Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 165,112 pages of information and 246,466 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Moses Merryweather

From Graces Guide

Moses Merryweather (c1793-1872) of Merryweather and Sons

c1793 Born

1803 John Merryweather, Coach and Harness-Maker, occupied 134 Long Acre[1] - not sure how relevant this is.

1807 Apprenticed at Hadley, Simpkin and Lott

1836 Acquired Hadley, Simpkin and Lott

1836 Married Sarah Edwards Taylor in Southwark, in presence of Henry Lott, Emma Cullum and H. Taylor.[2]

1841 Fire engine maker, age c.40, living at 63 Long Acre, London, with Sarah Merryweather 25, Richard Merryweather 3, James Merryweather 2[3]

1851 Living at 2 Spring Gardens, Lambeth (age 56 born Walling, Yorkshire), Fire Engine Maker. With his wife Sarah (age 36 born London) and their children Mary (age 8), Alice (age 6) and Henry (age 4). Plus two servants. [4]

1871 Living at Clapham House, Clapham (age 78 born Welbury, Yorkshire), Fire Engine Maker. With his wife S. E. Merryweather (age 55) and their son R. M. Merryweather (age 31), Fire Engine Maker; daughter M. C. Merryweather (age 28); daughter A. P. Merryweather (age 26); son A. Merryweather (age 24). Plus four servants [5]

1871 His daughter Mary C. marries and he is shown as the father [6]

1872 September 25th. Dies in his 80th year, of Clapham House, Clapham Common and of Long Acre. [7] [8]

1874 His youngest daughter Emily is married and he is described as the 'Late' [9]

1872 Obituary [10]

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. London Gazette, 23 July 1803
  2. London Marriages
  3. 1841 census
  4. 1851 Census
  5. 1971 Census
  6. The Pall Mall Gazette, Saturday, November 25, 1871
  7. The Morning Post, Friday, September 27, 1872
  8. Daily News, Saturday, September 28, 1872
  9. Daily News, Friday, October 16, 1874;
  10. [[1]] Engineering, 4 Oct 1872, p.234