Patrick Joseph Corbett
Patrick Joseph Corbett (1870-1904)
1905 Obituary [1]
PATRICK JOSEPH CORBETT was born in Ireland on the 18th March, 1870.
After completing his professional studies at the Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill, he received an appointment in the Bombay Public Works Department, and proceeded to India in 1892 to take up his duties as an Assistant Engineer.
For several years Mr. Corbett was occupied chiefly on irrigation works at Surat, Satara, Karachi and other places.
In 1897 he was placed in charge of famine-relief works, and during 1898 and the following year acted as Executive Engineer and Conservator in the Indus River District.
In 1902 he came home on furlough, and on his return to India in the following year he reverted to the substantive appointment of Executive Engineer on the Karachi Canals.
In 1904 Mr. Corbett was appointed Under Secretary to Government in the Public Works Department at Bombay, but a few months afterwards he contracted enteric fever and died in that city on the 20th September, 1904, aged 33.
He was elected an Associate Member of the Institution on the 14th April, 1896.