Reginald Vernon Charlesworth Brook (c1887- ) Major (Late R.A.F.), O.B.E. (Mil.), A.M.I.E.E., M.I.A.E., M.I. E.I.
1939 Consulting Automobile, Elect. and Mech. Engr., Queen's College Chambers, Birmingham, 1. Private address: Stanmore, Olton, Warwickshire. Chief Aero Engine production Officer at A.P.D. during the War. Director of Nuway Mfg. Co., Ltd., Coalport, Salop, and of Nuway Heating Plants, Ltd., Birmingham. Founder and Hon. Sec. Birmingham Safety First Council. Specialist in the investigation of accidents in factories and on the highway. Hon. Sec. Midland Branch., Roads Improvmt. Assoc.; Chmn. Speedway Control Bd.