London Portable Gas Co
1823 'PORTABLE GAS. The first Meeting of the Subscribers to the London Portable Gas Company, for the purpose of distributing compressed gas to houses, shops, carriages, &c, by means of Mr. Gordon's patent lamps, was held on Wednesday the 22d instant, the Right Hon. the Loan Mayor in the Chair, when the following Gentlemen were unanimously elected to manage the concerns of the Company :— directors : John Carrick, Esq. Donald Maclean, Esq. Robert Davies, Esq. John Taylor, Esq. Henry Alex. Douglas, Esq. Matthew Wood, Esq. Alderman and M.P.. George Hathorn, Esq. Thomas Ebsworth, Esq. Auditor.
Resolutions were unanimously passed for regulating the proceedings of the Company ; and the capital increased to 50,000l with power to the Directors to receive further subscribers as they shall see cause. It is expected that the Company may be able to supply gas to a considerable extent, in less than three months. [1]
1828 Advert: 'THE LONDON PORTABLE GAS COMPANY being the only Establishment in London where any other than Coal Gas can be obtained, all those Persons in London or its neighbourhood, who have an objection to Coal Gas, may be supplied with PORTABLE OLEAGINOUS, or RESINOUS GAS, by applying at the Works, Great Sutton-street, Clerkenwell.'[2]
1834 Advert: 'LONDON PORTABLE GAS WORKS. These large and very eligible PREMISES and WORKS, situate In Great Sutton-street, Clerkenwell, to be LET or SOLD. This concern (if properly managed) cannot fall to be extremely productive. The machinery and apparatus now in operation are in perfect order for carrying on the concern very extensively.— Apply to Mr. Gordon, civil engineer, 37, Southampton-street. Strand.'[3]
1835 Sale notice: London Portable Gas Company.— Plant, Machinery, Utensils, Fixtures, &c.
Mr. SHUTTLEWORTH is instructed by the Directors to SUBMIT to PUBLIC AUCTION, on the Premises, Sutton-street, Clerkenwell, THIS DAY, March 9, and following Day, at Eleven, in suitable Lots, the whole of the valuable PLANT, MACHINERY, FIXED APPARATUS, GEAR, and Effects of the London Portable Gas Company, comprising a capital 10-horse high-pressure engine, by Taylor and Martineau, throwing, condensing, lift, and hydraulic pumps, numerous tanks, boilers, meters, cisterns, holders, and retorts, gas-reservoirs of the very best wrought iron, a gasometer to contain 2,000 feet of gas, with tank, experimental gas apparatus, a cylindrical 10-horse boiler, with apparatus, cast and wrought iron coppers, lead and tin in tubes, pipes, plates, bolts, blocks, &c. ; counting-house fixtures, &c. The whole erected at an original cost of thirty thousand pounds. — May be viewed till the sale, and catalogues had on the premises, and of Mr. Shuttleworth, 28, Poultry. Aberdeen-Place, St. John's-wood.'[4]