Manchester's Museum of Science and Industry

Also widely known as MoSI.
Located in the city centre on the site of the Manchester terminus of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway.
The museum provides an important and fitting tribute to the scientists, engineers and industrialists whose work made Manchester the world's first 'industrial city'. Manchester has now lost its traditional industries, so the role of the museum is invaluable to understand the city's development, and to place the surviving 19th century infrastructure of canals, mills, etc. in context. The exhibits were remarkably well-chosen to illustrate the breadth and depth of local production and technological achievements. The wide range of artefacts, large and small, encouraged visitors to make many return trips.
A large proportion of the museum's collection was on open display, and a remarkably large proportion of the items were made within a few miles radius of the museum.
The leading light in the establishment of the museum was Richard L. Hills. The fascinating story of its development and the difficulties of acquiring exhibits is told in 'The North Western Museum of Science and Industry, Some Reminiscences' by Richard L. Hills, available online here.
This was an outstanding museum. Unfortunately, it is being downgraded, and the results of the founders' hard work are being undone. The excellent electricity and gas galleries have been permanently closed. The space is said to be wanted for temporary exhibitions, which will apparently rely heavily on words and pictures rather than tangible historic artefacts. The Power Hall, which houses working engines, has long been closed for repairs. The Air and Space Hall has closed. 'Increasing numbers of objects from our Aeronautics and Aircraft Propulsion collections can be explored online .....' !
Visitors wishing to see particular artefacts should try to ascertain whether they still exist, and whether they are accessible.