (Temple Press Ltd.), 120 " Modern Motorcycle Maintenance," by Bernal
- Osborne (Temple Press Ltd.), 43 " Motor Age, The." 148 " Motoring Abroad," by Rodney Walkerley
- (Temple Press Ltd.), 71 " National Parks and Access to the Countryside," 375 " Nationalization in Practice," by John Longburst
- (Temple Press Ltd.), 148 " Motor Year Book for 1950, The " (Temple Press
- Ltd.), 259
- " Pass Your Driving Test," by A. Kilgour, 289 ' Preliminary Arrangements for a Motor Tour on
- the Continent," 237
- R.A.C. Caravanning and Camping Guide, 460 R.A.C. Continental Handbook,,330 R.A.C. Guide and Handbook. The, 171 " Story of E.R.A.. The," by John Lloyd. 177 " Story of the Vanguard, The," 43 " This Surprisin-g Lancashire." 461 " Touring Britain by Coach," 65 " Trader Handbook, The," 286 Trico Accessories Catalogue. 341 " Weather News Front," 120 " Wolseley—A Saga of the Motor Industry," by
- St. John Nixon, 148 Books Wanted. Instruction, 312 Boon and Porter, Ltd., Party, 229 Borgward Hansa 1500 Model. 306 Bradshaw, Ewart, 164, 373 Bragg, Sir Lawrence, 372 Brands Hatch 500 c.c. Race Meeting,- Report and
- Results. 266, 270 Brands Hatch Circuit, 175 Brands Hatch International Trophy Race. Report and
- Results. 442, 443 > Branker. Ltd.. 291 Bransby. Norman H., 164 B.R.D.C. 194? Gold Star. 155 5 « S-£- British Empire Trophy Race, Results, 396, 401 B.R.DC. Isle of Man Meeting, 317 Breakdowns, More Road, 64 Breeden, C. L., 450 Bridgen, Victor, 60 Brighton and Hove M.C. Navigation and Route-finding
- Trial. 159
- Brighton and Hove M.C. Navigation Trial. Results, 271 Brighton and Hove M.C. November Trial, Report and Results, 53
- Brighton and Hove M.C. Rally and Concours, Results, 404 Brighton and Hove M.C. Speed Trials, 443; Results, 492
- Bristol M.C. and L.C.C., 109, 158, 221, 222. 318 Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. Castle Combe Race Meeting.
- Results, 404, 495 Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. Full Moon Cup Trial, Results, 223
- Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. Gymkhana Results, 321 Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. Half-day Sporting Trial,
- Results. 55
- Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. Lulsgate Meeting, 215 Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. Lulsgate Meeting, Report and
- Results. 267, 270 Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. M.C.C. Cup Spring Half-day
- Sporting Trial. 271
- Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. Naish Hill-climb. 445 Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. Poole Trophy Trial. 360 Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. "Roy Fedden" Trial, 46;
- Results, 55 Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. Veteran Rally and Trials.
- Results. 404 Bristol M.C. and L.C.C."s Chappell Cup Trial, Resu:ts. 108
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., 366 British Automotive Products Associated (Aust.) Pty.,
- Ltd., 274
- " British Motor Indus-try," Paper, 330 British Motor Racing Research Trust, 3. 170. 408 British Motor Trade Association Covenant, 287 British Motor Trade Association, Officers (List), 450 British Plastics Exhibition, 415 British Racing Drivers Club Silverstone Meeting, Details
- and Entries. 438, 439 British Racing Mechanics Social Club, 47 British Railways: Dover—Then Over, Article by The
- Editor. 462. 463
- British Railways New Customs Hall at Dover, 416 British Road Federation, 119, 413. 414 British Show in N.Y.. 5 British Trials Drivers' Association, 109. 360 British Trials Drivers' Association " Star " Championship Tropiry, 222 Brittain-Jones, Capt. J.. 112 B.R.M. First Drivers. 265 B.R.M. Makes *its Bow. The, 49, 50. 51 B.R.M. Mobile Workshop, 154. 237. 453 R.R.M. Mobile Workshop Fund, 286 B.R.M. Racing Car Venture. 170 B.R.M. Racing Research Trust. 453 B.R.M. Sporting Review, The, 486. 487 B.R.jyi. Supporters' Club, 120. 158 Brunher, C. T., 164 Brussels Motor Show, 8; Report, 67 " Brutal—But it Worked! " Article by St. John C. Nixon. 334. 335
- B.T.D.A. 1949 " Star " Final Placings. 160
- Bucket and Sponge, Article by Elizabeth Sullivan. 70, 71
- Budget—and After, The. 278
- Budget and the Motor Industry. 278
- Bugatti O.C.. 109. 158. 269
- Bugatti O.C., Lulsgate Meeting. 215
- Bugatti O.C. Prescott Hill-climb, Results. 358, 360, 363.
- ? 405 •'? ~ -
- Bugatti O.C. Prescott Meeting. Results, 493
- Bugatti O.C. Silverstone Meeting, Results. 316, 401
- Bull, A. H.. 324
- Bustard and Sons, Ltd., Frank, 450
- Buyers. J. J., 455
- Cambridge University A.C. Speed Trials. Results. 271
- Campbell, Donald. 220
- Car Mart. Ltd., 115
- Carr. Jonathan Dodgson, 331
- Cars The Danger of Worn-out, 458
- Castrol Motor Sales Department, 500
- Cattle-grids, 416
- C.E.G.E. "5O0,"«T*e. 149
- Ccmian M.C., 107, 109, 159
- Cemian M.C. Gymkhana. Results. 446
- Cemian M.C. Kent Cup Trial, Results. 220, 223
- Cemian M.C. Knowland Trophy Trial, Results. 497
- Cemian M.C. President's Cup Trial. Results. 496
- " Cenco " Wing Fairings, 340
- Champion 400 cc. Models, 306
- " Championship " Hills The, 298, 299
- Chariton, W, 112
- Cheltenham M.C. Cheltenham Trial, Results. 55, 496
- Chester M.C. Speed Trials, Results, 402
- Chicago International Trade Fair. 286
- Child Safety (Accidents), Editorial. 59
- Children's Safety Week, 237
- Chiltern C.C. Committee Cup Trial, Results. 271
- Chiltern C.C. Concours d'Elegance, Results, 492
- Chiltern C.C. Touring Rally, Results, 401
- Chiltern C.C. Trial, Results, 109
- Chloride Batteries, Ltd., 274, 408
- Chloride Electrical Storage Co.. Ltd. (January), XII
- Cinquentenaire. Grand Prix Results, 321
- Circuit des Ramparts, Results, 405
- Circuit of Garda, Results, 497
- Circuit of Perigueux. Results, 497
- Circuit of Pescara, Results, 496
- Citroen Car Club 54
- Citroen Car Club Rally, Results. 496
- Cleaning: Bucket and Sponge. Article by Elizabeth
- Sullivan. 70, 71
- Clifton's Service Station, 164 > Clocks: Curious Time Markers, Article by Reece
- Winstone, 20: 2r, 22-Clothes and Cosemitcs, Article- by Elizabeth Sullivan. 476. 477
- Clothing Winter. 10 Clovellys, Two, 201 Club Items. 52, 53. 54, 55, 107. 158. 159. 160, 161. 220, 221, 222, 223, 268. 318. 360 401. 444. 492
- Club Life in Germany, 394, 395 Club Social. 210, 211 Clubs, The Voice of the. 42, 43 Coaches, Routes for. 6
- Cold Comfort, Article by Elizabeth Sullivan. 374, 375 Cold Starting 14 15 Cole, Ltd., E. K.. 112, 459 Commercial Motor Show, 1950, 415 Connolly, F. I., 278, 286 Conway Car Accessories, Ltd.. 500 Cook. Mrs. Arthur, 455 Cooke, Mrs. Joy, 277. Coolant Loss, Overcoming, 129 Cooper Corner, 46 Cooper. Gladys, 331 Cooper,'Sir Stanford, 164 Coryton, Air Marshal Sir W. Alec. 166 Cosmetics. Clothes and. Article by Elizabeth Sullivan, 476. 477
- Coupe des Ramparts, Results, 405 Coupe du Monde. Results. 496 Coupe du Salon, Results, 497 Cutting In, 56, 57. 110, 111 .162, 163. 224. 225, 272. 273, 322. 323, 364. 365, 406. 407. 448. 449, 498. 499 Cycle and Motor Cycle Show, No, 66
- D
- D-Wagoners Meeting, 102
- " Daily Express," The Silverstone Meeting, Details and
- Entries. 438, 439, 452
- " Daily Mail " Ideal Home Exhibition. The, 8 Daimler Hire. Ltd.. 326, 460 Danger of Worn-out Cars, The, 458 . Darlington and D. M.C., 331
- Darlington and D. M.C. Sports Car Race Meeting. 269 Darlington and D. M.C. Sports Car Races, Results. 320 Davfcs, Syd, 450 Davis, H. J.. 366 Davy, Charlie, 314 Davy, M. B., 164 D-B Towing Brackets, 68 de Hayilland Aircraft Co., Ltd.. 112 De-rusting Preparation (Jenolite), 122 Debate on Fashion and Design, 131 Defrosting, 141 Denmark, With Car and Tent in. Article by G. N. and
- I. L. Shelton. 296, 297 ,
- Design, 88 '
- Desmo " Pic-Pac " Folding Chair. The. 196 Dick A. S., 164 Dick. Alick, 287 Diesel? What About the (Perkins), Article fcy John
- Handiman, 256
- Disabled Drivers M.C., 444
- Disabled Drivers M.C. Annual Rally. Results, 405
- Disab'.ed. For the. 338, 339
- Dixon, Fred. W., 324
- D.K.W. Models, 306, 307
- Dolomite Cup Race. Results, 405
- Donington. News of, 43
- Doors A Short Story by R. O. Odell. 41
- Double-Dipping (Lucas), 484. 4S5 .
