New Dock Works

of Leeds
See also Bray, Waddington and Co
1848 Mention of James Bray's foundry and Edwin Bray the manager. The foundry had been in existence for at least two years.[1]
1869 Death Notice: 'On Saturday, aged 44, Mr. Joseph Crofts, of Hunslet, foreman moulder at the New Dock Works, Leeds.'[2]
1869 Advertisement: 'NEW DOCK WORKS, LEEDS.— The above old-established works to be sold or let, in one or more lots, together with the valuable MACHINERY, TOOLS, PLANT, &c., for carrying on the business. The Models are on the premises, from which the principal railways in the United Kingdom and elsewhere have been supplied with fixed and rolling plant. These alone would afford a valuable introduction to any parties going into the business. — For further particulars to apply Mr James Powell, Consulting Engineer, &c., 80, Basinghall Street, or New Dock Works, Leeds.'[3]
1871 Advertisement: 'A Powerful and massive FACE LATHE, for boring and turning large diameters: will take in 21ft. diameter; and is quite complete. Apply New Dock Works, Leeds.'[4]. This was a LARGE lathe!
1879 The failure was announced yesterday morning of Mr. Joseph Tillotson, iron bridge and girder manufacturer, of Hunslet Road, Leeds. The liabilities are stated to be between £12,000 and £15,000. The assets are said to be large.'[5]
1883 Advertisement: 'FRIDAY. July 13th. THE NEW DOCK WORKS, LEEDS.
To Bridge Builders, Boiler Makers, Engineers, and others. Sale of Engineering Plant and Stock.
HEATLEY, KIRK, PRICE & GOULTY are instructed by the Executors of the late Mr Joseph Tillotson to Sellby Public Auction, on Friday, July 13th, commencing at Eleven for Twelve o'clock prompt, the ENTIRE CONTENTS of the above Works. The catalogue will include 15-ton and 10-ton overhead travelling cranes, several jib cranes, powerful portable multiple drilling machine with eight spindles and steam engine by Buckton. Heavy plate edge planing machine, on 21-ft bed; will plane any length, by Houldsworth. Several single and double ended punching and shearing machines, radial and other drilling machines, Arnold s patent hydraulic riveting system, with pumps, accumulator, &c., nearly new. 5-cwt. steam hammer, hydraulic flanging press, girder facing machine, engines and boilers, shafting, lathes, straightening and punching presses, heavy boiler or girder lurry, other lurries, carts, derricks, &c. The whole of the loose plant and stores, bolts, plates, chains, pulley blocks and ropes, new stores, scrap, &c., &c. and catalogues to be had gratis from the Auctioneers. Queen Victoria Street, London, C., and Albert Square, Manchester.'[6]