Midland Bank
1923 The name of the London Joint City and Midland Bank was changed to Midland Bank
1924 Affiliated with North of Scotland Bank
1950 North of Scotland Bank and Clydesdale Bank were amalgamated to become the Clydesdale and North of Scotland Bank (soon shortened to Clydesdale Bank). The merged bank became Scotland's largest in terms of deposits, advances and number of branches.
1980s Midland needed to rationalise and sold Clydesdale (along with its Irish subsidiaries) to National Australia Bank.
1989 National Australia Bank bought the Clydesdale bank for £420 million.
1989 Launched first telephone bank First Direct, which offered banking products and services by telephone, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
1992 HSBC Holdings acquired Midland Bank. It was one of the biggest banking mergers of its time.
1999 Rebranded as HSBC.