- Dover—Then Over, Article by The Editor, 462, 463
- Driving Test Fee Increased, 237
- Duckbam and Co., Ltd., Alexander (January)KXII, 372
- Duckham, Jack, 454
- Duckhams Associated Products, Ltd.. 197
- Dundrod Meeting, Report and Results, 443
- Dundrod Road Circuit, 319, 400
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.. 324, 408. 450. 500
- Duprin, Facts About, 130, 131
- Dutch Grand-Prix, Results, 445
- Dyer, L. F.. 327
- E
- Earls Court Motor Show, 416, 474, 475
- East Anglian M.C. Butlin's Rally, 444. Results. 494
- East Anglian M.C. Hunt and Navigation Trial, 220
- Edison Swan Electric Co.. Ltd., 500
- Dover—Then Over, 462, 463 EDITORIAL:—
- Accident: Child Safety, 59
- Another New Year. 1
- Attlee. Mr.: Further Outlook Unsettled, 409
- Body Styling Faults, 275
- Child Safety (Accidents), 59
- For Attention Please (General Election), 113
- Free—But What Next? 325
- Further Outlook Unsettled (Mr. Attlee), 409
- General Election: For Attention Please, 113
- " Light Car, The ": Our Scope and Policy, 451
- New Year, Another, 1
- No Motor Roads, 227
- Our Scope and Policy (" The Light Car "), 451
- Petrol: For Attention Please (General Election), 113
- Petrol: Free—But What Next, 325
- Roads, No Motor, 227
- Spring is Here, 165
- Taxation: For Attention Please (General Election), 113
- That £5 " Bonus," 367 Edwards, Ness. 372 Eight Clubs Silverstone Meeting, Results, 319, 360, 363
- Eire, Ageless, Article by Fred. O. Stead, 82, 83, 84 Eire, Motoring Holidays in, 460 Eire, Petrol Rationing, 65 Ekco-Ensign Electric, Ltd., 112 Ekco: New Car-radio Aerial. 293 Elargol, 60 Ellis, John. 235
- Elpico: New Car-radio Aerials, 380 " Emergency Handwash," 197 Emeryson 500 c.c. Racing Car, 372 Emmott, J. B. (Jack), 170 Engine: Cold Starling, 14, 15 England, Capt. E. C. Gordon, 276 English Electric Co., The, 500 Equipment, Accessories and, 10, 11, 68, 69, 122, 292, 293. 340, 341, 380, 381. 437 Esso Ami-Freeze, 10 Esso Export Corporation, 450 Este 500 c.c. Single-seater Racer. 238 European Grand Prix. 120. 215, 217, 233, 234, Repon
- and Results, 281, 282, 283, 284, 319 European Grand Prix, R.A.C. Banquet. 280 Evans, E. A., 459
- Events: 1951 International Calendar, 490 Events: British Fixture List—1950, 104, 105, 106 Events: Sportsmen's Calendar, 54, 158, 221, 318, 401 444, 493
- Excursion, R.A.C. T.T., 399 Exide Service Agents. 324 Exide " Double-Life," 120 Exide Vent Plug, 69 Export Figures, 63
- Facts About Duprin, 130, 131
- Falcon M.C. Speed Trials, Results, 401
- Farafo, Paul, 307
- " Fash.on and Design in the Motor Industry " (Debate), 131
- Federation of British Rubber Manufacturers' Association, 408
- Feeny and Johnson—Austin Conversion: For the Disabled, 338, 339
- Ferodo, Ltd., 459
- Festival is Taking Shape, The, 388, 389
- Festival of Briton, The, 12, 13
- Festival, Traffic find the, 458
- Fiat MOOS Sports Saloon, 77
- Fiat Models, 306
- Fiat, The 1400, 239
- Film: " This is Britain," 172
- Five Hundred Club, 108, 220, 229
- Five Hundred Club Brands Hatch Meeting. Report and Results. 403, 444, 445, 446, 447, 494
- Five Hundred Club, Lulsgate Meeting, 215
- Five Hundred Club Meeting, 61
- Five Hundred Club Silyerstone Meeting, Results, 404
- Five Hundred International Trophy, 216
- Flareline Road Markers, 305
- Flashback to New York (Motor Show), 300, 301
- Flather, Denis, 453
- Fluorescent Lighting, Article by S. W. Nobbs, 124, 125
- Focus on Formula Three, Article by the Sports Editor, 94, 95
- Food: Cheap and Nasty, 304
- Food Fads and Fancies, Article by, A. F. C. Hillstead. 178, 179
- For Attention Please (General Election). 113
- Ford Anglia, Roll-over Display of the, 182
- Ford, Henry, 2
- Ford Motor Co.. Ltd. (January), XII. 164, 324
- Ford Motor Co.'s, 274
- Ford Prefect, The (Test Run Report), 144, 145
- Ford Reconditioned Engines (1949), Figures, 119
- Ford Seat Covers. 380
- Fords for 1951, Two New (Consul and Zephyr), 468 469
- Fords Prices, 8
- Formula Three, 153
- Formula Three, Focus on, Article by the Sports Editor, 94, 95
- '• Fourfold " Four-seat Table Unit, 291
- Frankfurt Spring Fair, 276
- Fraser, Alex, 164, 167
- Free—But What Next? (Editorial). 325
- Freeman, J.. 372
- Freiburg Hill-climb Results, 496
- French Grand Prix, Report and Results. 400, 404
- Frith, Freddie, 366
- From Information Received (Trade). January XII 112 1*4- 274, 324. 360. 408, 450, 500
- Fry', Joe" Death of. 411
- Fuel: Facts About Duprin. 130, 131
- Fuel: Petrol and Methanol. 288. 289
- Further Outlook Unsettled (Mr. Attlee), Editorial 409 •• Fury " Stove, 196
- Gardens Open to the Public, 416 Gardner, Lt.-Col. A. T. Goldie. 217, 455 Gardner, Lt.-Col. Goldie, Records, 442 Gardner, Lt.-Col .Goldie, Article by: How 500 c c r- * R«=°rdf Were Lowered, 38, 39, 40 Gardner, Miss Victoria, 232 Gastronomic Rally Regulations, 316 Gauge, How to Connect the, 128 ^^ ^ D°ris-Hel?na (Temple Press Ltd.), 500 ^lS 1tW°Ikd!" ^ * *
- john^NlS 334335 General ^Ejection: For Attention Please (Editorial),
- General Election. The, 2, 62, 116 General Motors-Holdens, Ltd 353 General Motors, Ltd., 500
- Geneva and New York Motor Shows, 180, 181, 182
- Geneva Grand Prix, Results, 446
- Geneva Motor Show, 1951, The, 65, 228, 459
- German Grand Prix Entries, 400
- German Grand Prix, Results, 492
- Germany, Cub L fe in, 394, 395
- Germany: Crude Oil, 65
- Giant Press (Thompson Motor Pressings, Ltd.), 85
- Girling, Ltd , 164 324
- Girling, Ltd., Dinner, 167
- Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., 120
- Glasgow Speed Limit, 460
- Glass, William, Death of, 61
- Glover, D. M., 356
- Godfrey Davis, Ltd., 60
- Goodwood Easter Meeting, 174
- Goodwood Easter Monday Meeting, Report, 362, 363
- Goodyear: " Lifeguard " Tube Tested, 460
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Gt. Britain), Ltd., 119. 324, 408
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Gt. Britain), Ltd., Pliofilm Department, 164
- Goodyear Tyres, 172
- Goudie, George M., President Motor Trade Association, 120
- Graham, H. M. Howgrave, Article by:— National Trust, The. 246, 247
- '• Grandes Epreuves," The, 487
- Grant. Gregor, Sport and Sportsmen by, 44, 45, 46. 47, 100, 101, 102, 103, 152, 153, 154, 155, 214, 215, 216, 217, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266. 314, 315, 316, 317, 356, 357, 358, 359, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 440, 441, 442, 443, 486
- Greatest Rally of All, The (Monte-Carlo), 26, 27
- Grey, H. W., 114
- Guinness, Sir Algernon, 452
- H
- Hagley and D. L.C.C., 268
- Hagley and D L.C.C. Challenge Half-day Meeting, 445
- Hagley and D. L.C.C. Clee Hill Trial, 160; Results, 160
- Hagley and D. L.C.C. Dinner-Dance, 220
- Hagley and D. L.C.C. Hagley-Ludlow Handicap.
- Results. 271
- Hagley and D. L.C.C. Sporting Half-day, Results, 363 Hagley and D. L.C.C. Winter Trial, Report and Results. 54
- Halford, E. F.. 229 Hall, E. R.. 228 Hambro Sales, 416
- HANDIMAN, JOHN, PRACTICAL ASPECTS BY:— Austin Seven, The, 212, 213 Building a " Special," 420, 421, 422 Mainly Instrumental 128, 129 Tools, 310, 311, 312 HANDIMAN, JOHN. ARTICLE BY:—
- What About the Diesel? (Perkins). 256 • Handy Utility ": Portable Electric Tools, 340 Hants and Berks M.Q, 109 Hants and Berks M.G.-A.C. ,Owners' Club Point-to-
- Point Trial, 55
- Hants and Berks M.C. Blackwater Trial. Results, 223 Hants and Berks M.C. Great Auclum Speed Trial.
- Report and Results, 440, 445 Hants and Berks M.C. Night Trial, Results, 497 Harbingers of Spring, Article by Elizabeth Sullivan, 176. 177
- Harrison, Cuthbert, 154 Harrow C.C., 444
- Harrow C.C. Biggs Trophy, Results, 496 Harrow C.C., Cottingham Memorial Trophy Trial,
- Report and Results. 53 Harrow C.C. Frinton and Walton Rally, Results, 326, 361 '
- Harrow C.C.. Moss Trophy Trial, 159, 220; Results. 223 Harrow C.C. Rally, Results, 222, 358 Harry Ferguson Research, Ltd.. 324 Hartlepools and D. M.C. Sprint Meeting, Results, 447 Hartnett Motor Co., Ltd., 353 Hartrey, C. P.. 112 HASTINGS, HAROLD, REPORT BY:— New York Show, The, 236
- Hawick and Border C. and M.C.C., Berwick and D.
- M.C, Lothian C.C., Berwick Race Meeting,
- Results. 495 Haygarth. C. H. S.. 164
- Head, Wrightson Light Alloy Structures, Ltd., 96 Heater for Morris Minors, 380 Herts Co. A. and A.C. Beechwood Speed Trials, 318. 321
- Herts Co. A. and A.C. Sprint Event* 268 Hens Co. A. and A.C. Winter Cup Trial, Results, 160 Hertz Organization. 60 Hess, .Man. 115, 237 He wan, T. A. D., 164 H. F. Jack, New. 341 Highland Three-day Trials. 174; Report and Results. 265, 269 Hill. Claude, 324 Hillclimbs: The Man with the Hockey Stick, Article
- by Eric Tobitt, 432. 433 Hillman Minx Mk. IV Engine, Programme Parade by
- Judex, 16
- Hillman Minx Mark IV (Test Run Report), 74. 75 Hills, The " Championship." 298. 299 HILLSTEAD, A. F. C. ARTICLE BY:— Food Fads and Fancies, 178. 179 •' His Master's Voice" Automobile Radio, 452 H.M.V. Room Thermostat, 261 Hives. E. W.. 366 Hoghton Tower. 331 Holden. H. S.. 2 HOLIDAY BY ROAD:—
- Part One. Getting Ready. 185. 186. 187 Part Two. Touring at Home. 189. 190. 191 Part Three. Touring Abroad. 192, 193, 194, 195. 203
- Part Four. Extra Equipment. 196. 197. 198 Home Market: Fewer Cars. 169. 170 HOOD, ROBIN. ARTICLE BY:—
- Views of the Wye Valley, 427, 428, 429 Hoods and Windows, Press-button (P. and D. Equipment), 17
- Hooton, Norman, 112 Horden. Sir Archibald. Death of. 232 Horsham and D. M.C. and L.C.C. Spring Cup.Trial.
