P. Helge N. Uplander
P. Helge N. Uplander
1939 M.I.Mech.E. Fellow of Inst. of Fuel. Director, James Howden and Co, Ltd., and James Howden & Co. (Land) Ltd., Caxton House, Westminster, London, S.W.1. Private Address: 46 Wildwood Rd., N.W.11. Age: 42. Career: Stockholm Univ. of Tech. Research Engr. to Ingeniors Akademien, Stockholm, 1920-21; Sales and Project Engr.: A.B. Vaporackumulator, Stockholm, 1921-22; Stork Bros., Hengelo, Holland, 1922-23; A. B. Ljungstroms Angturbin, Stockholm, 1924; Asst. General Manager and Tech. Manager to Howden-Ljungstrom Preheaters (Land) Ltd. 1924-30; 1930present appointment.