R. S. Ashley Larmuth
R. S. Ashley Larmuth (c1903- )
1939 M.A. (Cantab.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Mar.E. Partner, C. S. Allott and Son, Consulting Engrs., 1 North Parade, St. Mary's Parsonage, Manchester, 3. Private Address: Pym Gate House, Gatley, Cheshire. Age: 36. Apprent., Mather & Platt Ltd. After a period of experimental research in Cambridge went to Richardsons, Westgarth & Co., Ltd. (Steam Turbine and Heavy Oil Engine Depts.); became Research and Test Engr. for the Diesel Dept. for both stationary and Marine Engines of various types; joined S. Wright & Co. as Engr. and Asst. Manager. Later, became a Partner with C. S. Allott & Son, Consulting Engrs. Chiefly concerned in the Civil Eng. and Constructional Works for Electy. Generating Stations (Manchester, Salford and other Corporations). Bridges and General Civil and Mech. Eng. practice.