Moses Leonard
Moses Leonard ( -1880)
1880 Obituary [1]
Mr. MOSES LEONARD, who died at Coatbridge in May last, was a native of Staffordshire, with the iron trade of which he had been practically connected from his youth.
In 1846 he left Staffordshire to seek for advancement in the West of Scotland, where at that time the iron trade was in process of being largely developed, owing to the discovery by Musket and the working by several now well-known ironmasters, of the famous blackband deposits in and about Coatbridge and Airdrie.
Having served at several of the older works in the interval, Mr. Leonard in 1868 undertook the management of the North British Ironworks, which had just then been opened by Mr. Thomas Ellis, M. I. and S. Inst., his brother-in-law. Originally built on a very small scale, these works have been extended and improved from time to time under the immediate superintendence of Mr. Leonard, until they are now among the largest of their kind in Scotland; and those of the members of the Iron and Steel Institute who visited them on the occasion of the Glasgow meeting in 1872, will well remember the interest excited on that occasion by experiments then being carried out with a revolving puddling rabble under Mr. Leonard's supervision.
Mr. Leonard had been a member of this Institute since 1872, but his close attention to business prevented him from attending many of its meetings or contributing the fruits of his ripe practical experience to its proceedings.