Paul Martin Sebestyen

Paul Martin Sebestyen (1906-1978) joint-founder of Radiospares
- See his personal account of the formation of Radiospares
1906 April 15th. Born in Budapest, Hungary
Studied in Prague and obtained a law degree
1927 Emigrated to the UK
Commenced in business importing spices but the business failed during the recession period
1937 Formed Radiospares with Johann Herbert Waring
1943 Married Gwendolyn Lewis-Coxon at Kensington
1946 Married Cecilia Patton (formerly Cecilia Atkey) at Kensington
1964 Living at 8 Acacia Road, London NW8
1971 Retired from the business and initially lived in Hong Kong before moving to California
1978 March 15th. Died in La Jolla