- Results, 271
- Hotels, A Report on British. 232 Hotels Approved, 415 How 500 ex. Records Were Lowered, Article by Lt.-
- Col. Goldie Gardner. 38. 39, 40 How the Morgan Began, Article by H. F. S. Morgan. 23. 24, 25 Howe. Lord. 3
- H.R.G. l'.L-lttre Model (At the Wheel No. 16), 294, 295 H.R.G. Engineering Co., Ltd. (January), xii Hubbard. Phil. H., 167 Hunt. A. E., 454
- India Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.. 500
- Indianapolis 500 Miles Race, Results, 362
- Institute of Marine Engineers, 274
- Instone, Rupert, 369
- Intcrlaken Rally Results. 496
- International 500 c.c. Race. 265
- International Alpine Rally, 154; Report and Results, 440, 445. 450
- International Bicycle and Motor Cycle Show, 415 International Formula 3 Provisional Calendar, 153 International Road Federation Meeting, 459 Irish M.R.C. Autumn Trial. Results, 55 Irish M.R.C. Enniskerry Hill-climb Results, 321 Irish M.R.C. Wakcfleld Trophy Race, Results, 496 Irwin, H., 366
- Italian Grand Prix, Results, 496 Italian Motor Show 119
- Jaguar 3Vr-litre Mark VII, 474 Javelin Jupiter, The, 215
- Jem Automatic Air Inlet, 69
- " Jenolite ": De-rusting Preparation. 122
- Jersey International Road Race, 215
- Jersey M.C. and L.C.C., 221. 411 -;
- Jersey M.C. and L.C.C. Bouley Bay Hill-climb Results 321. 446 JOHN HANDIMAN, PRACTICAL ASPECTS BY:—
- Austin Seven. The. 212. 213
- Building a "Special," 420. 421. 422
- Mainly Instrumental. 128, 129
- Tools. 310. 311. 312
- What About the Diesel? (Perkins). 256 Johnstone. Rt. Hon. Thomas, 369 JONES. FRANCIS. ARTICLE BY:—
- Way in Warwickshire. The. 337
- Westmorland Quiet, 30 Jopling, Peter, 8, 115 Jowett Assembled Upside Down, 136. 137 Jowett Jupiter, 147 Jowett Jupiter Price. 172 Jowett Luncheon, 454 Joy and Sons, Ltd., Edward. 114 Judex. Programme Parade by, 16, 17. 77. 78. 80. 81. 146. 147. 180. 181. 182. 238. 239, 240. 241. 242. 243. 306 307. 352. 353. 426, 470
- K
- Kentish Border C.C. Driving Testsr Results. 320 Kentish Border C.C. Gymkhana. Results. 405 Kentish Border C.C. J. B. Taylor Cup Trial, Results.
- Kentish Border C.C. Mount Misery Trial. Results, 160 Kentish Border C.C. Sporting Trial, Results. 55 Kentish Border C.C. Stafford Clark Cup Trial. Results. 497
- Kigass " Screen.wash." 197 Kinchin. J. W., 324 Kylesku Ferry, 287 Kynaston. E. B.. 287 Kynaston, Ken, 277
- Lagonda C.C.. 109
- Lagonda C.C. Night Trial. Results, 223
- Lagonda C.C. Thame Rally, Results. 4%
- Lancashire A.C. Annual Rally, 265 •
- Lancashire A.C. Davis Trophy Trial, 444. Results. 496
- Lancashire A.C. Morcambe Rally, Results. 401
- Lancashire and Cheshire C.C. Derbyshire Sporting Trial.
- Results. 321 Lancashire and Cheshire C.C. Lakeland Rally, Results. 496
- Lanchester Drop-head Coupe, 243 Lanchester Fourteen, 470 Lanchester. Frank, 416 Lanes and Cheshire C.C. Standard Production Car
- Trial. Results, 223 Lang. Leonard, 306 Lawrie. Charles, 274
- Laycock cie Nbrmanville Overdrive Unit, v353, 435 Laystall Engineering Co., Ltd., 450, 500 Le Feuvre. A. G., 221 Le Mans 24-hour Race, 46. Entries. 349, Preview, 348, 349, Report and Results. 397. 402 Leather Manufacturers' Research Association. 327 Legh-Jones, George, 366
- Lcinster M.C. Leinster Trophy Race, Results, 404 Leinster M.C. Winter Trial. Results. 109 Leicestershire C.C. Main Road Trial, Results, 496 Lester, W. J.. 112 Letter, North Country, by Ashley Taylor, 7, 76, 121, 173, 235, 285, 331. 373, 417, 461 Li€ge-Rom«-Li6ge Endurance Rally, 217, Results, 496 Li£ge-Rome-Liege Trial, 315 " Light Car 5-cwt. 4 by 4," 353 •' Light Car. The," Index to Volume 65, 120 " Light Car, The ": Our Scope and Policy (Editorial), 451 LIGHT CARS :—
- Austin, 120
- Chevrolet, 120
- Dellow. 146
- •fc" %
- LIGHT CARS—contd
- Ho Wen, 353
- JB Minor, 353
- Paramount, 146
- Standard, 120
- Vauxhall, 276
- Lighting: Double-Dipping (Lucas), 484. 485 Lighting. Fluorescent, Article by S. W. Nobbs, 124, 125 Lighting Regulations, 287, Amendment, 414 Lighting-up Times : 6, 64, 118, 232, 280, 329, 371, 414. 458
- " Lightning " Alignment Gauge, 260 Litchfield. Paul W., 324 Liverpool M.C. Jeans Gold Cup Trial, Report and
- Results, 52, 497
- Livings, George. Death of, 366 Lloyd " 650 " Roadster (Road Test), 28, 29 Lloyd " 650 " Roadster : Unorthodox—Vet Practical, 9 LIoyd-Dixon, G., 112 Lodge Plugs. Ltd., 112
- Loose Covers, Article by Elizabeth Sullivan, 332, 333 Lord, J. H., 408 Lord. L. P.. 2. 8, 167, 474 Lothian C.C., 319
- Lothian Car Chib Closed Trial, Results, 223 Loughborough, Makv-Gcneral, 327 Loxhams Group, 373 Loy Plastic Metal, 293 Lubricator, " Topcyl " VIC, 437 Lucas 1951 Programme, 484, 485 Lucas, Ltd., Joseph, 408, 457 Lucas Screen Spray, 292 Lucas : Wind-driven Generating Plant, 379 Luxembourg Grand Prix, Results, 361 Lyons. W., 2S6, 454
- M
- McCallum. Capt., K. C, 170
- McCullough, Donald, 3
- McLeod, John, 416
- Maas Tunnel, The Amazing, Article by F. "W.
- Simmonds, 385. 386, 387 M.A.C., 222 Mace, Dr. David. 453 Macphie, A. M., 369 Maidstone and Mid-Kent M.C. Margate Rally, Results, 402 Maidstone and Mid-Kent M.C. Tyrwhitt-Drake Cup
- Trial. Results. 223 Mainly Instrumental, Practical Aspects by John
- Handiman, 128. 129 Man with the Hockey Stick, The (Hillclimbs), Article
- by Eric Tobkt, 432. 433 Manning, P. G., 112 Manx Automobile Club, The. 487 Manx Cup Race. Report and Results, 396, 401 Maps: Purchase Tax. 119 Marauder Sports Car, 436 Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., 8 Marseilles Grand Prix, Results, 271 Mattinson, E. J., Death of, 112 Maude, Colonel E., 287 Mays, Raymond. 3, 265, 314 M.C.C. 1,000 Miles Rally. Results, 495 M.C.C. "Edinburgh" Trial, 154 M.C.C. " Exeter " Trial, 489
- M.C.C. " Exeter " Trial, Report and Results. 98, 99 M.C.C. Land's End Trial. 174, Report and Results, 263. 264, 265, 269
- M.C.C. Siiverstone Meeting, Results, 493, M.C.C. Team Championship, 109 M.C.C. Torquay " Daily Express " Rally, Report and
- Results. 491
- Mercedes 1.7-litre Models. 306 Methanol, Petrol and, 288. 289 Metropolis Garage, 327
- M.G. iy-litre. The (At the Wheel), 150, 151 M.G. C.C., 158, 269. 318. 445, 454 MG. C.C. Chilterns Trial, Report and Results. 156, 157 M.G. C.C. Cockshoot Trail. Results, 271, 320 M.G. C.C. Driving Tests. Results. 223 M G. C.C. (Irish Centre) Speed Trials, Results. 447 M.G. C.C. Kimber Trophy Trial. 108 M.G. C.C. (Midland Centre) Autumn Trial Results. 497
- M G C.C (Scottish Centre) Dreghorn Knockout Hill-climb. Results, 496
- M.G. C.C. (Scottish Centre) Driving Tests, Results, 405 M.G. C.C. (Scottish Centre) Moorfoot Trial, Results, 497 M.G. C.C. (Scottish Centre) Week-end Rally, Results, 361
- M.G. C.C. (S.W. Centre) Devon Rally, Results, 497 M.G. C.C. (S. Wales Sub-centre) Gymkhana, Results, 497
- M.G. C.C. Welsh Rally, Results. 320 M.G. Midget TD Series, The, 60, 80, 81 M.G. TD Series (Test Run Report), 206, 207 -Micrometer, Pocket, 260 Mid-Cheshire C.C.. 158 Middlesborough and D. M.C., 158 Middlesborough and D. M.C. Redcar Sand Race
- Meeting. Results, 404
- Midland Automobile Club. 154. Dinner. 159 Midland Automobile Clu1> Shelsley Walsh Meeting.
- Results. 494 Midland M.E.C. Minimum Mileage Competition.
- Results, 223 Midlands M.E.C., 158 Midlands M.E.C. Dinner, 52 Midlands M.E.C. Route Finding Competition, Results, 497 Midlands M.E.C. Silverstone Race Meeting, Results, 318, 403
- Misrhell, Rt. Hon. Norman, 167 Mileage Feats, 141 Mille Miglia. 154, Results. 319 Mobbs, Sir Noel. 277 Modena Grand Prix, Results, 321 Monaco Grand Prix, Results. 359. 361, 362 Monkhouse, Peter, Death of. 317 Mons Grand Prix, Results, 360 Monte-Carlo Grand Prix, Results, 362 Monte-Carlo Memo, 215 Monte-Carlo Rally, 600 Applications, 487 Monte-Carlo Rally, British Entrants, 54 Monte-Carlo Rally, Report and Results. 132, 133, 134, 135. 152, 160, 237
- Monte-Carlo : The Greatest Rally of All, 26, 27 Monthlery (Sporting Review). 488 Moons Motors, Ltd. (January), xli Months News Commentary, The. 116, 117, 118, 168. 169. 170. 230, 231, 232, 328, 329. 370. 371. 412. 413. 414, 456, 457, 458 Month's Sport in Pictures, The, 430, 431 Morgan Began, How the. Article by H. F. S. Morgan, 23, 24. 25 Morgan Four-Four, The (At the Wheel No. 17), 354, 355
- Morgan. H. F. S.. 2 MORGAN. H. F. S., ARTICLE BY :—
- How the Morgan Began, 23, 24, 25 Morgan. John, 61 Morgan Plus-Four. 470 Morgan Three-Wheeler Club, 360 Morgan Three-Wheeler Club. The. Dinner, 159 Morgan Three-Wheeler Whitsun Rally. Results, 362 Morris Advertisement (1912), 114 " Morris Filtrate " Oils, 167 Morris Minor Saloon, the Shorrock-Supercharged, 466, 467 , ?
