Max am Ende
Max am Ende sometimes as 'Maxam Ende'. (1840-1918 )
Civil Engineer, specializing in ironwork structures.
3 Westminster Chambers, London. [1]
1840 Born in Germany (Danzig)
1857-60 Studied engineering in Carlsruhe
1860-61 Engineer at the Royal Prussia Dockyard, Danzig
1861-62 Engineer at the Vulcan Works, Stettin
1862-64 Draughtsman for C. Hoppe in Berlin
1864-69 Draughtsman for R. M. Ordish in London; superintended erection of suspension footbridge across the river Moldau in Prague - presumably the Franz Josef Bridge, Prague
1870 Designed railway bridges whilst in Russia
1870-72 Designed bridges and ports with Mr Ordish
1872 Established as engineer in London, designing and constructing structures including roofs, bridges, etc.
1876 of 2 Middle Scotland Yard, London SW, elected an Associate of the Inst Civil Engineers
1884 Member of the Inst Civil Engineers
1886 of 3 Westminster Chambers, Victoria
1895 Book. North Sea and Baltic canal by Max Am Ende
1901 Living at 24 Highbury Grove, Highbury, Islington: Max Am Ende (age 61 born Germany), Civil and Mechanical Engineer and Employer. With his wife Wilhelmina Am Ende (age 42 born Germany). One German servant.[2]
1906 of 18 Abingdon Street, London SW,
1910 Lived in Highbury Grove, Islington[3]
1916 of Walkmuhlstrasse 44, Wiesbaden, Germany
1918 Died in Wiesbaden[4]
See Also
Sources of Information
- Civil Engineer Lists