Note: This is a sub-section of Morgan Motor Co
- Plus 4 1950-68
- Plus 4 Super Sport 1961-68
- Plus 4 Plus 1963-66
The new Morgan Plus Four, latest of a long line of highly successful sports cars, is fitted with the famous Standard Vanguard engine. Outwardly the three versions of this model — Drophead Coupe, Open Two-Seater and Four-Seater — remain almost identical with those of the 4/4 model, but the body width has been increased slightly, while the radiator is shorter and the bonnet lengthened a little.
Apart from its high maximum speed the all-round performance of the Plus Four is excellent and as a long-distance touring car it offers economical and trouble-free motoring.
The standard colour finishes are most attractive and include black, British racing green, Nile blue or carnation red. Black leather upholstery is specified with each of these colours.
ENGINE. Type: 2-litre. Cylinders: 4. Bore X Stroke: 85 mm. X 92 mm. Compression ratio: 6.7 to 1. Maximum b.h.p.: 68 at 4,300 r.p.m. Rating: 18 h.p.
PERFORMANCE. Maximum speed: 90 m.p.h.
DIMENSIONS. Length: 11 ft. 10 ins. Height over hood: 4 ft. 2ins. Width: 4 ft. 8 ins. Wheelbase: 8 ft. Track: 3 ft. 11 ins. Fuel capacity: 9 gallons. Tyre size: 5.25 X 16.
BRAKES. Girling Hydraulic.
PRICE. £565 plus £157.13.10 Purchase Tax. Total: £722.13.10.
NOTE: These details are for the Coupe model