Philip and Tacey
of Norwich Street, Fetter Lane, London, E.C.; and at Barnstaple
Manufacturing stationers, educational booksellers, and school contractors.
1914 Manufacturing Stationers, Educational Booksellers, and School Contractors, Central Educational Depot, Norwich Street, Fetter Lane, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. Established over eighty years ago by J. C. Tacey & Co., Wholesale Stationers and Contractors, at 39, City Road, E.C., and by George Philip, established seventy-nine years ago, at Liverpool, and 32, Fleet Street, E.C., Educational Publishers. Incorporated as a Limited Company and Amalgamated in 1902. Directors: G. Stanley Philip (Chairman), F. E. Tacey, J. Tothill (Managing Directors), W. C. Tacey. Premises: Removed to above address in 1905; specially constructed and fitted with all the latest conveniences. Specialities: School Stationery of every kind, including Exercise Books, Drawing Books and Materials; School Furniture and Apparatus; Kindergarten Materials, Maps, Pictures, Books for School use, Diagrams, Needlework Materials; Varied Occupations and Amusements for School and Home use; Prize Books, Certificates and Medals. Supply all the material connected with the latest methods of teaching, including the Montessori Method of Teaching, the Comparative Method of Teaching Geography, Dale's Method of Teaching Reading, Sonnenschein's Method. of Teaching Arithmetic, Sepping's Method of Teaching Music, the Gouin and Psychological Method of Teaching Languages, &c. Connection: United Kingdom, Colonial, with Public Schools, Technical Institutions, Elementary Schools, Private Schools, Army Schools. Contractors to H.M. Government (Colonial, War, and Stationery Offices), also to the Egyptian Government, Colonial Education Departments, County Education Authorities, &c. Telephones: (Head Office and Showrooms), No. 1581 Holborn; (Factory), No. 5446 London Wall.