Old Buffery Iron Works
near Dudley
1815 'Messrs. SALISBURY and Co. of the Old Buffery Iron Works, near Dudley, have discovered a mode of preparing cast iron, which gives it a toughness, flexibility, and elasticity, promising most valuable results to the arts, and to architecture, both civil and naval, particularly in the construction of bridges.'[1]
1833 Sale Notice: 'TO IRONMASTERS. To be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Old Buffery Iron Works, near Dudley, lately occupied by Mr. Salisbury, on Thursday and Friday next, the 9th and 10th days of May, in lots to suit the convenience of purchasers, under the usual conditions, the sale to commence at ten o'clock each morning — an assortment of valuable Property, comprising several large cranes, suitable for foundry and other purposes, most complete boring mill, an excellent forcing pump, a good collection of useful patterns, a variety of tools, some detached machinery, numerous lots of castings, boxes, and other loose property, and several thousand yards of cast iron rails, lately used in carrying on the foundry at the above iron works. The lots are particularized in catalogues, which may be obtained at the office of Mr. William Fellowes, Solicitor, in Dudley.'[2]
1838 Sale Notices: 'TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. T. P. STOKES by direction the Assignees of the Estate and Effects of William Yates the elder, Bankrupt, on Monday the 12th day of March next at twelve o'clock at noon, the Hotel, Dudley, unless in the mean time sold by private Contract — the Lease of all that valuable extensive Smelting Furnace, Iron Foundry, Blast Engine, Winding Engine, Gun Mill, Blacksmith's Shops, Offices and other convenient Buildings and Premises called the OLD BUFFERY IRON WORKS, situate in the parish of Dudley, in the county of Worcester, enclosed by a wall, occupying in the whole upwards of two acres. These premises are held under a lease, of which eleven years will be unexpired on the 25th of March next, at the very low rent of £200 a year. Immediate possession may be had, and other information obtained on application to Mr. J. O. Brettell, Surveyor, Dudley; or Messrs. Tyndall and Rawlins, or Messrs Corrie and Carter, Solicitors Birmingham.'
TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Tuesday and Wednesday the 13th and 14th days of March. 1838 by Mr. THOMAS PITT STOKES, on the premises, at the Old Buffery Iron-works, near the town of Dudley, by order of the Assignees of Mr. William Yates the elder, a bankrupt — a quantity of cast iron gun patterns and boxes, railway axletrees, wheels and pedestals, large crane, triangle legs, smiths' tools, small steam-engine, punching-engines, lathes, shot-mill, and all the excellent machinery in the gun-mill, including boring carriages, trunnion machine, tarning carriages, boring bars, and other implements for carrying on the Gun and General Foundry Business.
The sale will commence punctually at ten o'clock each morning. Further particulars and catalogues may be had of Mr. John Orme Brettell, Land and Mine Surveyor, Wolverhampton-street; the Auctioneer, Castle-street, Dudley ; Mr. Danks's Printing Offices, Dudley and Tipton; and Messrs. Tyndall and Rawlins or Messrs. Corrie and Carter, Solicitors, Birmingham.'[3]