- Morris Minor Toy Model, 286 Morris Minors, Heater for, 380 Mon\s Models, Wheel Covers for (Appleyard " Spats "), 261 " Morris Motors, Limited, Tractor and Transmisisons
- Branch." 450
- Morris Motors Machining Branch, 450 Morris Oxford, The, At the Wheel. 244, 245 Morrison, Mr.. Speaks Out,"456 Motor Ball. 286. 372 Motor Cychng Club Annual Dinner, 52 Motor Cycling Ciub Dinner and Dance. 3 Motor Industry Research Association. The. 372 Motor Show : Flashback to New York, 300. 301 Motor Show, see Earls Court, 416 Motor Irade Association President, George M. Goudie, 120
- Motor Trades Luncheon Club, 173 " Motoradio," 171 Motorists" Travel Club, 286
- West-over-Sea. 138. 139 Mullens. H. C. R.. 366 Myers, Nbrval Franklin, 164
- N
- Nardi. 243
- Nash L:ght Car, 306
- National Benzole Co., Ltd., 112. 366
- National Caravan Rally, The, 269
- National Safety Congress, 460
- National Trust Car Badge, 286
- National Trust, The, Article by H. M. Howgrave
- Graham, 246, 247 Nelson, James, 276 New " Shell " Refinery, 4 New Year, Another (Editorial), 1 New York and Geneva Motor Show, 180, 181, 182 New York, Flashback to (Motor Show), 300, 301 New York Show, The, Report by Harold Hastings, 236 Newnhams Alignment Gauge, 380, 437 News Quiz, Solution of. 414 ? Newton, Harry, 277, 287 Night Navigation Trials, 109 NIXON, ST. JOHN C, ARTICLE BY:—
- " Brutal—But it Worked! " 334. 335 Nixon. St. John C.: Fifty Years After. 335 No Motor Roads (Editorial), 227 Noble. Dudley, 166 NOBBS, S. W., ARTICLE BY:—
- Fluorescent Lighting, 124. 125 Nobby Motor Sponge, 68 Noel-Baker, Philip. 171. 828 North Country Letter by Ashley Taylor, 7, 76, 121. 173, 235, 285. 331, 373, 417, 461 North'London E.C.C., 107, 222, 269 North London E.C.C. Dinner. 160 North London E.C.C. Jacobean Trophy Trial. Results. 222
- North London E.C.C. " Radcap Rallies." 216. 405 North London E.C.C. Rally Results, 320 North London E.C.C. Speed Trial Meeting. Report. 443
- North London E.C.C. Speed Trials, Results, 447 North Midland M.C. Kitching Trophy Trial, Results, 222 North Midland M.C. Revvers Trophy, Results. 496 North Midland M.C. Sprint Event, Results, 271 North Staffs M.C. Driving Tests. Results, 497 North-West London M.C., 109, 222, 360 North-West London M.C. and the West Essex Car
- Club Quiz, 210, 211 North-West London M.C. Coventry Cup Trial, Results. 271 North-West London M.C., Gloucester Trial, Report and
- Results. 44, 45. 55 North-West London M.C., Lawrence Cup Trial. Results, 362 North-West London M.C. Versus the West Essex C.C.
- Quiz, 54
- Nottingham S.C.C., 109
- Nottingham S.C.C.—Driving Tests Results, 321 Nottingham S.C.C. Race Meeting Results, 362 Nuffield Experimental Department, 453, 482 Nuffield Exports, Ltd., 408 Nuffield " Filrate " Oils and Greases, 164 Nuffield Lord, 6, 237 Nuffield Organization, 500 Nuffield Press Reception, 114 Nuway Car Mats, 11
- o
- Fry, Joe, 411 Glass, William, 61 Horden, Sir Archibald, 232 Livings, George 366 Mattinson, E. J., 112 Monkhouse, Peter, 317 Rush. Harry, 61 Taylor, Cecil, 172
- Doors, 41
- Oldham and Son, Ltd.. 324, 455. 500 Oldham and Son (India), Ltd., 450 Qldham. John. 450 Oldham. Joseph, 455 Our Scope and Policy (" The Light Car "), Editorial, 451
- Overdrives, 393 Overdrives Again, 435 Owen Organization (January), xii
- P. and D.: Press-button Hoods and Windows, 17 Packing Without Tears, Article by Elizabeth Sullivan, 290.-291
- Paramount Roadster, 66 Parking: For Safety's Sake, 3 Parking Places (London), 360 Parliament To-day, In. 168, 169 Paris, Grand Prix Meeting, Report and Results, 317, 320
- Pau Grand Prix, Results, 271 Pedestrian Crossing Rules, 232 Peel. Capt. F. R. V., 3 Pegg, A. J., 368 People and Things, 114, 115, 166. 167, 228, 229, 276, 277, 326, 327, 368, 369, 410, 411, 452, 453. 454, 455
- Perigueux. Circuit of, Results. 497 Perkins: What About the Diesel? Article by John
- Handiman, 256 Petrol, 87
- Petrol " A/B " Coupons, 141 Petrol and Methanol, 288. 289 Petrol: Budget Changes, 230 Petrol Changes, 303 Petrol Coupons, New. 62 Petrol Derationing Effect. 414 Petrol: For Attention, Please (General Election),
- (Editorial), 113 Petrol for the Holidays, 169 Petrol: Free—But What Next? (Editorial), 325 Petrol is off the Ration, 326 Petrol Price Increase, 415 Petrol Rationing. 328 Petrol: Rationing by Price, 351 Petrol Rationing, Eire, 65
- Petrol Restrictions and Car Sales, Removal of. 370 Petrol Safeguards, 196 Petrol, What About Our, 118 Petroleum Films Bureau. The. 460 " Petromag." The, 292 Philips Electrical, Ltd.. 171, 286 Phillips, J. C. J., 229 Picavant Special Tools, 293 Pickard. Lt.-Col. J. A. A., 415 •' Pilofilm," 61 Pinder, R. J.. 408 Pirelli. Ltd.. 500 Pirellis Depot, 171 Platt, Maurice, 286 Plessey Transmitter-Receivers, 450 Plexeal Gasket Material. 68 Plug Development, American, 260 Plymouth M.C., 158 Plymouth M.C. 200 Challenge Trophy Trial, Results. 496
- Plymouth M.C. Evening Scavenge Hunt, Results, 223 Plymouth M.C. Results, 55 Posillipo Circuit Race, Results, 445 Powell, G. W., 408
- PRACTICAL ASPECTS, BY JOHN HANDIMAN:— Austin Seven, The, 212, 213 Building a "Special," 420. 421, 422 Mainly Instrumental, 128, 129 Tools, 310, 311, 312 Practical Aspects (Maintenance Hints). Article by A
- Prentice, 376, 377, 378 Pratt Engineering Company, 330 Pratt Trailers, 381
- Premier Motor Policies, Ltd., 171. 324 PRENTICE, A., ARTICLE BY:—
- Practical Aspects (Maintenance Hints), 376, 377, 378
- Programme Parade, by Judex. 16, 17. 77, 78. 80. 81. 146, 147. 180, 181, 182. 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243. 306. 307. 352. 353. 426, 470
- Prescott. National Hill-climb Meetings. 265
- Press-button Hoods and Windows (P. and D. Equipment). 17
- Press. Giant (Thompson Motor Pressings. Ltd.), 85
- Princess Elizabeth, 2
- Problem of Scrap, The (Vauxhall), 250, 251
- Purolator Micronic Filters. 381
- Pyrene Co.. Ltd., The. 171
- Pyrene Fire Guards, 408
- Quinccy Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 196
- R
- R.A.C. and A.A. Developments, 231, 232
- R.A.C. Certified Trials, 119
- R.A.C. Championship Climb, 314
- R.A.C. Dover Address, 416
- R.A.C. Events, 369
- R.A.C. " Get-you-Home ' Service, 64. 458
- R.A.C. Hill-climb Championships, 317, 441, 442
- R.A.C. Road Information. 66
- R.A.C. T.T. Excursion, 399
- R.A.C. Tourist Trophy, 102
- R.A.C. Tourist Trophy Race, Results, 494
- Racing Cars: Purchase Tax Removed, 230. 231
- Radiator Thermometers, 128
- Radio Show, The. 416
- " Radiolympia." 453
- Radiomobile, Ltd.. 8
- Radiomobile: New Models. 460
- Raleigh Industries. Ltd.. 324
- Ramparts Circuit Race. Results. 405
- Rationing by Price. 351
- Rayment. A. J., 115
- Raymond Way Motors. Ltd.. 112
- Records. Goldie Gardner. 442
- Records Were Lowered, How 500 c.c, Article by Lt.-
- Col. Goldie Gardner, 38, 39. 40 Red Flag, Date of the Abolition of the, 2 Recce. Peter Blake. 324 Renault 760, The British. 78 Renault 760. The (Test Run Report), 72. 73 Renault, Ltd.. 8 Renouf. J. F.. 221
- Retread Manufacturers" Association, 274, 408, 450 Reville Ranger Tourer. 426 Rich Mixture, by "Wheelmark." 35. 36. 87, 88, 141. 142. 143, 201, 202. 253, 254, 303, 304, 351. 393, 435, 436. 479, 480 Richardson, Ken. 314 Richter. Eric, 314
- Riley lVs-litre. The (At the Wheel). 90 Riley Motor Club Winder Rally, Results, 223 Riley Motor Club's Dinner, 330. 454 Riley Roulade (Test Run Report by the Editor), 424. 425. 426
- Riley-Vereul Drop-head Coupe1, 306 Road Houses, Spanish. 313 Road Information, 66 Road Markers, Flareline, 305 Road Plan for Lancashire, A (Memorandum), 373 Road Research Laboratory, 457 Road Tests in the Laboratory (Rubery, Owen and Co..
