Richard St. George Moore (1858-1926) Civil engineer.
Engineer and architect, of Birkenhead, Hull and London, active from the 1870s until his death in 1926.
Richard St George Moore, who was born in Chester on 3 September 1858, was the second son of Charles Moore, a Dublin-born merchant living in Birkenhead, Lancashire, and his wife Charlotte, daughter of Richard St George, of Dublin.
He received his architectural training in Birkenhead and later practised in London.
In Ireland he made surveys for the Dundalk Water Works (in partnership with C. G. Clarke) in the early 1880s, and rebuilt Ballinamona House, Co. Waterford, for Robert Thomas Carew in 1895, following a fire.
1926 Obituary
"We regret to have to record the death of Richard St. George Moore, which took place in London on October 20th. Richard St. George Moore, second son of Mr. Charles Moore, of Birkenhead, was born in 1858. He received his education in London and Germany, and in 1876 commenced a three years' pupilage in the shops of Messrs. Laird Brothers, Birkenhead, which was followed by a further term of one year under Mr Thomas Barham. Between 1880 and 1885 he was in partnership with Mr C. G. Clarke in Hull, when he carried out the construction of the Skegness pier and the sea wall at Bridlington.
In 1885 Mr. Moore began to practice on his own account in Westminster and subsequently entered into partnership with Mr F. W. la Trobe-Bateman. In the course of his consulting work he carried out the following, amongst other, works; - 1886-90, the design and construction of St. Leonards pier; 1889, design of Brighton Marine Palace and pier, 1720ft long and in 1894, the construction of the same; 1892, the West Hampshire Waterworks, and 1893, an extension to Ryde pier. He also designed works for the Brighton and Rottingdean Seashore Electric Tramway. He was engineer for the Paris Gigantic Wheel, Gosport drainage, Hankow waterworks, and the Marlborough and Grafton Railway"..Read More.
See Also
Sources of Information
- Dictionary of Irish Architects 1720-1940