Lydney Iron Works and Colliery
near Lydney, Forest of Dean, Glos.
1810 Advert: 'Lydney Iron Works and Colliery.
At the Exchange Coffee-House, BRISTOL, on Friday, the 1st day June, 1810, at Twelve o’Clock, subject such Conditions as will be then produced;-
THE LEASE all those valuable and extensive IRON WORKS and COLLIERIES, situate at in the county of Gloucester ? miles from Chepstow and Newnham, and 20 from Bristol and Gloucester.
The Premises consist of one Forge, called the Upper Forge, now worked as a Stamping Forge; containing three Charcoal Fineries, and one Running-out Fire with Iron Helve, and Blowing Machinery, complete. One other Forge, called the Middle Forge, with Balling and other Furnaces, but now used as a Drawing-out Forge for Uses, &c. One other Forge, called the Lower Forge, with Pudling and Balling Furnaces, and Iron Helve, now used as a Shingling Forge. One other Forge, on the same Head, used as a Plating Forge, with Blowing Machinery, complete. One Mill, capable of rolling 50 Tons of Merchant Bars weekly. These Works are upon one Stream of Water, and the extreme distance between them about two miles. One Foundry, for casting the different Uses for the Works. One Charcoal Furnace, not at present worked, with Charcoal Houses and other Buildings for the manufacture of Tin Plates. One Clerk’s House, 19 Work Workmen’s Houses, and about 17 Acres of good Meadow and Orchard GROUND.
The Colliery consists of one Six Feet, and two Three Feet Veins of Coal, and extends over about 500 Acres, and at present is worked by one Level and two Pits, but any quantity more may be opened, there being a Railway just finished through the Collieries and Works to the River Severn, where the Coals sell for from 12s. to 14s.per Ton : the present price for getting the Coal and delivering it to the River Severn, through private Canal belonging to Works, about 5s 6d. per Ton.
These Works and Collieries are held under Lease from the Right Hon. Charles Bathurst, about 67 years of which are unexpired, the Yearly Rent of 280l free from Poor Rates Tythe. In the Lease, Mr Bathurst covenants to cut and deliver all his Underwoods, which average about 14 Hundred Cords of the accustomed measure of the country, annually, sixteen to eighteen years growth, 7s. 3d. per Cord.
There is a FARM, held under a Lease, seven years which are unexpired, consisting of a good House, fit for the residence of a managing Partner, with about 31 Acres of Land and Orchard GROUND, at the Yearly Rent of 93l.
For a View of the Premises, apply at the Works; and further Particulars, Messrs. Barker and Unett, Solicitors, Birmingham.'[1]
See Also
Sources of Information
- ↑ Gloucester Journal - Monday 21 May 1810