Philip Lyle Riviere
Philip Lyle Riviere (1874- )
1919 L.C.C. Tramways.[1]
1922 Elec. Engr., L.C.C. Tramways; b. 1874; s. of Briton Riviere, R.A., D.C.L., etc. Ed. London University Coll. Training: St. Andrew's University, Dundee Coll., and London University Coll., Gower Street. Formerly on Staff of Sir Alex. Kennedy, and represented his firm in Calcutta on the reconstruction of the Calcutta Generating Stations and Supply. Club: Arts. Addresses: The Red House, Weston Green, Thames Ditton, and 21, Belvedere Road, S.E.
1939 Engr.-in-Chief, Central London Electricity Ltd., 25 Eccleston Place, S.W.1. Private Address: 10 Chester House, Eccleston Place, S.W.1. Career: On staff of Sir Alex Kennedy; Chief Engr. to L.C.C. Tramways; Engr.-in-Chief, Westminster Electric Supply Co, Ltd.