Mackintosh, Grant and Co
of Inverness
1857 Advert: 'TO be DISPOSED OF, the LEASE and GOODWILL of the INVERNESS CITADEL HEMP, CLOTH, and CORDAGE MANUFACTORY, Established in 1762. The surviving Partners of the Old-established Firm of MACKINTOSH, GRANT, and Co., being desirous of winding up, are willing to treat with any respectable party disposed to continue the business. The high character all along maintained by this company for the superiority of their fabrics is well known. Of late, the run upon low-priced goods made of inferior materials has led to the company considerably contracting their operations. But it is confidently believed, that in the hands of an active manager, accustomed to modern improvements, the concern would recover its former position: while, by keeping in employment great numbers of skilled work-people, a great public benefit would be continued to Inverness and the neighbourhood. Considering the increased facilities of communication, and the general impulse to trade which must result from the extension of the Railway system into a country possessing such great natural resources, the present time may be regarded as very favourable for this undertaking, whether by an individual, or by a Company on the principle of Limited Liability. Apply to MACKINTOSH, GRANT, and. Co., Citadel, Inverness.'[1]
See Also
Sources of Information
- ↑ Advert Liverpool Albion - Monday 6 April 1857