Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co 1899-1949 by John Dummelow: Preface

This book has been produced to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of the Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company. Its history, first as British Westinghouse and later as M-V covers a period of unsurpassed progress; in fact it is in many respects also representative of the history of the electrical engineering industry, to the general progress of which it has made many major contributions. This is true not only in the fields of research and design, but also in such important matters as manufacturing efficiency, the training of personnel and, above all the relationship between management and employees - The Human Factor. A democratic system has been built up at the great Trafford Park Works of the Company, which has operated for fifty years without any major internal labour dispute.
Mention is made of outstanding events and of personalities in the following pages, but I wish also to pay a tribute to the many thousands whose names are not included but whose contribution to the Company's progress is none the less appreciated. A company cannot achieve a position of eminence solely by the efforts of a few-but only by the combined knowledge, skill and loyal cooperation of all its employees.
To the older employees of the Company this book will be a treasured reminder of old memories. The younger ones will, I hope, find interest and inspiration in the accounts of problems overcome and in the mention of personalities past and present old names that are already in the fabric, and new ones now being woven into the Company's history.
To friends of the Company at home and overseas who by their support and collaboration have made possible the results achieved, we offer this book as a record of fifty years of friendship and happy associations.
As regards the future, there are already signs of great new developments electronics, gas turbines, atomic energy to all of which the Metropolitan-Vickers Company has made valuable contributions. Come what may, therefore, I have the utmost confidence in the Metrovick spirit, that spirit born of adversity which has enabled us to face and overcome almost insuperable difficulties with courage and good humour.
To a large extent material in this book has been contributed by past and present servants of the Company, far too numerous to mention individually. Outstanding service has been rendered by Mr. J. Dummelow in planning and editing, and by Mr. C. G. Lloyd in providing a basis for the early periods.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS are due to Trafford Park Estates Ltd. for permission to reproduce the frontispiece and the map of Trafford Park; to the Westinghouse Electric Corporation for the portrait of Newcomb Carlton; and to The Institution of Mechanical Engineers for the photograph of Stelna bomb disposal equipment. Also to the Westinghouse Electric Corporation and its associates in London and Paris, to the Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co. Ltd., and to C. A. Parsons and Co Ltd. for providing useful information.
The portraits of Sir Holberry Mensforth and of Miles Walker are by Lafayette, and that of Sir Felix J. C. Pole is by Elliott and Fry.