- Ltd.), 342
- Road Works for 1948-9, 413 Road, No Motor (Editorial), 227 Roads: Value for Money, 304 Robin Hood, Article by: Views of the Wye Valley. 427, 428, 429 Roll. A. P., 324 Rome Grand Prix. Report, 400 Rook. V. R., 112 Rootes, Brian. 112 Rootes. Geoffrey. 112 Rootes Group, The, 8 Rootes Motors, Ltd., 8
- Rootes, Sir Reginald and Lady, 228
- Rootes. Sir William, 65. 330, 453
- Rotoflo Damper. A New, 78
- Routes for Coaches, 6
- Rover Co., Ltd.. 324
- Rover "G.T." Car, 183
- Royal Automobile Club, Annual Meeting, Report, 42. 43
- Royal Dutch Shell Group, The, 62 Royal Dutch Petrol Co., 408 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, The, 2, 59. 415 R.S.A.C. Bo'ness Hill-climb, Report and Results, 398. 402 R.S.A.C. Rest-and-be-Thankful Hill-climb, Report and
- Results. 398. 403
- R.S.A.C: Scottish Sport in Retrospect. 48 R.S.A.C.-S.S.C.C, Meeting. 155 Rubery Owen and Co., Ltd.: Road Tests fft the
- Laboratory, 342
- Runbaken Electrical Products, 500 Rush, Harry, Death of, 6? Russell-Sharp, J., 277
- Safety Week, Children's, 237 SANDERSON, ALAN J., ARTICLE BY:—
- Stonehenge, 423 Sandhurst, Lord. 366
- Sankey and Sons, Ltd.,: 6,000 Wheels a Day, 92, 93 Scannell, Desmond, 452 Schjolin, E. O.. 324 Sahoolboys' Exhibition, 65 Scotland Passage, Birmingham, 202 Scottish Motor Show, No, 237 Scottish S.C.C. Bo'ness. Results. 398. 402 Scottish S.C.C., Kinniel Hill-climb. Results, 495 Scottish Scene, The, 344, 345 Scottish Sport in Retrospect, 48 Scrap, The Problem of (Vauxhall). 250. 251 Seven Fifty M.C., 158
- Seven Fifty M.C. Driving Tests, Results. 496 Seven Fifty M.C. Meeting, 221 Seven Fifty M.C. " Mudlark " Event, 54 Sharpe, G. A.. 112
- Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C., 107. 153 Swiss Motor Show. 120 Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C. Harrison Trophy Trial.
- Results. 223 Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C. Race Meeting. Results. 492 Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C. Shann Trial, Results. 447 Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C., Standard Car Trial,
- Results, 321 Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C. Test Team Trial,
- Results. 405
- Shell-Mex and B.P.. Ltd., 164 '
- Shell Motor Oils, 416 " Shell " Refinery, New. 4 Shelley, William. 166
- Shelsley Walsh Hill-climb, Results. 317, 359, 363 SHELTON, G. N. AND I. L.. ARTICLES BY:—
- With Car and Tent in Denmark. 296, 297 Shenstone and D. C.C. Challenge Half-day Meeting.
- • 445 Shenstone and D. M.C. Chase Trophy Trial. Results, 109
- Shinnie. Ltd.. P. N. (January) xii Shorrock. Chris, 455 Shorrock-Supercharged Morris Minor Saloon, The, 466. 467
- Show in N.Y., British, 5 Show, No Cycle and Motorcycle. 66 Signposting Questions. 117 Silverstone Club Meetings, 42 Silverstone Vintage Meeting, 315 Slmcas Models, 306 SIMMONDS, F. W., ARTICLE BY:—
- Amazing Maas Tunnel, The, 385, 386, 387 Singer Nine Roadster, 470 Slangster. T. A.. 112 Sleigh, Ralph, 8, 115
- Slough Estates (London). Ltd.. 277
- Smith and Sons (England). Ltd.. S. 112. 274
- Smith and Sons (RadiomobUe). Ltd.. S.. 500
- Smith-Clarke, Capt. G. T.. 366
- Smith, G. Sclwyn. 112
- Smith. Harry, 408
- Smith's Expedition, To the Frozen North—to get
- Warm! 248, 249 Smith's "Heater Expedition, 166 ?Smith's Motor Accessories, Ltd.. 112, 408. 459 Smith's Motor Accessories. Ltd.. Norway Expedition 114
- S.M.M.T. Recommended Maximum Speed. 28" Sneath, Erncsi, 153
- Solder. A New Cored (A.M.S.). 123 Solution of New Quiz. 414 Southern Jowett C.C. Mystery Run, Results. 497 Southern Jowett C.C. Rally. 444 Southern Jowett Light Car Club. The. 372 Southsea M.C. and Gosport A.C. Speed Trial, Results. 494
- Southsea M.C. Cannon Cup Rally. Results. 405 Southsea M.C. President's Trophy Trial. 109. 214, 22.' Spanish Road Houses, 313 Spares Service by Aeroplane, 278 " Special." Building a, Practical Aspects by John
- Hand man. 420. 421. 422 Speed Limit, Glasgow, 460 Spink, Gerald. 61 Sponcel. Ltd.. 237
- Sport and Sportsmen, by Gregor Grant. 44. 45, 46. 47. 100. 101. 102. 103, 152. 153, 154. 155. 214. 215, 216. 217. 262, 263 264, 265. 266. 314. 315. 316. 317. 356. 357! 358 359. 396, 397. 398. 399, 400, 440. 441. 442, 443. 486 Sport in Pictures. The Month's. 346. 347. 430, 431 SPORTS EDITOR. ARTICLE BY:—
- Focus on Formula Three. 94. 95 Spring is Here (Editorial), 165 '" Spro!." Handy Oil Drum, 11 Spurrier, H., 286 Standard Motor Co., Ltd., 287
- Standard Motor Co. (South Africa), Pty.. Ltd.. 164 Siandard-Nash Negotiations, 142 Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., 500 Standard Vanguard Price, 8 Standing Joint Committee and its Work. 116 STEAD, FRED O.. ARTICLE BY:—
- Ageless Aire. 82, 83, 84 Steadman. C. S.. 114 Steel, 88
- Steel: " A Leap in .the Dark." 456 Stevenson, A. K., 369 Stewart and Ardern, Ltd., 115 Stewart. Gordon. 114
- Stonehenge. Article by Alan J. Sanderson, 423 "Stoogler": Exhaust Deflector, 341 Strachan. R. S., 164 Strauss. G.. 8
- Street Furniture: An Inquiry. 279 SULLIVAN, ELIZABETH, ARTICLES BY :—
- Ardent Gadget " Fan." An, 126, 127
- Bucket and Sponge, 70, 71
- Cold Comfort 374, 375
- Clothes and Cosmetics. 476. 477
- Harbingers of Spring. 176, 177
- Loose Covers. 332. 333
- Packing Without Tears, 290, 291
- Sweet Seventeen. 418, 419
- Versatile in the Extreme. 25S. 259
- What Shali We Wear? 18 " Sunbac," 107 Sunbac Colmore Trophy Trial. Report and Results. 218. 219
- Sunbac Silverstone Meeting. Results. 492 Sunbac Vesey Cup Trial. Results. 497 Sunbeam-Talbot O.C, 454
- Sunbeam-Talbot O.C. Blackpool Rally. Results, 320 Sunbeam-Talbot O.C. Eastbourne Rally. Results. 361 Sunbeam-Talbot O.C. Rally, Results. 497 Sunbeam-Talbot. The (At the Wheel No. 14), 208, 209 Summer Time 65
- Sweet Sevemeen, Article by Elizabeth Sullivan, 418, 419 Swiss Grand Prix. Results, 363
- "? Tantalus " Milk Bottle Container. 381
- Taunton M.C. Allen Trophy Trial, Results. 497
- Tax: P.T. Regulations. 63
- Taxation: For Attention Piease (General Election)
- Editorial. 113 TAYLOR. ASHLEY. ARTICLE BY:—
- All on a Gallon, 390. 391 Taylor, Ashley, North Country Letter by. 7. 76. 121 173. 235, 285. 331. 373, 417, 461 Taylor, Cecil. Death of. 172 Temple Press Ltd.. Announcement. Publishers'. 330 372. 315
- Tenby M.C. Lydstep Hill-climb, Meeting. Results. 494 TEST RUN REPORT:—
- Ford Prefect. The. 144. 145
- Hiilman Minx Mark IV. 74. 75
- Lloyd " 650 " Roadster. 28. 24
- M.G. T.D. Series, 206. 207
- Renault 760. The. 72. 73
- Riley Roulade. 424. 425. 426
- Vauxhall Wyvem. The. 308. 309 That £5 " Bonus " (Editorial). 367 " This is Britain " (Film). 172 Thomas and Taylor (Brooklands), Ltd., Party, 489 Thomas, Sir Miles. 280
- Thompson Motor Pressings. Ltd.. Giant Press, 85 TOBirr. ERIC, ANTICI.E BY:—
- Man with the Hockey Stick, The (Hillclimbs). 432, 433
- To the Frozen North—to get Warm! (Smith's Expedition). 248, 24V Tools. "Practical Aspects" by John Handiman, 310, 311.312
- " Topcyl " U-C Lubricator, 437 Toronto Motor Show. 237 Touching-up. 36 Touimin Motors. 500 " Touring Grounds of Western Europe " (A.A. Map), 286 Trade: From Information Received (Jar.uary), XII. 112. 164, 274, 324, .360, 408, 450 Traffic—and the Festival, 458 Traffic Census. 413 Traffic Wardens, 6 Travel Association, The, 65 Travellers' Guide. 204. 205 Trengwainton Hill-climb Results, 319 Tresilian, S. S.. 408 Trico-Folberth. Ltd.. 237 Trico Windscreen Washer. 197 Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd.. 324 Triumph Mayflower, The (At the Wheel), 32 Trust Houses. 170-Tulip Rally. 154, 277, 314. 315. 320 Tunnel, The Amazing Maas. Article by F. W
- Simminds, 385. 386. 387 Turin Motor Show. 237. 459 Tyre Prices. 8. 459 Tyresoles, Ltd., 112
- u
- Ulster A.C., 319
- Ulster A.C. Boxing1 Day Trial. Results. 109
- Ulster A.C. Circuit of Ireland. 174. Results 269
- Ulster A.C. Craigantlet. Results. 363
- Ulster A.C. Djndrod Race Meeting, Results, 447
- " Undersea! " Under Car Protection, 123
- United Lubricants, Ltd.. 356
- U.S.A. Car Exports, 65
- V
- Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., 237 Vallay Industries, Ltd., 500 Vauxhall: A Matter of Speed. 35! Vauxhall Motors. Ltd., 500 Vauxhall: The Prob.em of Scrap, 250, 251 Vauxhall Wyvern. The (Test Run Report), 308, 309 Vere. Charlie. 229,- 277 Verheul—Riley Drop-head Coupe, 306 Versatile in the Extreme. Article by Elizabeth Sullivan 258, 259
- Veteran Car Club Concours d'EIcgance, Result*, 271
- Veteran Car Club of Great Britain. 360
- Veteran Car Club Rally, Results, 321, 362
- Vick, Godfrey. 366
- Vicker Armstrongs, Ltd., Giant Press, 85
- Vienna Motor Show, 237
- Views of the Wye Valley, Article by Robin ri/wd, 427. 428. 429
- Vintage S.C.C. Bisley Rally. Results. 55. 223 Vintage S.C.C. Blubberhouscs Trial Results. >?l Vintage S.C.C.. Lulsgate Meeting, 215 Vintage S.C.C. Nidderdale Trial. Results. A-t'l Vintage S.C.C. Prescott Meeting, Results. 492 Vintage S.C.C. Silvtrstone Meeting Results, i\*. 402 Visors, Sun, 480 Voice of the Clubs, The, 42, 43 Vokes. Ltd., 8 Volkswagen Company, 120 Volkswagens Production. 415 Vue des Alpes Hill-climb, Results, 405
- w
- Waite Col. A. C. R., 112
- Wakefield and Co.. Ltd., C. C, 459, 500.
