Lionite Specialities

of 64 Collingdon Road, West Dock, Cardiff, Wales. Telephone: Cardiff 803. Cables: "Lichemas, Cardiff"
1947 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of "Vivienne" Hair Wave Setters. "Vel" Pencil Sharpeners. Handbag Frames and Purses. Picture Frames, Mirrors, Cigarette Cases, Pen-Nibs and other Fancy Goods. Soldering Irons, Pram and Table Corners. Cement Waterproofers, Hardeners. (Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand No. G.2045) [1]
1957 Patent - Improvements in or relating to hinges and to multiple picture and the like frames comprising the same. [2]
1965 Patent - Mirror arrangements. [3]