Monometer Manufacturing Co

Aston, Birmingham engineers.
1919 Listed as The Monometer Manufacturing Company (1918). December of this year transferred its works from Whitehouse-street to Browning-street, Birmingham.[1]
1922 Arrangements were made for the manufacture of the Monometer furnaces for the whole of the United States, America, Canada, and South America to be by the Monarch Engineering and Manufacturing Co, 1206, American-building, Baltimore, MD, USA.[2]
1926 of Savoy House, 115-116 Strand, London WC2, has lately received orders (a) for its 3-ton cable furnaces for melting lead from four important firms, two in this country and two in France; (b) its die casting furnaces, or its aluminium furnaces, heating ovens or melting furnaces from some ten concerns, all in this country; (c) for several printers' melting furnaces for Germany and France.[3]