Moore's Iron Foundry
1837 Advert. 'MOORE’S OLD ESTABLISHED IRON FOUNDRY, Waterside, Maidstone. THE GENTRY AND TRADESMEN OF MAIDSTONE. AND ITS VICINITY. I beg to return you warmest thanks on behalf of my Sister, Mrs. Moore, and myself, for the kind support and patronage we have met with at your hands; and assure you that our united efforts will be exerted to secure continuance of your favors. It will ever my pride, in the executive management of the business, to employ the most experienced Artisans in every department, and faithfully to attend to the correct execution of any orders intrusted to our care. We call the particular attention of Hop Growers, Maltsters, and others, to our NEW HOT AIR COCKLE, which may be seen any day at the foundry, and its advantages, over other present modes of applying heat, pointed out; its superiority having been proved by respectable men of business this part of the country, where it has been fitted up under our own immediate direction. Every description of iron fence, lodge gates, and fancy iron work, substantially fixed. Press screws cut with exactness. Smith’s Work all its branches, on the lowest terms. ROBERT BROWN. Maidstone, 30th May, 1837.'