- Wakeham, P. G., 221
- Walker, F. J.. 96
- Walker, Peter. 265
- Waller. I. M., 115
- Ward Blenkinsop and Co.. Ltd., 60
- Wardens, Traffic, 6
- Warwickshire, The Way in. Article by Francis Jones. 337
- Waterloo and D. M.C. Sprint Event. Results, 495 Watkins. Glen (U.S.A.) Race. Results, 496 Way in Warwickshire. The. Article by Francis Jones, 337
- Way. Raymond, 326 Weeks. Paul, 408
- Welsh Counties C.C. Speed Hill-climb, Results. 109 West Cornwall M.C., 319 West Cornwall M.C. Trengwainton Hill-climb, Results, 496
- West Essex C.C., 159 West Essex C.C. and the North West London Motor
- Club, Quiz, 210, 211
- West Essex C.C. Chelmsford Rally, Results, 494 West Essex C.C. Chelmsford Speed Trials. 216; Results,
- :~o
- West Essex C.C. Dinner, 52
- West Essex C.C. Quiz, 109
- West Essex C.C., Speed Trial, 119
- West Essex C.C. Sprint Meeting, 268
- West Essex C.C. versus the N.W. London M.C. Quiz, 54
- West Hants and Dorset C.C. Blandford Meeting, 356 West Hants and Dorset C.C. Blandford Hill-climb,
- Report and Results, 442, 445 West Hants and Dorset C.C. Christmas Cup Trial,
- Results. 109 West Hants and Dorset C.C. Hartwell Cup Trial, 221
- West Hants and Dorset C.C. Hartwell Cup Trial.
- Results 223 West Hants and Dorset C.C. Knott Cup Trial, Results, 497
- West Hants and Dorset C.C. Lulsgate Meeting, 215 West Hants and Dorset C.C. Night Trial, 268 West of England M.C., 220
- West of England M.C. Spring Car Trial, Results, 223 West of England M.C. Standard Production Car Trial.
- Results, 320
- West Sussex Drivers' M.C. Driving Tests. Results, 40S Westmorland Quiet. Article by Francis Jones, 30 Wcst-over-Sea, Article by Daphne Pochin Mould. 138. 139
- Wharton. Ken, 154. 368 What About the Diesel? (Perkins), Article by John
- Handiman. 256 What Shall We Wear? Article by Elizabeth Sullivan. 18
- Wheel Aligner. A Fully Compensating, 260 Wheel Covers for Morris Models (Appleyard " Spats "'), 261 " Wheelmark," Rich Mixture by. 35. 36. 87 88, 141. 142, 143. 201, 202, 253. 254. 303. 304, 351. 393, 435. 436, 479. 480
- Wheels. 6.000 a Day (Sankey and Sons. Ltd..), 92. 93 White. J. E., 274 Widdowson, Miss Millicent, 232 Wilks. M. F. C. 324 Wilmot-Brceden, Ltd., 324 450 Wilson. George H. B-, 324 Wilson. Leslie. 327
- Wind-driven Generating Plant (Lucas). 379 Windows, Press-button Hoods and (P. and D. Eauio-
- ment), 17 Wingard. Tyre Pressure Gauge. 261
- Ancient Fire Marks. 472. 473 Curious Time Markers, 20, 21. 22 Winter Clothing, 10 Wipac Plugs, 459 Wirral 100 M.C. Rhydymwyn Speed Trials. Results. 403 With Car and Tent in Denmark, Article by G. N.
- and I. L. Shelton. 296, 297 Wolf Electric Tools, 310 Wolseley. H. S.. 112 Woodhead Monroe Dampers. 341 Wordsworth Centenary. 285 Wye Valley Views of the. Article by Robin Hood, 427,' 428, 429 Wyldes. Jack, 314
- Yorkshire S.C.C. 444 Trophy Trial. Results, 271 Yorkshire S.C.C. Croft Race Meeting, Results. 493 Yorkshire S.C.C. Rally. 269 Young. Major General B. K., 415
- A.A.'s Celebration, 456
- Abernethy, W. J. (Austin), M.C.C. Exeter Trial, 98
- Abingdon Door Sprag, 10
- Aikens, F. (Iota). European Grand Prix, 283
- Alderley Edge, 434
- Allard, Mrs. Sidney, Denis Poorc Compares Trophies with, 441
- Allard, Sid: Guy Warburton (Allard) Monte-Carlo Rally, 135
- Allard, Sid., Prof. R. G. H. Clements presenting the R.A.C. Hill-climb Championship Trophy to, 42
- Allard, Sidney (Allard), Bugatti O.C.'s National Meeting, 346
- Allard, Sidney, Monte-Carlo Rally Incidents. 133
- Aluminium for Bridge Building, 96, 97
- Ammeter Wiring Diagram, 184
- A.M.P. Battery Visor, The, 122
- Ancient Fire Marks, 472
- Anderson-Hastie (Hillman), Monte-Carlo Rally, 134
- Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. (West Essex C.C. Dinner), 52
- Appleton, J. H. (4,375 Allard S.), Harrow C.C.'s Frin-ton Rally, 361
- Appleton, J. H. (Allard), Colmore Trophy Trial. 220
- Appleyards (Jaguar), Torquay Rally, 491
- Argentine Grand Prix, 46
- Arvada Bridge, 96
- Aspin Rotary Vale Engine, Cylinder Head (Drawing).
- Aston Martin Saloon, 242
- Aston, W. S. (Cooper), " 500 " Race, 284
- Aston. W. S. (Cooper), Lavant Cup Race, 263
- Aurelia 1,754 c.c. Saloon, 306
- Austin A40: Feeny and Johnson Conversion. 338. 33"
- Austin A40 Sports, 471
- Austin A90 Indianapolis Record Breaker, 3
- Austin Devon Saloon (Views). 382, 383
- Austin Seven Engine, 212
- Austin Seven Torque Tube Steering Box and Radiu*
- Arms. Details (Drawings), 311 " Autotherm " Portable Vulcanizing Outfit, 199 Aylesford, Kent, 253 Ayscough, Arthur, 335
- B
- '• Baby Gripper, The." 199
- Badge. Method of Mounting a, 376
- Baker. Mrs. Sally, at the Wheel of the M.G. TD Model. 119 Bancroft. Ken. (Bancroft Spl). Liverpool M.C.
- " Jeans '" Trial. 53
- B.A.R.C. 500 International Trophy Race. 346. 347 Barratt. Miss E. D. (Singer). Frinton Rally, 347 Bartlett-Savage (Vauxhall) Monte-Carlo Rally, 135 Bassett. D C. S. (H.R.G.). M.C C. Exeter Trial. 99 Beardshaw, Mike. 107 Ben Gulabin, 344 Beresford Dale. 140 Berkeley Square House Garage, Ltd.. Reception Room. 277
- Best, Gilbert (M.G.). M.G. C.C. Chilterns Trial. 156 Biggs, V. S. A. (Ford Special). M.G. C.C. Chiltern*
- Trial. 156
- Bira (Massrati), Monaco Grand Prix, 347 Black, Sir John, 475 Blandford Trophy Race, 346 B.M.W., Gillie Tyre's rebuilt Brescia-type, 102 B.M.W.-powered V.W. Specials, 95 Bodiam Castle. 246 Bolster, John, 346 Bond Minicar. The, 391, 464 Bo'ness " Championship Hills " (Plan), 298 Bouley Bay " Championship Hills " (Plan), 298 Braemar Castle, 345 Bragnor Lewis, 139
- Brandon, Eric (Cooper), " 500 " Race, 284 Brandon. Eric (Cooper), Manx Cup Race, 396 Brands Hatch Circuit, 175 Brands Hatch Meeting. 266 Brands Hatch " The Daily Telegraph" Trophy Race.
- Branker Safety Seat for a Child, 290 Bray, 84
- Bridge Building, Aluminium for, 96, 97 B.R.M. Ceremony at Shelsley (Mobile Workshop), 453 B.R.M. Chassis, 236 B.R.M. Engine, 50
- B.R.M. Racing Car (Views), 49. 50, 51 B.R.M., Raymond Mays at the Wheel of the. 100 Brown, Alan, 175 Brown, J. V. S. (H.R.G.), M.C.C. Land's End Trial, 264
- Brussels Salon, 67
- Bugatti O.C.'s National Meeting. 346 Buttermere, 247 Butterworth. A. J. (A.J.B.), West Hants and Dorset
- C.C. Hill Climb, 431
- " Car-Pak " Fitted to a Sun Visor, 126
- Carte-Cooper ORiley) Monte-Carlo Rally, 134
- Carter, Billy, 175
- Carter, Ken, 175
- Cavanna, Luigi, Congratulates Goldie Gardner, 40
- C.E.G.E. " 500 " Chassis (Drawing), 149
- •• Cenco " Rear Wing Fairings, Ford Prefect Equipped
- With, 340 Charlton, W., 112
- Cisitalia-Vignale Drop-head Coupe. 240 Clare, D. (Clayton Spl.) M.C.C. Exeter Trial, 99 Clark, P. (H.R.G.) B.A.R.C. Goodwood Meeting. 316 Clegg. Johnny, at the Wheel of the (Ford Special), 107 Clements. Prof. R. G. H. Presenting the R.A.C. Hill-climb Championship Trophy to Sid. Allard, 42 Clifford, " Freddie," 455 Clocks, Curious Time Markers, 20, 21, 22 Clothes: Concourns d'Elegance, 19 Clovelly, 200
- Cobb. Ruth, Drawing by, 34 Cobb's World Record Car En Route to New York, 170
- Collins, Gordon, 346 Collins, P. J., 346 Collins, Peter (Cooper) North-West London M.C.
