London and Midland Insurance Co
Head Offices: 39, 41, New Broad Street, London, E.C.
1914 Incorporated as a Limited Company. Directors: Ernest I. Husey (Chairman), Sir Samuel Faire, J.P. ( Vice-Chairman), Arthur Lucas Chance, J.P., Geoffrey C. Cobb, Lewis Evans, J.P., Frederick Harper, J.P., J. Harold Newman, Murray N. Phelpi, Harry Wrightson, Hugh Wylie, J.P., Oscar Gray (Managing Director). Capital nominal 500,000 shares of £ 1 each. Acquired the business of the City of London Re-Insurance Company, Ltd., London Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and Imperial Fire Insuance Coy. of Toronto. Subscribed Capital increased to £190,000. Paid-up Capital, L115,000. Branches: Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Croydon, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leicester, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Middlesboro', Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northampton, Nottingham, Plymouth, Reading, Southampton, Swansea. Business: Departments for Insurance for Fire, Sickness, Accident, Disease, Loss of Profits, Burglary, Domestic Servants, Workmen's Compensation, Motor Cars and Vehicles, Motor Cycles, Drivers' Accident, Third Party, Fidelity Guarantee (the Bonds of the Company are accepted by the Courts of Chancery), Property Owners' Indemnity, Plate Glass.