New York Life Insurance Co
Head Office: 346 and 348, Broadway, New York City. Chief Office for Great Britain and Ireland: Trafalgar Buildings, Trafalgar Square, London, W.C.
Established in 1841, by a company of New York Merchants, for Marine Insurance, under the name of the Nautilus Insurance Co. Charter granted by the State of New York, 1843; commenced Life Insurance business, 1845; name changed to New York Life Insurance Company, 1849.
1914 It is now the largest and wealthiest institution in the world. President: Hon. D. P. Kingsley. Vice Presidents: T. A. Buckner and. R. W. Weeks. Second Vice-Presidents: J. C. McCall and Walker Buckner. Treasurer: F. H. Shipman. Secretary: S. M. Ballard. General Manager British Department: E. H. Krause. Secretary British Department: W. R. Collinson, F.C.I.S. Premises: The Company owns Office Buildings in New York, Kansas City, Paris, Berlin, Budapest, and Amsterdam, and has Branch Offices in nearly all parts of the civilised world. Business: Life Insurance on the purely Mutual principle, and Annuities.