- Gloucester Trial, 44 Cook, Mrs. Arthur. 454
- Coombs, H. J. (Morris Minor) Torquay Rally, 491 Cooper-Carte CRiley) Monte-Carlo Rally, 134 Cooper, Frank D., Monte-Carlo Fally, 115 Cooper, John (Cooper) " 500 " Race, 284 Cooper Sports Model, 307 Coppet Hill, 429
- COx, J. W. (Dellow) Colmore Trophy Trial, 219 Craiganlet " Championship Hills " (Plan), 298, 299 Cripps. W. L., 175 Crook, T. A. D. (Frazer-Nash), Blandford Trophy Race, 346 Crossby, C. F. (Vauxhall) M.C.C. Land's End Trial, 267
- Crossley (Alta), European Grand Prix, 282 C.T.A.^Arsensa], 217 . Customs Examination Hall at Dover, 463-Cyclecar (19il3) Model, 166 Cylinder Head, Diagram, 255 COURT CASES:—
- Pedestrian Crossings, 66 Speed Limit—Lamp Post, 413 Courtesy Test, 436
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C. Trial, Results, 497 Craner. Fred, Trophy, 217 Cranleigh and D. M.C. and C.C., 158 Cripps, Sir Stafford, 230, 278 Cripps. Sir Stafford, and the £10 Tax, 286 Crosdales. Messrs., 417 Crosley Two-seater Spans. 238 C.T.A.-Arsenal. 216 Cunningham, Sir Graham, 454 Curious Time Markers, Article by Reece Winstone. 20, 21, 22
- D
- Daimler and Maybach Horseless Carriage, 334 Davies, Syd, 450
- Day, A. E. A. (Mercury Spl.) Colmore Trophy Trial, 218
- fV"
- de Graffenned (Maserati), Goodwood Easter Meeting, 262
- de Rohan, Vicomte, 456
- de Thkusies, Vicomte Obert, 456
- Dee Bridge, 344
- Dellow Two-seater Model, 146
- Devil's Elbow, 344 A
- Dick. Alick. 287 m
- Dixon-Bate Towing Attachments Fitted to a Standard 8 Car, 68 Dixon-Bate Towing Attachments Fitted to an Austin
- A40 Car, 68 Dixon-Spain, Maj., 369 " Dolomitenstrasse," 195 Dorset Coastline near Tillywhim Caves, 478 Dryden (Cooper) French Formula III Race, 400 Dryden. R. M. " Curley." 346 Dublin, 82. 83
- " Due d'Epernon " Inn, The, 194 Duckhams' Personal Aid Kit, The, 199 Duke of Devonshire, 456 Duke of Richmond, 346 Duke of Windsor at the Wheel of the Buick
- "Riviera," 118 Dyer, L. F., 327
- £
- Eire (Views), 82, 83. 84
- "Elastoplast" First-aid Holdall, 477
- "Elipco" range Car Radio Aerials, 380
- Elwes, Jim (M.G.) M.G. C.C. Chilterns Trial. 156
- E.R.A.; Mays Sprint Car, 314
- Esso Anti-freeze, A Gallon Can of, 10
- Este 500 c.c. Car, 240
- Etancelin, P. (4M>-litre Talbot), Monaco Grand Prix, 356
- European Grand Prix, 281 282, 283. 284
- Exide Plastic Vent Plug, 69
- F
- Fairman, J. E. G. (Alfa Romeo) Vintage S.C.C. Meeting 315
- Fangio (158 Alfa Romeo). Monaco Grand Prix, 356 Fangio (Maserati) Dutch Grand Prix, 430 Farina, G., 281
- Farina, G. (Alfa Romeo) Silverstone Meeting. 490 Farina. G.-Fiat 1100 Facia Board, 241 Feeny Johnson-Austin A40 Conversion, 338. 339 Ferrari Type 125 G.P. Car, 103 Ferre Rosas (Ford) Argentine Grand Prix. 46 Festival of Britain Site, 13 Festival of Britain, The (Plan) 12 Festival of Britain (Views), 388, 389 Fiat 1100-Farina Facia Board. 241 Fiat 1.100S Pinin Farina Model, 77 Fiat 1.395 c.c. Engine, 239 Fiat 1400 Rear Suspension (Drawing), 239 Fiat 1400 Saloon, 238 Fiat 1400-Siata Sports Model. 241 Findon. Mrs. (West Essex C.C. Dinner). 52 Fire Buckets, Old Leather, 472 Fire Pump (1760) 473 Flareline Road Markers, 305 Fluorecent Lighting 124, 125 For the Disabled, 338. 339 Ford Anglia, Dual Carburetter Arrangement for Petrol
- Methanol Fuels on the, 288 Ford Consul, 468
- Ford Loose Covers fitted to the Seats of a Prefect. 380 Ford Prefect equipped with "Cenco" Rear Wing
- Fairings, 340
- Ford Prefect Saloon, 144 Ford Prefect Saloon, Interior, 145 Ford Prefect Saloon Showing Accessibility of the
- Engine, 144
- Ford Zephyr Model, 469 Fotheringhiam-rVrker, Phillip (Maserati). Goodwood
- Meeting, 267
- "Fourfold" Four-seat Picnic Table, 291 Frederiksborg Castle. 296 Frost (Allard). M.G. C.C. Chilterns Trial. 156 Fry. Joe. 411 "Fury" Petrol-burning Stove, The, 199
- G
- Gadgetry in the Form of a Hat, 127
- Gardner, Goldie, Luigi Cavanna Congratulates, 40
- Gardner, Lt.-Col. Goldie, Record .Attempt Incident, 39, 40 Gateway to the Abbey, Evesham Drawing by Ruth
- Cobb. 34 •
- General San Martin Trophy Race, 152 Gerard, B., at the Wheel of the E\R-A., 153 Gerard, B. (E.R.A.), British Empire Trophy Race, 396 Gerard. B. (E.R.A.). Dundrod Meeting, 446 Gerard. B. (E.R.A.), Monaco Grand Prix, 347 Glass. William. 61 Glendaloch, 84 Glover. D. M.. 346 G.M.S. Damper and Diagram, 17 ' Goliath Car. 238 Goodliall. George, 432
- Goodall, Peter (Ford). Lothian C.C. Trial, 222 Goodwood Circuit (Map), 174 Goodwood Easter Meeting, 262 Goodwood Meeting, 267 Goodyear Tyres is Made, Ho wthe Latest, 65 Grose. Bill. 489 Grose-J.A.P. Special. 489
- Guest, F. and R. (Ford), Monte-Carlo Rally, 133 Guinness, Sir Algernon. 452
- H
- Hadley, Bert (Jaguar XK 120), Le Mans 24-hour Race. 384
- Hall, Mr. and Mrs. E. R.. 228
- " Handy Utility " Electric Tools, Kit. 340
- Harriman. G. W., 500
- Harris at Bay Steinigie, 138
- Harrison, T. C. (E.R.A.), "Dundrod Meeting, 446
- Harrison. T. C. (E.R.A.), European Grand Prix. 282
- Harrow C.C. " CottinRham " Trial, 53
- Harrow C.C. Frinton Rally. 347
- Hartwell. G. R. (E.R.A.), West Hants and Dorset C.C. Hill Climb, 430
- Harvey Frost Jack, 341 .
- Hassall, V. A. (Rawlings Spl.). Colmore Trophy Trial. 218
- Hassard-Short. The Rev. Canon F. W., 456
- Hastie-Anderson (Hillman) Monte-Carlo Rally, 134
- Hat, Gadgetry in the Form of i, 127
- Hay, H. S. E. (Bentley), Le Mans 24-hour Race, 349
- Helicopter, 327
- Highland Three-day Trial, 265
- Hillman 1,265 c.c. Minx Engine, 75
- Hillman Minx Mark IV Engine (Drawing). 16
- Hillman Mark IV Minx Saloon, 74
- Hiliman Minx, Driving Compartment. 75
- H.M.V. Thermostat. 261
- His Master's Voice Automobile Radio. 197
- Hooper I. (Hooper Spl.), R.S.A. Rest and Be Thankful Hill-climb. 398
- Hooper-Lanchester Drophead Coupe, 243
- Hotel de la Paix, Geneva, 195
- Hotels, " Officially Appointed " Sign, 415
- H.R.G. lMrlitre Controls and Instruments. 295
- Hugenholtz, John, 103
- Humorous: Cutting In. 56. 57. 110, 111, 162, 163, 224, 225, 272, 273, 322, 323, 364, 365, 406. 407, 448, 449, 498, 499
- Huntingdonshire, Drawing, by Frank Patterson. 188
- Hutchinson, Ken, 369
- Innoxa. " Travelette " Case of Essential Cosmetics bv.
- International Alpine Rally. 440 Inveraray, 345
- J
- Jackman. A. E (Price Spl.), Lawrence Cup Trial, 347
- Javelin Jupiter Sports Convertible (Artist's Impression). 181
- Jeep-type Military Vehicle, 352
- Jem Automatic Air Inlet (Drawing), 69
- " Jenolite " De-rusting Preparation, 122
- Jersey Circuit, 399
- Jonsson (Effyh). French Formula IU Race, 400
- Jopling, Mr. and Mrs. Peter, at Southampton (London-Cape Record Breaker). 101
- Jowett Factory, 136. 137
- Jowett Jupiter (An Artist's Impression), 147
- Jowett Jupiter Model, 242
- Juste, C. A. (Healey), Bouley Bay Hill-climb. 431
- Kelly (Alta), European Grand Prix. 282 Kemsley. Jack (Hillman), Monte-Carlo Rally, 164 Kenk and Zwcifel (M.G..), International Alpine Rally. 431
- Kiliiney, 82 King and Queen and Princess Margaret at Silverstone.
- The. 278. 318 King and Queen and Princess Margaret at Silyerstone.
- The. with Raymond Mays Describing the
- B.R.M. to Their Majesties. 318
- Lanchester Fourteen Saloon, 471
- Lanchester-Hooper Drophead Coupe, 243
- Lasky, A. W., 85
- Laver. D. H. (Morris Minor), Torquay Rally, 491
- Le Mans 24-hour Race. 348, 384
- Le Mans Scene. 34S
- Liechtenstein. 303
- Morris, 261
- Renault, 134
- Renault. 760
- Singer, S. M., 450
- " Lighting "' Alignment Gauge, The, 260 Limb, A.. 274
- Little. J. L. B. (Bugatti), Vintage S.C.C. Meeting, 315 Lloyd " 650 "' Roadster, 28, 29 Lloyd " 650 "' Roadster (Views). 9 Loch Awe, 345 Loch Sloy, 173 Loewy Baling Press, 250, 251 Lognor. 76
- Lord Mayor of Plymouth, 52 Lucas Distributor, Under the Cap of a, 15 Lucas Model FW Windscrccn-wipcr. 485 Lucas Rear-view Mirror, 197 Lucas Screen Spray, 292 Lucas "' Square-pattern " Headlamp Lens and
- Diagram. 484
- Lucas Wind-driven Generating Plant. 379 Lund, E. K. (Lea-Francis), Blandford Trophy Race. 346
- Lyme Regis Harbour, Dorset, 190 Lyons. W., 475
- M
- Maas Tunnel and Cross-section. 385, 386, 387 MAPS:—
- Goodwood Circuit, 174
- Monte Carlo Rally Routes, 26. 27
- Sarthe Circuit, 349
- Siiverstone Circuit, 439
- Siiverstonc, Key to the Racing Circuit and to the Grandstands and Public Enclosures, 233
- '• Touring Grounds of Western Europe," 286 Marauder Sports Car, 436 Marlbsck " Travelsport " Three-piece Suit. 477 Marshall. Barbara (Hant Spl.) North-west London
- M.C. Gloucester Trial, 44 Matita Autumn Suit, 476 Mayers. J. C. C. (Lester M.G.1 B.A.R.C. Goodwood
- Meeting. 316 Mayne. Philip. 108 Mayor of Hythe. The, 274 Mays, Raymond. 432
- Mays. Raymond, at the wheel of the B.R.M., 100 Mays Raymond, describing the B.R.M. car to Their Majesties the King and Queen and Princess Margaret, 318 Mays Sprint Car. 314
- M.C.C. Lands End Trial. 174, 263, 264. 267 M.G. l^-litre Controls and Instruments, 151 M.G. 1 ^-litrc Saloon, 150
- M.G. Magna Conversion (Mr. Mallalieu's Car), 47 M.G. TD Chassis. 81 M.G. TD Model, 80, 206 Mighcll, The Rt. Hon. Norman, 167 Mobile Workshop, 330
- Molyneux, R. E. (M.G.) M.C.C. Exeter Trial, 98 Monkhouse. Peter, 317 Monte-Carlo Rally Incidents. 115. 132. 133, 134, 135. 164 Monte-Carlo Rally Routes (Map), 26, 27
- Montreal Sports Motor Car Club Trial, 55
- Moore. Oscar (O.B.M.) Manx Cup Race, 396
- Morgan 1909 Three-wheeler, 23
- Morgan 1911 Prototype Two-seater, 25
- Morgan 1913 Sports Runabout, 24
- Morgan Four-Four Controls and Instruments, 355
- MaKan, John. 108
- Morgan. H. J., 346
- Morgan Plus-Four Model, 471
- Morgan Three-wheeler Club Annual Dinner, 160
- Morris Eight Door Lock. Details, 143
- Morris M nor. Shorrock Supercharged, 455
- Morns Minor. The Shorrock Blower as fitted to tht
- Series M.M., 467 -Morris Oil Advertisement, 114 Morris Oxford Control and Instruments, 245 Morrison. Herbert, 456
- Moss. Stirling (Cooper). Brands Hatch Meeting. 442 Moss, Stirling (Cooper). European Grand Prix, 283 Moss. Stirling (Jaguar), Dundrod Meeting. 488 Motor Show: Flashback to New York. 300, 301 Mullen. H. C. R.. 366 Multicon? Solder Kit. 123 Murray-Innes (Bristol) Monte-Carlo Rally. 134
- N
- New York, Flashback to (Motor Show), 300, 301
- Newnham* Gauge for Checking Chassis Alignment, 437
- Newnhams Service Department, 186, 187
- '• News Quiz." 412
- Newton, Harry. 287
- Nicholls. W. G. (M.G.), M.G. C.C. Chilterns Trial.
