Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Nathaniel Batho

From Graces Guide

Nathaniel Batho (1802-1861)

of Barlow's Croft, Salford, and Manchester

Batho was described as a machine maker and tool maker. In the mid-19th century these terms generally applied to textile machinery and machine tool manufacture, respectively, but no specific reference has been found to him producing textile machinery. No surviving machine tools have been identified, but it seems likely that Batho was in the upper echelon of machine tool makers, judging by the company his machines kept (auction sale notices of machine shops often included machines by Batho with those from the likes of Sharp, Roberts, Collier, Fox, etc.).

'Mr. N. Batho, of Manchester, has also added a slotting apparatus to his patent lathes. We attached the following confused, and by no means intelligible description from the specification of Mr. Batho's patent. ....' See 1843 source for description [1]

See also Wilmshurst and Batho

1802 Born in Salford, the son of Nathaniel Batho and his wife Sarah.

1840 Advertisement for sale by auction, 'by order of the assignees of Nathaniel Batho, a bankrupt....ALL that Plot of LAND, situate in Barlow's Croft, Chapel-street, Salford.... and all that adjoining Plot of Land, ... together with all the Buildings on the said two plots of land, used by the said bankrupt as a machine shop, store rooms, counting-house, stables, and lodge. The premises have been recently erected, are substantial, and well adapted for the business of a machine-maker.'[2]

1840 Advertisements: 'Highly important Sale of a Machine Maker's Stock and Implements in Trade, in the best possible condition, and well worthy the attention of Machine Makers, and the trade generally.—By order of the assignees of Mr. N. Batho, bankrupt.—Exempt from Duty.
By Mr MORRIS, on Monday and Tuesday the 24th and 25th February, at ten o'clock each day, on the premises occupied Mr. N. Batho, Barlows-croft, near Trinity Church, Chapel-street, Salford:
THE Entire of the Valuable and most Excellent STOCK and IMPLEMENTS IN TRADE, comprising a great variety of superior planing machines, from 4 feet to 24 feet long, and 4 feet 6 inches wide; slide lathes for cutting screws and other work, from 6 feet to 30 feet long; double and single-geered lathes, from 6 inches to 9 inches, with numerous and valuable tools to each ; speed pulleys and gearing ; cast-iron lathe bearers, from 6 feet to 30 feet long; a cutting engine, with change wheels, cutters, and geering ; a considerable quantity of vices of different sizes, with files, &c., cast-iron benches, superior upright drills, very complete, and geering; grindstones, wrought-iron troughs, strong crab crane, blocks and ropes, large and small beams and bottoms, iron weights, smiths' hearths, smiths patent round and other pairs bellows, anvils, iron swage blocks, and anvil stands; smiths’ tools in great variety, about 250 dozens files, assorted and the best quality, cast and shear steel, round and fiat iron, scrap iron, taps and dies, several gross of wood screws, brass castings, various timber, hand cart, stores and piping, most complete sets of wood and iron patterns and drawings for the most approved machines, counting-house fixtures, counting-house mahogany desk, chairs and stools, nests drawers, benches and shelves, weighing machine, and other useful effects used generally in the business. The property will be fully described in catalogues, which will he published and may be had from Mr. Wadsworth, accountant, Princess street; or Mr. Morris, auctioneer, Cross street, six days previously to the sale.' Followed by.....

'To Machine and Tool Makers, and others.—Exempt from Duty
By Mr. MORRIS, by order of assignees of Nathaniel Batho, a bankrupt,) on the premises in Barlow's Croft. Chapel-street, Salford, on Monday, 24th day of February instant, at twelve o‘clock in the forenoon precisely, subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced:
ALL that Plot of LAND, situate Barlow's Croft, Chapel-street, Salford, containing 711 4-9ths superficial square yards, or thereabouts; and all that adjoining plot of land, containing 100 yards and 3 feet, or thereabouts; together with all the Buildings on the said two plots of land, used by the said bankrupt as a machine shop, store-rooms, counting-house, stable, and lodge. The premises have been recently erected, are substantial, and well adapted for the business of a machine-maker. The whole of the above property is freehold of inheritance, and will be sold subject to a perpetual yearly rent of £60, and the covenants, provisoes, and agreements in the indenture, whereby the same rent is limited in use ; and also to a mortgage for securing £600 and interest. The last mentioned plot is also subject rent of 16s. 8½d., but against which an indemnity is contained in the conveyance of the bankrupt. For further particulars apply to Mr. MORRIS, auctioneer, Cross-street ; to Mr. WADSWORTH, accountant, Princes-street ; or to Mr. JAMES BARRATT, Jun., solicitor, Manchester.' [3]

1840 New patents: 'Nathaniel Batho, of Manchester, engineer, for certain improvements in machinery, tools, or apparatus, for turning, boring, or cutting metals and other substances. Sealed 25th November — six months for inrolment.'[4].

1841 Two plots of land and buildings, formerly occupied by Batho, advertised for sale. One 711 sq yds and one 100 sq yds, bounded by Booth Street and Barlow's Croft[5]

1842 Partnership dissolved between Thomas Wilmshurst the younger and Nathaniel Batho, as machine and tool makers at Manchester, under the firm of Wilmshurst and Batho, dissolved 26 February 1842 [6]

1848 Advertisement: 'Highly Important to Engineers, Millwrights, Machine and Tool Makers. Railway Carriage Builders, &c. &c:—Sale of Valuable Planing Machines and Slide Lathes quite new; Back-geared Working Lathes, Boring and Drilling Machines, Nut Trimming Machine, Slotting Machine, 50 7inch Parallel Vices, 14 Iron Vice Benches, with six drawers and locks to each; Smiths' Hearths and Tools, Moulding Boxes, Foundry Crane, Portable Weighing Machine, Valuable Wood Patterns, &c., on the premises Lower Mosley-street, Manchester, by the assignees of Mr. Nathaniel Batho. The Entire stock of the Valuable NEW TOOLS. Working Tools, Foundry Utensils, Wood Patterns, &c....' [7]

1851 Living at Ivy Cottage, Regent Road, Manchester: Nathaniel Batho (age 49 born Salford), Millwright employing 14 or 24 men (not clear on census return). Three servants.[8]

1861 Nathaniel Batho died in Southport on 17th October, aged 60 [9]

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. [1] The Mechanic and Chemist: A Magazine of the Arts and Sciences p.412, 30 December 1843
  2. Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser - Saturday 1st February 1840
  3. Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser, 15 February 1840
  4. Carlisle Journal - Saturday 19 December 1840
  5. Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser, 13 March 1841
  6. [2] London Gazette
  7. Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser - Saturday 17 June 1848
  8. 1851 Census
  9. Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser, 26th October 1861