Richard William Bedford (c1882-1953), contracts manager of George Kent
1953 Obituary [1]
We have learned, with regret, of the death of Mr. Richard W. Bedford, contracts manager of George Kent, Ltd., Luton, which occurred following some months of illness, on Saturday last October 3rd.
Mr. Bedford had spent by far the greater part of his working life w1th George Kent, Ltd., which he joined in June, 1904, when the firm's main factory was in London.
He moved to Luton in 1908 when the Biscot Road factory was opened, and was appointed works manager therein 1919.
Mr. Bedford was responsible for much of the work involved in the equipment of the factory taken over by George Kent, Ltd., at Resolven, South Wales, in 1946, in which year he was appointed contracts manager for the firm.
He was a member of the Institution of Production Engineers.