Lister and Branch

of Abbey Road Engineering Works, Cambridge
1905 Death of Charles Flatters in a road accident. Flatters, 'of 8, Jesus-lane, a man of 65 years, .... Mr. Flatters was for some years with the firm of Messrs. Headly and Edwards, and afterwards became one of the partners in Flatters and Branch (now Lister and Branch)' [1]
1919. 'Notice is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned GEORGE LISTER, of 34 ABBEY ROAD, CAMBRIDGE, and HENRY WILLIAM BRANCH, of 26, Abbey-road, Cambridge, carrying on business as Engineers and Brass-founders at Abbey-road, Cambridge, under the style or firm of LISTER & BRANCH, has been DISSOLVED by mutual consent as and from the 23rd day of September, 1919 Debts due and owing by the said late firm will be received and paid by the said George Lister, who will continue to carry on the business alone. Dated 25th day of October, 1919. GEO. LISTER. H. W. BRANCH. Witness to the above Signatures; Charles J. Smart, Solicitor, Cambridge.' [2]