Norman Edward Niblett
Norman Edward Niblett (c1860-1928) of Niblett and Co
1911 Residing at 7 Castle Villas, Stroud: Norman Edward Niblett (age 51 born Stroud), Mineral Water Manufacturer ()Single and employer).[1]
1928 Died. 'We regret to record the death of Mr. Norman Niblett, of Castle View, Castle street, Stroud, which occurred in a nursing home in London on Monday evening. He was 68 years of age, and was well-known in the business life of the town and county, being the head of the firm of Messrs. Niblett and Co.. mineral water manufacturers, Stroud, Cheltenham, and Cirencester. He had taken active part the political, social, and public life of the town. For over 25 years he was chairman of the Stroud Committee of the Mid-Gloucester Conservative and Unionist Association, and to mark his quarter of century in office he was in 1925 presented by the Association with gold watch. He was for long period a member of the Stroud U.D.C. and Board of Guardians. He was much respected in the town and district, and sympathy will be extended his widow, whom he was married January, 1925.'[2]