Lugar Viaduct
There is scope for confusion about the names of viaducts in this area. 'Lugar Viaduct' appears on a commemorative plaque on the viaduct, and is the name used by R Paxton and J Shipway (see below), who give the map reference as NS 5739 2062. This viaduct is also known as Bank Viaduct and Templand Viaduct. The others in the Cumnock area are known as Murray Park Viaduct or Glaisnock Viaduct; Bellow Viaduct or Glenmuir Viaduct; Rosebank Viaduct.[1]
Completed in 1850 for the Glasgow and South Western Railway. Still in rail service.
Crosses the Lugar Water near Cumnock. 752 ft long. Maximum height of 161 1/2 ft. 14 semicircular arches. Hollow piers and spandrels.[2]
Engineer: John Miller. Contractor: James McNaughton.