London Scottish Foundry

London Scottish Foundry Ltd. of Barking, Essex. Telephone: Rippleway 3461 (2 lines). Telegraphic Address: "Castings, Barking"
Presumably also known as the Scotch Foundry by Wilsons and Mathiesons.
1937 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. "Yorkist" Stoves, "Yorkdale" and "Dyneley" Back-to-Back Ranges. "Dyneley" Oven-over Fire Stoves. "Glenburn" Domestic Boilers. Portable Ranges. Plain Roll, Stepped Front and Bowed Front Baths. Also Competitive Patterns. (Stand Nos. B.701 and B.600)
1943 Patent (Scotch Foundry) - Back-to-back ranges. [1]
See Also
Sources of Information
- 1937 British Industries Fair Page 384