- Nixon, St. John, 335
- " Nobby " Motor Sponge, 70
- North-West London Motpr Club and the West Essex
- Car Club Quiz, 210. 211
- North-West London M.C. Gloucester Trial, 44, 45, 46
- North-West London M.C. Lawrence Cup Trial, 347
- Notek Lamps, 197 . *
- Nuffield Experimental Department, 483 Nufneld: Jeep-type Military Vehicle, 352 Nuway Car Mat, 11
- o
- Onslow-Bartlett. Leslie (Ford Spl.), Presidents Trophv
- Trial, 214
- O.S.C.A. Aerodynamic Two-seater (Drawing), 155 O.S.C.A. Engine (Drawing). 155
- P. and D. Press-button Equipment. 17
- Paramount Touring Car. 146
- Parking. Scientific Car (Royal Show, Oxford), 370
- Parliament Square. 393
- Parnell. Reg. (B.R.M.), Goodwood Meeting. 486
- Parnell. R. (Maserati), Goodwood Easter Meeting, 262
- Patterson. Frank. Drawings by. 31. 336
- Pentony (VauxhaU) North-West London M.C. Gloucester Trial, 44
- Perkins P6 Diesel Engine. 257
- " Petromag." 292
- Phillips. J. C. J., 229
- Phillips. Mr., and his M.G. Model. 46
- Picavant Tools. 293
- Picnic Table. 199
- Pitt. D. (Frazer-Nash), Blandford Trophy Race, 346
- Polaroid Sunshield, 197
- Police Car. Priority Call Going out from a Metropolitan, 117
- Police: Point-duty " Cop " at Frankfurt, 64
- Polperro. Cornwall 480
- Poore. Denis (Alfa-Romeo), Shelsley Walsh Hill-climb, 48
- Poore, Denis. Compares Trophies with Mrs. Sidney Allard, 441
- Pople (M.G.) M.G.C.C. Chilterns Trial, 156
- Pornic. South Brittany, 193
- Porsche Saloon 353
- Power, Mrs.. 108
- Power, R. E.. 108
- Pratt Trailer. 381
- Prescott " Championship Hills " (Plan). 298
- " Prestige " Minute Timer, 126
- Price. Dave (Price Spi.) Presidents Trophy Trial. 214
- Princess Margaret. H.R.H.. at the Motor Exhibition. 475
- Prout. G. W., 108 Purolator Oil Filter Kit, 381
- R
- R.A.C. Travelling Office, 232
- R.A.C. T.T. Race, 88
- Rad.ator Thermometer. Working Principles of a. 129
- Redex "Intrument Panel", 66
- Renault "760" in the Making. A (Views). 79
- Renault (760) Novel Presentation of, 171
- Renault 760 Saloon (Views), 72, 73
- Renault Engine Mounting, 72
- Riley lV^litre-conuols and Instruments, 91
- Riley Uviitre Saloon. 90, 424
- Rippon, A, C. (Cooper) Zandvoort Meeting, 430
- River Wye, 427
- River Yon, 194
- Road: Floodlit Crossings, 169
- Road Houses. Spanish, 313
- Road N.6., 193
- Road Surface Experimental, 457
- Roads: Albert Square, Manchester, 7
- Roads: Fenced Path Near Uppingham. J04
- Rolux lev Single-engined, 459
- Romac Personal Radio, 199
- Rootes, Sir Reginald, 475
- Rosier, Louis (Talbot) Le Mans 24-hour Race, 397
- Rotoflo Damper. A New, 78
- Rover Gas-turbine Car, 183, 236
- Royal Burgh. 345
- Rubberized Asphalt as a Road Surface, 329
- Rubery Owen and Co., Ltd.: Automotive Research
- Department, 343 Ruddock. G. A. (H.R.G.) B.A.R.C. Goodwood Meeting. 316 Rush. Harry. 61
- Sankey and Sons, Ltd., Joseph, Works, 92. 93
- Sarth Circuit (Map), 349
- Savage-Barttett (Vauxhall) Monte-Carlo Rally, 135
- Scali. G. S.. 52
- Scotland, Views, 344, 345
- Scottish Scene, The. 344, 345
- Scroggs, A. F. (Trojan) M.C.C. Land's End Trial, 264
- Seat. Childs' Safety (Branker). 290
- Sennepk. W. H.. 274
- Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C. Dinner-Dance. 215
- Shelsley "Championship Hills" (Plan). 299
- Shorrock Blower as fitted to the Scries MM Morris Minor, The, 467
- Shorrock. Mrs. Criss, lends a Helping Hand (Gardners Records), 38
- Shorrock.. Noel, 455
- Shorrock Supercharged Morris Minor, 455
- Shorrock Vane-type Supercharger, 466
- Siata-Fiat 1400 Sports Model, 241
- Sign. A New Type of, ?71
- Sign Post, Eye-level, 201
- Sign: Road Slippery, 286
- Sign: Scotland Passage, Birmingham. 142
- Silverstone Circuit (Map). 439
- Silverstonc. Key to the Racing Circuit and to the Grandstands and Public Enclosures (Map). 23$
- Singer Nine Roadster, 180. 471
- Sleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, at Southampton (London-Cape Record Breaker). 101
- Smith 4 kW Heater Unit, 249
- Smith, Harry, 408
- Smith, Sir Rowland, 324
- Smiths Heating and Ventilating Unit. 1S2
- Smith's Arctic Expedition. 248. 249
- Sommer. Raymond (Cooper) Zandvoort Meeting, 430
- Spanish Road Houses. 313
- ••Special" Building a, 420, 421
- Spence. E. G. (Spence Spl.), Lawrence Cup Trial, 347
- Sport in Pictures. The Month's, 346, 347
- "Sprol" Bucket-type Container, 11
- S.S. "Dinard", 462
- Staithes Village, 417
- Stansted Village, 86
- Stevenson, A. K.. 58
- Stockton Heath, 121
- Stonehenge, 423
- "Stoogler": Exhaust Deflector, 341
- Stop Light and Rear Lamp Opened up for Inspection,
- Combined, 422
- Sunbeara-Talbot "90" Saloon. 180 Sunbeam-Talbot Controls and Instruments. 209 Sussex, A Picturesque Corner of. Drawing by Ruth
- Cobb. 350
- " Tantalus " Milk Bottle Carrier, 381
- Taunus (German) Ford, 67
- Taylor, Roy. 369
- Thames. South Bank, 13
- Thompson, Edward W., 85
- Tintern Abbey. 429
- Tobitt, Eric, 432
- Toll Bridge at Selby. 461
- " Topcyl Lubricator, 437
- Transporting the Fractionating Column for • the Shell
- Refinery, 4 " Travelette " Case of Essential Cosmetics by Innoxa, 476
- Triumph Mayflower: Controls and Instruments, 33
- Tucker-Peake (M.G.) M.G.C.C. Chilterns Trial. 156
- Tyne Tunnel Under Construction. 5
- Uist (Views), 139
- ' Underseal " Under Car Protection. 123
- Vactric " Muldpol," 258
- Vauxhall Factory, 250
- Vauxhail Luggage Locker. 185
- Vauxhall Wyvern Saloon (Views). 308. 309
- Vignade: Cisitalia Drophead Coupe. 240
- Villiers 197 c.c Engine. 465
- Villoresi (Ferrari) Dutch Grand Prix. 430
- Volkswagen " Hinged " Body for Display, 67
- Vordingborg's Goose Tower, 297
- Waite. Col. A. C. R.. 112
- Wallace Statue. 345
- Warburton. Guy, Monte-Carlo Rally Incidents, 133
- Warburton. Guy: Sid Allard (Allard) Monte-Carlo Rally, 135
- Warwickshire Scenes, Two: Drawings by Frank Patterson, 336
- " Watmac " Dragoman Roof Rack (Sketch). 332
- Watt, James, 112
- Waugh. J. C. (Hea'.ey). M.G. C.C. Driving Tests. 154
- Way. Raymond (Harrow C.C. Rally). 326
- Weathcrshields " Coolride " Cushion. 197
- West Essex C3r Club and the North West London Motor Club Quiz, 210. 211
- West Essex Car Club Dinner. 52
- Westmorland. Drawings by Frank Patterson. 31
- Wharton. Ken (Cooper), Bouiey Bay Hill-climb. 441
- Wharton. Ken (Cooper). R.S.A.C. Rest and Be Thankful Hill-climb. 398
- Wharton. Ken (Wharton), North-west London M.C Gloucester Trial, 44
- Wheel Fixing, 10-sccond Release, 172
- Whitehead, Peter (Ferrari). Jersey Road Race. 399
- Whitehouse. Bill. 175
- Wxken, George, 431, 440
- Wicken. George (Cooper). Brands Hatch Meeting, 442
- Wilson. J. E. (Austin). High:and Three-day Trial. 265
- Wingard Tyre Pressure Gauge. 261
- Wisdom. T. H. (Jowett). Le Mans 24-hour Race. 397
- Wise. T. (Jowctt). Le Mans 24-hour Race. 397
- Whitehead (Ferrari). Dundrod Meeting. 446
- Wolseley 4-50. 62
- Wolseley, Single-cylinder 8hp (1899). 335
- Woodcock. Drawing by A. J. Fooks. 179
- ' Woolf Cub " Portable Electric. 310
- Wye, River. 427
- Wye Valley. 427, 428, 429
- Zweifel and Kenk (M.G.) International Alpine Rally. 431
See Also
Sources of Information